The Garolina Watchman. ' : v. v : . y - - SALISBURY. N C. THURSDAY OCTOBER 26. 185)3. r,,uiiTii series l . . NO. 36 a What is '. is Ir. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant C4STrhiMreii, It contains neither Oiam, Morphine nor narcotic substance. It is a k-rinless substitute iVrecoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. , n-oasant. Its suarantco is thirty years' use hy ! vmLu. of Mothers. Caria is the Children's Panacea j thc Mother's iwuu. Castoria. Castoria. well adaiel 145 children the t-lii .- f I i n. A. AVSTia, U. I'., Otr.o' St., Krooklyn, X. T. ruM-cf 'OertorU' is bo nclTerftl and ; , wail Utfwu tiuit it e.ina work "atien rawaretJi, f irho do not kp Citt i;'r f''' New. York City. Caatorta :ro Colic, Constipation, Kotir Ztua-uih, PLirrlicoa7 EmeiaUon, Killfl Worms, flTo altF. 'ulA .Tjromote pxJon. - . TTitaout injurious medicAtion. WTMSAY SHOT. flha Deperdo Who Threatened to Haejr laAJo Anderson, GOES IKS AE. A Lie Drives One Brother Crazy and Win Kill Another. SEWS OF THE WEEK CONDENSED. Tor rxmrui yaart I hare nwoiameodel your 'Canton,' and fctdl always coatiaue U. do ao as It luwkibly produood beaeftci, -rmlts." Euww F. pAanna, H. D., 12Gth Strettt and 7'Jx iv.., Now York CKry i" Tub Ckntauu arPAinr, 77 KnufiAY tmrt. Kbtt Tori Cm" ICCIDEXIAL DEATHS. Caused by Carelessness. frawoiityof jfe 'He 'fooner thin THE BEST AM IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. ..U fc YllhiUCe OI UHS IliCl 13 KIUW- juuiw -- .. . . r 1:1... it; Ana tr nnnntiiral I nml 1 k I III." . lb I .J ' " - - Kjjn.rtf liviiiR-ncglwi. al.u. want. MifUni l. Inaitn anu ioi-j: me, ui i, unnt.iml, death. cxi't fr a old . aoio'cnul, and hoth art j .rcvt ntable iMttrue of (kntii reuiunp in.ra uvaiiuw rarelps ov r e.erti n. intcnierat ..asiUaw ' pTi-iairy il.r of this aSrnltt, and iiV.ii'.vn-nce ' it piogrees re iin'wKMfn leutl., or hug fit Intess t-nd-a in drtth'. 1 "j: the .new Fjar era it caa b nditlia' n;,t'v r'rx.ii iiHtit ar.l hundreds ol jd-.iif in j nvate life die ficm heart xlie-as-evtrv dav. i . Jfu-o'li ite anyof the foUcwing jpTnp f.h(TtiK.i oi'hreiith, t.alpitation, irtrg 3Jr u!rt, fii'tii g nd tncthering syelh, pi, in nUnuUt-r, bide, or arm, eweJlen 1..:' - . Ikh'mi tit-iitnunt in:nilintelv for 'n . i ------ .Wvdif .-It jou delhy,lhe consequence Ea.eriiis. -.iVimr 20 enr? Tr. Pranlilin Wile. tfif ftnintiit JHcfa!ist. h:i nuidc a profound Wv of Lut uiW'flFe, .HH iiniJK nu eure, i nanof the leading, ilimiveriw in that tiwlun n due to Mm. J lis jew iieart (Win. absolutely the only reliahle rcmetly ita niro fif 4rart liM!-e. as in t roTti kt :li.umds f testimonials from grateful ifminwlio have used it. !.,.. niitnrnf tlieCorrv. Ta . Lsnrter-. nut: "Alter mi apparent recovery from ihree imHlihl fit WrrififTt. l ien on mc Mitrci mn uir i,irt itvjiikA In rmp month frum MaMime I na unable to walk nc rof my room, llMjnf pUMWai KOm WUMMi iiiuchiiiuiiuk;. 'lihMi us'1 lr. MllfK1 New Heart Cure, and at Mrttectme rtronser. After uxirig six bottles I Miiliie vork wt usual and wsJk a mile every fcr.mrtiuite raneinir from 6.S toS1. Dr Milea' WiuIt inoi onlv a preventive but a cure. ' Dr. MiW" New heart Cure is aold by all Arug tto nit t pitiTe pianiiitee, or by Dr. Miles 5Mkl Co . Klkhart. lrrd , on receipt of price. SI f..r a. expreNs prepKid. v U is potii iirtffrMfrnm opiate or daiirouii dniga Dr. I'W PUU, U cent. FriM book, at droggiaU, or ilKtSL - i . I For Sale ly ail Druppists. ! Wives and Daughters Often lose the. benefit of life assurance, taken out for their protection, because of ill-advised investments. Again, the intentions of the assured sometimes fail of realization through the prodigality of a son to whom the sudden pos session of so much money proves too great a temptation. The Equitable Life : has provided against these, contingencies by offering The Tontine rnstalhnent Policy. ' : Tlie premiums per thousand are-much less than under " .