i U' 01-0 ronnwlpd hv IT. Ti JJaltle. Dl- .'rector N. C. Am-icultural Experiment Station, to make a change iu he article fauncHn nuother.commn in svhich he Station offers to semi JO; lbs, or t;i-linson rlccver s;cd fiv" Applications "nwo -1 - J2t. Gilead jkecal ... week. 5 - s , - C.)f, W.IJurt- Cs. new atlver- M Hrown. of A'beintrrk, a in the ite.dayanJ made us a call. " c Browu&CUhave a new ad iu Iwi.icUit wi.lnuy yuu to read. ' . rrM,t to learn that "Sir. Lee lleilig vir T. . Vg & Mo.Ml.iy fori .aatkvt- to purcluneu r fl H.MHkr, of South ltiver, has flC,-i-u iuil poslotliee .t lr Kdwin th;ver ami little dauh ter " .J Mi UIe. WhoVtou have returned ' fi0m Clusu- - . Umla HenthHJan, of, MissiB,inpi, 'J ..i...-:..,dman is at lw home in . . I. favi.r Y e and Rev. ,C. 0 Wilhoif. commenced his protraeted meeting Saturday the 39th iust. He .10 agisted by ' lie v. M . DaVi?, why preached an eloquent eertoojj Smi doy iroining. . . .. , . ,vu - - V, I" , r ini Mr. Lee Sasser and Ins vrotner-in.jaw j&yiueEptt.- tbey.can4ijt ah Refilled at IJ q .jucr 'of Itiehniooa .Co., ,wee ilu. mi rhfl station will send ilw luindiin.r their "tins very carelessly one ' ...mi .....1 .u ,..,.. in! ict -.rL- v-l-.ii tlnridrser sliot Snss&T ill Uie iiou!der, arm.and mou Ai kuoekiu; ut several of his teeth, faer, .was Uu- proving 1 ho last we nearo u up which 'ill sdy oue-Xenth oau acref)- to The twcutjvraurlk manual convention of the iWr:tn Sunday fcchool Asaoi:Uiun va heid at Harris Chanel, near China i-Orove Iast Tliurlay aud Vilay, thirty- eeveu ficliool ieing preen repr .tcu . -- - - - wls Ja8t veek. by seventy-seven delegate. An edirss j. a. MrAuly has gone to Chicago to of welcome was made by liev. J.J. KeiHi, ijie World's Pair. aml.iefponded to by lWdent I. H. liev. X-A. MoLcod is conducting a Fou.t. Address wero t..de hy Ilev. J. protracted .neeting at ttauev.I.e lo.s 1 jvnL l'Hinnlfi. D. IJU. T: S. TribUff. W. . i i. Messrs. WiH and Liffie Cotton, of the Narrows, are in town this week. Mis-s Jennie Vilhiot is attending the .prot acted meeting iiere this Week. Mr. ?i. 31, trnyer, or r-merauo, was X . 1 . - 1 ' I. $ fa !fi) ft ii - Wmmm , iv iui yv u m, ;nTt fim Stretched! . ; ; . ; v: 51 J5 JR. L J'WYLW, Mau.-field and uthers. The rpurt from the' variuu schoot- eua ! that good work is beiug done. The atten dance was ood and the conventiu seem ed to he greatly lnjoyed. The next con vention will be held at Concirdia cliurtii near Enochville. . Opsiiin of the. University. The nexi sosiuu iF1lie University rfiii l'hiudaV. Sent. "itll. Tues- d-iv Mid Vednesday, S -pt. 5t!i and Ot h, will Ik? devoted l-o registrntioii ano tue allotment of roonjs. Lectures will he gin Thursday. iJi-esideiit Vyiii.4Mi lias had over 1,000 letters-tiunng the sarli mejr, and the prospects art? .Uij:ljt fpc a laiiie attendance. Mrs. James Mancr vas kindling a tire a few days ago with a horn of jmvder, when the'jowder caught, the horn ex ploded and 2drs. Manor was very badly burned. She is improving. F. C. Boyjes, of Greensboro, is visiting 'friend in Mt ( lsid 1 h is Week . : We. are glad to hear tint Mia. Boyles has rtcovereu Horn tiertiiness v- " ITorwood Notes- proi'ui-6 f.send you ii few dots from this art of the moral vineyaru I KvHivthinir is moviil ' on quietly in - - r - iwl ,irtin.l nlir lilf le. town now The aounly,H..S.. convention and the Baptist protracted meeting nas- ciost(. Tim mtiinr fiititd in the conversion". of 8 souls antl the church very much re vive!. . . !