1 I Carolina wwgia Oouiitrr. August Si j "ill- S3 W 1,1 011 ' ' U i - f,k id. -A'""'- " - .. . i . . ..lit. llUlUg IUI MCCMinu t I'jrtcr -pe relative H..1, Pi, lit. Ill 1 1 1.," - - r.-v... Kuitiiu-K . Mill JtC t ii(tK in tlie - jtie..U'H is di't-ctcq.io 1. . iuu . a tx.!.... r. M-. 1 idutives. ML: 'l .rvcsia the city.- . Wri-dif, of Wilton, is in U:.h.:"7,L. Js with his friends. j5 Milk-r has been spenun.guc ' M l.Uhome ait Mtruuda. ,)ilstc .MfcM' " , ' irdav from the World's Fair. Mr CD lilalock.or ,orwow, . hUu-av toTriuity Monday iniueu. V"(. Morgan and children, leu, Til to rt:Je"Woodruhi,of ibe It. and D. vTlLn trouffcrrcd from the main line wthe Yadkin road. Tbeandsome residence of lr Murray o- We,t Maiu street in enclosed. Work bl)rogrfiraiiidly. " ftnator lt uisom has been appointed ou thc S-naK -committee relative to the Vlaif"VCcUtei",iaK -,Ir t. k Rumple, of Shendun, Va., has Wn in the city for several days visiting hbiiHieilsfuuiHy . i Ai r ri iHo F a., nas seiu. n fi,- Uruuswiek, On., now that the tallest' ' com" ;anuo1 be., seen. Very little damage was daue in Ihc city beyond thc-breaking down of sbade trees. ' -.' .. i f - ; i t i - - , . Mr. Vua.: I Foushee, for. .sixteen years clerk of 'the -Cbathuui court, and a man o great 'integrity of character and y.hc popularity iu. ins c-jaiiiy, tiietl ia.t Thursday .and uas oiu icd with iasuiiiu ii out if. y TivD:tirieT?Ms3AyaiYink Charlie ir.v'it 'of .Sinithjirove w;ig ojo;'d in j ii! tJiehi,oii lust Monday cUfirel with u !..; to forceiii entrauce ou i-ist bun l.iy i utcr 'Hit house ol hi brothff la law, AsUnry S:nithv wbere hisvifn ho had eit hiui the day before, Wat slopping. On last Saturday night -Mrs Mo! lie U, Iuscnbury took I he math of office i nd was f.iriiiiliy in slallfnl by the i i- r r i f i iMHii.!iicij or Jiiss iiiHry iv. iustuotirv ns wstlllitresH in the Concord post- oiii.e. , Mrs Iii-iibury iiad nliVd tlie office of assistant postmistress for sev eral years and quite . lately, with it the last uiontu, ii-rtd heea reapoint ed. " he trial of Ed :IIayne for killing of Ham Henderson, was ended Saturday iiijht, the jury returning a A'erdict of guilty of murder in the second degree. The case was ably conducted by Solici tor Long, on the part of the State.and by Messrs. Kluttz, Overman and Itobbins, for the defence. Solicitor Long closed hrs last- speech about 7 o'clock and the final the jury was made by Judge taker. The jury ertired about 7:30 -and were out only about hal fail hour &efoi-e rcjiceing their verdict. The trial attracted a great deal of attention aud the court house was packed when the verdict was rendered. Judg Whitaket sentenced him tolhe penitentary,for thir teen years. An appeal to the Supreme Court was mude by Hayues. iast speech c :harged to t' o'clock Whit r - Brojresvills Item3. Mr. A. Eudy, of Cabarrus county, who has been viiiihig his brother, Mr: lleiiry Eudyt part of hist week and t he lirst part of this week, returned hoirjeTueoday, VtVure "lad fu .learn that Mr. J. V. ZdcNeelv, wh has bseu confined to Li- room for rfome liuie with tj phoid fever, is improving and is.able to be out', again. We were visited rv a ;'04l rant ratvtr- day4 and 'farmers xte busy breaking land for wheat. Fodder puiling will te in fuil blast for a few weeks. Cultou isojeniug iu some loealitii-s. Tlt-e ht;vek of the Mooresville Cotton Mills was completed Monday; it is 80 fuel and live inches high. The painters are bmy at work )aintiog the interior of tle biiiltJiug, and nanus are digging. out the resi rvoir. The machinery will ar rive some time in September. v. " lhe town coiniuissiuiu;rs met in ad journed session last Monday anu elected ii. V . Kerr, cotton weigher.' Mr. J. 51. JJeaton was elected coustable, , victj S. S. Denny