Watchman Uh. At AND ClTV KbITOK. & Co's new ad. iu this iwil.g 8 came iD latC fr tion th week. r ttVJe, Eq- of Troy.Morrtgomery aU tbe city Tuesday. r1'"- rr ' . nf wood on flon to tl,eVATCHMAtf. ' h',a.t A new o room wttcHc u rftuutHiH- Apply " Scribe to --lie" Watchman and Ullie. J Ubcir3e,inLrdFntrf ! greeted wilb a good crowd at, the ul Siw'ie C. Gray, of Bctbany, ' ... t. l.- rilwr Mr. fj. K. J5urft- ' ' WeareRladrto8ec Mr. K. A- Byrd 9Ugaioafi'5 weeks' illness ot ty- Icvtr. HenrY M. Wright left Friday night : .i,w,ni . to euier tne aeniai ue- fof iutu " ' nt of tbe Co) lege of the Physi Jatid Hugeous. - Rpfore passing sentence on Burgess rr Judge WlUiaKer "u me wuu , "i..f !1 nervous not. connected !ith the case and privately examined to the manner iu wnicn Hie ,! bl 1" treated. Jno. L. itehdlenian took tbe neces 'unvtt" M nd ty before Judge Whi ,t?ranJ i now entiMel to practice in " - ,J ihf courts of North Carol i- t The Landmark says that the n-irroM who showed Squire Billy Mills the "buffato trick" in Stafeayille recently. 301 tflree years each iu the penitentiary at the court then? last week. Scrofula i one of the most fatal rnbno- th scourges which afflict mankind. Chronic 6orv cancerous humors, emulation, and congu i:ii- nun. me result 01 scroiuia. A jer a bassn urtll;i eradicates this poison, and restores, to the looI, the elements of life and health. The best medical authorities say the Droner way to treat catarrh is to take a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsapari 11a. The week of prayer for young men ended Sunday afternoon with a public meeting in the Y. M. C. A. hall. A good attendance was presen; and an interest ing talk was made by Mr. K. V. Miller secretary of the association. A collec tion was take and fifteen dollars raised for the international committee. - ' ' Dr, Smith-, for 3-5 years pastor of the Presbyterian church at Greensboro, has asked for a co-pastor The congregation considered the matter and agreed to pay the co-pastor $1300- Then without a nomination, the congregation voted for the man. The result showed 113 for liev. Egbert V. Smjth, and 3 scattering. It shows that tbe congregarion is unani mous, liev. E. W. Smith is a son of the old Doctor, and is one of the brainiest and ablest preachers in the" state. Cou- cord Standard. Iter. Dr. W. T. Black, .Superinten dent of the Oxford Orphan Home, in the Orphans Frind calls upon all friends of the orphau children to help them by donations of provisions, cloth ing or money. There are 229 children of all denominations at Oxford to be fed and clothed, and he earnestly re- requests the pastors of every congrega tion in the State, on Thanksgiving Day to give their people an opportun ity to aid in this responsible and la borous work. Oetuhwa, la., Nov. 21. An excited md angry mob hung Fn-d Gusfaveson to Hie stair railing of Justice Truitt's court room at 2:30 this evening.' He lad rajied the four year old girl of Joints Sax about 10 o'clock last night. The brute was promptly arrested after committing the crime and lodged in jail. Ths morning he was taken to the Sax house and positively identified by the little girl and a companion. Sir E lwarJ Walkin, the great Eng lish railway m ignate, is actively en- gaged in an effort to promote the cut- iag of a eanuLacross Ireland, rrn Dublin to Gal way Bay. He thinks hat a canal that would carry the argest ships could be cut for about $40,000,000, and says, as the principal argument iu its favor, that it would materially shorten the route from En-g aud tothe Uuitei btates. this scheme was originally proposed by the Marquis of Anglesey. Mr. F. A. Rahst of North Dako ta, a son-in-law of Capt. J. C. McCan- 1 It nf D:itlliTi f Him t.ilti fKij onimtir rsTAi-wart it Kinerly receive KClet-t! . .V. . ..r water fish Wednesday's and Satur dij's rpectively, call and jfiye them jour order, they deliver promptly. Kuliceto Delinquents ! Don't you think it i- time you. were paying your jubscriptioii to this paper ? We think w If yon do.rt intend to pay please jiotifr us aud we will discontinue the ljicraii'l put your bill iu the hands ..fa'willeetion airencv. Please give this