Carolina Watchman. LOCAL BRIEFS. rTg WATSON. LOCAL AND ClTV EDITK. .TJlUltsWAY' September 7, i&93 ; FOE SALE ! The Southern Vidette, located at Nor- 1 wu0d, X. C established in 1S8T, with a weekly circulation of ,600, jmd a fairly I jyili advertising patronage,, is for sale. Tlie i!u't contains a first, rate 7-CuIumn Wasl)iSt ha,1(l P'ess a lule" j,jb , 1re-is, almost Usisood aus new; two large nrvvxpaiwranrf two job coniposrngtone; ' two first-clas job cabinets, four double uews stand and about 50 cases and fonts "'ofjnoderii display and job. type; besides 273 pounds of long primer, 100 pounds of brevier and 7 pound of nonpareil body typo; most of which is almost as good as new; also, fonts - of labor-wivfciR brass t,;uWc .leads, renltts. ftlucs, and '..H .l.nd tools needed in a first- H it" "-.- - , . class Sprinting office. This do-irable printing oulGt will be sold on very easy teruia to a responsible Tmrchaser. ior Mother piirticuiars apply to or address. ! J. W. 3IcKen2Sk, Proprietor, Salisbury ; X. C. ' I loii. John S. Henderson was at home a few dais this wect. Frank Irvin has accepted a position in the store of T. F. Young. Mr. and Mrs- J. II. Uarman have return ed from a visit to Manoiu ,Ii-s IJassie K rider left Monday- for Hickory to teach in the Ciaiouiout Col lie. - John K. Sloop is spending this week with fiu-nd and relatives a this Lome near 21 ill Hi idi'., ' J no. Mj.Morgan has opened a plumbing k!kJ) in one ol tao rooms in the Smil laical Liiiidiiij; on Fi-lier street. KeV 0. A. Hose was unable to (ill hi irjipoiatjiiciit at tiie Lutheran-church Sun ' day nijiit on account of sickness-. The liiX books for year are now in ! tlif hands of SlierUf Monroe, who is j r Hily and airxiotTs to give -receipts 'to all taxpayers- Mr.W.L Imirle, of Mill liride lift Tiiusilav foi I nion Tbcologicai Seminary llniiiiMleii Mdnev, a,, to take a: Cviiise 't' . ,h , - i i in theoUgv iu that institution. . i - " 'Tli"ie were lSHnaniaes in Cal an us ci.uWy daring the monih of August- kivs lr'S!nrHhiJ-'L Times surely must be bct Ijt taiiun us i ti.iu in ii.o .van. " flhe ltcvoki:ion, a "newspaper begun ii L'hii lotto, hus-buspviidcd lir six weeks liiUisi to the dull liuirs. li will jcmhuic . Iiuii.icatioti, it is said, alter six weeks. Tueali.-lui y Liteiuiy eife'e w ill meet Mttti iir. ai ii SVi-t. W: 11. Ovuinuii, Kri ;y evciiiilg Sept. Si h at S o'chm-ic. All - UieinUtis are iai l.uslly lequcsicd to be lUCU'llt. - Juhu M. li all, has been promoted from tiaveiliug '-jmsseiiuer of the liich- r Lioud and Dativiile rail.oatl to the posi tion 1 of division passenger agent with licdd quarters at llichmoud, Va. i Wpenj iyed very uiuclMiie plain, prac tical knuoti of lie v. C. G. Vaidell, ai the 'hejytcriiin chinch last. Stmday morn Iiijt.. The Christian church generally lu'vds'to. hear more of such sermons to ""Hakeii it to a sense of its dutv. I Mrs. William Smilhural, who has been jSuiously sick for some time, dii d Tuch- dv morLini:, a red 46 .year.-. She was a - clwit-ijtt, lauy ancj ., mculi)cr of St. John's lutlieran church, this city. She leaves liiHltiuid. a ' largo la oiily, and many mourn her loss- L The new opera hou.