T3 only jias double the cir y filiation of .any other veeky,P"i lished iu tlu: e'ltv. vt () f I - Im ) U H r 1 1 S Eli 1 . SALISBURY, N-C.f THURSDAY NOVEMBER 23, 1893. NO r ri u yi w r r,r- j r k scribe Now voi. w 01. v v vld JtXJLXJLCULJLl . - - '' " AfiTeilise " . 4! , . . Wiaf i M teas (: Otsria is Dr. Safhucl Pitcher's prescription for Infant and CJiiIrn. It coutaia3 licitlicr Ouiin, JIoriliino nor dher Narcotic substance It is a lutrailcss substitute " for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor GiU ; ... is dL'.easuat. Its guarantee is tliiriy years' use by TiiniiH of r.Iothcrs. Castoria is the Children's Panacea WMioTother's Friend. '; Castoria, r. tor!a issy ".! adael to&iVirc'rithat ;n: :.jvslit as ujierW-tar)y ;-rs ription . ..-.- cio." 31. A. Aitr;r.:c 21. U., ; . l JVv OsrfcdSt., Brocidyn, NT. Y. J r ,-(.", i ' ' Cta.-'toria ' i ? fo universal and ri:. ! vrvll twna tlu.t it 'v a work n !" in! ii-.c t raIon? it. I' 'w arc tins ;. f ; :.rU "' w".;o tl not Lcc CUctoria .J.v-rl-a.h.-' . Nv Ycrt CSty. it i (,f K i' A CURIOUS CALCULATION Around tho World 206 Times. Ao omineTA pliytcian has made a curious tiatliem,i:hvt! cuiculation in giving the worici!i dI tl liuruan lieait in mileage. He shows t4u'.t in a lifetime of 84 years the IiI-jo thrown :( r, j'-ass-s thrditsh the heart is j,--ta.!'r of i,l0,SrtO mi Its, which, :w -:r"ai;i, would reach around ii : tl'liliS ! ; in viiw tliis con-tant strain on :ir. i t:;kiiiLf iuto ooniileration the ! iv-s frorn over-exertion, alco ,ir htimulnnTs, is it any wonder .::!, !; -iromca ail'cc-ted, refuses to Kin l tiw ii'iirt. : . abuv it i' . hole a;. that it prforsit it firt r;ul L Wor:?,' nl causes ueatii i. ine r. ;i: iil v understood that ona in fuc.r !i:isa wi-ak lu:.rt, alo the importance of roatin? (!i;it oH'-in : S03iTU3 it3 ahfected con- drtHiIl is in for ix livi giioui'i ta'e Ma vdi'W'.k'H' : j i; V'iuhl. i i i !' Kiit'i-U-'st 'di-rt-e manifested, f.'vi.u h.-ive any reason whatever ,;,ur heart to be affected, you n 1 t ii r.t or.ca. lo not hesi . t, rfv:is v. ho.iie suddenly of this a- nvv r a-'i'srted its presence. . .-, i'icrt'.i'it, N. Y , writes: "Three ..i i t niH i- di'Ji. ulty in hreithinR, f ' in' h'i..i t r.et ii;, and. my limbs and ;,!. wi , J; v.'iiloil. rhv-icia;is said I y;,J not l.Via v.fo. I oe'Hi Uiinj; l)r.-Mile' M'Htfttit :-v; ii.'(ir-t hou'e Kreaily relieved .mf.wnl, ttitii'i'i-i 7 years of npe. the several b-rJesl t -k ai-tv'tlhi-r so ininioiiHoly henetited me that I n-n m :o?v.- niixu. I cUocrfully recoui- BMi'l ttii.i r-' ' " ' ' . ' HWU.evt--Mfrw!W a severe attack of heart La c. :. if ;. 'tii.ir to d:e, p'lyiiiaiis having .Vnnienim ! ri.-hcf, I woainduewlt buysome fii Ijr. MiW N?w H -art Cure. Kvery dw lifted bid rulu n:.. Hii-i it do'-uis as though ic would inne-traine'tV '!tiiii I w-mld wiHiajjly fill the Now nar'Ci:ro l.oiil.-s w'.th told fur i-he mauniift- fetitreMic !y t!.ov ruiuasn. if I uld mt K,-t them oan'.iier terms'"' S. A. M 1 1 J1 . Fraukiin, N. Y. "Kor SO -enrs I wis seri'u"ly troub't-d with hMrtdiv isf w. A th-tvou. pntst ration, the latter -fTtin t!ie soluTic nerve of my left side Dur-i-.'k fiatlt iiao- I w s treated hy rnanv prominent ptiniiians. and s-nl hundrel9 of dolliirs awa tif medir-ines. u!l..f which failed. Heoently I hwii ui ; It. Si;!o' New Henri Cure, nnd am now entlrt-lv free from mv old complaiuuj." - '-liite J. Barry, l':uk tHtv. Tteh. Dr. Miles' Ne v lleirt ("ore is s Id on a posi tlve nmrRutee bv nil druggists, or by L)r MUoi Me heal To . Klk'hart, Ind., on receipt of price, fl ptr h-itUe, mx iKtttles express prepaid. U r"iiivelv ermtuins n-iiher opUte nor dnageiotu Jini&. Free buot t druggists, or by mail. - l-ol mil l)i uoi.-ts. :Every Ian You.va!'. Iiixf'iiie a capitalist at -'oncoy l::yifc hy a r,:nal 1 part of j yci:rv:ir!y i-.icoine and invest- :; iiijj it iu a Tontine policy, of the - Equitable LJfe I'or you can instantly se- ; cure u c?ital $i ,obo (cr for : $2i) a cnj.ital of $ io.ooo), thus ' acquiring an estate which you j may k-ave to-your lK:irs, or re- j tain as a fund for your ov.-ff ; support, i;i old age, if your life ; 1 proli iii-cd. I Sncli a stc-r will prompt you to save; will strengthen your credit, will increase your con fut.:ice:, will preserve you from care anl wiH. give you lasting . satisfaction " -e Plan b Simple. The Security Absolute. : It is tilt- perfect development of the life policy. T6-day is ' ri-lit time to get facts and ' ures. . Address Av-J. RODDEY, Manager,1 rr t5'e Csrolinas. . HILL, S C. " '-,1 ire anvxhfTfl in thft U.S.