j..ur attention. are porry to announce Ihe death 7$ IU J. Lerov D'.tm notice of which fruoi th Coneorl Sfandanl ap iar in anoi her column Mr. Datnn, -w;o jiixt iu the bliMtn of young man- , Wand was -an exception illy brig it and pniinisi-trg yomig mtn. His niiiiy fri-tids in this county will learn of his death with sincere regr -t. We le-irn from a Norwood correspon-d-iit that iieiiry Ks. a thtef who hiake jail at Albemarle, July was eaptured a lew' days aj;o by Air. Frank Wat kins, of NoiuimhI, and John Little, of Wadeboro, m. . . . r t .i sent a swan to Air. aicuaii less tnis week from the Western land for i Thanksgiving dinner. Around the neck of the swan was a not with the Endowing unique remarks: "Tuis is a Dakota swan. - Don't look at hitn. Eat him Thauksgiviug. Th-v are gvd when kept two weeks without ice. Finest meat you ever ate; much lik turkjy." s Mental depression, wakefulness, lost manhood caused by errors of youth or liter excesses quickly cured by Mag netic Nervine. Guarnleed by Edrin Cuthrell 'Salisbury N. C. Ashevilxk, Nov. 16, Rev. B. G. Wild,' of Webster, was kicked by a horse yesterday and so badly hurt that he died iu a few hours. He was 58 years old.aud a member of the Western t ,1 n ir r t ' ir 171 iNortn uironna ionierence, iu. Xi. Church, South, and father of J. A. Wild, messenger in Collector Eli'is' office. . StateNewi. ; George Jones rest uran t . waiter Ju Greenslwro, -dropped dead Tuesday uight without a moments warning. The Scotland Neck Democrat saays that Sheriff Allsbrook of Halifax, ha,i male an assignment offal! his proper ty to his bondsmen. His liabilities arc 5,O00. The Record says the congregation of tlieJBm rresbytenan church of Greens- ooro, is to meet next Sunday afternoon" , ffr9lAir tViA m .... ' L m . ww.., , luo cuxaeiuenior an assis tant to tlie pastor, Rev. Dr. J. Henry Smith, who has beeti the pastor of the church jniice 1859. The Statesville Liudnn-rk sas:--Dr- J.H.Isham, the physician aent out bv The firm of Turlington, Woodall & the Stockton Medicine Compauy, of Brown of Charlotte is to be dissolved Nashville, Teun., to give free prescrin- Mr. Brown will!10118 Wi bere Monday, but the phy sicians or. tne town objected to his prac- I f lpi n ty (uuxiiicA ... i. At the. Presbyterian church States- rZT l" ville at4 o'clock last Thursday after- " , B,,u ue " any .r t . worK. tie was arretted m Mnrmntn.. wiinvu Ihe com Dii nv contnd ihat tha i ----'--- umv uc .tans the first of the year, withdraw. M ju t t r xt r iic was arretea in Jlort noon, ill r. J. B. Ives, of New Berne, r4. l n . ak- p n u i o7 ' tor Pcticmg and the agent of th and Miss I? annie Carmschael, of Stsites- d. .... 6 , :n.-..,....:i :.. .... .. Pan Sa)'8 that will be made a tea ville were united in tnairiage, the cere mony beiug preformed by the Rev.'Dr, Wood. e corn- test case. of this State do not prohibit an unreg istered physician from practicing when he takes no fee. 0. B. Wheeler, Jr., the embezzler of Vanderbilt's money, was called in Bun combe Criminal Court Tuesday and failed to respond. Mrs. Elizabeth Oakes Smith, a poe- stealing a mule. Before sentence Dro- tess ana tne widow ut Appletoir (Jake? uounced the judge gave him an onnor. U...:it. tl T 1 TA - 1, i . . i -i i m m . . - ' ouum, jacK uowning, died at her tunny to speaK tor himself and he . v.- .-wv- ... 1u.m uvai, vmreict iuu- ' m. nuumil 1 t:I LUCK Qg mUle nO- A correspondent of the Kineton Free Press says at the last term of Jones county court a negro was convicted of How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward fur any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh 1 ure. F J. CHEENY, Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheeny for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and nuaucially able to carry out any tbligations made by their firm. West &Traux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggist, Toledo Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting din ctly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle- Sold by all D ruggisls- Tes timouials free. ty, Wednesday night. Kinston Free Press: Last.Fri day Mr. J.C.Wooten, Sr.,of this