Carolina Watchman. J. W. McKENZIE, Ed'r and Prop'r. subscription kates One vear in advance 1.00 Six months-..:...-Three months . ... . . ;50 25 Entered as second-class mall ai Salisbury, X. C. TJIURSDAY.August 24, 1893. GIVE yS FREE SILVER. The Recorder believe that the time . . 'i . ' . .has come when the will ot the people must be uiforced alike u a Coupes? a'uJ the I'reMdeur, ami the mints of th United Stales he thrown oyra to tht five-coinage of silvei. - I he nrtancMi una uusine-w miuhuu: - U kdmitteilly b'r.(l. There is no need t x :iii?era' e it. 1 1 in i iz h t ).Ki worse. 1 1 7" - - v ill become wore, nnich worse, unle CongiWnnd IVesident Cleveland cai: geftogether and relievo the existing commercial congestion by prompt aud adequate legislation. The Pretident adtuils ia his recent nisssage that the repeal of the silver purchase iiw of 1890 will not fully meet the .exigencies of xmr situation. It is confessed on all -liana's" that to simply Repeal the bhernian act and stop there will not leave our currencj ' "upon a Batisfactory basis, or provide for a afe and sufficient circulating medium. V' The business of the country cannot be done upon a purely gold bai. rlhere igloo much business to be done itnd too little gold to do it with, tp justify the experiment- of a currency 'batted wholly on one metal, and that one the scarcer and dearer of the vb. The total disfranchisement of silver as 'a "money metal, which seem to be the nim of the gold extremist at Wash ington, means a violent and ruinou contraction of values.. ....The mere hreat of it has already given the tirst; harp twist to the screws of contrac tion. . ! To persist in the total elimination! of silver from our currency is uiatlnes. The lei.d of the gold moiionietulists has been followed far enough. . It is time to call a bait and demand that silver shaft be put back in the place it held for eighty years, from the forma tion of the' Movent men t to 1873, and oe niiiue again one or me two ..main pillars of the A ineiicait system of cur rency and coinage. It is evident that his party in Con gress i not fully with the President and will not act upon his initiative un less Ih; will assent to a provision by which silver shall be retained as a part ner with gold on a just and fair ratio in ir.e metallic oasis or a nation s mon ey. Congress is not ready and willing to repeal the act of 1SU0 until the give his assent to a new law-based on .bimetallic principles restoring silver as a money metal and re-eslabhshing the double standard. This is the perilous feature of the situation at Washington. If the Pres ident and Congress cautiot h.trmouize their views and act together without loug debate and delay, the crisis through whieh the lrul C7 . J iuuvioi t - - t - of the country are pasing must and will grow more acute. Is there any way of bringing them together? Only as the Recorder thinks, by putting such a pressure of public opinion upon them both as will compel them to meet on middle ground 'and take decisive ac-' Hon. The Presfdent is not justified in ask ing for the unconditional repeal of the pr.sent silver law. To postpone the 'definite readjustment f our currency laws, leuvmg silver deinonet zed and its ue as a standard money metal wholly prohibited, would in the Recorder's . ivv-n'iuuc u iiuanciai anu busiues catastrophe compared with . which all past pVuics would seem to have beeinnere bugaboos. - Absolute "gold monometallism ' spell Ituiu, universal and 'unsparing ruin, lor the peopje of this country. CougVess- U rfht in demmdiug se cuntie for the silver ulready coined und representad in our paper circula- tiou, and a guarantee for the nernia . . .. . . - neut retention of both metals and the historic double standard, at a ratio to be bxed with a due regard to the.exist ing conditions of tlnf currencies and coinages of the world. Congress i stands ior uie American people m this mat ter. It is iheir dearest interest which jtjs defending" iii defeudmg their con stitutional enrrency g6ld and silver. The single gold standard has never been sanctioned or desired by the peo ple of t hi country. Tbeix will ha been over and over again exDressed In the contrary at every electron and in every Congress for sixteen years pat. Their determination that silver shall not be outlawed at the mints has been clearly and forcibly shqwn by over whelming lu'itj iritis iq bqth branches wi wnis. it never wa -stronger than if is today." V r The clamor of the money-changers th; usurers and thettt-cfc gamblers, in spired by:.! he English tnfloence that raamre irom liombad Met and wnicn lep went the organized jrApp'tj$t the worm, nas not Mi a ken tliejaim oi up Ara.'rican masses one iota in the hones- tr. the iusiice. Ihe'fai'rnrfl!. aod. above all, the vital ue-e?sity of maintaining silver side by ide with gold hi their nati nal money j'rstemr T.iere may have been af change in the relative measuring values of the two metals. That hafc often occurred in t le Cour-e ot history, 3,vt tha cha tize whatever it mar be. can he correcte! bv a tdiaiie in the ratio ot coinage from the presentJIO to I, art 10 or even 2 ) to 1. It rfoes aot justify the Lital aUdition of ilvrr r a stand- ird money metal. Englaud wjreportcd o be at this moment exchanging gold for Indian silver on tht basis f 23 to 1, showing that even the gold standard country recognises that ilvr posgeses an exchangeable yalue with gold at KJtije ratio that can be fixed. And we may be sure that the Bank' of England in fixing it at 22 to 1, has been as un fair to silver and a partial to gold as it iias dared to be. The Recorder earnestly calls for a general expression of the popular will loud mid clear and general enough to make the President and Congress un derstand that the people demnnd im mediate relief from the stifling and stagnating currency conditions from which they are now aufferiHg, and thai while they want the act of lSj&O re pealed, they also want the free jcoiunge of silver restored at such new ratio as the wisdom of Congress may see fit to fix. The iponey power has spoken for gold monometallism, and Mr. Clwe- and teems to be iu its executive echo. Now let the people be heard and Mr. Jlevelaud be clearly informed that Congress, and not he, represents the national will on this matter of admit- ing siler as well as gold to the mint. Gen. Grant once said, speaking from the same chair now fillti) jy Ir. Cleveland; "I hare no nolier to en- iree against the will of tle people." He Recorder recommends AJr. Cleve- aud to adopt the same attitude on this money question, for it is the only one that is worthy of nn American Presi dent. Congress ji the repository of the people s law making power, and it cor rect ly represents them iu resisting tjje single gold standard crusade, ft whoxe head MK Cleveljind has apparently placed himself, lie can do the nation no better service at this grave crisis in its financial and business history than to yield gracefully and say with Grant: "I have no policy to euforce against the will of the people.'1 It is f t he ery first importance that the present state of affairs should ppt be long continued. Uusinens is pp numlnd in eveiy branch, currency and coiuare alike in hiding, exchange is difficult to iffect for want of money to do it with, perfectly sound banks are embarrassed themselves and cannot give ordinary accom mod t ions to their depositors, trade is clogged and bni pered-at every turn, mills and work shops are closing in Urge numbers, and eveu the most solvent and flourishing firms find it hard to draw on their de posited moneys in such form as fo meet their weekly pay rolls in the usual way. This is the situation, and it is not improving but growing worse with every day s delay t Washington. 