A Fatal Wreck- ..... Ti ftlcpMOXD, Ya., August 10. 4 PS pial to the VispaW frppx Mijjtoi. K C,as jthe Atlantic and rain No. 4 fell jthrongh brjJge tfcw jnorning an4 two cars and a pu)J wan W were tfowpletely detuolishei,, !....., onducWr Morns, George EJu, of TV.-1 . f W n...;! nf Huslrervill.. y.; W. EJiason, of Alton, V.. homas Lee (cojored), tf jyiiwtou. era others were Ijurt. The Amick Cfe. CATTA$oo94j Ten-i Avfr 17-The jatiaw newspaper riTalrj here resulted jn te Aseu'na a spciaa represen. ,ttie to Otiicinuati to investigate the Aiuick treatment or jconsUmptjon. The fhpe liiS jePV.rtetf -senatioual cuje. throughout which tje as sumed to question. 'Jd t&t JfevM acknowledge Article's dis.coyery U jtisclaiuiri .and admits tl?e c.urta hU .daily effect; tig a indisputable fapts. Jt especially cotutuend hi sendjg &tst jnedicine tre.e to physicians u4 Phj tficuud only. For Young en tp eao, Hy way of enipasizing a JLevaa in aconouiy the tuyit.ig .of flickjee and irnei an ejchauge well jays; Xo.unK ,marr, jt is the piallest expenses that keep your pocket book n.o leap, Tn .cents (or cigars, liquids and tfee tj?nui- and and one other trifle ruas p in wlye tuonthf jto niany $f))r, Jt aUeprideja wrnng fattftu&i t a . ii small matters. Jt j the little, leak that always empties tjbe barrel; jt jlthe stnajl expvuses running up j.nt,Q bun-jdrdt-s of dollar a year that bankrupts the m;jority of ujeu. Jtj the trim ming of the dress that makes tjit Jrill Jt j the little wastes tfitt Jceep thousands of noses to the griad- toti and einja. niany to Uja poor ouse. 7e Sterna an V svd I V SjrW-T IV Charlotte ObseTrer. Nob.nly se-ru to take yery Jcindly tobf Farmers' A Usance sub-Treasury .s.itt-mc, but I sannot see but what the ..liver miners hvjp h;w it jn pprration ; )viirs. Qnly they hare a battel ,tU. .; than. the farmers w, Thej ;ni e silver, deposit ;t in t Tfeaaury va at Washington, draff the full 1 - froiu the Qv?rument n,d the K'-s all cliances of lois. The iu.uer only vants the gofernnient to jssue c rtiljcates for Q per cent, of the .value of his weat or cotqn and the farmer takes ,cl,);ii;res on tlje 20 per jL tMi t. )f t'je Shermaii Uw js al right I in the ub-Treasgry scheme is also -aII right and cyei) $ better thing. Qraspins a Tyrant's Hand. I'Ueampson P'mocrat, in jts last -ue, iven an account pf the speak .go Q-n. J.as. 13. Weayer, better iiiowu as he Tyrant of pulaski nn.v" which came off recently at ,Tea,chy's. After the speaking there was a general hand shaking, on which he petiwrQt comments f0lOwa: 'We s.?y Jonfrt soldiers, oiaiin.ed and scarred followers of Lee itid his pajatjin!, eagerly grasp ths ! ri(ixj .(Jen Weaver, wfco it reputed L i .e s-iid the bitterest, unkindett, -..'iiest things pf the South, its 's o i and jta womanhood that wers c. uttered by venomed tongue of the .itii. Can there be forgiveness for -se crimes primes against ths living -nn and the memory of hia dead ad? Strange, but true, there i to, be; r is jt forgetful usss?" Paraded tQ ShowThsJr Poverty. -" e f Ypri Uej-aid, iTih. a idi a spontaneous cry for bread went up from a thousand throats ves terday us the city q nut heard it many a year. Without organisation without pre fious notification, unemployed mev sullrnng from hunger marched throuzl Mie d )wn-towh streets in the bono that a sit of jtheir eiiserable conditioi. plight bring forth lome measure of it ief. T?)eir parade was a striking com inentary upon the prevailing industri depression and an indication that Hi ..ik's wflUfed inhabitints know ..otlung of the widespread suffering