r -Mj'ui iiiiiimiiii WHawnJW'MMMam wo mm o-l r. " -s.- . - .-- ' .. "' " JLJL. xU'll SERIES. SALISBURY, N C. THURSDAY .IfOVEHBEU 9. 1893. SO. 41 BATTLE !N'l CAR. A Cll 1 WUKCKLi). f Uf tAJ C0J0ES5ED. Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. S.;Gov t Report Silver took a jump of 1 l- cents au iOUiice Thursdar. ' l V7f J-;.rrsorir r3 Fiii That They Wero . . -j ... ti. irir?r i:as ro:-.ineu tne Buraa With A7A-1 Hcsults.. I preMjcv - of tl X.n-th r..i: i ... Liioran co.k-c. es- .1 i !dr nr. It contain xi-lth art-oHi s' If st iincHj. It - v . r1 ....JJ.:-,. :' .vr'ir' ir'tmt. its 'tfur.ititoe , ui' ?.Iot)H'C . Castor i.vf.H otlH'iN Fricml. Castoria, ..J . 4 ..Villus' cw Vn!; ei''. TlIK 'i NTA! i it s. ;tv Shocked. j r.i. .Mi ::!) 4 I.. ii!, e: -! : Ken ;'?...:- j - - liiiiPir.i:- d x i. ' e;:.-. J ,,..1 ;i - i.u Lve .' v.'t: t .; ::'.;t::: rJAteuients . .: I avM ; . :: :r.'V. r :!);'. - - . j 1 i : (lit'" . i nteiiijnt' in ' ' - d-.njrflroeH, :'. :i!id. .';.i.i -: in1 ..li.-rtn.-- "t ;t i-i'.jvinrs, ruT ! 1 ul hr r Rrr:i. ir- - i Ii'-r: riii' v. lit v ' enr '. '. 1-M m:; 1 , . -1-t fn-:i i t'l V : ' H'!! r . fr:. .-!:. ! ' e.- .i. fW l!l .M U O-.O- I '.1 illil'f.-fi v-,...- I! ..,r e,;r..; ' it'Vct. i.i-.il-.. I die y irr.'.m.u.it- t'' -1" !V! ..V -.' Jd Is r.lv i. ' d iihl : cs. Iirn b no lvit-Ut iTe'-ly . out t).( tift'.r h , !i i P..vnr-!n . nviks .e.ie f .'- ' 1 -l-l n M".elf fi' .11! rl'irt - ."1,'C. v.-li.'W I --t;e-l ii.-io.is . 1 M-p nod "irv and .iver 1 -i r ''.-0 T-JI U .Vfil. " . e.r tent hv t! Pr r 1 11 . o" r.eeipt .f f.i; . t'X',rJ-i pr i '- 1 fr, iii nil .i&jp.t" or fi.-.. 1,.-, too, 51 --ft-l. ''ftli'Ied : !.t d rigid scs, or by mall. i y 1 Tt IT. V i M s 1 ." -ii i. A e vi r- ffVT- r iib car, v in v-oti-i 1 1 fautilv swat.it in the -event ur dcaUi. . Ac curi sta.: v; di table meani of s'e- a -DCttcr hnaiicihl 11 fr 1 e. - f I . .-i hin"i-.. rir. b;t , 'i d ' .".tcI profit i;.ve"id -l 1160 in insurance is V 'ST k -ii-i.-ires ' -V - Hoch H!!!,S.C ftt.. 1 1 SHov ro t i aaa iaj -L ttl . .7 v -A i'- Va'Il ?liW"luuv. siUK IN TUB iVOIvLlJi s tad h a doUar tarnedJ' . . .oilirnnchDoiiKalaKldUut- ! urtd free nnvwher in the U.S., on I - reL-ei!,; otCah, Money Order, J ('J Postal Note for (10. i - . 4 1 -" v.Bl T . f 1 Ulv Vt'a i 1 ll ....1 . i. mi refill Biuree lur SJ.SO. e rnnii th'.a boot j curaelves, therefore we guar? 1 (' ihojit, $tyU and votary ana if uny one ti not iatiiined . '"ll!j-2'r-e refund the money j r v " vuiiiim n cci.sa, . I f, .'V wlrltl,- . fw U 0. I'L- ' k. ' f - C . ! : dt- ze- Semi your nut; i'-. rt, ' VA2- lUiiHt rated ! a-'----. ''-.'.'--.''JII1l bn,A I IM.-.-. ft. - JS.l--,;.-J - rns.fc HOE fia..-lJEBEAi ST., ui fer to licuUri. 4 S If ev. P L V' A Vr 0-.:im, Morphine nr i$ a I.rmtcss substitute. Crvnnz Olll f'.tlf.!. ll- in thirty yaw' hr by t!:c CJiiMrcti Panacea Castoria. .!.V.n-i)'.'s "..is MeCj f-:.-.; ion. ! . Vi'f oil 3t;-r t V -'1 v" . - . 1. r :: : :! . . u1. N v ' i' . -v-.-.' ! a.-. !!.-:.'..i- v. v- ..t- i-i i. , - i i:r .-.:... I'.hoHii-rrt, fU:., . r lirij.-i lasi'u nr cm .r nn. DEXTEH SHOE CO.. Prii o, $V0 I4T Ftilrral rJ., tit. If.- ' . i v..1 . . i - . Ai-ACi;:, lis- i ; fc..--.:ae. BEtri ','CTlilT rUC" Sr p-7Afj E pci'- 'y Tvr.f.re.1 for Jl nj;e f'e.vo; : ilftail r.-JJ ''teifTi.jU-1.:!''" nti'.""- v; ?;-. ti-j si i -.-.. .5-: i-.rt' fl T.-., f'v. izo.C5. .T'i 'A'l ,.'S -sal ti.'i i C :r- ! ':' t9 i! rij,;t(.- ;;erfum9i Tolie 0. ay e, , c .m .Tii-.-t. lt!i ,':n'tue-y 'as -.a. .Ja Jo.'t v-Svefy an;.' :v t.-r. - jtho to-'- --e--n -n vriofi'j i- :ueiry 1. i- tiw Oath for tnf?its. o iiiv i.. h:ii, ier.r's i!-iTc.-.r- en ! proireo 'tae iToiVii. i hdr. i'riee25c Fur sale-by-' jDWIH OUTE:ilaIX, ' S.'