-on recci it of Cash, Money Order, Or- IN,.;. ,1 1 K.A . K,1J"' every -way the boots 'tiy- -j l""1 ia n!l retail stores for fr, i -'-. Ve make this boot V f t,ur3iye8; therefore we jmaf i ?..'.- the lit. ntnlt. nn.l mm. fJliryiirn n:'1 if Bnyne is not Batisfled TJsiK we rcfnnd thomoney 0y 'J, f'end anothefpair. Opera or vomrnon cenBe, idths C, D, E. & KB, lzca l to 8 and hall fizes. SendyoursUe; xOjs Kill ft you. Illustrated Cata losrua r r r- r- '8 oHO? PiO m FEDERAL ST., & 7. boston, mass. StK C0-' Inc'f, Capital, $1 ,000,000. 1 '.. i1-;,11 Mini: lN THK Yi'OULD. 7h-Bl ' ..''' ; ;r '---J a dollar earned. . - i js li, J, , ,,! 1 reneh lionffola K!d Bnt- 1 ; ; - - rr Castoria. Oar.toria cures CoUc,T3onst:itior, J', ur i'toz jacii, Diarrhrua, Erut-nation, lulls Worm;;, Q-cs jJoct. riJ Troiaotes dl rntion, Tithout iajurioua medication. "Tor .several . years I have recomnipndec yr 'Oajria, said Khali oIajs contlnus U tUi r S3 ft liAa iavai-iatj'y juxxlacod bcncficia. rcsuita." : Edwim F. Psrzz, D., . 1.25th Strot;t and 7t'2 v. ., , jwTork Cty The Ce??tacb C'MPA.vr, 77 JIunatY t.'Ti. ket, 21 Yoax Crrsr THE BEST AND IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. There r.ro cincrlo rctr.il p!ioo Etoics in our lirpe cities whicli peit-2,000 ;a;rs cf hce a tly, making a net profit of ;;o,C0o a yecr. V.'e seil shoex low, but wo soil a preat ina-y .-vir.i, t::e clear prolit on our ladicx', ra:sp. and i lii!drc-;ir,' t;!:o.a ia at Ica.-t ten ct !its :i nair, a:u! on our mt-:!s' and boys shoe's 1-3 ct-nts a ;iair. "o csialiiisli t-hoe ftor- in e:ich of tins fifty 1 irrt-t cit s of tlic I'. S., and if tbey soil only ii ;0 pa: in of Bhoos a day Uir-y would earn $ VV m a y: :ir. Wo should bo aide t- pay a yearly tilvider-jV-f i-.)." a share, orcver .'o y.t r eer:t. a year on tlio i:iv itme!.t. W'c Pell tlic B'.oek at $10 a share The prico-ini:, t Inevitably I c much n:oro Jhan ?i'J ashari-. 2o p:oi. k I : n. ever been eoid at lata thin thi price, v iiicit i i.a par value. t?t clt ron-aseotwable. Incorj)or.ilel, '.iital $l,000,OoU. We h:;vc over 1,000 e'.ckholdor, and ll:e n::inler i increasin daily. f?omc of tlia principal stock holders r.ro : T. R. Well V. : I. J. J'.itl; r. Ki-stor ; N. A. Kl-ciI. Jr.. Cliii-ai: ; J. 15. Cup-, Im '.K Ciit-; W. M. Kavinaupli, 1-ittL- i? Ark.: 1. II. his ii. rhiragu; J. 1. TiirniT. Phiia-i J. JIard:nj;, N. Y.; K. J. l'ayue, Little Crrrk, Mich. ; F. 1. Kallrtte. An-ailt-. K. Y. Writo for a prospectus coiitaii:in tlie names of our stockhoidera, etc., i r tend ;n ortlir fur xtoik, 'cnc'oKinfl cxiiir'H cfirct, rtni or tnotifif ortltr. Orders taken for one or more shares. Price, $10 : a xhare. DEXTER SHOE CO J'jt-n.'n )l oHeii. ' i i n. rn rT? C r : rr.' . r Is se'd with wrKton guar.'.r.iiO to euro fc-' orvo'tr'F'roJtr!! tlcn, Diili- P ::", lTfuibiohe and tifurtt'r'-i ."..idV-'.-Jke-fiihjt-Hs-, ..u -f! tyex- Cr-: MVt;l.te'i:7lillI3f Tobacco and Alco hol; iicntai Depre p'iok. 8oft-'-.in ot tho rr?;n,e':-!rT ?",?.t. ry, lrvnf-.Jtjrj-.ad Ceatti ; k-roirir! r urn Ow! ii-voSunlary cKasoa bv uv :r-irul.i!;TttiCC-, (ver-ci?i -tion of tb Ih in and Krrorsof Y-.uth. Js fAvv:i t-Vcui f:rr;'.a.i LUeir :".-:( ji- o Vi;-or r.- i d( 8 th- ;'ojs r: Jif-; cure J.i'"orr!ia'-t iMid l";-:v.-.- ? V"akac:i.-!. A ii.oijWi'h trct l;:ct, in i 'f.--' r'. Ecrl y!Lrii, fo fsir a Jro:-1, tl i.t i x, 0 !:c-.-.'9 :"". w If n every tri: - r -.ro sriro a Vrlt-r5 CyirantSo to euro-or refund Cm money. Circn'arr-. trco. tioaraiitoo iseai'd only bjr our ex ;iusivf ageot. BWItT CUTHE-LL, Sallshuky, N. C. Caveats, asd Trade-TkHrk? obtained, and an Pat ent business conducted for Mooesate Fcro. Our Orricc is Orzirz U. S. Patcnt Or? ice and we can secure patent iAj Ic.-'S uie ibaa liiote remote froin Wahlniton. .- Send model, drawing or prioto., with descrip tion. We a1vic, if patcn:1io or not, frca of cbarp. Our fee not dtie till intent is enrcL A PaMPHitT, "How to Obtain P:iten!s," v.ittt names of actual clients ia jour State, county or town, sent ffco. Address, .A. Opi. Patent Office. Wash. kcton D. C. SjgxSjSvS Are Safe aud Always licliabie ; better than 'faasy or Pennyroyal Pdis ana cIlBiaiilar medicines. Unexcelled for Irrgalarl ties.Ai!. SuieiiSf'iilv csed hi thousands of cases. 13" sura remedy, guaranteed, never fai is. Price Jl- A nacoa-iUedsafcKunrd. LAKESII SPIX1F2 -S-i-yii Market U, CUicago, Hi. Scncd the life that is fighting against Cousunip- -tion. T w . 