i J .'"rv-.. . - ' " - ! 1 Carolina Watchman. J. W. McKENZIE, Edr and"Prop,rf ?UBSCMUlvnp KATES, me Tear in advance .-- - - - - - 4 .50 1 jmx mo n ms Three months - .25 ;; it,,T!l as second-;! n m Ul i Salisbury, N. C. TIIUUSDAY, November 23, 893. ! A. I Tif,r 4ii ! aro iii;i exiiniw J" iliH WoriaVF.il- have won 124 medals j !1(nd awards, ana eveim K!r . t to bjj hnltrom. lw jut come or six ;iew icw. . ;n follow: To Col. Wharton J. ureen for liis wid -ly known "Tokay" wines, for lus wid -ly known lOKay io J. K. Hovt, Luther. Huncombe ipunty, for lii:"En-a line" wines, to AMXZrn"Z L of KWfc to Macon by .county in:e;i. T?Tl:iVe fHtroonsidcralile interest in I V . - . . , I the result ji lriu wi, am. .. u- . ...J i.,.n,-,0 tne ii; .1.. c ..t "ho vnto iir KIT- Pruor win uecanvjisseu wutii n.c ature - rnei'ts, Uut . tnat .mr auui i i a i .r 1 1. ii . . i- i I 1, I I... .w..r biunvn I liPI'P lielflL? I (ijeuei... y - nlu rnuntiftt vet to near lroiu.l .TbSD- ies mting, 128.25L The Populist vntP is 78.430. and the Probibitiomst .candidate g4t 6,634. The total vote is fibout 218.000, a falling off in the total , w j 11 I p.-Cuwiicie. ri.... i' l?;,..5:tl Chronicle, the highest authority in the nntrv in such matters, says in its is- 11113 VlUtllUICJV'.ill ...i....-. ... G..iow ln.t l.-t h.il .-:,if 9nna lw mnkinrf ji uauiuuj '.r'3w " .V i ' v ii v i w .j- fr'K vv O I 'toward the revival of our industries- i...UF.Fim. ,nnfi1111M ftir.,rM us tou Id be expected." And closing a lerigthy Teview, in detail, of the busi- ness situation, it says "the results for he month prove on' the whole to have been quite encouraging." The coun- trv did not sink into the ho. in which i t j :,..u it' nan laieij luuuu liseu, ui si utj, uwi i km it in reason be exnected to extri- cate itself u. a dav. but confidence is '.returniiiLr Ivas. in fact, returned and aizradual revival of business mav be Jooketl tor with some confidence. The VuiscouraLnuL-faetureinthe South is the .verv low- price of cottoir, the result, n-st iarg -iv, of another immense crop, N:u i'niaMi ho.v irfeat the redundaucv ot 'money or the nrosneritv of people of other classes, the cotton farmers can - .never set a just profit on the crop so Jong as they rais. more of it than the .world furnishes a demand for jlotte Observer. Char A fourth great'! un iiel K to be put jnuderfhe A'ps, this time at the Sim plon pas. Evt rin.ce the time of the first NajKileon tourists hii.ye traveledby diligence over the great military road which he Iniilt over the Alps at that point md have duly adnired the en gineering genius of the military con queror. But now the greatest gene ral of the world is to be Ixrought to naught by. the simple, quiet s.tudy and ,experinieiitiug of men who never plmi ,n d a latt)e and could not do it if they w mted t. Tiie-jiew railway tunnel w ill convey trains directly beneath Napoleon's road over the Simplon pass Tin oltl fashioned diligence and stage riding has been hunted down to its last refug. Travelers will cross the Simplon by g;ing under instead of over it, less picturesquely but more com iortahly aud speedily. The pictures flue diligence will, huwever, continue to c.irry tourists across tie mountain for five years yet, at the end of which time the fiinnel will be completed. It jvill be 12'miTeii. long and will cost , 10,OQQ,COO. , -The Washington ;o-rpondent of the Richmond Dispatch hays that it will be refreshing news to1 the aspirants and oth ers in Virginia and North Carolina to Jiear that the Presjdeit, according to a piece of information obtained here today, has determined that during next month vbolesaje removals of presidential post jinasters will be made. Mr. Cleveland, it said, has reached the conclusion that ' his administration is to be made a sue- ; Bess from a strictly Democratic point of yiew he will ueed the aid of the Demo cratic Senators and Representatives to parry out hii leading