resigned. An ordinance was passed making it a misdemeanor to play ball on the streets and imnosjui' a utie ol five dollars foreaeh olfen.se. Ou Monday last Mi8 Mamie Steele, who lives near lroHiect church, Kowhh county, was bitten by a strange dog sup posed to be mad. She left for Charlotte ou Tuesday in search of a mad stone. The dog was killed the next morning. The above is one of the, mauy cases of this kind that happen uow-a-dayS, aud we are inclined to believe that if the member!? ofour last Legislature had bad enough courage to stand up aud defend the in terest of the people instead of sucn worthless dgs, such milit not happen A large number of people are attend ing the AVorld's Fair at Chicago, aud will be absent some tune. Some of the party will return by way of NiagaraFalls and Canada. C 11. A. . .,i,i4,lt!.Hill IU reatcMi AvillO'ow fever. M-:s ,-M?Hi.ie Watson leaves today for OxfJnl b. i-'iie her duties as teacher in -theOryluuuge asylum at that place. !1 of tli Democratic Congressmen void f..r free cuinage at 1J to 1 : e.tle .. . i. in.-aibi.-r, voted against IliC !.;,"" - free to .uiiye. : 1,1 f.ir.reit-rA valuable -farm lying m out-kiits ol .S.iliHiry is ion eui, 10 reiiabU- heater. Apply soon to, t A.J-. Johnson. Puwiiunend Johnson's Magnetic Oil ''"forrLeuniatism, neuralgia, sprains, bruisev ;iameb;iqk, it quickly relieve pain. Edwin CttlJirt'lllfialislmry.X.C. We lilinH Mianks to the young people ufWiilvviilc tor ai invitation to a pic Hie on the tar;a ol CoT, .It. II. Cowan to- H). -liessie- lleudersou and Alice -i'iiMwell.Dr W. W MelCenitie and Jas. b.iithi'r returned Saturday niht from a Vwito Miss .M-.iry Davis, in Slatcsville. s The V. M. .'. A. "is now in charge .' ilairv Tvswii. J. K.'-Coit has n-siii'ned Jiis jMisitioiras neral -ecreian and ira-iim-it-dVie poailion of supeiinlcndcnl of ilie Salisliury Cotton Miils, . An Alliance gathering was held at KiuH-liviDc, this county, last Friday. Dr. ,1'y. Thoiipsoii-, of OTisiow county, Statt AUiance lecturer, Samuel Archer, ol Chiilutte made addresses. Ucv. X. S. Jones returned Friday from -Yadkin cmintv where he has beeu as.-i.sl . U)i S. C Cash well in a protracted meet ing near Cana. He reports a very suc cessfu! meeting and that there were W tweeu 30 and 40 couverts. Hoii. John 'Henderson, chairman of the House l'ostollice conmittee, has tendered" tln clerkship of that committeo to ex- Mayor T., C. Linn, of this city. Mr Linn ili accept the position and. will 'soon leave for Washington to begin work. The ViJette has been merged into 'the Watcilman', thus giving this paper about doublo the circuUliou it formerly had. It has, furthermore, double the circulation of any weekly published in the city, aud iittherefore the best adver tiding medium. Advertiser, note ibis ! ,t'hailc.s Armstrong, who was charged withrtlie killiijg of -Maggie Murphy, was release,! from custody Friday, Solicitor wax entt-ring a-nol pros.' The evidence Jipou which a true bill for murder was found against Armstrong was purely cir-cuiustauiial-aud the solicitor was couviu eed that the woman was accidentally - killed. Rev. Mr. Parker Dead A telegram received in tbexity this morning announced the death at Mt. Aiay,of Iter. T.