county fell froma wagon and broke his thigh, from which cause he died vester .. J l;., negro three uuj Mwa uivu v v vr cw ijini residence in Woodlngton township. He ar vvawu ucau The Concord - Standard savs that Conrd standard, Miss Annie Gove, M. D, the resident Ley Deaton a native of Row physician of the State Normal school, pn cunty but who accepUd a call to a how el I hadnt er read in de Tester meut whar Jesus tuck a mule." The Judge remarked: u Yes but he didn't jeft ride him to Kington and try to sell him; and thereupon he eave the j years iu the penitenti- ONE-HUNDRED DOZEN - Woven - Corsets, Which we have bought of a Factory going out of business, w offer at the following prices: French French Woven Corsets worth $1.25 at French Woven Corsets worth $1.50 at French Woven Corsets worth $2.00 at Olceiits WJcents. - - Has procured us a big lot of HAMBURG Eul BROIDERIES, Which we will sell at less than regular Wholesale Prices. Our line of Dresspiu aM Trimminss is bow Coaulste, from tie cHeapsit UP TO THE LATEST IMPORTED NOVELTIES. ' We are sure to be able (o please you in quoting, S.yle aud P.-iJe. You have nevea seen a nicer line of Cloaks for Ladies. Misses and Cb;M,. as we are exhibiting novy. We -offer them :.t very- Low Prices. Come and get your choice now, when all the sizes are complete. 3 ASStlFiSS1 AMD 3FS.TnrC3-.S The biggest selection in town, whiclv we will sell at prices to suit vour Docket- uooh. our oiock is couipieie wnn rename goods, as we ixsitively decline to handle trash. Your Gkx1 Mney deserves Good - Goods, and you can" find them at low prices at, Littmann & Lichtensteiiw Court in Sjgasion. " The November term of Rowan Supe rior Court, Judge'Spier Whitakcr presid ing convened Monday morning. The fol lowing Grand Jurors were drawn : T. A. Coughenour, foreman, W. T. Fry, Geo. II Koon, Moses A Fesperman John L Kusher, Cal. J Deal, C M Varner, Jas A Ba-anger, Jacob A Thompson, Luther C Miller, Saui'l. L Lowrance, Geo. A Ward, T M McCulloh, . JnoT M Eddleman, J li Leonard, Win. E Deal, Jno. H Mich el, Sj A Earnhardt. Ptit Jurors are : Henry A Propst, Pros J Leonard, Edward L Pethel, Caleb L KluHz, F II Mauuey, Jno. D A Fisher, aud placed iu I lie custody of the sherilf, ! Frank P Shoe, John Wilhelm, John W lio'juve them a -reward of $10. for the capture. Don't you think it is time you were fijiiijj- juBr subscription? Do you want to wait alwayspSoine'of you h ve len waiting a long time and we want hntis honestly dueus, so Call and pay tp. .-'('- - Improper and deficient care of the clp will causv grayuesK of the hair aud Imldiiess. Kscaiie lnih bv the use of The Wish Gratifiei. Yon have often wishes for something to take the place of Pills. Now try a 25 cent package Simmons Liver Regulator powder. Take it dry on the tongue or make it into u tea. Il is pleasant o take aird gives quick reiiog two good recommendations. - at Greensboro, came in to secure tem porary license to practice medicine in North Carolina. Dr. R. S. Young is a member of the board aud Dr. Gove came to see him. . Of all the lucky newspapers in North Carolina the Fayetteville B'tp- tistii the luckiest. It, .says: u0ne brother in Western Carolina appreci ates the paper so much that he sent interest on his back subscription." Lutheran church at Seattle Wash in a. o tor about a year ago is dead. The Standard- has no particulars ns the telegram made just the simple announcement of his death. Mr. Deaton was well know in Con cord, He was an alumnus of North Carolina College, at Mt. Pleasant, He was a twin brother of Rev. W.A. Dea ton who is pastor of a church near Co lumbia, S.C. We knew Rev. Deaton as a school Positive and Negative. The race Question is tnsettled But it is settled that Hood's Sais apar- illa lead all remedies. - Disease marches through all lands, Newspaper Law 1. Subscribers who do not give ex press notice to the contrary are cour iered as-wishing tocoutinue their su'f- But good health blesses all who take ! eenl,uon- HnJ'j S.irs.nnriUa 11 uiscriors oroer tne QIS- Butler, Jno. A Misenheimer. B A Rodden L C Moore, P A Sloop, Paul J Kluttz, G A. J Sechler, Jno. Q. Foreman. Tbe- following cases- on the