lias double the cir culation of an- other weekly, tuh lifehed in the city. SALISBURY, N C.t THURSDAY KOVEMBER 16, 1893. NO. 42 What Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants anl Children. It contains neither Oium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. CastoriaJs the Childrens'Panace3 the Mother's Friend. Castoria. 'Ca-tortais!W well adapted b children thic i p-i'iiiiMcl i' a uprior to any prescription oa to ine." JI'-JV. Axchek, M. D., J : ; :. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " TV use f' ' Cantoris ' is so universal and i.s n;-ntt wall known th;.t it sm-uiA a work f sur.-r. .Ration to endorse it. I'-'W are tiio inH-llnt families who do not keep Castoria within eat y ruach." .-fxttuus Maktyk, I). D., New York City. TERRIBLE EXPL0SI0N1 Too High Pressure. In these days of keen competition in every lint, when the business nun is compelled to brad hi intellect and every energy- to the icfew of his business ; the c!erk, book kecir, ptffesVional man -and "laborer, to drire themselves at a terrific rate, there can babut ooe result an explosim, which, if ot resulting in immediate death, loaves ttiftn with shattered brains and bodies. Ther arc .ruuning at t.o high procure. The itrain in too great." Something must tnddoei gire way. This is equally true of women. Though their sphere is more limited, they have their daily burdens, frets, nd worries, and the results are the same a si.h their stronger tonijnnions. This condition is growing wotJ every 4y, 1 Iwff rapidity of its inert ase is awful to emten)late. Cur homes, h- pitnls," and inMi iiKvliinisare full of ihene iniiorturtJites, ml are bVin crowded t-tili i rtler. '1 here . it but one fao'.ution t-f the matter. Iiecog ,'niie the imj)ortnrKe of Uie Mttiation at once, uid ule the netfiary ' meiistirce to over Mat it. If you have 'fan ii g n: tr.orv, hot UmljiAy-dittiucss, I'.frvous or sick huadacbe, failiutuncM, irritability, nielamholy, fileep lfknes dinting, nrrvona dysff'jia, epi !. etc., know that anv one tf them is but ;y!uitnm ( tlie raJsnii'.y that r may befall V'rt uJ even tl.ou:,h you luLe i.?d so cji!!"J rivuedica end t rented with reputable th(uriji4 witS little or no bent-fit, rit Dr. MiU Re.torative Nervine a trit.1. Jt is tha only remed. that may be dependtd (in for nervous di'Orticrs. " T wo year 1 lued I t. MIIm' Eesfnrjviive W-ic witjb marked bonflt, and lser induced Tnn, who had Jen ick ith catarrh t.f the blirtdar fie yann It. the l ands of our ben phy iWn,t' trv tt ti-ther with Ir. Mils' Kerve mtl iter l"irt H wa so wnd-rfully tentfitod thitLa Ii Bttendlue to busiricwi gain. My wife a'M uel Norvliift with mt excol'ent result. All of ih Uicethsr have not ued more thnn ix hottl tit Nervine. Beveral of our friends have i- ued it, snd ar Rreatly Improved. louia Cibbs, Bncl ar ft C.ibU Plow Co . Canton, Ohio. 1t Uiieir Restorative Nervine is told by aTl ('rnzgiits fm a poaiti'a eurantee, or sent bv Dr. MIUw Madical Co.. Elahart. I.d.. On receipt of prlf. $1 pr bottle.aix tottloa. express prrpald. It U pouivly fre froca opiates or dangercujl dros. rm book at druggiaU, or by maiL For Sale by all l)i upi.-its. Is Your Life Worth Anything to others? Are there not persons dependent on your earnings for their support ? Are they pro . vided for in case of your death? The simplest and safest way of assuring their protection is life in surance Business, pro fessional, and working men generally, should in spire, for their brains or their muscles, are their capital and income too. Death stops them both. Insure in the Equitable Life and death cannot stopyour salary or steal your capi tal, and your loved ones will be safe from want. W. J. roddey, Oemerai Agent tor the Carolina, ROCK HILL, South Carolina. E?JIR 8H0E co- Idc'P- fapttal, 1 1 ,000,000. .ST 1.5o SHOK IN THE WORLD, rp.. dollar taced is a dollar earned." y latsladie.. Solid French Dongola Kid But wb Boot delivered free anywhere in the U.S., oa recet pt or UiwB, Money Urder, or TostAl Note for ft 1.50. Equals every way the boot Bold In all retail stores for $2.50. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar ante the JiX, ityU and wear, and If any one ia not aatlsSed . re will refund the money or Mod another pair. Opera i roe or C'ommon Serine, widths C, I, E, K EE, .sizes 1 to 8 and half sizes. Send pour tize; ice will nt you. Illustrated Cata logue Dexter Shoe CiPERAL ST- M ZllZTi UU, BOSTON. MASS. FREE Special terms to Deatert is Castoria. Casic.ria, euros Crfic, Constipation, li-jLir U:icli, ii-rrhi3a, Eruciation, -J-IUa IVcruis, gestion. yes :x.eoj, cid promotes Of Without injurious medication. "For several years I haves recorrsrnendec jy our ' Castoria,' and shidl always continu9 tc dj so us it Las invariably jroducod beuoXicia results." Enwin F. Pjs.ttr.OK, M. D., 125 Lh Street and ?t j v New York CSty Tns Ckntauu Company, 77 M curat liTESET, New Yoke Cm SO Cures all Feuiuio Cotnplaiuts aud Monthly irrorul:irity, La.rrrhcraorAVhitos, Pain in Back or SUcs, j.lrcj!3ther.:tbo feeble, luii'Ja up the v. i.olo ?y iii. it. h'.r cured thc-'-isands ftn v.;iJ cure you. I in i ttU J. 1. r2iO;if;.0i.2 & C0 LocUiilio. Ey. THE BEST AND IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT i EVER MADE. There ::re cint;!a rcta'.I sjoc stores in our large citk's ttluli 2,tX;o ;;a':r. of tliocs a day, making a net pr!:t t-f PiVt.Otjo a voir. We oe!I shoes low, but vc sell n ijrcr.t v.r.ry jKiira, tho clear profit on our l-i'li iViUiK-j' rind ch;iur.-n' chot-3 is at least ten cents :i :f;r, r.nd on oi:r mens nnd boy' shoos 1 j eent a ;.ir. Wo f-'.v.C'x o;.i;liliKh nl-.oe stores in eacii of Ih.; l.:r:c -t :! ea of I'.vi V . and'if l ..t; '.. - ' r . i -.1 ! .......11 in: , ni w-'i; v o- u p.ii.m I r.Hiiniiuuv 1:11 wm earn ".J" i i :!r. .'e i liouH bo uMo to pny a yearly d.v'e.leiii! f !' V.C'.r-1 !i;ire, or over o per rent, a ye:ir on th i:iv li::e: t. We n il l':c n'.oek at $10 ii sh.tre. Th'j price vnv. t i--ovi;al'y I moro t!ia:i $'') .1 P-':.:r . T-i f- hu.i t v; r l-ecn sold at Ies h i:it';l j-ric:-,. v '' i i i.J pur Sti ck nsrsia'Ir. I'!c:riK-r::;e.l. '.:'i":-.::l !? ' .()0O.(K!0. We h:rvc over B-.ocI.ljoiU.-r., and tho number is in?reait;:j; dily. Cc-me t.f t'.-.e irinc:pal stock ho!ders tr?': 'i 5. V,j; nr. V.: I J. r..!tir. C-ton; X. V. I'.ecd. Jr.. t.::cai; J. 11. fai n In .1. Cliiroiio: W. M. aull. li.:t! J."e::. A-k.; I. li. i.'U. thieajio; .1. t. r. l'hi!avi i 1 lurtlit;. N. V.; I:. J. I'arnr, Battle t. .UiC'..; r . i . 1 1 -.!, .-rr:i :i'. ti . i. Write for a prospectii J cuniuiniit the names of ur tic:Iio!iler.', "c, r r hi v' mi urih r for xfot. inn ':' r x .'n f. ,insh or moiirii order. s lalien for one or more shares, l'rice, $10 t)rd. a cti ir' DEXTEH SHOE CO., IIS, US a HI Federal 8U, 1IOSTOX. MASS. .I'jru.n If mi.'eU. JAPANESE A Kew and Coroplet Treatment, eonsistlne of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and tiro Boxfis fcf Ointment. A never-failing Core for Pllet of every nature and decree. It makes an operation -ith tho knife or Injections of carbolic acid, wtic'i re pnirful and seldom a permanent cure, and of- on tf'-Itintr in death, unnecessary. Why end urn this terrible rliaeaae? W guarantee O ooxea to cure anv case. You only pay for ?-.! aCts receive!. H a box, 6 for $5 by mail. Stomp'e free. Guarantee issued by our agents. OUNO I irrt 1 lUri by Japanese UtrerPellel; iha ureat I.IVER nnd STOM ACH BEOULATOK and DIOCDFUWI'IER. Bmall, mild and pleasant to especially adapted for ctildjea'S OfiO. OODoa cents. UUAia.ixTKl-3 issued only by EDWItl qUTEEELL, ' - - IS A LISP.UK Y, St. C. Caveats, and lnuJc-Jhiri. ol taincd.rid all "ai eut btitiiii?t; conducted Tor Moot ratc Fces.- Oui Office s Or?i:r? U.-S. FT'.nr Crrtcc aud we can fwift patent, fc.-s litue than llioe remote from Wa-diburton. Send rnod'.-I, dra-wir" or Toto., Tvltn descrip tion. We advise, if l'le or not. free of charge. Our fee net dite tt'l pp.triiL fecarel. - A Pamphlet. IIor lo Obiain r.i tents," v if names of actual clients in your i'iiUo, cotiaty r town, sent free. AJressi C.A-SlfiSOW&CO. Opp. Patent Officlv Wash.ngton. D. C. SjggSgrjj Are Sate and Always ileiLiLlejueUcf 'Xue$7 or Pennyroj ol PIlU atd i! Similar marines. Unexcelled for IrrcgQlari t.,.tc uccejsruily used in th'.isandsof csises. la 2. sarsj-cmcdy, guaranteed, never falls. Pric !. A tCfeQualledaateguard. LAKKS1UI1 SPECIF! C SZ-amV AUrkbt tit eiucago. 