-.W. S. Parker, for mer parster of the Church utreet Methodist church, iu this, city. Mr. Parker's death was duo to a mis take, lie had sent to his doctor for five grains of quinine, but at the lime the messenger called, lhe doctor was absent. His son was in the office aud volunteered to lill the prescription. It appears that he measured out the required quantity of morphine, instead of quinine. This Mr. Farker took, and wheuJiis condition was discovered, he was beyond, medical aid. His wife and one child survive. The body will arrive here tomorrow night, and will be interred in Elm wood cem etery, Wednesday. L'refs zf General Nature. FOTTKTEEN KILLED Faith Items. Correspondence Watchman. Me. Editor: Will you be kind enough to priut a few lines from Faitb? . Ve are having a freshet at this time which farmers have been looking for, for sometime. The rain began to fail at iii about 10 p. m", last night and has been falling ever since up to this writing. The corn is -blown flat to the ground. .Cotton is opening in some places, I notice. The abundance'of fruit is about over iu this section. The repairing on St. Paul's Lutheran church is going on. An addition ot 12 feet is bei.ui; put to it. - Work is also iioing on on the Organ church. - This is one of the oldest church es in this vicinity. It will soon reach its century. There' is a ereat d al of le pairing neing aoueon n, among wnicu is a tin root being-put on, and tne clay in the cracks removed and cement put in its place. , The 'daughters of Mr. M L. Barber were thrown from u buggy on Sunday hist, by the horse -tun dug away. -They were dahcd agaiusi a -batik of dirt but iiu serious damane was dune. The brandy "distilleries are carrying listing of five cars. J wo ot these were the; day iu i his m -ighborhiMHl. The bush- completely demolished ami a third uver- es arc fu;l sind some of them are being turned. ' run ou ihu blind. 0;mT fellow is making Tiie cngine of the Rockaway train eve wate1. - - dashed tlirough the two rear cars and If the Uiind lead the blind both shall was wrecked, the broken timbers bem fail into the ditch. F. A. IioNNKT And Seventeen Terribly Mangled in a Collision. Long Island City. Auirust 28. One of the most fearful railroad tragedies that ever occurred in this section happened just after midnight bunday morning. The Rockaway Beach train that left at 11 o'clock can into the Long Island Beach traiu near Newton, while the latter wa just pulling out of the block where it had waited to allow aaolher tram to get a safe distance ahead. The iMuunailaii train Was a special con- , Mr. W. T). Crew? a prominent citi Z'uof Granviile county M dead. ilev. F. S Starretle, ?who formerly lived iirL'!i..rloite is tojstintii weekly paper utCiiaptl ilill. " ' . ' , " , An Oxford andl utsvi lie f rain ran over and killed a white m-ii, ia Dur fiuin Saturday alteruouii. The Mt-senger says Hint 118 iiiiwai ploj ed futnil ics were fed in VViliuiiig toii last Saturday bj ciuLrihutions made by the citizens. - . . ' '"' llev. Dr. lial?,suninludntof the Oxford Orphan Asylum is n noted as say ing t hat ujj less money - comes in speedily thirty eight of the orphans will have to be dismissed. Contributions t his year are few, it appear., aad t here is pushing need of money. There are now G child re u in the asylum. YV. J. Poythress who up to "a short time ago, wat an agent of the Singer Manufacturing Co., at Concord, N. C, was tried in the Criminal court at Charlotte last week, convicted, and sentenced to 4 years on the chain gang for embezzling money of the said com pany. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 11. J. W. Storry a white, man employed as woods man at llerlong'a turpentine-camp, was found murdered under an oak tree last night on the outskirts of Lake City; He was last seen with a inau named David sou. The two had been . takiug iu the town over Sunday. Storry's head was crushed iu both before and belaud and he lived only a short time, lie formerly belonged iu Dooley couuty, CJa. Yokk, Pa, Aug. 22.