-,. e 'Smiih-'. school or.enod 'Monday with several boarders and a number yet to.cone, x Ali-T A. T.owder cancht a small I . " i. : . . 1 ...!- n.r T r.f Publishers are warned not to acept ( . , :1V , ff wcii:hin;r o7 lbs. . Another Fraud at Large. One of them will do the w req uired of two! ork ni-l.io hcU 'with fever. toaii!".hll wo he will oou bo well. i i .... 1 r T -i MeCUOOIllS. aI J " 1 ,v V,,ie' Neely retuVned from the Teisam.vconfoot U) establish a iiliu'ry &1.UUI i" Cha.lotte with good Ounces ttf mi-cew, says tlie Aeu. 1 w B Smoot lias- returned from V.rU.ra .ua.kets where he purchased ' tt bi- stuck ul" ,.oo.Js lor ii (j A Si aim on.-, commissioner, has, a keufvuiuanlefarui; laods und lowu ,riyia -Mu4Cgosury eoumy i in iw li-ei: yii,,J.,;.isie.Cit lefTucsday lor Ox f,r.Uou,. n.t a iKHhuH-a.Uach.rjUtlie T.t-u-1-itseii..oJ ui i!ut place. We wi h 1,. r sh'O'.-i- L,.,l for rent-A v.ih.,blorm hing 011,.;u-i...., .,lS.u...H.ry .s iWreut to a rt-H.V.mr. Appi o" 4Uf' A. L. Afi inii- II ward .ViiH U Co'noJitl y,-Mrr',;.i-t. .uu-i.d .ne jijarrnige of L,utu U,o.huih of thai piace, o.Mi.; I M,.-. (r r-.r. lJ.i.rlap.orX -rwood, ,,,,1!) i;. wuniup.-Ol Veda-r iliil, cue iiji t.nT V.i.li roal jlu.id.ty, ou tueir ..v u mo Jl "Id's 1' -11'. :T,u.'edit.ir in chief is7lowjy recover- . . r . . it.- ui 4tV.ui U.s lio.c-. lie ls-ai.io o r .,,o i.mI .v , and' hoiJes lo Oo W-ca c:.u0g i t,i U' oui in a lew il.iVS. v K.v. li. S. McKci'zie, of Uillsboro, u:i,lu.,oca fuay. lle-i iliV IMuyuict iiietiurt uf.'-fct'. Mary -IxmUicL, iiiis ciuuly, Ihib week.-, I W i.liam G7aliaiu, a uegrtT butcher, oi CuaiivAU, com mil ltd " t,uwide b.i?t Jlll (i aiiv l)iiinessfioiu the Pari-ian ioilet ! jIrs w. A. -Webster aad little daughter Co . oF Montreal, Que. The concern of Maugum Richmond county, is visiting is a fraud aud the only state paper at prevent running this fraudulent (prize) Advertise. ueiit js the - FYuuldilltou Wtrkhj. . usually This is no idle talk we mean it. . No doubt it looks big to jTbii7 but their rurchasing Power during the remaining days of our CLOTHING SALE will be greater than ever before, -If you will nnmp infn rSiTr ctnrA flnrincr tKo rornnifS'f icr I T A KJ V V III J V- V I U V W B V X i Vlitlllill . days of this sale we .will proyp ;tp;.jriy;;this lact - Wo MTTRT Tftfln'rlfi 'thik stook to l iriaRQ.rioom for . ' 1-1 11 1 TTT 'i 1 I our ray ana winter gooas. v ;;;r$ - ; Wo nro roooivin our F5ill'rnnVlalvridviH great pleasure in showing them to you. m. s. iiwi t m. TO SAVE - , - . ' ' - . j I 0) o) II -Kl Tin inner and the H-riJersotl Ghl- Lvrif were the oulv rotate papers who tpolcit wiMii themselveto, exjse d vei tising luuul.ugS,1 and we are glad to see theMjiudiiess" of W, A; Coon k Co., another Caiiadiir fruiid,' tl topped ironi our echng- The only paper on- run inn? it is t he W llsOll AUCUUCe. The recent statement made by the . . . T1 . 