mat now ensts amoqg their ppor fei jcvys. And a strange parade it wae. There were mo bands, no nasie . poflrg. Tbere were no badart riding ot horse-back and proud of the rea ;rowd that follqwed then. Thw was just a spontaneous demon atratmnOf the gaunt ran whose hut. f- ger showed pon their facts and wh. had for weeks tramped the streets Jotk ing for work and finding it not. Gov. Cur, while oi; hj risfc to th. "mountains hist week, visited the Wal dnseantojony in Burke ccunty am. ;j:.i le ihe colonists a short address of IVpIcome. . " V Criassa or Afuftal1 CloTer Seed for " Distrilpa. . The N. C. Agricultural EPrimin t Station has now on hand a small crop of Crimson clorer seed in the phaff, which wil be sent toerery farmer wbo will mae application to the station and pay freight charges on the seed. Ten pounds wjl Us aent, which is suf ficient U) aow one-fifth ot an acre. Cjimaon cloTer (TriWi'Jn incarna t urn) Is known under a rariety of common namas-Annual, German, Scarlet aud Italian. TJiia clorer in easilf grown, and should come int quite general use. It is an annual, and consequently must be re-seeded for each crop, which makfs it important to grow seed at borne. - seed may oe sown from July to October, bnt the land should always be well prepared for itor, if not, it should be well shaded as under a growth of cow-pea vines, or in a corn or cotton crop, when the saed shjuld be sown when the crop is laid by, jQrown in this way it may be of great sertice in enriching aid holding tbe land from washing. Its growth i i the cool and wet part of th yaTt UQd it is ready to be made u& bay ft a season when plant ers are waiting tor cotton to tegiUte for first working. T&i U often a dry time, tad ths hay can be quickly and aaily cured.. Jt may joften be best to so w thif clorer with nats, rya or barley, and cut all far fcay in 4prit or May. This cbver will thrire oa land in moderate copditionj but, like some other forsga plants, will pay bet where gifen a rich soil.- The composi tion of Crimson clover hay akowa it to W a highly nutritious food. It i so rich that for any use it may well be fed with some such fodder a straw, meadow hay or potton seed hulls. When fed for production of milk, tb addition of corn or corn and oat, will tend U add to the good qualities of the products Address F, & EiittY,Atgriettlturalist, i Experimtnt Station, Raleigh, K. C. i iTaniraUtt Moody Charged With Un- Ta s m 'w2-l Sr only influencing a aicu xaau. Dwight L. Moody, the evangelist, i? charged indirectly with using uudue influtace on the late Hiram Camp, nresid ntof the New Haven , Clock 'ompsny, through whose will the Northfieid, (Mass.,) Seminar;, a Moody institution, received a $35,000 bequest. Mr. Camp's daughters, Mrs. Jeauette Harmon t and Mrs. Mary A. White, are the complainants, and want the will broken, alleging .. that their father was mentally iucapacitatt d when making his will. He left uu estate of $170,000, of which $100,000 goea to various charities and institu tions. Mr. Cam p had given MoodjV school $70,000 within u year. RaioaviLLK, August IS. Col. J. A. Boyd, aged 58 years, president of tve bisk of Ueidsvilhi and a man well known in financial circles and identi fied prominently with the growth ol this place, died here today at 11 o'clock tf a throat affection from which he had suffered for some mouths. Gbvkn villi, S. C, August 18. A telegram was received here tonight, announcing the capture at Alexan- iria, Ya., of Chat Richardson, who ab- conded from here two weeks ago. Richardson was accused of committing