Tfce Hope Jtule Bill Defeated. . oupoir. fieptewber 7.--TUe House of oxi &s wjecj-ed Ue home ruje WJ1 by A rots 23 to i Wfrie ap!t Af.sai liwte a Man- 8eptmbe8,At Datilap ttioo, about 50 lea fjrom C&attanooga, kafayjlfce . Orime wa i&ardered from Ambuafc Xt b4 bcefl whipped by Trbitecapa las wek, and Jjad procured tbe ajreat of the whit tapper. Jo brd V to preyed him from ap fMAring as itoi agaj?4 hem tbe wbiU-capa lay in Vait with shotgun. nd fiddled his body as he passed, at a late hoar. The ofteer ire not yery . anxious o run acrosa tb the vmr4rent a tbe a,re regarded tprJUi much fear.. JfllUAn.aaVfs Suicide Ctfmao, Sept 7,Althwgb worth more tha9 tOOOm M. Eoth mcbUd. ttell known ia tbe business world, jdHed himself on Tuesday because of an infane ear tfcat be Fas la Immediate dan ger of poverty and pMyatiou, Mr, Rotkcfclli sought two tpodes of 4eatb baAye fa"y wrcoWpUshjog bia purpow, JJej&rtfahot Wajael, Mm four bulleU li&o M bead. This not proving immediately fatal, be banged bimaelf froj a binge of one of i&s fr&pi pf bia own' bedfAom. Max Rot&ebijd was a member of the jrhoiesaje j&rm pf JJothafctfd pros., and a leader io society We was i4. yea pfae,v . pn. yiew of fire Coinage. Does tie proposed scheme lor the "free coinage Of ajlyersgeneraHy understood couterapliite tbatall holtfsrs of bullion in thia country caa have it coined at the Go jerumeut igQtsby tumply paying to baye jt done.? if not, 'what does it mean. There are many proposed scheme Jbese differ jouefrflinuother, But when people speak in general terms of law pro viding for tbe freeoiuagaf sjlrer'they mean that all holders 0f slver bullion would under such a law have the right to take their bullion to tbe Government mint apd baye it coined into dollars with putcostto them. They would there re ceive a silver dollar fof every 41J grain pf their -silver bullipn. Jt'chmond patcb, Sept. 3rd Buttermilk for Silverware, from th ChrlMLlan Union. I liaye dscovered an easy way of fle- storing tarnwbed silfer to- its first ap pearance. -ijver becomes so blackened from the sulphur smoke, that I was disgusted with mi. fjowever, I for got a little cream in a jug; it soured, and on cleaning it ! noticed the bottom .was like new silver. J immediately put all 1 had in buttermilk for a few hours. Tbe carving became. as fresh; as at first. Any kiud of sour milk just as good. No more scouring, which did not produce the new ap Tb ponsuniption .Cure NEiy Yob?, September 8 A London j: . v. . Amrkncr iTiAsnhiects sebed lyled forouwderatioo at the IuternatjoB- elastic system of currency which svoald t ;cted. . By the agency of currency commis sion it would be possible to proyide au Valuable Information if True. Th purham Sun publishes the fol- ;ovii. g ylich is valuable information tirtle wniie w.e read of some AMe who has stuck a rusty nail into iiis'footj l;nee, or some other portion of b is person ami lockjiw has resulted therefrom. o which the patient died. Yet all 8uh wounds, it is said can be healed without such fataj consequences as often folio them. Smoke such soiled, or any wound or bruise that iuame4 with burning wool or wool en cloth. Tjyety minutes in the cnok- Mil take the paiu out of the worst vvQuyd, jnd repeated once or wice it wtl allay the worst cases of in flammation arises from a wound. al Mediciil Congress jcal led to assembtcin JJouje itfixt uionth4 but the postponement of which to net April bs just beeu an nounced, as the cure for consumption discovered by pr. Awick, of the ITuited SuU-esaud wlucb is attracting great at tcution in England and coutiueutal couu tries. - , A leading medical journal says as a re suit of the postponement of the congress a