4! -r-?s- P-ji it off. aid - - "" -oC nothiii can save -- --r.- you. But, if tak en in time, Er. Ficrcc's Golden llcolcal Discovery will cer tainly Offl'i - It must bo dene Through the blood and tho "Discovery"!? tho most potent blood cieauser, strength-res corer, and uesh-LuiMcr that's knoi to medical science. Tho scrcf- l ulcus alfeCtion cf Iho liin?r?5 that's called Consumption, and. every form of Scrotula and blood-tainte, all yield to it. For AFeak Lungs, Spitting cf P-iood, Bronchitis, Asth ma, and all severe, lingering coughs, it's an unequaled remedy. It's the cnbj oca ihat's jti.arantced. If "it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you hiivo your money back. Con anvtliirs else, at any price, bo really ts- cheap f - Yrou pay only fer veduo received. Something etes, that, pays the dealer bet .er, may be cllered as V just as good. Per it is, highlit it ciui'fc be, for you. gsJ&agBBa Golden CIPSOLES'- IT SUITS JiNGLAND To Have the Hawaiian Qaon Ha stored to the Throno. SH WILL REALLY CONTROL HAWAII. The Old Qaero Ihl Alwayn Been FtUd!y to tha Knsl'.sh One r Victoria's al;jcct tfee Guard an of ttea Heir Apiareat. WASfiiyaT(i forensber 17. There Is a renerally accepted rtimor here to the effect that IVesideftt Cleveland's policy is to restore the royal family to the Hawaiian thrones Accordinr; to the 'story now current this action is the r?ry thing- above all others that England aost desires. It is an open Secret ia ViplMnUc ciccles that Great liritain Xvislies to have indirect control of the llaxraiian i.sles through the fu- tttrtis)vereig-nty of Princess Kalulani, ex?e of the qnecrr, and heir apparent to the thron-.-. shc it was who ma;le the plaintive "appeal to President j Cleveland while at Washington last spring". The princess was educated in Enir- i land and has spent the best bart of her ! life there under the guardianship of i Mr. Davies, an Eng-lish subject, who is j financially interested to a considerable I extent in the government of the Ha j waTian isles. Itlwas throne: h his per- sonal influence with tho queen that he : u.s selected as the guardian of the 1 princess. The latter became a member tf his household. The princess is now in her eighteenth year and is a young lady of unusual intelligence. Mr. and Mrs. Davies accompanied her on her visit to the United States and were very eloquent in their claim for recognition of her rights by the United States. It will also be recalled that President and Mrs. Cleveland treated the princess with rare consideration, Sirs. Cleveland going so far as to call upon her. According to latest advices Mr. Davies is iu Honolulu, having ac companied Minister Willis on his trip from San Francisco. The princess is in England anxiously awaiting results in Hawaii. This is natural, as the queen is getting old and feeble, and the princess is the next in line of suc cession. AsJMr. Da vies came to Wash ington to look out for her interests it is natural to presume that he has gone to Honolulu for the same pur pose, and there is a belief afloat that Mr. Davies was given a private tip as to the president's policy of restoring the uujen, THK DOI.K I'ARTV. GitAM KAPins, f a. November 13. William Waterhouse, of thiscity, mem bc't of- the Waterhouse family which lias large commercial interests in the Hawaiian islands, last uight received a letter from W. O. Smith, attorney general of the provisional government, in which ho said: '-While ws are all waitiagv and a few of the supporters of the provisional government are restinar, there is a deep and abiding stnthnent against returning to a mon archy, and a determination to main tain goodgovernment that will not be suppressed and which will show itsell m armed resistance whenever occasion ealls. As the time passes, the over whelming portion of the intelligent element of the community manifests more and more that it will not submit to a return to the old order of things." Mr. Waterhouse left today for the islands. LOOKS BAD FOR IRWIN. Now He Uenics That lie Shot Smith in th Kxpress Car.' KxoxvriXE, Tbxx., November lfi. The trial of Uarney Irwin, charged with killing young Smith, his confed erate in the plan to entrap young FretT Gerding in an attempt to rob an ex press car, was continued today. The prosecution introduced several more witnesses, whose testimoney was strong against Irwin. The sentiment against the fly cop was made more