--About two hun dred disability ijeostous have been uspended. already in York couuty. This is nearly one-fourth of the whole number in the county. Among the unfortunates is an eld man named Topper, a Democrat and a Catholic. Fopper celebrated Cleveland s re elec tion with a keg of beer. A very serious accident occurred in Goldsboro yesterday just as the train from Wiiunngtou pulled in A son of Mr. Will Hunter was rid ing a bricycle along the street aud a man in a sulky was driving rapidly in tbe opposite direction, both looking at the train, .when they collided; the bicy cle was smashed all to pieces, and young Hunter was run over by horse and sulky. He was terribly injured, his breast torn open and his leg broken His injuii 's are thought to be fatal. X. 0. Chronicle. SSSSSSSS S Swift's. Specific s s s s s s s s s s s icsica Remedy o rvr ad -c.f j. Blood and Stia f Disocsoo A rt!ibl ear for CooUtImm O uU Asd Skio Caacet. O A m toelc for dcltcAt Whmi ' - tuCJUMrcaitlMSMAiwi. g BclacMrlyTctAbte,lbm. o Jw ta lta effects. O P1?.- Blo mm KktDta. O -uuca rmsc oa appUcAUus. W IrugffiU tll It, Q swift spEcmcca, 2 ssssssss: xscrtption to eUhtrTbe CaiumUab Airrlcullur jt l he Ladles' ltova? lUc uint, two ot tbe cbolcrat istntrd pertodlCAls of tbe day. TUBEU DOLLARS A WEEK FOR LIFE. DKKX IS A SAP FOB BlAINT P KOTLK TB Lataw Tuisa Oct. , In order to Introduce The r&nii.n A4..ni,n rlst Into Nw boinea, toe publlsbera bato dkld to present an unosaalir AUracUve tWArd uai for their ret Eighth Half YeArty Utenrr AacUob iwi me wuiuucr ut iwi, wBtcB CKMetuct. L They rnujrwi into a wni Atrieemeat to dat llow to H ACCRA a Kawabk Those who Orcome laBecemanrlslo take a lew nheta uf mwr .. make aU i he words j-o ctn oat of the letters Iu the turee words. "World's Columbiaji Kviwttin ADdsendtlietntoas, Inclosuij i tor six toonth or T Illustrated The sender ot the largest list wUI receive S3 per " " jbu, i,ov m Koia; ara. sooo; 4in. ttun MU, $to; cthuTlcket (o ih wocia Klr Aud ten days expenses; pUnos. orrans, ladVea' And Kents, gold and silver WAtches. surer tea serTleeH, duuuondrtnes,AnAoTerlO.j other rewArds. n. klny altogether the mo-t TalUAble prUA UM ever of. rred bj any pabuatoer. bend tor pruned list of twiiucr ii utn luurrx. Itcues. 1. Foreurn or obsolet words not count. ed J. Letters cannot be used oftener than thar AppeAr In the words World's Columbian Kxpol-' not bo used, because there Is but on -A" In' the turee words, etc. 3. Names ot persons And plser s burred. 4. No charge tor pAcxI&g or shipping, but : All prize winners t hi be expected to help us to ex-1 leclonr clrculauon. t. All Usta eonutnlng orer 1J0 correct words will receive a special reward. Judgas. The following well-known gentlemen have consented to act as jadges And wla see lhAt the priz are fairly awarded Oonuuodor CAk-utt. (PropilctorCAlcutl's lta of MteAraers), Peterbor ough. And Mr. W. Koberitioa. President Ttmea prin ting Company, Peterborough. oests Waktid We pay 1 tol per d Ay sAlary (no commission) to uicn, women, boys sad girts. Write for particulars. Kegtster All money letter. Address, Aokiccltcbist Pes. Co., (Ltd), Peterbor ough, Can Ada. hid Xr?i ' -Ci" A . JbL the One of them will do usuallv rentiireti of work This is no idle talk we mean it. Na doiibt it looks big toyou7 but their Purchasing Power during the remaining days of our CLOTHING SALE will bo greater than ever before. If you will come into our store during the remaining days of this sale we will prove o you this fact )Ve MUST reduce this stock to make room tor our Fall and Winter goods. ? We are rcceivih- our Fall goods and will take great pleasure, in showing them to vou. -7 " IN-& C 1. II . Ay ii n 1 i bM tt il r m n rt a r m mmmmmm When George Francis Train was on the top rung of prosperity, and before he became craukv, he turned over $2J0,IK)0 to his daughter to guard .g;ii;it c-n! ingeiicis. He now re ceives from her $12 a week, the sum Kxed by himself, $5 of which he spends fur a room aud i for board and inci ilentais. He says