-5 - 'I? i S V -'" "f 7 r.-.' Z.: e-i 7H-SJEHIES'. SALISBIISY. N G.t THURSDAY OCTOBER 19, 1893 ' ' - --;'- , inaiiiijiwi i 11 "- ,l" 11 ' ' ' 111 rnm I iii " iiMit mrTrr J-r,-'-r' fr""1 NO. 35 w r fj 3 -n lt- 7 OLD 11L IV 3?.ratjel PUchcr's proscription for Infants . , , I contains neither Opium, TJorpMno nor sri3)sincc. - It la s irmlces" substitute n-vops, SpiKlff'f!5T3t5id Castor Oil, : Tta : " tliSrty es,r3 use by ;;!:?Iia(V Castoia. tliat D!d Oocd Sorrts ,ia . Oar dszxiisA hot's Pkao. - " - ' Ml? TELLS ELiB'OUI "OLD UETST' nat oJtH-Oora. Riots herxtv.m-ot;t asmach ft part pi tb hcmsoliold as tlie btby. I used to trot fcfter ooc o the old rifletaen a& caryy his isqtiirrcls and sec him welk rand tH.3'treo, or watch and , wait un til tbc little, fellow" slyly-exposed Ins heal, end crack trent the giln, and a war sped; the. ball lnta-h3ye.s A gOCji. riSetaan nerer broke a lxia In tho'bedy f his gams. I ktiov one eott T.ho Will shoot 'fe chicken or a I gminea in h$. cyt at aisfcv yards oil hand; when hts witc vrants one lor dinner he takes down Betsy and stands in tiie piazza until one comes in .sight. Eut the old locks passed away when the jercuicn camei' Then I pot tj lUng- caps rnt?Hd of flints. And now tho eeps cave almot.t passed.avray and 6VEET DREAM. Tbo ejes nave thobr namos historic .nd prehistricw Ther3 are the stone rs. the broc29 ttz&, th iroa Bfes oxn ajro and the aark eg-es. fcrn ; the :maiiKlcf loaders are jfcinr. There are ift which relvro mar ft?eil be called tht; etp of hiTestipn: 27ver before in the hl.iterr-oi the world kas thfre Iwen sach en eraof TTondrlul .invention aj'i. is no porrder-korn cor r3lmrod.f " Betsy and Jane arc cut. Good gracious! . If, Jaeksa's m?n had had these breech loading doxiLle-barrtled gtins," with a A 1 ' P " A. oonxr.aaSpa..,r.!wo v-U fc.j fnil of shells,: there .wouldn't i- - ' .t.t.,; JJreoi'-a, F. Ti ! .i.t;. j. It ivi a work r,. --rt, Ti. IX. -S-mii xTliyurhcp, Eruja.Lion, "Wttitow. iajasiouB rcfslicatH-TO. your ' OftcWia,' na4 t -xiJl tlwjs po5ti t dr -i; vi fc Lr-e tasrii.j' rradiv bwsftcia rr-rnt T". ia?.::5, M- D.r . Vt30a. ES-at aiid 7Ui At., Xar Yort Cty IV" T.. C'-TAva Cincjisr, ?7 Kooiay Stoest, Ktrv sons On ;oeS not twp ptu iLum'sarmy. . ttvery yew ne But j do2.t like hewj modern" taur- nw wncn r?e xwuw oi wsi ooia, m- eoTnprhensrbie; proposition vre do not d&rjs to eev it i impossible. There Is no adrnnee in literature or painting or architecfrtwe or oratory- or many other art that red ntre " this hi-rhst order oi intellect. IndieA, tt is tis he lamented I that wceo more hare a Shakespeare or I 'MUton or Ooidamith or-Bums or Te.va j Moore; o teora a Raphael or Michael I Anc-elo; fe rere a Cieero cr a Bnrke i wYWlMiter.- Ripe R.iholavship has de-j i ci'ned, ar.i tn t time nor ttste ! thinr that lessens labor-emrl ehepeas 1 -the necc.srie and comforts of liia Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gotft'.Rcporfc, Elaborcte Creations of the French Confectioner's Art. 