- ;-r ' " : 1 : : : . . .. : : - , x li'f JWt :;. ; X " : Salisbury; n a, Thursday s rip tem be Rii -i893 .-FOURTH SERIES NO! 2ft- What 17 vNXVV EjiXk. - . N Caetorla Is Ir. Samuel Pitcher's pi-eecription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, props, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by 3IiUions of 3Iothers. Castoria is the Chililren'a Panacea ; the Mother's Friend, 1 " - Castoria. CMWrUU veil adapted to children that I rooomwend it m auperior to any prescription laowa to me." - ' -H. A. Aichm, M. D.. Ill 80. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. The ae of 'Castoria U ao universal and tM merit o will known that It urnna a work of mprvgalioa to endorse It. Few .are 'the fcteffifentfararliee who do o keep Oaioria vUbio easy roach." Cakjxm aUaroi, P. D., ' New York City. ACCIDENTAL DEATHS. Caused by Carelessness. ' maioritT of people die sooner than iky ihould. Evidence of this fact is grow jag dailyi Waring says : " Discabe is not a nsouence of life ; it is due to unnatural -coodiuwii of living neglect, abuse, want." Dr. Stephen sniitn, on ine tame surjeti, Mm is born to health and long life; dis eue u 'unnatural, death, except from old in. i accidental, and both are preventable by human agencies. i nis is aiiuutsi mvaxi ibly true of death resulting from heart dis Me. Careless over-exertion, intemperate use of tea, cofieo, tobacco, alcoholic o other tlimulanlfl are generally the causes of this difficulty, and indifference to its progress. re sults in sudtlen dctth, or lcr.g buknees end irg in death. By the new sparers it can be seen that many prominent and hundreds ol perrons in private life die from heart dis- " eaae every day. If you huve any of the following symp tom: shortness of breath, palpitation, irreg ular puke, fainting and tmothering spells, ptin in shoulder, side, or arm, swollen :"ankka, etc., begin treatment immediately for . heart disease. If ycu delay, the concoucnccs aav befcerious. . tor over 20 rears Dr. Franklin Miles, the eminent epecialis.t, has made a profound study of heart disease, its canses and cure, and many of the leading discoveries in that direction are due to him. J lis Is ew Heart Cure is absolutely the only reliable remedy for the cu of htart disease, as is proved by thousands of testimonials from grateful persons who have used it. James A pain, editor cf the Corry.Pa , Leader, iuu: "Alter tn apparent recovery from three monthi of la trippf , I fell on the street wneon ic&un (mm heart disease In one month from that time I was unable to walk arrow my room, ' and my pulyoteat from 85-to 116 time a minute. I then uaod lr. Miles' New Heart Cure, end at - once became ttroneer. X After using eix bottles I vuabletoork as usual and walk a mile every iij.raj puise ranging from 63 to 80. Dr. Mile temoclv U not only a preventive but a cure." Dr. Viles' New Heart Cure is sold Ly all drug- . rfou on a positive guarantee, or Ly Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price, SI per bottle, six for V, express prepaid.' It is poai lively free from opiates or dangerous drugs. Dr. Hiiet' Pills, 24 cents. Free hook at dniggista, or ' by mil. , For Pale Uy all Druists! and Daughters - Often lose the benefit of life assurance, taken out for their protection, because of ill-advised investments. Again, the intentions of the - assured sometimes fail of realization through the" prodigality of a son to whom the sudden pos session of so much money proves too great a temptation. - The Equitable Life i has provided against these contingencies by offering The Tontine Installment Policy. The premiums per thousand are much less than under ' older forms of insurance, and the amount is payablein 20, 25 or 30 annual payments, thus securing a comfortable income for the beneficiary. Write to W.J. RODDEY, Manager. For the Carolina ROCK HILL. S.X. IT' and Trade-Marks obtained, and alt Pafc "t conducted for Moocaavt Tits. na e can -cure paieat in less time thau Uioed emote from Washfoijtaiu t, -f d niodei, drawing or photo. with deecrip ih vise.lf patentable or not, frt