111. ilr CURB GONE REPUBLICAN. Tuesday's Enactions Furnish Coma Big- Surprises. NEW YORKS POLITICS REVERSED. MeKlntey Wins In Ohio Virginia Standa Jly Ieimcracy A Ntaod-OfT In Chicago The Kesult Surprises Kvcn The Winners. New Yokk, November 9. The situa tion of a yenr ago is almost exactly reversed. Maynard for conrt of ap peals is defeated by at least 25,000. lie ran behind the state democratic ticket in every county so far as is known nnV7 Even in this city whern desperate efforts were made to in duce men to vote for him, the revolt was determined ami far reaching1. The current against Maynard was so strong1 that it swept everything1 be fore it. In Kinifs county the result was the same, only emphasized by the defeat of Mayor Urotly, of Brooklyn, by 15,000. The local contest in New York city was ery interesting, the republicans making but small efforts in behalf of their ticket. The complete returns for the city show the election of the entire Tammany ticket by majori ties rantring1 between 07,000 and 03.000. Richmond, Va., November 8. O'Far rell's majorit3T i estimated at demo cratic headquarters to be from 2.".000 to nr,00. The democrats elect a majority of the legislature, thus se curing United .States senators. A I'OMTICAI. I.AXOiSI.IDE. IJostox, November 7. The result of the election in Massachusetts today can oalv be described as a huge politi cal landslide. For the first time in three years the state will have a re publican governor, and his plurality is 30,000 at the least. The whole ticket is elected with him, and the legislature is solidly republican in botn branches. Candid democrats have conceded the defeat of John E. KnssL'U, their candidate for governor, by a small majority while even the most sanguine republicans would not claim over 15,000 for (Jreenhalge, Cixcinxatti, O., November 8. The republicans have carried the state by sweeping majorities. McKinley" ma jority is over "0,OOC, The populists polled 100,000 and the prohibitionists JS.OOO. Hai.timohk. November S. The deru oc vatic ca !!lit!;ite forst:ttt corjptroller was elected by a larjre plurality. Dr.s M!ks, Iov.'a, November 8. Jackson, republican, beats lloies, dem ocrat about 3..000, and the remainder of the statLi' ticket by a larger plu rality. Lorisviu.K. Ky November 8. The Kentucky legislature will be demo cratic ou joint ballot by about 4 to 1. The only issues in this election were factional, the dominant faction fn the democracy beingthe , ClevclaniVparty as opposeil to the wing, which sup ported Vlr. Henr3' 4Vateison in his opposition toCleveland's nomination. Chicaoo, November 8. The election today seems to be about a standoff. At midnight the returns indicate that t !ie republicans have elected the entire judicial ticket and the democrats have secured the count3r commissioners in side the city. Omaha. Nkh., November 10. The re turns from 80 per cent of the counties in this state indicate the election of Judge Harris, republican, to the su preme court by about 5,000 totes. This result was a complete surprise tj everj one, especially to the repub licans who ditl not expect it. A study if the returns shows a most most la mentable democratic loss. MURDERED FOR MONEY. Nirroes KnooK a MtrcUuiit In the Head with a Conp':us lln. Lakk City JrxcTiox, Fi.a., November A, dust before noon toda3' four ne jrrocs entered the store of W. J. Dun .;tn. a short distance from the railroad ivack here, and deliberetely murdered him. After robbing him and the store jf all the money they could rind they left in a hurrv'. Duncan's tlead body was not discovered until nearly an hour later, when a customer found him l3'ing wherj he had fallen on the floor, lie had a big wound in the side :f his head. A negro named Henr3r Dogtte was tracked and captured. He confessed the crime, implicating three other negroes. He says they knocked him in the head with a coitpling pin, rob led the store and skipped. A posse is jf ter the other negroes. ERAINED HIS OWN BABY I:i Order to Shield the Woman He Had Wronged from Shame. ArousTA, Ga.', November 9. IIenr3r Lioings, a negro, was convicted of the murder of his own child in the superi or court this afternoon. The defend ing a few weeks ago. to save a woman he had -wronged, brained a new-Jjorn babe and buried the infant in a cigar box in the yard. The foul murder rvas disclosed a few days afterwards, when the mother died from confine ment and