outrageous assaults on his wife's sister. a handsome deaf and Jural) girl of 20. He fied to evade the vengeance of thr girl's brothers, taking with him all the cash he had in the, bank. Debsdex; Tenn., August IS. At ilesson, Tenn., a small station on the Nashville and Chattanooira railwav. J. K. Polk Alekander, one of the best and most prominent citizen in this section, fas yesUrdey shat three time, once m the head and twice in the body, by Ur. I'son, a druggist at Gleam. Wilson then shot himself, dvine in tantly. They have been at outs for about a jear and met yesterday with ne above result. It is thought that Alexander's wounds are not nocatsarily ratal. ' w sick, v rT her Castork. 1 CfciM, ah crM fr Cutori. was at arwt yam, sh thttLg to CMtorU. w Candida. m gatlMa Csstorla, 84LGM. K. C. ThM Oldist Fesule College in tha South. 18S3. Rertstee for Ut mrSCJ .si ur : The Derelo,eni f Itealtb, Charct ttd Intffltif t. bqti4in tboroujrblr remodell. Z'a iTtpsrstorj, CoIIrriate . v. ufwwu irpanmenu, tttijdes first tsss school in r0ic. An, Lnnpi.gei, Elocu ion, Commerrwl mn4 Induitrifcl Studies o-s7 JOnS U. CLE WELL, Principal. iroodto, a to or eU wbo WMl ImU i" a&should uka n - - TT Maw - WW m9 MMOl GEtfEBALHEffS. Bfr. 4.. C. Scott, of Concord, died last Friday from the effects of a stroke of par) ome week g A petrified whale, 210 feet long,-has been discovered in Costa Rica in a rift between two mountain peaks, some distauce from San Jose, and 3300 feet above the level of the sea. " The physicians sf a New York hos pital profess to bare made the discov ery thai inoculation with the vims of erysipelas will cure cancer. They have full fiita in the curative virtues of their discovery. Lepers are becoming so numerous in Louisiana that the people of that state want the federal government to ret apart an island for them and undertake their care. Unlet this is done, the ter rible scourage . will spreid to other states. The reunion of tbe Con fed era tr vet erans 'which Was appointed to take place !n Wayrusville Aug.23, has, by Col. J. C. EcElroy, com mai.de r of the Con federate veterans uf Western North Carolina, been postponed to Octolter 11th nest. The New York Herald states that there are fifty thousand people un employed in Chicsgo, and equal num ber in the vicinity of Pittsburg. On that basis there are several hundred thousand out of work throughout the Union, and unless relief is speed i I) given, trouble will ensue. The Charlotte Obttrur ol the 10th says: "Yesterday Robert Kelly, son of Mr. David P Kelly, of Lemly's town ship, was accidentally shot by a young son of Mr. Hubbard of the same nei-'h-borhood, the ball entering the abdo men. The Hubbard boy had the pis tol. Both were handling it, and while in the hands of young Hubbard i went off. The boy is 14 years of age. His chances for recovery are considered doubtful. -KowVJVy- I aad a saangaaat brsakiar out oa my leg tm. kiM. absI vascorca sound ana well with two ead a am IC mm . . . . . MMMMHHM ntktftJimil mtdieiaM bad failed to do mm aay rood. Will C. Heaty, . '2iJL !m$L VS, (MARK. -ggr y y y I wMtraabbd from ahUdhond with n ag- kTat4 aaaoor iMur, ana urco ouiuw m WSXXAS1 MASK, UumriiU. 