ot tuar?e. Our fee Dot due till patent is eccured. A Pmphi.ct. "How to Obtain Pfrtenti' with names of 8ctnal elu-nts Tn yosr SUte.Cottaty or "n,utfree. AJdreh, ' . , 8p. Patent prricr. Washington, p. C. Wives is Castoria. Caatoria cure Colic, Constipation, " Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Eilla Worms, gives fJoop, ui promotes dl gostion. Without io juriooa medicatioa. Tor seTeral yean I have recommendM your Castoria,' and shall always cuctinu tc Jo eo as it Las inTariabry jroducod beaeflci remilu." Yjyin F. Pardhs, M. 125th Street and 7th Ara., Kow York CMy Thk CsarrAca CoMPairr, 77 MoanAT Strdct, New York Cttt mz'ziin htm Cures all Foiucle Complainis iind ilonthy irregularity, Lcuo&rrbacacr "Whites, Tain in Back or Sides, strengthens the feeble, builds up the whole by stem. It hae cured thousands and will cure vou. iDmggibts Lvavc it. Scad Btamp for book. I)U. J. P. DKOMUOOIK X CO., lAnwTili6. Xy. MAGNETIC NERVINE. WW: Is sc-'d v.lth twrirten Suarantss to cure N ervciNaProstra ticn, nt3, Dizii- n-i,'Ucai!.Tfhcuad -Seur!(;ii BisdWivks-fr.liici-Lna! c:i t-y t s- W-i f-wW Tobacco and Alcol Uie Sraln, w:si7 Weary, Inaity - ii-l Death; li.irrt'DCn-, Tmj'Otoiicy, Lo r t V cvsror i'J citier et-1. Prematura Cld Ar, lavoluutjry onusou by rrcr-fti Ji'.lptnce, ovurxciti m f tho P-rain and Kri-orti of Youth. Ii rvcs Vv euk Orfrnns tTielr .'at;:r:il Vigor ami riouVlos tii Joys of lifo; cures Lcuorrhcr.i end Fcinide alincs. A laouth'd trerf lueut, ia plftiu pfickairo, ?,y lut'J, to nny ari;lrea, f 1 f-vsr 1kx, S bnxoH iX , V:Xx frvcry f 5 oruer wo (ivo a Writton Cu'rat-.teo to'curo or refund tho moasy. Circulars froe. UuuriUitco i8suod,ocly ij our ex cltuiive agent. - ' EDWIN CUTHEELL, " Sai.isbuuy, N. C ULCERS. CANCERe, SCROFULA, YV SALT RHEUM. A RHEUMATISM. BLOOD POISON. these and every kindred disease arising from" impure blood successfully treated by that never-failing and beet of all tonics and medicines. Books on Blood and Skin d and Skin x ui&ls sent on jw cicCo., Aa .CA. Diseases free. Printed testimonials application. Address Swift Specific ATLANTA DEITEB SHOE CO., Inc'p. Capital, t ,000,000. BKST St J60 SHOE IN THE WORLD. "A dollar laved it a dollar earned.' x Thia Toadies' Solid French Dong-ola Kid But. ton Boot delivered free anywhere in the U.S.. on receipt or uaan. Money uraer. or Postal Note for tl.60. Eonale every way the boot old in alt retail itoree for J2.60. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar- ante wjic, icyie ana war, and If any one is not aatiafled we win refund tne money sena anotaer pair, upera Toe or Common Benae, widths C, D, E, & KB. size 1 to 8 and haL hall . Send your titt; a your ill Mj tea will ntyott. Illustrated Cata logue FREE Dexter Shoe Co7MHL& - J apiat term iv xaera Snatched From Death. By Southern Associated Press YVtt.thtrt o r. I. 'IV. Sent 0 Whan - .... , -. ., .r.. ..11 11. 1:- i ,m,?,lulla,.uMNe u-,0 of the two Choc taws Solomon Lewis and S aion Wade a messenger arriv ed bringing news that they had leen gtantcd a uew trial. The men had aid good-bve to their friends: the chaplain, had offered the last prayer, and the sherifi, rifle in Jiand, wasi ready to execute the men when Ihe message arrived. It is not likelv now thil the' will be shot. t CHdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria"" I ASM I A 111 l-''SMzes WASHINGTON LEI TEH. " ' jrler jind for 'the prevention of tinjast From our rejraur correspondent. discriruinaUon in the ereruV i-of ;.i.nfni0u " cni ftnn,.lmoney; rppeai of the tax; on Si ate c , , ' , . , , t. , ern Senator who bad j"st left the Vhite" House, where he had been iu- , i i i t :. viled to attend a conferem-e, uis not pr judiced against t'.ics;dn o irats who are opposed to his financial polky as far as ithas been unnouiiced;' and lie is fully aware of the extent of this op position iii the westjmd sooth. He be lieves that the wisdom of first repeal ing the purchasing el.ue of the SLur man silver lw, which has been so greaily ilefJoUiw:ed by the business men of Uie cun,trr, and which ws explie- itTy. pruiiied. by'fiie