.bl-sHfKY. . C t t s fe kJ fefe 1--4. kvt 5 ? : i Caveat?, sad Trade-JlarUn oh'a:roi. und all Pat ent hu-?iaes' coTinrt. l j.jr V.odcrats FrtS. Ou orr.ee Ofos:T: ll 3 Pa i r n -2 ""Cf ud e eaa "C!irt- '-.ie.:,- . . ... .. :-.- rerjote-tVii!ii V.-. . i.. sprij nio i.!, '.r o i e? ; yi. . ":; ;r-jOf. t'or.. We advise, "t i.x.-s .ui- or i.or j ,i t.-e-e. Out fee i)f? Has u:i pniti.t I . cm..;. A pvp'n.r-r, .:H-"w to i'-Mai1"-,. I'arems," with li.irne! i f t.i-isii.i cii-.-m in yur co-iuty at U:vn, ecct free. Adiircw. - - , cA.3eaow&qo. Opp. Patent OrncE, '.Vh .Sirc, O. B fiflP.HRS.V12US7Air.S f j L'. js rl Artt Safe anU ai - ' Kiuule t imtut tUun Tstry or Vcnusfc;. at J?e cue: r..: sicior a-ilcm. ruejtce'led fur Ir-tr lit.er. fjaocfensftiijv Uaodln tuous-iridsef cwj. t; rur-.'i suily, i,-uuytiiiiett, Ecvor fails. Jric.;i. A ixcittalliiHi-pa3r. .- L'.VS fiii5I.XrX!I' i - i.; Si-'vi ?I.rk.t tiUt CUicttjfu, IIU Fi-il cf trml,i the" ordinary pill." Trouble v hen you take it, r.Tid trouble when you've trot it down. Plenty of v. a Aca sa n t n ess, but mighty littia good. - ' - vji with Doctor i V Picrc3's Plecsart -W Pellets, thrrt's no trouble. They're made to Drevent it. They're the original little liver' Fills, tiny, sugar coated anti-bilious granules, purely vegeta ble perfectly harmless, tho nnallest, easiest and best to take.-They cleanse and remLite the whoio system, m a natural an 3 carv wev mildly and gcntlv, but thoroushiy and effectively. One little PeUct lor a las ativr tiireo for a cathartic. Sick Headaeba, IHlious Headac-he.-Constipation, ludi.stien, -l.i.'iou Atiac;La, and ail arrangements of the hver, stomal and bevels aro orevtu-ued. , rlieve-l and Scared. They're tho? thcnpfst nll jo can buv, t,r they're, gvuir&itecd to give Kitisfxctioa, cr your money is reti-rned. ou pay only f jr the :Zu ) rcuii ved. Can yot) nk mora? v '"'" ' OK SHOT -AND THE 0IHB2 CAUGHT. Somebody' ;are Th ir !1ai Away-Th? -' JfS'j'u' Eve! Uii't,' Win,. .Would 5l:t?ifc th ..mrJf ff , jinrWl "to T;ife! T!;n-.'-: Knox vii.t.kT TnvN. jAresh-t:r : '! rnhea- -tau he ;xn toor. 'I'hey covered the express mes senger. U. I). Scribnor, v-'ith their pistol.i. As Ihoy did so, "Chictof foliee At kins oi this city, anrt 1iieteiU'.nt llood, and Detective Irwin, who were ones. !i-.i -hi the car, r.priin-jfiviii their !S:!t.s. and enlleti u.v:ii the. roi.i . r to I'c.' V up their h;!nd?. In ."f o''?"inir- t hat e.oti::.; mi, otic of the sjh radoes turned upon the. uJiiccrs and opened lr-. A rcri!ar fnsiiade ftdlowcl. One f the rohlv rs f.d!":it tile first tire hut the other con tinued his uuefiual hattie, ei!!rtyinr s revolver as fast as iwssib!e. At last I 1 . . ! ;;ii !.u l.uliet 1 of its. ira k I he w:t:, overnovverou and piaec.i m . V.o ;.:.i.th was ruand to b ,td. .-;; hhot 1 h-"- ba 11 rro.i. a..-. a , wa-, :-h-..-t ! ; - l. :i . c"i . ' I iii arni. a- i t)icer 1 ruin re- t -a lp w!U'(L. . hist three or four davs the :,;:: tra:ns on ui: rast 1 en 2 ic--see, o'.n corih have carried a ..:-.s? o oiheois. 'J'iiis was done on ;n . ij'.t tion ruraisheu the eo;iipanv"s orlh-ials hv f ieiet-r Irwin, who in somcmaaiicr -."hieh. he r i'l.es to d i witre, lea rned thrvt an attempt was to be made by Wiiiiam Sjnith and l-r.t.i (h-idin, two well !;i;iivn men about town, and .eions of well known -and prominent ianiilie-v llctdiiiy v?.s formerly a messenger ' the d'xn'-ess cotnpany. Atujnt a month- a;ro he mvhteiioniily disap peaied. Tie t r.t i n M-npiK i. ?:--e two i-i ' j t CY-al t re wero seen b j the V t A i!l:f!rk 3;,st if?t.as train No. 1. 1 niht; h, w:cJx a nnmlK-r of persons ,ai;d M.vml mt-mk-is r ias.abi- j ' LET US GIVE THANKS ! '-viijch ieft kcoxvillc at H o . lock for wt.rp kilu.,h Th, ..i,(K.k () the c.)lo. ct xvi.l visit the (.eorria tvtntf fair at LonisvilU. over th Knoxville and 6ion was sreat tliat the reideutUn , A'l lt:i-, . , . - fS!,i,Bl neveto! )sS;les .y,. ffh?owas tiiKino- water at a tam 2iMI t tht f.jrtboi.rst art of Uu.;itv tilon,rht ! 