'A golden age of bonbons vrv.s the period of '' the restoration," &aj's a bright French t-riter upon the his tory And evolutionof candies. ' Then he Rue des Lombards, which may be regarded historically as t cradle of French confectionery, out did itself in poinpcus and elaborate feugar decorations. The talcing of Granada and the siege of Gibralter were portrayed-in sugar, and there was an interesting representation of an agricultural fete in Pekl'nT where the emperor of China, sur- rounded by his court, was plowing etory of the Career of a Wei;- 1 .... n- -v ABSOa&tEEIf PURS . JULIA MAUliUDiiii. Verona vrt&pons' from Kriipp's gTeat grins down to the meanftittle, sly, davilih, hip-pocket pistol. I wish they .were all abolished, especially the pistpL ' I v-erily believe that Juigre Hasimond told the truth ' when he eharg-ed the grand jnry that erery man who tarried pne abont with him rra-s a' co artL " Yr, gnitlemen, I charge jxm that a n;an who carries a pistol habitnaily has got a streak oi eowaruice rntnmff down his bac;- a field, all in marshmallbw paste. . A rare book of that period ,gl ves eome curlousTtenis about the pop lar candies of the day. The author Known Southern Autlioroca T?ie south has given to Amfrioan describes a dream in which the new "raiure, and e&peclally.to Its He year appeared to him in the guise of tlona iit-craturo, many of its most a candy man. famous names, And cf these almost UA tall nd aged phantom with ' 130110 is PnSbablv better knowu.thaa rather a silly air appeared to me," . tfcat Magrudcr, he writes, "on a shining caramel' Miss Magrudcr was born at Char chariot, drawn by four stucco horses, lottosvillc, Va., nt about the begin whose harness and teeth were cf , nin of the lQto v'nr- Sbc was hardened Yarbonno honey. He had 1 7S of three drvjghters of Ah a long white beard. Around his ! lan Tie Magrudory.-a prominent Tho Cause t-y j;a,b-'.,i , ji"aciio!vv :-. j:f .,1 tert f 1 - Lrui Its LdGCon, - ...;t bh ?' .)h ! ' f.v' : .. i;u!s ofothorSTaro - v in, or in i'Vr'c- l,f , " , WJ M w tt fense rail and Uiat's e xvr it, tnii in o Ten-; , . But tho ol-d-tlmo rifli is a quiet, psaeeable grin. It is dignined. Tt makes but little noise, and it takes a ecoi. naesclted man toue it in a proper manner. A tasn who is mad ; we are far ahead of oar aneestora, I - riimi mating- sbont this be?au; I I hnppcad t2Jxiae a-cross.an old t-?u j H3c wii. Hint lock and I handled it . enou?ll vAih RBOthcr to kill him never Y j liuth-e say, "I'll g-et rue a double-bar- cut." or olfe he slips np on him with one ; .V: Cal Tri.h revervnee. fr it had f.red atd ! font in .Jackson's wtw- at New leans, and .rfa? Rtill prefrvved a f' ho-nered by the preut greudRois of the soldier who loaded it behind the coV : ;t-on bfllrs and wait.-d tn . the whites Tho nnra$ oC t:;;s r-ia et;h?d tn a rrc-:e kst upon i.-J barrel, an itwas ".Fety." jnd nttoes in th? o!d;t ' of the fT3?mir.s' ey-: the tr'rrsror. Tho head was a crown of little sugar de mons. Ko core bonbons for ear rings, vnd held a vanilla chocolate scepter. In tho distance I saw & barley Virginia lawyer, aad hi wio,arah Giuiam. Miss Mogruder's itjfiKiey waa spont at her birthplivn. Wljen she was only three yivrs cf ago the Ma- sugar temple. The ground was of ! family removed to Washing- beautiful light brown sugar. Siruo i 'ri' kcJ e Ur- iIaS&?r rraetieec of bananas sjwuted from apricot marmalade fountains. From two I hr1 ; - - S8 !" M . ' in;n','ai. witQS : '.' i y vt .10 hw ftv, :t!-i U- Dr. SSilt-s" j-'.--'-' 'IV, .1 W'M 15 a -v-'hor Utility. 1 , . - ' c-... ., v f ij -tr Js M y f. i-t-V t 'n !-; V s t? JV C.A'f:U :"'..; s.V.:.-;iirt:ats end K.inthly irr- Vo'-I w-:-.; -tTli-x ? Whiles, Psumn I,.-. -h'yxW. i-r-:-i;:.. It hr,-i rijo'd? v " " r- '"" v - J'-ra'a "r 'jane or lety Arm or K or ?