-e. is abcut complet daiul is cpiite a credit to tLe town, 'i he firM'Uy, the "Alabama" will be pro duced" inxt . inicsduy evening. l1' is jir'oiiounctd . !ood one aiul will doubtless be greeted bJ a full huUe. The Videlle hr.s been nicvsjed into the tcumak, - thus giving this iapcr Wt double the ciicuhttiou rtr formerly Itilus, furthermore, double the rcuhuion of aify weekly published in l'ucity, and is therefore the bet adT?r- ''X medium. AdyertUer., note this I 3V. Dr. J. A. Spie-ht, editor of'tluH wWviMm 1? : .. ...:n ...a..: c .i... . I " iciire noui i lie 'ff editorial duliesof the p.ipcr, in tj tke a test. The editorial work liev. George Wharton, of yncHville: Dr. Speight will continue f Wsiness management if the Baptist. f'P'has. Price has lieen appointed isi-jiicouiHel for' the receivers of the niuoiid & Danville railroad in this c,v'ce Judj;e Schenck, who becomes if sbealih. We arc glad to learn of this ,ratioh of Ca,t . Price who is compe Und worthy cfthc position, Tl, r - ' .; : . ' - -noran Filter was sold ti an. At j nta company la,! Thursday. ' Messrs; ; . w.hiol the llaukinicholas Glass com' 'till - lu chased tho filter and uirtr actare il ou large scale in At ttft Ve ar lllilt the compiuiy here - . i a royalty on evcy filter sold. al1 "ttentioji to a card of. the luib Al"u,,ce Fir AXsoiiation in IL J !'0,u,nn- An appeal is made to 1U , I,le uf the county bv'tho associa- F,it!aiWral suriort at its coim'ug ' and 6tb, 1893. We itde,7 wm K've it that support which . and by so' advance the 4 of both thg toiynand Dr. J. B. Shearer, of Davidson. College, preached an excellent sermon at. .the Presbyterian church in this city Sunday evening. .--.-. ; N : fiaT'Our subscribers in the count ry who arc due u$ for subscription for. the WatciimaNj and cannot pay cash, will plea83 remember that we wilr take in payment for theirpapef corn, wheat oats, .flour, meal, potatoes, pea, onions, diied fruit, bacon, lard, butter and wood, for which will pay- them the highest mar ket price. The Richmond .& D.mville railroad Company, has made a cut i if the salaries ol all employerwho reecivellOOpeuibiUh aiid over. CapU CLreen, jjjeheral manager; Sol Haas general traffic m.tnr;;er; tiiy gen eral I'reiglTt and passenger manager, til liave4their salaries cut 20 per cent; the men under them are cut 15 percent., and all those whose salaries arc $100 and over are cut 10 .per cent. Ee-Unicn-of Confederate Veterans. Headquarter Cvl.Cliarlc F. nhcr Camp, Xo. 319, 17. CV7r. Thday, September, 14th, havin- ueeu "i""' us Ui,j 1U our annum . ., . ... r , , re-union and election of officers, it is my pleasure to call you to meet at the court house in this city on that day for that purpose, and for any other business that may come before the camp. I wish every ineuibeTto attend, and invite all old sol diers in the county who have not already done so to come on that day and enroll their names as members-of Col. Charles F. Fisher Camp, No. 319. The usual good dinner may be expected. James RCbawford Col. Com'd'g. Cicebo 11. Barker, Ad't. A CARD. To our former patrons and fellow citizens of Rctvan and the adjoining counties : The Board of Directors ami oflicers of the Piedmont Alliance and Iudustral Union FairAssociation make thefolloAv ingsHatement and appeai: BRETifBlON: Owing to circumstances over which the preseiit management had absolutely no control, and which cauuot bo remedied by them nyorv, we find our selves on the eve of a u other fair, in debt and without lunds. This is a humiintiug condition of affairs to the men whose names you see uifixed to this article, and one they dont intend lo continue very long- Our, ground, builditg and truck can be put in perfect -older, with a small I ...1 I t.i t. .f .1 Mil ttll ! I.f Uiwl (lik ing at once. " , . . 