- older forms of insurance, and : : theamount ispay able in 2 o, 2 5 . w annual payments, thus - securing a comfortable income Jbr the beneficiary'. Write tc W.J. RODDEY, Manager; ' For the Carolina) ROCK HILL, S. C. I'GHEE WAS TOO QUICK FOR EI3I. JLm OffixMT Pro Qmrnrrml mod KhoU Him Th Ttaaa Tby Wv OlA MbimIm Tryboy Sm B lp Ooa. K-xoTViujc Tbkjt.. Oct "Bud Lindsay, aa e-Unltod State deputy to&xfilml and ex of t iw4r w . Biaen U Ua CealaffMll troables, w shot a ad uriAlJr wvuaded at Jcka Ikupo UiU aftetooo by H. Uee. a 4ptT maraael redently ap loU Vy WiWCwdoa ' Lted7 wm fihat throe "Uaae, two hot takiaff efiKt ta tb. rgiaa ei U" haart, ad hla Moorary la a bare poaai- ; Wiity. - teeUhm BMt IXoAaay aecoaod bUa o lnUrleria? witi hU Vuiae. Li4aar iwaUd H VWike oailed i bba a Mar. L4u5ar rolled with a riU tra. Liahay ta kaowi V have ktllaa two aaaa In ktt trma aiul wh mixed up la 9UBMTOV8 di&oulilea ai JeU&oo, Jaclut bow asd Coal Creek. It will be rnieiaberd tbat be and or two otbera captured Capt. Kl iar Auderson to day beforo the tight at C-amp Apdron in Aufruat, Wi. and held bin nntll tber were forced to release him by tba arrival of Gn. Ciincs aod bis oojusnand. Kkoxvilix, October SO. "Bad" Lindaay Is not yvt dead, on the con trary, he la alive, saya he's aa hungry as a wolf, and tbreatenlnff yengeanco on McOhce. OUTRAGED AND MURDERED. FRIGHTENED YELLOW FEVER VICTIM. fto Wm Tald That II U Doctor and' Nuraa Wcn Mardvrera His IJrother Ran Wildly Into ths Street, and lm m Bavins Maniac- Ebusbwic, Ga... October 23. Thirty one new cases of yellow fever wero re vortad todav. There were three 4 ' deatha. Two Jewish boya, Adolph and Sam uel Lavine. slep in tbo rear of their rickety store, cot off with a calico cur tain. Adolpb was stricken and aur- Eeoa Fafet wan Meat lor. Bepding1 for is best professional oaree, ttto doctor eommanoed the battle airalnst death. Getting his patient on the rood to re ooyery, the nurse went to breakfast, and 00 bis retard found Samuel rav ing by Ms brother's bedside. Hi waUhar told him that during his ab sence a person entered and told tbo ; brother thajt the doctor aod nnrae ' were nmrdeyers and their medicine 1 was polfioa. la their fgnorauce they j believed it and the stfdden shock erased 8ataueL I Darin; the day be beorwno more vw I )ent and attacked the nurse and his -watcher. At uigm wicy quwvcu . : and thoupht he would b all ribt this t& 0fU ..,a . 4, f..t.,i. fourht battle at IbicuiL Seven of th vtnt1m f tK Battle Creek, Mien., la at Friday, are aiiit uniaentineo. Will Datton was hnaf at Cartera ville, Ga., last Friday, for the murder of tSallio Mobbs inl0O. Emperor William has accepted the resignation of Gen. Von Kaltenborn Ktachaa. minister ol war. Jacksonville, Fla, has voted, by a two-thirda majority, In favor of issuing bonds for city improvement. Bob Fitzsimmons, the present mid dleweight champion, proposes to chal lenge Jim Corbett for a fight. The money situation in New York continues to improve, but the volume pf business remains contracted. Fifteen hundred bales of cotton atored in a warehouse at Providence, 'L I., were burned last 8a turds v. Rev. bam ionea, the notejl Georgia evangelist, U helping in a red hot pro hibition camnaurn at Staunton, vs. Atlarvta. Ga.. haa beeci aaLsetad a IKm place for the nest annual meeting of .1 a . "1 . B me American Dtreet uaitway Association. At Nlnetv-eMx. 8. C BaAwdav. ro crlrl was nlavlnir with a irnn when t went oCL, shooting otf half ol her eaa. Great exdtemen4 prevatlalo portions if iurtow county, Ga., on aooount of ho posting of cotton gins by white cappers. The Rio Grande do Sul robela have a fieroelv 9 I I Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AESOISJITED ECCENTltIC GENIUSES. Little People Not the Only Ones Who Have Queer Way a. Peculiarities of Some Orest Men Ad Karl Who levreca a Winter in Mld-Hiimntr Kir Inc Nowtoa't Odd Delualuu A Oreat Ilutton-IIoler. FOR THE KITCHEN. Exhibits of Household Invontloca at the Oroat Columbian Fair. A Wonderful Variety of Uaeful aod Novel tJtenalU Shon la Mauy ltulldinfa Soai of the More Modern Cob venlencea for the Heme. Ooe thous- iusod to taka medicine, and rupidly ffrew delirious, cursinp arid