t?k:j.tgo pbjttorm4 will l to apparent alter the eivure n uancial policy of his adminis tration hall have been made public that all divisions will soon be fdrgottetr. The firt step to be taken is, in his opinion, to stop the purchase of silver; but he bears no ill-will towards those who differ with him, belieriug that they are as honest in their belief as he in his. The only reason that he has not aunouncedjthe , financial policy of his administration is that it is not yet fully determined upon. Mind you, it is no task of a day, a week or a month to reconstruct the financial system of a country f 65,000,000 people, which has been growing from bad to worse under republican legislation, until it is today as bad as it could well be, and financial reform has become the most urgent necessity of the time. Grover Cleveland has proven himself to be a man worthy to be trusted, and I can j see uj reason why every democ at should not repose the most implicit I trust in him in this emergency, even J if thir personal opinions do differ froi j his as to the me tns to bo uel to reach ! the desired end the restoration of prosperity to the country at large, njf to a few favored men, but to every-: liodv. I am, and have always been, what -is known as a silver man, but I hall unhuitatiuly vote for the un conditional repeal of the pun-hosing clause of the S'lerman silver law." The House added amendment nftt r amendment to the new rules reported by the committee on R iles, until they stand us adopted almo-t the sameas tl.ey were in the lasS House. Theoretically no'de nfcral finds an) fault, with the lilnTality with which the rules treat of the minority, but th re is reason to tear that when the tariff bill, the bill for the repeal of : the Federal election livs, and other treasures against which the republicans will be deposed to filli buster, gets Ixjfore the House they will be found too lenient towards the mi nority. It is an old and true maxim that "the devil must be fought with fire," and many think that it would hare rn wisdom to have followed the precedent, set by the republicans in the Fi'ty-first Congress and have made the rules stringent enough to control th minority when it was so desired. 'Much ado about nothing" is all the talk about the votes in the Senate this week. With twenty Senators abseu the silver Senators defeated Senator Vorhees on two propositions one to go into executive session while Sena tor Stewart was making his long speech, and the other to adjourn. The votes have absolutely no significance as far as the final reu!t is concerned. The situation stands precisely as it did before the bill will be debated a rea sonable tim unless an agreement is reached setting a time to vote, and then an attempt will be made to force a vote. To say Iiom that attempt wii result is merely to express an individual opinion or tc make a guess. Since President Cleveland made an address at the opening of the Pan American Medical Gng ress, now iu Ression, there has beep' a decided "let up" on the silly storiqs about his being in bad health, stories which never had any better foundation than the imagi nations of their disseminators. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, this week introduced a current resolution iL 1 . .j? . Ior ine siiMHjiuuueut 01 a runt com- 11 mittee on finance, to be composed of . c; j . . seven Senators and seven uiciuueis 01 Ihe House, for the purpose of niakin" an examination into the financial and monetary condition cf the Govrn. tneiit and people of the United States, The resolution enumerates the follow ing subjects to be investigated and re ported upon by the committee: Th ,full or partial demoneti? ition of le-;d rriiltr silver i-iiij' lltu i-.f ...I.: i. i t i.tins WllllTij suatuu ue estuoiiauea between "old a,rtl silvex; la wS relating to legal teu bank currencv; the causes of the pres-1 . - . .... : - ...... r, J, nt moarriiS5eti condition or tneneo-i pie atid the ua'.io.ial b:.nt?t and wha lurther legislation H siecessary to prt ven t national banks abusing their pow- er under the law; The last subject U particularly interesting, just' now, in view of the statements that , certain Nw York National banks made uiore than 61,000,000 by sel If ug currency at a premium, while declining to cash de positors checks. . Can't Please EveryboSy. Edilfng u newspajer i tt pleaaairi business if you cau stand it.'