criminal docket have been disposed of. Richard Graham, affray, nol pros with leave. David Hayes, affray nol pros with leave. Mamie Henderson, disorderly houe, nol pros with leave. James Bernhardt, retailing, two cases, nnl nros with Imv Ut reliable specific Hall's Hair Renewd c,yde Kriderj aflray no, pro9 with tr, Ir leave. Castoria is truly a marvelous tiling for children. Doctors prescribe it, medical journals recommend it and laore than a million mothers are usiiig it iu place of Partgori', B.iieuian's drops, s called soothing syrups and other narcotic and -stupefying remedies. Castoria is ihe .quickest thing to regulate the stomach aud bowels and give healthy sleep the world has ever seen. It is pleasant to the taste aud absolutely harmless. It re lieves constipation, quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, allays feverish ness, destroys worms, .nd prevents con vulsions, soothes the child and gives it refreshing aud natural sleep. Custoria is the children's panacea the mother's friend. Castoria is put up in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't al low any one to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as ;ood" and "will answer every purpose." f See that you get CASTORIA. The death of Rev. Dr. Chas. F. Deems, ill be leurued with deep regret by our whole State. He was well known throughout the State, having lived in different parts of it td being connected Milh several of i.ur educational iustitu-! liou while hero. " - ev. A. L. Coburit and wife will quiet ly celebrate the twenty-h'lh anniversary f their marriage ut their home to-morrow evening. Only uear relatives and a ftw hititnate friends are iuviled to be Ifeseiits, The Watchman acknowlelges' with thnk to the publislier, Dr. Ievi Bruu n, Raleigh, the receij)t of Ibansons 'orth Carolina Almarfnc for 1S94. It is f" M Valuable information of officers cf. Payment of costs. James Rice. larceny, nol pros. George Newsom, c c w, submits, judg- ment suspended ou payment of costs. David WenseL retailing, nol pros. R. K. Gould and John M. Morgan, af fray, submission; judgment suspended on payment of costs. . Burton Colbert and Pink Neely, dis posing of mortgaged property, not guilty. Wade Brantley, assault with deadly weapon, submission; judgment suspended on payment of costs. George March, retailing spirituous liquors without license, not guilty. Paul B. Taylor and Samuel Snider, assault, guilty; judgment suspended on LUM Nt ..I .1 .ivc, jiuuuc insiiiuiious, ana otner feueral iiiformalioii. Our neonl Walter Hessf robbery, guilty; sentence not passed. George- W. Alexander, Jr., assault oay to learn that Evangelist W. R Gales, ( with deadly weapon, guilty; two months i on the chain crancr tractetl meeting in Lee t?l reel chapel Sun ' Might, could not meet his appoiut- neiit. He ls "expected to be here aud !ye an opening wrvice in-the chapel 7orro night. Mr. Gales is an earnest Wristian worker, crowds. aud alwuys attracts I! Miss c ora Franklin, a most estima- young hid v 'of Charlotte, died verv 'eiily b.mday afternoon. She was' pK' on the porch when .die su'dden-7-hpjwl from t In7 chair to ihe floor. was carried to her Joom and an Ft m:i to revive her, but unsuc cessfully. Sit.,, . i ... i i . i . . "'re urn an uour i iier. cauc of her death was aii abscess 011 lfr lung,. . An "iwation or injections of c irbol j !,tld ar 'xrieinely dangerous. Try u' P'te Cure Positively guaran- IwinfJutljrcJl Salisbury" N. Joe. Murphy assault with deadly wea pon submission three months on the chain gang. Thomas Burger larceny not guil- ty. ' Wash Luckey resisting officer, submis sion; three months on the chain gang Wash Lucky assault submission; three months on the chain gang, the terms of imprisonment to begin at expiration of first term. B. H. Wood abduction plea of insanity tried and found sane B. H. Wood abduction, guiltyj years m penitentiary. Japanese Liver Pellets are the best family medicine for liver complaint and constipation. 