part of prominent physicians of Eng land, France and Perinany will leave for tbe United States tbe last veek in Sep tember, aud after a brief visit to the World' Fair will proceed-to Cincinnati to personally interview the discoverer. At a jneeting of the Paris Clinic of phy sicians last week one of the speakers coupled Ainick's namewith Pasteur's a a benefactor of the human race, aud paid a high tribute to the medical profession iu the Uuited States. grow "with the growth of the country and provide for the ever increasing use of silver, while maintaining it on a parity with gold at tlni suing T&tio ub sit present. Wushingtuit Evening Stirs. Tbe Deadly Oil Can. Special to News-Obserrcr-C'bronlcle. New Bkrnb, N. C, Sept. 8. About 5 clock yesterday afternoon Sadie, the nine-year-old daughter of Mrs. Jluury 0. Wood, of Riverdale, in this comity, attempted to revive the fire in a room of her boose with coal oil, poured from a can, An explosion took place and set the littte girl's -apparel in flames, burning her so badly that at 1 o'clock this morning she died, The mother, who wi8 in another room at the time of the explosion, "nursing a sick infant rushed bo the aid of the little sufferer, and was alo seriously burned, but iti helped not fatally. The railroad ruus near by Mrs. Wood's dwelling, and the freight train happened to pass, just as the accident occurred. Conductor Willis stopped his train and ran to the assistance ofrMrs. Wood, and, but for kis timely aid, it is likely they would have both been burned to death, and possibly the house with all its contents including the infant, burned to the ground. Prospects of a State Bank Repeal 2eas uie. ' Washington Special to the New York Sun. it is quite apparent to everybody iu Washington who has means of knowing the policy of the administration, that no financial proposition will be proposed uu tij the vote is taken in the Senate on the repeal bill. It known that the President is inclined to favor the repeal of the State bank tax, and that both be and Secretary Carlisle are very auxrous that authority be given them to have coined the seiguior- age of bullion in the Treasury, as such coinage would at ouce place an additional $50,000,000 iu circulation. They recog nize, however, that any proposition at this time would confuse the issue now be ug fought but in the Senate and eudan gerthe prompt repeal of tbeShertnau act. Alter repeal the two suggestions refer red to and poduibly others will be made by the administration. What their fate would be iu Congress is now uncertain. Chairman Springer, of the banking and currency committee of the House, says the-e is a majority of one on the commit tee opposed to the repeal of the bank tax. The Senate finance committee probably has a majority agaiust the proposition al so. But these committes cauuot be regard ed as representing, iu any sense, the views of the Senators and Representatives at a large. A JlorrJbJ.e Accident- 'jFhe 3 year .ol son of Mr. Lasley Perkins, wbO Jiyes near Chandler's niill, mt wjtb a djeatji on the 29th just. ; U was rfting u a shaft iron Ithejjt his oajt bepanie entangled around the sfcaf t, ft was carry him ArQundat a lively gait when Joe tran.der, a bystander, saw him. Young PrJins struck his legs against gtaader breaking both arms. Then Urader'bjeaa:ne entagted and hi feet stuck H wfeic.b was near4 knocking p a pirce qf plank wfeich flew up and passing tljrongh young erkiu bowejls tre ont bia entraiU, Mr Chandler ten saw theni and shut off the water. Young Perkins' lingered Wiwo oouis, trader Wat also badly bruisfldnd miebt have killed had Mr. Chandler not seei him. freidnionf Htrl4. ?Jancy flanks has just