13..d as is, it would become infinitely worse if Congress wre to yield to the single gold standard movement and lit aurretiuer the Cause of wlvtr. Such a surrender would mean disaster to all elates except the vultures that always flesh thir beaks deepest and gorge themselves fullest on a fiald thatjs strewn with therictims f a tast com mercial and industrial calamity. The merchaut and the manufacturer, tl)e big business man and the small trades man, tlm great mass alike of employers and employed, the professional man, he brain-worker, and, more than all ;he laborer and the wge-earner in every occupation, will H be drawn down together in the Yortex of con traction if silter is outlawed. To make gold the sole standard and ih only currency is to diminish the volume of otir mouey by one-half. This is contraction; and contraction means the complete paralysis of all enterprises theater collaps of credit, the com plete prostration of trade from New York to California, and the consign ment of myiards of working people m every city andSUU in the Union to idleuess and starvation. The Recorder pleads with all its power that the whirlpool of contrac tion may not be opened. president Cleveland and Congress ifiust get fp gether and prefect it tfte people must raise their Yoices nqw atd VJemqd their own sal vatiqn,. f tilre,r be ml restored quickly fcj free ftqa be most ontl'jLstit man nnnnl .nU 1 lions of unemployed, wageless men, with their wires and ; children ? crying fir bread that cannot le earned for them, will be hard to reason with. ; But they will have to b reasoned with if silver is outlawed from the mints. An.. it wiU be idle to tell them that it was; thouglft best to starve them in order to place the country on the same gold sUiMlard footing as Euaiid. . j 1 lepra 1 the ac t of 1800, readmit gib yer to free coinage at a new and reason able ratio, and do it quickly. That. and nothing less than that, will put the busines of the country firmly on its feet again, give new heart to capi tal, new hope to labor, and restore good times throughout the laud. If this be not done and the anti-silver madness prevail, the pro.M.erity ol the countiy cannot be recalled, and i'. peace will soon be in a serious peril. New Tork Recorder. A HVMBITO AND A FfiAUD. Ihe members of the Teachers' As sembly Woild a Fair party gytten up by Lugeneti. Harrell. are making verv grave charges against fWrell, ayuig that he is a fraud and humbug -that he failed to fulfill his promise to the party, cheating them out of a large part of their money. If these report are true and we believe thov are a Uarrell deserves far more than the era sure of the victims from whom he stole hard earnings. We give the fol lowing clippinfs from the Durham Southern ib'cMrafor-commuuicaiions received by it with reference to Har rels conduct: Office of John T. Perkinn, Attorney and Counselor at Law, No. 1 Brick liow. Mono anton, N. C., Aug 10, 18i3. The Educator Co: My aitentiou haabeeu specially called to iii ariicle in your paper, of August loih, tiskiug per sous who were ou this Teachers' Assem bly World's Fair trip to drop you a eard either verifyiug or denyiug the tiuih ot tuteiueuts alleged iu the'iurhaui Sun' article. I haveuot seen the Su therefore