o '-tjgfufetnui. lias double tho cir--eulation of any other wecMy, pul -Eshed m me city.. , pKOUIlTII SERIES SALISBURY, N C, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 80, 1893. NO. 44 A i Jae Carolina WaiekinaiL h . v ' What is .' . imrmsM III lA--"" is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's an(l Children. It contains neither Oium, Morphine ncr other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. ' f rdothcrs. Castoria "b . . . ..-..-t -th'. Ziotiier s i-neuu. Castoria. I reeoBj''npa'l it as siTior to aii i--escTiiUou taown to '"- IL A. Abcues, ?I. D., j:j ho.. "x.'.iri St., Brooklyn, N.Y. "TheKsc f C8toria is ro nsiversal and Hj BU-iiiW. w.U"k-oowjUh..t it ser ini a work of wyiiwJjcirtoM-ftrso it- "Jw are tho KwYurkClty. IE COMMITTED SUICIDE! The Cause and ItsLesson. ITAy did bo pommitKiiieule ? Oh! fur titttinereinon tHat tliousands of others are B ihe verge of tlie same J-in, or iaimmo diate danger of insmity. par.il.vsi idiocy, orwrne otlier equally unforHiiiMt- result ot m nervous ail'a-tion. He knew he w:is : gfflicted whk a m-rvoiH disorder, btit was' ? orele aipparenljy imliikM-ont t the o:it tome; or he m rj 4ihv- I;s-mi-1 liis-dja:i.v.j fcr recovi-ry by treat iiu with f-ihysicuns fho ltad lit" If or no kti .vle'.le oi such af fections or hy .lclii'uig himself with worlh fejiwwalltd rcme.li.'H. IIis case w:is a sail one, but n wotve ili:m that of a iy other wrvoiis sHllerer, who Ins- nervous or sick fcwnache, biliousness di..iness, irritability, ' ' Bsbacdolv, fulin mesa ;y, -hot Uislje.s, fainting, sUrple-iv , nervous Mlyspejhsia, sexual debility. rLi -jy. etc.' Tiie same or imilar w.isei aen v's a e l'.kely to result to anyone who Ins ;i it of- tiioc advance - wni)loins of an. a :":d t ud. I o n.St hesitate iii getting rid of-theai hy intelligent treat ment. Dr. Fraukl'iM Miles the celebrated iecialist, has stu lieil nervoin diseases over 1Q rears, aiil has dis-overe l tin only re- ' liable remedy "for tlietn. Thouinds of vol untary testimonials prove" the, virtues of Dr. Miles' Restorative N. rvine. AWnxo ltirker, of CUaton, V. Y. writes: "I ri. to alflir.ic I with extreiae nervousness iJiat Iwwon the terse f itis.i iitv. My'.lianis trein ble4f) that I eoull w irecly feel myself. I u-ed twelvt trttles of lr. Miles'" Kestorativo Xerviiu-. and wat cured. It is wiili pleasure I recommend . tbli wonderfur rvineVy fir nervous tr iilliles." "I ha.l fH'cn a p'reat nilTerer from chronic hiadtfhe until I began. Hbout four months ajro, (o iue Ir. ViU's' Rcstorutive Nervine ami Pills, nfnee which time I hive not bad a headache. SerenJ of my friemls are nsinn Ir. M'.le' Kt-m- . edi, and riml tbem.as I did, to lmore Ih in jiju ckim fur tliera. Mrs. Mary Kister, Lo Anieles.Cdl. W. II. Capwell, editor Tribune. Plymcnth. Pa., writei : " My wife was cured of sick headache of many years' standing by the nse of Dr. Mills' Ewtorative Nervine. She hasrecom mended it to hw frifn.la, and tliey all prais1 it highly." Dr. Miles' Kaorative Nervine is sold ly all druiRistaon a positive sruaramee. or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad., on " receipt of price, SI per bottle, six bottles for", eirets prepaid. It is posit vvely free from opint.f - wdineious drugs, nr. Miles' Pills, "50 d iiea, 8eant. Free boot at druggists, or by uiail. i - for Sale by all Druists. The Fundamental of Life Assurance Is protection for the family. Unfortunately, however, the heneficiaries of life assurance are often deprived of the pro vision made for them, through the loss , of the principal, by following bad advice regard ing its investment Under the Tontine Installment Policy of The Equitable Life you are provided with an ab - solute safeguard agaihsfcf uch misfortune, besides securing a much larger amount of in surance for the same amount of premiums paid in. For facts and-hgures, aefdress J. RODDEY, Manager, cclM, Rock Hill, S. C. SHOE CO.. Ioc'd. rsnttal. 