the coroner was called upon to hold an inquest. It was a brutal murder and the jury was out only a few minutes before tho3' agreed upon the verdict. The death sentence will be passed in the morning. Apother Horror in Spain. Barcelona, November 10. Two bombs were thrown from a galery in , theater, in this city last night, while 1,000 people filled the house. One ex ploded Fifteen people were killed by the explosion, three trampled to death in the panic, and a number wounded. Ireat excitement prevails throughout Ike eit-. Many anarchists have been arrested among them an Italian named Saldani, who has confessed to throwing the bombs. The Queen Re rent is much upset over this fresh salamity, coming so soon, after the ban tanda disaster. Children Crv for Pitcher's Castorii CUBA'S REVOLUTION. She Does Not Let Any JXexra of it Corns Out by Cable. CARRILCO IS SAID TO BE STRONG. i Two Province Almost So' idly With III " Hpatn Has llotli llVr llunds l ull Just Now Bcay wi.h Morocco. Opiuiona of Syiupathliers. Ket West, Fr..., November 11. The news brought by the steamer from Havana last night has cheered the hearts of the Cuban revolutionists here, who declare that their cause has received a fresh, impetus. The present movement in Cuba "is" evident ly an outgrowth of the plans hatched by the leaders here, who have been, 6ince the last fiasco, endeavoring to incite auuther insurrection. One of the emissaries recently sent to Cuba returned last night, lie re ports that an uprising took place tsaturdav night in the jurisdiction of Cienfuegos, province of ISanta Clara. About twenty-five men, under the leadership of General Ksgnierre, raised the cry, "Cuba libre," near the town of Las Cruces, where thev had an en gagement with the civil guards. The reAolutionists took possession of the guard house, capturing more than a hundred stacks of arms. Then they procured horses and proceeded to the town of Placetas, being reirforccd by Beveral hundred men. Several engagements have taken place between the insurgents and the government troops, and a number of men have been killed on both sides. The Havana papers received hare con firm the report of the outbreak, and while attaching little importance to the uprising, show that the authorities are taking active measures to sup press it by concentrating all their available forces in that locality. Later reports show that several leaders, including esquires, with their followers, have surrendered, asking amnesty. Others have retreated to the mountains to avoid capture. Kky Weut, November 11. Private dispatches from Cuba say that the in surrection is under full headwaj". The government controls all news channels and no news of the insurrection is al lowed to go throujrh. An armed expetlition will leave from this vieinity within the next twenty four hours. Nkw Yokk, November 13. Leaders of the I'uian r.'volutiorarv p:irty 5 ri i this cit3- s;iy they have private a'd vices from their country which state ' that rebellion against the government is already well und;?r way. Many think the movement was prematurely begun and for that reason will end distrously. j It is pointed out that Spain already J has all she can take care of with the j Morocco affair,; and therefore, will be j unable to give aid to the island. This, it is thought, will not only make dis satisfied Cubans more confident of, success, and consequently more deter mined, but will create a lack of confi dence among the government forces. Mr. Trujillo. editor of El I'arveni, ' and New York correspondent of La Lucha, a Havana paper, this morning cabled the editor of the latter paper, : asking information concerning the dif- : faculties. The message was sent early j in the morning, and had r.ot been an- j swered at a late hour. Ordinarily ca blegrams are answered directly. This is taken to indicate that the trouble is already so serious that steps have been taken to prevent correct news from reaching the outside country. WHAT A l'HOMIXF.XT (.THAN SAYS. I The leader of the revolutionary party in America and its most ti usted adviser in Cuba is Mr. Jose Marti, ed itor of La Prairie. To a reporter he dictated the following: "There is undoubtedly in the Cuban revolutionarv' movement forces worthy j of consideration. The government has