h(XAs rs r : tit H i 1 t a - V t- u; 4 J ' A - rn.Trh Li "T 1- :r , SALISBURY. N C., THUESDAY-RgP.'fcEilBEft.aS,' 1S93. -.. . .. ...-.o j i- aortal ' ' : "' ' " '- : ' N0.32T a ) - c3- , :-'- -1 a.V I a- q IIIC a-M ? t- '-'p5 n M Pgr ;;5 xr. Sanacel JIthr's pToscrintioculoi: Infants " , :-.tC. It ceataiur neither Oiusa, Slonao abr ; , rcotic substance. It 3 r. liuricicss " Grlstitto - r-:rc;ric,-irGps, Sooiliing Syrups, aad, Caller Oy;- t ;.- -kv.icmt. its uara:itccf TthiEly years' use by z 1' :s f r.Iotlacro. CastOTia L" tSio CItltca's PanaGa " """ '-..ti:cr,3 Friend-" , " ' ' " ' ; .: . to any r ta."i:t 1 JI. A. Aaci'iJ., II. I-., CfcK-lr, r.roiJyr, K.' V. i cvtomo 14. Few si 4 -I yotir 1 robots, j I tj. Tee Ce2tat;ii OostTAJri, .1 & -1 iv-p-i-cniiy in thi icbi j ( ktjtli i:- -., v.. iovj;r.(.T ....-tV!., i i io tii? r.oor'; tic ,- ..A..rt -tv.ccui. uiiH4-;-ri:.:-.-::H!ci-. Miniuin(i '7:' - '.';. ilx-vl'i. am ji.v-!. . ?"''' '" " ' : t a;.'-.r ' ' - ''ip-t-i' '''. 1 a ti.'idi.;., t;: 5 Kid in k-.m ... ; . oj.r.r.-v.ile.w. , l-''.-.v i - si .;.. v:; la;ig?n?.!S, ! fenJv-rnew.i:irift't shonl.er. or tvrm, ir iiral:ir..p,Vv t;i.-..-f'irin2. v.nk or haurf ; . Ch.rW !4r' ! V'.rr Va.". v. rlt-: "I fii'ort i i ; ((9.n htn": -. v.: Vi'j-.is PreirifutW ' -V I - BmH Ion'..) p ''. vp ' r:v' 'li'-'i'ii. t . "1.. y . t ! Mtnl'm art ' - .r.H-t!..h-!.. v-r.-, 1 W41.M.1I -v; . !.. ' :. ' u "-i ::; .'w.: j rt-i :hyi I.-': .i' ing. J :ftiiit'a.i :-4 V 1 : Jih'W '.'j- ' -o'l, tTiV"-it v-vn. Pa., H Rl "ji;w. itit:- r r fCr tm"s t '-vi vas to (iiilthe u-4f of !r T-:i'M' Nw 'TIart Of;. I wm j, f -(-! 'r1 .:" In n -vtrs' t-'vpr? fnrui. j Sa! nivn v- ni'v ; ... -tb ViO bonf it ! 8111 1 "'1 It. Jo.;...-;.' ra,fidv( oi;fcb.tt!cof waici ! ' wt'1 mo " ' . i lnwitij (!, y ; , i i.'.yj it .'" f r -tn rt JW i ;f :V a h 1 ; i m ' c v'.-.sm 1 V-Sti v.S.ni j Ir':V.!.-'.viO,- c.-.-o ti'vl Nrire in'l I.ivjr i 4 . 4-.. ;pilk A.sar..,r,c..f I h:t v-cll." I. Vi'iic' N-" Tc-.irt Cure 1 H-iVi 1'aU dniflr t'4)nti:ti,.4.' K'.i.''.Hi.v, i.r cent by tl: 1!". Mi!w MiMlu-al CK.. i:;-:.i-n't, 3:n1 . c: r.-cHpt t.f Pfi'w Jl prti.-r L; x irf.ii ;V.r en7n,s- pr.--: V11. It is V""!'. '".1 t'--i f r.''i ntf. oleics fr ttVlCror .Irnvi. I-tf. Mi!' N'rv. ami I-i'-r ' Hlh. ncr-M p.' 1..-.T. f.rt l.-.Te-. !.'!. V'ttilil Hijtflicre. 1 icu l'oI at drugEu, or iry rfOl. For r-' i -y !; .y:;i- t:-:. 'Mm 4 i Li Assiiraii -4 r Jl. Nix' 'o' v tt r 4. . ' 1 An easy means of. sccur mS .your wife a-ud family against want in the event of your deatli., creditable means of se curing a better' financial standing in the business world The most safe and profit able means of investing" your savings for use iu after years, i All Life . Insurance is good. The 5 if E a Die "Lire is the best. ' r fUll part imk r- 1. ! - W. J. ROD DEV. Manager, carous, RochHiH.S.C i .. A? -5y shoi: ik xua would. - Th,T tared i4 a ii-ollattamed. ton k . 8nUs 1 "ncItJicngolA it Id Bnt--ttuot Cvsred free Any-her iu tho U.S., OQ -13 ro;eift of Cah, Money Order, ' 1 tt I'osud Note for $1.50. x-'ixra.s every vay tfco boot olil- in a'l retail sturna for ?i.t. W make this boot ocrelve, therefora wc guar ( .0- " j 'fv'i'tA fcr,a " anyone ia not satisfied J'VliSA v' v,'n refund tba money iif-re uieja, s;u ami wear. OTE ShdeCq federal st, mi f - .. ?. trPHi ajuDiiicrriiiij. jruMi t?S im C JE, fc EE, . 