write you the plain laets of the matter. - Air. Uarrell not only pnb!Uhcd ciicu lara all over the Slate, ing as you cite will pay all Hie ueewtoary Xpcuscs orthe trip, including railroad hue to Chicago aud return, with meals oa the jouraey, room aud meals for seven dab iu Chicago, lour admissions to tlie expi itiou aud twenty street car fan;M hut he upecially contracted iu said circular that aid would include u re;uru In Waahinglou City with a day's siop oci thero. When he iwstpouetl iJi i,, UI til August lt, h'n scui out u circinar .na lug "the advance payment oft 10 hereto fore made, has beeu applied to hotel ac commodalions inChicajjo," and calling for the balance, $, saying, ".u, rcccipi of the amouul u railroad ncLwt will be scut direct to you, and the balance will oe applied to your other expenses of llu. trip while in Chicago." Un the faith ol this representation as the material iu- lv uc j.nj mem, many person& myself among them, paid K. G. Harre.l He theu went tickets returning via Ciuciuuati and Lynchburg (.same route we weul) iu fraud of bis agreemeut to re turn by Washington. meals were furnished by him on auy trains as per hia agreement. At 22.d sireet in Cnugu, llurrell ffi. li iv..;.. i . i... t.iU, uti me uuriy was left to go to the Alhambra hotel iis own way from 18th a. reel. Mr. ilanvli paid j uuuiu ui, me A.inamra, in stead of 'seven days' lirst-class board anu lodging in Chicago" as per his 'contract, aud the proprietors promp;ly notified iht party that each must pay tho balance, aud when informed by some of the teaoher' party they would leave, claimed the balance of seven day' board, eveu il they did leave. Alter publishing circulars that Kaleigh, Goldaboro, Greensboro. Durham, AjsIic ville and Salisbury were the assembling points, aud that for the fcjy tickets would be sent ffoin auy of these points "good on any traiuthat will take you to 1U1 eigh by 7 a m., or Greeiuboro by 10 a m , August 1st." Mr. Hariell tried to claim oft each member, iu addition, the fare from this station to Greensboro. It is the worst expose of this fraud to do Mi. Harrell the justice to sny that when any of the party weut to him aud gave him iO imersmud that they meant business, a ijr. Kelly and others did, and that he ha4ittopay,hedidiay their hotel bill in full, aud did settlelwii h some iu proior Mo to the stress brought to bear on hi. Yiew qf the expediency and policy of so doing. But wheu asked by a large crowd of the party, iu Chicago, to fcettlc and sliow the figures, he refused, said he had made hia figures before he left home aa4 had none to make, and while I am informed that he huhed some oh the way home, I am reliably informed that fbere were many who neer got one cent back, I say that the representation that $10 had been applied to hotel accommoda tions in Chicago, is i my opinion. a false and fraudulent representation for which no should be prosecuted for obtaining money by false preteuse for doimr th.. meanest thing in my opinion of which any mat) can be guilty, viz: "Cheating the worst paid labor in North Cnmllt out of their wages, and still worse, cheat ing tae neipiess the most;" and as it woum ue nearly as mean t i mean to Ktan,i i, ftpd. a walUnd throw rocka. a .ur. , ng aud hvmg off of poor iwid laborM t eyery word in the aooe, ana am. yoqrs truly, Joi T, Perkins. cheks have been returned to me. 5uow, what have I received? Two railroad tickets at 2Q.$$fe.20.fY hay e Jbeep forced to pay all other traveling expenses, my toanI and lodging in' Cliica-o,! en trances to the jVir, ete. vyhaU,l. )jar rell h:is done with $;J0 90, 'balance of 1 mouey I paid bu, he has not cen pro per to explain, althougli he has been at hs Home ovey a jyjeeK Alex 15. Gal loway, Elkin N. C, August IS." Nofti Carolina has secure 1 two chairmsliips uf committee in the House , v:z.: Congressman Dunn on Claim. Committee and Congressman Henueison ij Po-t .