maintained ner record as one of the Qeest nags on r " was named in ftonr of tlw wotber 0f President luoifl, i3 aauj that flancy Hanks vasortu uarouua g,ri fen ;i4iv aniresi4ent of LincoW county nenwred grst to Kentucky under the cay era Mjrs, Johnston, whre hier sou .braljanj was born. After thatshaaiid her i?whand who ha J)een: a farm laborer in Kentuckx moved to Iudtana and subsequeutK a. FOR THE MilAHD,. WeAknesa. Uillrin Irulfgwrnttrin rut . nnowirs ihoji bittkiu. ItnM qakklj. For m by all dtaltn to kooAidae. Get tha axnulna. - . The President's Proposition. -The President at a conference of some friends some time ago authorized the Senators to promise to silver men that legislation for the white metal should follow the repeal of the pur chasing clause of the Sherman act, and hat such a measure would receive his signature. Presideut Cleveland's proposition was as follows : That all the silver bullion now in the treasury, amounting to 133,181.375 fiue ounces, should be coined. That the Sherman nots should, as they were presented at the Treasury, be withdrawn fr6uT circulation, and silver certificates issued iu their place. nn a lhat a currency commission should be appointed to devise, by a study of the financial system of this and other countries, such' a sound and stable currency of gold, silver an si Faper money as would be strthoient in vol nme and effect for the proper transac tion of the business of the countrvand mat uie silver mm should have strong representation on this commission By the first of these suggestions th President jnet the demands of the Southern silyer men for" an increased volume of currency, for the eiguora 4111 t.ltA rninqna rt lOO 101 O - ... ... w,u6v i ir,ioi,i)n) ounces of silver bullion would amouut in round figures to $50,000,000. rhat $50,000,000 would become a part n ue avaijaoie cash assets of the Treasury and would increase hv that um the amount of money available for he payment of goyeranjeut debU aut ioutracts. There are outstanding, in round fitr, iresHS.OOQO of the Tieasurv intes. By withdrawing them irradn. J .IJyand iuing silver certi6ifM heir places, the gold reserve, which ras receiitly l,een eucrojifihecl upon to .edeem these notes wpuld be pro-' Dids in Human Nature Selected. . Did jou ever sin "without feeling the sting ? Did anybody ever say to you: UI told OU so? , Did you ever borrow a dollarwith- out security ? Did you ever hear of a dishonest man in heaven? Did you ever see a big mau do a dirty little deed? Did you ever see a dude without be ing disgusted? Did you ever hear a sermon without getting sleepy ? Did you ever see a windy man that wasn't wabbly ? Did you ever see a cigarette smoker go to Congress? Did you ever ee a mother that would desert her child ? Did you ewr see a little girl that didn't love a doll? Did you ever ee a baby that would act smart in a crowd? Did you ever wrong a man without wishing he'd kick vou? Did you ever see an unmarried wo man that was satisfied? Did you ever think it helped a girl's loveliness to chew gum? Did you eyer "see the elephant" without having the headache? Did you ever invoice the storage in a small boy s pants pockets? Did you aver wear a tight boot with out improviug your corn crop? Did you ever know a woman that didn't own a looking glass ? Did anybody ever give you advice wherryou needed a biscuit? Did you ever see a real belle tht could mike her owu clothes? Did you ever see an uufor u.ia e that thought he w.s to be blatu el? Did you ewr see a woman that wasn't jealous of some other woman? Did you ever sit down on a loaded needle without getting up again? Did you ever see a woman that was sati-efid "with the color