1 f.'AX k-J T'Humes 1 to 8 end halt bi1 Kv.V r':S' w you. Uvt5!rV..;t: tn.fr,.t(4.t ' 1 " p g - er tiiei a '.?-aAH Warrni-a, Viuaiioa, '.C-oiisu,'' si'l sIwbtc ofxiijia U " ,; &ms T. .r.iar.s, 1., Ftrr?i ad 1 Aro., ITc w York C3y 77 ilusaAY Htrist, Iarr Yuax Crr? ' . ' , v ,., ,t n F,.;"in 1 i ; - n,i ...-I -. , .-v "r;r 5 3 V . -J 1- . , v 4 V-' J;.'J V ' r - ' ' t:-.- .' - c r. . i- Ci-, JJ. ; - .4..: I.Vt t-:4 j-nji, i-r.j'CJ. by - '- s. . . . V P 7T fzmpies " 1 - TJ 3 .J t,-LsisLs6 I- Ah'V. r.VirR-'CB TZct the llood h " ivrcTtp. sfti'fte: unfits ii c".iL7V- Netting is S3. b:cjicici Via assisting' rrJurS'tzt Siriz's' Specie (St S. SJ Ji is c sixifk ' ccrrpcur.d. is karmlrss to iks vat delxAU child yt " iS forces li e fn-isca ti the srf2c4 and eliminates ti jrctiiJt blood. I ci-r,Trcic d a e'rvcr; cise erf bleed polara that untitled op icr rj.laess for (out yec:. A few bottles of Shift's Svxcific (3. S. S.) cxxsA Hkl , J.C.J-jiiS,t-ity?iarsi"-tl, . juittxyAi 'ir r i S. Treatiss on EVw! ,iT;d -Shin Diseuos toailad treses?: Vi. .-V:if5eSS CTatA, i-.-t Tri.(.r:J.Tk:- o!;.xI-.;d, r fttl Pzs tat bi.;:-! ...v,;h--4 ui' i-.f :i4.-.i: cva. O J Orti't i O 1 -tr:;t. S. I" t Orrtcs asd vja cau (-- ''ru ;Ji'.c:ii ii. i.; r.iii-. UiA. UiCj retina fr.iiii. .'-:-.lit feead nw)i, driri- or iio., V.ti cfcrfp feon. ?c rtixi. if ,.n;hkj .r r.-..t. froe cl ehnrrc. Otjr . i.-.t d:,2 e." ruc.-f i -.tM. 'A rM4crT, tlr-s.W CV;i.-i F!.r.i," wit ca? -l cwiu cl:--.an la 2 -r iite, causty -" Wh-c, tvr-t Iro. .i-w, Cr'mcs and "fyr:shm38 Behe;Klin? was unlcnofa as a pun-" islnvient i;i Ibland until aft-er the Xcrmtm crmoiTst. . Eranoinj and nose-bitting' were favorite - political pu'dshmcut3 In England 200 y'arj r.co; Mast Attfitrian criminals, are be-t-wien tho a-jo ol .23 and 30, and 80 pf cent. are. unmarried.. ' ' The Jewish lavs mide witchcraft - a capital crlm?. '"-"Thou shait notv suiTer a-wit- h.to Hye." In IBS") the prison of this country eontaino -IfiwitS Americans -and 12,--010 forcb'-nor.3. - The proportion of old offenders in Franco increased from 10 per cchi. in 82G to Id per c vt. b 133U. -. "- .... C 7-:- !:' .'' V Vs?i YTASHINGTON LSIXER. Frciaour regular corresponJent. TUi hamllmtiou of ' Tom Reed and his litfulenunt, Burrows, or-Micliiguu, when-they. Ikiruvd thiiUhe'dciuocruts of the House proposed toput an tffect ual q Jieius upoii republican Hilihuster in' niiiast lbe;reportiaR of the Tuck bill for tie repeal of laws autnorizm the presence of U. S. officials at elec tbnstfaii a pltashig siht to demo cratic ejtsT Because 'the derioerats of the House in the adoption ot regular rules hwd: beeu extrtraely leuient to vrur&s the .crhiority the repitblkuus as- subed t hni i:o cheek would he put. on ... .... r fi 1 1 ifa listen ng. Jt he j were given ff iopev for-awhile because tliere Wiis not a quorum of democrats pre ent, hutas soon as k qi'.orum .of dejBo cr Is was on hand theyvere effectually squelched by an order reported -from the committee on Rules and the bill was reported to the House. This or der w:;s not the result of any assump tion of power by a single individual, as were the rulings of Tom Reed when he was Shaker; it was authorized by a democratic caucus, as sucb things always should be. j The republicans are-to be allowed to lutne any reason able length of time during which the debate on this b,U shuti be carried on, , . .i . i... niii- out uiry aie imu iu uc mv buster against a vote upon' it af ter - ititnHte debate 1ms bee u exhausd. " ... , - .... Tbepuhnctanltncnng. iei,u- I.idtd lh:s week, and the uemocrulson , the Iloae AVays .