- X X 111 ft SALISBURY. N G., THURSDAY OCTOBER 5, 1S93. "I RTII SERIES. NO. 33 ki Iri Si - . I ON IKE tSAruj. . What is - ,v TOJETl&JB III 1RS c a r g s. TAKE A BEECH TREE., Dr. Gaciuel Flicker prescription for Irii-ints i rinldrsn. OEiuina -n" - votie substance. It OS ft iiurniiesa buusuiuia OS oike An Exciting Sipgte-Kanded fcncouruer u u .j tss 6tt for bjmXw In with a Crocodile. Tbundr fetorn. Tho Florida alliratorls unpleasant The danger of Uklnjr refuge under cnouirh at short rane, especially if a tree when caught in a thunderstorm r n Tr-n. K,,t irlirir. from, is one of which we are constantly re lic is full grown; but judging from , but when we haT9 to choob the story told by an Indian gcntlo- getting wet through with its man, the crocodiles of Hindostan are j nttoI1dant discouifort and the (appar-. much more dangerous foes. He was j entiy) small chance off Wing struck by sailing on the Ganges one morning ; lightning while under the shelter of when a big crocodile carao along and : the tree, it is only, natural that wo seized hold of the boat with histeetn. j V The gentleman was unarmed, and j Jit could only kick and club the monster. ratltae to know whiclvi tlio best tree This is tho story of the encounter " cooso for shelter.-' A certain Ilerr told in his own words: Wockcrt tells us that we shsuld cloot I finally forced the oar into Its : a beech tree, and gives us the follow-! fr lrcg-oric,' Drop?, Bootliins Gyrups, and Castor Oil. it N ricasiint. Its sruanu-tco ia thirty years use by ' jT?lliois3 f Mothers. Castoriii is ixic vuhuxch the Mother's Friend. , toria. vtorl a b bo w-U adapted to cWldron thai t it cm sur-en"1 pneuaripttoa ' -.t .0 wail known thnt It tkirJ a worV v - r. f rOicn to wdors ii. I'w 3 r M'Xii. Cicue. JiAftrrx. D. D., Kew York City. Cagtoria. Cutorla euros Colic, 0o5tl?vXion, . . Coir Stomach, Puurha&a, EruciaUon, KLUU Worms, elap, ?rocoti Without Lajofiou adicatk. Tor wrrarml yra I Ura roooromoBdrf your 'OPfcoiia and ShtJl ftlwaya costiia U d t6 6J It LuH iuToriaU jrduiood bcajflia Edto F. Pasjixsi, M. D., 125tlrStrpt fcud 7La i-Ta New York CUy IERIUBLEEXPL0SI0H1 o Too His' Pressure. . Ta tliefto 3ays ai keen C3mpotition in every r Kph ti !iusi:iOP mar is compelled to unl.rt Mi'i tvt-rr enerpy to U4e .he cicrk, dook-aj-.d Jabnrer. to 5v 2TA . IK 51'.LW!vfH at n terrific rate, therein biuut ono'rU'-an cx.x, which, if ,mbi with shaitcicd brains .d -bod.eb. Therare rmw.inj? .at too high presbure. The' strain L- t g-at. ntlan- muet afidA give way. .-This i.s ii ol luniuxi, thry he thn- (kii:.i;r,er.t-, frets, hh their hmI rci.JiKK'rw. TLL writU u is S"wr.g ttoij eTery j4V 'U V-tiitlUT of its- incnacfc. is awful uroia. Our Lf.mt-9, hr.hpitl, and iiwna .vl..u..r a.t full of these ui.for tuna tea, 'ad reiH)iK crowded ntiU furthtr. liicre U btit oiij foir.ticn .f U.c matter. Eecog ciaehe :iirjortai:c of the sitnat-on at once, ...j U.u tJ-n r.fiAi.!V :r.e3?urta to over- cwwifc If von Lave failu-g iricnjoryr hot flailic, ii'tKirW, lxfvotis or sick Ii&idache, -biliotwnew. irriuibility, u.tkiKlioiy, feleep lewiow, foiiitiiu?, wrvous dy-jja, cpi 0p. rtc., tiiow U.ftt.aiiT-ei .J ihtm is tot a-Jy'uu.iom cf the faiamity tnt mny beWl t ai en thour h- ) liave iwhI ko wlll TOi!eU and Vrw.led !tli reputable LliYsicia.-rt witli litUc r no iwnefit, give Dr. illW- liUjrative -ervi.se a. trial, it is Anly reid.T that nay tended l lipon lor norvoius diM-rdei. ' "Two T.tf" 1 UKod JJi-cs1 R.trUT liwi-je '.villi i"'r' 13. Li j . I s . ; A lW '4 :-? ii 3 tl g r.:;.rfrri. .::rr.:fvrn,;.aat3 and Monthly ;jua? tt' a. , irr'-'iiatitv, Leucvt wp.acr i hues, lnia IkArSidc, fctrnff.hcr.3theiceblc, tuuda ! Un tho w)iol3 -3V--.le:n- It has cured thoufanda ; ft'id will cure you. I-TiggUU hive it. Sen t stamp for took. 1 ta. J. P. DS'jaOOOs E A vO.. Lotl3T.i2i3, Ky. ! iAGMEiTIG NERVINE. .-T ifc-A ;?r,:jZ'? crurz.