- - If it contain many advertisements subscribers complain that they take up too much space. If there ii a lack of adverttsing it is unpopular and the people wvo't have it. If we attend church regularly thsy say we go for effect. If we stay away from church they say we are monstrously heathen ish. If we accept an invitation to a wed ding they say we are invited to "write it ui." . If we go to the opera house they say we go on free tickets. If we are seen on the street too often they say wc neglect our busi ness. If we avoid going upon the stic t they say we don't hustle around for the news. If we reject a long communication its author gets furiously enraged and discontinues his paper. If we publish a lengthy communica tion our readers say we lack discretion and put in anything to "fill up." It we swell out in a new suit of clothes and celebrnte ground hog day they Siy we got urc!o h ?s in payment for acUvrttsi.iy antt tbL we ale y fur too fi'PM.sh. a If, in our frailty, we sometimes ter- petrate a j ke or m.ike a stagger at a poor little pun, they sav we axe exceed ingly light and won't do. If we omit jokes they say we are p Or, miserable tosils. If we are married they say it is a pity for our wife. If we are not married they say it is because we are too hmely too get a wife. If we publish a man who h is brough disgrace upon his family, the fr.ends of the family never forg t us. If we, out of goodness of heart, de cline to say anything ou the subject the man's enemies are disappionted, and we are branded a a white liverrd coward. We are able to stand these raps ai d many more, and are always ready to receive visitors whether they bring n watermelon or are accompanied by a dog or not. Of course we do not claim . there is any work in running a newspaper; every one knows it is a snap. Washington, G., September 7. The. chief postoifice '.inspector is in formed of the arrest of William H. Summey, postmaster at Hazel, South Carolina, on the charge of ii'egl!y dis posing of postage tamp. He was j tiled ia default of $300 bail. Paris, September 7. Humors of sickness culminating yesterday in the report of the death of President Car not was not without som foundation. For the pst month Caruot has been seriously ill, in fact he hs lwe:i suffer ing since March, with gastrif. fever, which finally resulted in an operation that proved successful. The police are now trying to tnic tlie origin of the report of his death, but so far haxe been unsuccess ful. Chicago III.. September 7. -There was a terrible collision on the Pan handle road near Colhyor, Indiane, at 0:30 this -morning. Twelve were killed and twenty hurt. The cDllisiorf was between tb? Louisville and th Milk train. Wrecking trains, caryinj. physicians, were sent to the rescu Olfici.tls admit great loss of lif . SThen Baby was eick. we gaw W Ca-siorta. hen she was a Child, ahe cried for Castoria Alien she bveaiiie Miss, duos to Castoi ia Tben she had ChUdren, ale ga-i tlxm Castori. !BIXi;!41tP AND THE BEE3. A TT!ff WltK Him Right ow " "Tfceae ntmetallain or free Colaas. i . J (t tAtlaata Constltutioa. J vThere is one good thing bout yet tinrr stnnff hyj a heeJ It makes yon forjret all other tronhlea for a little) f while. I have, hadt lots of fun with . these bumblebees for. the last few days j and it renewed my youth. Time was when I thought it a biff thin? to fight ! "yeller jaeicets'V ana take my chances with the other boya. The bravest boy 1 was the bigg-est fool and would stay at the hole the longest and thresh all the ' leaves off of his "brush and get stung -before he surrendered. I am not that j brave now. and T fight with exceeding r caution, but I have killed over two hundred in two days and fought fair - and square, ily weapon U a crum pan and I take 'em coming