(id ' - , -v ' -I-:-.: : -.. ....... rnKii..wMtw, ..i i. . 'mm miiiM mmnun M -" ' ' j.. - IP 5s! mm Bk4 mm - , -hSi for; aa?w.g3si,ji.LaL'aaEaBB -.1 i pass r feI tefc-? l&tirA Jtfr& iC5 1 i - 4 : u Jlaving to e ntire .go o ut of Stock of iisin es s, we oner oi tjooas at fe r- "mm A 1 r2 ,:;r Is"-' t'igWa,W:Tlr,aMBHUI Consisting 01 Over $30,000 orth of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and GcntS' Furnishing Goo as houssnds- of 0S Mi s worm ot this h firpisni Hoi ? AS WE ARE DETERMINED TO GET OUT BY FEBRUARY 1, 1894. rvetf ! 7 T ran ill nea sFiiriig 6 5 Offered to Any One Wanting to go into the CLOT HING BUSINESS. . J&:- EXCEPT FOR CASH O mm 1 Wi 9' iSfir K f;i E. W.iJurU Co".-?. 'new ad this insue. , r kdtim Watchman LOCAL BRIBFS. Citv vixdL Couaitrv. in t.S. W4T50M. i. a! ai (,ity Ei'ivoK. THURSDAY OttoWr2.62893. Semen re bing held iu the Baptist urcii tlii i 118 week. Rbt. Dr. J. Rumple Jeft 'Monday stfurXrwbt'hi to assist Ivev. C. G. Sheriff KnnrJ:' h sUrUtl cn his F. .l . - MuHork left. Mondny ' for Xcr. oilc on business. T J. Jf-jiin, of Wilmhitfion. KHMting U-y. N.S. Jiyn-s in th pr--'ted-nieriitg Ht the '-Baptist church ' week. arlfltle rvus Inuily dffe ted in ,b e of foot Monday hyT) '' W, at D.tTidson. The score A jiul'l, of K'w London county, his kti wppoiutcd a public. . BUck, a twenfy-threi FM Mil of Dr W R!..l--'-f oied Wednesday. lie is bsive hcvn an elerrnnt vmnif ewnrt vc Kiherlv receive VeioctH . "-er Wednesday's- and "Pfitur ivolv, ami tfive Uicra border, tbcv deliver promptly. .II.W..1-..i,:ij ' --Vi i. o.:i: . ;--Uhe C(M3tral lWl, ou Thuradjiy, t0 Eye, Ear, Nose ami Throat. -Mmnvn, Jim Heathman and BostSnd R. B. .Owens re from th. World's Fair4tnrd:y y PHe-Cureis tho nnlv 'L. T--?UHranteed, as. if is the K. C., 'o-.irtii an mini : r -'it i'!! fair of thV Bor- CHI f xr Hrannits: will Udt Maxton October 23th to We Icj'.rn Mr. D. L. Gnnkill is so pnshwl with Tvork nl" his tohacco fac tory thut he is working prt cf his force of hands air d;y and half of the ni-ht. " W. Duke, Sons & Co., of Durham, on hint Thursday shipped ?even nil lion eigarettto one mn. This is the largest single shipment the Dukes have 'ever make - A person is prematurely old when .baldness occurs before the forty-fifth year. Use Hall's Flair Reuewer to k;vn the scaln healthv and Drevent baldness. Miss Lillian Fout returnetl to StatesyiUe Female College Monday. Mr. A. M. Goodman, who was a clerk in Mr, D. A Atwells store sevr rl years has been given a position in the railway mail service, with his sta tion nt Salisbury. - " The joints and muscles are so lubri cated by Hood'? Sarsaparilla that all rheumatism and stiffness scon disap pears. Get only Hood's. About 10 o'clock Friday night, two warrants were served upon Mr. I. H. Foust, charging him with larceny of $1,000 and embezzlement of $8,000. N. H. McCanlesa was instrumental in hav ing the warrrents issued, Mr." Foust gave i.ond of $2,000 for appearance for trial lie. waived examination and gave bond ofS2,000 for hi appearance at the November ternii of Rowan Superior Court. The first wreck of any con sequence on the Yadkin railroad occur red uear Gold Hill Monday afternoon It was caused by an empty freight car jumping the track and throwing the passenger cars off also" Mr. A. Hodge, a citizen of Gold Hill was very seriously hurt and a brakeraan slightly injured Mr. Hodge died of his injuries Tuesday night. The freight car was wrecked and the passenger cars considerably damaged. TheStatesville Landmark learns that 11,000 worth of the Oregon horses were sold in Iredell. Tiu: University of North Carolina foot, hall ieam defeated Washing'ou and Lee4 University at. Lezington, Ya, Friday by score of 44 to nothing. Cares, of 40 years standing w .here op erations have failed, have been cared by Japanese,Pi!e Cure. Guaranteed by Edwin Cuthrcll Salisbury !N.C. Mr. T. C. Allison, an aged and high ly respected citizen of