of her hair? -Did you ever see a man pay off ji mortgige by loafing around a saloon ? Did you ever ask for sympathy and receive scorn; if xo, didn't it hurt you? Did you e'vrr see a man who-e God was in.iuimoi) that had a soul as bier a? a w'aH? Did you ever sow your wild oats without reaping a harvest of rag weeds? Did you ever see a young man with a good countenance that had a bad character? Did you ever go home of a nigl t feeling guilty and tell your wife it was your liver? ' . Did you ever ee a woman th t didn't think her baby was the swsetest n town. GENERAL NEffS. The Landmark says tbat at on aid soldiers' re-uuiou in Statesville last week, committees were appointed in every township to solicit subscriplious to a fund with which to build a Con federate monument at S'atesville. The Durham Sun says; There are about 140 boys at Trinity College and the number is increasing by every train arriving in the city. Of this there are a. leat 100 fresh nieu. Many of the old boys have not yet re turned and it is expected that there wiil be 100 students enrolled this term. The Asheville Citizen say; Mr. Vanderbilt continues to purchase Und to add to his already large estate i esieruay a ueeu was uiea conveying from Senator John M, Campbell to Mr. Vanderbilt 324 acres on the wes siue or ousuee mountain, rue const deration named was $7,500. The best judgment from Washing ton is that the repeal will be effected without formal compromise, after long ftruggle, and that a silver tneas uie, with other legislation, will speedily follow. It may bey coinage of the seigniorage bullion, mid State banks although the latter is still uoubtful, or it may be the former, with a small ad ditional amount of silver, to stop at a certain time, and extension of national bank circulation. The stonecutters on the-Yanderbilt es tate near Asheville will about fiuish their work within the next six: months, ' KicIiMi & Danfilia H R. Co. Sam'l ipeacer, T. VV. Huideltoper and Rsubea Foster Receivers. XoND12NS1:D bCUUlULli. IX EFFECT AUGUST 12, 1.V 5 Carolina H VPS Lt mclim " L? Burkt;vme .... L.v Kc) svUlu At Oauvllie LT UuuviUe .r iireensooro LvTiolosUoro. . 7TT. r Hainan A Patricide Out on llcnd. Shelby Aurora Eighteen months ago, Weldon Atkins, then a ladjof eighteen yanis killed his drunken father, Charles Atkins-, who was puwuing him around the houe. The boy fled, but was cat - tured last month and put in Ruther ford jail. On a preliminary trail before Judge E. T. Uoykin at Marion ast week young Atkins was releosed on a 00 bond for hisapppearauceat Ritheefo:d court in November. Sarsaparilla Is superior to all other preparations claiming to be blood-purifiers. First of all. because the principal ingredi ent used in it is the extract of gen uine Honduras sarsaparilla root, the variety richest in medicinal proper- Cures Catarrh JSi. , low dock, being raised expressly for. the Company, is always fresh and of the very best kind. "With equal discrimination and care, each of tho other ingredients are selected and compounded. It is THE Superior Medicine because it is always the same in ap pearance, flavor, .ami effect, and, be ing highly concentrated, only small doses are needed. It is, therefore, the most economical blood-purifier Piii-aq ia existence- Ifc Xjui Oo makes food nour- QPRnFIII A ishing, work pleas ObnurULM ant, sleep refresh ing, and life enjoyable. It searclis out all impurities in the system and expels them harmlessly by the natu ral channels. AYEU'S Sarsaparilla gives elasticity to the step, and im parts to the aged and infirm, "re newed health, strength, and vitality. L.V lUtl'lfcU lt Lairiwin .r Ureeusuore Lv Winston-Salem. Lv taieeiiSboi'O