raving- in Friday's disputohos from Palermo ro ia horrible manner. Signs of black Prt twenty-feur new case of cholera, rvomit became more appare-nt hourly. ! elht deaths, and in Lotfhorn five anil til morn in tr lust as il a-DDecroa. " " " There are lrigle retail eboe torea la oar lanjre -eitie which eh 2,000 pair of ahoea a day, making a net prolit of $--ij0.0)0 a year. Wc aell sbuea low, lut we sell a fc-roat many paira, the clear prolit on ouriadica', uliloe, and children.' ahoea la at leaat ten eentu a pair, mid on our mens and boya' ahoea 15 cents a pair. Wo shall cuL-ililUh ahoe atorea in each of the fifty largest cities of the U. H., and If they sell only GOO of alicx-s a day they would cam $:Vi"i, l y'r. Wc lioul4 be able to pay a yearly dividend ?5.21aaliar.',oroverf0perccnt. a year on the inwatinctit. Wo aell tbe atock at S10 a share. The prioe tnurt inevitably lie much more than 10 a ahar. euick haa ever been Bold at Iocs than this price, which i its par value. tti-ck non -uHsessftblc. iHcoqioraUHl, Capital $ l.OOO.Ot'O. Wc have ovtrl.OUO stockholder, and the number Is increasing daily. Some of the priucipul atock-holuc-ra arc : T. 8. Walliv. N. Y.; I. J.Tottrr, B"on; N. A.. K-rt. Jr.. Chicago; J.U. Ci;. Ijrll. ChicaKt W. M. Kvnau2h. Little Bnrk, Ark.: I. If. Kick. Chicaeoj J. F. TieVTuila. B. Ilardi,.K. it. Y.; K. f Tarae, flatU. Crwk, Mich. F. 1'. Hullette. Arcailr. h . . Write for a proapectua containing the namei or our atockholdera, etc., or tend an ordtr for stock, enclosing conhifr't check, cash orfnonry order. Ordera taken for one or more aharea. Price, $10 ..i DEXTER SHOE CO., . i i -. i .. jiijemr it umw. "i-'y:'C"t"'?J.lttt.U- - Tte Blavok TUmi Conseaaed auid Wm Brompttr Lj-nolied. I CoATTAifoooA. Texjt., October S. Friday evening, near Plkeville, thirty miles" north of here, an orphan girl, Miss Rosa Boring, was found dead in a secluded spot, with her throut cut from ear to ear. An examination showed that she had been outraged before being murdered. Suspicion fastened upon a one-eyed - negro, named John Gamble, alias Pete Ccopor, A poese immediately started tn search oflthe negro. A dispatch tonight to the Times says: The nogro, Gamble was arrested this rooming charged with Ue tmirder of MUa 1 Wring, and made a complete confession. lie says that, after vio lating her person, be cut her throat because she told him she would in form on him. This afternoon a mob of infuriated oitUsna took Gamble from the ofiicers and strung him up to a tree a few yards from the scono of his double crime.' Samuel beirah to rave axrain ' Rushing into the streets he was soon iost to view and all attenfciou wan turned to saving Adolph. He grew worse and would not talce the uiodi- II. M. Xcill, of New Orleans, who is rey-iirdei as one of the best crop re-porte-rti in the business, estimates tLia year's cotton crop at 7,700,000 balea. Elder T. M. Harris, one of the most f. If 1 j TV IU1U liKJ t bUikV VUVi uiwvn I aavwa a m. m e -w ""'-' v" mine. Finally weaknose overcame hiin widely known and ffreatlv lovel mln ''ail he Quieted from exhaustion. Then j istcrs of tho Christian church lu the the rain commenced, and throuffh the j south, died at West Point, Ga,, Thure Sroof and both stories the water poured : day night. down. The proprietor of the next j The oagagercent of senator Faulb door. a Hebrew, was called. lie and j ner, of AVost Virginia, and Miss Vir- 'thc correspondent tore down the par- i pinia Whiting, daughter of H. Whit iition between the two stores aad tho ' ingt a protninent banker of Hampton, bed and the bed was shovod into tho ia annuunced. back of the buildincr out of the rain, OVERHEARD IN A STORE. and all but the narse went to work saving the goods. A search was started for the crar.y Samuel and he was found in a chnir in front of the (Jhincbc restaurant on Newcastle street with surgeon Faget holding hira. He lmJ run up 2wca-fr-tie street insanely beUevlniT that tho devil was after Kim to kill him and had fallen on the sidewalk, vomiting profusely. All the passers-by fled at sight, and burgeon -aget ariving uy felm,f ift ft v-.w .v Jumped from his buggy and picked , . f himself and bride, but Mr- up. Samuel may hvo, but Atlolpn went wlthonl h,9 Dria0f wi..aio tomorrow, non ugau. 0 ut strangely. .hovrtwe. and one aymg ana ta - gteamshlp mo6 nM ftrrWed at "rr a Galveston, having on board eighty 1 II . 