1. T. Oar book BIomI a4 Skla Dlaaaaaa mailed fill HBHINVaUHH) Saysltis Huuey. Washington Corraapoodf at Charlotte ObserTer. It has been known here for some time that Captain John B. Husey wu contributor from this place to the rhird nrtv press of North Carolina, f not of other States. It is said by Democrats from North Carolina that he writes'the Caucasian signed, Jona than Edward," and other matter, under a different signature which appears re gularly in the progressive Farmer These Democrat regard it as ratlin peculiar that a man who wanted an office in the Interior Department only very little while ago and perhaps wants it now, should devote his time and talents to such work as this. To Preserve The ricaaese, color, and beaotj of the hair, the fresteet care is ne'tessarj, much harm biaf dona by the ue of vorthUas dressiafs. To te aure of hav ing a first-class article, ak your .lrug Utor perfataetior Ayer'a Il'alr Vigor. Xtis abeolatsly aapcrior to any other preparation f the kiad. It restores the oririaal color and fullnaas to hair which asa.aoeoSBc thin. fadedt or gray. U keeps the scalp cool, aioint, anil free (rem dsadraff. It heals itching humors, prercnta baldness, and Imparts to THE HAIR s silken testure and lasting fragrance. Ka tail4 caa be eonaiilered coiuj.leto vithoat this most popular and eUgant of alt lisirdressings. Mjbalr began turning gray and fall lag oat when I was about 25 years ot age. X hse lately been using Aver's Hair Tigor. and it i causing a "new growth f hair f the natural color." ft, J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas. Orer a year ago I had a severe fever. Sad whta I recovered, my hair It -an to fall oat. tad what little remained turned frej. I tried various remedies, but srithout SBccese, till at last I began to WOE ATr's Hir Vigor, and now rov hair is fcrrowing rapidly and is restored to its original color." Mrs. Annie Collins, lighten, Mass. I hare ased Ajer's Hair Yior for pearly fire years, and Wy hair is ipojst, flossy, and in en excejjent state of prefc erratioa. J am forty years old, and fcava ridden the plains for twentv-five yesrsr-Wm. neory Qtt, filial :Mus ISBg Bill," Newcastle, p. Ayer's Hair Vigor BW hy Pragiteu Kvtry where L: ATTOIJSBY-AT-LAW, troy, - 17 o- Offers his professions! serjrices to the beoole of Montgomery tnd d. joining counties. Address big? t Hic&moiil & DanHIe' B, fi. Co. Saml Spencer, F. W.Haidekoper swnd Reuben Foster, Receivers. CONIiKNSKD SCHHDILC IX EFFECT AUGUST 13,lbS. southbound; J t. X -5. UAILV. No. 11. So. 3. Lt Kiohmooa ...... Lv Uurkwnie t.v Keyuvilie Ar Oanvliie Lr Dan v (tie r ureeusboro . . ., . Lv uoiuMooro .vrrrr. Ar Kalt-ij.n Lv Uaieiif ii Lt ourhuia Ar Creeusooio Lv Winstou-Sa lem . Lv oic nsooio Ar Sallsoury AT Staies vi 1 Im . . . Ar Asnevilie Ar Hot Sjitng Lv Salisbury ....T Ar barloit4 Ar S.ni.mbdiK Ar Orenvtue Ar At'aiHa Lvcbirlwi,? ...7.. Ar coiiiiubia . ... Ar Augusta IS 10 r U 41 rs 3 14 en' 5 4m I'M. 6 20 ml 1 hO PM It SO AM. J 40 AM, 3 II AM I 6 3i Ak Mill I SU AM 5 4 AM S ZA AM X 6 I'M; 4 1- pm ; s- r m j rM la rM, t o I'M 9 S.' PM 1 IMAM 1 3IAM 6 30 AM 4 4'. AM S 00 AM 4 AM 11 l'6 AM 4 W PM i :s pm 9 r.u AM II 15 AM t 5i PM 4 04 PM lv li ra :.4 am ISAM PM II 15 PM I 3 AM I tS AM ; ltiAa S l:t am Si AM 1 1 ST AM lt x rM 4 44 PM 5 33 AM t i pm 4 t PM a pm 5 AM S 45 AM NORTHBOUND .u3. OAILY. No. L 3S Lv AU.,U.SU .. i.v i'uiuiuuia Ar Ch ir.ulle . ov put V i5 1 'Ui. 2 lv alii. ot .'i piu 51 M aaj S uin 4 1u a 'a 1 vu pui 4 - piu 1 00 pm s 1 4 pui s 4 pin 3t pin Lv Atlanta... ArCa.inottt . S am 4ipu e3 pin lu put Lv (li.ir oiit ... Ar Salisbury ... LV lloiSinlirjfjT Lv Asin-vil;- ... Lv Stulesvtlle Ar Salisbury ... Salisbury .f fllhb. 10 . IS II pin.. iopio.. 1 : pin . . "O pm.. lu 11 im 4 It um e 10 4111 S sTain 7 .10 am 1 37 i.ol 1 1 40 pin 1 o it pm Ar Wtnhiou-SairiM Lv (ireensbor .... Ar iMirhaui Ar i:a:-igii Lv UaU'igli Ar OolrisiHiro ty&oam iz i am. am. 6 10 am o J.lll I" it' am l 10 jii. . 