-.lt-i M -.urd WViW SSviO' f.o". F2tf. mouth, and in so doing broke a num ber of teeth. This effected my ob- cct, "With a terrifie sweep cf tho tail lie struck tho boat. I found myself doing a somersault in tho air, lug reason: It ia always adrisable to select those trees whose leavca are hairy or ciliated In preference to tree with smooth leaves. The danger of being struck by lightning depends not only upon and with & thud fell into the bottom the height of th tree, but also npotr of the boat. In. a second l Dracea my energies, and got my boat out ox range of my foe, who seemed bent on doing damage. Scarcely bad I gained a hundred yards, when once more I noticed the raspings under the keeL Tho brute was trying to overturn my boat; but as often as its snout shot above tho sides, so often did I beat it under water. By some special dispensation the boat went in tho direction of the shore, which I had left scarcely en hour ago. Presently I was landed high and dry, and within half a dozen yards, directly under tho rudder, was tho crocodile, coming up with all its might. I ran up tho bank as hard as my legs permitted, but had I missed my footing I 6hould have been snapped up in a few seconds, as the reptile was close upon m I went In quest of my fowling-piece which I loaded, and made- for the bank, but before I got there my friend had taken to the water. Now that all the excitement was over I inspected the boat. Two largo holes had been made at the stem, and tho eide plankings were rendered use less. , Tho rudder was a complete wreck." Harper's Young People. RAIN IN A FORES'. A Signal Instance of tno Effect of Trees on the Weather. I once observed a sujnal case of the effect of trees in determining Vain fall. its power of eonductibility, determined by the axoount of sap and its electrio tenblon. Moat of us know the tendency of points to attract electricity, the most notable example of the application of this principle being tho iightning-ooii-ductor. The hair, or cilfca, of leaves act the port of natural lightning coo dttctora, and thus prevent the forma tion of a very ttrong electro-motiv force; therefore it stands to reason that there Is less danger In sheltering under a beech tree than under an oak or treea of a Bicailarjiind.. THE STORM AT THE SHORE. Protry Description of a Oitle on the Mm iwchnsotts Coast. It was a Buperb storm. Its depreda tions and disasters by land and sea are elsewhere counted in another reckon ing, but there was a Joy in the fcplon dor of the gale, seen from a hiffh and quiet center, beside a gay wood tiro, while the trees lashed like green waves and the gray waves of oooan were springing into white trees of spray Bgaiust far rocks and headlands, says the lioston Transcript. Tha rain poured, poured, poured all day long; the surf on the shore boomed in har monious thunder, and far at sea there were white caps bigger than anything Neptune could ever wear, betterlo bo called white gowns, tearing to tatters high above the deep, quiet homo whence no mermaids stirred. The twwp of the changing wind and the breaking away of tho nearer and the farther fe brought in sight no brave fcalL Wlie mariners of pleasures had put into safe harijoru, and the few sea n4ii,T vLLSL1i tut ilnt.v liming bent their A few years ago I was 1 w rt-iuctuntlv l-.-v.d tho lusrir.-v.rs --f..".r.-i'Ul-v, a -ill : blW Ave yer3 in tfe Lands ( P1' .i -tT? it tfgetber with Ir .Vr.ox' he- v? f Mii1w I '!.. He wu- woud-if'd.;- uitj i : : i viir,. w t i im. ext-ct'er.; rMiits. . ....v.l Vapvirn " . "r-. 1 V civ- All ol Uyiiiet liave r.oi u:m .. -c h... fcttlw of S3n-it:c. Several ..four fnei;d haic iit Pnrt.ur & OibSj H'.ow Co-. Canton. Ohio. druMiiiuon Kue pu-rsaiue, or cent by ir. Nilw Vf-lica? Co.. KlEhurt. I-d.. on receipt of price Vlflr hottle.six boules. T,, express pre pdid. UuWtivwIv frc fnm opiafw rr dui.feCroua irugs. Irtee boot at djjifitB, or by mail. , ' For r Of! j. . ... . , m kA.'.h?wil, to nrrniW ... ' v:'s. v:i: ov,;rv t-'xrr-'.-T v - ire a i .X-pVr..'.-i-.rci --?3 to cra or rclv.r. 5 -,-- nnur. ( ivr-i V,-.