-Jandf or Kaill.r.e. '; old Hfhic riiles are.;-.ttil. in bat the old Hint lock hf p-otic of thcTfl tlnjcs-fo:?.;-t vt or B;xt:iv -. -.".ti or ynv of tl of thc; little, dirty, sneaking1 pistois and nncx'H-H-jiir.i ur'-Hn-arfS. TJ-3t the r.iilieaitiin hava't corae yet, and folks will keep on kniing- foks avhile longer. Ever yn- Cain killed Al fnd L-rirneoh killed tho youiij n;an, folks l.t.w. h-.-en kilin,t f'Jiiis and tilO a ctinoi; .ted ! - j ! . ; i .' -,;' T'f virv.io of Drv- Y. "vits " I v . !sa-..l t..-.'i:V S;i-"'i a. lo 'V iitf-s nsver fwcen one.- Tho hardware pVrr- ha"Vo " "rd tn k?ep thm. Ihe frn.T3mtikers have cc-ed to tnnkc luc-iu, pr?l y4t - these are vhe W-kw tlc-t did thi wi- ?t the j-vr'.it'itHv.i and the i-it r'lvl..;! wi- Hi-'J -.i..t ' ; .-.'.v jo '-. a tnd ivv2'e iif.Liy ld 1 i-.d a -;u-? U3 fi?wt.nr.iv a r-er aod tu.i key ; li'-jji-wojit to U- hr.utor. I ii.-e- 1- lKtl t'i'io loci-s r -L-vvt 1 v.-is c boy i-tk in" srr fntU.r.- rr'-or?. ,ni or.::d ii is w-t ire ivito-.ii oi it p.11- :e tiiv.i ever co-uo when a man will not rec r.-t :il: wlici th Christian who i:; Kiineko'n on ceo cheek wilt tarn the ctl.-i' to hi- fa---? Did tho Srior w on tiitvt ? if l;e did. how :nanv ALWAYS SEEKING. I fe.T.o-.i-;to-. 'l o horns of plenty poured forth bon bons a la Marie Therese, pistachio candies aia Duchesse d'Angoulemc, sugar apples a la heroine of Bor deaux, sweet tablets a la Louu XVTII., P-mber home' of peace, pruno ir-Hv shits air Jean Bart, and juava v-.llV a l;i -I-parents - "There wa a statue of Voltaire, icticed. law for several years, and where his daughters roeeivod their carliost ed ucation. Later Mr. Magruder's fam ily vacillate! betwi?n Washington and their home in Virginia, in both of which places the edueatit)n of tho tlireo ..girls wa etint'n'iod. Julia ' Magruder was taught ahnost cxclu : eively by governesses and by her A UNIQUE INDUSTRY. What Bocom?3 of. the Tin Cans of h . L.rgo Clfos: ' ' In tho suburbs of " great cities a Industry has sprung; up having' for7 Its ' objt the utilinition of did tlft cuns In consequence theso former ly despised and useless cans have ac quired sufficient commercial value t rescuo them from bat-Vot4 dumping . ground ana garongo ecows. Under the present system of street cleaning the refuse of Now York city i3 loaded on scows from wharvet kxted atynvcnienl intervals along the river front, and then taken to sea and thrown overboard, Theso wharves have double decks, the ujv per projecting - sufficiently to allow Wiooontcnt-s of a C4rt to fall upon tlio middlo of the scow, and be 'dis tributed by the trimmers, who keep! the vessel on an even k4cl. Tho trimmers select everything of value with the greatest care; rags, fat, bono, metal, paper stock, eto, being stored on tho lower decVol the wharf. Tho silver and jewelry form no small part of the contrac tor's profit, and the total value of a seow load is estimated ct an average of two hundred dollars. The space between the wharf plat form;; is often closed in with odds which, in spitq of his sharpness ;.-le The- children who have a special wao hraiich of knowl- Gptitude foi ar.r;4- and i edge and wlto arc determined to de- jrifvs .r.-. re; icf- --u.. ;r hs-j. vci-'t) )t are tr.ose wuo ;-;oein to no- whon sMvo midfl of fine stu-.-xr Tr.T-OTi Viu rival finnnn i'i in Rnvn" f-':-1 1 ' '( -'17- - - CI Rnonrro cnl;n O-i n liumt. rJmon.d - " oedestal stood Turenne with a spieo cc3n1::;1 l, ?:s,of ruilrP th4n in nor broad sword, and all the lesser per- i mor : !1.4 fK-hTl but wr sonagc wore composed of excellent to 0:10 Outlier-George Lliott-is aa sugar pasU.J'-Youth's Companion. ns,t4mt aS. hor ?tu of th&t ttU- j thor s creations. STRIVING TO PLEASE. i Af' a chiia M5 ''gruder gavo no ' evidei..