j kept a close watch over ail communi cations from the island, thus revealing the true gravity of the situation. The news alread3r published that came from Key West, although quite true as regards the unanimous feeling of Cu- bans, and thev are most enthusiastic the present moment, appears to be ex aggerated and somewhat confused. There also seems to be an unwarranted misuse of public names in the rumors which have reached the press. The emigrated Cubans, anxious only to help their country to the establish ment of a working and substantial re public, know what to do in the present moment, either in case of prosperity or otherwise, and will do their duty in sucn a way as to please all true men of America." I IT WAS A FATAL RIDE. The Tonns Mas Had JTmt Reached Home When He Was Killed. Thomson, Ga., November 13. Mr. R. II. Morris, of this plaej, the only liv ing child of Mrs. M. E. Morris, died at the Shields house this morning at 3:30 o'clock. Never were the people of Thomson more shocked than when they awoke this morning to hear the news that clever,-big-hearted Richard Morris was dead. He had just re- a. i s u ...... ,.ufa C U I lieu 11 c 1 11 up cue; tuuuui, . v. ..v, unci wr. ira. imivie min i- "jf-- ting a feather renovator. As he was driving out Sackson street'to have his horse put up, the horse became frightened and ran against a tree hi front of the residence of Mr. W. E. Speir. Mr. Morris was thrown violent ly against the hard street. When found he was - in a comatose state, from which he never arouse 1. Mr. Morris was twentv-three years of age. Htate Kair Otltcers. Columbia, S. C. November 11. The Sout Carolina Agricultural and Me chanical Society, tinder a ispices the State fair is given, has elected the following officers: President. T. J. Moore, of Spartanburg, secretary, T. W. Hollowly, o I'omaria: treasurer, George Huggins, ol Columbia SEWS OF IHS, WEEK C05DE5SED. It is said that the Birmingham, Ala., rolling mill will soon resume work. The Edison patent on incandes cent lamps in England expired on the 10th. Farmers in Carroll county, Ga., are guarding the gins with Winchesters while the ginning proceeds. During the past week 53,000 pieces of sidesand 10,000 tierces of lard were shipped south from Chicago. Last week's business failures in the United. States and Canada were 380 against 3G9 for the previous week. Four persons ' were killed in a col lision on the Hocking Valley railroad near Toledo, Ohio, Thursday night Near Natchez, Miss, a young girl ran a foot race with five young men. beating them all, for a purse of 10. The tobacco manufacturers are kicking against the proposed increase in the tax on manufactured tobacco. Chicago received 130,000 hogs last week, which exceeds the receipts for the same week last yjar about 12,000. Francis H. Weeks, the notoious em bezzler, was carried to Sing Sing prison and put in stripes last Thurs day. The Merchants' and Miners' bank, of Pratt City, Ala., has made an assign ment. Its depositors were almost ex clusively miners. Major II. II. Harse, of Wheeling, W. Va., committed suicide at Los Angeles, Cal., by shooting himself. Despon denc was the cause. Sir Andrew Clark, Mr. Gladstone's physician, and one of the most distin guished men in the medical profession, died in London Monday. J. M. Mathis, a Goliad count3', Texas, farmer, raised ?5,000 bushels of corn on H0 acres of bottom land and a large number of bales of cotton. The internationl " convention of Christian workers met at Atlanta Thursdaj. It is largely attended, and many different countries are repre sented. It is rumored from Paris that the Archduchess Stephanie, widow of the late Archduke Rudolph, will shortly be married to Archduke Ferdinand, oi Australia. One gin house was burned in Jones county, Ga., last Tuesday night, and other giirs have been posted in the usual wa3' by white caps, causing much excitement. At Greenville, S. C, J. Mims Hen derson has been convicted of the mur der of Herman C. Gilreath in 1802, and the prisoner sentenced to be hanged December 'J:.'d. Rev. Dr. .1. A. .Mudy, has resigned the pastorate of the First Uapti Church at Greenville, S. C, after an acceptable service of ten j-ears. He is considering a call to Virginia. It seems that a protracted spree haf interfered