-.nd Means cotnmit-te- are now at work upon the new bill. Although the numbt-r of d.iys were Lower than We7e given4by soma of. 'i3 j ther com nnttees, mure inue ac& js.ve.. j e of the other eouaasltees than ; OV aOUt W.4S ever fivin before for public hear- , "" "v.:nc, "-"V'-' j .ef'erH o to ms'o con.unr.e s i' r pivpara- ; ioe. pi ' V t- beilii; reyi rt hy leej i i lit u,i mb-.-r.-hip of the j ui;.)ii:c.' I: .s nut pos:-i'e to J-ay j v fit ; V .i; ;-e couij'.i-.'ie;, bui. j ,vj(i :e:0!iio tltfie t Holt so.;.e 01 , . . ;;. i J ' i 1 pij..re ; : i-m to (h'.rl: i;!-ee?t;-.r o r loo-et 5x up a measiite in veiV j ord. v, bui it is not that kind ot j , 'X ( w..nl t pre.-'!tt 4o 'lie conn- j ieUtiontJft'fccti!igo !nany in-1 e iuuM be ve; v careidiy C-.uSM- J o and lis ctL-ct c.deulated before .we 1- 1 -o j ,r..u .... t- 1 ' -4 '- 'i 0 to pCi'M'Cl a OI L vs inr.i vu .sr;i...ti the -many ttis t which it v.id be sut'i'eied when enacted into a law. rr.1e.J1 a measure us tbi cannot- be sec- esssfulv hurried. We shad, however, " . 1 , , -o t , j , o Ume, uuctnopotopM.ent u to ..helioua! the e.tHi-sl pH;c ,uo- moid, coa-istcut .with the impj. tinl in- trests involve.!."'' ! r'.cwr.d times thir we.V the B- nuie , 4 h;is aroused pum:e expeCiidion by an- ; .. . . . 4. 1 . . ..... f"ie.i: :ear.0i o ue on 110- -vc .. CUJ,lte-rfL iner theVoih.es it;, bill, but the end it, ooi yet. Senator XvU, ,f T:-xas, in ride one of the lroi;e.-t ?H:recues oi'tue wpch, 111 j.oi v K.l; Senator oi hees m lad'- it eh.u'ae- rUitc explanation of U position, in ,nc.v..r ti. rriiiiusm.- becitu.-e he mu ot r,o-r d vote, ctilioa tiie attention -d i ...... .. . . ." ,1... ... t!- ". ;t Sunr- Hie oouiiii v i't . - - - l y lnrpoto iu;t; u iviu t . i.. ..- r. wi.4 .4 v. t hi rr r...e .4rr,iL ft tiM Scjlate. rule winch nave iot been m:-ten.u;y cu.!i-vi 101 aore than eight ve.-.rs, mid Jnc repuo iicn tfeiiHUrrs, for ;nd agaiiiit the bill, i.id a rt;;iil-r liionby aiei p .rrot time 4 1 . . . "77 ....'! 1 L..t m.cdig tlieur ives. 11 i"i-.c. ol the attempt to re .eb a vote . y mentis if. a fuuiuiuous se.-iou of the Sesoiie will Ut! anide hi a few days (thu.s d-dly ittmiis have alfe-idj Uet-n lengtbeae i ) a .1 . i-".: il. . I.Ol 1! -.il. .... Uu it tilat ii. " I u" U4ii . ii cnnci i).ive to lie abio.doned or a ct mprouii-e reached by concessions on bo n .-ins be udoptod. President Cleveland is stiil !ud leid. t t :t tiie b:il Can be p-'SACtj and for that reason declines to eon- sider anything in tb.e shape ol a com- promise. , - C'hms Spreekels, the snar Vintj, was m Washington a fej d ys a; o-j- ihe purpose of o-lsh liTs tiu.-r.- in t lr Ii tw.uiaa p. . ;,but. be tnt short .his stay when he learned ill d t le wlioie matter wiis-abeady settled so far us the ; w - adminislr iti-m is concerned, au.l tln.t Pwr'ide-nfc Cleveland is only waiiing b r the beuate to d'.sn-'se o hie. v -ui ees dll beoie be semU it a special me--a:je on Hawaii, accompanied by Vr. iilnuntV report!. jo iiominaliu William 13. lioin- tugs, timirman usuii, so-aivi .g ot one CJ m-r-ioe." fho cld.