: I' SALISBURY, N a, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2. 1893. J; FOURTH SERIES. NO I n Trd c i n jr . .--. a a, m w m mm mm - . f What As- Castria is Ir. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ad CJiiMren. . It coutains neither Oium, MorpMno nor tber Narcotic substance. It is a hrnjless substitute for Earesoric,-Irops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor. Oil. jt is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by .vir1r.s'isf MoOers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -tuc llothcr-z Friend. " " Castoria. p.,riUo well adapted to children tha iI-hI it is- ?uicric-r to tuy rrcccriytion : 4..-."' . H. A. Axcar. K. D 1 . J l-o. Osfonl :it., BrooJJyn, J. T. Tuof Cofltoria.''i so urJTarsal ar.d '.-riL "u l.r.o-. n t':..: it iw.-cia a work "r(u3tR." Kew York City. Th Cxmtack Insanity Last Year. Ti bcreiM of. insanity last year over th Kwxtkng yer u sUiiiling! Tiiiwi; f it. LrwMSiifiriag.l'roin uerToua troubles, wich sTck 'and nervoj lie:ioii, iiviryousiii-t1 w neurin'ia, apt!exj, dyina, iw.i,'r'rlysLs,jiervtU9 prustrauo ; mIIsjh, etc. ( Tb-joitlook wouhl certain! duscjurigiiifor you tbere no taenaa J :pe. Aav of tlus above li!ti -ulties nioiiT nrc. ar; alvinco s:Uit';u ..f iMiai Torunaothereqinll deorubtec.on iu:inJin4 in Huicid or pre.ifcUurc cleailu : Dr. Krta.klii Miles, the not I speaalUi, iji dTtui over ii" years to the iavetia us fB4ry(jis atT oiiaiiH, and in'ttie result ' U i itort lie thi! oil ly hopeof those a.Hic i ti k ilie trouble nraa I. His Rsur tit XtrriiM is. a positive ni'JHm of; rvlif. If jail tuve .4n n?rron affi.'tiun at ten 1 t Ittioae;. D i t not watt till y ir n!e!i'K;t a ihntTslor u fre-iry of sukidc o7erxm?a iiT.JR-M.Vor,. Jns-or of the M. K. flUltcU. tj ft., rr tt: " )v-irJr..rK catiMsl w-l Vl Jrn noTW.ilmely ' Th C-tH nf i.-Ti.'U rwvis.M, fl.nl ibt (ffkj of it. vol, d'd mt liu! t cmM itot r-I r stivl, a.d my , in rUt I e.ti usii "r MiVW tuif HrTtiii, four Ivt.ttlp- f wt-iWi r.a- S-"It c jret rae. Icjapt nitr er itit.iie." i; "I ut niift i irk Vpril.dn'i h 1 iht attf-vj-V tftr .? -i ir h-t p'iy.:ia iA Ttie r;-- ilt 'u iat t ih eod of four mniiiHi wiu a htr--liM.-ii!l.eititl nWel. aad did hoi cctth'rtr iti' ia 4 hosm. Iy-t Vj po inds In . Fsr wilci m- I h n niini II' Mil truif. Sor-tns, tt.tortjve ! omc atrl s-y.j u Urr WW. rlnl S5 pnmd ii 't. e est nd nfoon, and fl ai wall as I erl" J c fkah-n. Carlisle. iSic! 4 with n'TiM pro-itrstion vcr t Trn. M,i dirin? that time w mahl to fvfv-anr wrli. Thronor!ith n- of Pr. Hiles' ,ftiT8 Ssrrlae I n- entirelr rp.it-red to "' a4!Ht. coniuct mybuinei the mm u Wir.BT ioknsi. I rcfm!iind; l t;; Neine ouur tau ali ufrHn frou HTf iut prus frH)tt, wlhe, too. reonirod wond"ful bsnpftt " ff tt Dr. Mil. rem'lii are considered mn emt rM ,ii.flr g. Cuthiff .Oi'.n. Wich. r RsttorstlYe Nerrino is soH br all t-vt!.uoo s ooltirirnamnte orbr Dr. M11w H'lri! fT.. K'kh"t. Inl , on reoe'.nt f nri.v, t fxl. ar U bottle far t5. expre--i prerni4. It ' ssir'T"frw froni all onitc.5snd dancerons "P tT. M Im Kerrn nnd L'ver PH's ?J eent wiwt Hts hm. $i oo Mallei anywhere. Kroe Jbftn u d ruggisa, or by nuiL F Voir Read -The ;Future?". Bo you know what your con ; dition y, U lc 20 s tars hence? I Will your earnirg capacity . be equ.ii to thi support of yoiir-v.-lf aui fn. :.;;'? This is a serious qu s-oii, yet, you I CoitlJ confiucntly answer "yes" if you had a twenty ycars To-nine Policy iu tlit- uitable Life -. Amethocl wlirch guarantees . an.thc.protccno;i ffimisicd . . iy any kin of life insurance,' afid iir-addition the largest cash 'returns to those policy holders whose lives are pro longed, and who then need - money rather than assurance. For facts and figures, address J. R0DDEY, Manager, Fr the Carolinas, ROCK HILL. K. C. SV.8?1 CO-Ine'p. Capital, ft, 000.000. ",-f, SHOK IN THE WOKXD. Tii t jallar aid it a dollar earned." ta itJ f jlolM Fraach nonicola Kid But. -oot daUTersd frea aaywhera in the U.Son receipt 01 