1 hyJ P"1' debt statemeut istaed giv!uS !'Wi:,mtiou. . ! lv' Vl?"'"'i:,i 1 JT! , ;7eU' tfV;' m;5" n-... crtiHumke had o,eurrei and -.'"T. ws a net increase hi i Wamustox, November 4.--The fol- .... ti,..r h,, n firai w-j c i' : ......, .-.-i vc.jmi ill LJIJ : ..h- n.. nrni.ion,ni i 1. . .l on. i m-. ;.r. who was Tatchijr, , to nib;: the p'-.!tf-vCuj of the express "ear. lie . ie r.' inside and noti'.ie l ..:k? , . ... :...':: 1 i';i-'!ii ofV'',;:!.l:. wh llivii'i! t : .' ' fnrijii for tae wxwress ar. tiica ,!. ill en 1 - it : -iit th y reached there tlie :j-Iit was irae- v'-th'Sn tieally over. The car was fuii of if Mnoke and Smith ia v up-m the llor v 1 ';,J with t';e Ui es; -e r a-' . r i ; e of him. ,. -ri.'it. - T i" otr.er v ia tne :;u:i...i ot tiie of '-. -ers. 'a'ATLt -.'rhs w.-ondej a.i.i captured -biirlar . - ti - were i-roeilt So thi. city together , ' . wiih the v.-ot:T.-d ol'iee.1:, on a iVeiyht . train, n hie'ii "lusttl: . j a.i...Mi;-or train V':'"; at foul !'r-ek. Smith, the w-,;iade.l i-:.;' 'ba. iar. .vs hnkei! ton ho-pita', where 4;.C IS Ulider p-ilHrd. t ienJil.e; IS-st ror.e-- ly guarded at the jail. llolh of the would-be "robbers we re raided in Kno--viile. th-rdin;t was once hir!t in s ci ctv. liis father is a prominent phy sieidii at (diver Springs. :-i!i:.th lout -i e.ste here some time a'o Lv luarrvhij- a fast Wt .man. FOUR J.NDiCTIViENTS j t'.io Arr1.-. I : v-l":;sh:t-r 1. -l';i:i.ll. la!r (eite ftfy I"-:uik. Ati anta. tr a.. ovem"uer 3. Four indicfmeius have C e i found by H13 I lifted plates '-rar-.I jury gainst Ed ward S. MeC'iuidlcs. formerly easirLcr of "the thit- City Isational bank. lie is eha'-g-ed wi'tli having ai.l a draft -of Tv.m ( ohh .lackson'fi for j-hd'H) when tlacksou had. 1:0 funds in the bi'iili. - lie -: also ir.diete l for conspiracy with hedwine, the teller, in marking one package of ?"J;" edJ twice on Hank examiner Campbell when lie was count in th.e eursi1.. Camidwii lo.-t h.i.s iob three u h this tr which e liable 1 Ued'.vine to cover up, temporarily, his heavy sh.wtage. McC'andlcss is now city marshal of Atlanta. Kedwine is in jail and Jacic Soii eommilted. suicide. -The bank was closed last spring. McCandle-ss is wot Isdieved to have had auv thing criminal to do with Ued- wine's defalcation, but be was Kcd winc's immediate superior olheer. His bond was. fixed at S.Hr,'. tvhich was readily given. ' RIOT SN AUSTHIA. V-lllajf"i' Attack the I'ollcf. Who Fire l'pjn Thtiie. ViKXXA. November 4.-he eviction of a local miller from the village o: jvHjane resuiea in a - seriou ngiii, uo- tween the villagers and the police, which lasted for a long time. The vil lagers, in large numbers, made a furious attack upon the police, who were, assisting in rhe work of eviction. The police, when hard pressed. 11 red into tiie crowd of villagers, ki'ilng four of them. Duiin.? the riot live polieeinon Mere severely injured. Much excitement prevails atKajan and its neighborhood and the local authorities have appealed for assist- .;n ii .oit .ii.. ,r military has' been sent to the scVne of disturbance. CuroltiiH iiets Two. f..4t!.h!pi-. Washinotos, November - - X The president has appointed two South tarolinians to consular positions. J Edward Nettles, of Burlington, being'. designated as consul at 'irieste. Aus tria, and Robert J. Kiolc, of Charles ton, consul at Copenhagen, Denmark. Mr, Nettles is a lawyer and was at one time a member of tha legislature of his state 'So far as can be learned, he has never held any other public office, jle is now a1 out fifty years of T i ' Mr. Kirk is coihp.irutiyely young. Senator Ifutler speaks highly of hot; appoinlmeiit. illL UU.i-LU3ud A.UiAU lilt llbnU. , i - . . -- - ii j .Santa?.'!kk, Svaix.