and going,' but they crowd me sometimes "and 'my antica attract attention amOuff the nabora,,for they can see me in the up stairs piazza, and one good lady in quired if Major Arp was subject to fits. The bees come out where the weathcrboarding Joins the floor and my repeated' assault have made them mad generally. Up to this time they have stung every member of the family, even to the litUe grandchild who lives with us, and I'm going to exterminate them If it takes all sum mer. We tried hot water, but it will not reach them. Just think of that poor little ohild going round with one eye closed and afraid she will lose the other one; and Mra. Arp'a head all swelled up with two bumps that a phrenologist couldn't diagnose. AVe can't sit in the downstairs piazza with any security. It is a bigger thing right now than bimetallism or free coinage or the tabernacle meet ing. In fact, it is a relief from poli tics to fight bees and study them In the books. I wish the editors would hold up awhile and go to the woods and fight yeller jackets or wasps or hornets and get stung a few times. It would-be a relief to the country and I have heard that such stings are good for rheumatism or any nervous affec tion and I know that it takes the con ceit out of a man for a while, My book says that the proper name Is "humblcbee,"' but there is no hu mility about these at my house There are from 70 to 300 in a colonv and bo I know 1 have nearly whipped the right. They live only one summer and never rebuild in the same place. The books say there are three Winds the masons and the carpenters and the diggers, but what they are good for I don't know unless it is to make a man more willing to quit this world and prepare hinyself for another. If there were no snakes and tarantulas and stinging things and deadly con 'tagionti and demagoguges and thieves and fusses we wouldent want another world. The little honey bee is a trump and a wonder from Btem to stern. It is good to ruminate about their wisdom and skill and their government. Jubt think of one queen being the mother of 20,000 and controlling them all more absolutely than any human mother controls her children. Just think of 10,500 workers and only 500 drones in a colony. These drones are the gentlemen, and remind you of our gentlemen loafers and swells who set about on the piazzas of the hotels and watch the girls go by. But the drones don't enjoy themselves but a month or two. The queen gets tired of them and gives her orders and then the massacre of St. Bartholomew begins. In an hour's time every ono is slain stung to death by the workers, and their puffy, bloated carcasses dragged out and tumbled on the ground. There is no little thing in nature more wonderful than the honeycomb that these little workers make. Its mathematical construction gives the most spaced with the least enclosure, the arched top and bottom of every eelL the exact and uniform thickness of every division, and the wisdom shown in shaping the whole store house to suit the shape of the hive, is Indeed, marvelous. Then there is the division of the workers into brigades and regiments and companies some to gather honey, some to make, wax, some to build cells, some, to stand guard, some to wait on the queen and be her escort as she move around, and a whole regiment to keep their winga crisis is upon us, snu every wu. in going like revolving fans and supply j , b wiHinjjr to do all in his fresh air in the hive. That fan busi- " nou u , , ... .u ness makes the humming that is heard In the hive day and night. It is the UavVCf Ul es? T a4g a w swatuvaM Bow hi the world they do everything A a. a AI t, i w va v f Vie 4a nnare ra the dark Is a wonder to me. I was talking to my friend, Mr. Busscy, about M on me mm both h"a k" a v.m m ofldnt!anv that he V wv was experimenting to see if hecouldent cross .