c-Mn, Money Order, or Postal Note for flO. Kqaals every way the boots sold ia all retail stores for 2.50. We make this boot onrsetrea, therefore we ffuar- nmtsm IKa r ..I and If any one Is not satisfied wm win refund the money or send another pair. -Opera .oe or common Sense, widths C, D, E, k EE, Vsizea 1 to 8 and half aitratec iuui cwu logmq FREE FEDERAL ST., I " - 1a 1 - ft.UiaJ UEXTFQ Vunc P43 1 - 1 9iat fTT VaVer ' is - - a' - Castoria. CaV-orla euros Colic, Constipation, .';j--r fcuirciicli, DLirrh 'jsftj Erac-atio-a, Kills Woruis, jiioi ulaer, aid Trecotes dl TTituout Ijjurious medication. "TV- arr rs.1 yers I ha-ra n&xawteodee t'.ofits it lac favariiV prcduv.-.! tvneftcia i U&lh StrutA ad 7U- . : York Oity Coupakt, 77 MimiuT anECT, Kkw Tjbjc Crrr MrS'fi TSE BEST ftD. Bf&liMP tSTRE SAFEST TiK:r CTn r'nrlo it':!! f.c rton;? Itj onr !r.nto ciluM v. L:i !i r 'J., ''.' yi-.'.n c : th"C3 ti.iy, -maLtsg n net prc!; f t ...V'.') " J-3s.r. V c w!l i-nuw low. lint, wt r,. 1 s.i.n our ;a !. -s- r.ii v h n-.i chiklrta -' t-hot la "it k-at ten rpn: a t)-ir, n-d ri o :r rr-ns'j.nd Ikjj' shtx-a 11 cnta ;). -. V; ' a 1 t . .'.t'Tii h ri-no rlc rnj in ac1 of t!u li '.tv 1 - : c:!-fc.f X!r?V H.,ii! if thi-y st-ll mlv ...-it ::t j f i ' o-i i frvfey y;;uld fans -iv. k!i:Ci.; luin'-lo I i J'sya 1 -i'h.-k j.i $io Hii'iirc. i J)ric-! ,s: ! tha-i $.. ;.!::.r.-. ! " t: )c.-.i la ia .-.:r. vr. v. :..'. . i' I o ir.rcM mora '.: ! -.;. t '. r 1 ;i n!tl (it ; n :.s r.nT St ck ;-.-!. n:V:l .'XM-e. .'T.-'ir-, r.:.'i i?f " r rf t'' ! ; rir.i-it-d tAr.rk. V. ; : J r? i i" -f.or ; ,. t. ... .I'Sftr.; W. M. .: !. !i. li'.i '. "iir:i: J. F. :'. V.: il. J. r.)TJi-. La:lie Mo. We h -!Jo' ;: : '. . . -V: . !.n: au.;ii. LjT..:" lv ' Tnr.rr. I'iiii.: V. Mir i; trrr-t Mirh.: i" I". i i.ill- il-.A.-.in'' Y- W'riU; fur a rruuiKtt-.itj coii-ainliti; t.ip nautili of cv-r utorfeholsicr.t, '-'C, r -? rn n'rr j..r !hx, ruc'i'i"? r"tj'(''( r ,-,':, ri.'i or rittvr i rilrr. t)i'Jv--t i.Jl;: for out for tuort thtic. i'ticc, 10 Iarvre f?;fC f" n. i4a m rri Ajrn. )l an, ed. U sold with wrSMan gusrunlM to euro tervov a Prostra tion, rita, tlz:l T?e8,ncfciich and t uln.cn.u-d by ex- oewvivt? U6cof Opium, At 'rPg'Hti Tobacco and Alco- GE-fC-fJe - Al-lEfs aion. Softening ot tho 3rrtir, -nrjrjf KSaiiry, !naRity and Doath ; I'.srrcui.a, Impiiiericy, Eo-1 rwrin either uex. pren'RtU'O OUi Ae, lnvolntaryt)s, caussd l-y ovei-irHuljTenco, ovor-oxerttoa ot tha Brtin and f-f. ara Ytt. It clvo to Weni Orjrns their K:itur-il Vijjor and dniibi't the jojs of lifw; eurea Lueorrhcsa and i'enalc Weataeaa. A niontVs treat mert, ic jrlnia prvcki73. by mall, to anyaddreaa, VI pr box, 0 bnxoa ?i. y 1th ovary t5 order we sire a Wrlrnn Cu-Traotae to cure or refund the m-ney. Circnlaru fro. Cibcrautoe laEued only by our ex clusive agent. EDWIN CUTHRELL, Salisbury, N. C. . - - t ' . - 1 .V Caveat, asi I:t.ie-A'.arxn otrt'.rcrl. rd all Pat ent bOriiilttM coiKluctc l for WonSRlTF. Fcc. 0 Orrisc ' rt"t..-i-irr I'. S I'.' f.Tjrpcc ami we can -rji-; i:' ti. ... . f. j;t : luocc ticffl cacaai, aitur.-'v. v-v-.. Hxr!p tioti. Ve aiiic, if. '''.is "i i t. of -char. Cur fea w.v tv. ; ! ":t is w-crred. A ViMavurv. " I'w io(" .iin Ps;t?at,"aith names of wvsX clv.t!t vi your Etjuc, covsty (own, tfoat fife. Ad.s, 0 ih Grp. PTEKV CfPCE, WSK K 5T-. t. C. iMki&i&rig Apo s4 and Aiy j tMut thau 'xlarif cr Petir.yr'-yrl and U similar n)nlicinPS. UnejcceUad for Irrejtniari Uhr,Jc Soeeaafullv u.sd In thousands of cosca. Is . i'.ire :ib'j1v, girnnticd, trover rai'.a. Price tl- -a"&a!l--dsa.oguard. rASESlliS SPECIF1 -- 6.i.Vt5'J. Market bU, Clilcago, ill. 2?i s7todctr that CU your mo. n 3"cn re a f bb, suilcring EkV-nfrf !"t taken c:ut of it. Tha chronic weaknesses, fxraciioEal dc mrgcntcnlB, and r-iinfnl diordcrB peculiar to yen per, cm bo tulren awry. The ono niifafling romedy for thcza ia Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcsciiptio-t. It corrects,- cures, and build3 you tip. It improves