HATS and Furnishing Goods 1 1 (& We are Going Out of Business. Don't miss this Opportunity ! A CHANCE -to biw Clothing at - - w --i. .H "Write rm n "Drkltar I f Anr nnp wlin WntQ n ftnit will rr WT are -Closing out our Stock ot t ciAl Y M AJDJi UlU 1 111N SHOES 0 0 i AlfaSm hat Sell vFancy Cassimcre suits, the neatest in the market, Worth 7.00, We Jen . t k aok' find imv. n won n.ssimorft sn.fi ic snir.s. v nrr n M ini wo .them at.,6.2. 1 iV nobby sack suits, single and double breasted, just the thing for business,will lii t, wears like Iron, in Cheviots, &e, &c. Country people are oeginning r-(J realize that a CHEVIOT SUIT wMcrotwear any' other kind. They are worth 11.00 and 12.00, you can buy them Now at U75 and 7.50. Men's Black and Blue-black WORSTEDS, round and square cut, the best in the market worth 15.00 reduced to 9.50. - The best suits you ever saw are a lot of YOUNG MENS SUITS in all styles worth 15,00 Our Price Now is 9.75. .Come in and let us show you that we are selling GOODS AT COST. 27.50 suits cost21.50; 22.50 suits cost 16.50 and 15.50; 16.50 suits cost 12 00. It is .getting cold now and you will want OVERCOATS. We are selling them at almost your own 4- q k( rw j x i i i rice. v c nave uue mitMoi wui Lii i.i;u wc ai ociiiu at .v. v yunic aiju sec lor yourselves ana riiaKe Sections as our stock is rapidly melting away. ! I. I i...l.j .muiim IIJI.W...III1I IHIJ II IHWIHWL I UJIJIII .. IWWMB g, , IS 82 vill do ' to see ous: stoo it pnees. We hae many can make money on them. esirahle lo-s at took If I TL 1V1 UJ o by Feb; 1 WE INTEND TO SLAUGHTER PRICES WHETHER WE GET COST OR NOT 1 I -J t-a SSI A3J E5 1 rolina Watchman LOCAL BRIEFS. tltv rtsicl Comiti'V. S WT50N, I.1H AI. ASU1TY KDITOK. uIinbJliy," the fine race liorse of RPV Ilad:iw:,v, chapUiin of the Maj. Coil, of Concord", died Wedues- Houe of Representatives, died Thurs d;iy night. day tho 20ih. C. F. King, a voluminous-writer has The Concord Standard says that Dr resigned his position on the Atlanta Favne, wlio has heen OMite sick, is now Journal and is now with the Atlanta improving leiitld. Kintjiisa tar heel. THURSDAY November 2. 5893. '..i; hliLjiiijiO boy is ahroiaj in tl Aiiiik'Nuithiieul is seriously sick ji'it"!iiii - - rettonier Jxpositiou, Maxlon, N.C.; W ik w !vd Q1. S. Brown & Co V:itH'r 1 1 vvill jmy-you. frrv f-kiiiner and Cv Thomn'on t iu thauU 4tuuKu in Couconl yes v. - . . 4 Joseph Hum p!e, of Djerita, Meck- wgwuutv, dicl last ThurHUy, age & name of the post office, Richie's Manly county has been cliangerl (?ret to learn that llev.fDr. C. M w of Concord, i confined to hUbet c.atca, aud hope he' will soon be Ma. vdckI of the rrebhyterFan churcl Carolina met in TuHoro Tues- v. J)r, Kumple atid Dr. Sum' '" Mended the. meeting. f !i't & Kinorlv receive select 'erfiM, Wednesday's and Satur- ' -H lively, '-.'call and ive them U'V V'r rrfnii tit 1 v . Mrs. Caldwell, wife of editor Caldwell, of the Charlotte Observer, fs alarmingly ill in SUitcsvilie. The latest bulletins concerning her say she isio better. Dr. John Whitehead is assisting in attend ing her. We hope she may soon recover. The meeetiug at the Baptist church increases in interest nightly. Rev. Mr. Jenkins is a forcible preacher and his preachiug attracts large crowds Much good has already been done' and we hope much more will be accoin plished. "rreti.i tern that a little son fr-M.iirrv tVJ! .....1 k.1... l.: l :.. Jwwhii playing last Thurs- McTrt4y, who lvasleen clerki I Mriii; tur t he p;ist two vears. i ;ing apition with Marsh & I r r- fc.UUy, of Danville, Va.,Aut - - -m in county, was in town ott JjU way to Norwood parents to ni that U,v..l.D. Shirey ha. rtS hru.i. i e xt .1 .. ' -luriii. r ixortn caroli- '-at Mount Plesant, to take otui; IV. 11' McLean, Director of Mu- AVHHcott Institute, Decatur , iss Bessie; "daughter of Dr Thursday evening. Dr. Schaff, an aged and popular phy sician of High Point, died in that place Wednesday night. Jno. M. Wagoner, for two montli3 associated with the Charlotte Obsccer, died Saturday morning after a days' illness. . Hardly half of the cotton in East ern Cabarrus has been picked. Some fields have not been touched, says the Standard. j The Mooresville Register says: De- W'e are glad to learn from the Char- pnty Sheriff Krider of Rowan was here lotte, Observer that, the Charlotte Dramat- Saturday