11 .ODfl nfifi. . Vi SHOE IN THE WORLD. QeUvered free anywhere in the U.S., on receipt ot Uaeh, Money Order, Or Postal NntA fnr 1 AO Eanala every way tha- boota eold la all retail stores for 2.60. We make this boot ourtehree, therefore we guar antte th if and if any one fa not satisfied w o wm refund the money W or send another pair. Opera I wl A ioe OT Common Bense, 0i l i'ClV widths C, D, K, & EE. iW'X"" wjhi jit you. Illustrated Cata- 'SUr- s.-X& loader Oexter Shoe Cifif sf Principle 1 .IQ I i Y1!t t V 1 -"- .-ST-'r" .... r i . ,--: l prescription for Infauts ii the Children's Panacea Castoria, lsirvrla cures Colic, Const-p&Uoa, 1 v.'.r Htoraictt, Diarrbooa, Erucatioa, Kill; Wotqis, es Rlecr, c-id proaiotea dl V."itiiout iuj'jriou3 nacIicatio "For T?eral ' yo&fis I ka recommends Xr ' Castoria,' and shall civrays coaUnua t lTj(o as it lias iavariaWy produ-ed beneflcia reKults.". Edwhi F. Piar-rs, M. D., -TXth Struct andJTJ a 2"tt York Ofty Tee Ckntack Compatv, 77 Mcrsat Ftrvxt, Kew York Crrv tut tirt-r ill -vs ,. Jft IKVESTMINT Thcro re. c'r.-rl - v '. JtU'S V. llh h -C:l '-'.' . a net nroilt i.?-5i'.M.'- " but we ie':l a rc-t i. " ' ' our ladies', rniwes r. :.L. ten ci t::: :i pair, n--l 1:1 r 15 Cv-nts p.iir. We ! each if l!: ; lif:y ! - t . ': th-y ti:::y : ' ) --i.:- f ' earn v ' i , :i yearly i!:vl.'.,--.'!'. ..C a year on !h ' t i ?'.ia:e. 'i !. ' i' ' ' tha i 5'') -'- r-:i:r . ;." ' loss tlun tliis p:l( : r. ! :. lion ;;.--.?C- -1 i'1. i " ' We have cvrrl.'- J f: is inereaairii C-A'.j. i. ':'-' hoSiler arc : T. a. V.';: l' I N. V. I! -i-!. CULvv- ; '.;' ' T:ir.i.T. PJill.-u: it. l!.ir:S..- ', ; C.--W Mi.-h. ; 1'. Ku:! A Write f r a i rospcc:. our etockholj ;-r, :c, rf Urdt-i-3 taken for one or :a a share. DEXTER SHOE CO. 1 y a . . : ,t . :' f ) i : I r .1 f .n . . '. r. t :c e :i-.K i of rer. l'rici' 112, 1 i J: ltt rf"rrl j tU.i-lbTC.X, HASS. (( cl 1 Cures ii I i.V'y. A1 ; ... :: G' A, Ij:sut- r.isr, t-;;rav; Sv,c!lJi-rs. felilf Jo-i.r-. ft. feaS- i' -jjHjj.u.vJ)., a4i( vie-..-. thomcrt Powerf al and Petrrt :n: S .; j cmi tr lstast ia existence. L;.: Cl Toe.j r V. '' Mca"u'd TcUct. T'u-i Oi'i. 3:n Cre --rn Face Qeaittificr. Ldi-s will CnJ it s rce.-i dolicsto ami higM'Y perfumed ToiUt Rt-.i c' the market. Jt is absmute poro llakis tho Fkia soft and vdvoty sisd restores the lo: t ccrli p'axion; 1 6 lasTiry for the Gat h for !r.:-.r.ts It clays yitr.hinT, cleanses the eealp cn l pi'Oiaotca tho tTowtb of leer. I rice 25c. For sale ty EDWIH CUTERI'LL, ALISbl'ltY, N. C. i .? t , ev tv V Ve'vi Cavccf-i. and "!'ri.!e- et-t.v.'.oi. :? :i': rat-. ent bn-ir-.-'f- csti.lact'-.! i'-jr and c eau n'ftna :)a--t'.t Mcocasr: rEs. U . 3. Pptfnt Orncs it: -'Cvis iiaic tLsu laooc resaote irom v a-innjfeii. fctad nrtdel, dran :r. or i-nnfri., .v'.iii !?rr:p tion. 'W advie, if jieteti.?! Ic .r 7i:-c. free of eLurj. Our iee nui df.eTT'i ri&r'eai 5 fi-cn-ed. A PawrHLET, SIaW t- Crotiiia rstf-rts,' ith names of &ctctd di'-m ia yCl.: iita'.c, ouiity town, sent free. Adurers, Orp. Patent Office. VVask.huton. D. C. lieiiubie; better taaa Taaiy or Pennyroyal Iills cud aii elm ilr.r medicines. TJuezcetled for Irregulari. . '.N-j.fe SiiecesETuily uvdla ihouiandsof enai.3. li," -rre rc!n..Hlv, guaranteed, bevcir fails. Price JJ. A '0ucnu.'-Ji-doaii.u.;r.i. l,AKE82i: fei'JKIClFI S-.'-'J-l-SG Si-Mket fct., Chicai-o, III. Sared ir lifa JwTW V7j that bs ht."ug rr-e- h$ A ar,a imt C.um b- prortpUy. , end r;ifr.- ao.