in tense hy the appearance of the dead man's two sisters on the witness stand. They were dressed in heavy mourning. They testified to a visit Itwin raid to their brother while he lay wounded in the city hospital. Irwin then denied having shot young Smith. Other witnesses swore that on that same day he had con fessed to having fired the shot that jrave young Smith his death wound. Irwin was allowed to make his state ment, lie denied that he entered into ...:u 1 t 1 II . also denied having shot Smith. He mt; otueuit: ini iiuuc ui i cw am. lie saiii mat ne naa, Dut tnat was lor a purpose, which he did not state. After the evidence was all submitted Irwin was bound to the criminal court in S20.00J bond for murder in the first degree. His attorneys signed hiu bond. CAPTURED A MURDERER. Ho Kl.le;l a Man and Itan OiTwitli a Woman and Her Panchter. Jackson villk, Fi.a.T November 18. liy means of his yonng colored servant eirl, whom he had engaged a month ago, Policeman Fritz captured Charles Sherman, alias Mack Fletcher, who is wanted at Harmony, Ga., for the mur der of Jeff Gore. Sherman pretended to be the girl's father, but she seemed greatly affrighted whenever he ap peared, which the officer noticed, lie questioned her and she told the story of how Fletcher had killed Gore and ran off with her mother and herself, leaving the former at Albany to bring her here. He was at once arrested and at police headquarters confessed his crime. A . telegram from Preston said he was the man wanted and that a detective would come for him. She Ate Chicken and Hied. Birmingham, Ala., November 18. Ljzzie Brown, a Degress, was found dead in her bed; at North Birmingham, this morning. She was perfectly well last night and it is suspected that she was -poisoned, Somebody gent her a cooked chicken last night and it ia thought this might have been poisored. It Orlr ti Get tki. Insurance Mo&ejwA Cio. I fleve mt lieteetlve Work. Dallas, Tkxas, November 17. Oa Sunday hight, October 20th, Y. M. Langdon, a prominent business man, after stepping from a street car, and jnsl before reacking lus gate, was murdered by a ngfro, armed with a piece of gas pipe, who dealt him a blow which crushed his skull, causing, almost instant deatlu Deteetivcs went to work on the case and vesterdav nr. rested John Harris, colored, at Lairi pasas. 1 he- negro was brought here last night and made a full confession, stating that William G. Parish, the murdered man's partner inHbusiness, ; had employed him to commit the mur der. l"ansli was arrested and jailed. About midnight he made an attempt to commit suicide by butting his head against the iron bars of his cell door. It is believed he will recover. Parish, it is stated, held a 810,000 policy on Langdon's life. Parish's attempted suicide in connection with the confes sion of the negro-is accepted as con clusive evidence of his guilt. He wa born and reared in lluntsville, Texas, and was at one time financial agent of the sate penitentiaiy by appointment of Governor Ross. After the murder detectives shad owed him night and day. One day last week Parish entered the Commer cial bank, drew two $T.O bills, placed them in an envelope and- mailed them to John Harris, Lampasas. This led to Sheriff Cabcl going there and find ing the negro. A LTGELD HAS A SAY. lie States That lie Pardoned the Reds Without a Couriltion. SpRivcFiF.r.D, III., November 18; Governor Altgeld was asked today if it was true that one of the conditions of the pardon of Fieldcn, Ncebe and Scwab was that they should make no anarchistic speeches in the future, and he replied: "In granting pardons to Fielden. Scwab and Neebe, I did so because 1 thought tlrem not guilty of the crime charged, and for which they were sentenced, and in so doing, I placed no conditions upon their pardons and made no such conditions as charged, namely, that they must make no more speeches regarding triarchy. You may say there are no anarchists in the entire-state of Illinois; not one. If tho newspapers would stop talking anarchy, the whole matter would never again be heard of. The labor ing men iu Chicago and other places arc as good citizens as are in any state. They have a right to their own views on all matters, are entitled to t-xpr-ss t..-. s:u.ie a.