-honey bees with lightning bugs and get up a b;e that could see how to work at night or in the dark. He has applied for a patent on the idea, but whether he has succeeded or not in his experiment I have not heard. lie was rery sanguine, and tne oniy irouiwe. he said, was about tne cross nuumK i th ; Ment juncture to main- room in the tail for the fireworks and ; "r.toie f . J f the sting too. But Mr. Bussey is an t tiu and coutinuein use the mass ot engineer on the State road, and knows J ouf Coin, as well as the mass of w.X. . - - ii"r h-d coin,!a-. Thi" r' most perfect war weapon ever invent- bv a present suspension of the pur ed, It Is exquisite in its mechanism. 1 coinage of silver. 1 am not It bra hollow tube, and yet the point of ,UA 5k ia theflnest cambric needle is immense aware that by any .other method it is when compared with it. Under th pMe." . that the point is almost invisible, D re-ember 8, 1885, he also said: "We whereas the polnt of the needle under , Qft han(i aj tie sjlver JolUr the ame irlass looks like a great rough - , . crovtar wJJh seams and ruts and n -ccary to supply the present needs ridges 11 over U. This is the differ Q e people and to satisfy those who, '&'3$Z- I .-m sient, wish to then, in made the little bee with his wonderful circulation, and if their coinage is sus- inrlnci and attachments made the ... , , j b un iivrse he boundless, limitless um verse, where there are stars to be seea by tne Jor kv., . . , . . i n ri.wi r.'ink"n . M 1 I).r ..Ii.l, r-vk .IirKraCal Ijjjm IB,tt(S VJtJJ vewo vr ConUmplute that for a moment, ye lit- 13, conceited mind who think it smart "ifihest (f3 nms rLatcst U.S. Govt Report- to say, MI don't believe bt Ooi lam an agnostic" Sixty thousand years for the light to reach us, and LordTRoat said that the star was in the near edge of the universe. Light travela through space at t negate of about 190,000 miles In a second of time, which is more than U-ten billions of miles in a day. Jhen count it lor a year, and then for 00,000 years, and give it up. We may wen;, exclaim." " Lord, what "Is "man . that , Thou art mindful of htm:" It is well for us all to stop a little while now and then and ponder upon the works -of creation, from The little busy bee to (i the confines of that universe that we may some day occupy as spirits unfet tered by the flesh. Uut I must up and fight some more bumblebees, for one ha just stung the dog, and he Is rolling over in the grass in a most tumultuous manner.' BILL ARP. EON. J. S. HESLEES0N'8 VIEWS. The Wilson and Voorheei Bills. Charlotte Observer. The staff correp ndent of tho ObseFv ver, in his talk with me a few days ago, misunderstood some parts of the con versation I had with him. I am not a 'unalterably oppos d to the repeal of the purchasing claute of the Sherman liw." I voted against the Wilson repeal bill, because it not only pro vided for a contraction of the currency to the extent of soir.e $50,000,000 per annum, but it also removed from the statutes of the United States any au- ' horitv for the coinage of silver. The Voorhees bilh,now pending in the Sen ate, does not go this far. It repeals the "purchasing claufe," but does not repeal that part of the Sherman act vhich directs that the Secretary of the Treasury "h all coin tf tha silver bul lion purchased under the provisions of this act, as much as n ay be necessary to provide for the redemption of the Treasury notes" therffn provided for. "The coinage value of the silver bul lion stored in the Treasury vaults amounts- to nearly $200,000,000. I do not think the bill whit h is to become t law will prevent the coinage of. the bullion in the Treasury. I have never favored obstructive tac tics b prevent the pas.