digestion, enriches tho blood, dis pels aches and panis, melancholv and nerv-ou-sneas, brrng refreshing slecr) and restca-cs health and strength. For p iodlcel paiijB, internal inflammation and ulceration, weak back, lractirrbea, and ay kindi-cd ailments, it's a positive ticif.o on9 that is puarcm- Wlil, U it fails to rive satkfnct?o?. in tar en. the money pstid for it is returned. A little hook, caj. Woman end Her Dis- IT 11 I 3 K m IS & 'GOLKl! C SFSK.ES' t rvatun, ou reCfet of ten cents for post- C6. - Addrasts, TTorla's Dispensary Medical Aa- igtttoa, ccs Ub Ctrvct, Cij9, y. Y. SHOT BY A CRAM. Carter Harrison, Mayor of Chlcagro, Brutally Murdered. , SIIOI DOWX IS EIS 0W3 HOME. The Murderer Gives Himself Up WkUl Being Hunted br the Iollca Great Kxeltoment In the City, and Threat af Lynch-lug. Cbicico, October 20. Mayor Carter Harrison was assassinated last night in his own home by a crauk named Eupeue 1 A! 1 .1 A. : The asaansin in a pajer carrier who saya that his only reason for the mur der ia that the mayor had promised to make him city attorney and had failed to do it. At 8:5 o'clock a Bmooth faced man rang the door bell of Mayor Harri- aon's home on South A-hland boulo ard. Wary Hans-on a. domestic open ed the door. The man asked if the maj'or was in andbatd hevrr,u';d like t-o are him. The servant admitted the ealler. Mr. H-arrison, Tvho bad Ijeen lyinj? down, started ont to the hall aa he tue&rd his name muntirmvd. CAH TETl n. itARKTSO-V. His caller advanced jtcn feet down ths hall and without a word began firing. He fired three times, the third striking Mayor Harrison. Tho bullet hit jnst above his heart. lie walked back to the dining room and fell ou the floor of the pantry. The assassin turned and walked out. The mayor's sou, twenty-livo years old, ran down the stairs at the sound of the shots Hud hrnied to his father. Mr. Harrison's uoaehiinn ran ir.to tho roar of tie hall as the mnrderor was rr'sir-.-or Ti t. .' The coachman had a pistol an A fir;d twice at the assassin. Persons running In from t.h strit, i to see what had hu'rponed prevented the co&sumau Jrcroi f;.llo ing the rcur- lcrei. A ne-iglitwr Viviitc on the opposite side of the street r:i.hd F.crosri and : pOicts tx Prrndftrg-Ast but did not know j he was tho s!ay-w. The mayor bled j rupily. T his so;i Rp.-i friend a who sft-v)d by him he said that he waa shot through i the hart und would die koou. While apeakiug he became- tincotscious and di-d before tho doctor arrived. Whili the piJice were looking for the man a.d picking up suspicious characters. ' the very mn himself i wallcd into the D-3uplainoa street po Hcj station with a pistol in his hand. He was trcmbliag and ashy to nJL;a roe corporation counsel and brolc hia word.'' The man was dis- anned and said his name was Peaderv past. STANTON REMOVED Vr SttJatiHT tl.e rig of -tlo, thf 22ra nii.au Jatir(riat. Wasiusgtox, D. C.. October 2S. The rmoal of Rear Admiral Stanton by Hceretarv Herbert from his command of the United States lleet in 15razili?.u j waters, for saluting the flag of Rear j Admiral -Mel lo, thtASlrazilian insurgeu t i leader, was the sole topic of co'nmcnt j j nniong naval officers today. They are ' mortified and diaappstinted at hi po tion, and do not "hesitate to ko exprens themselvtwi. Whatever may have beeu Commodore Stanton' a explanation for his conduct has not j-et been divulged at tba navy department. It is assumed, howeyer, from what the official say, that he was given full opportunity to j nxicrxe an explanation before the secre tary's summary action, but they refuse to indioaterwhat its nature was. It is supposed Co n mod ore btantoa will leave Ki de Janciam at an early day : for this eomntry. Eiecretery Groaham has expressed verbally to Minister Mendouca the deep regret of thi government at th action of Rear Aalmiral Stanton, and assured him that an ofMckvl explana will be forwarded Vo lite government. Penor Saivacvor Mendonca Kil t- :ay that tle action of the United rdat-es