- November 5. "A fctroyed The ship Volo. tviih n eariro of dyr.a- " The governor of fche province pe Mjii,i:jv lanjtii.'il ( ne I'lltjl iS .I UiO firemen to extinarnish the i'.tun's. ; though full; aware of the hincr he and the other fire fighters wcr. in. . v , ' "1 T to ''.enetl tile ; mi'S a o i roar. fYe- report. shook t its nouse around tlie walls beiny blown fi,..iui,lti,fts t.v,.r f;i:av, wrei-ued. "';t is t'ioa they v.' re ii'a'lti of ca i d- l. ;::;!. '!'! .. .. : ,.f iL. .1 Vl. 1 i . ..j. i .1 1 ' i vi tin- ie n;.!Mic ; iiLi-i I t.jj Sea 1 eiirrin into the. air like a waterspout, nc en oi in -us t; nan titles of mnd and tones with wivek:ire ao.ii iinrl in;r t..'ieinfor a jrreat d h-tarue on every lio Tses were imniediatjly ijjniti.l hy the blazip timbers and th. people vi;i were not kil: rnslie.ii i a terror into the street-, whrre. a nuinV;4 of the in met -d-ath or were .-t;verely wounded or . raslied by falliny hoSe&. Others ran in tarror from the scene an I hnnereds w-:n, with fear, and, v. i 'and on r.i-jr ib.e city, ran into the-uv-ld.s. sh.riekin;r hv.-iterie.aliv ami teai-- iijL- their air wit i . 'i'lie loss of life cr. inot yet be stated witii any dee-re 1 "f nee'.; racy, it is known, however., t i.a t many person.-wer-. kl'l ii. i.j..l a v..-ry iarsr nnmber i e '! he .v-r - i r lias rot beeti -Tv'e;j s.;;ee t .1-. i'X.!is..iil. It ;s feare.l th: W.iS hlovvn r.r.t The town is completely paralyzed by the disaster, ro d uo attempt ws .s;i.s.mvi; !y inside to e.xt.iiijruish the lii-e. whi-di was comuiunieateti to ad je.een!. ijaays by tjamiii1 brands thrown fe the e.;phtlii.jr dynamite. 'J'he mi in her of jieopU; who ha ve lo. their sense:, tiiroue;:) the explosion i 'rreal. and it i.s s r; i th:. t hundreds d pjT.pl.. have e-a.-ipi -Lei 'Oi.i out oi their minds and wiil have to be con lined :r. a .y'r.-us the v rnaiuder f the'.r Jives. Ma-i Nir;.:z :.t re..t is eeiri- "p-eb-V-' l.troycil aru! a mthiber of adjoining- streets :.u :iered tt ri Ihly and arc in rains. .;o.::; ii a : J.t.00 j-.!:.i.ki.. Ma.)i::u. ro-?e.inlH r i -J'rivate tele- "-rams rc eeivedhere today say that ims rc eeived"here today say that r '..00) pei ie. inet tlieir death to- dav bv an evploeion at Sautamier. In ' addition a '.aitish st'.iaincr was burned a t the sain r.ict dt'atii. .. .1 -f 1 time iiiio -ioi Lv oi net crew THE YSLLOV FEVLR. ill Aiixioonly Anui! t)p.i-ji of I'rost. II r.r jiti. Xtivc-mlic The beard of ii-ealth. with Surcnii Murray's in-do-seiiient. today issued an address navisi:iff tlie pconie gainst returning" home until the surgeon deems it sae. The, report today is fourteen new cases eleven being whiter Ellen and Wm. (h-hi nd. Ihrtha Ilelerh,, Ih.a 1'o.ile. Mrs. A. "W. Mook. Fdith Ferguson. AL'.vainler .1. .ISkipper, X. -A. Mripp-r. I. iJougiass. 'N. Mattave. Eiiiabvth Drake. K i g ! 1 1 d i : . e ! : a r e ( J . J:;l'.vsviCK. a., Xovcmber 4. Xin- teen new ease rcpi.rie tliem white. Su d; today live of hs. Fourteen. diseharged. liKL'.vsWK K. Ga... November 5. -Oulr five new case were reported today, till colored. There was one death Mrs. Elizabeth. Drake, white. Thirteen patients were discharged. ail colored;, A Vliotosa.'t- I.j iicliiili:. NAsuviM:. Tenn., November o. A special from l avetteville. Tenn., says: r....,. ti.:. ln..ni;n(, n t!i 'firm ,.f Jl tnis -mot uinjr on tne. larai oJ Jack FanieK near Lynchburg, Ned Wuwir.ni. liim, Will nnddciiThtir. .Mary, son-in-law, Motlow. were found hatiLnnf o one tree All the mi i tie aro eo'.oied. and the onlv cause at present assigned for their fate is that they were sni.pose.l to have been im plicated in tiie numerous burn burnings, which have taken place Li Monroe and Lincoln counties re cently. Kentuelry Tra.f.lv. Princktcx, Kv.. November r. Tobe Vatson. a .leading business man of i'.vl.i'.'villc. twelve miles south of here, was