1 i I editor of th Dunn 1 nne$ that ne was riitaiiiifr the iulvertie4iieiit of; the lfMdfr... t'deiv Pill Co.. because lie re ceived pay iiv'sidvan(fvwsiiuply a tjelu- SH171 llll III.'S II II I. w.:,.. " & Co., for advance pay immediately af ter receiving the proposition, out sn ts without re-poii -e till otday. Uoys we hiv lm)iii- to watch you closer than t.ver. liold.-dioro IIc-i(ilijit. 22anuinj Mews. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, of Sali-duiry, were vi-Hiug ro.aaves in. mis iCinu last week. Comiuiliiion service will be held at S. teui tljie second fsuntlay in et. I'tepar aiory services Saturday pfceeodiag at It A.M. . , Mr. Otho Caub'.e has- the. addition to his Uvcl.ing atouo cv,upie.e,. Mr. llenrv v rmiiL . ol oaiisoury, epem several days wiln tViciiUS at this place iusi wceu. . , i ifcau oe very plainly noticed Liiat t . M. Cress i-s nni.ig from ear to car. A big' "nine pounder1' is -the caii-c of ail Lhts extraordinary amuscnitnl- Miss M tugieCa inle spent several days in Sali-hury last week. Steele township bilndayy schools of the vaiiiuis denominations, ml in eonveuuon at fcl. Loko's Aug. 12lhrfor the purpose of olg -mixing, a toVn.-hip association. UeV.B Crullii Was. CllCieu piesiucio, Capt: J- i' Siancill Secretary aud treas urer. I merest ing addresses were tied vot ed 'by Mcsms. WTL. aud T.WiLingic. T.C. Parker ami Prof. W.M. Vuil. 1 no Ji-sl hull is again in the.hai.ds of an exjei me ed mill av right, Mr. Miller. .We In pc k may soon be in a condition to supply Hie neighborhood at best with gdoii f uur. .- Tie ti si open botl of cotton uuciceu her Auuiiiis. V. L Ken laJe of this place. ' , - The Roller milt company will soon have a fine gin house erectetl on the mill yard. Messrs. Tom Lilly,- a baggage roaster, ....,1 l.x,;ra AlKiiir'Tt !l (TfMHlll Oil t U e .1 1 L VJU'gU - --- Richmond and Danville system, me spending a few days at home " with their friends. - - Miss May Gatti-s the accomplished daughter of Rev. T. J..(att-is of Durham ia ji.ondinir i f'j.vv weeks With ltlCllds in of the. hovs want old Sol to i?o slow and let tlu5 time be a long jl r. J. M. JjCUIX, Oi lllSlOn, IS Mlt- ing his fathers tins week. Some of of oure boys have about ..quit ir.imr in Snr.iliiv Sr:.oi.l hen: but tro to another county. L'k out boys, li von d'h't inmd some one wilt nave io i w ist a u hale oil' your back! Bonnie. You Cures In. !i;v-t.;"i. l'.iJioiwiv. ! '-. -. M-ilrt-ri;i. Nt-rvoi'! atul liv-.i Titl !h-1 i'.iiy. l'li .M rUtls i.'t-oiiiuu iui it. All .li'.ili'rs s. 11 it. ;-! n; no We Know from Experience Mean What We Say ! We now offer AH of Our' Goods at atlv ,Sleduced;-apnc0S'! 3 Sign of Red Flag liv iV Uii.fi waiskey,. bromo eatliene l-.lb and UtuuaniiuC ay tuc Ob-veri l)omcsiic trouble was tue cause. m if.ii.liiiiu'i' it Co.. jiL'ssrs. wuuii, iiwim- "- i a ne u i open n " - tlncMH-i.uC-n ol this county threshed 10,- from the stak 6n Ed-SitVoid pratilalioti, .... Ihill. T . VV tiS'.MMisl. . -Is of wheal and oais iu ". ul ii li .-Ii iibnilt Dili!