policies, and there 'has been no end of discontent in the States, and particularly in South because jthe department hasbeen so slowinchang pag the postmasters. Iq the South more fhau any other poiliou of the country, it is essential to the busiuess interests that the post-offices should be run by compe tent men, but under the slow process of the past six months not only are Repub licans holding on, but in some instances i j. - illiterate and ohjectionabie negroes are jn charge of the offices. It is undeistood 1 hat just as soon as the annual reports - and messnge are finished the department - .will Ih instructed - to go ahead rapidly with the decapitations. If this policy is Can -icd'ohi there will be new postmasters : fMroiuj, Norfolk, Lynchburg, Alex- a;ii!n -4)anvilje. Tetersburg, y inches- adon, Wytlieville. and a number 5 r of the more important towus and cities u yiigiuia. ' Jl.t of .V,,ruiists. rallied ..H lh,dJnrtdothk ngMJfa. U.i:ed States heir strength, was 50,000 lens than talking. A man cannot be a good 6 J. ' . . tire DenioSic: Th-re wnhopnfor juror who would decide upon his ver- fuyje- 1 heir hopes are principally Marion Butler and his followers,-- - ua lllo fMe;monv flf np based on a coalition of the Populist and WASHINGTON jLETTEE. From our KejruUr correspondent. The fool-killerought to have been in Washington'thM week. He might A nave worked twenty-four hours every luv without completing his job. Al- I tn Hawaii and inoujjii hjcc ii , n nossible wnv that any news coma have been reached from there since that which reached here by jtelegraph from San Francisco on Holiday, and v r that -which came to the State depart ment from Minister Willis has not m . f 1 l -. twW lieen made pauiic, me fuij 0f stories giving details of what ha(j or hfUj not d0rje mere, i nev - alikemere guesswork, and a . . ... . miM, niapiij w wu n.B -..--r- es. No one in Washington knows toa es. o one in iiiuumi," certainty whether the provisional g ernmejt of Hawaii hu3 retired in fa avor theQuen who was, last January, .he action of Minister Stevens in ordering a force of U.S. marines I ashore, bulldozed into abdicating m fa- F ,l.,lV;,:nnil uovirniuent. r" " ' , . , . , . . the com 'i''"a ....... . uouutiess maKe u Ku iu. . i . 4i. u.'iii ui ui ... . i I eu i- t..,A A nuJ innnvl very uear to uie Am."- 6" J t- ... , .a u..te ,.i-tA u al TnZh the saying gs, when reta y Gresh- am s report recomnieuuiug hm .uc wrong done by Minister Stevens should to rifbled by th present aduiinistra- r - ll&U v J " L:tp. Wd. Onlv one witness L.K. Unt in this Hawaiian busi- ..i.o w. ... ness yet. When all the evidence which is in the possession of the administra- imS sl.nll ihvi been made Dubl c. as t Ull will b in due time, no democrat ...v... w.... r , ' - I will have any reason to blush for the rdii..t of the necnle. hut some reoubli- cans who have been prominent may blush for shame, if they have not for gotten how. President Cleveland must feel like asking himself sometimes; whether a oian forfeits all the rights he is sun- t i .: ... u.. urt i, yuocu to iite s ritiAcii nucu uc uc- i . - conies President. .When he does n)tPtcr;''s in North Carolina liaa un advertise his intentions in tlie new.nanprs he. is Rinsed of sur- rounding himself with mvsterv. Be. cause the uewsoaners were not inform- ed before hand that the familv of the President was to move this week from their suburban residence to the White Houe that sin.tde domestic event was heralded to the coun trv as a sudden and mysterious chance of plans on the part of the President, and a lot of fool- reasons iiven to account for it. After Iseeing his family settled in the White House the President committed the heinous crime of going to New York in comnanv with Seeivtarv Laniont to attend to some pressing private busi n- ivithmif tMlnc tho naivinoiuir m..n oluMit it Aa a.. u l,v tnA he was gone they made the wires hot with stories