-. ..f iJ;r uilent for writing i ha Time Vhon a uay Came In Re- .,-,),,., U-hr In a i,.d-lv'". T T '1 If Tii T"t' IniTxr.T'rtn s .. , , lUTu ntis. a:.'.! i !: interior con vitrhi tiuii v,a;j nor read- . . ; , , , , . , . . . 1 , into a miserable habitation by tho trimmers, men ana women, wno in h- r educ which w-.i-s la hr l-.iter a -id busier Lgrud.'-r i.r- a!e to ao- mr'icably Handy. ! h-.-ritcd from her father, a man of ti.u.s liord togethe r, their supplies behig (lr;iv;n from the dump. The furnace is an old soap boiler, into which a few sticV-i'arc thrown. The br.vl is-then filled "vith cans, and a quart of kerosene poured over them and ignited. The heat devel op..' i by tho oil Is nt great enough to alt:;ck tl-.' tin, but melts tho sol der, v.hi' h f.;ws to the bottom of the bowl. The S(lder rtx-overed enns averr. cr fcrty from a load of seM to make what la !. i --,"! if :,, tjj V tt'.l, to t-eni -art .crnin-, i l-i':, h'-'irtoliu. !.i:.'V JU-rn- iir S W;;-r. jftpc-:u-'l-y prsatri. tor '-.. .;.; ii ii.ir.bia Strict li, wrfa' f.-i-i .va;T8iir;si.inirfijtft lR.a - V-.-f. si Jo ejutvcc. irr ft ei? 75c We. eisx .fio, -iCrr?:e072 &C5E-4YAt SOAP, K; -ilo-id 'iv.-u-A. its Grct Skin Curtj xrA (A? ?,u ia:.w v- - :.-oiCi u 1 1 fie. -tve - it.' fi t eL: l w -ve ivarrifT-c J. Mire iiro. T'-e ti5it v-' rriji i'Ct-. tttw. 'av.i eJrT nie e--vw c: ..-.-- tice whet oaer;p.- th" gae of ortlina rv r;-: .1 uo-j: wo:neu. James Fer;i;on, ': t:i ri?vv mer, vas very tuxinus, i ct;eu -is a little boy, to understand toe LaeoiiaiiiSiii d watcnes. J 'vs f T. !ed it ;o ' r-f-rti I,.iis.'if!!i'.e'? pure. Mtoa ti o r-; iT-.,vi' a:nl rstfer t-:e l"st eorrs . .vi. i.4 ft f .f CioSnh t:r irfr.t:C. Ever, tveo wien t-.-s 'iaiiiuici - 4vi forward tu'aint the- sU'c-1 'ri- s-o n the vci-.ta-tt n.Ue t?i np.i'ks to j father re'useJ to aliocr Mm to 14llay fall saxI tiey VS iato th i:rU pow- j, v-itL Lis watcl?:," and so Jjmies waited dw- ti.;t-uttuc-i to tae tou: a BtrRLur-r called a-t the house.! hole If the Ui hol ws stoppea I . ; ."We don't need any matches," : hterory ciuturc and ability. Riibl Ir'; TYirdf Mt.s :ia ah a rr.'nr''l tl'.A i TJ.. ,t,i...., . v. ...k rnor rlih three und n. nuartr-r ! . , .vt tL' ! I-OUlis. After this process tlvc-tm lnot,A.c;'r-n.l disefrr.od t.b.at. it wr.r, a I n.. . ' n . Plato scraP 1:5 peddler who had rung tho bell. j p, t i"n: i iuauiwa, i not bemug : wr-" ''Don't want to Hobecribo for any . ft noons either! : fiction t- r-hort nirar.ine t'tf;ris in VI am not a boo a : raT)id juoeos.ilon. Her first iranor- " Across the Chasm," -hf1!?i- ,n a T11 n0WaiKipCr' 1 called "acid." md evum by her sucoesa,- j j j Vat contain Tr--1e sketch'.-;:, stories for children t . n , . . , , , , n , ' . , , - , , waste acid, sulnhune or hydrwlilon her n-.-;i.?ul:ir C'-ei'i and ti!es of . -, 4, , n., , . ! , - ' . . . , , r:d, the scrap is thrown and allowe raild jucve "I have a full supply of tea and ta.nt vc.r'a. mg iloric ap is thrown una allowed to remain until the tin is stripped fn the iron untlernalh. More coffee!" v:?Ji r -! i'i luvi uronvmou.ilv in nnfl sr.rar and metallic iron is added un- "But I'm not taking orders for . cf x.ha most. Prominent of the Ameri- til t!