4 . W e 'propose hold: ng our 4th Annual -.j,. ou tin-3.d,4arai;d o.ii, oi O. L l)cr, liio, and sec irb rra.soii why il should notbe the best fair ever held here. We propose by a j.idicious economy and watchfulness, to curtail needless ex penditures and to make it do , what all F.drs sh .uld: Give a fair cxlubit of out agricultural, mechanical and household production. ; ;;ivea season ol pleasurable enjoyment and frieiully association to our 'patrons, and make its income meet all of its obligations. Now in order to do this successfully we must have your indulgence your confi dence and your patronage; and we nTake j this appeal to you in-behalf of the honor a.nd integrity of our association. J. M. llAiatisoN, Pres. J. C. Bernhardt, Sic't. T. P. JouNdTOX, i "res. Board i f Directoisb: Jesse "W. Miller, W. L. Kestler, G. W. Lorriher, J. A. Fisher, M. A. Slirewalt, C. Caiiup, S. It. Harrisou, D. J. Miller, J. Souping, C. A. Gully, J. C Lingle, G. W. Bi ingle, Alex. Peeler. -a- - - ; - County. CcjnmiiIoners;. The board uf coitnnissioneijj liowaii county met in regular nioiilhly session o:i Motrday, Sept. 4th 1803. The following buiiuess win tiansj;ct ed : ' V i Mis. M. L. Harris and 11. v. J. 0. i Crosby were allowed to list taxes" for the Year 1803. V. L. Klut!z was appointed to con-, for with the town nuthorittis nnd oihtrs as to the best method of drain ing the ditch leading from the j iil to the town creek from where the se'.rer h ading from the" jail empties in to the ditch. T. M. Keajirs has been appointed supervisor f public road in Provi dence lownhip in place of P. D. Linn, resigueil. The convict road force will soon lje placed on the public road leading from. Siilibury to Stulesville, in Cleveland townnlnp. The pay for guards of the chain ffaitg Ins been reduced trotu 123.00 to $20.00 per inontli. V. L. Kluttz was authorized and directed to make such itrrangemenU r with the pfojer authorities of Davie, Davidson and SUnlv counties as will enable him to ret all able bddiexl mUe convicts to work on4he chain g:mg of this crauaty who ruiy be sentenced for not les than six ruoutiis, provided he cat) get said convicts -by agreeing to pay the expenses of conveying tht ni from either of said counties to Kowart county. We do not giye a full report for lack of space. - Manning News; Co'rrefcpon'ence WiTcniiis. " ; Itev. U. W. Cronk and wife jeturne Saturday from a week visit am on friends in Guilford county. School at the academy closed ' Friday - - - where he enters school. Our farmers are builv enjrtijred sowins oat? anu turning jhh.i jorwoeai, navn.Ki f dder making will soon lo in full -blast. Cotton is beginning to open also. The p tor in Lvst Monday did slight dam .... i ." i if .. age jthroughout this section. A great j .... i i . . i. many trees were umwu uov, n, nun. iuo. crops landed some what. . ""alk about money being si-aree ! -Why its as plentiful oht on this side as hen !eeth are in dog days,-and pocket books are no longer required. 1. W. From Bethel Acidemy. Correspondence Watchmas. The summer term of hMliany Academy Wlil Close on me iolu ui in is iuojuij. tue next session will opeii the first Monday in November. " Our farmers are busily engaged v;i their fall work now, mowing oats and prc pairing !aul fur wheat are in full Must. .Much of the corn has spoiled on ac count of the recenrrain and storm iur. li. j. iUMMiiiuni ui.t tir-Kti".