Charlotte,' died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. A. A. Gaston, Monday morning at. 9:50 o'clock says the Observer. Rev. Sam Small is canvassing Vir ginia in the Prohibition legislative ticket. The Rev. Sam Jones, too, will in a seort while begin stumping Virginia for the sama cause. Cov. Carr Friday commis.sioned Rob ert S,Young, ot Concord, assistant sur geon general, with rank of major. McJulian S.Carrhas been selected president of the State Agricultural So ciety, The Charlotte Observer says that Mr.T.S. McCailof Meek lenburg county in crosaiug a creek on horseback Mon day was swept some distance down the stream until his horse struck bottom and carried him to the opposite bank Chas. Lindsay and Bill Adams, of Charlotte got into an affray Monday in which the latter inflicted a severe and dangerous wounds upon the back of the formers head, says the Observer. The cause was Lindsay had accused Adams of undue intimacy in his house hold. ' , Ke7. J. C. P rice, President of Liv iugsto College, in tins city died yester terday morning of a complication of diseases the chief one being Brights kid ney disease. Price was one of the best negro orators and one of the foremost men of his race in the United States. He has done a great deal for the ele vation of the negro in the 8911th, hav 11 g traveled 07er this country and a large part of Europe delivering lec tures and soleceliny subscription? for building schools and colleges for the education his race. The large colleges here were built by subscrip tions solicited by him. His death is a great loss to the negro race. ... -M..twi..aA..'-j.pg. I II I i 1 11 I 11 11 m 11 in M.t. Gilt ad Locals Corresponi'eDce Vv'AiciiiiA.v. The Proclison prostracted meeting at ihc Tabernael-e commenced Sunday vith 1 the propect of a good raeeting. Mr. A. 8. Meltae'p infant died hist Wednesday f.nd was buried .at Sharon church lh fcntnc d;iy. The mother, Mrs. A. S. Mcliue, Hi right ill. After a lonir nice spell of weather, v c have had three days of very raiuy, rougn weather. It rained nearly all clay Inst Saturday and Sunday, but our fanners have been wide awake oud while the tun did shine they saved an abandonee of hay. Prof. R. H. Skeen and daughter, Miss. Hattie, went to Randolph county lapt Friday, ,it rained so they were water bruad and didn't get home uutil Mon day evening. Miss. Anuio Martin has commenced teaching to day, the 23rd in Dr. Ingram's office. I think she will have a full school of small pupils. Mr Bevf.ly Shore and sister of Virgin ma, visited Rev. K. A. McLeod's family last week. Mr. Bevely has left his sister, Lula, with her sister, Mrs. Mc Leod. Mr. R- Tucker has opened a shoe aad harness ShoD here. . - ... Mr. Starling Moore Is down wim ty phoid fever. His wife Has also Deen very sick with same disease- liut niproviiiK slowly. Mr. Lee Hamilton, who has been down with t nhoid fever, has relaped and ia very low. It will take good nursir.g far hi in to recover. Mr. Frank DeBerry has moved to his Hvttt nlace u an the turnpike Koad. Mr. N. P. Liles is rigth with pne umo- nia. Attention! Presbyterians At the recent meeting of the regents of the Orphan's Home held at Barium Surincs. it was thought best to ask all ministers or elders in. the Synod to con fer with their congregations before the next meeting of the bynod at iarooro, and ascertain how much each church would contribute to the support of the Home for the coming year, ana hat t h .lpor-itx m:ke t heir roort at the Sfnod. This Is desirable in order that flu vnrkPrintpndt-nt maV know, ill ad- v.inr.R. what suuuort to expect so tha he; may know how many orphans he can receive. Papers friendly to the cause will please publish this item. Life is Misery To many people who have the taint of crofuia in their blood. lne agonies caused by the dreadful running sore and other manifestation of this diseast are beyond description. There is no other remedy equal to Hood's Sarsa parilla for scrofula, salt rheum and every for in of blood disease. It is rea sonably sure to benefit all who give i! a fair trial. f - Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. - Bishop's Appointments. The following are tho appointments by the Assistant Bishop of North Carolina for Rowan county : December 10th Sunday, Christ'B church, Rowan county. Ilth Monday, p m., St. Peter's Row an county. 