jYjUKTlI SERIES SALISBURY, N C. THURSDAY AUGUST 31, 1893. 5 . ass W h at i s Castoria is Dr. Samnel Pitcher prescription for Infants jxd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor . . a a a a 7her Narcotic substance. It 18 a narmicss UDSiiiato Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL tt is PJcasant. Its Guarantee Is thirty years' use ly vf Mothers. Castoria Is the Children's Panacea juiiu""" f..ii,.n Wtn the Mother's Friend. ! Castoria. Castoria. rtorla well adapted tochMrenthat ireoof . a arum. M. D- - Hi So. Oxford bi., inxiu j n. x . ..rLmwof 'Cautorta fa so universal and tjowriuso rfaroarerogal -.Wlirtrt tamQie ' Caau Uasxth, D. D., aw York City. al. awwnt a. wtrrV tlon to endorao it. Faw are tia i yebo do bo kaep CaMorU Castoria. curat Oolic, Constipation, Boor Stomach, Piarrbce, Eruciatioa, Kill Worm, p" "luep, aud promotes f feetion. Without injurious medication. Tor several yean I hara jour 'Oaatoria, and shall always aootisnM U do ao as it has Invariably praditoed bwna result." - Eoimr F. Fajubx, M. Dn lKtit Street and 7th A,t., Kaw York Oty 1 Thk Cectai Coutaxy, 77 Mctuut Stkkbt, Nnr Yosx Crrr Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U...S. Gov't .Report Mm P V 'Was AIHJuTEl-tf P2JD5 aid that u proper appreciation of tbee opportunities has not lesn shown by . . . . -'.-' - SO; AH Quiet hms tit Potonte. Ly ncn Law for a Special Crime. The lynching of negroer in tba Southern States is undertaken now al most exclusively because of their f re quentcoinniiaeion of one mast brutal and exasperating crime, a crime rarely T?r COmiaitttfd SUTB bv a Jiirrn I rvmi)u;n. V U XT-. J . I II iboL u k ..il. . -i . . - -j - o- rr... mi vuc A'en aiigiBUueni raau beat to tad fro AreuotpuuishedinNorUieramrau-llywekwujeit "wudtieB immigration either from the North, or hmted. it U Wrif?1 made eapecully from foreign oouu- SecoadrirgiiiUCaTalry. Ve have n rnrvstttnHv innninr Except now n! th. - . . 1U 11 l,,T,rrTr.'rt-.iu and Monthiv 3 Strengthcn Ab feeble, builda tptliewLolesyitcm. It Las cured thouaan iviHcifcyou. Drug-ists Lave it. Bond - itmiO fr bock. .j. p. go;o?-' rf- r'ai?"i.1 Kr- fBaHMBBBBBaBHsBBBBaBBB ALLSKINDBLOOD DISEASES. The Beat Houseli old Medlciue. Oaw or twice each year the sya tekneed. puretng of tho iiapnrl ta which clog;- the blood. From clildljood to old age. no itemed y .et all cases with the saao oer lainty of "Dod results aa iJiJTAN'ir. BLOOD BALM. C McCh-.hiy, Webb City. Ark.v vritrs. 3. B. i:.-baa dune mc mne ROjd : d I.tf KKy ihio ny other il"od pvr:ficr I ever ucd. I c the comfort ol my lifetoit." y P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., AufruA 10, i?PT. ruo: "1 depend on B. H. B. fc the pseervH( u " ;n h!th. I have rati- it in my Umi.y H - two ycjn, and in Il that tisr o lave it bad ' ! vedGct f;" SUDDEKDETH! The Community Shocked. " Lait evening, just after tea, while Mr. Thomas Hartmao, a promiuent and higLIy- retpected cituen, apparently in the best ul health and ipirits, was reading a newspaper, the sheet suddenly fell to the floor; h placed one hand over his heart, gasped, and sank back in his chair, tvidentlv uncon scious. The family were stricken with con sternation, and immediately summoned a .physician. Hut it was too late The old ? gentleman was dead. Physicians gave heart disease as the cause." Holbrttok Herald. Every day the papers contain statements similar to the above. Even youth is no de fense against heart disease, and the awful rapidity with which it is claiming victims forces upon all a conviction of tu prevalence. Reader, if ' you have a symptom of this dread disease do not hesitate a moment in attending to it. Delay is always dangerous, and in heart disease too often fatal. Some symptoms of heart disease are shortness of breath, fluttering, or palpitation, pain or . r. 1 l 1 J ! tenaerness in ten siae, laoaiatr. or miui, ir regular pulse, smotherings weak or hungry spells, fainting spells, dropsy, etc. Charles Karen, York. Pa., writes: T suffered from heart dlieate years. Frequently my heart would seem to jump into my mouth, and my eondlUon made me Tery melancholy. Phydclans fare me no relief. I became so much worse that was not expected to lire, but was induced a a last reaort to use Dr. Mllea Mew Heart Cure. The second day I felt rreatly relieved, aad at the end of ten days I felt like a king. My gratitude Is too ieepb: expression." Joaeph Rockwell. Unlontown. Pa., afd 82 yean, aays: "For four years previous to oefin otnf the use of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure I was afflicted with heart disease In a very MTere form. Had taken alt so-called cures, but with no benefit antil I used Dr. Miles' remedy, one bottle of which eared me." . J. D.Hethsrds. High Point, la., makes the following- statement : " I was a wreck from heart diaeaae and stomach trouble when I beiran minf Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and Kerre and Liver Pills. At a result of their use I am weU." Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold by all drus fists on a positive fTisrantee, or sent by the Dr. If lies Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind . oa receipt of price, fl per bottle, six bottles for $S, express pre paid. It is positively free from all opiates or dangerous drujt. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. S5 cent per box, Ive boxe. $1.00. Mailed anywhere. Free book at druf gists, or by malL For Sale by all Druggists. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our regular correspondent. In addition to the silver debate in the House this week, .which has Wen unusually interesting, two great Bnan- cial speeches were made by Democrat ic Senators,' one by Senator Vorliees, on Tuesday, and the other by Senator HilUtoday. Both of these Senators are friends of silver aud both of them furor the repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman law as the best method of preparing,lhe way for other legislation dealing with lilter as mon ey. " Theie was a sharp debate in the Senate this week, for a few minutes, over the question of whether a resolu tion offered by Senator Peffer, enquir ing of the Secretary of the Treasury as to the action of national banks in large cities in refusing to cash upon presen tation, checks of depositors, should be disposed of at once or be referred to tionable. There has been some talk this weak about the probability of the extra ses sion coming to a cloe before. the first of October, but the most experienced legislators will net express an opinion as to, the length of ''the session until something more definite is known about the probable length of time the Senate will take to dispose of the Vor hees bill for the repeal of the purchas ing clause of the Sherman bill. The House will not necessarily be idle after it disDoses of the repeal bill, as Repre tentative Johnson's bill providing for an fexchanire of U. S. bonds for cur rency, at the option of the holder of the bonds, the interest on which will cease so lone as the currency is retain ed, will probably be reported from the committee ou Banking and Currency soon after the silver vote is taken, and the same committee may also report a bill for the repeal of the tax on Stat bank currency. But it may oe mties in a wanner so summary. We answer that within the past year there liaye been several instances north of the Ohio'river,of the lynching of ne- gro ravishers. But if the' assertion weie" absolutely true, it would not meet the argument with which the Southern uan justifies his report to "Lyueh Law" in punishment of this crime. He alleges, and the fucts sus tuin him, that such offenses are rarely committed by white men, but con stantly attempted and often perpetrat ed by the worst class of negroes, which unfortunately, is in many parts of the South a very numerous class. .Such negroes have neither the intelligence nor the self command which will warn or restrain them from the gratification of any passioii at the cost of any crime. It is an exceptional case when a white Will hAt .