-, .such imit be con ceded by ;:!1 citizens, and when such expressions are made, the same should not, be designated anarchistic speeches, thus placing dhese speakers in a wrong light. No, sir. there is not an anarchist in the great state of Illinois: hot one." and with that lie dismissed the .subject. A NEW CURRENCY. Comptroller licke.'s Will Make Soma Very Interesting Nufrjjr-stions. Wasiiixotox, November 18. It is said that Comptroller Eckels, in his forthcoming report, will recommend a system by which national bank cur rency can take the place of all others in existence, the purpose being to allow national banks to deposit in ad dition to their bonds, gold, silver and treasury notes and certificates, and to k.sue bank notes to the par value of all their deposits. The government, un der this scheme, will be responsible for the redemption of national bank notes and gradually retire the greenbacks, but will be compelled by law to retain 5 per cent, of national bank deposits J t', tw.;..;!,-.,. : n . this reserve as available assets, which is to h2 put in circulation or with- drawn as thon-miir.nt, of w?no demands, and the revenues of the gov ernment to go into the sameJund. DIED BY HER BROTHERS HAND. He Pointed a Kifle at Her and Pulled the Triscor. Saxpfhsvillf., Ga., November 17. M iss Mattie Suiter died today at her home, yt wo miles cast of Sandersville, frorn the effects of a rifle ball fired by her brother twe've days ago. John Salter had come in to dinner, bringing a loaded rifle, which he laid on a bed. !, . . " 1 ' r i-f.m i i , ; i . l i i tne ruie, pointed it at his sister, who was in an adjourning room, told her to look out. and pulled the trigger. The ball entered behind her ear and lodged in her head. She suffered in- tense pain an(1 fr several days had been in an - unconscious condition. Her vitality was remarkable, consid ering the seriousness of the wound. Salter stated that he did not know the rifle was cocked. No coroner's inquest war held, as her death was caused by accident and the act of her brother was simply carnlessness. A Sdinsarr (iofs i)own. Savaxxah, G.a., November 18. The two-masted schooner Tangier, from Satilla for Savannah, with 3,000 bushels of rice consigned to John Screven, sank fifteen miles oif the north end of Warsaw island Wednes - day morning. The schooner struck a strong head wind and a heavy sea and the bow was stove in. 1 he forecastle was soon filled with water and sank in two hours after the accident. Cap tain .Hill and the creSv were all saved by pulling to the shore in a flat-bottom batteau. The schooner belonged to Captain Hill and was valued at about $2. 0(X). The cargo was insured for S3, 000, but there was no insurance ' on the schooner. Both &re a total, losa j 8hot Hi, vr.fe. Little Rock, Akk., November 20. Lewis Roberts, an employe of the city, shot his wife at noon today, and then , pointed his revolver toward his own breast and pulled the trigger twice, but it failed to go off. His wife, though mortally wounded, ran three blocks to a doctor's residence, where the police were telephoned and Rob- erts arrested. He had been drinking heavily for tree days, and threatened aor life several times. 'HI ON KOLB. Populist a Decide o Work with tho JofTorsonlans in Alabama. 0L3 O CALL A CCXYE5TI31 S Coalition With Kcpnbllcans-Coptaln Ko:b Says He Has Frhnd Among Them Bur He Makes So Combina tions 5fo Democrats Indorsed. Birmingham, Ala., November 18. Tlje state executive committe of the Jeffersoman democrats met at noon to day in this city, thirty out of the thir ty-two members being present. ?U the same time and in the same hall the state executive committee of the people's party met. The populists locked arms with the Teffersonians and will- vote for Kolb to a man.' Only one populist present showed any disposition to object and he was easily brought over. Man ning, secretary of the state populite committee, said, "we will support Ivolb, because he is the best medi urn through which to work our reforms. We will unite in supporting him and his state ticket. However, we reserve the privilege of putting our own tickets in any counties we may see fit. There are a number of counties in Alabama which we can carry ami we will elect our own officers there over the -.Teffersonians, democrats or any bodyel.e." Lew Persons, a leading republican, when asked what the republicans had to do with the meeting, said: "Some of us were up there because we want ed to see what was going on. None of us took any part whatever in the meeting. Moot of us were friends of Kolb and will pupport him, but we have no right nor desire to promise him the republican vote of