$Hj and Pust Ruads. Alexander got ki-CoimI place on couituitteeV. on Agriculture anil on expeudilures in yrate Oepartment, Bunii on expenditures in W.r I)part uint; Urancuthrrd on Territories and on reform of civil service; . liower on Indian affairs and railioads and canal?: Crawford, second on private land claims, third mi iii iuufuct ores, also ou public laud; Grady, second on -education, also on public building aud grounds; Henderson second on jeij n'ntUs; .Woodrd on elections nd on improvements of the Mississippi; Settle on cl.iims. Wilson of West Virginia aud Sawrs, of Te;i-, are re.iectivelv ;.t thehead of the Wat If 11 14 Jll'ill.Sl and Appnprial ions committees. JForlhe past two tr thiee days severa! 8;natorsHiid Representative in (.',,. gress live been complaining that the Washington bunks refuse to accept on deposit, drufs on banks in their re spective btalcs aud citUs, giving a rcasou that -this course is necessary to protect themsehes iu view of the gieat lack of currency. Soue of the Congress men say that the. banks have taken this action, not as a measure 'M pntec(ion, but to give the members an object loson so striking thai they will ste the nec essity of promptly Miacting legislation to relieve the uiout-v market Chn-l..ti Xew. To take the place of the moiiev Lit el v withdriiwn from circulation an im mediate addii ion of $2K;tMX,(KX to the currency is unperati vei v needed. We hope that the Senate will gel together oul give this rotie! to the. people. While there otigiit to lc no polilics in it, yet the people are looking t t he Democratic party for this relief without any dchiy. X-O Chi oiiidc .. . Mm0 4- at. m Tied to a Tree an i Shn ta Death. OiiKKlSVIl.I.K. S. (.'., Anc. 21. -A pec la i in I lit Xnr.s Tr.:n lifeeii.MV. ol. S.C., s ir : J ll -, .wion-d, to da v ass .ulied .li. Vi liii.uii iij uu.i v. a respectable wlut.- w oniai.,.ol oo eais. livino hear (i.i e..woo(i. Aft. r. 1) vs lia i the wouiaiTiioiimi ami . . d h, was ihiveii r.H iiv by a II r e ; ii iwy. H. w;i hunted down, c. uiv.l, fu:i tiieiitiled, i i.-d to a live and slioL t. death by 100 cii z M!S, white ami . ia-.k. I "ie execution pni t . i ,,,( Witl mii- nary precision am aeo pii?d his f.tie uis .-H-eoml t r nn o pruj-nei y . oici.i j v. t km. I, L.iis i in i but as tile Worn .11 i ssauile, Oil tl;f pi v.ou occasion was iLsrepu!ab!o unpunished. ie weiil The young men who come to u.s from the llornei tfcuool, Oxford, M. t , aie aiwais weli prepaieti. 1 can Very cor dialiy reconimend it lor ihe pa.nn.age of those who have bos lu i rain and edu cate, Ciias. E Taylor, 1'iesldeiil Wake Forest Colleg; The Warsaw-C.etf savs: At. llu; colored picnic ut'the ld lJowiin place a few das, aif.i ex-Con;ri ssiii. n t'beal hain made a biitcr shccI:; Ie raved about negroes l,ein$ lynci.ed Mi l said (jod d have to put a stp in the hellish W(.rk,orsend a war 'o 'o it. We interrupted him and iold bim to preaeJi down the trinns they bad com muted and stop such, or that Umhing would continue as lony; as tlo inms did. His was the bitterest speech against the whites I ever heard, ai;d yetionie so-called respectable while men tradttn voles for and with him. Tin' Japanese Pile Cure is lie only j rojur application for inn-riial jaltu .tml is pruarautcrrl i:i every caje by Kdwia Ciitlu rell Salisburv, X. Vhen Baby was eicWttc pare hor Cartoria. When bImj wu a Child, slie crieJ fr Castoria. Then she became Misa, she citing to