-tnp.x can eave r,. on in time, Dr. Ficres-3 Oolden Medical Discovery will cer tainly cure. It siust I deno through tho Hood nM the ' Discovery." is tho most pc.tent blood cleanser, sti erartb-rerccrer, and flesh-builder that a knev-u to medicni sciencej. Tho scrof ulous affection cf the lanrs that's - called Coiinnnpuoc and every foWof Scrofula and Wood-tails, all yield to it For Weai Lungs, bpittmn of Biood, Bronchitis, Asth ma, and s;d severe, bnerbig coughs, its an unequaled rem. It's tha ony one thafa ptatanteecK If ii doesn't beneS't or cure, m every case, you have your money i-ack. aaeapT' &t "7 pri3 fc? Yoa piy orHy for value received. Scrnethin?: els?,i that' ps-rs the deal-T b ter, may bs CiTered as ' as good. Ter taps it 13, for tu; i; cau t be, for-you. ri Cm t-; fc- tr m rv -ss -'Kt v ) n 1 BRAZIL'S WARSHIPS. Poisotb H03 Had Two Pitted Out in New Yorls.- . y Z IHlY WILL FEE! 01 MERCHASTilES ' If He!! Scnl Ona of HUOood Boat. Ost TUejf TU1 Rnn-Jlendowa Talkief Moiutrchy K.-paiiJ- !aut n Kvptjrcd :n niood. Nr.w York, November 24. Miaister Mendonca. who h'as len entrusted by President l'eixoto with the titlinr cmt af a llraziiian fleet. -onKentHl this morning for the first time to tell some-thin? of the mission of the Nitch - eroy and her sister ship, Americe the; peaceful .Britannia of three weeks ag-tv j lie first corrected the impression that J ?hc Niteheroy would proceed at once ! to lb-a7.il and be followed by tho Arieriex ! "As a matter of safety, in case tKa Tx'fs.'Is shonid be attHcked," he sraLi, the commanders have been instructed to proceed together to the placs ol rer-.r'e.votts. The Nictheroy, which xvill dor;:irt from nit thus co;w;t soma time this nfterr.otvT), will raovc fcloiv"., nXt'-l overtaken by the America. The . work on the America is now nearly j corapleted and I have f;ivm ii;struc ' tions to bavi hur pat to Rea tomorrow. If h:r jfuus -are not all mounted then tho work can be coir.plctd ut sea. She will go at full 'tipeod and beinj now able to go cihcn and one-half knots, trithouq'h she was only a rcvcd-t.'en-knot boat when wo btuirht her, she will probably overtake the Nic thcroy in " twout;-fi)'ar hours."' '1 hisstat;i:i?ntseemeJ to indicate the possibility of a fipfht, but the ar-tute f- out.h American who has fcueeee-dcsd in tUtirjy out a narvy in t:;is coiiiilr"y with out iticnvrin the dispb. a' tire of L'noie uiri. e:.p'air.-jd that th;re ir, to bj no t;o-htin7 unless th- Xiclheroy arvtfthe Am"ri .a are attacked. ''Kven iu this event I have instructed them to run," he continued, "but al thoiuh the sea is lar;.-e there are pi.sity of co.vnora to it, ai.d it is always vv'l in times of war to b. prepared. 1 do not think, however, tiiat Mello l.as any vessels be would care to send nor tii to meet ouf.hnprovcd - ar ships. Tiie Xictheroy V and Am-riea ai more than- a match for any of his ves 'hels except the Aqnldabau. Mr. .'.-!!'h).-iesj also thonyht it proba ble that th. Xie-tii'M-oy r.ad America wca:i '). tu '.t t patrol the coast an ! kk: -rent -rehr .,":!ni tint the l'ci.v.to sule of the fence i; a -vanta.qreous. T n::iister said that h ; was positive tiiat Mello has not de clared for a monarchy. TMEY SAV ZD "HZ EXPRESS. Ar.d tlif Cotn;-i:i;.- Care Tafin a Gold Tiled Cr.N ; ::!.iA, Il.i.., November 24. In the pres. "ice of (W) railroad men to-, liijfht, Lng-h-eer iieiijamLn Young-, Fireniar. Ciiarlei:. McDowell, Conductor Andrew Odum. Krakei lan Fred. Stacy. Epr ss Mere:iger Cornelius Boyle and t'. h'r.unders. tin ex-employe, i. ."re each prsenteti by officials of the 1 Hr.ois Central rail road and the A . riean Express Company with a i-ohl n:cdai aud three shares of stock i:i tee Illinois Central railroad. This wLn the vature of a reward for the f-u!l;nt service performed hy tliese men in defeating the attempt of t: gng of bandits to rob an Illinois Cen tral express train near here on the i.i;rht of rieptember 20th. It was on this occasion that ex-Brakeman Saun d is performed such good service with his do .1 bio-barrelled that le!li-! Mis siid'::i;i'erR. New