looking tor Henry McKorkle ic Club has arranged to play its latest (colored) who was wanted for larceny cast, "Dollars and CenU," in the Salis- but faUed to find him. bury opera house the last week in No vember. Salisbury will welcome the The Concord Standard says that C. clftb by a full house. L. Sims of that place has purchased of If you Owe this paper anything, please JT. M. Harrison, of Mill Bridge, a fine pay iti We can't run a paper without a Jersey heifer known as "Alice of Mill little cash to pay for paper, ink, etc We tJriJ2t " can live on sweet potatoes and pereim- P moiis, but paper manufacturers won't Wash Alexander, colored, who lives take 'em in puymeut for our blank paper, near Barts Rowan county, and his son Please bear this in mind. We have George, became involved in a fight and wauea long enougti. l- L Tri v ... I . lJ .ivenoen iio.mes, jr., was accidentally faU tngt raz0f an(1 cut ,lU father on . .snot by his brotner, truest, while rabbit ., " , , i Ai . .. . . . ... the head, in the side and across the hunting l nday. Eruest shot at a rabbit 1 . . - ileubeu being in range of the gun, re- hfUld' inflicting serious injury, for ceived a part of the load in his left hand which he was promptly arrested and and right leg. Two shot entered his lodged in jail. Strange as it may seem baud and six his leg. The wounds are whiskey had nothing to do with this very painful but not serious. affair The funeral of Dr. Price, late president of Livingstone College, was largely at- - . tended last Friday by both white and ' A person is prematurely old when colored people. The remains were in- baldness occurs before the forty-fifth t erred on the grounds of the institution year. Use Hall's Hair Renewer to which be was instrumental in. founding, keep the seal rT healthy and prevent Messrs. Theo. F. Kluttz, L. H. Clement, baldness. R. Lee Wright and J. A. Ramsay acted as hondra"ry pall bearers. ' The question of paying the teachers Dallas Tex. Oct. 27. About 15,000 f the graded school has been much people saw Lena Hill pace a mile in a liscussed here' this week. The city rrtCe m 2:13J to-day. It was the fast treasury is empty and the theachers est ,leat eVer PaCed a 2year-oId and can't get pay even for the past two establishes a new 2 year-old record. -non th work. The public school fund is not available until the first of Janu- - T,ie inU an m',scle are so lubril .ry so that they will have to go unpaid cake Hood's Sarsaparilla th.it all uitil that time unless people pay their rheumatism and stiffness soon disap tdwn ta?, pears, (jiet only Hood's. ' Lit. Qilead Locals. Correspondence Watchman. We had a very heavy killing frost 31st inst. Rev. Mr. Barrett, of Candor preach ed a practical sermon in the Baptist church here last bunday night. Rev. K. A. MeLeod and family, Mr. N. G. Nicholson and Miss Lula Shore, went to the Narrows the 28th inst., where Mr. McLeod filled an appoint ment. During the protracted meeting at Tabernacle last week, Mr. . 1. Hearn's mule got frightened and ran, throwing Mr. Hearne, wife and child out of the buggy and hurting Mr. Hearn very badly. A bad gash was cut between his .eyes. The buggy was completely torn to pieces. Mr. J. E. Uhrd, the clever cotton buyer of Norwood, passed through town this week and gave us a pleas ant call. Messrs. W. F. and 0. A. Haywood have their store house up and weather boarded. Thev exect to have in a stock of goods by the last of this month. of two years standing. Mr. Kimery was an old man when he died, and belonged to the Missionay Baptist church, but he has now gone home to pet his reward in the beautiful home of God. Some of our boys weie paying their respect to some of the fair sex near Por tersStatian last Sunday. Mr. W. R. Upchurch is some worse now with the cancer that has-been botheriug him so long. Cuyler, Cottonville Items. Correspondence Watchmao. Farmers are about through gathering their corn and are beginning to sow wheat, and are hustling at a lively rate. Ouossura hunters are getting plentiful and old 'possum aud utater" is swinging Coldest -weather to day we have bad during the "melee" the son produced rthw season. WW1"0' & . n nd farmers can dnr their potatoes. Tf anvbodv has any meat to t?ive away please recollect Cottonville. There was a man killed a pig last week but he wait ed until night, put his ehiiuren