-age of the re pealing act. I think cne week's dis cussion in the House, ii stead of two, would have been sufficient, and I have already hoped the Senate would come to an early vote. ' . With regard to the tax on State bank notes, I hope I am mistaken, but I do not believe there is !ny prospects for the repeal of this tax by the Fifty third Congress, wheiher ihe President favors it oiuiot. The pre vailing belief is that he does favor it. The Presi dent may not recommend :t, but he is also said to favor an incou e tax. My views upon the cuireney ques tion are well known, and I have seen no occasion to retract them, but I am perfectly aware that good men and gni Democrats can conscientiously differ about this question. A financial ... . ,i -i; 1 power to remove ine cause oi uic uaiuv,. . legislation may or may not be able td J j i"0 tlm Mr. Cleveland has always entertain ed decided opinions upon the currency i . , iarl frBP i Question. He has never favored tree j 1 a. fl eoiua'e of silver. In his letter to Hon. "v.rner, and others, dated 24th of A. niuei,a i frebruay, 1OO0, ne sam . "I hoje that you concur with me, and wi:h the great majority of our fellow-c tizens, in deeming it most de- pvuucu h; " -j I l10 desire aheni. If the need of fll4.;r ,a .f t.iiM flnnareui. ineii IUUIC u " . .... I I , . , m.ia t Coinage may u s io whether "a general measure mi. tft currency , relierr ill hereafter brought to the attention bf -Cot. by the President, Lliave no m knowing. He may. not-consider 4 t is his duty to do sb. But he does 6r not, the responsibility wiU devolve upon a Democratic cr.?i do everything possible to keeju. pledges to ihe people conUined in tue Democratic platform in reglrd l& the currency. - i . What are these pieces ? We denounce the Republican . lation known as the Shermaa ,et" n 1890 as aeowafdly makeshift, fraufciit which possibilities of danger inthe f ture which should make slf of itivp porters, as well as its author," anxious for its speedy repeal." , This is a demand for thereptal f the entire act, curiously, however, well as indirectly expressed. 2 u We hold to the use of both gold and silver as the standard money of the country, and to the coinage f both gold and silver without discrimm-nu against either metal, or charge lo! mietage, but the, dollar unit of coinage of both metals must be of equal in trinsic and exchangeable value, r aujustea tdrough international ment, or by such safeguaxu ul lation as shall insure the mamteuat, te. of the two metals and the equal ix ce wer oi every aoiiar at all times, Ud ... ... payment of debts." " ' 3 "Aud we demand that ll currency shall be kept at par with redeemable in such coin." 4 "We recommend that the p., bitory 10 per cent tax ou ai..,e issues be repealed." T fill ..f I...,.' r ll ' n -VVCUHUU IO 111 taCt til ill l y. "recommendation" favoriu- ... peal of the 10 per cent tax o,, bank notes is-potive and uuc-u:. , quite as much so as any other ,tti. in the platform. ' France, with a pcpulatiou j 000, uses $800,000,000 o. . $700,000,000 of silver com. .1 tender. - The United States suouiu able to utilize proportionately, uu equal amount. On such a basis, est!: mating our population at G8,000,IW vre might use $,450,000,000. of -.. and $1,250,000 of silver com. Ou Au 1, 18U3, our stock of gold coiu amount ed to $520,273,567 and our u.u.! silver dollars to $419,332,450. Secretary Carlisle is reported u, said that the United States could . use $1,000,000,000 of silver . tain it on a parity with g t. Until the panic is over, n . ble to predict with any sort vi whether or not there will be . . ... lation favorable to silver ena.1 the Fifty-third Congie,,., nope .or iiie oesi. John S. Hts ; September 6, 1893. The Peace of Hoaee. It comes to me often in Uen -e When the firelight spotte .tow, When the black, uncertain r ladow Seeai wraitiaf of theloug . It come with throb of bear kcL That thrills each (Milling r. Tb old, unquiet longing For the peace of home tim I am sick of the roar of citio And of faces cold andaUMu I know where there's warm'" And rnr aweepin gfancie B&Mt to the dear o With a yearuiu .c.i. o. , . - But tears will gire yLxoc to aiun u- When the peace of home couies agai. When the peace of home couiea'' l . music ' That never ma jie a . Aud it seems that the bands of ssjatic harp at piay. Have touched with a yean. On a teaatirul, broker . id my heart LrnA tk.. ' . When tb peace oi L : i Outfide of mj darken Utg ia mhiom Is the great world's crali and din,. And slowly the autumn's siwuiow Come driftiug, drifting iu. . . Sobbing, the nigbt wind wrnT To the splash ot tht- uM-' i While adreiuut.;g! " 3 1 Wht-u the peav.. '. '.t as Oiive V. liJj I ( ... ..