killed j-esterday hy City Marshal Frank Waddinartoti. Watson w is nde..roring to collect an ohi bill from : Haddington, vien not words brougat j r.n an altercation. Watson was st ruck j twice oa th(. with a po!icemar. s ;li;b and lived only a fevr minutes, i Waddinsrto.n is under arrest andfetl- lag is very strong agaiust him. Her Xanie Jfitored. Ck aLKsTox, s, C, November 0. Jo the case of Sadie Means, the tele phot e g-irL who was expelled from the See ami Presbyterian church at Columbia for. working cn tun-day, the synod o -Jered that tiie action of ne Charleston presbytery ha ani.rdlod and that the ?lmrcrv" rcstc.re Sadie Means to all tier tight, ainl privileg sas member in fti-i "jmiauwc." Tho caso will be car ded to the general assembly. ' lujf when ia some wuv not yet ex- '-acsiNiaut see re- run praise and than k-ivintl.e di- plalne.1. she caught tire. A larc r-VSlllP state to sxieceed Josiah ffoodnews auU mercy trhich hare . , . i. ?i -t , . Qmney. followed them since their beirianinff afc crown p-al h'red in the vieiuitv, and the i . . , 'ur w ;c c.r l T , . r,di,e. ' evident unnware of the h (h;r.eroni;ehar.ieter .of the ship s car- , '". T ft V "i.noay and dc- -u tlvt, coateinp!ation of the bleiun ;ro. m;,irn attcmnt to drive them , t11,3- V' that (JouldV ! we have received at the hands 3 : v.:iv actions Had caused luin to looe that i a-d to the rn-Rtefid .l-mm Wnt Uoat e-:tizn of Orlando, Flu.; is der4. i' - Ie left aiM-stattwalneU fJ,lii:)i. nil ,, '. , " at statt". whull l in private. The worlfi's interna tW;i.;U reinven tion of C'iiri.siaiii wyrkt'r.s wiil meet ,n iMJnui. vih... ncxi j nur.sf.Hv t i :.. t ....... . 11 n pruuauic mai I re.'-Hient v.Jt-vt (Treasury, dari-i OcLo'.kt of C. lll.o.v.i. ' It Ir. . " W. . t l. . . . . . .-vM..,ceu .at wnm r. I fii. j -'-.icii.. nas iwen ten- much. !Ic was locited up." 1 he explosion of a boiler in the sta- 1 ; it... II,... II. ...I. I.'., .a ;i i ' L-h. East Hroadwav i . . ..... ami Lattery si, reel railroad i hnrsdav ....it... . . .. . i .ansed tiie death of s vea men audi fl.).0!i dama-e to proper t v. I vi-..,,;. r e i .V ... . ! ";JM"l! i,,n' a tue ',oU l at.llen.de i- j sonville, :-. i. was burned last Mon- (li!V. The loss is about S-Wnno witK - U-U;!!h insut-mu-e. Iis M.p;K.std to I Lave been of uicendiarfy ori"in The.tota! paid attendance at the ! world's fair, from the opening to the 1 Ch loc. w.i- ... i.i.i.tbi. total ad.misM.W- "JWo loi.i . i nu ioii(.t'.,iomi. res. v,M.. 1 1 ltOi . :v. i.eor .-e (i. Sander' a prominem p!iy;..ciaLi of Marshall cr-unty. !ia.- been sentenced to six months in ja. i ; for attempting to induce a post mas- j ter to se! 1 stamps at It s:-; than reyuiar i t- . price. Tlie worid f, fair was formally closed i M.;a;:y. festivities of the pro- j jrram were omitted (m account of the ! death o. Mayor Harrison. The q-reat i show wound up w;th f;-::,".()0,(:uo in the treasury: CJreen hinder l;as made two miles in ;. 4 at Torre Haute, i ml., which bcat-.i the stallion records twelve seconds and conies within half a -second of the wori.! s iveord made hy JNiiftitinyale ia-.t voar. i i isou's cotton trade review shows ! til.'lt Sp.-.iP.L'js Orea t iJritam have i tins y a:- I.V'.ara.'M' pounds h-s- ; than last sea.soa, and that on tlie co; - . t j 1 - i i . i ...... . tine.nt the falling off has been T 4,4. una pounds. i'.'ie bet Chicago and Xew C'rlean.- : vest 5 baled train on the Illinois C'euti-H. t was v. r -tke.l twenty miles north oi Cairo. 1:-.. S;:inl:tv, An open switch eaus d trie trouble. The fi reran n and t-vo tramps vvho. were stealing a ride .vcvf Uiiic i. ! .. i :. a liejrro now en-e! arrest Is as ! i s At'i J.ra. fi.:i- another crime. ' s:,i.ti to tiie murder of a ne;m mone.i -lejpvi i. t -iil years a'.ro. ncp- ari.l -ves r:bh"d aret kiiled m his store. . . . . , , , , , . and the. crime bus been shrouded m 4 4 mys.erv en.il now. The v-.Hde supply of rr.in, as com- p;'.ed by the New York Produce Kx- . hae-c. is as follows: heat, t'.i,:CH,00(j. increase 13 IV.O.