5o pills in vial 23 cents. Sold at Edwin Cuthrell's. Lost Oa Fulton street, Saturday night, a black overcoat. Finder will please return to C, G, yiele, TIip fc simile siif,.uiurf OI 13 01. every. wraper Winston, ISov. 18. John Smith oi mate, a chum and society fellow. We Sandy Ridge, Stokes county, while in- have never known a better or nobler toxicatcd, accidentally discharged his young man. He was one of the most guil in the house. The ball struck hi-? conscientious gentlemen in our ac sister, Mrs. Frances Manuel, in the left quaintance. The Standard is truly side, si le. The ball pained to hear of the death of this was extracted but the woman's condi-lbright young man tiou is critical. energy, scholarly attainments and a The football team of the State Uui- r'"re lifH pro make a shining will leave this week for New ,nark ,n ,1,s Profession York-. wbe,v it nlavs Lehioh Uiiiver- 'Tis sad to think Leroy Deaton is - 1 i . " continuance of their periodicahj, the n.,l.i;..i...- i: i. . i.i But Hood's Sarsaparilla p , f cu,m,,ue lo wn ine uulii .in ci ; iea rages are paia. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the of fice to which thev are directed, thev ne responsible until they have settled their bill and ordered them discontiu- jued. 4. If the subscribers move to other Dyspepsia is a greot foe of the liu- man race puts it to fight. Scrofula is one of the most terrible of diseases. But Hood's -Sarsaparilla exqels it from the system. The people of this day, like Job, suf fer from boils. But Hood's Sarsap- lla is a sovereign remedy for them. Catarrh is one of the most disagreea ble disorders. is sure to relieve and cure it. Rheumatism racks the system like n- Oie. thumb-screw, lint it i?treats bet on-. lk1'Wih l 1 1 ll j ki l in Pitrtmii. i I... 1 But Hood's Sarsaparilla .... puui.M.- iei, iiiiu pajn-i-uie sein hi me lorillri I i :.:. . i i ii oircciion, tuey are neia retponat- sity, at the "Manhattan field," on the 25; h. Then i'- goes to Richmond to play a Thanksgiving day game with University of Virginia. Wisstox, Nov. 21. State Secre tary Coulter is here conducting the wee! of prayer services at the Y. M. C. A. The meetings are leing largely dead ! Hood s Sarsaparilla will bless ty s theages roll on. Eeath of Mr l. John W. Moore. Charlotte News, 18th. This morning at 3;15 o'clock, Mrs John W. Moore, wife of Rev. John. attended and mucii interest is oenio two yearS i,avi, lg lost her health while iu Japan and never being able to regain List it. bne was twenty -six yeiirs ot age, manifested. ; The North Carolinian irireata ucimi , - mi t i i ; ., i. i oe riiiri uuv iiui m. who, by force of Power of HooJ f Sarsaparilla. u Vw fftm uf IjOSS OI appeuie ieau? wmeiii-ii"n , , . . . . . i t .t 11 ,lleiir IflllllVIII'' l4ltil UbvIiiii thKin But Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the .. . . . , " tlllC'lrtl for. la I'll Hit Ftlfir l,i i !,..) plainest repast tickle the pnlat-. f M,t 'rn 1 Life is short and tune is ftWlunr, bur . . ie ttmi, r ttlHli p ihtinheri (at thr . ihifir timtif thev do not -Hh to coiitiiutt taking it; oiherwis the puUmher i atlthoru d tt iMtd it and ihe ubcrtb-r will lie i-m.ii-i -until an ex pre- notice with p-iyiuefii ;uf all arrearage is hen! to the publish er. The laws are such thai ; newspaper publishers can arrest ii v joite for fraud who takes a paer aoi j refuses to pay for it. Under this law "The constant drop of water Wears away tbe hardest stone; The constant gnaw of Towser Masticates the touehest bone; W. Moore, died at her home, in Deri- The constant cooing lover. ta. t'urries off the blushing maid; Mrs. Moore has been a sufferer for And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade." Magnetic Nervine quickly restores b'St-manhood . and youthful vigor. Sold by Edwin Cuthrell Salisbury N. C. If awart be rubbed with the pared sur face of a freshly cut potato three time a day it will disappear within a month. It has been caluated tbe 800 shots were fired for every man wound duriug our last Civivil War. QUEER VISITING CARDS. , Many are the uses to which the cactus is put, but one of the queerest is that which prevails in Cape Town, South Africa, where -cactus leaves are made to serve the purpose of visiting cards. It might occur o the reader that a package of thick leaves covered with prickly spines would not bo easily