in uea and hid the hair for fear somebody would 6ndit out, so we have been informed. Luckily he did for we are getting rusty. Mrs. Lou Crump, of Polkton, who has been sick here for the past three weeks is improving some and will probably be able to go home this week. The youug people had an old time can dy eating frolic at Mr. H. L. Kendall's last Sat urday uiht; aRerward a "fan dango" that made us think of the old ante balluui days. Mr. W. H. G. Watkius and family will leave tomorrow for Concord, where they will make their future home. We regret to loose them very much, especially the girls, and hope they will prosper in their move. , ..... Mrs. Lucy McSwain is on the sick list t-li is vck. Mr. J. H. Norwood has bought him a buggy. Hurrah Johnny! . Last Sunday four of our citizens got into a row, but no damage was done. Cause supposeto have beeu brandy. ..... nio-ht.T Tom Morton, ot JLOSb L 1 1H CI J 'fa All diseases of the skin cured, and lost complexion restored by Johnson's Oriantal Soap. Sold by Edwin Cuth- rell Salisbury N. C. ONE-HUNDRED DOZEN French - Woven - Corsets, Which we have bought of a Factory going out of busincs--, we offer at the following prices: French Woven Corsets worth 1.25 at French Woven Corsets worth $1.50 at French Woven Corsets worth 12.00 at 64eenU. 7-ficnts. OJkrents. We direct the attention of our"read ers to the advertisement of Simmons Liver Regulator on another page. We have used the. medicine in our family, and are prepared to say from experience that for a torpid liver or a disorded stomach it is a good remedy. When travelling we usnally carry some in our valise. From the "Christian Visitor," SmithfieldN. C. IRZE-A-ID CASH Has procured us a big lot of HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, Which we will sell at less than regular Wholesale Pries. P.'i! nnr linfs of TlrRssirnntls anil Triims is low Conn, from ciieai J Ul liuu Ul uu a - ESI UP TO THE LATEST IMPORTED NOVELTIES. We are sure to be able to please you in quoting,Styie and Price. rou have nevea seen a nicer line of Cloaks for Ladies, Mise and Children as we are exhibiting now. We offer them at very Low Prices. Come and get your choice now, when all tire sizes are complete. and EB.irjro.s, The biggest selection in town, which we will sell at prices to suit your pocket book. Our Stock is complete with reliable goods, as we positively decline to handle trash. Your Good Money deserves Good Goods, and you can fiud them at low prices at, Littmann & Lichtenstein. The Uuited States Senate resembles the debating society that argmjl the question whether Bill Smith's barn burned up or burnedjdown, and finally decided that "it did." New York World- . Magnetic Nervine quiets the nerves drives away bad dreams, and gives quiet rest and peaceful sleep. Sold at Ed- Tlli,,.. Strictly in the Lead Again ford Brownstone Companies quarries - , V--,,f;f.,l i;ro are both in operation, getting out ma-j with z. Large. Well-selected anateaufafal lina terial for the Worden building now in course of construction in Philadelphia. This building will be nine stories high and will require 8,000,000 brick. The Sanford company will furnish all of thetone work, aud now have 25 cut ters at work. of Filiil WINTER bflflBa. i i THE oOROGERS CLOTHING CO. Johnson s Magnetic Oil kills all pains whetlv r internal or external. Sold at invite vou to call and SCO for yourself that tlu v an- s llii; Edwin Cutluell's Salisbury N. C. ; Finest (;00(.s for the Least Money ever known m i his r,;., A number ot nice suits ajreauy turn m .an ui . before. ;flrn i nendiu? to build i AoUatritla oni rtlfivina . SeaOIl. knitting ruins at r our l3,.st 5,000 hands. men have said to us, "Your new goo- Our The Silver Agitation tv,o ;ivpr aintation is making a areat stir but the benefits from it will i ii. nAn.n'jron wn.it i lit- iiit.-i- m - n Charlotte; was cutting up in town and oe ami. h k Simmons H J g tore off one corner of Mr. Henderson's ment It ttgitate. the j lfa "Mr Jake Kimery north of here died j fer rtnd cureH Biliousness and Sick SALISBURY, H. C. last Saturday night Irom an old deseas.-1 iieadache. 1 i r ... yy heat anything Lav, over , line is Complete m every ut-wn. - -r.. i ii . i Yours anxious and aoie to pieae. fcr HQ 9 3 3 7' f FINE CL0THIER8. ft 4; - i

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