-f end old m,-a. f the two ilie prcpuratin of i.he liew tuiiQ. ml!, j , cm" vcrv glad to hear that," -tribes mot in a pi no fcrtt one day i. . 1 .t 1 ... in,i'J.N ' wji. ! m ti ' .,4. : - I 'Sit uckvi. an LVTU'iir:' t wftri reached. vhI !. li e u-'iinit.i.iiii. li" '' buiu 1 iio fcina xiiua, si,ei5L)ii.i ia 10- his - ' . - ,,!( to-t-iher. one or t he .-chc.t..ie-; : curru-.t. it .vroum oe a ternmo r " ' x '1 '. , .. , 1 ! v o-l (!f ,1p ,hrio- thin-to think that there mif:hf be Vvhile it wiw l,m;.r.pn:;sed around wii 4'.p.vp.tr.d .y a.! ot UK '-io . .1 -n f.b,mal '.Ey ;5ven, tho chiefs of the N. .... 1 ! i.t, 4 11.. 1 in1 thO IillI 4 .1 t-v. T-.'?V t'li.Vl- blower, of Tsew , York, to succeed, to the vancy in thft Supreme Court Jtft4. b v the death of Justice Blatchford, ard, J. J..VauAlen, of Rhode -Wand, Jq, he ' ' ' , ' . -.,'".4. ' i , i. , Ajtibassidur to Ituly President Cleve land sprung a double surpiLse en the politicians. The fijness of Jjoth gei tlemeiL for tlTeppsitipti io, which they have benn nomiuuted is conceded by u)S, and there will be .no, trouble aljoit their conurmation DEFIED THE CARONi Th3 Neat Rcbukg of a Self-Important Swcutsh Nobleman. ' " Important officials sometimes ior''' get that there are persons "who '-caa'i aHord to disregard their.iroTranj A p'ursdYoud old no'qlcnSAf wQUt traveling through tbe rural diitfietsf -of Sweden. One day l&'stpp&l Hi-? carriage at a cou-try tr.vem,'-aad called out in an imperious tone: . ''Horses, : laudiord! . llpised at onco!" I "I am "very much pained to In- form you that you will Lave towuit over au hour before fresh horses can be brought up," replied the landlord, calmly. "How!" violently exclaimed tho nobleman. f'This to me! My man, I demand horses immediately!" Then observing the fresh, leek-- locking ones" which were being led. i up to another carriage, ho con-. tinued: "For v.'hom are those horses?" tleman," replied the landlord, point - to a tall, slim individual a few paces distant. tlJ nobiemau you 1jt V1G hav. you let me have those horses if I pay you a liberal bonus?" "No," answered the slim man. "I intend to use them nryself." j aKi; roarea tho now thoroughly ogitratetl and irato uooUian. 4,I am, sir Fh'ld Marshal Diirou to think . that your race will boa f )(,t..raee. " The earn man was the bin;- of Sweden . Yo at h's Cor.? r. ion. John Cr'ti'i! WhmSd. A battered silver "w!d?llo vted bv the a-bohtionist, John .lirewn, to isummoii hid followers to secret meetings shortly before the civil war. is owned bv a cou.-.in of C-..1. L-wis Washington, of Ccorgetoy.-n, D. G. V hen Brown was arrested on n irrj'V,.".'l h. lrive ir ovi'rvi hi ciso willingly, but begged. leave to rotain thia. Of course the re-.iuest was granted. The whistle is sabl to resemble in sha1,.);1 a long-taPod tad- pole with a dorsal ua extending tho length of its body. What -eori'OKponds to tho tail ;3a elender pipe, through which a ear rent of air is blown flu to wise acrass the hollow bulb at the end, phdn, a of -c;.ui,r s vcry lK.11(.trirnr. a j isidcnts of Ilarpei-'s FeiTy s.wd, efter the capture, that for -weoits be- Xore they had heard that wb.istlo round at ui-ht without known."; ilr mf4,.,,in,r