verneaeBt m removing Adtai pl Stanton is entirely itisfaTctory V i 1 1; governraent, enc tnat n apologias ara expected er desired. Cured by rVtth. TfKSTCHKSTKK, Pa., October 26. Eliaa Iyle, who for tweuty-two months jiast has been confined ta kis bed by tickness told hi6 pastor about two weeks ago that he believed the Lord j had power to heal the sick, and he i would &oon be raised and made well. ' A day or two ago he surprised km : to walk with comparative ease. lamwy Dy sitiinif up, ana is now a Die Muat Go to Trial. NASimi.r.E. Text?,, October 80. In the United States circuit court Jndgn Fage oveiTuled the demurrer for De- ! fendant Frank Porterfield for a con- j tinuance and decided that the trial I must proceed on Monday. Portertield ' traa cashier of the defunct Commercial National bank and there are several j Indictments against him for violations ' of tte national banking law. Unable to Agree. Little Rock. Ark., October 27. The ' Jury in defaulting Wtate Treasurer . WoodrufTs case, after being out since Tuesday, reported this morning that : it was unable to agree upon a verdict and was discharged. The jury stood tea fbr conviction and two agalnrt, FEVER'S RECORD. The Number of New Oases Grows Smaller Each Day. FATALITIES COMPARATIVELY FEW, The Weather FBToraM to the Raoorary. of Patients, Though It la JLUo a Varorahla to the Spread f the Disease. BtttrKSWiCK. Oa., October 27. Thirty new cases of yellow fever were ro- ported today, five of them white. One new -case waa, reported on Jekyl t, There are now under treatment forty whites and 332 negroes, & total of ?62. Four hundred and sixty cases have been discharged; 33 whites died and 9 colored, a total of 43. Seven hwndred and sixty four pa tient have been and are under treat ment to date. The number discharged today exceeds the sew cases by one. There ara no very serioua cases un der treatment. Several cases have been pulled through black vorait. The weather is warm and favorable to the spread of the disease, but unfavorable to fatality. The phyaic'.ttns ar all hopefuL The hick are having proper , care and nourishment. Tho people i are as well aatialied as thev cold ba under such circumstances, 'More relief will eome in from several points j to insure uuinat starvatiQn. I The genural outlook is discourag ing, considering peat experiences dur lug this epidemic. BnUNSWiCK, Ga., October t9. The new cases of yellow fever here today number twenty-one, aix being whiu. Two negroes died, one of whom wss eighty-live years old. Th n.w -.vhive ! patients are: Nellie Newman. Kate I Newman, Minnie Cox. Manuel MitcheU, ' Frank .Ions sou and Mrs. Val. Bktjsswick, Ga.. October 20. Ono j Quir.cv. white and five negroes were stricken Uriinsv.-iek. Go., bnd her third mur with yellow fever today the smallest j dcr since the bvp-iuning of the t-p'.ilera-total for any day since the epidemic j ic on -V edit-:'viay. Willlaia Jtlovv, i:i got under headv.-ay. Two white pa-J a cTrunhou frenzy, shot and kllid an tients died liessic Firth and Hilda j inoffensive cripple named liuford Paulsen. j Curry. The effect of th cool wentlwr on tho j The Southern lanr Association patients under treatment will be bad, ! js agreed to extant the thne of tho mid. the cuange wtii cause liws aiseuse to spread. The present drop off in cos win be attributed to the weather prevailing recent )j. HisCNfwicx, Ga., October 30. Only erven new ckhtw yellow iw-r w-re reported today, fivij ui whom are whites Maggie Mclnary, M. K. Greene. Thcnas Hondricks. Mrs. A. C. Dongiu. Mrs. K. Fanner. Twenty -seven patients we're dis charged, four of whom are whites. J urgeon Murray ruuiim me tour rw Orleans profess ional ur ou day. iws he thmku the epidemic can now be handled without thm. ' - OOREETT ACCEPTS Tli fM?rr of the t!lynpK- Clob tti e-w : OrUiuu Ashury Pajw. J.. October 86. -To- nUrht ChamDion J. J. Corbett received a dispatch from the Olympic Club, of New Orleans, offering u purse of 820.