Castoria. When she bad Children, she garo them Castoria. Esecutor's Notice. Having qualified as Executors upon the estate of (ieorjrc Lyerly, deceased, all persons having claim; against said es tate are hereby notified to present them to us for payment on or hefbre the 8th day of July 1894, or this notice will be plead in harttf iheir recovery. ' All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt andj immediate sett lenient. (J. L. Lyerly, ) II. A. Lykkly, f jXec,,,ors Lkes$. Overman, Atty. July 8th, 1893. mi r " HU "TOUT tmtBOt iAsvn lMUwti Tb Moo-)WglrttttllM IMIm MIU fMJr tfra kow m nail af Bail 4n kk T la. hmHiimI. iMirfc'ffut. 4" m. ta. I lo, UniKir Mat. Illi u aiiu 3.Hi Hia. 4S In. com. Wttl chmwdmV.f twit k inatiirfc with nam Inclovd." PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. C8NF?uNTIAL. lrlM, atarriaf. Sm4 U la ttmbft fanarllealm ta IL I. v. r. UTBIt -Tiexts s TIUTII. CIIUS9 niMilHiM f sumsM tku rVW AfW. Lm. GENERAL NEV7S. Vx. Josr ph Alexander Ardrey, presl It sive me nteasnre to v that the JloriH-r Se hool. Oxford, N. CX. lu-S uu iforml m'aiuiuiind a very high standard ot train i n; in preparing bo. t f a Lm vei ity. A Hiudettl from Ubat- School .., hsd the hnept rank iu the Tnirersity during tlie past ye er. (i'fio.T. VlVSTO?f. President Uaiverity ol Xorth Carolina - If the World's jFnir could open for sis mouths longer, rtitu the assurance that the attendance would be us go! iluring mat tiuie as M. lias been ilurin tlie juisi weeks, the enterprise would pav,off delt anil snow I anusoiue prouts. It is now enjoyiuj: a net revenue of alnut :' 80.000 a day. Dr Depew aud other welljinow n men have expresseil themselves' as iu lavor of keeping the -show open until next autumn. Cut the probabilities arc that it will tie closet! on the night ol October according to prolamine. A. Lita'T. Gov. Daniels of Kansas ha sent tt w ustuuutou lor introduction in Congress his graduated income tax bill. it provilc lor a lax of 1 percent, on es tates less than 2,000,000: of q per cent, t-- init-M net ween ?LVJOO OWO and f3,000,000 of 18 per cent, ou ail estates ol over thai uuiouut. ine lax is to ue useu lor ieii- si ,is for equalizing the-pay of soldiers of l he war, tur internal imyrovemeuts mid for equipping the national guard. Adult male immigrants are to he taxed $200 and immigrant children over twelve years ol $100" Inheritances aud legacies are iilso lo be taxed. Charlotte AW. V'c call the attention of our readers to the article iu another column, "Another fraud at Luge." We unknowingly in serted the fraud ad, of Kudge Celery Pill co. w hich we hope none of our readers have answered. We wrote to W. A .Coon & Co., the fraud ndverlisiuw agency for pay fjr ins. rling it, as per contract with them, but have not heard from them, nor do wc expect to hear. They sent lis another ad of the Parisian Toilet Co.A wlvich we politely declined to insert. We triint oio- patrous and other publisher may not be deceived by theee f.aubes. F it. i!ir.ziiicy.-4. h y.teris, wakrftihirs, hi'l tlreams huI i"ot'tfiiiig of the br.nia quickly iMiroti by Mjesfiie'.io Nvrvhi. Sold by Kilwiu Cutli rcll Btlialniry. N.U., SUBSCRIBE 10 n .. And Advertise In m M ffl I Amoiifj tlie best all-around students in Trinity C.'llre, riurinjr the juist three Vi'iirs, i sive been I lio-e who come fro in ihe Homer School, at lxIoid lv. Kvery one of l hem li.ts lukcu honor?. Yours, John fi:.ixxuN ( uowki.l, President Trinity College. BROWN'S IRON BITILRS cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility . How's tlm We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case ofCainrrh that cannot he cured iy Hall's Catarrh