jiut thc UOvr?,.s knew it, 1 e .1 ... ?4 1? ; ana lor tne-n 15 luv .n ne i whistl" of the underground railway i -Army and xSavy niaazme. For His Boy3. In a paper read before the To-a rtnnlrrs' ns:-wc.!ation Mr. W. II. M. j pU3eJ tod a" eharaete.rh;tiealiy 1 "ii,,.v.n" -inocd 'r. of Fiv-sidont TjIu- 1 - i coin. White in Mr Pusey's ofiV-o X)k out of hhs i one day Mr. L4icoin tor , , . . . .4 . . "I wldi you p-cntlemen would lo cate this hmd warrant for me. It is my pension obtained as captain iu the Biaok Hawk war." . Mr. Pusey remonstrated with him lor having kept it so long. 'You ought to have entered tho warrant years agi," he &aid, "when it could luive boon jiiaced in land further oast." "Yeo, 1 know it-,,r answerod Mc. Lincoln, "but I 1ko kept it as a souvenir of the war, and to show ! n-.v. .,J fT., "I 1 '..i--4 ioi n ce.l- uuu ttnu tutu i - j dier.' The Amerfcr.n "Woman. Perhaps American women whose consciences arc not easy on the mat- 1 ter may fail to recognize themselvca in this"unaccustomer word of praise from aa English journal: "An American can be spot ted m a mo ment, whether iu a railway carriage cr on board a stoamrr. As a rute she eschews the sailor bat whoa on voyage. Instead, she wears a trim smart 'boat shap3 of waterproof felt, with waterproof ribl?6ns and bristiiurr with win.23 stuck in by a cu ailing hand. . Ucr erauzc veil is al ways fresh i and immaculate, her (doves easy fitting, but' wed cut and newly bought. - Her skirt.-.-never drakes, llo buttons are olf her boats: .Would that Ensiubcmea would folow our American cousyis example, ia tilts, 4 . 1 . 4. 1 1- t I'll S U) (.!--l I-..-' I-TI' .-THI?-LAK8 OF DEATH. v .s i i . t f j i .- . A'earliblo . Bodj of V7ator la .f- iitlKJ.Gtat (Of . Alabama., . An iDdlan Lccroad Asrrlbos It Origin to &a Ainitat Aot of TfHrhfry -VZtit . V tli 53aijks Are tol l of All - 1 There is adako in Calhoun euntv, Ala., which dp a reirrarkaUa, natural curiosity. ..It. is" pviU in shape and Covers four acxMs of ;nou:ja. No vegetation on its ixiiiks, nothing lives "in it, watei-s,- y.nd even snakes and . terrapin, w&hun, it. The ,wate.rhas .. a. pv-culiar. tate, and : rjeitlier borses nor cows will drk;h IV no' matter :;how f tli.rity they -mayle. -: ! " '-Dcp.iloWr: be j,ech what l-,.k . "ito berth.3 vbrred trunk a of j large,, ..tcoes, without rwt or bran.-h. T'hey l4Etahd '.upright in' tho' vrauii' uiu never nr.e to' tho suruv.'O or- pink to tho bottom. ... Tho lako ha,i no appar ent outlet, but the v.-a-W.r always re:r:aii;: at the same level. Soimdtugs U .o depth ' of seven hundred foot have been taken, without bottom behig found, and the people hi the neigh borhood say that the hvlce is bottom less. ' t' At one time boji mA h fret her at the lako on Sundays ar,vi swim in t, but they never r; nc;.r i; now. jFiftoeu toyj Iivu Lecu drov. uvu ip. jit, and, although 5o:rv: c-f ih-. bel ies were recovered t' ose vrho wcr 'drowned any distance from tho banks sank to tho bottom, and ;v.r-j cover scon aain. I Kcre li thCi lndi;,u legend . of the brigin of tho lake. M-my iu.,o;w b iforo ' the 'white man ccv.v. to this country,-two tritxi of Indians, ono jlarge and jxweriul, the. ot.her s?t:iall and weak, Iiv-;d near the spot where ''the kike is. T!;-y went to war with oa'h ! other, and ' bo y.vMi i'ibe was ncor- i ly eccteTCilimteti. Then its chiefs I SUi'nV for T.:";:r'-nid ) jntrong tribo sprung up, and, with their tomahawks, liilied the chief 3 of the v:na!ler t.