- i!,..;l, i,;, !M l. K.w.L- ,i .... ,1... ir 4 ir..l i ...,... i,. i t gather -and cure i, tobacco. He has a ifr B W Luthcr of PuWellton, liicb laige siop. ... . mond county, sohl a ,laU! of cotton in - ,T it ,1,e o"""". OI JacKboi. II..., Kev. C L. T. Fisher, principal of Mt. Amoenia Seminarv Mt. Pleasant, N. C, occupiexl the pulpit at St. Peter' church last Sunday. Miss Fannie Miccon, of Virginia, who has been teaching at Gold llnl for a few months, returned home recently. Mr. C. 51. Miller's school near Rock well closed a few wetk?. ago. Mr. C. L. Miller left last Thursday night for the World's Fair. He will re main in Chicago about ten, dajs; after which he will return to Salem, Va., to attend the next session of.Iloanoke Col lege, liev. Dr. Kothrock is still quite feeble. Klvk. Notes from the Organ. CorrespoadeLce of tLe Watchman. The carpenters have nearly complete their work on Organ church; the fini.-di ing touches are to be applied yet. Mr. Wiley, the contractor for the plastering has his hands at work on the walls. Mr. Will Lalaker, of China Grove, has the contract to paint the church We think prot. A. P. Harris of'Trov, ?pent inafew weeks our old church will ave 1 S l u,.jar anil Sunday u if 1, his" parents, been remodeled, and ready lor occu-j . n. - '. pancy. ' - . 1 Mr. -Jim tierce, of Greenslnero, i 1 Rev. W. R. Brown has lcen keeping visiting relatives in old Alontgoniery. bachelor's hall since M is. Brown and the Mr. G. T. McAulay is visiting in little ones have gone lo Virginia, but has , Laurinhnrg thi week. found out that it doM not agrao with Mr GeC w wvs n e.irI1Pst him. lie has been having chills. , . , ... , Mr. Geo. M. Fisher and family, who cI" ';1,fi"V.1 ft Cll'n oh,,VI,! have been livii.g on Chestnut Hill the past year, have returned to the farm. Jno. V: C Kluttz, who has been em ployed ii: the tSaii-sbniy post office, is at home. One by cmic they return to the old farm. W. E. B-aver, of Liiaker, sjicnt first of the week visiting at hi.s lather', Win. Beit ver. Mr. John B ier has bexm a;it suf ferer fur the la-t two weeks, cased l)y a carbuncle on bi-tneck. 31 r. C.rt. Miller's school at Lower ?t i e closed li.t Th m sday. ' H.vvi;ii; merited a free a s from Uvanoke Cuj-ee Va , he i started to the Worlds Fair thai nij;ht. Mr. F. W. B -t. onoef Cidna (irow's.; wide mereiuint.-, wun in.s i .i".ii , .-pent a few day- visiting in I Ii i neighbor hood, un ! v.iiiie here liseove,rel a new Irocss for fanning fruit. As he expeeis lo apjdy for a patent, u:;d may put up a canning factory, we will nut &ive his mo dus ojierai di. I) inicl "il. Weaver U sowimj oals. -" While the storm last Monday did '?reat damage to corn, cotton and fruit trees, it revived irish and sweety-' potatoes, . and started turnips on an upward career 4 'K.i idli Ii . . f f.itviilir ti i-a i'liiifr v nu ne jjun cium lutiin i Pi..,2.L-iii, Timv iii-o fh mrt f Mr. Iee Owcuf of that place. Mrs. R. W Bost, who has been confin ed to her room -since last Januarys with a $ore le-, is eiti'njj so she can stir about asiain. bhe went to Salisbury yesterday. - - Whit. Frocx Trinity Cclbje. Co. rospomieace -Watchman. The fall term of Trinity College has opened with flattering prospects More new b ys are here than at ihe-openiug of any term in the. history of the college Last week was spent in making prepara tion for the year's work and now thiitiis uic( moving elf iu a real busiuesb-likc w:y 'l ive sad and almost sudden death-' of Mr. Alf. Avery, which occurred oil the optninp; day, prevented any work for the . ..r.i 1. , T.. .....,. . rviiuiiiuuz parti oi iue wcck. ah