the state. Some of us want to see fair elections and believe Kolk will give them to us. That is about all there is to it." Captain Colb said the meeting was without friction whatever and was en tirely satisfactory to everybody- who participated in it. lie said his party would get the populist support, for the latter realized they could not elect state offcers of their party, and pre ferred the Jeffersonians to the organ ized democrats. He said a convention would be held here in the wigwam not later than February l"th for the nomination of state orlicers. It would be participated in by Jeffersonians, populists and all who favored an honest ballot; that was the issue in tiie campaign. lie said he had the machinery in thirt v-eiy ht out. of the sixty-six counties in . the state, but proposed to have the organized dem ocracy appoint one inspector and one counter at every polling place, so that they could see that things were fairly done. He said he had no coalition with the republicans. lie hai friends in that party who will probably sup port him, but declares there is no trade or understanding with them. The delegates were unanimous for free silver but did not indorse any democratic senators or congressmen. HOW A BANK WAS ROBBED. At the Point of a Pistol the Cashier Hands Over the Money. WaI.t.a Walla, Wash., November 15. Yesterday afternoon three men, without attracting attention, rode in to Milton, Ore., and dismounted at the j.oor of the bank of Milton. Two en tered the bank while the third stood guard outside and held the horses. President A. Hopson, Cashier N. A. Davis and Assistant Cashier William nopson were in uie nanK at tne time. I Tlhe lntimation of .the coming of he ,rbbers was when two shots were fired b.v the intruders before making any verbal demand. Both shots took effect in president Hopson's body, in flicting painful flesh wounds. The re volver was held so close to the head of Cashier Davis that the concussion knocked him down. The robbers then demanded money from William Hop son. He handed them a tray contain ing '144. Taking this, they left with out attempting to get the cash in the vault. The noise of the shots spread alarm and within five minutes an firmed mounted posse went in pursuit, but all trace was lost after a short distance. KILLED THEM BOTH. rather and Son Resist Arrest and are Shot Down. I Mount Pixsox, Ala.. November in. Soe Smith, aged twenty-four, and his father were. shot to death by Sheriff Johr Hewitt here this afternoon. Deputy Hewitt was shot through the head, and is believed to be fatally i hurt. Hie trouble originated over an ! arrest. Dr. Green sold a mill to the Smiths: they paid ho cash. The con ( tract was that the Smiths should al- low Green's old Miller, liuffstader. to run the mill until the purchase money j was paid. Sometime since, the Smiths ' fired liuffstader and closed down the 'mill. Green demanded possession, : The Smiths refused, and Green swore out warrants, charging the Smiths ! with trespassing after warning, Thi:; afternoon Hewitt, with Jom .Masscy, a citi.en of Mount Pinson, went to arrest the Smiths. They were found at the mill, but refused to surrender, and showed fight. One of them fired on the officers, and a fusi lade ensued. Both Smiths were shot dead, as stated, and Hewitt was shot through the had. ; - Tney Are iettinff Rtoodt hirst j-. Raleigh, N. C, November 1S.-A ; white man nameti riuow F '" ! jail at Smithfield today for the mur- j der of his wife to prevent ner iruai-, giving birth to a child. Elliot is a ; j farmer. 1 Two white men named Outlaw and Rhodes had a desperate fight at a store in Wayne county yesterday Rhodes cut Outlaw in a score of places and the latter r-.shed out, -seized .a piece of plank and crushed Lhodes s skulk Both men will die. UNITE) Hisht of all In .Leavening PowerLatest y. S. Wt Report AD SOW- IT'S SrSlIE VS. SC-IET. The Causo Which rpil in thn t..,.i.i . .... . . "..UIO I! tha Oflieiais and tit Strik ers, are ConhJmt if V:a :; tho liiiltU Rociikstkk, N.Y. November ?0. Two men on the Kochc-.ter division of the Lehigh road struck last night on an order from the li.