-e n is neuirah The tin ! :'. ', ;.ritO l: Ii!,",V:iy." ' Nn-i!iu i" weld nil iVi. K'W.'ilrt. '.al..-o:i ,- 6 tfc-C C-V.li il! -l rio.SvU"-3 .... "T''PZ' D r- T T We'.p of j.r! --r 'Vvr-?. ro: f r r-, OWjpT-S'.i-5:' e "; p-' : iv-e iVr fro-'.i it. to(tW.;B rtr-i.:i.-., !" M"'c--;' 1: '.'. . 1 M, Sccnti. Frt.-.k -'.n-g.H or ty m&il. 1r 111 Fund Princ 1 nciie-..oi - life Assurance ia.-y.roioction for the feinily. Vnhrtrirately, however, the bcncnciarics of Ufe assurance arc often deprived cf the pro- - vision niad'e for them, through ' the loss of the principal, by JolWiug bad advice regafd ving its investment..." ; ; Under the Tcatlne InsUlimcnt Policy of , The Equitable Life i " you arc provided with anab- ', 8o-ite s?.foj;-nard against such t. 'Jiusio.riip.ie, 'hesulcs' securing G much larger amount of in surar.'jc lor the same amount . f premiums pdd in- -- For i25 and figures, address -;J. RODDEY Manager, F the Cr.:yMi' Hzrir m:m c. C 3 tiacW-r! rref'o- 'ij.5t.rd. tr.i JI Pat es t nc-TriTv3 C 'ir;: ;.'.-; t-..- MBCiATt fltT. tc4 w ct !'. .it iu iu3 tsa u099 Sc-id tmc!'jI. dris'i3i or piir.Ks., with ficrip tkm. VTe Jvv-o, if :'. to cr not. fros of d)utt. Our not fir:? ti't r4- -B oocw-. A ?r!irr. ' Jlcwia ovtin Putfoi," with rsa.is- fi'.ri'c.:at in yocr St&'.,.jsaty. oc town, e.i !kc Avictra a, T'J tr?-r w a SK tl?ut vt-utl. K tl rnr ti-rt trj- H ajnin." h ovrdrti- is vLr little is w J'-s csillt d the prhiiir-, ii" it was jut fwsrclj covexetl v.Ue rLXP-n Jiil fyot vret in tlw ride, it voiid cot ignite and. hesw tlae &cldi.r wni eojciafc. to "k-?p yoiur jxrdoj- dy." Tlifca eld titie fexprct sSons are Rfiii l?-siiliai' DJitl historic. iroii say "Ef.w ctt your patchinj whioh: ifi aa es-prat-ion Oi CicUaoGC conies from tb i wnnir oi leading a rie. - A iriall pi ?c:s rf cloti or rajg was had over tV. muzil, the bul let lxiid pon it ar.d presvd dcrwn into tLe 'borc'jyet crorgh to clcsw the knife, nwl tVa the elth or patch vs as ebt off viQotk with ths top c4 the vav. "Will vou .' i b-o 'good enough to teli mo what time 1 U m tl feajSQlDIH 0A?SUltTsT ISjtoWl aafo Always Ivciiablot belior tha Taaay or , PcnnyioyJ Ptlla uk! ttllainiilar rcwllcinna.' Unexcelted for Irrogulsri-ti-,Aa euoceesfally udlnthoaniiofcjui'3. Is a Purreme?J7,uar.o(eel, urrr falls. Prlc fl- A,-- v c c-ea Maratot eu. civicstso, iu. ' -hro Ir? tho U.S., 03 y!v;; ? t -r.wta Now for $1.50. VJ- r .-'.i, ; L;nXs svey -way-tbo boots I r-. v. o taaK ttia boot 1 c-jra-lr-WrherHforo we crar- rii'-W'v ,f tr.yorjo fa not aatigflod Jw.'.'vft,!-t 3 wiani tfc money - l-ir'-:ri;- w 3d another pair. Opera "Js t -'.rttr". V 'rot' cr .Common- Benwj WJS C, O, JE, EE. to 8 and Hall Send your $iseg tell I Jit you. -,U:&--y"& loin i H.-V-X FREE own with tHc Ferce. "Wh.'in I was lafet Iu itainefour year$ ago," caid the tourist, "the lawn- e.td gardiofi of village homes and tlu tk-ldr. were all fenced. Now throughout tiia viilagrfe tbe fencea have bvn tJiien svrrtT from atKut the hom-e premises, leaving each street block hordej-cd by one oontln uowiiawii. With the t?pcious &rd agreeable effect thvs produced th throwing of pA the front yards into a common green space has led erry house oyoier to vie with his nciirhWr "in beautifying the plat before his home. Beyond thj vil lages, along the coun trj- rcvds, fann ers no longer" maintain pnces,-es-ceit' those ab-out - pastures, hi any fences have been removed and others ara allowed to stand, only to bo taken away as material is Deeded for various purposes. The roadside Oelds now extend to the edge of the turnpike, gaining for the farmer cul tivable daud , fertilized by the dust Gnd3'ash from the road. All this improvement has been effected through the enactment and enforce ment of statutes making it a niisde- -j " fbildrsa Crpfor Pitcher's tlock iviioturh Ut isokt t.e ballet re cov.tt fctg-Vvt wlwa firoS j 'if, rin rod ; -3!uraob H wont. to ticbt and wotUd (fet lodjrc-d Iwrri ml ir.