- , .. UI heartily indorse any effort for the Note ewio-titf u encouragement of immigration to the baaing out, aU alone the r .k booth. Men from the North or "Aiiouie along thePountae ton! , abro:l wiir be cordially received there, WbtreiriliepeaeenudriM and they will find ample rportttnity TheI' u hy .of the clelT TuuL to employ 8k il led efforts in the direc- Onhr'htof th tiou of agricuUnrul or manufacturing a tremulous ighJ &n' rc 1 aiul"iJ, enterprises. The resources of the sec- Through the Xoxtst leaves'! low' 'd tion in both these respects are great, ias', w'"' u cr''" and, to a large extent, open to develop- WhUe the ,Ur p toi, w ;th tf . nient. It is probable that false, publi- 'T,- - h cations upon the relations or the white p ttxdfor th rny U &i p r..n ' and black man in the South have in Tllr l only the sound of tiie k the past deterred immigration. " nI1l a . 1 "ltie trutn is. no nesrro problem i.,,,., - .. u really exists. Doth races ure in a con dition of peace and contentment. 1 two wa i r, t hope thai in the future the South will receive her full share of immigration." No man upeuks for the South with more authority nor more liberal and fice, dark -and i regular (DiURS .IKnr and Onmplete Treatment, eonslstlng' of fCPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two oxso( Ointment. A never-falling Cure for Piles ft STsry nature and degree. It makes an operation vlttk the knife or Injection Of earboUo add,whlck art painful and seldom a permanent rare, and often rMfiung u death, unneoeeeary. 'Why endurr this terrible disease? Ws auarantee, poise to our nnv case. . Yoa only pay for MMot received. i a box, 8 for 96 by mail. ttompt . Onaranteen issued by our agents. mWQTID ATIHI1 CureOllee r'reveetsd, niiwb Jspsness Uver Pellets B rest UVER and 8TOM A.CI1 REGULATOR and BIOOOPCKXFIEK. BmalL mild and pleasant to .paoUUjr adapted tor children's use MDosea senta, SCaSlOTZES toned only jf ' EDWIN CUTHRELL, Salisbcit, N. C the Finance committee. Trouble was tQ da aothing in the House uu til the Senate acts on silver. In that case the Houss will only meet every three days. The Senate has decided against seat ing the appointed Senator Lee Man tle from Montana. avoided bv a demand for the order," which sent the resolution to the foot bUhe calendar, where it will have to await its turn, unless sooner taken ud bv a vote of the Seuate. It is per fectly well known in Concrvss that the national banks of N-w York and other cities havebeeu refusing to cash checks for their depositors, for one . iw.. a Hmiu Johnson, of .... i e man, however degraded, will outrage a f jltst appreciation of fucWs entering into its present condition than the IIn. Hoke Smith, lie says that last year was a year of ''stress" with the Southern people, and that they are now prepared to successfully deal with stringency in money. It is glad news that this great section of our liistei hood of States is so well equipped tint for it the financial storm has ua terrors. For the North the bolt was sped from IV a .. woman. He may be wicked and bru tal enough to do so, but prudence at least controls his passions. The in stincts of the negro of the lower order are not ouly more bestial and vicious, but are under as little control as those of un animal. He is us absolutely in capable as any animal of subordinat ing impulse to reason, and, under strong excitement, he has all the cru- ot the bed, Far away i ,k, ; i ism slack Grows gcntl. iia teUe,' As he mutters a rra- t asleep V InMre,: - For their nersBsy, Lfff Thau.gbt htBtJlt lovejn ufl -lolHiBaiuj, jM.iiur luuroj vows Were pigged to beaver broke . -mJX urawing his sleeve reairhlv ovrr He dashes off tear, that arc wi:lf - And gathers hi. guu ctost up tQ ; As if i keep down the heart swj;i ' " A Remarkable Operation, A striking illustration of the advance check lor 1200 at which his balance was more than V J, . v il -1 In iluc a . k B ST H It.ifl I kf 44,1 S S III ill If- SIS UIIIH Ohio was refused the casn ior a oi surgeiy j.. -- New York bank in citv, savs the Vhariotre ietcs. a ic T)i M:nheimf'r and mo- . .. jt lie 000 although it was iven him after an bon. Jr., undertook to tumisn a i- interview with the. president. Hints year-old girl with practically a mouth have also W received here that eer- Th- girl lives near Davidson, and was V.,tt Viirl- ti!itinn:it bauks have born with a fearful deformity of face. been profiting lately by the sale of There was no roof in Her mown, sue cuirencvat a premium, wiucn nasoevu wassuuiuuj uu-ur guin on in that city. It will not ue no upper up ac an, uuu -surprising if there is some very plain of gum, from which three teeth protrud ...u ;.. .?r- ui.,.t the national ed almost straight out. Before they LslttV lit wwaifia-ww - . , ' -a. t V t I 1 . i rwa. kh A 1 banking system as ut present conduct- took her in liana, mey P"-'-h- ed before long. Senator Vorlrees Ue her as sue was. ineu uiey Cu voted a part of his speech to it, and They took out the teein, set. u.eu. there will be others heard from as in a natural way, mnde the girl a lip soon as finances gets a little steadier. 1 and gave Dr. Bland plans and specifi- Without disparagement to th.3 Dem- cations for a root to her raouiu. i ue .t- whn l,nld ininortant committee dentist fiilled his contract well 'and the VVS aaw- g He passes the fuataia, the l,C(i . ,Inr Tl. r. . . ' i ut louisien is la. nr elty of a fierce beiist, not so much the a cloudless &ky; but it, too, will sur- J Vet onward he goes, ittroub tkt bro?i ; wish to torture as the ferocious appe- vive. nht' tite to destroy. It is in obedience to Hoke Smith was president of the owrd lehaJes of the forest , this instinct mora than with anv pur- Board of Education, if we mistake not, " 7 'V" n,llt win'l lut ruj;.. -t . ' . . . leaves? nose to remove the witness of his in Atlanta, where there are three Vls it mftnii i , . i - . . -i , . .i-ii moonlight so wcndrourlr flahiitc crime, which causes the negro ravisher thousand negro children studying the it looked likea rifle he? Mary good hr" to almost invariably murder his vie- same text books in the public schools J ana the nfebiood is ebbing and splashing. tun. Wo may say in this connection, also, that women who have been out raged yet not murdered have commit ted suicide in order to avoid the humil iation of publicly testifying agaihbt the ravisher. One such case might well induce a community to lynch in every other. Taking into consideration the pecu- as do the forty thousand white child ren. His opportunities have been ex ceptionally good for the investigation and study. Foremost among the"our- nulUts and educators of the new South the progressive South by his plea for immigration into this section he "All quiet along the Potomac tonight," No sound save the rush of the river. While soft fall the dew on tht lace dead Tht picket's off duly forever. uie Suit for 10,000 Acres. A. E. Cochran, a promiiw nt l?wv of San Diego, California, form-rb' BucIUen's Arnica Salve. ' The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sres, Ulcers, Salt: Rl. em. Fever gores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains; Corns, and all fckin Eruptions, and positively car- s Pile?, or no pay required It isguar an teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Whitley & Dun ap. Norwood, N. C. . sounds-the keynote of that glorious ira nf lirosnnritv that even now is COV- v - r 1 j - - - i liarlv revolting character of the crime i irfinor with oiirspm ironical sistr I Georgia,- lias brought suit in iU Un and the indignation it necessarily States; and in this he shows true edbtittes Court for the possession oi arouses, any one who at nil understands statesmanship. No fact is more evi- oyer 10,000 acres of land in the co.ii.