1 1 VUO 0 J M, ' - The famous Norristown, N. Y., fire department is to make a tour of the South. There will be 80 to 100 mem bers of the party and they will arrive In Atlanta. Ga.. October .23. - A. W. StelnblocX and his son and daughter, from Hampton. Ia., were sufToealod b tffts lit the Haiser hotel in Chicago Thursday night. It i sup posed they blew out the gas. K. E. Wallace, of PhUadelphk. while Attending tbe world's fair, drowned He had en JAPANESE ciue: A New and Complete Treatment, oonalatlng- t firi PrOSITOr.LKa, Capenlee of Ointment and two . . , r.i.ft.n A.nwA km A ill i ii.ii ii T. Mi n Mm l"l i T M H ml j'ilh tho fecjfa or Injections of carbolle acid, wtlca r f. . . ni uu.t vt: j.tcuvu wj wa ejv-a4ev iViOl IV n IS UN by lapanea Liver Pellets q -tint I IVFR nnd STOM AC11 EEOULATOB an t s 'V rr'VUFIEK. Piiiall, mild and pleasant to . . ; i.iuy tulitrtad ror children's use. WIooo , :J:JJ rE23L-jn.-J only by - v III. lUtj BUIO tiv I - 'J IV. I iun V. VVVJ VVft, Wl.t i ' jwiitif ul ?.id (wldom a porn.anent onre, and of o. suitinjj in death, nnneceoaary. Vhy endur Ln'.n torri'it.- di,ianaA? We Ruarantaa bOKftr to cjra any ease, xoa only pay for c at- i eceiveu. $1 a box, for S5 by mail, aiunpie S.vhisnruY, N. C. CavcaU, aad Trade-Kaik obtained, and all Pat ent buMincw cotxiacted for Moscratc Ftte. Ou Orrtce ta Orosixs JJ. 3. Patent Orricc and we can secure jiatcnt In Wt.a Udac tbau tnoee remote from VVani.!?'oa. ' be-sd codjl. drawing: or photo., win aowrtp ttoa. We a.jvie. if jiatrniuv.u? or r.ot. free oi chirps. Our fj r.o'. d'i u l patent 5a ecrirod. A PAMPHLfT. "Hk to Ot.ttin Pnent," witk tam of atWclicat in your Stew, county town, aout ir&a. Addrens, 'C.A.SEaOW&.CO. Ore. Patewt orf icc. WMH ueTO. O. C r 71 Si I '! l.niaaSjiall 'Ti "TTaSl 1U Mallc : better How the Dear Women Do Love One - Another at Times. Tboy mot in the calm of a lovely day. Soft breezes whispered sweet messages to the budding trees, and even the salesman at the bargain counter wore a more charitable look. They met and greeted. ''Oh, dear," exclaimed the lady in grenadine, with gilt trimmings, "it's an -age since I saw you." "Yes, indeed," ecstatically re joined the lady in white organdie with pale blue flowers wrought in the fabric, "it is getting almost in supportable." A pause of one-sixteenth of a sec ond enxued. , "Well, I declare, if" The lady in grenadine was gazing fixedly at the lady in organdie. " Orav hair isn't positively be coming to you. Isn't it perfectly de lightful? I am so glad; gray hair is such a trial to many." "Yes, to be sure." There was another pause. "I'm so glad" The lady in organdie was earnest ly contemplating the lady in grena dine. "You are still able to make your dresses fit in spite of your getting so fleshy. Isn't It fortunate? Fut is such a thorn to most people." i "Yes." There was a little more silence. ! "Well, good-by," chirped the lady in grenadine. "By," cooed the lady in organdie. "I hope it won't be so long till we -meet again." "Oh, mv, vca. I couldn't endure It. Really." That was all Detroit Tribune. the doctors. HnrsswiOK, Ga., October 24. There were officially reported yesterday five deaths and forty-nine new cases the record-breaker of the epidemic Only ten of the new cast are whitos seven in Brunswick and three on St. Simon's island. "nine of the crew and pasaengers of tbe French steamship Marseilles, which foundered at sea in the recont cyclone ioff the south Atlantic coast. ; Assistant secretary of the treasury i Curtis has recommended adversely -to the establishment of a sub treasury at Atlanta, Ga., but the friends of ths jnutnro nn the flninea committee are Beckman, who died today, was under gUn h ful that m Wui the oydonor treatment of Dr. Janes, of