- fourth was oats w.sLonid ho nkd ui have reioris liom CottonviUe Locals. Vtlici's. The sickl)f thts coiuiriunity is improv- ilw ri i-fm-n t. Uur.ireeU and back lots are a.ri e ... - ,;(lftieetift; at C!ehr Gmve (wuli .lior.se jockeys ad tradei-s this ...j t.tllluelK.e on -iiC lourtlilSauday in Avtik. Judging from some d' the stock, uUst. All are invited to Come, "there 'is not much inonev invol vid in Mr. John Milehell,. of Bri-lol Teniu. tiicir transactions coquentlv inul, iSjfe, Store' N. O. nwaisJivtily. - , is vi--iiiug Mr. A. E. Crump aod -sister ' Mr.V.kscurboro,ofMt. (Jilead, lhMctilattie and Genua Crump are C.,a nifiaber of the Junior class ot 1 rim- vivilin, tVien.ts and relatives near lied Vy College parsed through the city Tues- nui wiiurch this week, dny on his uuy to college: lfe made u& We learn that the hotel at Rocky o , -, i ..--Mr S-ir- River Springs, will close lor i.his season u vleuni ca!l while liere,- Mr. tar befi)re rp, biro will send us some notes from lrm- Bettio Watkin.,Df Portersstation, it jr. r '1:- t. was vinitiug Mrs' Inez Malery last Sat- i,iij uuwuucnj,iiii-"v- ... It is rumored tnai one oi pur preny Concord, died Tuesday morning of liver Kjrs north ol here is going to jump the ot.ui stick before very lout, postmas- 'uarrv.'W 4IIV 1 w ----- - w - - Jhn Wbitelicad Was summoned toccnsull nf vw.,l ,, in out the resident physicians, bui she wa be- co.,HUU1)Uy verv lateStiiuh.y niyht. ypaJ nie.lical ni J. Concord is shocked Mr J Vance Lowder. tf i'orlers, wits in .ovorlier nudden death- - . towu last Saturday night. . Coiae again , soon and she will beat home.;. The new Methodist church on Chest- Mrs. Bet tie Shankle a nd-on, Baxter, nut Hill is about completed and the lirsl of Shankle P. O., were vising : her moth ' ..i er, Airs. jNancv iventieii, jasp ouuuay - utMvice- will be held on uext- buutiay Mr.W. A. McSwain Inwwapped his morning by the pastor,' Ucv. A. Ij. Co- pamntion for a mill near-Loeuat Level; hum". It is expected also lliit Dr. Rum- and w ill move to it this fall, we uuder- Pic will preach a sermon in the new stand- near ehurcli buuday afiernuoii aU o clock. ,reltil, u muie , uineil last week by strain- , The Videlte has been' iperged into the n,g it too hanl hauling fivod. w. . . .1- Mr. Tom Uyatt and wifoof Hyatt, " ATi'iixiAX, thus givmg thu paper c vWlnigat Mr W.F. Crump last : about double the circulation it formerly week x " !td. It has, furtiierioore, double the J Our farmers have comraeneed Bowing i ... . . i i t. i :.. Jml dlraii tT thMr-fotlderWiH soon urcuiaiioii ot any weesiy ininusiieti in i 1181 g medium. Advertiser, not tl)M ! I district. : c si --" - - IKllt is Ul sessNill this VfK, JLdSel.- ...,:. - J U',a .,..r..-l bU w..ik. Ig. N Loudon, was in Tir. Joseph, Jlctnmcrleli An old so'.Jier, car.ic out of t'.ic "v7;ir greatly ciiieebieu tsy Ty pboid Fcrriyand altei' beii.s in various hov iltal tlie doctors discharged bur. a incurable with' CaaumPtUn. lla lr.J - Ien la poor health fcincc, until ho bau to tako Hood's SarsaparUf a ' Immediately Ins cough grew looser, ri&t BHcats ceased, tal Us rcg da.