icsoeet lo t he Utccaseo. bus ness w'as susoeuoeo 011 Friday and the result was that uoth- invasaoneuu .uouuay. Many ol the old boys are back with their usual cheerfulness and the average student feels himself home again. Too new bovs had everything tar beyond their expecli'ttioii, awl being unaccustomed to the improved arrangement ot things, tlie I tJle prisosn-r. In Jmy last the tinai de old boys have much fun at thu expense) . . , , nf.hnM,W- But nohaZinsroranY-!c"si,n Wil liie" ,lie ,1JdM w 'lS thiiur of that kind is allowed The new members "of the faculty have fallen into line and are moving on smooth! so far. The majority Of the faculty are young men well lilted for tiieir daces. IbuL distant relationship, wlncn often exists letweii faculty anil .indent. is not fuund here, hut a spirit -of harmony revails. Iu a few days a reception will be irivcu for the benefit of the new l V. Ii. S. Ererbe Springs Items. Correspondence Watchmajt. Editor Watchman: , As I haye tu t seen anythiii; in your columns from Ei- terbe springs 1 will rtiite you uuU give you sonic dots. - Crops iu this Peotion of the country average only about two thirds of a full crop." l'ullini; fodder, an J picking cotton is the cry now, with all the fanners, though llie very unfavorable weather is quite a hindrance to ibem. . We have a verv flourishing sehooV at this piae'e, cohdifctcd by Prof. IJald win. lie has about thirty students, auu more yet rb come. e hope he " may ; ha o a good school for such is very much need ed at this place.": ..'.,'. ; . , General health in this .vicinity is very good, with the exception oT a few cases of typhoid fever, ad the.f are improving slowly, and . we think will soon be up and out nsrain. - Miss Ida Ewing., of I'ekin, Montgom- ' cry county, passed here a few days ao on her way to visit her brother, Dr. J. P. Ewitifc, of Dillon, is. C. Ve hope the time will soon come so liob can suiile agajn. rMryTJ. L. Kearns was in this vicinitv a few days ago visiting relatives aud friends. ' . ' . . "Mr. Nathan ITendei-son passed yester day on his way to Roberdel, N. C. "Dotty.". Edwin Cuthrell Druggist, recom mends Johnson Magnetic 0:! the great family prinkiller, internal and j. - : J ' lit. Gihai Lccali. ,.nm ,,lf nraut:- ' i .wu.x. .vte.. Mr. F. O. Boyle-H started for Greens boro the 4Lh inst., to resume. his position in Odell baidware house. - " Prof. It. II. Skeen lias gone to Ashe- li!i-u 1 ii-t in iitliiil lo Ko'.rsi. Iui2 ; v r r " ne. The corii and cotton is badly damaged by the storm and bigli water. . Kev. Perry's .protracted meeting is go-' ing ou here this weekie" is agisted by the presiding elder, - . . . Mr. J. A. McAulay returned 'from the .World's Fair last wjek right sick. Messrs." WI F and A. p. Haywood have ,uii(lil,K A 8lorehouse Ibis fall. - si aw,- Messrs. D.C Sianback, Willie Foikes ami WillieSteel returned from the moun tains last, week and they report a good lime and lots of sport hunting. Will ltuisell, who went to Florida ft shrt limeiigo is hack again! He doesn't yive a very fa'vorable report of the Land of Flowers. Otlicrs cf t he boys who weiit wi ivi t . c. w!,.. ... vi . ..o ijyadeshoro the iast iUy of Juy Some cotton is being picked in this community. Wade villa Itens. Correspondence WATCiiaAN'. - Mr. Eidrie Sedberry lias about re covered from an attack of typhoid fe yer; but his sister Annie is very feeble yet from, the .same disease. Mr. I). D. Brnton visited our "city" ajrain recently. Not culling on Eni'St. now are you Dud ? I'ev. K. A.McLeod conducted a pro tracted meeting her3 last week with several accessions jo his church, ..Mrs. W. K. Ueachuin and chiidren, of Latirinhnrg, are visiting friends in this county. Miss Alice Bunn, oE Norwood, is visiting it! this vicinity. Rev. W. II. II. Liwhorn is conduct ing a protracted meelinj; at Union church this'week. 