Bradstreet.B ,stlmatc of ihe domes Atlauta, who reported his case as yol- amountinff u low fever. Surgeon Murray and oth- j ptod ers held a post mortem and deny that , IleerhoboIBt the first European u Beckman ha.1 yellow fever. They also J cereal .totUtlcE JTto eor. claim tbatwtth proper treatment his robore7ted b R al inv68tifrallon by life could have been saved. A lively we8terTj paper: opotrcersy is on the tapis. . ! A terrible accident occurred on tb recapitulate - Under treatment, Grand TrunU rallroad Friday nlght. It B03; a Hcharged, W8; died. 101; total. head.end eolllsion of to Wed 71. Mortality ratio, rutw in white j . BatUtf ca. 151 LIloh. Twenty-ala were killed and a MITCHELL IN PHILADELPHIA. largo number inyured. Some were I S,n trt Anth bufore the eyes of 12- r. WlUlnr o Flsht Corbett Either tn , those who were trvlrtir to resue thom. Thia Country or Englaud. engineer's failure to obey orders l1lLAPEU'mA,PA..OotolKr24 Char- i caused the accident. lay Mitchell has just arrived in this; r 1M .1 -.... T.l,l I ottv. HO saVS tnc v,uajcv soxtiu.i rive Treiupa KU1V Trkstoh. N. J.. October 11. ve match is off, ha is willing to go to New ! mftn WBrc billed in a freight wreek on Orleans to meet Corbett, but he has : penaylvaoia road tonight. The advices that no boalngcan be indulged , cdent was due to two freight train I A. t r - - . fHttr IX will tm tn ' ..... . . rp . 7 I m.rA in in the Crescent City. lie will ge to London and meet Corbett before rhe National Sporting Club, but ho thinks thay would have to corns down in the siae of the purse. However, he is willing to meet Corbett for any purse the latter would accept. W. A- Brady, Corbett's nmnatrer, soys lie still has boee that tlte matoh can come off at Coney Island. Got Orttnk nnd Soioided. Navii.i.k, Tbxx., October 34. John Hyde, a white man thirty-nine years colliding between Trontoo, N. J aod wllow bridge. A number of ma of the ensrlnes are badly wrecked. Tbe men who were killed wore tram pa. GROWTH OF THE SOUTH. Badlos Ueotr 98, V8- tlte week endln ucwoor " TiT, .n,M,t tuoretMe in bubke sad more Hyde, a white man tmrty-mne year anei a .iTTiTTLi HVam tJ kolofnl oiw. committed suieide tonight by tt&ltSSffi shooting himself through the head. ; fca . d He was intoxicated Ilvde's wife secured at the time a divorce last ductlun. andtltat the irem. a ine p wo weeks Eoa Lea maUitarned la tae ocga4iei 7. r7i '-, i Trw.Mirairji 3 Are Sale aud Always thin, lnsV or Pannvroral PUIS .,t ,.n smviar inwdteinoa. Vnexcelledsfor Irregulari ties, Ac fcuoceasfully nsidln Uiouaandsorcaacs. Iaa sureifmedy, 'enai-antoed.iiever faila Prii fl- A cneiuttllelsttfecuiird. L.AKKSI1I2 SPECIF!-' ., i;i-i4-tEiiBlailt.ot Cnlcaico, 111. , bS?lJ,H0K co- Inc'P- Capital, 1 ,000.000. , l.oO SHOK IN TUE AVOllLD. Tsi.t -1,do"or tared it a dollar earned." aiiogt delivered frt anywhere ln-the U.S. on receipt oi isaq, iioney vraer. - vnva. a., a VI we Equal, every way the boct aold in all retail atote for C fj Vo muka l. kit sw v Mine vuaay wve) ouraehrea, therefore we guar ante the Jit, style and wear, and if any one la not aatinfled re win reiuna me money or send another pair. Opera Too or Common Sense, wiaina j, u, is., s nr.. auee l to 8 aud natr tze. iend your use; let toill fit vo. Illustrated Cata- loinm tJ 'r44S FREE DEXTER Shoe GtP43 FEDERAL ST- mi ynut uu, BOSTON, MASS. - ojjtual term to Isealtr, Sntrtl the life thiit is nghtitig ag;iiaat Coiisunip tion. Only act prorxptly. Put it off, and nothing can save you. But, if tak en m time. Dr. Pierce's GoMea Medical Discovery will cer tainly cure. ' It must bo dono through tho blood and the " Discovery " is tho most potent Liood cleanser, strength-restorer, and nesh-builder that's knowT. to medical science. Tho scrof ulous affection of the lungs ' , that's called Consumption, and every form of Scrofula and blood-taints, all yield to it For Weak Lungsy Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asih nrn, and all severe, lingering coughs, it's an cv.rqualcd remedy. It's the enly one that's gncuxtntetil. It it doesn't