-d good gouerM lif-alt!?. IlQ cordially recommends IIoou s Sr.y- ' -invi'da. especially to eorarailnthgO. A. K. H-OD'S Pil-LGCure al.:tnal Contf-patkm by K.io'rlJiff wttelaltlewtlono! the allrucntary canal. ,on1,.r fiivuls wtiv I aav Dowi'i ! ..Dowx ! ! DOWN'! ! ! Cai'iM'ts and Mattings at yiices never hoard of before Tpv. good 1uulity. A lotV Fine White Coodpehk-h " ' ' will niake you hny thnn, even if ym donned thejvi. : 'SH0S3 clos0 )Ut at -5 percent, less than COST ! S Ccine and get Your Share of Our Bargains! ffl'tlil & LICHTEBII : S. Corner Main and Inniss Str's, ALKmuKY,AN, ..Gt i 1 1 ii, 1'. i - W01.n.i- . . - - l , Full LIFE. A larce arhonnt of money is lost nvv pcoplf-thk Mjinually bv "parties purchasing fruit " A ""u oir." !t,,,S, vL &,. G4 then, froo. ! 1..- i-Aii lliuip rtu'n trtAfi- Willis oo.-o.lnce The c:a;ull.:h A7ileuMu- 1 U. m m , " ," , u . ,n- -KTr IIS! imo Nrtw no trs ; ,lr ...I .. r .it l .'J'., wa'.cii C O-v'rf 'ct. 1. . l n wriuc , '.'.. wiltteu ; ir:eein hi io pay . " - - IV'in iu !,tnn"r.wi.r.rsoffenMt iH'iow volir sechon i.ibl will make jon n kw . h---uo : lil)(iral ofT, Write for particulars aubHtrilM recall c m.. v K.1M..S of kukt mul i ,j .f nnon fipnd s bun in' for ill III n- out nothing but good stock and sells at reasonable prices. We want 'the ad dress of every farmer or gardener in U aooes try i iu -.Y,-f f he letters in t lie "Ml" '" . . 1 !;&i to;K for mx i,,m. Agents wanted eve, j here. - M.z;t'woof .teciiutoes, Address, Cherokee Nursery (. KthKl rceelve t per Way Cross,-U a. (Mention this paper.) -'.); .nu,'- -i - . . . .. nmiiu l:i:lics illiu I - mm -. ?-l Will Continue To Give i r; pi mi t4 r . t-4 Hi ft 3 V" . ' . fri'BS5ieiESiIa s vwA. fly. .V-n MiiiVl . V it 2v: ntu.ii""; uLiuiicM .... r , hen'.days r'VTL stiv ,r tea rWoes, jroalB.BjW au"5; "V, k. other r.-wards, um- ,io." 7 ,l 1 wtlM-re isoutoue -d' In the not b- uv(l, iictaifteiiiMc Jrvi1H ..nj mv s l w red. 4- ' c.u. ,rC Vvi ei te.l to heip us ioj-x-Uioiuny.'Wi-JJ''',f ,H.T,iv ralary w'U. Canada. : D.R.Julian&Sons SALISBURY IU100UCE MARKET REPORT. Call notlcetollieMct ti4t:thy have removed the Hto.:W tioiu t!Wr store ropm under the t entral Hotel io their old sote oft Flsnta-et. We nave MORE GOODS lhaa we l:lfla!cc r'u, aiid In order to reduce our stoc' vrlll offer . s SPECIALBARGAINS for the next T111RTY D'AYrf lN DRY GOODS. ' n:in and be co:.vlnce.l "that ?an save you money by btrjlnx f bin as, for the next 30 DAYS to make room for their FALL STOCK which will soon be in. - A few suits left that we ran give r0 ier cent. DISCOUNT on former prices, some at "LOTS' of them at 25 per cent. .. - -i i ii ; . o ' u i ,v it These hig discounts sound "iunny t ut mere is a ri-i iu it. that enables us to do just what we say. All styles of Hats, Trunks, allocs, Grips, bd; iwl-straps, &cf and the best and cheapest line of - D. R. JULIAN & SONS. Vs AaUl R Bseciitor's "Nptiee; i ... ojf the market' Just ree'd. to-day a nice new line of -Negligee Sljirts-for-oiilv-$l"00. - I - - .-: - . ...... . ,-. . . T- 1 " V t Wc claim to he hhADhKo in t -ent s r uniiwiniga. uur elastomers claim that wo are LEAOKIIS in 1)W PrieeH. "SEE!" Tours anxious and able to please. Ilavint: qualified- af? r. executor oT the last will ana testament of Naney C. Linule, decea?e(T, notice is hereby jiiveij "1 v , i . ii o iv.oii4r ntrtinLr nnsi siiui ,.i h Ti 7? .Julian vSfiS ; i n ,,,-eser.t them to the Under- , omam "rr"J"J :. J9V16 ) durVnuthntichtert for payment, Ih.tier, . , -? - . j - '-li,. fnrV the 25th lav of July, 89J, lw ' .. : ...III ln.n ..nil in )iir-OI men ttli , An.Wil nersQiis ln.lebred to Iti-sWilK. lW-ou, (country) KIT S30?3 CT EAV13 SSWH HACE1SS CO. Lirl Corn Men bush. 1. 