about his having gone to New York for the purpose of having a dangerous surgical ODeration perform- led, etc. Now, could anything have Ijeen more absurd? How probable it seems that a man haMiiff two com- fortable homes in Washington where he.cpu!.d haye the constant attention of a loving wife would prefer to go to New York for, a surgeon, if he had need of one, instead of having the sir- eon come to him at his home. Presi- dent Cleveland is bick at his desk and I there is nothing tire matter with him. except that he believes he has the right I to regulate his private affiirs to suit I himself, but some people seem to think that a serious complaint. It is now considered probable that the new tariff bill wirhbe completed in about ten days. There is a possibility however, that it may not be made pub lic until after Congress meets, as there is quite a strong feeling among demo cratic members of the House that it will save time, not to mention annoy ance and bickerings, to have the new bill submitted t) and approved by a democratic caucus before it is reported to the House. Those who take this view of the matter argue that it will not be good pontics to have democrats fighting for changes in the bill on the floor of the House, and that if changes are to be made or asked for it should alF be done in caucus. This appears to be good logic, but there are a number of prominent democrats who are op posed to caucusing n the bill. Il strikes your correspondent that the democratic party would be the gainer if its representatives in both the House and the Senate would caucus upon ev ery importaut measure that is to come before Congress. There never was a time when the necessity was greater for presenting a solid front to the enemy; there was too much guerrilla fighting at the extra session for the good of the party. . Owing to the time of Jhe president being taken .up with his message to Congress and that of- the .members of the cabinet with their annual leports there will probably be very few appoint ments made until after Congress meets. NORTH CAROLINA POLITICS. Viewed . frcia a Republican Stand point. The Raleigh correspondent of the Washington Post gives that paper the following on North Carolina polities: There is a nice Democratic kettle of fish a simmering in North Carolina. and unless some pacific measures are sneedilv taken to. prevent it the chances are that the simmering will de- 1 U I. .illnn liotlt. u (! liVVf- ,e,oP ; ... f !Iirow trie Keiiie uacu a - v.- next year. There are now two distinct aud wel - defined elements of the Democracy in this Stale, outride of the Alliance Pop ulists. O.ift is in part, and it may be said chiefly represented by Senator M. W. Etansom, an administration anti- ... free silver Democrat ;the other iy &en ator Z. B. Vance, anti-Cleveland free silver Democrat. Both elements agree, however, on a low tariff and favor a revision of the present tariff laws. Senator Ransom and his adherents do not "staud in with the Alliance element indeed, tiw-v have not court , . , . i.;u !..,- Vn.'- ua Its i.aui, ii i it K-w;itw a n 0 M M;!VWP nilPa;(n has been officially indorsed by the v v"r" . 's , , . . fMir; .The Popnlisto hope to elect Marl- Butler, late president of the North KepWcan members to be elected next Nove,uber - They rwunt to the case . j ne BfiV3 i 7 V i?'3; defeated Senator ance ,ur UIC wuur' n""u"" ll,c m"cl receiveu tne nnuuiiauuu o! te xvc.u- , . ,. ll 1 . J 111. -1 "- ;y , " . . dse Ciin' 111 the,r opinion, be adcuiuis- tered to Senator Ransom. Gen. Ransom, however, is one of the shrewdest politicians in this uountrv. and st far all attempts to supplant him in the Senate have signally failed. He has been four times elected to that Mmce, ana wimi ine maioruv or tne oubtedly given satisfaction. In the ra itter of curing the appointment of North Carolinians to positions of trust under the government he has eeci- M1? len successful At Pre!iei,t ihe Republicans, like Brer Iillbbit' are laiu' low sl,ui 8a3'iu ,litle' W,th tbe P'nose in view o obtainin- a representative strtemeu for tl,e Post of wh,lt tbe Republican hiuk of ihii internecine strife in the Democratic ranks, your representative Wii,teu ou ex-umgresman j.din INich P,y wl, has n,ore Uiau onCH iisk ea 10 ,,GCePD liie 'PuWcan guhrrna ii i 1 1 ? it- . torial nomination, Mr. Aieh-ds saW : "It mut be remembered that tl e ijegisiature to ue eiecfeu in jyji Wll T . 