-ibc. A few ucab af- t--r thi-i a Oro brx-ko out In the fores vhe:v tl o council had ! kv;i hold. i I ! . iZ Dt:r:v.i c- onstautiy hr tirhfc 'mns, and tho.i tho groi-nd sunk cut ot r-iKht, tho' r:n;- 'ik-eppcar.y, aiKl in it. r;toad was th- k.tke. Tho i Indiai.s f,'avo tho lako a name, which i rru a-it) 1 Days. "Lako of Death." Golden : PP.CFESSIOI'-.'AL ATHLETES. Two Errslnent Dc-ctcrs F a i to ArcQ '. in Tbch- Observatioa. . Dr. B. W. Kichard:X:i, an eminent English authority in phyt'irl.-'.eal ctudy, assert n tb.at th-re i.? u- t in England a trai.K-i profe-5:donal ath lete of the ayro of thirtydive, who ha-3 been six 3-er.r0 at his calling, wh-' b not disab'kd. lie dKd..h t:H3 artiiieil r.f -ri .7 coases, the iavi !unt:ir musoie-; -the heort ts;Hnaliy r-iaoia ia - tp-;v;tb cut ot oil dot jo i ; rfoo j,r.';il.:r thatt tho re.-,t o? th-- ;K-tive-.:. -.b-t,' jarts of the or-ual-' K Cor.ira-y to bis theory is ti.t ; Dr. h M-.-hr-M. ffo i na r-i .!'? t ' t-" ' 1."; Tavior, as ce.T.oo;' Journal -f th- Aroerioo. M.-U t?ociati')n, who . . 'ri'Kf hi y ! , 4.7 .......... io.3 cf a sooro ufiutsh-;. i'--w nvu-vj, which iilu&trato low vi -us cid .s'tron ruc!i :a"!i i.i.v,- l- -. ever. "! -n L-ftc-r tlu. r. Ibnit wi-i--h ln Kleh ardsoa hii.-j .a-'-ji'nv-d th--m. J 'i y lor is :-diom,.;- .f ;h::., ri these and oth.-r i-i ' - tb:,t the ! 1ut,K"K,J8 bu; -l: "V0 T I tonda V5mulat:,'.:;toa cat.a:. 10 . . ; , ...... 1 . i - 1 . . , -.- T - t4.5 vi;n-.'v of iHjth body and l.t'.:.i; a'.'-d not only thh, I -at th'.'.tt? bor! :.:i-ne-"S of ivvOk mi' -alar - ; tb.u, thort of profound irdriu-tion, h merely terrfporary and :ocA-orrihk and that dani'rs i- intriatl organs end vital cvfltcra uro cctap'ir-t--ly rare. . Wyoro'ns'a Curr.lnr; Mour.tr!:-. In Johnf-fi 'Arun'y. V.'y., ihn. in Kbat is. crdlcd the I'eroi: -'-'-'-tarn. It 1-- im b::".'- v ;- '-'.o.: that has been on :;r-- " ' first w'uitc rvToi vlsi4! b ft c There are many T-.v:it ."is r -. ' ti- J ontiy. -I.OOIMJ il , T.-'?-. ..- ': to , '! 4-.I I.. 1.. I '. ::ii. 1 . .1 1 i.i 4 ' ' - lire, 1 ut. all pi-mt t' uity, aiud it is p- , ;;:" -.it e.'A - "1 1 : 1 '. : O. 1..5S bank htv b -e?i ftiVI no.rs. The eon. -.1 . . 4 . S sents a si'ur-ua--riv- iot: n -'y-- 1 1 L . .4.-! .. f r-- anco, v hb h is u eei im u'i? j.in prov. d by the - h-. itS.'if. her i : . 4 rt el's of --ai t rt.p 1 -r. tor. i.:.. o . ; r- Eh-fowb.ere tb- hi" ' oroiind. and m- ' ' hat r-i the s"rf-v.-. :'." --'' ble jets of smie enl t-. .ntf net, .1 nnTu.-ioat err-eur '.rou.ra er: la the baketi earth. it 1. 1 1 .... .-4 i v to. go about ta. -. f. 4- 1 a 1 1 are there freott.-id (..v. ; cf the f?urface, but the w,oe.. arise from tboburnit coat .wrpjw eriu;(. 1 is.iCfwtt bi j ii 4--.o ' -a Tl. 7 ... : 1 . . 4.1. A .. Highest of all in Leavening 4- -a TfJi .W 4'. 'Tlvro oro strange wutr..-.rjatc titii.r.ivli!sjia jl4Strw-.?; ' Thepo arc l. Ri;;ctr i'c IO pw? lie obtu-j: Dut'tlc BtrD- stt-t til FUanse tfclftav Ul tn-J i tut u-v&vU-.-ta tr..uci-4.i o...., vi , V.: 11 . . ; r A rare Ut'U isnfilcnttac' to ni on-" taw ?. if . Of vh? v.-rt!,:.ii-..i) Ci!cror.-'j Uiwc-?;i Two wh! Tho m..int l'.tUe otrc:.g. r 1r.'