with the departure of Col. J. Hampton Hoge, the newl3' appointed consul at Amoy, China, and there it danger of his losing the position. It is understood that Secretary Car lisle will recommend to congress an appropriation of of $2,500 to reimburse lighthouse employes of Georgia and South Carolina who suffered from the recent cy clone. William S. Gradj-, of Oeorgia. has leen appointed special agent to allot lands in severalty to Indians residing on the Fort Herthold reservation in North Dakota at SS per day. He is a brother of the late llemy W. Grad3', i of Atlanta. There was great excitemet at the state fair at Columbia, S. C, caused by the governor's attempt to stop a a man named Meetze from selling beer. The man refused to be arrest ed without a regular warrant, and persisted until he had sold out. This government has notified Admi ral Mello, the Brazilian insurgent, that it does not feel authorized to re cognize his rights as a beligerent, he not being able to establish either po litical or military organization which would entitle him to such recognition. (hit-ago Anarch s s. Chicaoo. November 12. Services in commemoration of the anniversary of the death of the five anarchists, Par soiif, Spies, Lingg, Fischer and Kngel Aere held t-day at t'.ie m mument erected to theirlnemory in Waldheim cemetery. In , with a cold spite of a leaden skv rain falling steadily throughout the dav'. the service at the gravesTras attended by nearly 2.50C persons. GROWTH OF THE SOUTH. The Industrial development In the Week K II din ? November A, 1893. The Tradesman, Chattanooga. Tenn.. In ltt nv-few tr the indu-ttrhil situation in the South for tho week ending No ember 5th, reports that the L-ettiemeat of thc.linaucial question ia producuig trood results.. Kt n jv d confidence U tihown by euoiries received from prosi e;tlve Investors, by an increase in the demand foi machinery, by arrant men s l e;nx made tc start up plants thai, have not been working, uud by an in armed volume f mercantile business No mnt-iial ad an e can te reported ii the Iron and ccal market which h:.a j Tactically louc.:ed i ottom. T e T.o islana sjar crop i now comin into market and i one of t je larg est for many years, and the same is true of t e ri.e crop. A slight ad.ance In tne price of tot ton h;-s 1 ro-ipht out uu increased s pply. many planters who can afford lodo so aro ho'.d ine for vet hvher pri es. The Tradesman, reports 2 1 new industries es tablishedor incorporated di.rinK the week to i:etiier with 7 eu:arirements of manufactories and f important new buildings. Amon,' t e most important new indt stiies of the cos art tne Bessem-T Devi-l -mnseat Company, at Llano Tents capital 0J0JJ; a machinery couvny at Winston N. C. capital $.0.0 O. a t emit re nnii tuirT are ct m any at ti ins yy . u . -u nul(- tb S mmon-t K-'irii ra:"r u .,.. ---- ftn. iml .-.0.t.00. A oiflorcs'! companv, and a to acco manu fa torv are repr.rte i at ( iiatt ant oua. 'Jnn.: ... 1 .. 1 -it f I i to-vn. t a . Faith and Wno-ls do X. !ir.. to b hril' at bo. e Cave . ti-i ill :irr!i'x :ni- i u i t n- - vv-.... C : floiiiin? ivy., Kb in v c :ml I'nhn Citv. 'ie:.u : 1 m! er mills a Ail.ii'!: i; an I C. ri. V. a . and saw i'l niii.,' mills at li. il Play, Ala and i-ar- tow. i 1 MARKET REPORTS .By private wire to B. W. Martin, Man aire r. New York. Nov 1.' -Corm. u.--. p H Jan. 8 li: Fe ;0 m -r ft st -u ly Middlinr-e "-1: tua-Uei f vm. Chicago. Nov. 1;. Futures clos-id a follows WHEtT-DK. fl., ruHN.-Iier. 3 nA-r-i Mv :1 , PcliK.- Jan. ?1 1. 0 1. 4 no. an. -' ' i! CHI ..o. -- - ' '.-"' ' " ; fellow: Mess l.-ork ?K.:. T I . i-ml i. fj S?;f.rt rit.!