- 000 for the Corbott-Mitehell' glove con--tast, to bo decided at their olub. Cor lett iraiaeditttely replli hU aoee pl an ee to t lie offer, but stipulated thot the club put up a deposit of Sio.ooo - 1 guarantee Tor tae ngnt to comi orr m New Orleans. The oharapiou also tirged the elub to make tho date for this oonttvit iarLi?r than that at bv he Cony Island Athletlo Club and objective point IxAng llerrel ir-'raid, r-uggest-td tlM latter port of November, in the Xoi t'a Arctic ocenn. about 'Zw Corbett said: mlk- north of whvre thw Jeanette was "1 am anxious to accomodate lost. The boatu ore u"t uiucli laitr Mitchell, and now that I am released tian o"linnry skin's, but the captain a from the Covey laland Club agreement confident ot the Bvctesa of tl;e espedi J sec my way clear to iki so. although tioa, tha purae is lea than 1 calculated to ; . . ., I XcttfiT Over e aeya. contest for. i J : I Jvfrrp. O.K.. (Xrtolwr -H. ?o new MITCHELL IN PHILADELPHIA. r: la f;'llHa l'llt CorbetC Klvh. r lit Ths Country K a-land. PMiLAiKi.rniA, Pa., October 28 Char ley Mitchell haa jnst arrived in this fity. lie wys if the Coney Island Match is off, he is willing to go to New Orleans to meet Corbett, but he has rdvice tViEt no boxing can be indulged n in the Creceut City. He will go to Jondau ad mt Corbett ltof ore the JS'alional r.pTrting Clab, but he thinks they wonW havo to eoote down i the fiae of the pur). Rowflvai,. he is willing te meet Corbetfc for any purse U A n...t W A Rrulv fc. ,v nuv?w.rN ... - - Corbett's mar.agw, aaya be still has tope that the raath can come off at J! - , uoney laiaua. South linvBrf, T?fr., OotoWr t T. T. Ixiwry, the night operator at Khallmnund. Mariou county, was foun4 slttairg thfcs morning, in his oSice chair, dead, by trainmen. wio hii stopped for orders. HU head waa rrerforated with shot. The murderer Ud the death-dealing load through window ana tneu enterett e uiuw . .. - , . j? and robbed the esh drawer ana wok "r- 7- a watrctt ana wnatmoncy ae coui iiuu front the eket. of man. Sltriff Rogw toteyrophed for and wuut to the scetrc dt the mnr- lUinuoKB, 113., October 2S. In testifying in her own behalf at the benithweste-rn poHee tlation Monday, Mrs. Adoilno Wilder oalleil wpon God to unite her if the had not sworn the truth. The words had scarcely left her mouth when she fell to the floor unconscious. Twelve hours after- wank she revived, but is now a raving maniac, airs. imer naa oeeu uncai. ?d for a aulL At the "trial even her husband corrobborated the prosecut ing witness, a young- woman whom Mrs. Wilder was charged with striking with a teapot. M r. Wilder bays his wife never, to his knowledge, h&d ft Saiatjnff fit befora, , der th morning. An wqaew waa , .....p, 1 - ----- - hidd but no cln to tfee mnraercr coma Coaiptj T.-araa ,r'' - ' Va-d-j r. X . 1 " - n ! VUied h befouncl. The murderer .upposea jni MC$. Va , U1" f G., etcher SEWS OF THE WEEK C0SDE5SED. Judge Hugh L. Bond, of the rJnlted States court at Ealtiraore. is dead. Savannah, Ga., has received only 3,000 bales less cotton this season than New Orleans. The white caps have pes tod gins Id the neighborhood, of Tyler, Tex, and have already burned one Rev. Bam Jones, the noted Georgia raagelist, b helping in a red hot pro hibition campaign at Staunton, Va. Nine prisoners escaped from the jail at Swainsboro, (ia., Tuesdaynight. One of them, waa under sentence ot death. A bill prohibiting the rale of cigar ettes. hs passed the lower house of the Georgia legislature, and will probably become a law. White capper In Carroll connty. Ga., have notified the merchants that tbey would be burned out if they undertook to force collections. The liioi Grande do Sni rebels ha-re defeated the loyalist in a flerealj fought battle at IbiouiL One thou and persona ww ktiicd. The (reorgia Legiaiature mot la&t Wednesday. Many new tneaeuree tre to oome before tlhj body, and it will bo a hig-hly interesting Refcsion. Doc Taylor. ote of Uh mu-rrl?rcr ot tne JJBUins Tamuv. was hunir at ror- ir at a if t . . von. r riaay. itt. preached h.3 own iuurui svnuou ociorc aangiug. I. S. Call, a prominent man, arid ca- clork of the court, died at Wilkwboro. N. C, last Friday, lie ww cue of tlic oldet inhabitants and leaver a large estate. Ono mil Hoe doll ara will Ikj gir-cn ly Marshal FiuUW to '.he niUfum, which 1 ie to be the outcome of tlt world' a fair. George M. rvniiman at:bcriU.