-IT r ,.i . - I'll : '') V Carolina Watchman. W, McKENZIE, Ed'r and FropV. - SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One year in advance...--.- Six mouths. Three- moutb.3 rrr-f -- 00 - ; j us. socoaJ-clasa mail at Salisbury, N. C. THURSDAY, October 26, IS93. The Salisbury correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch in speaking of the am Mr. Fouat Friday night ayi i 'Fji:st would not Tiave been arrested had" t not been for lisctions in going to tin: three papers here and writing article 1: m-eif and having them published- rt.s the opinions of the editors thun-solves,. and making erroneous j statements jn th articles." Some aien seem to have imaginative powers to an almost infinite limit, since those powers produce so vivid a picture of the fake and untrue as to ca use the possessor of the powers to be lieve it i a true picture and swear to oth'.Tc? that it is true. e should be glad indeed to possess the vivjd imagination of the correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch if it were coupled with veracity and sound judg jutfgfaeot. Or perhaps we phould call it omniscience since there is no doubt whatever as to the truth of his state ment and we know that his knowledge intuitive as it was impossible to get it otherwise. .. . 1 I - is news jndeed to the Watchman that Mr. foust wrote or dictated a sin gle word published in its columns last week. The-local editor of the Watchman- i-? Solely responsible for all that vi-:i.i laid on the subject and no oue else. Jf ibis-were the only cause for his ar rest, as . the correspondent Says, we think the persons who 'caused his ar rest ought to. have adopted the motto of Davy Crockett before having him arrested, as we haye no idea that either of the other papers would give their space fur publishing "erroneous state meats" and we have no idea Mr. Foust would usk them to do so. Some men seera to take a fiendish delight in kick ing a njaij who js down, and such we htdieve was the motive of the man who wrote the foregoing lie. e did not intend to defend or up hold the crime of Mr. Foust in the ar ticle we wrote last week, nor do we in i tend to do so jn this. But we believe r that it is the duty of a christian com. inunityvto give the right hand of chris tian fellowship to every fallen man who repents of his sin and tries to lead a different life. George Gould sayd he is in favor of an income tax, and that every rich man pughtto pay in proportion to his in- pome. Wilmington Star. The case of McLeod vsJthe Caroli na Central Railroad, tried, In Lincoln court Thursday decided in! favor of the road. Rev. Dr. Philip Schaff, the great Presbyterian professor, died yesterday ni New York of paralysis. -The number of people at the . State Fair Thursday was estimated at 12,000 The Senate Situation. .. The unblushing claim of the anti-re peal Senators, that they are not delaying action beyond what is necessary for le gitimate debate, will need reiteration af ter the scene of the last evening. One pan easily sympathize with Mr. Voohees sense of indignation in view of the facts set forth. It is difficult, as yet, to esti mate the nnal out come of this struggle Public opinion has no Influence orathe eaate, but public opinion i3 daily be coming more and mere disgusted with . tlie (senate and its tactics. Compromise may result, but unless the repealers have lost all their self-respect, it will be com promise upon some other basis" than that outlined in Sunday's dispatches. For them to accept a bill which provided for the continuance of the Sherman act for four years, with monthly purchases of ,000,000 ounoes of silver and authoritv Jn the Secretary of the Treasuryito issue gold bonds, would be an abject surrender of everything they have stood for, and a praven acceptance of the terms of an ele meat which.wants everything and will yield nothing material. Mr. Voorhees and his party can much better fcfibrd to accept unconditional defeat than to ac cept these humiliating terms. Charlotte )bereer. The Fair is paying. The AYorld's Fair is now out of debt Tho enonnofts receipts of "Chicago day. cleared thV".whoU? remainder of the bonded indebtedru-s. The Illinois Trust and Saving- 13 ink on Tuesday , last signed, a "receipt for me "whole amount, 81, oGoilO 76, and whatever coi.ies iiytfter that time u clear proCt .. The alte'ndance ' is said to iv beatiur ti.e ' itiiird right aio.Mg .md the proncV ; are tiiitttiie stutuiMils-s will j. aliz neat divis on on thei investmeint. Tin h'icago dy attendance was 751,r,20 WASHINGTON LETTER.. From cur iitrguiar correspondent j - A democrat who h:is the future wl- ! f;,re nd success of his pHrty in view, . rej-aiuless of his own ii-sonal opinion 1 on the silver question, can find little jth.t is pleasing in the controversies that h-v taken place this vveek he-- tween democratic; Senators who occupy i)jff itepo-ltiouou theVorheeS bill. Ilie laii;u.ige used by democratic Sen I .nlitf Limanls each oUier wa.s sucn as i should not be'used upon the flor of the Senate, even towards political oppil- neiiis, except tinder great provocation, and it certainly did nuot improve the chance either of pas-fug the Voorhecs bill, aVit fa or for amending it. In fact, about the only thing accomplished by these di.-piays of temper was to furttsh the republic ins with a bundle of very stout clubs which they will not fail touse in the future upon democratic -head'. It will be a dear victory to either side in this silver controversy it it be won by disrupting the -democratic party, thus providing the oft-reiterated charge of the republicans that the democratic party couldj'ot' control itself. At the beginning of the week it looked as though the democratic Sena tors were about to get together in a satisfactory compromise, but the op portunity went by. How things aie again drifting, with both friends and opponents of t lie Voorhees bill threat ening to keep up the fight indefinitely, and the Senate wasting its time dis cussing a change of rules, whieh every Senator knows down in his heart, what ever his wishes may be, cannot e ac complished! in the midst-of this con troversy. A democratic caucus is to held, but as only those who signed the call therefor consider themselves bound to attend or to be bound by its action, and as the call was only signed by Sen ators who are opposed to the passage of the Voorhee bill, there is little up on which to base even a hope that it will result in ending the unfortunate controveorsy. President Cleveland is apparently more confident than ever that the Voor h es hrll can be passed by the Senate without amendment and more deter mined that the fight shall be continued until that end is reached, but there are goo I reasons lor the behef that he would sign a compromise meas ure if on can be agreed upon by the democratic Senators. It could not ra sonably be expected uuder the eircuui- stances that he would, in advance of the actu)n of the Senate, announce that he would s.gu a compromise bill. Much important business awaits the disposrtion of the silver question. For instance, provision will have to be made and the sooner the better, to meet the big deficit the necessary expenditures of the current fiscal year will le re in the Treasury. Secretary Carlisle's la test estimate, based on present indica tions, i that this deficit may reach $50,000,000. Secretary Carlisle has decided that paper currency shall -hereafter be used in making disbursements at theNew York subtreasury, except when thf state of the Treasury makes it neces sary to pay out gold. It is said that this decision was made because of a tendency on the part of the banks in that seclion to hoard the gold lately put in circulation. The next bill to be taken up by the House will .be the Oates bankruptcy bill. There i? strong opposition to the bill on both sides of the House, but is is thought that it will be passed. ' Presideut Cleveland authorizes the uuuuuin,cuicm iiicib ue -win not leave Washington for any purpost until the Senate takas some action on the silver question. The House committee "oil Public Lands which has been looking into the charges concerning the opening of the Cherokee strip will probably decide that there is no occasion for the Congres sional investigation proposed by a re solution recently introduced in the House. y The-House is keeping ap its reputa tion for rapidity in the transaction of business. This week it passed the'Mc Creary bill amending and modifying the Geary Chinese law and the Cox bill, providing that no national bank association shall make any loan to its president, its vice president, its direc tors, its cashier, or any of its clerks, tellers, book-keepers, agents, or uther persons in its employ, until the propo sition to make such a loan, stating the amount, terms, and security .offered, shall have "been submitted in writing' ta a meeting of the board of directors or of the executive committee of the board, and accepted and approved bv a majontyof those present, constituting quorum, and then not in excess of the amount now allowed bv law A bill similar to the last named wasrtass-, ed bv tho lust House-.