1 i il lil - . nn i . nave to name tne successor to benato twn,111' ana 1,1811 elected in w 06 cal,eii "P ,n to name the successor or Senator Vance. All or this wil ,,avt' 10 ie one during Mr. Llevel.ind : tftrm of omce- "nsom, would, o course, like to succeed Ilansom, and s would one 1 nomas J. Jam-, an ex Governor of this btate. Vance know of 1,0 0l,e hetter suited to succetd Vance than ance, but tongressiuan Hender- pon, of the Seventh district, thinks otherwise. It would not do for Hen derson to aspire to succeed Ransom, be cause that would give both Senators to yhe west, but. it would be eminent!) proper tor Jar vis to do so, as that would keep the ea-t and west evenly balanced. From the many persistent and ur gent appeals made by the majority of the State papers to its delinquent subscribers, we are led to believe that he credit system in the newspaper business, is getting frombad to worse. If hose papers whichare now actually be; ging fortheir justdueihad followed tin- example ot the Headlulht, this state ol affairs would not exist. Just as Ion' - r as the brethem will stick to that ruin ous credit system and will accept any- hing and everything that comes alone in the shape of an advert istuent, news paper business in North Carolina will remain on a low ebb. ftMl vim Headlight , Then an Aunt I&n Uncle. Boston Iltrmld. ii mis were instead of 1893 sanitiit1 v.r..ift-o iw. I t t- i .i -r Kimiina tne uournai, 1 resi- dt nt Harrison would have neen re-elected President of the United States. A a corollary to this proposition, it may Hp Kt:lturl 'tl.nf : 1 I 1 I vu ii your aunt nad onlv been a mau, she would have been your uncle. Many people suffer for years from troubl some aud repulsive sores, boil and eruption without every testing the marvel curative properties of AyerU Sarsaparilla. The experi ment is certainly, worth trying. Be?ure you get Ayer s Sarsnpanlla and no other. Phjlq-na qry for Pitoher's CtcrK General News New York, Nov. 1 8. Rev. Pr. Chas. F. Deems died here to-night at 9-55 o clock. The karat, used in estimating the weight of gems is a grain of Indian wheat. Gen. Gordon announces that the postponed reunion of Con federate Vet erans at BirminghaTi, Ah., will take place April 25th and 20lh, 1894. Th World', F,ir fa -till op,n, and the paid admissions number about two thousand u day. It is" said that the physicians who have examined Penderast, Carter Har rison's ass-.ssin, find th.it he is respon sible for his acts. It has been decided that the main building of the World's Fair shall stand through the summer of 1894. Governor Turney has offered a re ward ol $500 for the arrest and convic tion of the parties who recently lynch ed four negroes in the vicinity of Lvnch burg, Moore county Tennes-ee. Memphis, Nov. 11. A head end collision' occurred yesterday morning near n.iruen ton, mis.. on me xazoo rt !... r- .i xr md Mississippi Vulle railroad. Both engines and seventeen cars were wreck ed and Braknien Sam Parker instaiit- y killed. The Charlotte Observer says that tst Sunday !i,50O anarchists gathered at the graves of the anarchists who were re hanged for participation in the Hay- market riot in Chicago, and speakers auded the bomb throwers aud Gov. Altgeld, denounced the "minions of the law,"and preached the gospel of anar chy. Yes this is the laud of the free. J Aren't we just a s-hade too free. It is said that there are now th re- thousand tramps