-a f J 00. 000. It is aanormofvd that Rdward V. Uhl, of Gruv.d Rapid. Mich., has bucn ten dr i r.nd 'aeoepted thj UHsistarU vcr$ tnrvhip of stiUt to euoouod Jotah tckets to Hus world's fair ls-.uod on the rente oi red-.ictiou heretoforo i granted by the association to Novcm- , vr r)t;a Tho hotne of Carius It ceil in New Yor-k citr. his been sold under fftre- ;c'ir-v:rf o jijivrH-r"- aid he is l'l.t I broke lid was oico principal owi j er of the Holfu.an llousa, and a mll- vioDiiiro. I A neTO. ni?il F.dwnrd P. ficalcB, is i u.;tvin v.Mvking "p tho African emigra ' tioti moTcKifinl at Aiont., Ga., and , hc wiJ1 txirrT T jaQ nejri.0eS to Af. ! rie.i from Xlabania 6id (;Jorgia within ; noxi tirir du'e, i . ... . tr?er aix hunoru. rarraws ajul pin- aiul iti-rsof Cobb. 1'crV.w Paulding aad ; .(. herokcj count L-;t. a&jombied at End p&tsed Aowovth ji tUe i-th, tropg roroiutioivt, ji'ainst the white Ivapyors tud wrnnged for the prompt '. puniahmeat of gin burners. i Tim coior jueitioa having boea raided hi tha eongre&s cl tho Women':. Chriutian Wmpcrance union at Chica go, a resolution was a pop ted asking tho executive committer to create a department of colored work and to put u eolorivl womau at the head of it. Captain Aaron Kingston, of CaJ for nia. and a rty of ton left Pittsburg in throe small vetij) Saturday, tlielr eases wore reported totlay. One v. as disohargedirs. W. barvLs. white. Onl' two are now undor treatment. From all indications it looks now &s if the epidemic hero i- about over, and if it were not for tho iuteusu heat during the day, tho authorities in charge would almost feel justified rn asking to have the quarantine ralAed after tho ktat cases are dischargiHt GROWTH CP THE SOUTH, fU ladoatrtoU rxrotyuu4 ta tho TTek riMlioj tViolr SO, Tha Trt'lrofta, CuK3jyve. Timuq.. in tea nrlno n! t.Tn lntlujftl Ul Si lOrttiOn ID VHC OHia loTlbeVoekaadlaic October . 13U3. reyorta jS,, , to Nto and a n larcnw ic outltK) is iaiUcttied from tap rauienU idls-rictscf Al8bma. O-m-sI nd Tertm-fsee, j rp,-, trom the ?n;f tsuM endin-ia dm-tlon. and :wal i; Rvrne rn;i u t k'n-M At ihe Soat'ju ww-r i-rws le -r. :iiatr.t!r'e.l T-C-.-8 ie no chan- e of tnpor ancc -o rer-ort la peiral buMne. Mwmt is In roHli t-nt -ppy. but there I. a want of Inclination v :uarfB trajwnctlons in t'u preacnt uaaittod eenunwa of f,n.ncfal a'Hlrn. The Tradesman rororM .-0 cew rodystrti tabltshedor i-toorpemted fi.-.riiip ac tveeft. to cceisr with 6 ealanrtJinente of inLafacrorl)a. a JVTuXSi r -e Brrl I'll " -" i. "1 ... .. 0i.r -orVs at Moiapuia jw.n . iu w "rr 'Hnt bv ph Uv hl;rt ia..tart.c-B!oay.i.ia x (r cnpltoi; biocm f 'i,e"l n;, w. rorua. c.w " v Cnr.-hr-n.t, eairttai t.o afrrrie IW capital if-0 UOC': - Ian.! a om fa tcr .fl rncc. Ala., aal a mao.ln 6 .op at Ciiattctocra. 'fann. ...... . t .11 . MARKET BSFOHT3 By pri-rate wire to a W. Mnrttn. M.na.jea fEW Yona. Ootor J- -Ottos. -Nov. 3 05 X Dec. 8 i. Jon ft 15: m rKet steaay Middling 8 3-10: mar-tet rrm . t Chicago. tK-tober SC-Farures clowJ follows Corn. Dec '5 PoaK J&a. Sl 2 Sides. .; 7. Oats. Mti.v 31 K Lakd.-J" I rmrAr.O Or I. ti-cvn n'-nutt - - " - -roS5tSie2 W Ol'Lara r, tt.ao Short rlfca. It fc. r .t.2 - J3 Salt shoulders, boxed. t7.ibGS.b0: short oir Bidea. boxed. 