if he had another dollar he wouldn't know what to do wiih it. Traiu was at one time one DIJulian&Sons Call nottce to the fact that thy bAV rsmoved the Hiock from their store room under the Central Hotel to their old store-on Fisher StrtAt. We hsve MORE GOODS tnnwcnke Ior. and In order to reduce our stock will offer SPECIAL BARGAINS for the next THIRTY DAYS IN DRY GOODS. Call and be convinced that we can save you money by buying from us, D. R. JULIAN & SONS. NorwoouT Notes. This p:irt of the business world is still lull and farmers are blue over the dul-m-rs of tbe iuoify market, so.if there are any s: rayjloll.r around riali.sbu.ry and no one to claim them plcae send them down this way. Xir. 1). II. l'erry, -while crossing Rocky driven into its boiler aud machinery iu u friirhtful manner. On these broken timbers were empaled of the leading spirits in the great eu- a number ot passengers whose sulleriugs ternrises of tlie day. were terrible. A man left the scene and walked hur riedly to Long Island City for help, but it was an hour before the rescuers, with - t . l . : . I .... 1 . 1. . a numoer oi pnicana, .eacucu u.r A dispatch to the Enquirer fr..m scene. - i ... , . , , , - , The dead and wounded were extracted ttlutlton, inu, says mac jack uousn, Executor's Notice, llavinur uualilied as executor of the last will aud testament of Naucy C Liugle, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said deceased to present tnem to tte unaer sinned, duly authenticated for payment on or before the 25th day of July, istH or this notice will be plad in bar of their recovery. And all Dereons indebted to said deceased are hereby notinea to make mmcdia:e payment ef said lndebteaness. This he 24th day of July, R. CULBERTSOK, JXtT. Born in a Coffin. and broueht to Long Island City, two ol a prominent farmer, charged with pui- . . . ... i.... .i i.... I t iin tv-i mm f ii on i. r i in suveiiLPen ti viii? I cnn i n ir ,i77i 1.1 iv arr.ir iwiruvina iwr a .ii lo liei- nuiis oeiwceu iui in .. . . -rf - j,,,, .v....j...0 ..v.., . ... , u.. I i i I i f t ins wa'-un wheel, l he n;;n measurea 3 o .j. narrcwiy escapeu lyucning ounuav yX IlcrU IS UUUUv ilo iu uj ua iu wtamc Engineer.O Lu Donaldson, of the Hock a - sn r j ti ! n kept by Keeper Nutt, were set at safety, was seen to throw a package into her and the fog was -so dene he did not see yanl, which she picked up. Soon after the train until too late aud ouly had time ;sj,e Jje jn awful agony. The remains to shut dowu brakes, reverse his lever, ,vere exh timed and it was found that when ho aud his hreman jumped tor . ,. . .. . i i IMhM V ' m 11V niviit tio ws a iva .x aa w-'aa River one day lasi week, hala large cat iliClK1?. , Mhvl,'iini!ie Ingram of Lilesville, is visiting her-daughter, Mrs. W. F. Shan kle, this week. ' Mr. J no. W. Lentz, of Richmond county is speialing a lew days with his father, Mr. E;i Lentz. Died, on last Saturday at her home - ii .i .ii.: l i i T night, tne raou oeing ciiiueu. Lrzie had accused Roush of her ruin and he near Union Hill, Mrs. Margaret Kendall", wile of Mr. Frank Kendall. Mr. Thos, Colsou is ou the sick list this week. We, hope he will soon be out again. . M r. DC Swariugen, their former clerk, will leave next Monday for Baltimore where he will take a 2-years course in pharmacy. Mr. ii. I). Blaloek left on Monday's train for New Trinity, where he will euter School. The storm of wind and rain which pass e Mrs. Roush' lirst hits- t W At I! Ak ThPt lflvir n-fis found reversed when the m Comn. eiiKiue was examined. band died suddenly while ltousli was Keener Nutt claims that the eijjnnh court iu her some years aro. but susni- were uot set at satety, anu mis was iouuu clolls were quieted. IU "V i rue louiiy. Strict in Vftetiirut ion is beinsr made so as to place the blame on the proper per-1 Brunswick's Appeal. SOIlS. - " T lt,Ar.aAnla st Itio ITi.Ifft.l Snts. The Brunswick, Ga., relief committee X desires to place lefore the country the He Cut to Kill. n,.,.v-. .,-t, a ;..r.,cf on V.mimI actual state ot anairs of tnis place, w nne nct..