-otherhood of Kaii road Telegraph Operators. They are operators iu Rochester station, and did not leave their posts when the I order was lirst sent out. The station ' agent himself was at the key to-day when theAssociated Press reporter 1 visited the place. He said ti at the I two men constituted the sum total of the strike on h'a line. The operators 1 at Henrietta, Push .1 unction and Ro chester Junction are still at work, lie j also said that the train crews are work ingand the trains running as usual, j The station master opened a wire from j Buffalo to Syracuse, and it ticked oft j rapidly, showing that it was working ' all right. Cournecn and Shaw are the Dames of th.e two operators who fctruek. j F. W. Prentice, deputy grand chief officer of the Order of Railway Tele graph Operatoes of New York said to night: ! "Every operator, except ten, is out between Sayre and Buffalo on the northeu division. These ten are agents who are under bonds and eau not go out unless they forfeit their bonds. All members of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers and Railway Trainmen were out at :t:30 p. m. Nothing "nut United States mail i can be -transported. There are 12;T ' operators the in northern division. Sc far the situation favors the strikers. We received a message from L. Cole man, chairman of the protective ooard, saying not a man on the Ithaca division is working. We also received one from M. J. Lawk r, chairman of the Ashbury division, raying all the men are out. Reports from Philadel say no passenger trains have moved south of Sayer sine midnight. The men are quit and no tremble is feared?" In my estimation the strike will not last over twenty-four hours. The company will have to come to terms." ANOTHER RAILROAD HORROR. An Unknown Lady Supposed to Have IScen Hurni'd In the Wreck. Opklika, Ala., November 17. A wreck which resulted in the death of one man and the injury of thirty-five people occurred on the East Alabama branch of the Central railroad near LaFayette last night about 7:30 o'clock. Ten freight cars, two passenger coaches and a smoking and mail car jumped the track and tumbled down an em bankment. A broken rail caused the catastrophy. An intoxicated negro man, who did not realize his peril until cut off from escape by the flames, was cremated in full view of the horrified spectators, who were unable to save him. Oiti.ika, Ala.. November 18. The wreck resulted even more disastrously than first reported. The company': loss will reach into the hundred thous ands in damages and loss of property. It is feared that a 3-oung unknown white woman also perished in the flames. She purchased a ticket "-at Opelika for Roanoke, and" whether she boarded the train after purchasing the ticket cannot be learned. Conductor Flarity lies injured in LaFayette. and is not in a condition to make a state ment! All the passengers have been accounted for except the you::g. wo man, -and many believe that two vic tims, instead of one, were burned to a crisp. TWO CONVICTS BURN ZD. They Had Slipped Away from Their Work j and the Fire Caught Them Anlecp. j RlKMixCriiAM, Ala., November IX. ' Two white convicts were burned to death at Pratt mines at 2 o'clock this i morning. They were Joe Mims. seh't ' up from Chilton county, and Frank Munday, from Mobile. They were on the night-working , forces and were supposed" to be at j work cleaning off the tracks. Instead, I however, they clipped joff and Tad in j the prison washiooms where they I soon fell asleep. At the hour men ! tioned a negro convict was seen to ' feteal up to the cash room window 1 and throw something in. The jiext i second the room was in a blaze. ! lie had thrown kerosene in the mora ' j and set fire to it. The watchman I ! summoned assistance and finally put l.i, t iw-1 nr-U Milin anil UUb 1 1 UIl, - ti yj - " " " ' Munda were Imrned to death. An Illiet UhUrtler Killed. -j 7 1 1 1 Birmingham. Ala., .ovemoer .-u. , I Late yesterday afternoon Deputy Col ! lector Caldwt-H and a posse of s-veu j went out to raid a still near Christiana, i Lawrence county. As they ap Iproached Mose Smith, the owner, fixed on them and ran. They pursued and 5i,ot himdjad in the road. In a few niDutes the news got eircuiaitu aim vmith's friends commenced gathering. Finally about fifty of them got to-o-ether and set out after the officers. determined to avenge Smith's death, i Seeing they were badly outnumbered, the officers ret."ated. The natives ' fired off about tKty guns to let the cHicera know th?y ".ere prepared. 