- The li.nise nUo pnsd a bill repealing the -law which requires a7'pli(:ants for bounty- lands to irove loyalty in addition to nrovin hemselvi Otherwise entitled to the naii'ts. - ... The Taiy Is Prolonged. Chicago,' October 21, The world's f;iir will not 'oe losed on Octoler 31 Official . ftcti. been takeiitb keep the exposition opnbeyond the time fixed iby congress for closing it. Inkn qnofficiai way the managers have Sven disciissiug for several weeks the .ad y isabil ity, pf,ru lining t he fair lon ger than the period first intended. They positively decided at last that 'visitors-iniiiht be admitted thereafter (October 31 ) for an indefinite period, o lonas the popular demand and the weather conditions should justify it." ', 'Wanted to SSarry Him. Greensboro Paf.rt jt. The Ion- hiitred' freak at Pawnee - c? ... - Uiil's Wild West museum took quite a fancy to Charlie Dnnell, of this county, Tuesday and proposed to mar ry him. Charlie expressed hi willing ness 'at first, but afterward seemed about to flicker, and the, long-haired lady sent a' policeman alter him, with a threat if he didn't stick up to his bar gain she would sue him for brer.ch of promise. He then came back; she eemed to enjoy the joke very much indeed, and toTd him that ihe hadn't seen such a fine looking fellow in a long time, and tliat she always did like that rame. Again and agmn shy she warned him not to desert her for would certainly sue him. IJold Highway Eobbery. Watauga Democrad. On last Wednesday morning as Mr. Al Clny, of Hickory, was coming up the rjver, three miles below Globe, in Caldwell county on Ins way to the mountains to buy cattle, he was at tacked by two highway-men, a white man and negro. They pounced upon him with a knife, and before he was hardly conscious of what was going on they had cut hrs pocket and taken therefrom forty-four dollars in cash. Fortunately for Mr. Clay, he had the bulk of his his money in another pock et, and they failed to get it. This was, to say the least, a very daring robbery, and Tie hope the offenders will meet with a speedy retribution.. White Caps in North Carolina. Raleigh, N. C, O-t. 15. Special ad vie.es from Shelby, N. C, are to the ef fect that, whilecaps of the Tennessee stripe have made their appearance in Cleveland county and are, threatening the owners of all the ,'ins in that sec tionitlmt unlc-s they stop ginning un til the price of cotton reaches ten cent per pound their gins will bo promptly burned to the ground. Capt. S. D. ilaud.iil, a prominent fanner and gin ner of the lower end of that county, was the first to receive one of these anonymous letters. So far he has refused to stop ginning and is guarding his gin with a shot gun every night. 29 Dead BjdiesFound. By Soutberi. Associated Press. Battle Creek, Mich., Octobw20. A terrible head end collision occurred a mile and a half from the city this morning. From twenty-five to forty persons are reported killed, many of whom were burned to death in the wreck, which took fire soon after the colls sion. The groans of dying are pitiful in the extreme, but everything possi ble is being done for their comfort. Twenty-four dead bodies have been taken from the wreck. They are all terribly burned and tinrecoguiza bl& The accident occurred because No. 6, feoing east, disobeyed orders by not stopping at Nichols to let No. 9 pass. As soon as the trains collided, the coaches took fire, and before the people near by recorered'their senses, three of the passenger coaches were completely burned up. . Twenty-fonr bodies have already been taken from the wreck, and it is supposed that there is fully th.it many more under the debris. Most of these were bnrned to death. In addition to the dead there hitt forty severely, if not fatally, injured. "Why is ha so Irritable. This questiou is often heard and nearly as often unanswered, i It is not always remembered, as it. should be, that the occasion of ill-tem per and irritability is often to be found in the pbysicial conditon of the persons af fected. What is the use of trving to "harmonize" a man whose liver has gone back on him? If a man is tortured with rheumatism, how cao he be expected to 1, affable and agreeable? Can a confirmed dyspeptic be expected to be cheerful aud always ready to tell a funny story? 