benefit or ciro, ui every case, you havo your money bock. Can anything else, at any price, be really You pay crily for valuo roceived. Sometfiine!f;e,rthat rays the dealer bet ter, n'iy bo offered as " just as cjood. Per-ha;-, ii. w, iov him, but it can't bt, ior you. 7 It Urownod fllmaelf--' Chicago, October 24. Andrew Kim ball, real estate dealer, drownecUvhfi self thia morning in Lake Michigan at Ninety-eighth street, the place where his eighteen-year-old daughter sui "cidod Saturday in a similar manner. The father was overwhelmed with grief over the loss of his daughter. Mrs. Kimball is prostrated as a result of the double bereavement. To BuUd Vp the Keaerve. Washixotox, D. C, October 20. It is understood that ths treasury depart ment will take steps to restrict the payment os gold over the counters of the subtreasury at New York, with a view'to building up the gold reserve, which has now been invaded to the ex tent of $15,000,000, leaving it in round figures at $85.000.000. A Circa Treln Wracked. Clarksburg, W Va., October 23-A rear end collision took place near here pu the Baltimore and Ohio rowd, be tween two sections of the Barnum a Bailey circus train. A dozen persons were hurt, one fatally. The dead uiai. ia Frank Everett, of Brooklyn. jiyae s who secureu ,u"r "v weens ;.ub i. . ,k",j, January on the ground of brutal treat- nrta inent, drunkenness and failure to pro- Pneval businosa. Money is in s-m.l nt ..... . , i : v....kri Ik a wnot of locll' ation o cu arue vido. Ho has since been endeavoring to rogain her affection, but she en joined him from calling on her. He returned here Friday after several months' absence. He passed by her home, and as she tied from him he got nrunkand killed himself.. Fifty Thouancl Uollars Miswlnjj. St. LoriK, October 31.. The Ameri can Express Company has lost S30.000 entrusted to it by a New York bank for transmission to New Orleans via I St. Louis. The monev was placed in a strong box in New York, with Hpecial (.nurd Korzdurfer. Just wnere i jumped the track, detectives upon the case seem unable to learn, l hey ieit. for New Orleans, having apparently reached the opinion that the loss took place between this city and the Cres cent. Their Flacea Here Itwn Filled. LouihViM.K, Kv., October 21. The strike of the shopmen of the Louis ville and Nashville may be said to ba at an end, and many of the striker's now find themselves unable to get work. They are willing to go back to thfirold places at the terms of the ri.-mpany, but 'their positions hi ye Leen niU-J and Master Mechanic Clif ford will not discharge the new uica lo give the strikers work. burthen i a wnrjt of locll; atlon 'o cu. nwtiosis ia tbe present tnaattled , on ltion !Taden report, ro tahlishedor Incorporated durln toe weeu, xe Sthe r with ocnlanfonients of inaaufsctorles. Sas haportant new bnlldlaa. Aa. tae moat liiiDortani Be.v indi ntnca of thewek aro most llapurmiH Ti-nn to iO estei- il AT e"b7 he ul-biriTcruI . rarTotunany j IUO (XX) 'capital: tae Blca o.l and OasCon Luv of WTUoclini,-. W. Vs . ce Hal FIX' ii standard Cor onctltK' a-d Sppi-Coo or. of , ;Attftir7tk Go capital jluu.oOO: t e hanc. jV i'ls. .100.000; a m 0J0 electric HntHV plant at jack 'onvllle. Kto : fibre pdl. """J worka at Savannah. Oa..; aplial f-Vf9 company at Tesrkana. Art., cental . brick company at Dorl n?ton - P.l r 1 re 000: also a t rie pUini at fc Ik C XT. W. au wl and paa oontr.vnr at StateravM. W. Va. PTtaM50 000: a b 000 planrnu mill and bl W "s suiply company t Mte.ii Oa. avoou l. m'er compaiiT at Holin?. w. a . a LS e XS ai W. et Point. Ga : a cotton rope fa tory at rWnco. Ala . and a macuine op at Cuattanooa. Tena. . MARKET REPORTS By private wire to B. W. Martin. Manager Nkw YOKKOotober 81.-CottoH.-Nov. w Lec. 19; Jan. 8 29: market ateaUy. Midctllnif 0 : market Crra , , Chicago. October 2 -Future eleeed follows: Mess uork 5 CO I . .d I . Q kalt shoulders, boxed. t1.'&H,1M: Ci3- bide. boel W .navSO Savasaaii Oct jtt.