-O; -corn, !,17a,Uoe, .lo- ..ease m.ueu: oa;s, a.j.i.o-ju, increust .. li ifw.. a: r i .ui.k ! I . ..-.5. . - .ne'e r r. .i. ;.i.w.i. increase oe.w ; car- lev, ., . iu.uuj, increase ."...',ce. I .M.ucnwestern Aruanas most o; the cotton gins have been posted by fl,(!el.ate infantrvman and the other oi ' white cappers, and lire l-s threatened i1 i R r.;,vairvnuixi in- spirited attitudes M.e ihey gin any more before the price ha jnnil witi a bhaft thirty feet high sur ' reached thirty cents. .Most of th ? gins . IliOUntiH ,v & tignre. ten feet in are fail oi ucgiuneil cotton ana its tie- j helir.llt of a soldier at rest. Colonel ;etruetion would entail serious joss tc i:luhloou was h confederate otlier. the farmei's. Since the State Fanners' Alliance ot j th:irKc.l uu l ottery. South Carolina voted t ha t a? a pre re j Cm'a:.o. .Xovembor 3.--The de- iui.v.te to receiving Hllia.ice votes? all ! iectives arrested fifteen-year-old Clar eandidatcs in the il -miK-ratie primaries .vi1"-' -ayer Tnestiav afternoon. The next year raut pledge themselves tc ! arrest was made upon a telegram from sur.port ttie Ileal platform. (hmoaK the chief oi police of Montgomery, linpton is urged to organize Natior Hl ! Ai;i. A week ao the boy oame-to League democratic clubs throughout ; Chicago to see the fair, but before the state. leaving holm- it alleged that ho Th77rr7Tv"lls ,n. 1 forged the signature of Pierce. Over- i ., A dim .v. I'd., to two cheeks for $383 and Po;:ti.am. OiiKdoN. Novetnrer .1. - Ad ' . , . . , , , . .j . i- K.T respectlveU. 1 he signature of i!ie electrical .m the Oregon tityline - t.rl fored tNjf the eontainimr thirtv prsssenyers. went throiie'u an open drawbridge at .Madi son street this morning, falling intr thojfarpen river, it is reported tlial a bou 1 1 we n t oci u pa n ts were d r w r.ed. GROWTH OF THII SOUTH. The IndMKtriat Devt'lopu'tut iu the Wee! Kmlinp; I el ! f at. ISV3. The Trauesiaini. C.'tat'uiioo.ru. T-a.n. review of tae industrr.it sltr.a'.ion in t!.e Snuti Ior the week ending Oi'tobtr3rt 1S33. reiH.rfc t.m Mcre. is a.dfi-id..V.ty.i-.-ttcr fliu.-r m in Snuih rW disa iaJ. iJnaiicU! uni nieivaaifi- eirdes ai- thuui,'.i it is not vet time- lor te results ef the ffliSf u"r,r n;tu :or m.tny ve-;r ; fa lake aavanUe of wj i:icrea? in i.r.s:ne.. l.f-s money u. ' t needed ro:a o1 t-.iUc sorn-o to move crops and pcwHvt - v. more money will .etr.uir it In that win rrnaiu itr l It" i i..'l i...vi.iV :nv ' i' - Tb-wlvi-fce; totk-wiouuii- ion are U in-: reviM-.i ano t-iwreu.-. torn -etthtr actusil facts. Ii is )iuiii.' ;o v-ue- n. i!n ; o.1 t a! i.f fre-elvo. in the iron la tiwtrr and" JoimV d innew in I -.strics ost.llsaed m is a sb-'hT fatLhirfl Prh- w The Tradesmau rerrt '. oew ir.uutries ss tiHsheti n,- incoriwruted durinif the wek to ;et!:er with -s cclareixieals of manufartoi-ies , uist hupcrtam ia inii;.-ii :e- of the r-n are ne ( iu.r c - '.-r:i i i o. o: r.i jwvm 5.x)(0.- te -lcl l etton Co . o. .Tans ol i. Ar- - e-ipii .1 13 i.i.'.:.hmj ti:nt.cr and Man ft- ti.rinx Co..of ll'-eo'.a.aven, Mf-i . f-an;:a: f.f(.0M; an-l lot Ko.l .B.!.th ArU . i c elopmant '.. ia-itaJ loOkj. S-iw .-.-....-I -a v.-.ll fir.': Tt'TV-rl-.'. : t CllatniO. and a. Vv'aue-11 e N C . e'h i'm to .- :in Ci-tnt erland I ::- r.n ii . mm MtTj.iu.'ii i s . a.. o-"i- ni'iict VVurrCi'.o N. C i;id"arir. at c:.l Tnn.. n ! i.'i.'-.e . .o1. '.;. . aud a i Nasj- fOilU.lii ui Johnson t i y Vi. MARKET REPORTS Ey private v.-ire to 11. W. Martia. Mnaa.-or. Xlw Vdhk. Nov. C'itw.v.-O.-l1. - Jan. ssi: ! f.Z-2 kmt ' quiet jaidaila f : m.ii iiet t rn 1 CnieA;o. Tov. 4- Ptitar:.