1 he only way to remove the .difficulty is to get at the cause. Dyspepsia, rheumatism impure blood and liver trouble yield to ilood s fcarsaparilla.; this is why it is an aileciive tranquilizer, a peaceful mesPn ger, and a preventive of demesisc quar rels. ' General Hews. The Durham Glebe say s the Trave lers1 Life Insurance Company, of Hart ford,has taken S40,0d0 of the Trinity College 20-year 6 percent bonds. Cartehsyille, Oct. 20. W ill Dut ton, white convicted of the morrW of Sallie Iolbs in this county, was hung here today at 12 o'clock. L. W. Mnyp, of Iredell county, aud John Hotiyciit, of Caldwell county, were found guilty of eounterfeiting in the Federal Court at St itesville Thurs day and sentenced U) the Albany peni tentiary for two vears each. Louisville, Ky., Ootoler 2) A sensa tional arrest has been made here of Charles Hardin, who figured in the re cent express rowVry, by a Kansas City orncer. IJardin has been identified"- as Charles Letehum, the well known western crook. Camilla., Ga, October 10. Redden Garrell, of this county, has been placed in jail here under a charged of assault on his own thirteen year old daugh ter. . A special to the Charlotte Observer ffroin U diegh says that an import- ant meeting of the Board of Public Charities of this State was held there Tliursday. Resolutions wereidopled asking the boards of the insane wsylums to amend their by-laws as to admit and retain rx-C)nfederate North Carolina soldiers now in county homrs insane, whether curable or incurable. This proposal has the approral of the Gov ernor and leading citizen, and the Confederate Veterans' Associativa) (if North Carolina. The board will at the proper time urge aain the estab lishment of a State reform school, as il is now more than ever convinced of its iucreasiiii' nece;.-itv. O ml Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 23. A Geor gia Pacific engine pulling a through fr ight which left here yesterday morn ing about 2 o'clock, blew up rive miles from here. Engineer Mills and fireman J. W. Buchanan, both white were blown up in the air, and alighted some 200 or more yards away. Both were badly mutilated and were killed almost inst antly. Mill fell through a mcii of a shanty. The first iixmed was married the oi her single. Mills' tody was ship ped to Kiebmond, V.. iunnemora, N. Y., Oct. 23. At 11:5 this morning Martin y w.u-j electro cuted for the nmrler of Henrietta Wil son, his mis-ress, in S u'afog. The cur rent was earned on at 1 1: iS, the vol: being 1,C40. It was on for four seconds at full force- then for ten second xr-ii-ually reditcetl t- 150 then put on at fuli force ajjain frr two seconds and th:jn gradual'y mi. iced ugain for 4-socoiids. The condtinued man -tid n --t m ike a movement except that caused by the turning on and off of the current. The Greensboro R-eord sy: In is now found out why the 7 p. m. train from Raleigh is always behind time, when it used to come in on the minute in the summei when it was not dr!c. Tramps are the cav. They seldom bother a train in day time, but wheh uiiht comes on they necm to be lined at every ntation. The trains stop and ditch them so often that much tuna is-lo.-t. : Chicago, Oct, 23. Henrietta Kitu b .11, 18 years .f age, while despondeut from long coiitinued sickness, com mi t- ed suicide by throwing herself into the ake at the toot of Ninety -Eighth street. Insane over the grief of his daughter's-rash act, Andrew Kimball, her father, this morning followed her example, and chosing the spot where his daughter's lifeless body was found yesterday, threw himself into the lake and was drowned. He had been engag ed in the real estate business and waa in, prosperous circumstances. Tins Eacpl&lcB it all. ghevillc Citizen. The esteemed Charlotte Observer wants to know ''who are the obstruc tionists" 4n the United Stetes Senate. The exact condition of things is this: A majority of the majority, and a minority of the minority are trying to j prevent a minority of the majority and a majority of the minority from killing the majority in the South aud West. With these Minple facts the