05 am 40 ;-Ill 1 V0 alii 1 1 1T1 am 1 ( (.in Lv Urei'nsboro Ar Danville Ar Ksvlllf Ar Iturkftilie Ar Klchiiiond I ' cm in 4 pm I m am io 7 am 40:, am 4ti.tm 4 61 am 4 31 am 7 00 am 7 uo um i Dally i xce, t sumlar. 3TWEN WEST POIMT Attn RICHMOND Leave West I'olni 7.Mt A. M. ually. and 8.5 A M lall t'cini S1ml.1v fiiwi m.i.,.i... .;.... liioiid ... a. 1 1 l".4'i A. M . Ui-turulinf leave klcli- "" 1 i . laiiy exi epl Sundav- ar rive est I'oiut 5.w aud Cm V. M. BET- RICHMOND AND RALEIGH VIA KEYSVILLE. Leave I;l hmond li.l r M.d.llv; leave Ke vlllea.fir. M ; arrive o.xford 5. 6 1. M.; iiendVr miu . li I', yi , Dmimtn r. M., Uai. Ijfli 6 .0 m , K. iui niir,' ..i.l. 1 i.m,d..lly. I urli in ft i alii llei.iUrsi.ii :.z: l. M.. uxi r.i .14 .. M arrive Keyviu.- M l. i A. M , la- lini.iit.i I M-i I' ually Mixed mini ci leavs Keysvil ,e ii liy r.xn "pi -uiida. , 4 n a in., tvxforn, .-. ,t m. an j,r,vs iiurajiu 11 .t in Miricd ir;dn Ko. .in teiven uur'. liam.il.nl -. ept siiinuiy.sif.v m.. Oxford ! so um an I ariwrs kcjYlll.', 1 r.ii'.M. Mfxe l l'r. In Ni. .3 leav. s luford, rtallv excen: Sudu.i v, A. At . Mid ar.ilvcM Durliaiu 4' i M Mix- il Tr .11 N't, 6 - .mw Durliair, dallv t x.Vpi' suiida.t . ...i t . v,., .tii(i..iil(Mixi,)i(i,,i(i A vi rr.lllison O .t . ( i; , .-a fall .ford 141 V. ally except .-uu.lav, U 1 . A. M.. d -ll. :.ud I. M., rt.uh x. c,ii sti..,,a. . Md nive ii unt nn . M .. 1-M I' M 1.1 ; p. 1. M. -neiurnti,- leae lleiid.-rx.ns or. :iutl 7 .0 I' M ., dalh , xo, t .-und-y ...... ... 1 1 . . . A 1 m . . ... . ,ii , .1. i. r. un.lHSSP m Aos. Ai. .i.id as coil ihvI at Cl.-litnoi it frosu aim West 1'oiui .ml n.ililniore (Ullv fxc-pt .-UDlay. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On Traln-i Nos. :r,aii.l .1(5 IMiIIiq d Itufft-t S:n r UttVM'fii ev VuiK and Afant . rfOn.So 3. aid :?s, I'uiim 11 .-t'oplinr fa Vr Yor, 1,. .iv orlc x,.w Y...k 1.. ,r. J. . Ji vashmpien to M. inj.nis, :,u i l)in:njf l ar New Votk w a ' ill' 1 lr l s.N s. 11 an.l 12 inn solid Ninecn Ifl.-h-iiioiid ami All uiiri.n lo rry 'ntu nsi. plnirCars i. tvv ru lu. hn 0 d. I.u.il.f nd Or. en-boro T ai. s No.v 11 aim Sl w. N. liM.ion. c.rry fill i...:i 1. IM rlc.i ( -oi.s Im-i wwi, Salisbury . Ash, vllie .Hid U'H s',i : l ,!,. K nKUKt.KV, J. S. II. THOMPSON' Miji -rtnien lent. snje lnrrndenf S... I ( If K (.rncr.l P-tHsn.T AfbU W IS .IllVL.tl, l. 1 . S. II. II A If l v'lcK, ai. lau'i ias.H. Aent. All .id 1. lia. b ' W. II UltKKX. S:. H s i.-ri'l Man.-.-r Traftl.- M.mui'.T W iisliiwion, I), c. Washinsiiou. l. c. What'stheMattsrwithit? If yon think there is anything the matter with your watch, let us take a look at it. Don't let it go on ticking itself to destruction. A few particles of Just will, in a few weeks, do more damage than the ordinary wear and tear of a year's time keeping. Our guarantee is for Twelve Mouths. Have you seen the beautiful line of SILVERWARE ? we are now offering, and the complete selections of clocks, watches and jew elry. We are prepared to satisfy the desires of the mot fastidious, in anything in our Jine, and a call will convince you that we are We pay the highest cash price for sjold. and will buy in anj quantities, Very Respectfully, REISNER & - GORMAN, An Infernal Outrage. StatesyUle landmark. Acting ujjder thje law passed by the Jast Congress ajlowjiig every Represen tative ailerk, Representative Alexan der, of tbe sixth district, has appointed Capt. J. R rkiii, of Cbailotte, his clerk. The act allows these clerks a salary of alxut per nunth, to be p lid out of the national treasury. The