Albany. l.r.. November 24. Joseph II. Kraft, a merehaut of this city, vvho lives a mile and a half out on the Paoli pike, was sent for tonight br.rriedly by his wife, who informed him that she had discovered a scheme to kidnap their only child, twelve years old. Kraft and a party of friends secreted themselves near tho house, and when Stephen Whiteman. Charge's Comptoa, Mason White and another appeared in obedience to a certain signal to capture the girl, Kraft shot into them and killed Ste phen Whiteman, who gave his pals away. Their-object was to secret the child and force a large reward for her return. The others were arrested aud placed in jail. Mob violence is ex pected. Th Unlil'ner flowaliu CnrreAOO. November 24. There is a possibility'that the principal world's fair briilditigs will be retained another year. At a meeting today between the officials of the exposition and members of the South park board of commissioners, representatives of the exposition promised to prepare a seheriulc of buildings at Jackson park, which they have the authority to turn over to the park commissioners and the latter promised to decide what s ivm of money they would accept from the exposition iu return for a release from all ordinances contracts or bonds : which relate to the restoration of Jackson park to its original condition. lJirctnna-V!s Agnin. Nkw Yoek, November 24. Under a lowering- sky that threatened at every moment a deluge and amid chill au tumnal winds that whistled and whirled and beat against the upturned j ct ATkA ,,ii;.ct;, 1iaj . t-, . . . , men at 1- lee t wood taw the iamous black stallion Directum J,vin a J-5,000 match race from the western bay mare Alix in three straight heats, the last heat being trotted in 2:08, the fastest mile ever done in November. Cochran Made No Defense. Phixadeiia. November --Tho trial of Henry b. Cochran, late s chief weigner. 01 xne rni.aaeipoia mint, toou piace today before Judge Butler and a jury in the United States district court. Cochran's counsel made ko defense, and a Terdict of euiltv waj rendered by the jury, without leaving vne pox. anJ St robe 1 Had a Riach Exp.-rlone at Keaafort. Cor.tTMBiA. S. CL. November 25. Con- stables Swan and Strobel arrived here : today, the former bearing evidcuco of -o u X l.tiy UlltUiCa V-l I wi of beer on a boat, and the draymen rcfnrfnS to hl it, tbey nudertouk to roll it to the jail themselves, antl .while tlvrir-g- to were fallowed and hanasse.1 bv a i hi. . ,vere three hourB in j g'etting' it to the jaiL Brickbats an J other missiles were hurle l at thcia freely. One brick struck Kwaa in tho ! rig-ht eye, inflictiug serious injury. It is believed that the attorney R-cn eral is preparing for a Avholesale arrest of the uiobbers, end the military is to Iw used if neeessarv. ,.It is said that that the constables, offered to pay SI Vj To?siffllt eleven ring-lcaJers are ir 1 to some of the howling mob to assist I Jatland a lr-r.Co posse of armed citizen them in rolling the barrel away, but it was indignantly refused with curse-s and abuse from tho negro men, half grown bovs and women who ovun kicked aai ciuTed the ciiicei-s. . it is epide:,:g. SmallpBi nfurcrs from Cuit-sli; Una. r Sti'ci Qouruntlne. V.iuzzvi., Tr.wx., November 25. Mey er Vv". A. Koder, of Bristol, Va.. bas in fctructed the police to koep tho six smallpox refutes, at their hoino.s till the council can take sonio actioa. These refuges tnrae h-re from Salt ville, Va., where there are now paid Uz be seven cases of siriallpox, thoutrh some sav it is black measles. Tha Constitution's correspondent has been informed that Mrs. dasher, who wjvf buried here two weeks niro. died c-f sciallpox at Saltville. News comna here from Pulaski aud Clark Summit that there are still several cases at each of these places, though no deaths! have occurred. A special ville Mays that excite-mcnt from 8a.lt- ritns hifjh, and thut it is foare-'t tb i divaso will b.