-T-uipentii.e l . resiu rlrtu a: Bovs and srirls-ftre not the only mirnberrt of tha-human rao that have their llttlo queemcssea, Bays Harper e oung 1'cople. bomo ol Uio groutcbt mon tho world has known have had tho Queerest hablta. 9 ' habita alemgsldo of whk-.h the whlma a,nd oddities of children seem as nat ural as that the sun should rise la the morning. Among these aro to be noted the whimsical behavior of Augustus Hare, one of the cleverest divines in the English church,-who, when he had ended a train of hard thinking, wouk rise from his desk and spin round on his heo-1 a few sec onds, and then resume Ins studies. The eorl of Chatham was most peculiar in his habits; these, no doubt, were engendered by his nypocnonuriacai nature. tn one oeeasion in midsummer he wished to have snow, and adopted the follow ing rather curious method of having hid wish realized. The servants were ordered to havo large fires In every room, the walks outide were covered with salt to make things have a wiutrv aDuearanco. and doors a r and windows wero kpt shut to keep out the biting cold. How long this whim lasted the historian does not record. Of William Wilberforco It Is nar rated that he frequently became so absorbed in conversation in evening companies as wholly to forget him self. He would lift himself from his chair in his earnestness move for . ward a little, and gradually approach ! perilously near the edge. It was a tradition In fashionable English cir cles that he had fallen soveral times to the lloor; but in families where he waslovcd it was the custom to sta tion onu of the older children be hind his chair to move it forward as he moved, and guard him against peril. Some who afterwards became society leaders m English society rotained among the pleasantest memorien of their childhood uio rec ollection of such services rendered to this brilliant and eloquent con verser. RossinL the composer, when en irared with any irreat composition, - ... invariably shaved himself in a most fantastic way to prevent his going out of doors. Slr Isaac Ntwton, ono of the irreatest and most logical thinkers of his time, was yet one of tho mosi absent-minded of men. lnls latter habit led him into man v curious mis takes. At times' he fancied he had dined, while as a matter of fact he had not left his room for hours. Once he boiled his watch instead o an enir: and on another occasion, while sitting close to tho fire, he or dered it to be removed, owing to the boot, but the thought never occurred to him that he would be cooler If he would but move his chair back wards Id addition to these we are told that Humboldt generally wrote while holding the paper on his knees; that Schiller was foud of the porf ume of decayed apple; that Ooothe ad mired tiie flavor of fried beet root. Mendelssohn, when pleased with anything, used to chew a corner of bis pocket-handkerchief. Coleridge alwayscld the person with whom he was conversing by a button of Jiis coat; hence, he was nicknamed the irreat "button-holer." Marie Antoi- 1 nette. when eating bread and butter, kept a nosegay by her side, which she smelled from time to time, whilo Mine, do Stael, when busy sewing, always twirled a green leaf between her lingers. Kitchen utensils aro no les3 well represented at the World's Coluir. blan exposition than are stoves aud ranges. The main exhibit of these ii in tho Manufactures building. Among them may be mentioned stamped ware enameled in grauito and other colors; spiders that will suit both right-handed and left-handed cooks, having a lip on either side; two forms of "self-basting" roasting pans, de- signfxl to prevent meats from dry ing in the oven; knife-edged, tor sion and spring balances; and cast iron ware polished and even nickel plated. Portable ovens for gas and kerosene stoves, also steam cookers jacketed with asbestos are shown. Tho jacket prevents the conduction of heat from tho cooking- food, thus utilizing a scientific principle which is too commonly disregarded in cook inc. Cylindrical tin receptacles for flour and meal are shown which may be fastened against the wall at a con venient height. The flour is mad to pass through