-l end' had t tx 1lvi3 ex hr putting- por: lr ki'tjie t-ruofi hol-c. Tby bullets tves-e ail ;eoMe3 at home, unii if the : Bfck.Vfr net t off very fianootlt, it i nad tfietH d'flM a lit-tk- ucd miss the ' g-uHXKM-i aim. Tli is fieli?ctiQH -was ' very bed until rifiw w;rc iartsned. ' KiflT-e JH-tt lit-tb? fpirsl groortu es i tending trora th an urtl- tf th Iweock. j They 'c'l-m tk lcli q rtry..ijaotin b i It ka-M; t.fRQ ni tbai ! faction h its fiisrbt, and ten k a bl i4e a liKl on-cid cr rrrrrttio. it vrill po BtirailBt to the mark. Tb g-a 1 took i ioni frrRi t"ke frrTv? that i wej-e ca.'irl rt??es. For jcck nd yir j a ivti Vi7 to nar?ie-f Rogers ineie j riV(?s m Aspt'.e, iia., aua were tHveV-mt-id. all rver th srorrtk.' Tlie Biid rwsnilSar. nd wor all ho ie trade. Kir5 pnr. tnr-lwfn Tvas a ww'b horn. ; that bed ftrn bollea and --rnpod and ' filed ntll H ww, th in wrifl ilir and ' translTioerri. Tk ekargw tv&s r ssiall i tile, cf a turkey bcrre or 'pos- tura Ifj or boar6 tusk, and held jast )a ekarg-e for te frv.n.. A chnrje of powder i?; jtict enon-h to hiae a-bullet when in tle open yfilm of tke Itan l. Tite carg-r heM that rnneu art.? Isad lip on ct Bi4e. -Th pv-wder carefully jirl ir th pvu. ar.d . then the piiU-hia as nest in. ordrr. ; Xow pt on jonr b-.ii :t! t ut :rar ! pnto'hin aa i-m hr J:o:no Xin the .- frieze n wn5 thrown ; back with, the tkuintj, aud tk. tonch-hple rjid t;paij I .were Ailed froa ike " powdr-horp. ; whi'elhe jftn?r held th stoppsir b-" J twoen hiv. teeth. The friLt-n wu.sea.ut I down, and Kfct?-j Jane loaded, i The ahot-poeh"wa.s raade of deer jdfin. j or eou skin, and ornamented with th tail of the tnlm&l, and sometimes with ; beads or embroidery. It contained : various things besides tha bullet i molds and the bullets and the pctchm. j There was grease. for. the look and grin ! wipers ad flints and screw driver aud a wiro i tiiO toua-hola. Btsy and to '-pi.-k j it 13?" asked tho boy. The gentle man told hum "VeKill you be willing tl-at 1 piioukl kx'k e.t your watch?' oon tinued Ferguson. ''Certiiiniy,'" ropli-d tho gejitlo- TImj boy toox the watch eagerly. After he had eTaaii-ied it a moment, his next question carjo: '.Vhat make9 that box go round? "A steel spring," replied tho own- es. "Hew can a steel spring in a box turn I t round so as to wind up all the oiiain?- . Th gentleman explained the proe- eb.. ; "I cknt c- throng it yet," an- "Don't want any pictures ' Tlie picture business my" ids, cn- ; cvn perio-uici .1'!.' 1 .70 if '1 tuor tier ui-t tah.te m t-ruj tna-is p. a it is not v.-".11 tj glories of licr craft and p:-ofon.ion. The storv portrayed tho you!' 'Hain't no use for jewelry, I tell 0 a utheru girl who marries a I am not dealing in ' tsorthom ruin, and. as icav be imag- j inod, is f till of critics! measuromont thu.- disso'.V'vi is used as -a hasis for tiiO Tii'):;ration ofld.mnalos or oth er tin comjxmiids, nuTl by dyers.. The iron hite i rolled into balls for melt in;:, the forWim.' sulphate U purifiod ami sold atic-omiiiercial cop--peras, and tho remaining acid is used, in r.