9.ZbQ0.tii 4 HBATAsraAB. Oat W Turpeuthw ie " il KiB Ana a 9k - Highest of all in Leavening Powor. Latest U. S. Gov't Report T3 D'.CK. TmT CAUGHT. LrrTLK WycK, Ar.k., Octobor 26. -Phil H. Moll en ry, a well-ltnown Arkansas ti ttvtflit'.ff 3un, arrival" this evening over tho CotWon Helt cr.d stateH th&t "Dick" Tate, the defiinlting e.x-troas-urcr of Keniucky. vu-m on board in oiiarjfe oi two ofikvra a sherilf and uoteoiiw -ea routa for Kentucky. Tatr was in irona. H was captured tifty mile frQtu Yuma, Ari. The oCi-cox-a refuse U talk, s3'6 tho informant, eropt lo state that their capture waa wor?.h ?15,vXX) to them, the reward now stunding for hia capture. ' J. . Tate, Uaown to all Keatucki ans as "t'nele Diclt," wti tro&uror of the stvi.; of Kentucky for tv.-enty-two lUme;,ty. In ttie state legislature demanded an investigation of his oUU;e and he was found duti the state giOO,(X0. He had invested the money La coal lands and whisky. He immedi- ateij- left LU family and frionds and had not been heard of since. Whea the shortage was found itho old bonds uien had been released and the new bondsmen had not be?n qualified and the shortage is sjill pending in the ifrocklln circuft court. LYNCHING !N GEORGIA. lie Coc f . jorl to Poiartr.'n. tha Buiiisad ."ilcets a Tvrrlbie Fate. Joxesboro, G.v., October 17. Arthur Iknnet, a negixi, was hanged by a if.ob of masked men, near Williams' chapel, Saturday night. Ilennett had been arrested on the charge of poisoning the Ilurks familj', i ia Kimwood district, some da3rs ago, which canio near causing the death of eeveral members of the family. At his commitment trial, Saturday, he confessed to having put arsenic In soma ni'.al which he brought Mr. Burks from the mill, but claimed that another negro gave him a pair of gold rimmed spectacles to do the deed. lie v.-us turned over to Constable D. M. Gilbert, who startel to bring him to the county jail, but in a thick piece of wxl?;, atout 8 o'clock at night, he was stopped by a mob of tacsked men who demanded the prisoner. FORCING A FiGHT. ud Slmontoa Keonested to Forbid tbo llaullutj of Il.ior. Ciiam.ESToN, ft. C, Octolar 2i. Tbo whiskey war assumed aa entirely new phase ttxi&y wTien (iibbes Whaley, the counsel for the state, filed a petition in the United States court asking Judge Simon ton to issue an ordr o the receiver of the South Carolina railway forbidding that road to receive any Intoxicating liquors for transpor tation iuto the state unless it has the oiSelal sterap of the state dispensary cm it The question is an interesting one unihv- the inter-state coriimereial laws, by the reception of the application the eourt Stdmits iti jurisdiction. The oonstitutlonality oi the dispensary act will, therefore be directly u oucstion. Argu::ii-:it will be tuurd on thej motion tomorrow. 1 Too Si any Wlvea. JUi.kigii, N. C., October 28. John llurman is a merchant at Whitakers. Three j'ears ago he married in this state and applied himself to business. A few weeks ago a woman made her appenraace aud clulined that' she w&s Purniun's real wife. The case went into the eourte and yesterday it was proved tnat the story of wife number one who came from Europ-a was true and Iiurmau was convicted of addult ery and sentenced to a term in 1ail. Kbot Ills SwciuUeart Then IllmselC Caio.00. October 28, In a fit of jHilousy Frack Ililbert shot his fiance, Pauline Thcrman, twice today and then suicided. The affair took place in Mueller's saloon restaurant on State street, in which both were ean- 4 pioyod. Th5 woman cannot survive. TSioejfht to Kara Bomj Insatte. WAnrsGTOif, October 23.-Miss Daisy Garland, daughter of es-Attorney Givriand, committed suicide at her home here this morning by shooting herNclf. She was tfcirty-Joar yars 01 pjro. aKl lKrutr uio ix.-u i.uom at the timti. KAgnviuLS, Tknk., October 27.-John Hyde, a white man thirty-nine years of ae, commlttod suicide tonight by ehooting himself through the head. He was intoxicated at tho time, llrdu'h wife secured a divorce last I.mr irJ T 1 1 .1 T 00. the ground 01 urutai ux-au- " " ' roeat vlrunlceE neJs auu w.ia.c ..... Tl t.is since been endeavoring . : .: v, eu an. tXm Ti on beT Joined, him su-, r T fled from imself. 27. An V M A. atir.ift was ruaoe .; "" . j) train. N- rn the Xortheastarn ' . a A ru: rond at Selma. near r loreuce, m t o'cloel: t: -ar, Itrok L ne f.i .