on the road from California eastward by the Southern route, which is a ple isanter route to tramp at this season than the Northern one. iney organize in gangs ot JUU or 150, ami when a freight train comes fPI A 4 j-v along coolly take possession of it and etal.ft. Biluiingham, Ala., Nov. 10. At an early hour this morning the convicts employed in the Pratt Mines nrar tliis city, saturated the bath house with coal oil aul set it on fire in an eff-irt to es cape. The white convicts were asleep in the building. One was rescued in a badly injured condition. Two others, Joseph Mills a id Frank Monday, were burned to a crisp. Tlie guards pre vented an escape and extinguished ti e flames wilh a slight damage to the buildiu Mr Richmond, Va. Nov. 17, The body of a man supposed to be that of V. H. Simpson, or Harris, was found in the nv-r here today. There were no marks of violence upon his person. Tiu in in has leeii mis-ing since the 3rd of the month. He h .d only been in the city about a month and it is believed he came from York, Pa. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 21. Is aac Bates, late-president, and Win. T. Smith, late cashier, of the Bank ol New Hanover, were arrested today on indictments found by the judg? of li e Criminal Court, charging Ihem with certifying falsely to the statements of the condition of the bank made to the State Treasurer. Thev nromiitlv irave bond in I he sum of 2,(K)0 e;u h, with S ir-ties wln.se estimated edth is at east oi '0,000. 1 heir friends enter tain no suspicion that they have been uilty of any intentional wrong, ami confidently claim that the charge can not be sustained. Bcytsatlonftl TrAgedy. Fraxklijt, N. C, November There was a sensational tragedy hero todey in which a prominent young man lost his life. Charles WaUon, agu'd nineteen, the representative of an bid and wealthy family, was shot jjjd almost instantly killed ky John R. Roberts, a prominent dry goods merchant who ia several years older. There had been bad blood between the parties for some time, due to Watson's alleged intimacy with Mrs. Roberts. 'Why is he so Irritable. This question is often heard and nearly :is often unanswered. It is not always remembered, as it should be, that the occhs:ou of ill-temper and irritability Is ttfleti to be found in i he physicial conditon of the jpersona ui fected. What is the use of trying to "harmonize" a man whose liver has gone back on him? If a man is tortured with rheumatism, how can he be expected to be affable ami agreeable? Can a confirmed dyspeptic be' expected to be cheerful and always ready to tell a funny story? Ihe only "way to remove the difficulty is to etat the cau.se. Dyspepsia, rheumatism impure blood and liver trouble yieJd to Hood's Sarsaparilhi: this is why it is an Elective tranquilizer, a peaceful me-en-ger, aud a preventive of dciutstsc quar 'tis. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion,uss BROWN'S IRON BITTERS There is nothing so sweet as a duty and all the best pleasures of life come I in the wake of duties done. JZr. George Smith Uralde, Texas. SHAKESPEARE What Mr. Smith Think H Would nv Said About Hood's Sarsaparilla A Had Sliakespeare llTcd here and suffered as I have, I think he would have said. Throw away all medlchio except Hood's Sarsapa rilla. As an Englishman, coming to tlila climate, I have felt the heat very much. In the spring I felt as If I had all the care and anxiety of America ou my mind. I pot one bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and after I had taken it I felt as If I could undertake The Presidents Duties, tast month I had a return or prickly heat; it seemed impossible to stand up or lie down without almost tearine myself to pieces. I then cot one more bottle aud It has not only cured the heat but I bellevo it put my blood Mood'spCures in good condition. I advise all to take Hood's Sarsaparilla in the spring and falL" Geokgb