0.t Wheat, Flur, r u it ik 11 Wi -?T W Ul SeK'1, 'WH V " S Uoacled meeting at thU plac c w intuker prendiuu'. A gooft many lU(l r,.port a g0oI meeting. . eitr-ei iiiive iteeii a:spo-ea or up ii Mr. it. J. iio-ssoi iew ijouu ' 1 1. 1 1 I...,, tl : : l ......... ..F v liioli I h'l-h l-tcl . Si;itliel:tV. Mine tuu pi lUCIPui, OH" i'i i" !. 1 v . - an ;Chadea Wrrh.ms, h.rt ftny, 2 vear U. U Green, of Silver, has .... . 1. . n ' i- : I Mouroe where he intends to in: "one to i. . ..u p i u " .. r.r.;Urv Monroe where he intends to makebis lu - ve.irs 011 chaint gang; -John W illuims, c w? Wesklias given hss $10,00Uond ; lUffiiv.T veur on eliatn if tnir: G. W. .,m rMiirer of Stslnlv. aud how reailv to ... . 1 . i-. , 1 ' - - - - r" Viilki-r,aifrtv 15ias on -cli-hi-tng. work fur Uucle Sam, : Tlwi.,; f j.j il:lvnes, fi r themur- . . . Judll. Kitn r of Llain llentlersoii is iu niOiTiess m m' m ' Hi lay. Men are made rouily, the jlt ma.k voting' ami vi'rou!,by Majuetic Nerrines SjI 1 by . tUYl Vl'irOUSOJ Jl.i;UCii .ivifiiicv; oji 11 Wdrcn ?ry fgr PcliQr'5 Castorij ' EJ" iu Co""'- s",irW? "" - 1 51 Capacity 400 Machines per Day FOB TZTIMS, TTC, ADDEESS 9 DAYIS SEWfliG MACHINE CO. Irish poUttoes, r .: v"",,l,i itfi 5tr. tiO to( iier'snck JJl.T'i to 2.73 Poultrv, hen., each o FOREIGN MARKET REPORTS. j From Clopp Co.. ' 1 ' These fibres represent . an veB0 tiiuato of ruling ln "V he u...rket. ii ftned tin to I ue-sdiiv oi -, i,verpoo .Cottun linn at an iidvance of to ll points, with quotations fori (lx 1 10 A wiiH.it, dull and easier. ; rutured.ieaui. " . R , . Rtcon fairly active t r.oO to 6.. per. t '.NewYork.-AuSst Cotton July ( XGrain rfUet; staler feel- ' in-thin for several day j J h. t eorn :iSe ; oats 2U Io' k 1 J 00 n'3 4 M' lard 7.50. ! tlw reejvorv.- Andail perns lndebretl to U ;SS are h&y notificdlto inakc to ,Y2 : i..,.,iui1. i.nvinetit of said indebtetlness. ... .".--, . .of...., 00 t(- f)0 This ire iT4tii (rayoininj, m rti t 9 A 1 to ;o 00 . t 50 RECOLATE THE STOMACH, LIVEB ASP fipWELS, PURIFY THE. .BLOOD t f AHEUA3LE REMEDY FOR t ' . .. n..ni.l:. Camtl- ! th moI aeacmMi ob receipt otlJ cents. AUdrea Tur RIPAKS CHEMICAL CO. 4 8PRCC5 STREET. KEW CjTY. 1 . m-tt-t KOGEBS CLOTHING CO. SALISBOflV, (1. C. FINE CLOTHIERS. Vo want sood, pure gooJs at lm prices, don't you ? Then go to JULIUS EARNHARDT'S, uhererekept PUUE FUKS11 GROCERIES, ucli as Flour C country Vki a new line of G00P SHOES, whuh I am offering Very Cheap. 7 full line ol f DUV.G00P8 and NO HONS -always kept in .lock. Attention, Farmers! I am now also selling Hie BANNER FERTILIZED cheap for cah, or on time. Call t ee me Wfoiv b.n i?.. 1 C. B WEBB, J. S. Troutman. TROT ITMAN -vfc" " I For Malaria, Lifer Trou- niunyg: bbqw tRop .bitters ! I'KialUKTHISS Salisbury Marble Work?. - LUUiE VARTKIY OP MAKDLE ON iiA.Nl :u Al I U AC1 ION GUAUAin EE j . i - i V a G 02 11 i n

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