- ni r otr and t.'ie .1.0 switch set tor tfk. whither the whole tii-m went. The to: ot tne engine was stripu. l of? by lumber and the ooaehes wriouly damaged. Engineer Jeuntiii's stuck to his post and was 1,-Mv.sed a tout the head and legs. A c?fm f.reman was bruised about trie I.V.v- A. Oarfin!c?l. of niarleston, wa.su pasfngcr ou the train and was ,l:--.ta-b:ui.a. Travel was delayed . v. , Vhort tine. 7 here is no clue to the rx-rpetiutora. M . I k is) Jv. t m Powder The Han Who u Down. New York Ledger. . If a horse falls on the street, men raise him up. If a man stumbles oh life's path way, men are too -tpt to spurn him and let him lie. r!i is have done wron and repe:. e 1 complain iiiat the world is ti aw. merciless. It may not seenfso ; - thrr of us who have received the hi mintage of life, who have no b der the world's ban and displea.su tr, but bitter experienoe is more abl b testify of these things than we are. Speakinf; to a criminal who h-vi rvr a sentence in one of our Si; ; . I asked him how he did. I was guilty. I bore the penalty of my crime; but," said Le, "men atoid me. If I sinned, I suffered. But men are not satisfied to restore me again t their confidence." "A jail bird !" The title is the mau -doom all too often. He may have iv-en-years of repentance for-1 lie mad impulse of a moment, but au o-.tcasi. once an outcast forever ihthis life. It is difficult to make prison punish ment reformatory; but if difficult it is not impossible. And charity has uo better, more needed work than to a man returning to society from a felon's cell every chance. Many of our criminals are made so because we partly demand they rsal be criminals. Wesay: You are a ! , a pariah, in whom I have nocoutidenc;, for whom no respect. Actions say thi". And when a man has no reputatioi left to live aud act for, he is apt to slide down. We deprive him of mainspring of his morality. It is well to be wise in training the man who is down but oh, don't be over prudent! There is a charity which hesitates to relieve until the opportu nity is lost, "I stand here for third time ta be sentenced because no man has given ne a chance siuce-I first fell." So said an apparently hardened crim inal to the judge of a State Supreme Court. That man, and every other like him. must have a chance. Give it to lnrr to ue if he will but do so, to al. still unreformed; but have it he . ere our duty to God and man i "mi: plete. And when nearing the goul life's journey, we look back upon tl way our feet ha.'e trodden, our great est satisfaction will hover around " place and time where and wheu helped thelnan who w.s down. we Ninety -Eight Dollars Stolen. Charlot'.e New:s. Mr. Charles E. Short, the superin tendent of the force of n.mds at work on the new cotton platforn, is "short" $08 today. Mr. Short trawels over ti e rrad Jtrid superintends the erection ci bilding for and by the road. He hu m a shanty car, which i3 now standing ou a side-track below the platform. Yes terday evening about 3 odock at. un known negro broke into the car and burst open a desk and stole there from SOS in cash. He knew- what he was doing because he had pawned hia watch to Mr. Short for 0, and saw where the cash was kept.. The matter was reported- to the police about five o'clock, and they made a dilligent search for the thief, but have not found him. The Fort Worth Gazette remarks th same tendency among the rural popula tion of Texas as prevails elsewhere, to leave the country for the t vi;?, aud argues that the cause of it is ttie isola tion of country life. It advocates the plan of farmers living in a village, which is in practice in some parts of Europe and is being tried in the north west. Ail the farmers of aertain sec tion move to a central locality and se- tablish a village of their own. good roads ins easy iwr u.r.o o i:.t!: iva.it itH4'-S " f.Ojto J would do ; ion il '.Co ! !io nu iiiC. J lO 4 I I 1 1 .

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