'en ;or license u pivaen rror. ai. a. aicijHpd u- s a very fl'ijirishing school here, which will con tinue tluvugh the full scholastic Sambo. ac 1 mm EIGHT ETtJZsDXtED LIVES LOST. On The South Carolina Coast. Charleston', S, (, S'-pletnl cr 2. The yens and Corn ier Iik(1 u caitlul invTst iiT-tion tna lc oT t he condition of p. Hairs on i le coiiht oi South Caro:in;i ttiuL it I'. Je.l i; iicOe I o! la en exaT,i;erd( il. Ti e h;s of i,fe v.iil gr-.' de 800. In the !. 11. of country b el wee ll Uh;uietoli Si v. amah lh .'tonus wiped up the homos a v. ell a.-. I he growing crops and U t't the people J a in terrible staler 1 he lossf hfe and property was f'i.inii to be "re'ilest on St" Helena, Ladies,' Vass;!, Coos.-i, Pay- Tv & i "Oil- l 1 i i D.iwiusK-te and D itluji l.dands These is lanus, and. Pert Royal Island,' have a population of sibout 15,(K)0, most of whom nre negroes enjjitred iii raisill'r lor.o-st nole col ten and wnrhiiK!" rlt..c 1 f;..Lt ti,..; i ii inui.Tiii wti 1; i.riu.i iii" r' 1 , 11: i 1 -.n 1 1 : 1 time as to the loss of life' incom--p'ete, Tlicre is 1,0 eomnumif ation between certain if the islands and rt-1 jiorts of d( aths are slow reaching the coroner.- There tire a great m-ny lives lost tha-t will never be reported as bodies hare been covered with sea-wet d or v.-ushp-d nil t to serf. SrARTAXRUUG, Se leml.tM-1.- George ,p ,i ( 11 , . ' ; hanged here to-day for the killing 0; .jj brotlu'r-in-law, E I.- Finger, in , - . . . , J Malch, 1800. b:itie tlren his case lias j ,. en jh ,u. gt;l!e Superior- Cot.rt ami ; ; . . . . . !ac!i t.niu the deciMmi has Ihcu :ijaiiist teuce l by duuge iVahaee to be hanged j to-day. Governor TiJiman was 're sented a peti'.i' U uilh 0,000 nincs-j asking for a coinuuitation of the sen tence, but he refused to interfere, and the law took its 'course. ei00Fwtwa-d$100. The reader-of this pnper w"ll le plead to learn that there is at leastj one dreaded disease that science na beii able to care in all its and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure i'thji onlv positive cine known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beriiK a constituiioiia! disease, n rpiires a consti tutional treanu-nt. Hall's Calarrh Cure is t..ken iulernally, acting dnei tly up on the blood and mucous surJaers ot th system, thereby de-droiug te.e t'oumhitio.i of the diseas-, and giving the pali-nt strength bv building up the coUtitution and H.ssisun4 nature in do iiigi.s work. The proprietors have so much faith iu its curative powers, that thev offt-r One Hundred Dollars I. .1 . - i -C....T tor any case tiiar it rails iocik. n for list of testimonials. Address, h J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0. fiSrfoid by Druggists, 7oc. ' - The Observer thinks that all the cotton mills of Charlotte will start up in a few days and run contiuously. .Masnelu Nervine, the gn at rest ora- i Vive, will cause yoa t steep ld:e a ciiiw. Try it. Sold by lidwin Cuthrell, Sans buiy, N. 0. ; pxr rq:7:T3 mon bitters- ria, Kervorsi.e?, nna General iHfbjbty. 