-.M. Ga;t-J0 ItMUO-l OS17 VJ O'Oiiei.- cioivf g;ir. s h ielv.i -.f wvi don:. tho Joys t.r ..f- ay Bi.:3!5ri:v, X. C Is Your Life Worth Anything to others ? Are there not persons dependent on your earnings for their support ? Are they pro - vided for in case of your death? The simplest and safest way of assuring their protection is life in surance. Business, pro fessional, and working ' men generally, should in sure, for their brains or their muscles, are their capital and income too. Death stops -them both. Insure in the I " eLife ' e:al5s.i-g along a road in .the so-called close boundary. A big storm at tho backbone of England at an elevation f of frcrm ciht huudred to one thou sand feet aljcvc the Bsa levoL It was a dull, c-ihn O.r1olxrr day, and U'.e hills on eiUier ;-.:de were eased in ruisL WboX'o I w no rcfei was fuli; and th r;r tvd was quite crv. As I paft?..- cn tho road cn- Vrd twid traverse "d a wood of fir trvi. Hero 1 ct once encountered a giUe driizle. Far from suspect ing that the trxoa vrcre playing any art iu the matter, 1 couc-lucexl tnat the csxTKt-cd wet wtT.ther bad at last net in. Wlieii the road emerged from !he wood at its opposite ex tremitv I -found that no rain was thw: iaPA;g or had fallen. StiU I did not connect the trees with the doVnfaU, but imagined that the weather had again improved. On returuing-from my destination about throe hours afterward I found that the rain was still falling in tho wood, but that it" ceased as soon as I emerged into the open country, flie ground, too, within tho wood was wet, still ail around It was dry. Hence it appeared that a slight rain must have boon falling for the great er part of the day within the wood, ! WASHINGTON LE EE. - our regular correspondent. Senators Vcorhees, Gorman and Palmer, at different times this week took occasion to defend Presi ieut Cleveland from the newspaper charge, which Senator Stewart mistakenly dig nified by reading in tho Senate, of at ttmptii.g by the . use of patronage to control the legislative branch of the government. Of course everybody in Washington knuwd us well as these three Senators do that President Cleve land needs uo defense, but there may be people else where who are liable to be miled by constant reiteratiou of the ckarge. When Senator Palmer told Senator Stewart that if he would name one Senator who had been con trolled by the President through pat ronage he would gladly join hi ai in getting a resolution passed providing for su investigation, Senator Stewart did not name a Seuator. Why ? Simply becase he knows of none. Senator Gor man's few remarks on the subject cov ered the case fnllv. He s-id : "I am not the mouthpiece ot the President. His patronage I Ulow nothing of or care nothing for. I neither have it nor want it. No President has ever been so envf ul to avoid the appearance of distributing patronage fur his own ends. He lias scarcely done his party justice." Everybody has heard of that fre quently mentioned article "Senatorial courlcsv" .but with ah due respect to the eminent and dignified gentlemen who compose the U. S. Senate it must be said that "Senatorial dW-ourtesy' inore ti uly applies to the numetous ktifts" between Senators which have been such a feature of the debate this week. Space forbids their enumeration, but one specimen will give a general idea of all of them.. Senator Woicoit referred to Senators Gorman and Al lrieh as steerers of the Senators who favor the Voorhees repeal bill, and ;oid o! tbeir ii iV.r.g kcided to beghi Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Heport ABSOlSJfEI PURE it greenlacks to increase the currency in circulation. The chairman of the committee has been requested to ob tain as much infonnatien as possible from the various State governments on the subject of the State banks. The sensational statements concern ing the nomination of Mr. J. J. Van Alen to be Ambassador to Italy will doubtless be investigated by the Sen ate committee on