Ar Salisbury Ar S Tille . Ar Asbevihe Ar Hot fjpiingb Lt Salisbury ....T Ar Charlotte ArSiiuruiDburg Ar Greenville vr At'anu Lt ciiaiietie Ar Columbia Ar Augusta 12 4CPM 2AM 4irJI! 3tTAM 3 ti yji- 5 35 AK 5 4vt I'M I SSO AM ! ;-6 rjij.. yMl l mi am 4 3- rl 8 3 am B 2 fJi 5;)AM T 30 y U AM X3 Ta m s OO AM i , 5 fA 45 AM 9 'it TM 11 1-6 AM 4 m pit 5 36 pm 9 50 am y 4 rM 1 ' 25 AM 111) PM I M PM 1 3"i AM 4 nS PM 2 AM 10 15 pj( 7 10 AM 11 3 Z I' M 5 10 AM S4S AM 5 40 Alt 6 a am S 13 AV t 13 AH 'j ur av 11 37 A U S p 4 i5 Pi. - 3- A. iU P NORTHBOUND Soj. 36 & 10. DAILA. 2s o. i t .mi. t Ly Augusta- oopm 1 oo pin i.Y Columbia 15 pm... 4 30 pm .vr charlotte a go am fe ! f ua Lt Atlanta 615 piu 9 5t am 1 oo pm ArCuarioLLe S. 30 aa . 7 45 pm 8 14 pm LTCharlotte 40 am i 35 pm 8 24 pa Ar Salisbury 4 ia am 10 .t p m STpm Lt IlotSprlngs It44pm Lt AsbeTille rr. 9 3 pm. ....... .. Lt Stuteavm 7 II pm Ar iallsbury . .'. 8 oo pm Salisbury 4 is am 111 pra 9 37 pm" uregnaboro ia im II o pm 10 49 pm ArWlnstou-gatem .. 8 tttom Lt Oreensbor ...... I 3o aui ) oi am Ar Durham 9jspui 'Warn Ar Raletgli lo?opm"yam Lt Ralolyti i '3 t n Ar Ooldsboro l 10 pm lull fJJE - OLl.LiSf Jlliiliiii Ren ews its allegiance to rnocracy the -Cd use of the People,: And asks every friend of good em ixiuvui, yi ugi eaa ana enterprise for support. Its subscription price will be : I Lt ureensboro Ar Oaurllle ... Ar KrTsvllle... Ar Burkevllle . Ar Richmond .. 6 ' 5 am 11 i0 pm lo m pm 7 40 sin 1 30 nm 10 "7 am 10 20 am i . m 4 05 am 1105 am 4 5iam 4 51 am 1 08 pm 7 oo am 7 oo am To Single Subscribers $1.00 per year payable in To " of over Ten .She " " (uh am Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mats. Bold by all DrugKUl ; iri $1 ; ls bottlaa, 85. Cures others, will cure you X Dally except Sn day. bctween west pout and Richmond. LeaYe West Po i 1 7.50 A. M. flallY. nd .so A. tm dally except, Si: Oay and Monday, arrive Klch rrjond 9.0 and 1 40 A. M. Return leave Rich moud s.ic and 4. a . M. dally exc t Sunday; ar rive West Point 5.00 u v. P. M. BET. RICHMOND AND RALEIGH VIA NfcTSVlLLE. Leave Ttli-bmond 12.i Y M.rtllt: leave Keva. vlile 3.40 P. M.; a r: lvc Oxford o.r.5 P.M.; iif-nder-vm 7 lo P. f , Duritam 7.15 P. M., Halt lrh 6 so A m , Returning' Klljii 1 am.dilly, Dur'.i.tine is am nenaerson ... p. M .. oxr rd .44 A. M.; arrive KevRVllie A.M., Uii-iiunnd . P. M. Dull v. nx"dtro:n Xol 8' leav. s Kt vsvlll.e d-.ilv evoenr SuntUv. 4 in a m., ()xfril. 9o a.m. an 1 nrlves Duru tm 11 2 i in Mkied i rain No qn leaves iinr. him, U.illv eqoepr Sunda v. 6 ot r m., Oxford S 30 nm and arrves Kovvllle, l 50 P.M. .vixea I'rilnNo. i:i leaves Oxford, dnllr exeent Sund:iv. 2.2.) A. M . ;iiul nr.iives Dnrham i.i.i A M Mixed Tr in No leaves Durhair. rt iliv fr,-enf Sunda. 7.3rt . M., and l rrlves Oxford, A.M. ii.uuiuij . n -i, n i , leaves wxrtiru mi a M . ailv extent Sundav. 11.4.'. A. M.. d .llv. .mwI e on v M., dallv rxeeur 'nd arrive Henderson fi "0 A. M ., 12.4rt P. M.. an 1 T 10 P. M lJptnrnlncr lp .ve Hnderson S 0'. and 7 :-:o P. v.. dallv eve.e t snn.i.iv and arrive f)x:or i 9 . m . : p. m and -Vr p M .Nos. So nil :W eO'l'ieet ll Kielitonml fp no. nnil to West Point and II .ltl:ao: e daily except jMindyy. SLEEPJN2-CAR STiVICE. on Tn!ns nos v.Tn-l :? Pnnm -n Hum t Sleeper Ijetween Vew York ::!;d M! (i.t... - On No. 37 and :v I'u'im n sieepp-.y Cars Xew Vor : fo Vew f)r!e ns X-h Y-.-i-a jf-na find Wwshlnvier, to Memphis, and iv,v.'..g Car New York to. Mont;' m!'ry anil 12 run solid between Rleh inond an 1 Ailantrand o rrv PullmonsiefpinCars b-tv.--en Klehino id. Tijnvllle "i.d (;r.