l-nre. F. J. CilKKNY, lVop., l'oledo, Ohio We, the undersign d. have known F. J. Clu-eny for t he last lo ye.irs, aud le lieve him pcilcclly honorahle iu t husi iitss transactions and financially able to carry out any intimations made hy their iii in. Wkst ATualx, Wholesale )ruggists, Toledo, Ohi. Walujno, Kixxan & Marvin, Whtde- sale Druisi, To!, do, Ohio. Haii'a Catarrh H'uro U taken inter nally, acting direcily upou thehjopd and mucous sui laces of the system. Trice 7oc per hotile. Sold Uy all drtiKisis. rcstiinoiiiaJs free Dou't he t:il iced into having an ojiera tiou as it may cost you your life. Japanc-i pile Curt is puaninteed to cure you by Kdwiu t"Sitlierlj Salijhury X. C, A SUEE WIXNKR OIV EVEUY RACK is our line oi Mioes. As we can judjre' the future only by the past, it is quite a natural conclusion that we can buy Good shoes fbr lefs money at E. V. Burt &CoV Baraple Store than anywhere ' in town. Their fall line will outdistance I anything they have eyer yet carried.' hen you want a Good Shoe at toe usual price of a sony one, give them a call. Very Tr.ilv, E. W. BURT & 001 of thePiiieville edttoh niilti', died at hio home in Pintyi ille Jdoyday afternoon at 4 o'elock, of apoplexy, ' Hged41 yere. say s the Charlotte Observer. WATCH $33fW'.fiy fpr. Pitcher's Cajtortf 1859 J. RH0D2S Presfdeiit. rWil. C. COAJRT, Se.crtary. Assets $1,-111,333.87. Insures all Kinds of Pronartv All I P r n r rt si 1 1 -r t . . . nuu tvweo rnuMhitri AyJV$iJVU SATISFACTORILY. $ETTtfr Represented in ' General Insurance Agency of J. Allen Brown DB. W. W. McKENZIE Offers4iis profc Moiwil ftcrvicciT to the citizens of balMnirv and fuirruundin: community'. He can be found nt hi office up stairs over the post office or ai Kluttz'jjdrui: store. DS. E0BT. L. EAMSAY (Hurteon Dent hi,)' Salisbury N. C. tT Office Iioudj 0 n. iu. to 5 p. m. ARE YOU GOING TO THE FAIR? TRB PROVIDENT FUND It til tniture World Fair visitor qgaimt Accident for a prr'ual of Three Sffjulh for one payment of Fire. Dollar. Mi IT UXOKlWTOOl) That llii$.' puvM.i nt jriiamtiter.", tor the pvri- i of thret' iiioi.tht. a 1nU'.i iniiiinuilv of $10,000 and a weekly dj.utiliiy umil v t f.'iO.O'i. and covers aciidentfe hWiillinir tin- iu- urcd while travcliujr u, at or from tin- r'.iirj ' ' w "V e v,'u 1 a" JM't a II-lipoid Jiv ril or iHiiit or on motor r enhle convex anes: find alyo provider pjK-i ial iiMleianities il iiiiurcit vliif at home or ahout vour l-uiiu .-s. "... . Thi? is the imo.-i liheral offer- vet made, aiul the lao't lihenil lii.-u can he laude roasbteut with safety. J. M P ATTON, (Scii'l A-t: S.tlishary. N. t. BiTiCJood. rtliiihle ajreTts v.;ntcd. J & H, HOSAH'S WAR RATED SILVERWARE WILL LAST. m a emm a am m m as SPOONS AM) FOR K S Sterling Silver BACKS TO WEAR 2 5 YEARS. Tho jiieeea of Sterling sa ver lakOd ut the points of rost preveut uny wear wlvatover. FIVc TIMES as much Silror as in S-taad-turd Hate. FAR BETTER tba Usrnt Sold silver nd ot ouc-halX Uie cost. rach artlclo la Btampcd H. STERUNG-1NLAID IE. Accept no substitute. Made Only er The Holmes & Edwards &lvcr Co And Sold bythe Old Re liable Jewelers, J. & II. HORAH, Main 'St., Salishury, N. C. MILLSTONES. Havlnsr boutrlit the K. K. J'IiIIIIph Millstone Qu.ii rl. I wni ioihI uc u tun i h lias well known grtl, tor coiO-. aul wlnnt. Aildr-sn, J.T. Wy iit. Pa'Uhurj N. O. Horner Military School, OXFORD, N. C. Modern buildings. Healthful and attrHctire locMtion. Klfuici.l instructors. Numl cr lim ited. A hi-Hiitiful SoiTHKHX IIomk roil Hova. Catalogue sent on application. I Going to Buy t A Dictionary? GET TH'7 TPTST. FoUj Abrast cl tha Tixjf. A Choice Clft. A Grand Famliy Educator. The Standard Autfiority. pntel." Tea ytan spent is rviinc. 