Foreign Relations before his nomination is acted upon. No one believes that either President Cleveland or ex-Secretary Whitney was a party to any promise made to give Mr. Van Alen tins position because of his having made a large campaign con tribution, and an iuvetiation will probably show that no such promise was made by anybody. A Drunken Father Shoots his Daugh ter Now in Jail. NorUi Wir esboro Sews. L ist Sunday evening Curtis Stone, who lives near Rock Springs Church on Mulberry, was brought to town en route for Wilktsboro where he was lodged in j til for shooting his lii-yaar-old daughter. From what we learn he got "on a tear" Sunday and on go ing home got in a row, when he order ed all to leave, swearing that if they did not do so he would shoot them. All complied with his request but his daughter like Lot's wife stopped and looked back, and as a consequence, he true to his word fired. The weapob used was a shot gun and the loud took Mr. Joseph Jieinmrlch An old soldjer, caiiie out oLtlia War gttly cnleobled by Typba Ferer, and aflor henig la various hospitals U.e aoctors discharged him M incurable with ewpi. Ho bu been in poor health since, until he began to taka Hood's Sarsaparilla Immediately his cough grew looser, nighty weaU ceased, and ha regained good general health. He cordially recommends Hood's Sr Mivarilla, espocfellyo comrades in the C A. R. HOOD'S Pi1 L3 euro HaWt-nal Constipation hy re'v-.rlt otcOUc action of the tOiraoutary cuJ. Equitabl f - M. Rcnliore ho its compensations, cveii when 4t drives all but the most adven turous souls into rocking-chairs basido eca-looking windovi. Thero urc al ways the adventurous ulso in theso thousands of lit'meK beside thu sea, nuwuudera in tall rubier bocts ana mnckintoidies, who break into nature's outt-.ide yet esoterlu fceerets of thj t4n-a and bring them houvo uutc.ld, indeed untellatle. after the wrestle with the winds on the cliff, while tho sweet fresh waters from the heavens and tlie high dashing fringes of sa-lt Bpray beat upon adventurous peering fuecs, and leave to Ino.aatiously talk ing months 3.jrnc Uw-ite of the bitter and the f-.wy.-t. 9 Lon k El-e KJnctl. Qneon Victoria has now pawed the raoord of Ilenry III., who ruled Sfty tlx years r.nd twenty-nrne day, aJid haa rcipT.el lorer than any EnuVn sovereign cave George III., who ruled from Octoljor 3T,, 1730, to January , ISaO, fc period 'of fifty-nine years ci ninety-ficven days; and may fihe liv to frcjual that. i tT. i -t in hpr wrii. r-.vtirrinc nn the :irm nef t week ho tluiii twelve-hour se.-sions . .. , ne.L et iv ii.u.. 0 i completely b anng off the elbow and J il... !-sn:irMr.lTorm:m 111 re- '. . . . .! I lie uv Seoator Gorman in re- ... .i . t ply said : " This is the hrst time tliat I i.ave t-vr known a Senator or his agents io lisleu at the committee room doors to tell the Senate of the private con-f-rentes of Senators on any subject whatever." The ultimate fate of the Voorhees biii issaill very much in doubt. Cloture .i i .i-,'L-f'.l weartun. am its p.rei-ent adoption would be of benriit to the democratic party it is not probable that Senator Platfs resolution wi:l even U rtj orted back from, the cynuniiUe on Rule, to which it was referred, and without cloture there is Kiuall inobability that the bill will ever be voted upon without the content of its opponents. Can that cous'entbe oh tuined ? That is a question that only 1 a'linouh Idowing a great hole in her side He was ioimediatlv arrested and had a isearing before J. 0. Owens, Esq., who sent him to jail, in default of a bond the amount of which we did not learn. As the deputy brought him on, he came to himself and realizing what he had done, with tears in his eyes, beg ged a preacher, whom he met, ti) pra for him. This is indeed a sad reuce, and shows to what th will drive a man. occur- s drink I he future c i n wel', A BitT Hinging at Georgia By Soutli nn AK.iorU.tcl I'K'.