1 "J . "riHUM rccominen-t it Ail vA - ' II Spsncs , ATTORNEY-ATTL AW, xitDir, . osr'o. Oilers his professional services to -the people of Montgomery end d j'unins counties. Address him at lioy, . C. r .THiiEH 'dollaks a wtaik ; FOIl "'LIFE. ' ' ' ' Hehb is a Snap for Bkainy People The Latest Tmsa orr. lnonlerto tmwtuce The raauft Ar.ln-nr-list into Nev Jioiaes, the puiiauej bav a. ( ij ' to present an uuusu dty anr.ieire icvvaul ;m o, tUriireatEisUiU lair Yearly Ltte.iiry AitucUtH forifie sunvnsr of 1 s :, wlnca e o-s Jet. i. hey biVK entire.! l.Ho a ttTitira I'g.w.uirst 1 pay Uiron:li Ja les all tio rt-wrtr.:fcrr;uvu taW IK.W TO SE..CUK a ItEWiKJI lisosti wbo tKonm sutf i thf rs can tcirrrcts irw of na irg-". A !i i u a isneeessoy is to tal.earrw shtets ..t pajr a'.xi m ike all the vin-is yoa etaont of t!i iff u rs In flic tl-ree, WorWs CoVunibUu Exi;siuon," anil S"nd t'i( m to us, ii-ctostr $i Tor fix months uo enption to itherTlie . iiini.'.l m Atncnlier bt or The Ladles Hom Mjjj :?ttne, t wo of tue ehote st Itiu.straTca Kiioii;ea5s of iheu:iy. l i.e fender ot tu- lun;.wr :w will rcHve $3 per wceic for life; 2id, 1 1 rui; 3. cl. ); jui $-:.r; ftll. $ltKJ; 6i.t.TKSct to the Wort.'s V tir ami lea days expeust-s; vi;ii!,s or-,'.s, ladles' and Keats, gold and silver watches. silver te:vsrr Um s, diamond rtnjrs. anaover lo.wt other TS'warljf in t kln aitcgei uer i he ruo t valuame pi ize Ilsa ever c.f fered bi nv.y pnh'Joiurr 6.aJ tor r-rintcU tit ot tyru.or prt.e-wi nuers. lfri.Es. I. F'rv-ig:u or-obx-iltte ords not' count ed 2. Letters eanuot, he iu--i oru ihyn thy a jpwrln tfcc v.ords -'World's o:iiii bi.-u KxpoM .tiou" Uitttls. the word r.ddie, tc iuMrcee, cu.l nt h3 used, because Ibere is but one rt tu Uie t5:re' wyrfs. etc. 3. Kaiuet i persons a ad p sis b iried. 1. No eUnrqr tnr pafkiv, or shtppJrijf, but all prize wiiHiers . ill be ex(,ecte.i lo heiy us lo es te (to-ir choui.uli:i. Ail list s eor.t,ilnin; over lo oorreei wurds will receive. spviai rewjj-.i. .TrnoE. Tiie loilow ir-g v('U-l;invvri geru'rnen havf eou.sea'ed to act 11B jude.i ai.d wl-1 see that t lie p.-l s arc fairly a. voided cotiimodore c.M' iui. (Proprietor Calculi's 14 ne til Steamers). I'vieiiioi ousrh. and Mr. W. Koberteon, Presid-'iit Ttincs rrlii Coiu.mny, Peterberougu. ' . - uKii Wanteu We pay fl tof per day Hilary (no coniiulsalob) to uien, women, toys and gins. Write for p irtk-ulai s. negtster all money letters. Address, Aoiuei LtcRrsi Pub. tx., (Lid), PetertKir oub:, Oaaada. Call notice to tii fact that iliey liavp rnnovcl tlie sti k Ijoiu tm-ir store room under iue I'entt il liet'! lo trir-irolt! ,;(iieofi Fish.'-r Siroe!. hti.e ftlOrtc GOODS lll!1QWeC!iu,llk0 rc"m l!)r' ana in order. 10 reduce cur stoc-U will offtr SPECIAL BARGAINS for tlie next TillHTY DAYS IX DltY G00D3. CjII akA be -orvl:-!eed tbat we' e ici save you money by buyii-.f: irvaa us, E-nsrutar's Notice. .Having ('.i-.iifiod as executor of. the laht will and' testament of Nancy C. Liiiiilc, deccitsetl, notice is hereby j,iven ut all persons hoiii'mt; claims against said k ceased to preset. t them to the undrr-sit;iH-d..du' i.ut'.eut icaied for payment, on or before tlie; '2i h !ay of July, 1894, or this notice will be pie;. d in bar of their recovery. Ami ail person.-? indebted to said deceased arc licit by nntilhd to make iininediale pavnu iit A said indebted uc.'S. This he 2-1 th day of July, IStrt. ii. t'ui.iiKKTsuK, Ext'r. iSALlSBUKV PiiODUCE MARKET i REPORT. Con-etied icecklij ; D. .'