2 .iuu emtort employed, ow fauo.oooX 4 expended. Y SOLD BY ALL BOOK5LLI.I US. pit lnr rrpe.iiM nt tt4sb- MHin. AH IMl fr !! lUHIIDlllft-cnutninintf V 1- , pafraaiKl t'LXL UT 1 1 ' I LA HsT Y . u. hjuxum CO, PubUaher. i 35 3 SltVEBf V if I 1 Jiij .; " . VOf. .trail! S1IKI Usher K i-a.,1,. J- ,. . NOTICE. Ifavin" O'lalihVd i.-rst will and testament -f J p p p deoHsed notice h hereby CJ arsons holding claims ueceal torre,,t.,1Mn , ti signed duly aul he.Uicaled, fort ment on or IWore 1he 2Hh f ff I&U4. As tins nolice will U bar of "ieir recovery. ; All neL denied to tlie said deceitse, are LprJ, nouned to make immed. ...i. of saiil indel.telnes 1. Q. A. 'I'eagiip, b. V. Kalon. I K. F. E ilon, t nits Jtuy.iiie Ub, im. Mi Jnr Hi T.. -i - : " aim lorciu .AT V ""luint-utar Ylm Mill l)S. - l,V4.hfP.uiiu- 1 1.11 C II 1.. . V irj m Shi uls. lio-i s all kiiitls ami fii.utt: :il!i III 1 "luminal m. t: .. t; .... i I'Oll'l.- ..v i-oreet ion hi unesi varieties "ail.en-d :ut n,..-... i' all Tans of tl.e uh;!. um.l, i,J lo-i-ea-s stock .-nahle ,v..f,lJftJ hcj.ulify their hc,.(.rs. :,t vAi. u, ;oni HM- IIIO.-1 lUtJiSillll I. ........ I . -v "T ! lav ace on cjiriii. iaii ticiti vr . our order oiii iiiiL II B. Varner. Agtst. J. VA?, LIKDLLY. Prcp'r. TOMONA KILL liUESEEE, P I ON A, KC L CAX WW KI 1 J . UY Ol'.TAININtr .Sflljw.-UtLf.tS.lul The Southern States, it is a heautiluliv il In.! ruled mwt iiiaazine dexotcd to i!ic S.uib. M full of intere I for every irsiuYnl fi ruin ami ou-ht to he in cv.ty hoitsthold. LvjrybDdj Can-Afferd it as it costs only fl.oO ner yearurlif Ijr a nnj;le eojy. We Want an Aent in Kvon-N'J I il iiml Jiiwn. Write for sauiJ'J- les aud particularsU.0 tJic MANUFACVUltr.K.s' KhCOKI) PlB. ( j Ikiltimorc. Md. NOTICK. cwn Prcpiny, en ChftkiCrtJ anaL.ttle Tcwn of lit. Giisjii liy virtue of. in; conform; lv t. aiidioH aiK-e of a divrve of the r nperh'r '"j ilontuim-ry county, N. ('., rud rnl 1 tiii in a sun then hh-i li-tfc whiTcin Davi.l i; Wj.mIi , i,r liuu'ofl nor heir- of W. II. H..It. J. i I'''""! .S Kerus, U F Woolev :n,'i lii'1! 'V. TO ilitrrim mill "hi, wife JUCtf HI I' lit l.n.l .1.1. f..r fl... f..riflini:re l the inort"n -ii himis ilcrrilj'i in thff1,6-', iu SAnl suit: I. tht- invit-rsiiruiel wu nppouitcd hy the ouit in Mi "'.I'j at nuhlic a tu-trou to the lu l . J ca.-h. at the court hoiis 'loor in 'r".T .l.i ilur tlw .! A f I !. .. IM'.'J i : .i . ' ...... ,i . ;., incW1 : UT 4)1 COIll I ) lilt IUI'J""! " to- it: T he 1st tract know n the A-rt i tractor Jt re l.tulur i.Iact oh .V.I ' V ,.rt- ;.. . .i.l .-..liiitv. atiul!"'J ! lainli of Martin Kusli ! v ! A l.. II.... .... I.. .1 .....I ..( I COl"'. ' Hcre. ThrlM tnitt on Utb ik' aj ii.-. . tht l",a . iwver in .-am ci uui NJncrHiu, Marv A flauulH-ri . . i .. i : . . i.t.-i itil' Sf .. r L I lit Un .1 IIIUIC II. HI I I l.U I Kit""" ... . , .. .... i'i,,.M trtrl. iraci. 1 lie ir;o i , m . county ailjoininr tin- Iniv1 ' f ' 1 j 1 fetetle iiilot:irriiiure i- -. the James Skinner plu-cn.nUW'-f I The 4lriract isn tm.u M " t . ...... L ,... II ' t.flieail in mii1 euuui " . ..0rt ' store lot with a dwJJ"i;.. ty a-table a let outlioiiM.S 'uli u.cre. uiori- The lirt to irae " ' ?j . . . . i . - lid iv ter to Ualier KenN V-liiher .xl awl i"! r""c"r'! ;.t 5 n I; t,,r iii.i.t- couniv i . - ..... . m. ...... ...... Ken na-- .....1 Jli, !... U n l' iii M H La.-iter Ul v l!e '' U'.iril, .r...r(li:lil i t t'1 1 ag y ilt c'i. iht- ,1 a-tli th.l re.'i.-teie.l in ,iG P, l)ie Is h.r sai.l .v .'" i.,S K . W 111 her1 ilrecor'l ret. i - n full ilr-elii" .... , s1 Youn4 R August 1 "t' ;

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