accommodated in an ordinary card caso. The leaves of the special kind of cactus used for this purpose are not very prickly, however, and, further- more, these unique cards are not carried about, but are left growing on the plant which stands at the foot of the front steps. When a lady calls she has only to take a hat pin from her bonnet and scratch her name on the glossy sur face of one of the leaves, while a gentleman accomplishes the same end with his sharp penknife. The lines thus scratched turn silver white and remain clear and distinct on the leaf for years. On New Year's day these cactus cards are particularly convenient, and popular hostesses often appro priate a large branch of their cactus plant to the registry of visits re ceived on that day. There is one cactus, which is not especially plentiful,' which not only has smooth leaves, but has spines so large and, still that they makeex cellent pens, and visitors are saved even "the slight trouble of drawing out a hat pin or a penknife, -Youth's Compcjiipau .. week 36 people went from Randolph j and Davidson counties to settle in the i West. In the party there were 11 men, 8 womeu and 17 children. One of the gentlemen will settle in TeXas, 4 in Missouri and 31 in Arkansas. Three of the above are from Davidsou and 33 from Randolph. News reached here yesterday that the barn of Mr.Levi Gunter, living one and a half miles from Sanford was burned on the night of the 17th. Nine head of horses and mules perched, aud a quantity of forage was burned. A gin house was also burned. The origin of the fire is unknown but is reported to be incendiary. Mr Guther is a man of good character and a good farmer, and his loss is greatly regretted. X. 0 .fJhronicle. Raleigh, Nov. 18. Persons who came down the Richmond & Danville road brought the news this morning of the killing of a negro man andvoman at fiVrlington fast night "by n f engine of which the veteran Jake $.iccs was engineer. Just as the westbound pas senger train was about to ' enter the train shed, the man and woman stepped iu front. In a second they were under the wheels and were cut to pieces. The man was a railroad employee An inquest was held this morning and the engineer was exonerated. A Special to the Citizen from Paint Rock, at the Tennessee and North Carolina state line, says a Chinaman named Ling Gun has been4 running wild in that vicinity for the past ten days; Investigation reveals the fact that Gun was from AshevilleTand was robbed two weeks ago near Hot Springs of 8250 by Bob Morris and Carter Ward, who cruelly beat Gun and drove him into the woods, where he continues n iraiJur if U fparpd. in an insane tO U14 0UV4, ' w condition. The matter will be report ed to the Cbiuese minister at Washing ton and to the Secretary of State, Gres- ham. Ward and Morns huye been ar- and was the only daughter of Maj. S. Does Death End All ' . i i ii i i An editorial in an afternoon paper, " SUUN-P1'"" V: Reid. of Steel Creek. Early in life 8av SDeakii of Col. Robert G. Inger-'" run along for some time unpaid a. I lin li a soil : ltWhv not make public the rumor)' ret used and have a postal euro .m u: church. Nearly four years ago she that the brilliaut orator who has been;titying the publisher, lay h m.e.i married Rev. John W. Moore, and lled the arat American infidel, hasJHble to arrest and hue the ame as i- Un hpurd tosav in public betore he uien, eic. i mw--- y a Miss Reid connected herself with Cen tral Steel Creek A. R. Presbyterian tendered her resignation as teacher in A n Industrial Revelation. A Mrs. S. Palmer, of Poiifltuo. the Huntersville High School, which Lj e3 tnat he believes in immortality?" he then held, to leave immediately for ngerS0U wu's questioned on the; Japan, to which field her husband had v: t m his apartmenls iti the Adams! been elected a missionary oi nis Hn,0 aA ; renlv L'ave the toilowiiig i,..s discovered an liunorUut ,:idii-;n.ii i t : autoraDh statements : ; process in a very extraordinary vv..v. Moore remained in Mi i,ave never 8U1 "that perhaps be-;,. pal,ner h,,s oUr ln- known to Japan until last summer when, on fore I die I will say in public that l;p,,ssess some extraordinary occult. n.