-. k'-e. f ' D "V ?jlt sao'dlder. lK'.ci. :J,7.M; short cim- . noxeu. . - V -v isAVANXAC. Nov. U.;; q-iiw. a. -0; Highest of all in Leaveninrj Power. Latest U. & Gov't Report ABSOIJUTdr PURE PAID THE PENALTY. A South Carolina Negroo'a Horri ble Crimo. EE IS HUXG IN A SLAUGHTER FES Krnnedy Had Aasanlteti One White Woman, and Tro!abty One School Ctrl The Crime Quickly Avcofffd. SPAitTANBrBO, S. C, November 9. A negro named Rob Kenedy was Lynched at Gaffney last night. About dusk, a married white woman and her little girl were returning home from the business portion of the town, when in a narrow lane near their home a negto Suddenly grabbed the woman, threw her down and be gan to choke her. Her screams aroused a little boy not far off. He ran out and saw the negro who ran away as soon as he saw the white boy. lie ran off without completing the as sar't "The white lxy followed "him and saw him enter a house not far away. He then called in some neighbors who went to the house and found Kennedy sitting by the fire with his shoes off and put out of the way. He was or dered to get his shoes which .showed that he had just been in the mud. lie was carried out and his tracks corre sponded exactly with the ones where the woman was assaulted, lie was kept under arrest until midnight, when he waF taken out and hanged. The people were more incensed be cause a week ago three little girls jvere returning home from (laflFney when an unknown negro seized one and tried to drag her into the woods. The other two ran and screamed, and the negro becoming alarmed, she was released nearly frightened to death. They believed that Kenedy made the attack on the little children. He confessed to the assault on the white woman. THE YELLOW FEVER. Brunswick's Epidemic Still Claiming Its Victims .Every Iay. Bkuxswick, Ga., November 11. Eleven new cases of j'ellow fever were reported toda3-, two of which were white. The white .patients are, J. A. Montgomery and (. H. Peterson. The The nine colored patients are, W. 15. Furlong, Alex Williams, Mollie Pear son. James Robinson. Pearl Adams, Hattie Lewis, Charles Smith, Thomas Rarton and Marie Mock. Six patients were discharged, none of them being white. Hkcxhwick, Ga., November 13. Five new cases of of fever were reported today, none of which were white. The colored patients reported are: Lena Stewart, Lucj' ForA, Rosa Ford, Virginia Mitchell, Malinda Mclntyre. Eight patients werj discharged. No whites. There were no deaths. The official report shows K'S patieats under treat ment. A careful review by attending pli3Tsicians of cases reportedand over looked in discharging patients will doubtless reduce this number. Resolutions were passed toda3' by the health board urging refugees nut to return until an announcement that it is safe to do so is issued by the loard and marine hospital service. The resolution includes a statement, which is true as proven by the records, that three refugees, who evaded the quarantine rules, have been stricken with yellow fever and died. Business is beginning to resume. Smith, the Train Bobber, Dead. Kxoxvim.k, Tens., November 10. William Smith, who was wounded in the recent attempt to rob a train, near Coal Creek station, diedat the cit3' hos pital last night, liarney Irwin had acknowledged that he shot Smith. Smith's father has sworn out a war rant charging Irwin with murder. He says that Irwin purposely entrapped his son to kill him. The trial of Irwin promises to bring out some sensational evidence, and if current reports are true, the facts which will be testified to will scripus ly reflect upon the olSc-Tsr who were i j connected with the affair and may lead Another Crank Shows Up. Cleveland. O.. November 11.- At 1? o'clock today a crank called at the office of Myron T. Herrick. secretary of the treasurer of the Society for tho Savings, and with a d-namite bomb in one hand and a revolver in the other, demanded S.w.000 Mr. Herrick re sponded by promptly knocking the man down and grappling with him on the floor. While in this position the crank fired a shot at Herrick. the hall passing through his coat. The fellow then jumped through a window and escaped. ; J After the Spjr . Norfolk. Va., November 11. The sheriff and commonwealth's attorney of Princess Anne county are in Norfolk armed with a warrant for the arrest of Wongo and Duke, the two men who fought in a prize ring in that county last week: also for the arrest of half a dozen or more of the sporting men of this city who participated in the affair. V." nil: Less. .laiar.a, lad:; E.lKiliSl imowvs ics.-;. ' -v- IKON BITTr.ItS. For iak; by all tUauc.