- hu man nature will surely not feel sur- dent in ull history, from its dawn in t,s of Watauga, Mitchel and (.l- prised that men are inclined to punish Arabia to this cIo.se of the 'nineteenth wte11' Ile -is a grandson of Willi .u. it speedily and surely. And, it be us- century, than that immigration inva- Tate, the tract was granted by the ually committed by a class of crimi- riably presages' the rise of new iudus- State in 1795. There are sixty-one. nals who are too stupid and savage to tries and new wealth, stimulates inven- respondents. Ex-Attorney Ueneral think or care about penalties in the tions, builds great factories and palaces -Davidson aud ex-Governor Jams I remote future and reached only after in marvelous cities, and invites mental Cochran's attorneys. The tra.-t now ,. a: ,.i.:i. u n, i nA I inciuues several towns, and is verv val- . . . .. r t J i - r:t ..il ..u f 't'liuii unaiui t uiwccuiiiks uuitu uaic uuiu- i ai-uviiKs aiiu vuiiimnuiwu aim u ' chairmanships in the last House, it can rooi was rouuu Wx - yr , ' 4. ... " : uable. . . lit be said that siwaker Crisp has in the the girl sat for another puotograpn out new chairmen selected men who are it was an entirety. aiuereni. xace eenerallv credited with being peculiar- looked into the camera. The deformity 7 , '.l -1.1:. .kal Anlir oiKrlif. f rurH ly will fitted to perform the duties wun wasouuwrawu, -uv i.sj - - which they have been intrusted. Hon. of an operation was left. It looks like VV. L. Wilson, of VVesf Virginia, the the doctors can do almost anything iug in them to terrify to the vulgar niercial superiority. The Alamance Gleaner will, be sold to the highest bidder on the 14th of Biptember. . Tlw Courier savs that while Mr. Gso. Wreun, of Person, was attending religious services last Sunday his house is entered and $4(52 stolen. Bao as tKis vtds it might have been worse, for there were $300 more in the house which the rubbers 'did not find. m sT A.1 .1 newchairmiin of the Ways add Meaus iiieseus. committee, has been a student aud ad- - wrwat nt tariff reform not only since i Bum Wide bpreaa he has been a member of the House By southern Associated Press. . S 11 but also long before he entered puoucj Chicago, Aug. 24. This city was GENERAL NEWS. life. He is thoroughly master ot Tjsited again tonight by a gre ,t fire m. mm I I 1 AT t. fT Lvall II rAli tVhmh ...... naA 4 The Dunavant Cotton Mills, of Mor-1 subject, ana tne wtr.u um, i wbich destroyed ZiU houses, and ren ganton, commenced operations again on Tuesday of last week. The report comes from Paris that a colony of 2,000 VValdenses are likely tn settle in North Carolina next spring. A farmer living near Owensboro Grandfather mountain is in mamnution: if exner ence has dem- Th Sretarv m ciuite nirht in invit- ' MrpuutwH r r i i j x - - cj onstrated that the elow, formal, legal ing immigration southward. Some trial and tardv sentence inspired no from his sectiou have too long turned I China's Attitude dread in the minds of .such offenders, away the stranger. Welcome all I A Cleyeland dispatch say-: A gen- what then? Is there not some excuse workers, whether by hand or braiu, for tleman in that city has just received for resorting to methods which may in so doing will be found the way for from a friend in Tien Tsin, a letter prove exemplary aud really deterrent. building up Southern supremacy, stating that United States Consul Wil- Basil W. Duke, 'in September Fetter's Hoke Smith knows what the South i:un Bowman, who left that eitv a - -1, x l - I . - - o Southern Magazine. needs. Keic York Recorder. short time ago for the United States carried with him a message from Vice- v fl i bt yi Asleep for TWo Year. roy lii tiung unang to resident thieve- Ivrnr i xr i pni.Ts. Ano-ust 24. lirldiset Uud. i he gentleman who aenos u;e Pendargast after having been asleep information does not tell , how he ob ut the Central Hospital for the insane Gained a copy of the following menage "No Negro Problem Exists." It is a coincidence of unusual mter pst that while the Honorable Secretary his committee will at once get to