-Li ix-iJi.'r b " prillrs. nnro.i t-rlrsa prao c.ir hr-ifvi to cc- Arl r,ov 5 !:' entmfU as Ok- Kitr of ull. Ah, ?oai !.t W7! 1 tV'.nh rf tfsr- t'.-o IWr.a li-,(.r vp4.::l 4i4u a n:yZ.-3 ;-.!.ro; Ai4U ttc cl.c--.-' :.t -.lit lor:r .r. ,r- vr:.-.-r 41 4 1: Cut !io !;:;-. noi 'iSirci oa t ; v IIo.v,-1-r,,v v . re ,'! ...w 1. it! so inuw. You've brc-Ucn ttcm r.n, o.tid yc u bit t!icii it: Aa IX we wtri .. eu??i 'ta r.n;l 3-ou v.cr-. 1 queen. mm 1itt:c raciitVc .-;,' 1 n-.v by itr.'lfcy; AU ti!'.- b.-::ts t; -.t :: u.'-, : ;?i Ui.t Aiid tx-: Oj-j r-na T- - LLi, k sa-f r-j'il Hut ol.'i f !1 it l.:r fcrrat4 utovc.! T-vo aad- 11iO'!.-Ti fae. lc t tyi-Wit )i t'iv? tr'...;- i'l; YiioUirii tenrs b.- our p.vtic: v. .".i e'j.'.e tbruc'a from f Nor onry t:-o -j'ioo 0 O ; roisart r.-'. C.'i4'4viit v ith our proUcm ci i.:s-, T-. y aod 15 V LlZiCiil VC-I.il cak:2. " 1 toll yer, guth-mon, h.l'l; nn TKsi:,hi to rise e ii n and ihii it ri;rht without litigation.' "1 soptMi'Se he meant ir-riutien, but fur bo it from me to 0. :-?.. b a mom: -r cf t!:e 4'--b ;:::." ia.:.,i !; . 4 1... 4 v man t.e l:h- fmird-.vt T,.o;:y c.-n ..-nrth, or c io s ;i - lie ' , ' 1 4 : 1 n . - 1 . : . - 7'T. T.4 4t 1. (- UJO, S I") Hp is they uiv eo uoc Two yooM iacn r.?d a sh 1: ;rb-!, aroav-omoti to th-' rednJo. tits ....' civilization, trying to co::.--;.d- r o ut j...a; la thi.; rude cC....!:: '. 4. tar-aw;iy rr.r.f-h It was a roman.o f fn.-di-y:. -:n-l "d'-'tieedly u:.-eonv-:ntio-:ul,:' ;u ti;. y admit t: d. One of t1' r:.o , v r hud !::'.:: v , .-'. . r!'r e: f : ." :' 1 ' " try I'.- i-. :i u-w b- '. t - - 1. e' . r v ..00; ho .: .: .'. 7i.v o hi ?h " 1 .. . "" ;.' b.l .'' .1 '." '. iv i w ' .y -. ' :L :::.. r-ti'l iil,- had on:--d for ba!iv. si ub, a ; w e' bo' 1 1 r 1 j n.-.- . . . -. . l 1 frb-.i-ls reviv.-d. -. :; v.iiii 07. "y.-u will w- r n 1 -i t j! tV'.!; rf it r f:i7';:t;'h4.t if br i;oi - .- h T'ne b:i-.-.r.- u-e yoo; uao-bi;- t-iicn.-.-eb.''-:. ? n e ! .j-j cii.aiio ypwld sue, the '.r -iil'e, f.r.ally fueccdr-d in over:o::.:r..'; b-vr em- fthe txre the vtrer.'""" ne;t vr i -d h avin- 'h-.-r m u-ii' tie -o . . ; . . . . 1 p ra:c; no'. ::.r .;. d,.. . ........ o-." t o to i,oe the ' ' '.-t ' e. Convi - that ut, ed tiio.i . -:'.. i be b:-.J i : . - "' .- 7 i ,-. . . : ' '- fi-"'!n I.- e."i!i' :'-bU ; :!.-7-. '' tv- b-:a?. ." they : t " '1 !b,t t.y U- bn '"' oo-rb 1 b 1 t f- ' i : . - i a ! o:h- a ' a - a'J'. i ' 'e - '" rb.-b.t to 1 -ray you o . . .. ; . . : 1 1 1 t. . 0 .4.J ;ou burden y-J' trb" Powr - Latest 'tn a Govt Report j nonsense, Bess; we'llget ' you well. And theu wa roallv tif.l : and if you don't cqme we will not bo . . . . 44, sae; wc need your protection. Au ; .Amazon rode" trp. yesterday fmd ! brought a present What do, you i tnmk it was?" - j "Something sentimental, I should ; jud-e." "Correct!" said tho doctor. "It j r.v-, hutter. She had St in ' a botUe i tnat sho carried ;nest her heart. It j was melted when she avc it to mo.' I "7T!5v'h, the hear t 01 the butter? 1 ask.-': I?er.rs who" ce;uU.uot help see-' I b;7 the funny shte, no maitcr how' ! eh-- felt. j Then with fptieMy-changing" mood I vhe -said: "Ihii I cannot permit you 'j to n:ak- furtlier Str-ri'iee for mo. It 1 is a clear case of nvKiern chivalry." j "V-11, if thctts what you call it, .. e;.e so .