-s. Maron, G i., Sept. 2J. AH, have H,...t it. wil be (-'- -ainet A sic-c er parx oi wie uay hu " A 7x ' the Teln.ph from Mt. Vernon, but not in the bare fields and heath , 1 " i.dn Uvs: At-2 o clock tins evening Thus under certain conditions of tlve weather the presence of trees may determine rainfall which would not tke place In their absence. J. W. Slater, in Science. . . Tho Drewd Cholera. d on one beatloid at t.ie sune ume i.e lo-'.-t public txtutiot and death cannot stop y salary or steal tal, and your will be safe from want. our ' ISiKEaj loved ones . &cJmSS.4 . J. RODDEY. ' 0nrl Agent for the Carolina, iftOCK HILL, South Carolina. "Er l-,0 silOB IN THE WOULD. A W f ' - Mr- t. -.- m,. iw.F- Buret u twar eumtu. L iV1'8' 8011(1 ench Dongola KiJ Bnfc. oliootdeliverc4 fn anywhero in tho U.S., on receipt ot uaKn, iionpy uroer, or' Tostal Noto for S1.50. n . w-r. .1... V. . . sold m ru retail e to res lor J3.6t).-.. We 'auike, this boot ojartea, tWrefpro 'we guar- m a ."Via 7 ' . .r ,V . . . an3 If any cue fa ntt" eatiiiled we wui relund tbo nionry or eeDa asotner pair, ipcra .. Jtce or conmcn sense. wnitha C, D, E, & J?B,. Bizes 1 to 8 and ball tea. enlyoutiixf; tclU jit you. Cata-lotrfia DeHter Shoe fio 143 FEDERAL SL ,IUI 00n"r. UU, BOSTON. 2IASS. mm tairaiHiv1 CuveaU, nd Trale-Mark obteir.ed. and all Fat er.t bnsi:ciw ccndacivd for Mcocratc fzt.3. Ou OFfiec t Oppositc ii. s. FATtujOrriec tud we can secure ratont In loss UsSiu thau ujoso remote from WashitiVon. Bead model, tlnsvinj or ptinfo., with locr5r tion. Vj'e advwe, if -au-uublc or not. f:-63 oX charge. Our fm not Iae ;i:l ja'cut is teecrei. A fajcPHtrr. U. t Obtain l':tcnt, wit neaits cf at-tral clirpt iu your fetato.couity. ot town, cor.t free. Aa-iress, O. A.BHOW & GO, Opp. Patent Crrcc. VVah-hgton. D. C. About sixty per cent, of odurte and fifty per pent, of children recover from cholera, according to a young woman -nurae, who braced the tor- J rorti of that dread disease in Ham burg last year. Hot baths and hot stimulating drinks and the avoid ance of ioe are effective ways of treating the disease. Kowevcj, there seems nmv little reason . for fearing the much-talkod-of visitor. and since it was &o effectually stamped out when there were many cases on ships in the New xork har bor, there is good rc-aeon for think ing that i may not soon gain en trance here WIFT'S SPECIFIC to Ga. five says- ! npories. convicted of murder were ex cutet ihiitextr (ctunedin Georgia. 1 nt names of the men here of th men were: Weldon Gordon, I . Strickland, L. Manuel, 11. B ewingto and lliraui Jacobs. Thice of them murden d AUx Pat terson, a rich merchant, last July: the fourth killed a iive-year-oid emu, bar b -nators c.otit.d -:.ce b'ained tlnvn-.-h a movement now ..n foot among dem ocratic Scualor.s wlio favor the bill. Tins m neuKMil contemplates getting ihrt ,,i,pnf. of th.' oopouciUs of the bill io the taking of a vole in e Ttc generaL tobacco crop of the St-ite is worse than it has bee njor years. The report on the crop to the N. C. Agricultural Department for this past month is the lowest of all and he least i!i ve.trs, it being oiny uo. r.i ye Says the Bulletin: L.st year, same month, it was reported at b. The. erop will not only he short, but very infeiior in tpotlity, as the wind strms damaged the leaf: conideral.'!y. This crop has been declining for three mouths, and the outlook foi anything like a usual crop is very gloomy. Pruba- -xeh.tnge for; Lly this is the woi.t showing for-tobac- for years." It i.s to he Imped that ,.rnn.,;; of IMlOUlfil VoteS tO UiaUC CO tol'VeaiS the passage of a silver bill, something wjth the poor crop prices will be high, on the order of Senator Kallci.ers pro- j Around Mt. Airy, we are glad to say nosed amendment to the V oornees oin. thecrp is very goou cousmnj.. ev.j Koiinl.iv! tK-tir than Tansy or rennyroyfi ru 1 sad all similar medicines. Unexcelled for Irrcguiarl I tios &o. Su.jcernyiuedlntbousandaorcaap Ian I sure remedy, guaranteed, never falla. Price Jl. A cquallieafeRuard. LAKESIDE SPECIF!' i '. C-84-S0 Market SU, CMcao, JU. Many Persons arc broken flown from overwork or household cares. Brown's Iron Bitters Rebuilds tire eystem, aid3 digestion, removes excess of bile, ul cure 3 licltuia. 