12th Tuesday, a m., St. Matthew's, Rowan county. 13th Wcdnepflay, a. m., St. Jude'e, p. m. St. John's, Rowan county. 14th Thursday, a rn., St. Mary's, p. m., St. Paul's, Rowan county. 16ih Friday, a m., St. Andrew's, p. m., St. George's, Rowan county. 17th Sunday, Salisbury. Celebration of the Holy Communion at all morning servicps. Offertory at all services for diocesan missions. Where no time (a. m. or p. tn.) is indicated for the servlco the whole day is at tjie disposal of the minister in charge, to make such appointments for service as he may deem mqst desirable. "What's In a Name." It has been given out that, with the December number, the personal equa tion will be eliminated from Fetters Southern Magazine, and that popular periodical will be known in the future as The Southern Magazine. Gen. Basil W. Duke continues as its able Editor-iu-Chief, with Mr. Opie Read as Associate Editor. The Southern Magazine is truly re presentative of tho best culture of the entire South, and is growing in favor with each issue. It is published by Southern Magazine Publishing Co. Louisville Ky. ONE-HUNDRED DOZEN H wrr-r" rencn - Woven - Corsets. 9 Which we have bought of a Factory going out of busuiese, wo otlbr at tho following prices: French Woven Corsets worth $1.25 at French Woven Corsets worth $l.f0 at French WToven Corsets worth $2.1)0 at G4ee-nts. 74cents. OlK-ents. NOTICE ! All per3ons are cautioned against nego tiating any notes purporting to have been made by E. R. Pettit snd S. T. Muffly in favor of Ii. M. Russell, of Ei Dorado, Montgomery county, !N. C, some of said uotes having been given without consid eration due to an agreement not having been carried out by the said L. M. Rus sell iu relation thereto. E. R. Pkttit, S. T. Muffly, NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix nf J. S. Goodnight, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly authenticated, for payment of October, 1804 on this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. And all person in dented to said estate are hereby notified t-o make imniKliate settlement. CLARISSA E. GOODNIGHT, Octobeer 25th, 1S3. Adm'x. EJLID" CASH Has procured us a big lot of HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, Yhich te will sell at less than regular Wholesale Prices. Our Is of Dresspis ani Triisiis is not Gomnlele, from tie clsapsst UP TO THE LATEST IMPORTED NOVELTIES. -We are sure to be able to please you in quoting, Style and Price. You have nevea seen a nicer line of Cloaks for Ladies, Misses and Children as we are exhibiting now. We offer them at very Low Prices. Come and get your choice now, when all the sizes are complete. &j&.2BLlEli,-i:A& AMD 3jS.'0,0-'3y The biggest selection in town, which we will sell at prices to suit your pocket book. Our Stock is complete with reliable goods, as we positively decline to handle trash. Your Good Money, deserves Grood Goods, an 4 you can find them ut low prices . at, Littmann Lichtenstein. j ; Strictly in the Lead Again with a Large, Well-selected and beautiful line of GOODS THE ROGERS CLOTHING C0.t invites you to call and see for yourself that they are selling the Finest Good? for the Least Money ever known on this market before. A number of nice suits already sold in ad vane, of tho season. Severa of out best men have said to us, "Your new goods beat anything we have ever seen before.'' Our line is Complete7 inevery detail. Come and see it. Yours anxious and able to please. GO. SALISBURY, K. C. FINE GLGTHIER). ! K f . 1

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