-ensboro Xos. n and 12, w. N. c Division, earn' Parlor Cors hetwoen SaMsb irv. Asheville and Hot Shrlny-t. E P.ERKLRY. J. S. 15. Ti'OipsoX fup'Tiniendent, SH'-e t-.feni'er.t J'TZ';-'?:.!'- X IM iM.n.nd, Va. . A. 1 I i 'lenerii p.'ivi"ni r Agent. V.-'shinsrton. 1). '. S. H. IIAi;!)VIciv, Asst. Qen'l Taj-!. Agent, Atl-i'ta, (ia. " V. U ORKKN. SOT. T A 'S Geri Man iter, Traftie Manager VVashim'Von, D. C. AVnsl Insjion. I), c. Wstctapp F'FI1S A sea captain who ha just arrived at Savannah says tlie oceau iu that vicinity is strewn with wrecks, which may be come the cause of other wreck if left floating around iu the path of vscU. lhe Aw Urleann Times-Democrat an vo tlixf tmm , : 1 J r picaciiu IlJUlcatlOliS there exists a bright prospect of an other world's championship pugilistic encounter taking plate in New Or leans. $100 Reward 100. Th e readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science ha leen able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure :s uie pniy positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beinr a constitutional disease, requin.s a consti tutional treament. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and ivrn 7 : building ui) the What'stheMatterwith 9 wtUMuu imu HBsisung nature in do mg.its work. The proprietors have o much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred bolhus for any that it fails toenre. Send for list of' testimonials dress, P. J. Chexet & Co., Toledo, 0. Cirsoid by Druggists, 75c. . If you think there is anything the matter with your watch, let us take a look at it. Don't let it so on ticking itself to destruction. A tew particles of duit will, in a few weeks, do more damage than the ordinary wear and tear of a years time keeping. Our guarantee is for Twelve Mouths. Have you seen the beautiful line of SILVERWARE ? .we are now offering, and the complete selections of clocks, watches and jew elry. We are prepared to satisfy the ilesires of the most fastidious, in anything in our line, and a call wi convinceyou that we are iiiiiiiiniiiiiiv SOLD UNDER r.nntiMTvv tCIUAL COST LZS3T2LO 81.25 PEHQAK SITHDEAL HARDWARE CO., SOLE AGENTS. ipgM In the hands of an: old ezperien' - ' Printer, is prepared to execut'if kinds of Job Printing, and at prices that will compare favorably with . any Orders Solicited. WA if I I VlSiin - it) Kvery T LOST! A large amount of jnonpy is lost j annually by parties purchasing fruit j trees, roses, . &c. Git them from a firm that grows their own trees, ' spihIs ont nothing buf goo Htock and sellsut reasonable prices. We waiit the ad- . r m . U r . . . .1 m mm mm ti.- ui j lanuer ur gaiueuor in . flIJTi fcfJ i IP flOfS your section and will make you a K- kt t,.i lil)eral offer. Write for particulars threat "Prtnn-'tr to ; . - - . ...... A.Jieliablo to take the Exclusive , ' rr of tho. 'World'sColumbian silion Illuslraied," It V if! r and prices at once. Send vtamp - for descriptive catalogue. Agents wanted everywhere. - - T Address, Cherokee Nursery Co. Way Cross, Gs. (Mention this paper.) the Next :ur. " Onie Chance in a Limeti;:.'. En-lose 15 cents in .stamps f.r plo copy and full j.ariiei.i..--. 1 J.B. CAMPBELL, Pr;;.. T"-159 Adams St-, Cnicago. & Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Hori zontal of every Variety and Capacity: Q i in H O Regular Horizontal Piston. We pay the highest cash price for goldf and will buy in any quantities, Very Respectfully, RE1SNER & The most sim)le, durable jind ef fective Pump ip the market for Mints, Quarries, Refineries. Breweries, Fac tories, Artesian Wells, Fire Dty aiul General Manufacturing purposes, j 3t3n?oml for Catalogue. Foot of East 23d Street New York' "A r-- I f K -' -r it li.M-'i-; r J is. r- -J A. S, CAMERON STEAM PUMP WOS6 I. n tit