-.oivw, v. : ..i i m,. uni iu - - i i ... , . . i i i i ncrc nuvc wtu iuico nuuuuuucu umv 1 throuiih this section on -last Kunday muii u ma iuui.ti.o ur.u, . Ilf v,low fover and it ia honed there wt uiirht and Monday did considerable dam- brutal attack to-day at 14 o ciock upon b others, the destitution aud sutTerim; age U- the corn and cotton crop, blowing nls wtfe, Lvdta lhompsqii. Hiatt entailed is as great as if there were an went to the shanty where his wife was epidemic. Our every avenue of susteu- it wort- w-.iclii nr .lnrht4 Hir back ance is cut off, our workshops are closed belVg - turned toward him she did ftoriea deserted, our entire business . l A-i i :i urostratetl, aud under the most favorable not notice ins emmiic iiuui ne saiu: .otKiitjons 8ome time must elapse before "Lyd, I have come to kill you, and at .4 resUmptioii of business. We reluctant- once gr.ihbed her by her throat and y appeal to tbe generosity of a charita- commenced stabbing her. She was hie people to sustain us through the or- iHt '...its.. n , hrtad and shoul- dea. The sit uatiou has beeu thoroughly . V W m down trees and fences. The Carr Acad emy (col.) was blown down aud badly damaged. Boskie. Cottonville Locals. We bad a very heavy rain Monday and hard wind, doing much damage to corn, cotton, fruit trees, etc. The death angel has visited this com You IN PRICED ! Know from l Experience We Mean What We Say! We .now offer All of Our Goods at Qveatly Reduced Prices! SALISBURY PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. Corrected tceekly by ZbJJVf n d Sons Butter, h) neeswax, Bacon, (conntry) Lard, Corn. bush. Meal, Irish potatoes, Onions, Oats. Wheat, Flour, per sack Poultry, hens, each Spring chickens, " u 44 44 12J to 20 00 to 20 lHto 12 12Jtol4 50 to 52 00 to 00 40 to 50 00 to 50 00 to 35 00 to 00 $1.75 to 2.75 25 to 30 12 to 17i 10 KJ GLQTHINfi (CO. Continue To Give Advertuement of a lost Day. Tbe Bftlisburv Roller Mill i anld 105 bg of Hour, Tuesday 29th. They are running n full time and selling as fast M they cab make it, This flour was all cwusmacd iirthis city, Imt 3 bags going to the country." Mr. J. S. MCCubbius, uwuaer, says if sales continue as good tey will be -compelled to ruu at uight. ihUspouks well for their goods. There was a pleasant entertainment given by the young-people of Mt. Tabor church last Friday night, consisting of rending, recitations, tableaux, a magic ,ante?" show, -etc. After the entertaiu lueut refreshments of all kinds were rved. The receipts amounted toil's. A good many from the city went out and returned well pleased with 'theft trip. Our readers will please excuse any de - ficieuciies in the paper ; while the editor is f! 4 he local editor has had verv lit- l,6 exnerieni-tt n tho ..i;rw;.ii iiunori. "eat, and owing to tliis lack of experi ence ajKl extra amount of work thrown ufHu him, he begs the indulgence of the aders of the Watchman for any defi f weueies therein. Kfnni-f. .t . ..... 1-v.i, iiUU1 ine country say mat tne cros are seriously damaged by the Qrta- c'orii and tobacco are especially j imaged, corn being blowu so flat that a great part of it will rotund the tobacco v -a 9 6p .ifc to shreds bv the wiud eauvassed aud the appeal is not prema ture. We are here to stay " innv " Th folorpd nmnlA h morning irom a . , - nt uar aii tbia . V " f i "s rpu ll nfciflrnuM Mm. ITiiiiiIaII had I uuv '" "t4 ".. an inucpeuucunippcii ior AIU... f iM'k f I ' v v kf.m - - - i , . i . - . . i i : i . x i i . i a -i ; j : !