mitu, Uvalde, Texas. Hood's Pills euro Nausea, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness. Sold by all druggists. CEMRAL SOUTHERN SEWS. Jackson, Miss., November IS. The federal grand jury has found to date 12$ Indictments, 200 of which are for illict distilling. Jasi'kr. Ai.a., Kovember IS. T. L. Lon ol this city, today announces himself for tho democratic nomination for congress in this, the sixth eon grossional district, against Congress man Iiankhcad. Long is a gold stand ard advocate. Kxoxtuxk, Texn, November 14. At S o'clock this morning Ida Hale com mitted suicide in a house of ill-fame in this citv. She came from Atlanta two months ago. She was about twent3'-two j-ears old ami quite pret ty. No cause has been ascribed for the act. Nashville, Texx., November 17. At Westsidc park yesterday .Julian P. Bliss broke the oue-h-undivd j-ard standing start bicyele record by mak ing the distance in 8 4-5, and the one eighth mile standing start record by going it in 16 4-5. Other attempts will be made tomorrow. Key West, Fla., November 20. The United States fcourt has decided that the McKay pilotage law, passed at the lust session of the legislature, is un eonslitutinal and void. This ends the great fight against the pilots of Flor ida, and is claimed to be a victory for the pilots and the people. Colombia, S. C, November 13. Bur rell Mills, a man sixty years of age, working in the state dispensary, fell from the elevator opening this even ing and struck the concrete floor in cellar. He was rendered unconscious and is thought to be seriously injured. He was sent to the hospital for treat ment. Columbia, S. C, November 15. There are thrcatsof serious trouble at a place five miles north of here on the South bound road. Several days ago some constables attempted to arrest r. negvo named George Stivender. He shot one of them and escaped. He has been Ale fying arrest and is being backed: by the negroes in the neighborhood. Stivender says he will kill any man who attempts to arrest him. He is de fended by his three brothers. Tho sheriff of Orangeburg has gone after him. Columbia, S. C, November 13. The report of the trustees of Clem son Col lege shows that the institution opened In July last with 444 students. There are now present 425 and 525 more are enrolled as applicants for admission in February. Many will hs refused on account of the lack of room. The total expenso per head for' ten months is 5104. Two hundred and fiftj'-nine stu dents are pursuing the agricultural oourse, and 115 the mechanical. Th state has paid by direct taxation for the school $68,000. Gadsdes, Ala., November 17. The large gin of A. T. Hopper, near Wal nut Orove, Etowah county, was de stroyed by fire last night, together with a lot of cotton. George P. taither is a heavy looser, having several bales of cotton at the gin. The origin of the fire is not known, butJt is supposed to have caugrt from a match in the lint room. The entiro plant, bogeher with about thirty bales of cotton, is a total loss, which will reach about three thousand dol lars with no Insurance. Columbia, S. (X, November 18. Gov ernor Tillman today appointed the following delegates to tho farmers' national convention, to be held in Savannah, December 13: Delegates at large, J. William Stokes, Orangeburg, S.C.; W. D. Evans. Marboro, S. C.;! first district, E. R. Walter, Orangeburg, S C. : second district, R. B. Watson Edgefield, S. C; third district, J. S. Newman, Clem-son college; fourth district, J. D. M. Shaw, Laurens, S. C; fifth district, T. J. Cunningham, Ches ter, 8. C; sixth district, J. S, Ca'ntey, Camdem, seventh district, H. R. Thomaa. Sakdkrstille, Oa., November 15. James Bailey shot and killed Julian Gonder on the plantation of George tlilmore, seven miles north of Sanders vllle, Saturday night. Both were colored. Bailey had given a negro woman 810 to change. Gonder was in the tenant houje, but