1 . Dr. Charles P. Deems died at hiu home in New York city last Saturday night. Atlanta's semi-centennial celebra tion has been postponed until next spring-. Within a week past thirty-six people have left Randolph county, North Cr olina, to settle in. Indiana. Francis H. Weeks, the nntninn. , bezzler, was carried to Sing Sinjr i and put in stripes last Thursday. I Major John W. Green will be en ! ceeded in the general management of l the Georgia railroad by Mr. T. K Scott. j Brunswick, Ga., had frost on the 16th ,' and 17th, which wt,s joyfully hailed by i her people, as it practically ends the epidemic. t here. ;.S much Pnmnlaint amnnn , i hibitors over the delay in awarding world's fair medals to the successful . competitors. ! The Merchants' and Miners' bank, of .Pratt City, Ala., hasmade an assign J uient. Its depositors were almost ex i elusively miners. S At Tiilman, Texas, Saturdav ni:-' , five masked men went the house of Williams and compelled him to ib'.ivn to them .$17". and two new 1 i An attempt has Wen made by ai:,r chists to blow up the residence of eul Mathelen, commander of the Fifteen!: French army corps at Marseilles. 1 Charles Mitchell, the English pu . ist, has signed a contract with N. . York theatrical managers for an gagement of two weeks at 52,50 week. , At the recent Moravian synod North Carol ina the sum of 57.50 a raised towards the establishment of an endowment fund for the Salofi Academy. Burglars entered the residence o- Walker Fowler at Gadsden, Ala., laol Saturday night and stole a pair of dia mond ear-rings, breast pin and ring, amounting to . 1,000. The international convention of Chr tian ""Workers closed one of its m successful sessions at Atlanta. Ga., ,.. Thursday night. Its next meeting wii! be held at Toronto. Canada. It seems definitely settled that tb Corbet t and Mitchell lirht for world championship and a 20,000 pur $!0,0t;0 stake will take place a". .... sonville, Fla., January v.",th. l.v44 Edge wood Seminary, a Pomin : female institute, two miles from Ma : son, Wis., was destroyed I) v tire la Thursday. Alout fifty girls were ii. the buildings, but there was no IoSj of life. The state of Georgia has taken pos session of the Northeastern railrod running from Athens to Lulu, a . tion on the Richmond and D:. : The state had endorsed the Northeas: ern's bonds. As a result of the international con vention of Christian workers in At lanta, Ga., a rescue mission will likely be established, after the order of the famous Jerry McCuuley mission in t.i. citv of New York. In consequence of the renewed ho--bailment of Rio, stringent instruc- t'tons have been received by the coin I mariders of foreign warships to tal-e all necessary stops to protect foreign ' property in the city. i The jury in the case of Frank Poi terfield, at Nashville, Tenn., failed t ao-ree, and a mistrial was declared. I Sherrill Hill, an attorney for the de- : fendant. was fined -o for ealli tin 1 presiding judge a l.ar. (iovcrni.r Turney, of Tenn'ssee, La j offered a reward of S500 for the cap tur- and conviction of the parties wh , 1;. r.( iis'i three negro men and one v. ! man near Lynchburg, in Moore count a few days ago. on a charge of bun ; a burn. 1 The five-year-old daughter of Mi. ! J. II. Poyas. of Atlanta Ga., was fa tally burned last Thursday. By some means her clothing caught fire from the grate while alone in the room. " Her mother was badly burned in her efforts to save the child. This government has notified Admi ral Mello, the Brazilian insurgent that it does not feel authorized to re cogfiize his rights as a beligerent, he " not being able to' establish either po litical or military organization which would entitle him to such recognition. Birmingham, Ala., November 17. Five prisoners in the Bibb county jail at Centreville, Ala., made a desperate effort to escape last night. They en ticed the jailer into-the jail, beat him almost to death, unlocked the door and left. At last aceounts he was la a bad condition. Hounds vrere put oa the track aud one of the escapes has been caught. Savannah, Ga., November 17. Silvia Jaek-.on fi negro -woman, wan shot in the back with lxth barrels of a shot gun tonigh alxiUt 8 o'clock, by Z. G. Morgan, out on the Exley plantation, a mile from the city. She was in the act of stealing potatoes from a field on the plantation at the time, and when ordered to halt failed to do so. She was then fired upon and the wounds will probably prove fataL Morgan was held at the barracks to await the result of her injuries. Chen Baby wa sick, we 'gave her Castoria Vhen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria IPhen she became Miss, she clung to Castcria. Then she b Children, she gave them Castort