-o'ulora msls a cliance-to do : the ;eroic I don't intend- to let this ;;rn. 'Ihe.c th.ero is a memory," sho un;'(i, . - !.e::r. i Insta. illy the jtnn'dfietor fxxiamo 1 h..-ri )u.-.. "i'es, very near and pre- cio4i; and fr the hake of this you j will seo it is best." j Somo rx-oplo always shed tears at j a v:eddiug,'no matU'rJiow happy the I c'-ti-.io:i. The bi;j, strong-armed hi.-te.ss of the hotol, in 1 .right calico : ):';:, who stotd up with the best j r-:a' oi'l j'tstico t thocircumstances 1 'in the lachrymal line. ; '. !; : i"o.el: girl's eyes shone like 1 r-ii and her thin cheeks were. tlu.-'he'l with happ'iness. Then-eso-!' lute manner of the th".ctor, eonvey ; n-j- t!e ih a That he was beinjj ! s'.orn to i iiateh his bride frcmi the - 4. I J - ' "l i. 4.111, 11'. 1 1 n.'iu wiii'ua uuu ; i.y.rit r.th -lie, '.he a'.jdy bridesmaid ! t..'-rb::p.- never ha't so m-nuitio an oc- , c-.i: L n for to:vrs. ; Y. iioii til-4 o:''h.fA4ie reaches i cer- j tcdn j-itch, the ludicrous sometimes ( ".e .-. hi to rt'beyn'tbe tecsioa. Thj y ..-..I'o.'i sv-i.-s. ; it u-a.-. a i.'in '-.f-the old parson this d; nc!1. -' il c:i;:ubiul tit s ia I thai ' j't lito 1 hi'h) bne bj-;de a lb- tad rid h-n imaiy miles voth (k p?e'. r t!b!'' '"-i.i-t to bis saddle- l-:-s. which br u.'.'-ht ia and ave the i ri dai.'brh ;iv!:ward ceremony, ':-:pl.iiiiin'jf that .In id ways 'yot V'n ah alike, so u. thore wouldn't be no j-vdoary." It v ., o a bmrvt: covered with br?:.r).t, oho;rt t:ower.-, wliieh lie in- :' th-- yiek bride's . ' far:.i.he-l a vent the .-t. j ' .! of thepnrty. Wh n th-- r.eivJy-ir.ade hushaml i-boi j-. the t i.r: -orbs liand, and as- e. j i 1 u.i 4 . . ., eool..l have ori.e.e. the -)or ti-r 't w .-.a '-4.' . j'S'-d, wai.a e -.. 1 n 1 !b--:- sr-omed" :'e;.t- r. ::'. i--. 4 :w inter io ;h rr.::eh. tb-l-. ! ep raising, ii.-. f ...:, th . 'tii-ij; lambs 1 4-.-) vi.-d with ' each hi .'oaidrx iiec c m fort able. i b. .-.r.;.!try for su.-Ji ; -; , ': :. I. whieii hlio r- o 1 4 i ' and :,t rry ov;r their do a:.'i d-dly brought ft::: .';:.". outside. :or' ( ! o- kind-hearted a.- ?(-. h; ''ibovV. y;' ole woman t.-.-. '. ?" alwt.y.-, -rou;,dit downd-ho b 'uv and li - id 'i fdav.-s, as sho e.dk-1 tiie tv,-o riend.s, paid her ! :t.y k b fei'mee ii'; ''the oh' woman.1 ih v -uj' .n-yi w re uaTcoly con B' ioe.U how h.r'j.-lv sho entir'ed into their lives until ti.-- turn etir.i" and th..-y bu i Ui fac-- the hu t l but she v.-:i-. ia.-bo; f-prhy. t h.-t lb-' dr i rv; .!--nger cil - .- th '-a' I 1 a. ' tbr"- reso- a 1 1 "r-brave t -. ' hi. ... . r - wiirdyo!:. .aroidchumSi' :.hi i-.-J. :, i' .. ! iy, giviug a t . ' . , ' ' '.. r . " - r heat -ateh her vo 1-. -y!v ! r ;oroi :! I may ! so r i'rc. H--.U'' niy cf'.if.s );i v.'-.r p.d't. it .-a.- frioud ., .;.;.! , ;-':'-: a.' ri.hii.vfs- on 'my t. '. ' . ' v.;. -r than. -. a ", o v. o.v ! Ifitead of h.. v it b dreamy o.i ro.ai?, she u .' ia a 1 ic-b'Ol.'mg 4tl ! 11:;. 1 ..-.'iy who ia.ybi have been an ! -; -j. (.! ;! v on j:i:i: insfead" of tba i v.rii-r -J '"Dlvid. dd' "'All the pco- -I j... -- a , ,2 !r..:. are disappointed", " I 5.b-srv -;, 1 uefuhy. 'bnd they do not I so mtk-h a3 take the troablo to coa . ,.. rl rl-ai- 4.V4.I it i 1 i 1 t - . i r X 1 i ' i !

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