- in ekiy. Wiciae. t-et tba 11 ;o CRIS? ON THE TARIFF. D Think The New mil Will Be Drawn ou u UvTenaji Mlk CniCAoo, November . The Doe, Charles F. Crisp, speaker of the house of representatives, arrived at the Palmer house last night. In speak ing of the repeal fight! Mr. Crisp said: "The house will have some very-important legislation before it at the be ginning of the regular session la December Mr. Wilson's committee will have its tariff bill ready at i early day. The subcommittee has already decided on the rates in the schedule and the general committee will consider them sonie time next week. "I believe Mr. Wilson's committee will recommend a reduction of the tarifT to a revenue basis In accordance -with the declarations of the national democratic platform. The tax on re fined sugar may be reduced considera bly, but the tax on whisky and beer and tobacco may be increased. It is estimated, I believe, that an increase of 1 cent on whisky will add $1,000,008 to the revenues. "The present ta on whisky is 9 cents, and say it is increased to 31.20; that would mean an increase of $.10 -000,000- in revenues to the govern ment." Speaker Crisp said that besides the tariff bill the house would come to a vote on the bill to take off the 10 per cent tax ou state banks. MOWING THEIR ENEMY DOWN. The Maehlue Guns of the Hrlflsh Flay Havoc Among Them. London, November 10. A special from Johannesburg to The Pall Mall Gazette says the Fort Tuli column, consisting of 300 Btchunal and police and a number of Chief Kama's men, under command of Commander Raaf, captured Ruluwayo on November 2d, the clay after the column had repulsed an attack made upon it by the Muta beles under command of Combo Lo lieguela's son-in-law, during which engageme tiTTC om bo is reported to have been killed. The Matabeles fought with desperate fury, but they found it impossible to stand up against ma chine guns which laid the dead in swaths upon the field. It was not until 2,000 of the .Matabeles were killed that the remaining meiulwrs of itnpis retreated and allowed their kings capital to fall into the hands of the British.' Kiilril Ilia Viknna. Ga., November 11. Lery Rush, bailiff of the Phiehurst district and well known throughout this countj, was shot and killed this morn ing by Jack C. McCormick. The men .were brothers-in-law. The feud had existed between them for some time concerning the distribution of some land from the family estate. They met ih the road near Rush's house this moiniug. It seems McCormick had his riile and Rush appears to have been unarmed, McCormick fired several shots, three of which took ef fect. Rush's little bo- arrived o . the scene with a gun after his father fell and fired at McCormick, but missed him. The coroner's jury found a verdict of wilful and premeditated murder. McCormick make his escape. The batter's friends claim that Rush had previously made threats to kill him and had otherwise provoked him. Miller Must Hang-. Macon, Ga., November 11. Henry Miller was yesterda3' found gnilt' of the murder of Mr. John Rraswell by a jur3' of his countrymen, and within a few minutes thereafter he was sen tenced to be hanged on the 1 5th day of December. He still protests his inno cence. His counsel will move for a new trial, hut Ju lge Rartlett says it is one of the clearest cases of murder that he has ever seen made oat. Macon, Ga., November 13. The trial of Wash Roston, the second of the Rraswell murderers, was- con cluded last night. The jury was out an hour antl a half aud returned a verdict of guilty- of murder with a recommendation to mercy. At 2:80 o'clock Sundaj- morning Judge Harr iett sentenced Boston to the peniten tiary for life. Three of the crowd are Hell V iwi uir. a ' - ( A Mexican Towu Sacked. Demino. N. M.. November 11. Fifty Tomchie Indians on Wednesday sacked Palmos, Mexico, four miles below the border- The Indians are scattering bands who survived the massacre" in the engagement with the Diaz soldiers last May, and who have since been roaming the mountains. In the raid on Palmos they fired on the custom house guards, numbering thirteen, killing one guard and rifled the custom house, carrying away twenty-five carbines, pistols, 800 rounds of ammu nition and $200 in money. They ap propriated provisions and other sup plies from stores. Cine of the ma rauding band was killed in wke en gagement. ATken Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, Vhen she was a ChUd.she cried for Castori Then she twceine Miss, she elun to Castoria. -Kbu kne tad Children, she ga" u Cem Castoria P5a