Observer should be able to answere its own ques tion. If it cannotdo so the Citizen will produce addtional lucid facts. II. Ileineman, Milwaukee, writes: "One box Japanese Pile Cure has cured me of a case of 23 years standing, after being treated by New York's best phy sicians. '. Sold by Edwin Cuthrell j Salisbury N. C. I When Baby was Hick, we gare her Ctstcs-li. . Vhaa Biie was a Child, she cried for Castorj Vheo she became Misss, shf clan j to C&storia. she had Children, sho g"i"i thein Castor Sad ; and .Qlopmy : ', Woak and Dyspeptic Hood's BarsopartlU Gave Strength and Perfectly Cwre4 Vr jr. it WMt9 IUrndngtuuarAk&axMk I have Dot worda eeoagh to erprwes my thaaks for tho great beneftto rcohrod from a low bottle of Hood's -garsapariUa, I waa weak, aud it made m stroug; 1 wu a dyspep tic, and it eared me; I was sad end gfoT, ana It nude alicerfol and hopefuL Aad la thougU aot loas It iu&4to tao sa avdeafi aad 0G0S 19 pullla UUI WO working daioocrat An who Have taken Ho4's SarfliarUla witU my alTiso, reiwrt good suits. I gku2y recTir.nwud ft ts al) snflorers J. IL Whitb, SL D., Etrminghaai, AJ N. B. It yon d&clJ to take Hood's Sor saparilla do net be tettavett t any o&er . MoocHe Pitla are Ute best family taLkartta, Cuit anA e&uUv Try a box iVS eeubfc . Sixteen Under Bo::d. Nj-hville, Tenn, Oct 13 A sp.-cia! from Knoxville ?ays: The sixteen sol diers charged with being implicated in the lynching of the miner, Richard Drnmniond, at I3ricevil!e, were ad mitted to bond in the sum 7f for the entire number by Jo lre rfneed of the Knoxville criminal court, by whom they were tried on habeas cor pus proceedings. There is no letter medicine for fam ily ue than Ayer's Cathartic IMls. Tiieir sugar-coating makes them e.usy and even agreeable t take, and as the contain no calomel or other injurious drug, they are perfectly sale ior pa tients of any ag-. ARomance-TvroDags of Love Letters Charlotte ui'wrvor. Once upon a tine ther- vas a lady of Lumberton who hv.-da sw tin from S"- !er Uitv, aad vj-:e v-jrsa, X'iiey were cn- gtgeu Lo-be unuried, bat as 'Sva.-j eve: tans, uic clure or i.ru-j iye u .l noi run smooth, and' the "sil rer lioe ' .wa? snapped, li wrote for his Seaer. S;;e got two bag--, e-ch holding bushel, put. (he letters in them, lied them with crape, dirtcted thti tf) lier tx-lovt aim hipped them. Thry .rei. the ol.j'.";t oi d interest ot; the Carolina Central train. yesrerday al ternoon. iW today the w.iuToi Liit-in oe reui v;n.r i-ne c.i ... ... i ! . i'adge of erapy from liis lost love. . Invalids- shouid reiueuib r that the :;iiiSo of sick and n-'rvous heafi-che may be prompt iy removed l y taking Ayer's Til's. These Pii!s speedily cor rect irregularities of the stomach, liver and bowels, and are. tha mildest and most reliable cat hartic in use. A Newspaper xan Attacked. Nkwlkkk, N. C, Oct.. 11. Special Edward Mur by, a nian nho caine here to have a sparring match with a nero made a brutal assault on C.E.Hancock local editor of the Journal today for rthat he conceived to be -fJen.-uve ctm ment. on the affair, by Hancock io his P per. Murphy is in jail and Mr. Han cock is at his desk tonight, but badly battered up. Indignation against Mur phy is running high. When traveling, always .takf a cake of Johnson's Oriental Soap with you: diseases are often can w fit by uinjr hotel soap. Sold by Edwin Cuthrell Salisbury N. C. ,Soeo New Game Laws. Wilmington Ho lew. Book agents may b-i killed when rip, which is from October 1 to Sep tember 31 ; sewing machine agaent, dit to; spring poets from March 1 to Feb ruary 28 (2U in leap year;) the man who knows it all may be slaughtered at any time between midnight and II 00 p. m.; the man who don't advertise because don't" pay, any time between suurise and sunset, his loneliest period; but the fellow who stops Isis paper be cause the editor failed to make public the announcement that his last baby had a new tooth is inviolate he ought to live forever for he is too mean die. Notic Jfotic. Under this heading appears the fol lowing notice, names omitted, as stuck on the court house door in Yudkin- ville: , UI doe hear for Hid enev Bodr of taking in my wife and. sheltering her for she stnfd $17,9oc. of my mone,v and she has been runing ever since and it' any man takes her in I will handle him with the law this the 2G day of September.', States yille L(t ud 'murk. ' l B; cwebb. - W. L. W