0 ct ihe ccd uiao. r i 1 the and the fifth murdered a negro com pinion. U was the first hanging m Montgomery county since tne ... andto.de pl,ce in public, tul.y lm:r H,o:lnd neeoie were witnesses, ino pveentiou was made a general holiday this section, and J?OJ? renovating the entire system, eliminating ell Poisons from the Blood, whether of scrofulous or malarial origin, this Prep aration has no equal. . . u For eighteen months t had t eatrr.g- sore on ttty tongue, i was irtaitd by test local physician: lut cbisiued no relief; ihe sort gradually grew worse. I finally took S. S. and was entirety cured after using a few bottles." C. B. McLemope, Henderson, I 'ex. the railroads in brought crowded excursions. October ihelHh is Chicago Day at the World's Fair, and the people of fb..f wondprf til citv have delermmeu to excel all i-.ords in grandeur, geousness and displ ay. oor- is. The llou-e began the debate on the Tucker oill for the repeal of the Feder al election laws according to pro gramme, and so f;.r it has been con ducted upon ConUutio:ul grounds, although it may get down to p.trnz-tn- ..i.; boor Although it will not -gree., - i i.,mi I b.e result, tne ort aiiei ui under which the House is acting m ing Octol.'cr 'Jill ihe l.tdt day-of the de bate, the absence of a iuoru.ii of dem ocrats at times is enough to '.aggravate tl,H narlv leaders and to jusiiiy the adoption of a proposition which has 1. thing. Yadkin Valley Neus. BrotherGrardner on Happiness. swimin', or was on skates, or. tended a Sunday-Skule basket picnic1 (XJheers by Sauuule Shin, which died away in a hollow moan as Brother Gardner. ge him a look composep of giant powder and scrap iron.) "Art kin beautify our home, riches kinus luxuries, an health kin gin u good appetites an' refreshiu sleep, but happiness am sunthiu' beyond all dat. When you shoulder a fish pole an' pt a box o bait in yer pocket, and start off ' , to fislt, you think you are happy: but how is it loug about sundown, wh?a you come home wid one poo'ole gua fish in a peck basket? De young man who hires a libery rig an' takes his g.fl i out ridiu' may think ht's happy, but he ibii't. When he comes to figgr up de cost of hi- Sunday clothes, de hire -of do rigj. de chances of of smashing wheel, an' brakiu de gal s neck, wkar am the liappiness! Some of you cull'd folkses git hold of a watermellyou au sot down in the shade fur from de busy hum of industry, an' go yuiniyum! ai? imagine dat you aai happy. Fve been dar, an' it maker my mouf pucker to think of it, but was I happy? No,sah! When 1 come to reckolect dat p'raps some villyan had plugged de fruit an' dosed it wid jalap, an' -'-dat in anoder hour I might bestandin' on the batik of de mystic ribber, Lbroke down aiT cried," (Cheers from Pickles Smith, second by Trustee Pullhack.) uAui you hapjy when you find a lost, wallet with a heap o' money lit it? So, sail, kase at, purleeceman am alius 'nijff to see you pick it up. : Am yoq happy when you am gwine up t Lake St. Clrir on a scursiouXNo, $ah kase de Liter may burst. Am you happy when you sot down to eat np- plesiu de busuui of your family? . No, sail,, thoughts of trychiua am risen up to make you afraid. You can't be happy in new c'oahes, kase you ain a feared the pauts will hag at the knees. You can't be happy in. an old suit, kase some one wtU start h story dat you have been speculatin' in pork loak all yer properly. "Darfore, I say to you to give up lookin' fur true happiness Dar's too many durglars, an robbers, an' liars an' snake?, an, skeeters, an' bugs. ai snow, an' mud, an' dust in dis world to permit of an thin' beyond temporary enjoyment. Be as happy as you km, but doad't let em agination, run plan to sharpen yer ax, look ahead fur 'nuff to ax y'erself who am gwine to break his bak at de grid-tun. WiJ dese few transgressions, loosely, bolted together fur temworary transportaslnun, an delioereirin a s peer it of teiTorsim . I. will chise by wistiiu' you all de hap piness dat naour' am williu' to grant to sich as us. - The conclusion of the address was reeived with such enthusiasm that five lenghts of stove pie fell to the fiooe red hot stove had to be -carriep out on the gravled roof of the store house adjoining the hall. . . 