-.. r ir..j..i l i mt : i . .1 . n I eauvasseu muuity u.yMu. .una. rev ivcimm., aers. 1 Here were nine cuisuiiogeiiici.i , ... . 2- flr.w. nnmfi wlmt ir .,f it. p: Knd l died about l L. u . .M .i kJure. e are here to stay come u , . V -ir; Vi i ' " . i ne pilVKiCiaus iu awieimaucc uci i n o cioeic .ast cnaiuruay morning irom a I1UI sicikUl-ss. iiiis.ivoimaiiuu . . , . . ... . i . . lived to bo vcrv old Bbe was a cood aiternoon anu mere uu proujoj.ii,j nei iuim uro uuv sucui m uuus 1Mv christian lady aud was loved by all who of her recover;. Hiatt immediately visions broadcast, but all who are able to knew her. , gave himself up to the authorities, and work are piyen employment at cleaning Mr. Wm. Ramsey, while turkey hunt- stttU.d .j,. ne he had foiled her. UP the 8trcel!l- inglast week, was accidentally shot by His intention was to get a pistol and "7I7T S,ver 1 a y W lH.t his wife and the" kill himself, but $100 Reward $100. Snnie of our neonle irot bitten hv the failinj' to do this he borrowed a com- TK ilfiP. (,f .i,;, n:.ner will be "vtirra ofihe stiTl'' last week and werelmon pocket knife with which he did pjeay(i ejifn that there is at least lliatt ana uis wire n.w li),1.ou,i0 iAusa that science has till V VltVIIVIVM A ' been able to cure in all its stages, and t hat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires aconjdi utional Ireament. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up on the blood ind mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the very sick for a while. I the work. Mr. C. W . W est has bought a "fine new t r , toiZetiier for ; a number of Uuf?.. i?. f num...u Years, as Hiatt was so trifling she .31 r. Ol eye i ui Lilian, vi aiwuiai w I - - ,,, . j 1113 ; t.-n tSit. Thm-mlav. I would not allow him around. He had I Thomas A. Davis is coins to enter threatened her life before, but had school atPalmerville soon. failed up to this time to accomplish his . - i Mr. W. P. Crump is going to make an addition to his dwelling of a new dining purpose. mom. The protracted meeting at Zion church TENNESSEE DEPEEADOSS. lastjveek resulted in the conversion of 1 M-UmlDjrton star, By Mrs. Lydla II. Slgourney. Lost! lost! lost! A gem of countless price, Cut from the living rock And graved in liradi?e, : Set round with three times eight' Large diamonds clear and bright. LotL Where the thought!! throng In fashion's rnnzc wind, Where trelleth folly' ong, Leaving dng behind; Yet to my hand, 'twA gia A golden hArp to buy, Such a tbe white-robed choir Attun T deAthles minlrlij. Lostl lost lost! I feel all scArch in vain; ThAt gem of countless cot Can ne'er be mine Again; 1 offer no reward. For, till these hearts-stringi ever, . . i : I know that heaven-iniruncu Is reft away forever. " But when the seA And Una Like burnin? scroll hAve fled, 1 11 see it ia His hand Who judgeth quick and dAd And when ot acAthe And lo, That men CAn ne'er repAir, The deAd inquiries meet mf fcnri, What shall I answer ther? Summer Goods way Low Down I Down I I DOWN ! !j Carpets and Mattings at prices never heard of before for good quality. A lot of Fine White Goods at prices which will make you buy them, even if you don't need them. E,SH0E3 close out at 2." percent. les than. COST ! JEJI Come and get Your Share of Our Bargains ! LITTIAl &' LICHTEBEIi S. Corner Main and Inniss Str's, SAMsnrrty, N. Cr -U-WMJ' MM UA UUI Will for the next 30 DAYS to make room for their FALL STOCK which will soon be in. A few suits left that we can give 50 per cent. DISCOUNT on former priees,some at 3:-, "LOTS'- of them at 25 per cent. These hijr discounts sound "funnv" hut there is a "secret" to it that enables us to do just what we say. All styles of Hats, Trunks.