EBB, N IGHOLSON & RABp riiOPBIETORS Salisbury Marble Works. LARGE VARIETY OF MARBLE OS" BAND TO SELECT FKOM SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 1853 J, RHODES SHOWN, Preaint. WSI. C. C0ART, Secretary Assets $1,111,333.87, Insures-all' Kinds of Property at Coyest Adecuate'Eate ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTtD AND SATSFACTORl ?ErTL zD Reprexitcd in General Insurance Agency of J. AlJen Brown, W. Cor. llain aud-Fisber Strtf .w j. . r BE. E0BT. I. SAMS AY Salisbury C. i2)r0f!ic.j hours 9 a. in. to S p. ni. J. & ,H. HORAH9S WAR RATED SILVERWARE WILL LAST. LIFE THE-! WE G U ARANTEE SPOONS. T AiTD FORKS wrra Sterling; Silver BACKS TO wear Va niiB. V i r i, rT D h any , ard i'lv. FAR UZTTZH thxr. I.'srnt r-o i. 5TlrirRnl. Eacti rjrclo ts stamped B. STERUNG-INUIQ J-E3. Accept BO BUbstitXitf?. Arid Sold by the Old Be liable Jewelers, J. & H. H0RAH, Main Sf., Sajisburv, N. C. "MILLSTONES. Having -bought the S. E. rMi!s M!'l-for.e CMnlea. I will co.-lnue to Xurni-.u t;as C known ylt. for ccrn and vrht. a.';mvs J. T. Wv.or. ba!l:sjui-j N. C. We liave just bought out Baity Brothers of Winston, and a portion of two-other stocks at Fifty cents on the Dol lar, and have our Store ffilled from first- floor to garret with such Bar gains as you have nev er before .seen in the county- Extra force, working night and day and still we are bein run almost to death. We ask all our custom ers to be as patient as posible. E. W, Burt & Co- , To:ice of I!!4oIuiosfi I The firm of Webb, Troutinan & Co., is tins day dissolved ty mutual consent,.!. 8. Troutmau retiring from the firm. The business will be continued by (j. p,. Webb W. L. Nicholson and T. J. Rabe tm.W jthe firm name of Webb, Nicholson & uaoe, sn noiea, accounts, ere., of the ola hrra are to be naoi tr t.h tm.u- and all debts of th old firm of -Webb, lrontman & U., are assumed !v the new farm of Webb, Nicfcofsoa & lLibe. 0, B.-Webb, J B- Tuot'T-.iANr, T. J. Rajik, W. j. NrciioLsoN. -alisbury, N.C. Sept. 25th, lwa. n I r. - - I "raw-? iwa5 - J- Hz Nicholson. I M.l T7 7T mMH ' RF.F Hiinitl 1 A?iW.JO.U i. J III liUiritj PLEASAlsT1'-'.'- Patronize the largest nursery in tie State,, where you can Rtt ali ;.h ...,'f new, nutivo tuid h-rvvn -Hl Wu'.t fruila. Ilsrdv Onmmt nta! J-'ii .r;..., Shruba, Evergreetis . vx,, hrubs, Stiade m Uri :;jt::ta! t'rCM Hoses all kiuK-4 and colon. " The-finest collection in tho .South the finest varieties partnered thrr art (una all parts of tire urlobf. (Mir !." liru tirt-ch-ss stock enable rvfr,;,,- -J l.e.iutify their hr.mes, and-wks- hoio -)e in-.-t pleasant !nee on frtii. ).. delay or.lerin.ir your nurserv stock for fa.ll tlehvery. Yuur orders y-,'k wu. J. Vir;. LODLEY. Prc:y-. POMONA HILL NUsilEILS, : 1X8 CHANCE. - -o- Voit - "" - l!jt'!ri fi--i.;.t!!i Rates JTeAsonable. ;.t. G.T.crt ,vt C. M. & K. M! Brww.,'. Sh en . - YOU CAN MAKE MONEY The Southern States. It is a beautifully Uln-ir: tuJ. ; .a t'' !y ma;dzi.nedeVoteU to th-r S ,nth If full of inter4 t for every resiWrnt of .V Suutii ! ouht to bo in ev.-rv hoiatherr. household. Everybody Can Affjri it a3 it-costs only $l.oO ft-r year or 15-cents for a ti:il(5 copy. We Want an Agpnt in Every Southern City anl Town. Write for. an m pit cop ies and particulars fro the Manufacturers" JKkcord rvB.Co., Ia!t.imorn. Md. D.R Julian Soods Call notice to the fact that they hare Tmw4 the sto-k f rcm their store-rorni un1er lhe CeBtnl Uot'l to ti.flr oi? mi (-'re on Thh-r hirvn. WSe- MOnESOODS' wt cianafce roora M' and In or.lt-r to reduce our stock rtll o!Tor SPECIAL BARGAINS for th? r.pxt THIRTY DAYS INDRY MOODS." 1.: P. money ty bu'.i K Tr in i:s, 0. R, JULIAN & SDN 5. U.. L. Span: , ATTOKNE Y-AT-L W. Troy, rr Offers his professional services to the people jf Mon'oiuery arid i joininc counties. Adl'-r-' hiui Troy, N. U. NOTICE! Having qualified as Administnitorof J-Siimut-l Miller, deceased, notice is ben, given to all persons holdmS c,a'lte ntr!ins.r. lwl tt !it h f o ireseiit them 10 t ,..,;.t ..wi rwt.r. tr. nriiit ; uaer-ucl. duly authenticated fo f i .' . - . r un. ; incut, on or before the 2T.I h day oi -r. I teraber, 1894, or this notice wiUi I in bar of their recovery. And ad indebted to suid dceca.sed are notitkd to make H"niediate scttleffl , U. T. Honlvcl-tt, AO Sept. 2otb 1S9J. V7 . .-. 1 -KIT. v mo m 1

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