- ilo-; ti ;oi'o--s: WiiEvr-de.-. d: ro.-Pc. .sV( t (ats. May 31 Fohk -J-n. t.- - lAiin-iua. ;S 0 ' Sii-:; ? -1 t.t.oA..o. : Ci-ih '--o--i ' ollov-p: Mes tcrj i' a C: - .ar.i ?' i. Sao.-', 'rils. i'-e. T-j lilt shoaldeM. lose I 7. 57.50; shu t i; Hlo - Lo .Cd 5f y V) ttAVAS.fAM. Xov. i. Ta.peat'aie ty.mn a.-. ' Kmc hiui ai ii ' "".s m ii ii i iijii v.v.- iuru wy vuti presiitent: -A IVochiTnation-Wile the Ameri- can mODle shnnlri owtr dav .nm1. . A f ....vi . uuj . . ' .1 , . V. 4 . of ! lis loving- kindness; " 1 herefor 1. (hover Cleveland. 'i:-ev; tI,:s! Unt of the United states, do 1 l...v-.l... J o;.,.,., .. r. 1 -. uu acmj-ar; i nurt- - ' r. - Present , UU;V f hW?X and praise, to, be kept and observed bv all the people of our land. (In that day let us tor fro our ordiuary work and'cmployment and :vis.ei:ill. in rnr Hinal tI-.ou r. t 'ythip. where w.e may recall all that j has done for us, and where, from j 5"a.fl hearts, our united tribntes'of j VV anu rTiJ reacn in OB iaild the social meetin- of friends lead ' and enjoyment to duty and let i e-enerous tfifts oi charity for the ichei. of tae o(Kr and needv Drove the sin- . cerity of our thanksgiving1. '(Jr.ovKi: ' 'i.kvri.a nd, PREN DERG AST IN COURT. The Siuvor tf Mayor t'arter lIrrlaoa f letoln "Not tiullty." wiii Aiii), November 3. I'atriek F.u t'uc .Joseph lrendrjrast. the niurJer- : or of. Mayor Harrison, was arraigned in .uidfre Uorton s court today. The ourt room war- crowded and when the prisoner was led ia by the jailer, the spectators jumped to their feet. The action terrified Prenderyast und with i blanched face he crouched cio.-e to the I othcers. lit; could scarcely stand and i he had to be assisted to his seat. When - tis indictment was read. Prenderrrast --.T.r..-b.l m.rvrtnulr n-ntltt ' v. vm an at-toruevi askea tne j-;,. r,. " ' I "No, but f expect to g-et or.e," re ! -;p-.Hided the prisoner faintlw. The in.bre annonneei! that th ea would !v ci:tinued lo ffive I'render-ira-t an opportunity to seen re counsel and the a.s.sassin was led- trembling bach to his cell. The prisoner had evi ecnUv intended to uake a speech in, the cieirt. rooiu. but hi fear of mob violence reduced him to a state of ab ioet terror and he seemed Ka- Co back I n iai i. 1'Iaru Cor (lie Monument. I , ' ! Ka uao!i, V . .. Aoveuibrr 3. A : , v . . t a . i special committee oi the board of incy froanuf - ers of the North Carolina con- ;fed..rac uionumcnt met this afternoon ! ,i;!d Wonted plans as designed bv Col- i i Mld-Kn. of Louisville. Ky. The plans thus chosen are surS- ;,.. ,,. T,wl-'fi,.n t;nns Tho d-sia-n h- 1 lliuvl-u ( ...-,. ..i i,,. MuldooTi is for a granite monument seveatv feet hich with two , life s5z., bronze figures, one of a con- Fariev National bank resdily cashed the checks. Mayer, will be held till the arrival of the Montgomery officer's. Olrtct ut.i Wn t'a5!y. Nf.w Votik. November 3. -The trot ting .match between Directum and Mused, which, it had be.u said, w going to be the most senialjoaal event tliat ever took place between harnessed horses, prove I to.be no sen- t ion atali. o far as the race itself v as eoiicerneu. Ti....... lu.twi'vr, il.VMrfl Slid T.01'0 LUVtt- i.it . -v w . - . . . . -. - people present --penis p as large an ll!,.s..mbla''-e H6 ever enUecSed at the park. Directum won the the thre lioat m T.U l-l, 07 3-4 imL:0S 3-4 r- Corbrtt und-Mltflnrli Slsrn. Ni:w Your. No ember f,. A a agree- : ment was signed last niffht by Billy t f , "1 'j Uompson, representing Charles vite'udi the Bujrlish puirilist, and W. A. lira !y. lepresentuig .lames J. i-or- j))1?t wiiich will probably have the . ... . . . ..... i.it.u eircei oi oruiufc -' j.l h'ht iu New Oiieu.n-. It looks, after all." as if the Olympic Club, of the Crescent Citv, would secure the event. HL-ccd at St-. Havana. Ci ha. November -.The steamship City of Alexandria, belc ng ins to the New York R.id Cuba-Mail Steamship Company, from Havana and Matanzas for New York, was burned cf Oojima. Sixty persons were drowned. The steamer was command ed by Captain Uoilman. v5 hea Baoy m sirs, we g"e her Castoria. vhen she. as a Child. he c-r.eJ for Castoria V hen she became V iss. sh.