- account of her broken down health,U jjeve m njmortality.' 1 have noth-;werj,. It is said that slit can t:fct church. Mr. and Mrs due to the hot climate, they returned to Mericlenbursr. After arriving at s. ing to conceal on that question, i scrap of any person's handwriting iu have always beeu perfectly frank uudfler handor a bit of his elothing, cr home MrsMoon seemed to be moreL ttVe Kjven the transcript of my heart; ilQy object intimately associated with la ltT " t . cheerful, but it was evident from the first that she eould never rally from the great shock her frail constitution had received in the hot and disease contaminated atmosphere of Japan. m t M and brain. ' jhim, and at once give an accurate ue- 'I doot say that detth ends all, iscription of his personal appearance. neither do I say that man is immortal, mental abilities, and more or ic- I say that I do not know, ao know;, ,f j, history. She can take any oi- IS Olie tiling, ueocc i& .vv..-.., in i.ei - - r to hope is still another. j whence it came and the aisociatioo - ... . .. t-ii . . fri- . . L I UI hone for all joy, for the cnuuren ;COnnected witu it. inis remarat,ie !- .. i i i t i of men. jtacuiiy n;is oeen kuowu m -an. u All I can siy about immortality Elmer's intimate friendi for yean this There was a time wtien i wa ,ney nave ueitguteu in vcsuuk The Faith Cure in Guillord. Greensboro. Record. An interesting case comes to our notice from Sum merheld. Mrs. Davis, t, There was a time when l was tjley have delighted in testm u. w. .....w. ... ; f nt hr IVjT. D.ivis. of I tL u..r I utqj now I am. and it .inv hi-r husband iaVe her hi f dr-.-d uie ouiii; Tine - v not. alter nm " i w "'j - that place, was very ill with fever, and b that it is no more wonderrm WOOI pulp. She luui uever een a. it seemed, as both she and the family tnat j should continue forever, now before and did not know what it was that I have a start, than it was that 1 but she at once described it nature ana should begin. ! the process through which it hud We love, and those we love die, and -passed, Not only that, but she per we cling to the hope, to the wish, that ceived a simpler proc-ss by which it we maymeet again. Love was the first COuld be imide, and being something of to dream of immortality, and as long H chemist she proceeded to experiment love we shall hope. Boston I with it. Whatever may oe mougnnji Uhe ni inner in which she arnvea ai ui- liscovery. it appears to km ry valu. I. de one, and a company h.w been or. ganied iu Bangor, with a cfpiiu! d SVK),KK) to m I'lufactuni woo-i i :. thought, that she was at the very gate of death. Her relatives and friends were gather ed around her iiedside and she lntd bid den them good-bye. Just as they thought she was almost gone as if by a miracle she rase from the bed and walked to the fire, saying she was cured cured by faith. This was over two weeks ago and see has since been rapidly regaining her health, and if she continues to improve will soou be perfectly well. We were not astonished to learn that Avcr's was the only Sarsaparilla admitted at the World's Fair. It prov ed to our minds that the directors of the Columbian Exqosition were true to their determination to render ample :...Hr.P to every manufacture worthy JII.-VIVW of representation ment. as we Dispatch. i hat and encourage Ask Your Friends, Who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla i . it : i.;.,L. itai.d Hip rpnlv will wnaimey .ou- - ' di,,,, to Mrs. Palmers s met i... be positive in its favor. Simply what i-cruin0 to ... ii i i.n. ii... - - - Hood's Sarsaparilla does mat mis ... - t-.- ,.f it- mprit. One has been cuieo S!ie It is a rank injustice to sv of indition or dyspersia another wom.n is inferior to a man iu re.ou, finds it indispensable for.sick h!1., ivnnrt. reV f J " or biliousness wine oiot.- ...rL-uble cur' of scrotum cat.irran IJini r." rheumatism, salt rheum, etc. Ilnods Pill are purely vegetable. unuirkaQucroearvaunrkti - "mi Because ldroil Trihu' She ! rssp BP.own men pnrf? s .'Tins l!lt:oii. nihwbi.eM. I !;- - 4 - IL. All iManvm -

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