soon left, after which the inonej' was missed. Gonder was followed to another tenant house, and inquiry was being made for the money, when he disclaimed any knowledge of it," and threatened any one who would accuse him of stealing it. Bailey and the negro woman both told Gonder that they did not accuse any one, but that the money was gone. Gonder became angry and drew his pistol. Bailey ran out of the door and tionder fired and rnssed him. Bailey turned and shot Gonder, killing him. Coroner Lowe held an inquest over the dead bodv, and after examining the witnesses to the tragedy the jury returned a verdict that Bailey had killed Uouder in beif-defensa. B. C.Webb.. WL. WEBB, NICHOLSON & RABP Salisbury Marble Works. - LARGE VAKIETY OF SIAEELE ON HAND TO SELECT FKo SATISFACTION QIJAISANTEED. DE. E03T. I. It A MS AY (Suryeon Dentist,) Salisbury; N. fi-OISoe hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. c. DR. W. W. McKENHE Offpra his nrofe jional services to the citizens of Salisbury and surrounding wmmunitv He am l6 IOUI1U at His oftice up stairs over tne post omce or ai Kluttz's drug Store. In The Shoe Business And In It To' Stay. As an evidence of our prices being HARD HITTERS, you have oniyo seethe 'ec oratians nf our competitor's store fronts marked AT C0ST!f:BEL0W COST BURSTED! This tells the w hole story in a nut shell They cannot compete with our prices and they have found out too lute that its deaih to attempt it . 0 0 pairs ol' new sample Shoes will he thrown upon the market by'us next week at lcSi than factory cos!. Very Truh, 23. 7CT. X3XTJTi'Z1 cs CO. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIES. Iitp -rt of tho Situation for t ii Wcfli KndinB Jfovmibvr 14, 1803. The Tradesman, Cliutiivnoojii. Tf rtn.. In its review of tue iiniu-itri-j.1 situation Ui tjo Sou I a lor ttio wi-.Vrt en.lini; Xovetulr I .la, report dcniuir.l lor .ii.ioiilaery is s-.u.v i - t-i r-.-itsa.i.: that a iair n;aatcr t .a su.l ul ,.c in in especially iu the t.ouiLaB- mill aaJ U.m t r in-Vis-trifs. are r -port(;.l 53 in proves.- or ere tlcn. and tiiai th r ; is q ideiu-e of a v.' l,st iiitial re vival of im'.-.s rica in tr-iirnl. IVc f&.oia:;c reat or t.ut li;.s pro vail :d thro in .out lav. SSo'.it.Miru S;it ;s :or sover.il wot-ki has ea:i';.loJ the cr'ipa -.o br; gr.tucr.-d in kooU. cnUi'.loa, lut pr-.-vaU.ntr prl. cs do not caoourae farmers to marki-t ti cm oa a itvre scale. Itfiet-ras to be crnerally lei evo; tbat l-.erc will be ; Uitve n- crf use in tf.e luinl cr output during the coming wtntcr. ua sto.ka ou, hand at te mills a.-eniucn reduced. So far as c-n to udgodfrom pi-c.-ailins con.'.i tlous iinaucial r-ad iiier.an l.e t.sta---rA- in twllly rvivi'tg. aa-3 iaanu;a turor3 generally aro iacreasiT t cir output. T ;o low nrxcs of cotton, co :!. iron siad t -c pro ivca of irou uro no-r tho onlv sr riots drawb -ol s t- pru--neriiy. Tlie Tradesman reports v- new industries es tablished or Incorporated during the week to gether wilh 3 enlargements of inauufactorles. and 'J important new buildings. Amou.; tne most laiportant new indL.strios of ti.c wee'.; are t.'ie Htration-Whi'.e Mwi.inc Company. Krt Worth, le-as. capital' tHW.'W); t e liamiiton Paint and Giass C.'ompanv. !. laj Tci kS lapl ltal ! "0.OX); the (lid Lcm;n;oa Kl-v tric Supply Company. Richmond, Vji., api;al 'ti") 0-X). i iu Columbian Company, Lambert s Point. Va , capital i"000: and the Ulic.!c:d Maohlna Works. Ulueneld. W. Va.. capita! f 10 Ou). Klourtm? mills ore to be built at Catawba and Ellcnboro. X. C. Aldie and DanTdle. Va.. and a rice miU at Davis Bridge, S. C. ; a foundry in reported at Louisville. Ky : lumber mills at Mobile. Ala. . and Uiloxi. Nil is.; furniture fac tories at Mobl'e. Ala. and Pocsasola, Fla.: a sash, door and blind factory at C hattanoo-a. Tenn.; saw mills at Willwton. Fla.. Da. Is Hridjro, S. C. and WalMsville, Texas: a atuve factory at Little Ko.k, Ard., and wagon works at Diirant. Miss. MARKET REPORTS By private wire to D W. Martin, ManaRcr. New Yukk. Nov. CO -CoTro.". Dec. 8 81: Jan. 8 87; Feb. 8 93: m:irket lirm Middlin? 