- ehuitr to Castoria. -bea shei'.iW iildren. she ga-J tLeiu Cautorrf For the Mothers. As bvys grow up make comptuiioa of them, then they trill n' . ,4,. . panionsbifi elsewhere. Let the children, wake a poist; sotu times; their hopotiies is as ira porta it as y oar nerves, , Kespect tLeir little secrets. -If thry have concealments, woryyipg them w L never make them tell,-and patience will probably do the work. t 11 . . . . " ""v" " J Allow them as they grow older K have ouiuians of their own: make- u,- dividuals, and not mere echoes. Kememlier that without pliyBi,u! he,iiitn mental attainments are woitli- les.; let I hem lead free, happy lives Which Will Streilghten both ll'iud and hod . . ' 111 mmU U1it J011 are Inr-. ! sponsible for your children S lull- : ed character, and. have jUtOeilCe wit , ,. saults and railings. Talk hopefully to your children life and its possibility; you have riht to depress tlietii ijecuus you li. . suffered. TTeach hys and girls the facts of life as soon tlnL e o gli to understiiud tlieisi ih o? responsibility without su ;k 'd i t iii' ti . ! I' them. Find out what their sped-d !; - -and developed, them, his. . ,,-1. di g time, money, and patai.C forcing them into studies which ui; repugnant to them. As long as it is passible kiss then good-night after they are in bed; li do like it t$o, and it keeps them very close If you have .lost -a-. child, rememUv that for the one that is gtuie theb: : notiiing more to do; for those remain ing, everything hide your grief tor their sake. . Impress urfon them ftom e.(rly in fancy tiiat actions have resii';.-, a;ii tliey cannot escaje corseijU ace- . . en )y. being sorry when have acted wtooy; ly. .. . Ais yjour daughters grow up U.m h JLheu at Ienfet the true merits of hoi) keeping and cookery; they will i.--.. L votit'oi' it in the later life a great u . i uioie than for acconiHrshtneiit. lieiaember that although the are il your children, each one has an iudiv"ry dual charaeter,and taster and .pialitie-: very indefinitely. Cultivate them separately, umi-noL if yrur were turning them out'ov .-. chinery. - Encourage them take goou . iug exercise. 1 ouDg ladies i.i ifa couutry aee rarely walkers. Gnis pugi' t to be able to .waTk ms v Ijovs.. -Half of . the liei .O ie ! .e-' vvU.ch atlliet youug ladies nuuid tii appear if the habit of regular exercisi: were.eacouragixl. . Kep up a right standard of princi ples. Your children will be your keenest juxigesin the future. Do be hoc -i with them in Sinai! things m w. 1' -c in great; If you cannot tell what they wish to know, ?ay.so, rather unui dece.ve them. : , Improve your children for 'Uh-oeat1-iug; a child taught to carry rcpoi t, from the kitchen to the parlor i. u. testable. Im momber that visitors, pin.-,- tie children as much to please as they, i -serve'it, a ud their presence is ofte.it-r an affliction thau noL-Si t'dr l "Tanap.ira story by Mi; Lhli Afirett Uivers, in the ,Noveiuia-r f Fefttr' Sotdltcni MaJ(uiu, iisft duces a new writer to the v .j,. .. ivriti r who jjives promise of yd beit. i work in the future. The issue ei tains two illustrated articles of travel of unusual interest, and the eilitonais o.' Gen. Duke and Opie iitd-are in tlreir vein. The poems of Madison Caweiu Chas. J.0' Malley.and Clinton Scol lard are notably good. 1.ADIKS eedins a tonic or chUdrca who v. i . t iuir cp. should Uke m ;ii is Dleaaat; core IWlia, Iu-.k--- aioeUvVV CwapUtoM aa4 M-, 1' ft. 11 It 1 : : .1