-ootition of tho process. jutii's Coi.'.anin. i I "Fact is," Mrs. lUckettfl went on, ; iAh. north aud ,..-uth. opening tho door a iittio wider to j Of roeont years Miss Mngruder givo her words a chance to emerge. ; traveling,' both in this eoun "It is, you peddlers uiuko iaa ' try Hn,i ubrcal, with h-r mother or lek.H J wiih inthmate fiieuds. On hertrav- 'Indeed? replied tho man, bright-1 c.; Q.,ccu, tie mntei ials for her cning upas he deftly braced thoj .torios and rM.eovor-:-..-r characters, with hU rhrht ft-ot: "then how fortunate it is that I happened tucj oxperienee she builds hor ttrv, separat.-d very much. n ,w.tr ,J mliMnn to mvout- ; .L..- v.. .imt K h 1 "ood-by, said the one with the SHE HAD TIME. A Gcpno V.'hich. 'Is Oft Repeated at the Railroad Station. TT'" vv'r; the .rovd .and- haughty guard at the r:;'v.y gate and there wvro two ladies who" dLIiked to be fit this trip. This preparation, y . QV v...rj- Tho charc.cters p-wcrcd 3'oung . uWe!L now, erguj-m. ma'am," he rrent on, as ho boia a t-ottlo up for inspection, "ti war- ! muted to euro tho worst atbick of .nekness brought on by peddlers valise und the red, pasteboard box are ailowxl to develop thenistdves in tied with white wh.'ilcv( r 'ay seems natural., a:u tmvelor, i i . whn hnl Wv mtres't in many rot the boy, "take a kng, thin-nooe of; whalebone, hold one end of it fast bo-twe-en your thumb and forefinger, and wind it round yesr finger. It vrfil then attempt to unwind itself, Rnd if you fix tho -other end cf it to the iiside of a exnull hor, and leave it to tteeif, It wRl turn the hoop rr-nnd and rs?on4, arrj wind up a thread tied Vo f-bo otrtde. 'I fo It! lee.itT eciahacd Pb giT9on, rh'?tie&J5y Tbanb yoi, very,- very muchf It was net kmg before be ha- erode r -wooden watch, which lie h closed in a ease .abotit tha frae- o te-acup. Hie bov was Bf tc-rrordot at -wors tho plot, instead of being invenbxh, Invents or discovers itself. Only f.fty eeuta a bottle. How vrheri Misi Magraderfe writing a Ktorv ?Ke devotes usually three 'NeroP called out -Mrs. F.ieketts; !;urs -f every morning to its coin- but as tho dog. came bounding cheer- po-itkn- V.rheu these are over tho fully toward tho house the pedestri- rnana.rript is laid asi-le until tho hating merchant placed hiiitsolf cut- noxt day. and in the meantime tho side tho gate, and observed: ftuthor"'s mind is absolutely free from "I see you do not really need tho' thought of it.. When the end ia mwiWiw. madam. Sorry to have f-,-h.-v it i3 often laid aside for troubled you by displaying it. Good- maav vecke or months to rest." And Pmno FO, 'H" ' 7m? v morning, madam. "-Vvilliam Henry finafy it j3 from its hiding Vns amera into tin strings. Smtor, m i iki, j pia-?e, careiuny wcim'jim.-i-wi.! iv-d for publication, i Magrudcr is v-ery -barmlng "Gi)oddy.''. ,repH d tho one who had no luggage. "IV f.uro enjl tM motlier good-by for rne, won't your.'' "Yes, and you mast be f-urc to give. iy love. to a!i Ir. i-ilks. ''I will. The y will ! .rry that you enukdn't eome with mo.'. "I know it; hut you w;!! explain just how it was. 1 c-rtuinly wanted towui.:." " "You won't forget to Jock the that baby won t put but-" V" A THeatHcal Family. "And shut the rains?" ii'.dows when it I haven't plaredin a place cf five "to look upon.. Lhc s quite a.vo u,nna b,lihi-i.nt3 for ten years," medium height, and of slight but remarked the manager of a thcHtno bc.ut .fully rroportionod fur-, Jl-r al comimy vrho tres i New York ' head is ,m:dl and weh tmapM, nnd tho otrie.r oay envin w ; . . I ! 