work, uomeiess 7,000 people. The con- 0t the Interior says there is "no negro promises to be a model 01 11s kidu. flHgrhtjon wa8 confined to that section problem," that on Saturday, at Chau- , . k gh : dvins. but he oucliea for its authority Hon. Joseph b. buyers, of lexas, tne 1 . rnyyn M Soulh Chicago, ' L-uaua. in a discourse unon uThe New . - ii.i n,.r u u.. I "Itenort of an interview b-'tween the , ... nmn I " ' 1 xier case la so reiiiaiaoiuie niau n mo chairman of the committee on Appro- , , j the whole of it was burned. Uncle Tom's Cabin." John Temple L 4. r u ;,,,;,,; vicerov. Li Hung Chang, and United The lo-ses will foot up almost $1,- Graves reaches a diametrically oppo- an j examulation by physicians. She Stales Consul Bowmau, held June 29, 000,000. A panic prevailed among site conclusion. Mr. Graves regards Was admitted to the Central Hospital 1893. priations, has Seen a prominent mem ber of that committee for years, and no higher praise can be giren his abilities j thg ,iving Jn thft localitj aUr- than to say mat ue nas long npuKcu . tb fi an(J tv.ousands 0f them 1 The Newbern Journal says that J. . Wheli--w.ia hn bjeu living near Aurora, Beaufori county, for about six ouths, h.is been arretel, charged a a the murder of his sou's wife's "ther in Texas six vear airo.' He will taken back to -Texas; by reqiiisition. V;A Maine .man has been tried - for taking in potatoes at one door of his Wo and selling them out of the other. -ihe trouble whs that one part of his Wu was in Main? and the other part "t flew Bruuswick. He bought ; potatoes in Cauada and, moving them f avosa the barn, sold thenr in Maine Paying duty. HHl T11K JU1.000, W ... .... a. Wliuteess tVktT lnaiec,uoa a ' It ,rUU4WN-S IHOX BITTF.KS. k. mojcIiis.- Let the geaaui- Ky., has a horse that goes .without a 0 fcDe Sam Randall of that commit- rider and rt gularly dnves op the cows I jn his methods f work aud mstan- eacheveiting. I taneous grasping of the salient points An oiiranized band of robbers is ax- of all subjects that come before the o -l aTii.-r citin the people of Watauga county, committee. Mr. bpnnger, ot Illinois 4 Thev take almost anything incMiug who was chairman ot the ways ana 1 - . . . I ... 11 . r -1 1T1 : uev. watches, sheep, barrels of wine Means committee m me last nouse, is . I ..I 1 . j e 1 1 ec 1 now at tne neaa ol us tuimuiucc uu . - " Kankinff aud Currency, which wilt Minnesota and the two Dakotas -.ri nart in he legislation of will harvest 100,000,000 busheU of h uouset aud Mr. Hollman, wheat this year, and the question is , - ,hairmaI1 oE the Appropria- where is the cash coming from to move tioas committee, is now as the head of the committee in Indian affaus, Albert G. Glover, the man who ap- where his work will be much lighter, a iiroDriated a large amount of Geo. W. consideration that his age made ini r ' - 1 . . i . Vanderbilt's urouey, while acting as portmt. The nunioer or isappoint- navmaster. was discharged by Judge menU is much smaller thau usual. j 1 . . 1 ..... i..'. . Amifield upon the paymentlof S,70U. JJy joiut resolution 01 congress me fled before it, leaving their property to burn. The excitement and conditions were unequalled since the great fire which destroyed the whole city twenty years ago t? Lindsay Dyson, an aged farmer, living near Caliban, Davie county,was found dead in his bed Wednesday morning, Aug. lu. His deatn is a mystery, audthe Winston Sentinel says some of neighbors entertain the opinion that he was foully dealt with. . ! If you feel weak and ,11 wprn out 'take provisions of the law providing for town site entries of land in Oklahoma have been extended lo. the Cherokee outlet, which is to be opened to settle ment at noon on September 16. Commissioner Lochreu has no ob jection to the carrying out of the latest Republican threat of applying to the courts for an injunction to prevent his suspending pensioners whose right tu be on tje rolls he belieyes to be fjueg the problem as so serious that solution . cpn.iniltr lfiftO. In Februarv. 