. Julian ( Sons Hn!!cr, Racoii, (country ) I2i to 2') to 20 m t 12 12i to 14 5U- to ,"2 00 to CO 40 to 50 00 to 50 (JO to o5 tit) to 00 liard. Corn, Meal, ! i isli potatoes, ( iiii-us, O.ts, Wheat, hush. 11 u il. ! FiOiir. - per Sack 5 lo 2.75 I Poullrv, liens, each 25 l o -50 12.', to 171 10 1 j - Spring thicken, " ggs, per floz. The Chiton Cotton Mill, of Char lotte, has cJ-m(1 an order for a large qtunliiy of good.-: to go to China, s;;js the Qburvcr. R.C.Taylor, M mi rccsboro, lenn., write-:: "1 have used the .lapanese Pile Cure with great satisfaction and snecss. Sold by Cuthrell Salis- bui'V, N. C. 5atnre should, bo assisted to throw off impurities of tho blood. Nothing CURES I d g0 .eI1 g;) MftlABm I promptly, or so 8 Speciac. .. LIFE HAD NO CHARMS. For three years I was troubled with malar rial poison, hich caused my appetite tafail, and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and 19 lost all its charms. I tried toercunal and . u A. tn no effect I could eetoo relief.-I then decided to try a r Ktla nf this wonderful medicine made a complete and pennaent cure, and I ROW enjoy better health than ever. J. A. Rick, Ottawa, Kan. Our book ou B Wand Skin, Diseases malledSw5T Specific Co., Atlanta, G, " '- - . .i 3r a Jin liimwr-ti hwVC Xt. bCHQ una Yttii vim v; . wo -1 r..- iv. l- cod Oi4 JEi I?5lt D.ii.Jiilian x) If rSairtWe CumplW unduly v. .--.'i c'Tr.hri5thef cble, DUUU3 n ?F't""i7?s i ? f F JL i. C VI Vm T7 c-i - own; wui 1 ' fS3Sr3-j.ew-s..-tijJEy,5:.L. Stretched ! One of usually them This is no idle talk we mean .it : "No dpubi; looks bi?-to you, but ( heir i'urcliasine d'uwc: during the rcm:munj days of ourv'ebOTHI. . bALL will oc realeithan cvcr before. -If y . will come into our store during the remuniii-: daysof this sale we will prove o you this luct We JIUST reduce t il is stock io . make room lr our Fall and Winter goods. , '': We are receiving, outr Fall iroods Tiud will tak rr reat pleasure in showing them" to you. ' 111 S 1 irhifwwr if w 1 wmwwmmv uqudq IN You Know Trom lean What Wc now oficr All really Seduced Fnces ! 1 Summer Goods way Low, Down ! Down ! ! DOW NT! ! Carpets' and- flattings at pijccs r,cvor hoard of before foivgood tpiality. A lot of Fine White "Hoods at prices which will make you buy them, even if you .don't need them. E2F SHOES to clo.-e out at 2;5 percent, less than COST ! .JED Come and get Tour Share of Our Bargains! L1TTIA1 k LICHTENSTEIN, S. Corner Main and In hiss Str's, S,idsm'iiY, N. C. Strictly in the Lead Again with a Large, -Well-ceKcts". and Beautiful line of FMJj vn am 1 liTTHTm-nn l 16 l i 21 K THE ROGERSCtOTHINGCO.I invites you'to call and -vo for yourself tliat they are selling the Finest Goods fi7i'tlmLe;ist .Money ever knowiv on this market before. A number of niee suits already sold in advanc of tjr season. ... Several of our lMtinen-ljavo aiil to.' us, -'Your new. anon, beat anything ve.bav(i ever eoti J( t(m'' ";;...'';' ; Our line is Complete in evy? de.tnil. Come, and see it. Yours anxious a 0 a S R S ' BLftT SCO , SALISBURY, H. C; 1333 J. RHODES BROWN, President. WM. C. COAET, Secretary: .. Assets 81.111,333:87. s . ... ,,. , Insures all Kinds cfProparty at Lowest Adepato Bates. ALL LOSSES-PROMPT LY ADJUJTkD AUD SATISFACTORILY SETTLED.. .. i Kepresented ia - . ,i General Insurance Agency of J. A 11 en Brown. Sr. will do the work required of two!, HJf t PRICES! Experience We Say! We of Our Goods at and able 4o pi FliiE . CtOTHIERl 3-t 1893 f i '.3. . 1 liilllljil iv f ii r!;si' Kftt? I t a - '.1- ' county; Mr. Parker left Tuesday for Ht. 1'icasant