1 I fit fj' L A lUO. 1 - ' . . . , . i . 1 T.t oi.c.-iLrvl w"itlnir for ion !s lair, ".and had notSring woth b-vt ilvo stars, something to turn up. biy s brother asked us to vibvi mui uv village colled Gonklingville, in tho Of rour- i i i ... . u I ;rry. Gx)d-by. v ( o, "V,o.d-by." TJien ,they l;i'.sed and pard and the truv r wi. n j-om: (imieuity r tick"t fro.i! tho valise. she o-avo and his future eminonee in fr?twn-omy'-ws, m a way, founded trpon tiiis Ixryish 'crat-of-door-oheervadioo. HI Kite. rcal,. who wrolje a re markable Aroattae on the hrws of pound, W5 constant y oberring' the 'ami!1;r '-ui-rr.oo- fttyintldin, even cs a boy. "When he vr:- only ten oh! hr- r.r,i ft I- th-- dinner tM.-le dnv strikf-.if? his n'r.te wi'h his , 1 a knife, and then listening to - " j vjnd. ' Tb plawe, rnai.Vi . Seoi" he r are ycJ ,drt.ng with that tasked iiis sister. ; Vued. "Y.-hcn'l ttrike ;hts p.lfite with mv knife, it rmgs. Hark!" Atriin he called forth the sound. "When I grasp" it with my hand, t it u?' icu: so","' ho continued. Cecr.es. I wonder why Thus Lr.d both boys begun to study, e?.eh aei.-rding t-o his own rxi, w)th :v wfiliXQ fr-oxa older peo ple: ycuth's Companion. Wo lower AutronaacKs. tv our band in, my wife, my two daugh ters and mvself gave a little enter tainment in a big room over a store, j Tf and I irot an idea. I .sent j for ty felk)ws 1 kuow, wo u. n r;.iv nn;l started out. travel ah over the North woods by rail, stage or wagon. In summer we make the fair or circus towns, and in winter wo have our rcgu.r dates. Everybody kmow we are well l'ked. Our receipts : n u.'.i a r.tir PTDf'TlSi'f!. C sman, uul co ii i-- -i arc never out cf a job and never deau broke. Yre are a happy faim.y xor the young fellows married my daughtcrs-coutentcd to earn a com fortable living and blct other cr.r.-tinue-the heart-breahing chase :: fame and fo-tune." no: o-i ii T ... . 1 ,. . ,r i i I i'irt rrr eves LT.tv ana . " ron- vr.iWKiv?, She drones m the 7 ,'" ' , .., .. ... ' -.- . i, Oir. ' s;ih, mere i mmuc Bimplost tas to, wearing .n . say to her; will I though kI-. is not m mourning, 'mn- 1 Idaek, white or grty.n.rene ve tim w . Wil.on, in lilies' IicxneJournvl. &s .;t h,r ti,)fct. - Ar. tptereetir." FIxhTb'. ".Tu-t ha.if a minute." '.,T;.. p, 4p0 ! ,4('.)h. t'..-n you iiavoplonty of time.' LiV i-":;V ! 'i '" i Tt.'ll .. :.: i..as b a-e vour. traia fair is cf.::'ar,uy . urrou-.i.-i by '"V.jV,, iy. 1ir.v. ta!;!e savs it. goes . '-'.I .. . :. at : "- i m reaoH a i r: ' t.y( -r jv,,. p .sr.w p-t onmin- I Uvi O I,:'!""-:'" -to ,lT.i"...---- toM. I .. t--.-. !u i-nt' Tf V. XXV. ' ; l l 'J . , li. ... . 4. 1 i ' r i.h "t- ,.-.: ! ,.! A .--tid.iy .ithe i - ProvliiV i iV.nn'y, i ov ti.--- tu- House in tlie- eitv f ld.de,.. lo-'. Four TK::i-.m-n fr-m Phi:. Mphia guard .i.- U li '-ht and day. but it r, sai-lthat it v.ui -.ever t--ah be prri d.'ted t." h-ave n. S-dl i'rop.. dar-,-d io .rangeN in the ia thcA,:cu!turu!buii:i , " tTfxm Tl-'ib waa 'i.-i. ' ;- -(n-r.' h-r C iv:": ., Vi'ten klwus a fusM. f-he erkti for Ou'W-' A.hc.: ITin 31. slrf clung to Oi.Ktr.ria, JSiiu t'u- liaJ Ct;tlr(.n.8l ga . tUiu Castoria 1

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