189L "The Viceroy Li Hung Chithg 1 exists ouly in the establishment by the 8h0fei jnto a cataleptic slumber that quested Consul Bowman, on his return government of a negro State, into iastad uninterruptedly until last Thurs- to the United States, to calhipon Pres- which Africans are to be banished. On When admitted she was 20 years ident Cleveland hd to tate to him : the other hand, the Honorable Secre- -ol(1 She was first treated at t. Vin- ttl. That Viceroy Li appreciates the tary thoughtfully and impressively cent H0Spital, where she was listless good intentions of the President and off .srs the new and altogether tenable ...fi wouid scarcely talk with any one. Secretary of State, and thanks tbem The flames covered a vast amouut of j utierance that no such thiug as the I a fter her rurnoval to" Hie insane hos- for their efforts to secure kind and . , i l' il . . . rt il .1 . I. 1 .1.-1.; ..U! territory, and began at o o ciock in me liegro problem" exists, tie says tnat taj e took fOGa for a short time, just treatment ior uie unmese reuiMK afternoon. In two hours the suburb the negroes are working contentedly ghe became more cheerful and e- in the United SUtea. Q in ashesand the patiic stricken wnd npaeefullv. The whites are doing n dpsire to 1 s?o to her relatives M2. That Viceroy Li feels keenly ths a. a v - 1 r 1 a-a c 1 . . t exactly the same. There is no race war jn ireiHUd. After she passed into the unfriendly nature and injustice Ot the in the South. stuporj5he had to be fed artificially. Ueary law. In conversation with an editorial . y yAS 2iven her froni six. "3 That China will take no action wr;tpr of this moer Hoke Smith made , . , ., m. thereon jintil the next session 01 tu writer ot this paper, iiukc ouuiu u c ounces of mi k daily. The ,r .. , . l. ij - 1 u in tea state tyongress, in uib.uuj ittitude she maintained was that of a tuafc tne Geary AW will be modified or nnl were flving in all directions, anywher: to escape with their lives. k times the other parts of the city were crowded with them and wagons of all descriptions bearing the goods they had managed to save fuom their houses. So far as the police are able to learn not more thau three people were burned to death. The flames started at a three story brick building at the corner of Ninety first street and Superior avenue, and rapidly growing in volume under a gHle Ot Winu irum .wwoM j - - their way over block after block of small frame residences until they reached the lake. Within two hours the fire had consumed at le;ist thirty buildings and five blocks of the great est industrial suburb uf C the following statement and gave per mission to publish the same verbatim: I "The South passed through its finan cial stress last year. It then curtailet. expenses, ard consequently is in a fa vorable condition to stand the present season of distrust and contraction The South may be affected by tht stringency more during the next sixty days in its effort to haudle the cotton crop. "We certainly have undeveloped re-, sources in the South that nffoid intel ligent immigrants an excellent fieh for wo k. I think it could be safely quiet, peaceful sleeper, with the eyes closed and upturned pupils contracted anrl lint reSDOUSlVe to-light The doc tor thinks that she may live a few days longer. Vhen Baby vras sick, w pare her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Vhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wheat aha ha Children, she paTethem Castoria. repealed. "4. That if the next Congress de cides to enforce the law, China will re taliate, frieudly relations between the two countries will be broken off ani laws will be enacted looking toward; the expulsion of all Americans froia China. 4,5 That meantime instructions have been issued to all -ctn:.i; U take special care lu piw-wct. cm au.c;; can citizens living in China f roir vio Ifince." - . .

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