7h : n arket Arm. Chicago. Not. 20 Futures closed at fo'.lows: Whe vt -Doc &;;j Cons. Dec. Oats. May :!0't " Puim.-Jan. f 1 i Lakd Jili. ti. i Sioes. Jan. 0.7I CmcAuo. X.rv ?0. Cash oi otat'nns wre n follows: Mess pork fl'. f1 . 0. Lard 8'. fa . Short ribs, lcoe. f". 7(f. . Dry salt shoulders, boxed. 7.:-5&7.50; short cler Bides boxed. 9.:-.ViS.fiO Savannah. Nov. .a Tarpentina ui; at 26; tK-tt M urm at Wo. Lkxingtok, Kt., November 17. Franklin Pearcc Scarce, the young real estate dealer who secured over forty thousand dollars by forg ery; escaped from jail last nig-ht by sawing' out the bars. Fie' Is six feet tall, light hair, prominent nose, of square build. It is supposed he went to Cincinnati, and from there to Clii caero. for these imitaiions and substi tutes, they are peer stuff at the best and ir.crcr.ee your misery. Take Simmons Liver Regulator only. You will know it by the large red Z on the face of every oackage and by the relief it gives when taken for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Constipation, Biliousness and Siek Headache. " E SIMMONS REGULATOR V LOOK OUT!!!- TI ONLY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Philad'a, Pa. Nicholson. T.J. INSUHAXCjv" -o- SOUND, STRONG 4 RELIABLE fOR Fire, Rents Life, and Accident Losses Promptly Adjusts Rates Reasonable J. M. PATT0N Office at C. M. & II. M. BrowrsSh youi hm YUU j i : x i.v 1 IV 1j JI U i ii y BY OBTAINING 8UHHCRIRKR9 F0U The Southern States. It ia k matrazii - I : v . 1 1 . mi uriiuuiuiiy UHMtratwl moiiiM- magazme-devoted to the South 1. - lull 01 mtere t lor everv ri.U.,t . c. - . . a South and ousht to be iu ev.ry Souther! Everybody Can Affordit as it costs only $1.50 per year or 15 emu lora single copy. We Want an Aont in Kvt rv Soulb j ...... ""fiur anibUeok ies and particulars to the ' MANUFACTURERS' RECORD TCB. Co Baltimore. Md. ;.ill notice to the fact that tli liavp rmH the sto k from tli-lr store nn.ni uin't-r liie unij.i .l l.-l lo tlK-lr olfLi'o Ki.hcr STftci Wtiu,. JJOnE G09DStllan wvn- k and lu order to reduce our stock will offrr SPECIAL BARGAINS for thf next THIRTY DA IX IlKYfJOOlNV Call and he convinced that wp tan &fjm money by bu. Inp: fn-m t;s. D. R. JULIAH SONS. ATTOHX K Y- AT-L ..X. ' troy, k c Offers his pj-ofe-sipnal services to4 tl e irp!e f Mnntnmery nd d- jonunj: counties. . Ad'leris him- tt Troy, N. U. J, H. HORAH'S WAR RATED SILVERWAM WILL LAST. in s pi WE GUAlLCv lXE SPOONS AND- t FORK S wmi Sterling Silver BACKS TO WEAR 2 5 YEARS- The pieces of Fterllnr PH vcr inlaid at the points 4 of rest prevent any - weaxwnatever. FIVE TJMES a3 much Silver as in Stand ard l'late. FAR BETTER than IJfht So' id Sllreraad )H)t one-half the cost. . Each article 13 stamped E. STE n LI NG-I Ni-AI D YE. Accept no substltuto. Made 0Lr by The-Houic & Eobs SVa C Anti Sold by the Old Be liable Jewelers, J. & H.IIH0RAH, M . in Sf L.:i'l.iirv. X.G III T J MILLSTONES. Uminrr hnnrt-hf tiie K K I'.'.tl.lf iPh jiiii; Quarries, 1 will continue t' rurni"" ' . .... ..,,.1 iV.Ht known gin, tor coin am --....t j. i. "'Vt notice : AU peraous are e;mn""" "t.- L II ...S.:...J .urjilBJl " tiati atiugany notes puri.rmK to w fc lade bv E. Ii. Pet tit and f. -M" in Hivor .f T M Russell, ot M Montgomery county, L:-,t., notes having been -iven wiLtiu"i tration iuc to an areeinvnt i"'1. been carried out li;ihe .-aid L. sell in relation tlit-reto. prttitV notici: H'.iviinT- nil;i Illicit .1? l;.lif 11)111 1 J of .1. S. Goiiiiii;lif 1 n.J W lierv.by given K ;i" r . claimsagaiiist sai'l vt . ' jit themrdulv Hutheiitic-il.'Jjjjl on or before 25th day :t w d on tins notice win-, ' f r their recovery. -Ann ' . (leiited to sui.l esut-e bre to in..ke iirnieiliate '"'ififlt.' claimssa i:. uoo; D.R.JuIian&Sons luun mt wl