passage of the act was uu infernal outrage aud every congressman who voted for it should be held to strict ac- Cotintability by his constituents. Ti e Ltndwitrk isgl td tole able to say that Representative Henderson, iTf this di trict, voted Hgninst it. A Prayer for Gov. Altgeld. - A paper ptibliVhed-at Freeport, III., recently printed a prayer deliver d in i. church ait llock ford, III., in behalf o! Gov. Altgeld, of Illinois, the anarchist sympathizer who pardoned the Chicagi anarchists. The prayer is as follows: u0h, Lord, Bless the President ol these United Statt-s, the Governors ui the several States, especially' the Gov ernor of Illinois Be a light unto bin in Ins darkues-, a guide to him in l.i ignorance; let Thy power make hi heart as soft as his head. Teai h him that this is a government of the people, by the people and for the people, ai;d that he can in nowise be the govern ment and the people." C0BJ3EH ONLY! 4" aMlE MKOtCAL CO.. BUFFALO. M v Is Your Life Worth Anything to others? Are there not persons dependent on your earnings for their support ? Are they pro vided for in case of 3rour death? The simplest and safest way of assuring their protection is life in surance. Business, pro fessional, and working men generally, should in sure, for their brains or their muscles, are their capital and income too. Death stops them both. Insure in the Equitable Life and death cannot stopyour salary or steal your capi tal, and your loved ones will be safe from want. W. J. RODDEY, Gmntl A Kent for the Carolines, ROCK HILL, South Carolina. massl SOLD UNDER CUAHANTEB. ACTUAL COST LESS THAN tl5 PiaOA SMITHDEAL HARDWARE CO. SOLE AGENTS. Stea,m, Air and zontal of ft w H 1 1 Q U) H O 3- 'lis?? The Caro w ui 101 Renews its allegiance to mdcracy the- Cause of the People, And asks every - , r Sx coo ana enterprisp for support. Its subscription price will be: TSi TP I m intne nands of imwi , io pieparea to execute all kinds of Job Printing, and at prices that will compare favorabry with any OFFICE IN THE STATE Orders Solicited. A MARVELOUS DISCOVERY! PositlTdy remoTM BONE ZT&VW, Ringbone, Splint. w Curb, IN 48 HOURS, w unoui fain. S500 Reward For Failtrre or f lightest Injury. TtiU i the Craatstt Wonder of itit9tli Csnlurjr. snonuh it;r. a it d(, the eiuire Vr terinarr world. Sworn froefi Mail- ad Frt. Out ChadzL No. xrn rni st.. .cw lot It, 06 nialaBintkl r 1 .BTATZTJW . L0 I 'M mm (DAMHEHStfDRL" Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Hori every Variety and Capacity. Eegrnlar Horizontal Piston. The most simple, durable and ef fective Pump in the market for Mints, Quarries, Refineries. Breweries, Fac tories, Artesian Wells, Fire Dty ai.d General Manufacturing purposes. 23TSend for Catalogue. Foot of Eat 23d Street Xrw York' 1 mm friend of good fffl; "anct. M an old experienced Caveats, and TraJ.uk nt.inH ent bailnfM condnoted for Modmiti fits. Oua Or'tcx tm Opositc o. S. FTrT0f w cw patent In it tiai tUu rooou frtm trsjthiarton. Send aiodel. dnwin or photo., wits inr adriae. If patroiable or t ft" cbais. Oar fce not due till stent U MCirsi A lit. "Mow loObuin Pubk" Mmee of artasJ cliente in war SU:c,cuut7 Iowa, seat free, AdtlreM, c.A.srjow&ca . Parcar Ornct. WssMiaaTss. C Tbe HiekiirirlfV mini - - J . V.' J - JnurinH Ifntlur will l. ......'.! i-.ir . . . v u vmi.i TT ( 1 I trw lilrtlliru I'M " Cpf. E.L. Faisnn. of Snmnon eunt Weiman i Pa ' 111 nir. 11 ill v r a r m m '7Kt4.1 S 1 riv. k.Trv.vvr.s MI KJT-I M 11 1 1 u t . " . m a 1 A. S, CAMERON STEAM PUMP

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