-) alines, Grips, Shawl-straps, fcc, and the best and cheapest line of five aud one admissiou-to the church. The expect e not come off. Visirvti i.E Antnist 2Ti.-A rosse of foundation of the disease, and giving nature in do le proprietors hare m I A The expected weaamgot last wees am . , i .It . i. h. i Luildinvun lb. ' o ,. ..HM..1.12 Mmiifiul t r urroc in ln I lull T. vtrn lt 11 lV DllUUiniT UJ lUc ..jjg nriue'Toom a air. ""'r0" " w un.u vuv ,.. ..w...q--. -j w C . , " I I. I L 1 .. . I . . - ! . .. t" 1 ' . . n:i. r... IVud Virrii.i f a.1 to a uanu oi coioreu roouers iu a uous-e ucur cotntitutioil ami assisting t I I I llll'l I. UUJ V ASM" I . . I ind Miss Bettie is nompsou s hiauon av uu chi iy uour inis ,u;r,s, W0lk. ,TI. lftwiiK tl trmibltri bear. moruiug, wueu wverui suow were urcu -.,..1, i, ,:U 1 .a i-nriitive DOWerS. Last Thursday night some one at Rocky by the inmates ot the house, 'lhe posse - f Hnndred Dollars River Springs ut Mr. I. S. Henderson's -turn tne nre .ustauny Kin ng iitu - j - ure -J Q UrOKe I lVu WUV V A VUV W LAVA A ti,ll 1 " J - w r k; Mo thinVe hf uer, a memocr 01 mc vinsv was wouuutu ror use or lesiiiuoumis. knows who did it, and bell innt .lrttli t.ia orwl nnrtains a . - 1 ... . . I..nM inAinlMl. ftf tlia HA A' O II' .11 1 1 1 elieves it was by a bullet in the hand fired by Thomp- ,iai ess. F. J. CllF.NEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Ill 1 1 on the market Just rec d. to-day a nice "new line ol Negligee Shirts for only 1.00. We claim to be LEADKKS in Gent's Furnishings. Our. customers claim that we are LEADERS in Low Prices. "SEE!" Yours anxious and able to please. ClOTlbWCO. SALISBURY, H. C. FIRE CLUf HlcnS. ROSEBS mmmmmmmammwmsKMmmmcsaaaBBBammmat. done for spite. Jug. H. Jiux. . 1 r. . 1 ... . -ii . I i&oiijusc Detore tue latter was Kiueu-i .i.i i.v nr,1(Triti I ' " " vn' .. . n in jail to await trial. - Inflamed itching:, burning, crusty and The s.'uly skin and scaly oil iufants soothed river is rpnnrtoil oti -.-o. ftiaimfi onrl iiirpd bv Johnson's Oriental 8oan. and the crops so submerge 4 that the Sole by Edwin Culhrell Salisbury lj . p. i gS BROWN'S lilOfl BiTTZP.S Curtm Indigestion, BUiousnes. Dypflsia. M.ila riu, Nervtovsncn, and (ioneral Debility. I'hysi riaus reeutunicud it. All dealers Ml it. Genuine hfM Uadtt mark aud crossed rc-d Hues uu wrair Marion, AngnstSO.-Tfce jurt .in i the case of the State against J. T. On Inn, .i:,.r f the Krpe Luice. for libel, came evi uui v- , in at 11:15 a.m. to-day anu announeeo. that they couhl not agree and a uiislri al was had. The defendant is bound in the sum Dt $1,000 to' appear -at next ......t n;a i.ist half the1 amount of Cltllb. M f- Z. , . o bud. TBewffTttOTd 8f acquittal aud four f&ffioii fiction. Vou want good, pure goods at low prices, don't you ? Tlien go to JULIUS EARNHARDT'S, where are kept PUKE FRESH GK0CEKIE8, uch as Flour, gord country Hain Potatoes (seed and eating), Cabbage, and everything el you want KUo a new line of GOOD SHOES, which I am offering Very Cheap. A-full line of DUY GOODS and NOTIONS always kept in stock. gAttention, Farmers! I am now also sellii.g the BANNER FERTILIZER cheap for cah, or on time. Call to .-re me ln-fore biding elsewhere. J. S. Troutman. T. J. Rab or Fits, dizziness, hysteria, wakefulness, wul dreams and softening of the brain quickly cured by Maguetic Xeryine.Sold by Edwin Cuthrell Salisbury N. C, 1 radODimnXIbtt ' cand at bosio withf at pAiAbBaM of pi licnlAnsrat FREE. BJC.WOOLLEY.M.D. ttaau, Cb, 02ic Wl.ii4;hAl.ls C. B. Webb. WEBB, TROUTMAN & CO I'llOl'ItlETOltS Salisbury Marble Works. LAROB VARIETY OF MARBLE ON HAND TO SELECT FROU- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 1

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