a sieve by turning a crank and comes out by an outlet at the bottom. A measuring cup, which fits on to the outlet when not in use, forms part of the apparatus. There are quite a number of ma- chines worked by a crank, which save a great deal of tiresome and time-consuming hand work. One company exhibits a meat chopper, a fruit press, a sausage stuff er. and a cherry stoner. The same company makes a simple utensil, like a sauce pan In form, for shaving ice. Anoth er exhibitor has a little nutmeg grater that Is worked by a crank. A small room in tho oman s building is devoted to inventions by women. Most of these are household articles, while some are of a wholly different character. These inventions ant generally modifications of articles already in use, novel departures be ing rare. Among the cooking uten Bils in this room are a metal knead ing board, a kitchen knifo especially adapted for slicing, a frying pan with a hood and a flue to carry, the smoke from the food down into the fire, aud an egg and cake beater with a new form of stirrer. Another cake beater Invented by a woman, and resem bling the tin flour bin described above is shown In the Agricultural build ing. Inventions by women appear also in tho Illinois building, among them being a funnel, a baking pan and a kettle-holder for a stove. A fruit evaporator small enough for household use is shown in the Horti cultural building. The capacity of tho smallest size is about half a hushel of apples. In the am. building; a German exhibitor shows knives of peculiar shapes, for paring and slicing vegetables and cutting them into ornamental shapes; also a cherry stoner. Household wooden ware is to be found in the Forestry buikling: one make has electrically welded flat hoops set In grooves In tho staves, instead of the common riveted hoops; another has welJed wire hoops which aro imbedded hi tlie wood at several points hi the circum ference. Near by are shown tubti. pulls, keclers, bowls, milkpans. j measures, etc., of Indurate nDcr : (paper pulp), which are molded 1 at one piece. F. A. Fernald, in Popu lar Science Monthly. LYNCHING IN GEORGIA. He Coofeaed to rol.onlnjr the Burk and Meeta Terrible Fete. JoMisnoBO. Ga.. October 2J.-Arthur lienneUa negro, was banged by a mob of masked men. near Williams ebapel. Saturday night. Bennett had been" arrested on the chartre of poisoning the Burks family, in Elmwood district, some days ago. which came near causing the death of several members of tho family. At his commitment trial. Saturday, v .-,1 tn having pat arsenic in some meal which h brought Mr. Uurks from the mill, butciaimea mat. 1 negro gnve him a pair of gold rimmed j spectacles to io tnc ucbu. u mrncd over to Constable U 1 i:!iw.ri vchn started to bring him to the county jail, but ic a taick piece o'clock at night, he wa,' stopped by a mob of masked men who demanded Aue.p.risouex. It Vteeida't Ml. MrMpnis. Octobr3. Charles llrow u and Thomaa Pike were two of the r-Lrtv of about fifty young pleasure seekers of both sex who a tar ted to row up the river on a nutting expedition this morning. Brown and Pike wera in a boat with the other boya and a copious quantity of whisky. Wheu a short distance above the lty. Urown and Pike engaged in a fight. They fell out of the boat. Pike was rev cued, but Brown" was drowned. Ao-. cording to one of tbe other par tie ii; the boat. Brown was knocked senele with an oar before he fell in the rivec Pike has ao far avoided arreat. Ueratxal Mttftbua Deed. Paris. October 19. Marshal McMa bon died at 10 o'clock this morning, at Chateau LaForet, on the Loire. Mar shal McMahon wa able to partake of food until yeaterday. During the ight the sofferer'sstreagthyra 'ualJ.v declined and he grew weaker ami weaker until the end esjme peacefully at the hour mentioned. The familj .f the deceased soldier was present ut th. esth. Or you are all worn out, resKj -good for ootb. in H ia eeneral debility. Try nVowrMoy "k ri it -m cur, woo. eleanae your liver, sea l good sjtfe1.ite.

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