1 ..... i j n ceen a recoci f the al- r const ltu "What I was gwincto remark," said the old man, as he lookey over and saw that the thermometer marked 02 de uree. "am to the effect dat tho Hon. rVr Abe Lossfurd, of Howell, Mich., has :tk. arroyc in de city at my request to de- liber his celebrated lecture on true Happiness' befo' dis club. He am now in tlie aunty room, an' Sir Isaac Ual pole an' Rev. Penstock will don the proper regalia an' fotch him in." In the course of the next five min- utts the Hon. Mr. Lnsford was "fotch- unlets and to see unit u , it wa,kefl lik(J 1 ,1 . . .1. t II ! I" 1. M- I...-. -- formed iniougs. r . , , , t eerv d - s apo:eou, iou.,u ..... , . - - sc ents are m TREATISE on Blood and Skill Diseases mailed free. luu bwiFT Sfecimc Co- Atlanta. Ga. Baptized, Then Lynched. By Southern Associated Pr .ss. Shkevepokt, La., Sept. 2'). Henry Coleman, Jr, colored, who attempted to ass ssinateCapt.Tin.m :sy Lyics, was taken from the j -il at Benton today by eighty men and lynched. This morning he as baptize! by a pn a her. He con fessed his crime and said he was leady for the fate awaiting him. Capt. Lyles was brought here today aiideopes are entertained f r his recovery. " . i ' .i -loo'eon, looivcu m.e i i.io, .n iu their i.tn.t, o v J djjj tf. rol witb all t!,o e,se of :lte!.ce without leave. h" vvoti.u ol. t-- i troublesome to the Co:ig:vs,meii, mt. j.ust to iheir constitnenU. The House commiuee fhildrw Cry for Fitcher's Catena. tee on Banking t-t I . . i-. i i 1 t t. : t 1 1 i ; and Currency aitei decided that more inlor.ualion should be obtained by the committee before it reported any financial bdl to the House. In accordance with that decision the committee has given Kepresentativ. 0 des a hearing on his bdi for the re peal of the tax ou state hank correno and has listened to an : r-ument hv T i toi;0 A'r.LiLuKn in favor o Iieprcciini" his propo i cu to tSWi 12o,CH0u(t ro. "Gciu'len," he began, as he looked down upor. the bald head of Eider Toots, "how m my of you don't know i t .... . I I'inniiiHSS fir r Dat is. how U IL I irni "I I now many of you don't know nuff in 'about it! Confucius thought he was I but he wasn't. He didn't know ni.tlin Sxbout watermellyons, or per simmons or green corn. Csar thought he was happy but he didn tknow null in 'bout popcorn, or hickory nuts, or ,weat cider. Plato, said lie had nuffui o regret, au' yet he never went in The Advertisement That is Effective, It is constant advertising that pro duces an etnet, 'although fhe spasuudic announcement may have force peculiar to itself. A boy sees his LAber every lay and is naturally influenced by tire example, whieh is perpetually before him.' Many eople protest that it rt unnecessary to continue the advertis ing, of well known articles. They a 1 . L 1 . . . TT t ti i..n f i ii II cannot unuersLaiiu huj w vwunuuv. ri.ev declare it. dots not influence i -r. .... them, but the mauniaciuiers kuow better. The mail who denies that he is influenced by advertising constantly i;eforeTiim (leceivts himself, ajid his very protest is proof of it. Hardware. Kansas C.ty, SeptSOT The Wel U F.irgo Express Company has ordered burglar-proof s ifes f jr all tlieir cars. These sales are of a new pattern and ure warranted to be' aljsolutely dyna mite proof. - That oily ar.d lough kin cured ttt the fce and hands beaulinea oy uoun- sou's Oriental Swp; dedicated an4 highly ierftirjed. Sol4 by LdwiA CutiuelL, Salisbury N. C. Jl - v hi 5