- nnr.-ml nil i;r f 1 n . country. The Saltrille " informant thinks it could have been stamoed out long ago it the physician-; had not, been blow in pronouncing it smallpox. ' FROM ! HAY. A if. i i The Qaeeii Has Vi t !Jcon U.s:crcd to li r 1 hron?. San Fkaxcwo. November 24. The j latest reliable information from Hon olulu is to the. eire.-t tbai. there has been no change made in the govern-, - a, j . . .1 - - i . lr.'il' l , - " l" w (.re-.t.-ntials. I lie ltniirebion jrc ails that nothing will be do.u by t!ie nee.- mi iister until eon'Tss tabes so:ii. a,--I t i--.n in the rmttte!-. The quee.i has made a soeial call upon Minister AViHir., but at lust ue covnt.j the call hud riot been returned. The provisional proY -rnnieut is confi dent of its ability t. maintain the pec-ee. fiaister Willis says tb.r.t nny trouble precipitated by eith.r side will be stopped at once by the United States forces. TO LET VYO!v:iM VOTE. A KUl Introduced 5i th. f.ir.p of Comnaona to Cite Ti4.ui TlHt Ilt.-.Ht. Loxdox, November 24. The discus - riou of thc parish council.;' bills in tbs house of commons yo.terday t vcnii-'j has attracted much attention. Menry Fowler, president of the government boctrd, announced i Mr. local he in- troduction of a r.ew c In use, permit- ting all women who pay taxes to vote at all local electii.i.a. The di- enssion which followed revealed a cu- rious coniliet of opinion as to the ex- tentof3.fr. Fowler's concession and Mr. Chamberlain's threatened opposi- tion to such widening cf tl;e scope of the bill, which ia beintr fouirht tooth and nail by the tories in spite of Mr. Balfour's well-known leaning towards t T CJ woman's suffrage. No New Wan Bad Mews. WAsm.VGTiiN', November 24. When th Associated Fre:-s Bulletin came in from tran Francisco announcing that the steamer Alameda had brought no news of special interest, and that there had been no attempt to return ' the queen to her throne, was showed to Secretary (ires-ham, he said: "That is surprising to me, I expected to hear by this time that she had been re turned." ! Tho Kon-l''ott Mm Desert. Sayre, Pa., November 24. The Lehigh pople have moved a few trains today, but -the strikers have induced nearly ull the non-union men which" Superintendent Fimneil brought here yesterday to desert the company, Maay of them have boon eent home at the expeneeof the strikers. To Aid The Red Cross. Wabhikgtox, D. C., November 94. Secretary Carlisle today ordered th revenue cutters Morrill and Boutwell to render all possible assistance to the Red Cress Society in carrying sup plies to residentsof the various islands aionj? tiie South Carolina coubt deso lated by the great c.y clone. Lare Sum of Mo.t-j- Missing. Mtjncik, Isn., November 22. The 5100.000 packa'ro f money shipped shipped from ths Uuited States treasury to tiie Citizens' National ban on the 1 : tii ! has not arrived and, like yesteruay, the bank doers are open, but no busi ness is tiac; acted. Senteucrd for Th-lr Crime. P1TT8FIELO, Ii.l... November 24. Dave Hogan and John W. Ellis, who brutal- 1 i lv tortured and robbed an old rrencii -i 1 . . , . . . 1. wame uric i. u ui , " - - criTen sent -nces of life imprisonment : lTl'1" - T 4 and imprisonment for twenty years respectively. Ssnotlierotl in Smokf. Fi.vsin::o, Mich., November 24. George V'rist!ey, a 15-year-old boy, who was locked up Sunday for bouie- i breakldg, this morning tried to escape frora 'by b : STnotlred to , urning it down, la e was death. Bwalitfretj by an Kr:iiiuak. 1 Losrox, November 21. A telegram from Constantinople states tha: tha town of Kuchen, l'ersia, has bt?n swallowed up by an earthquake auo 1 fciiAL more tuau i,uvj iits 'i-v TOROES Aii ARKS. At Woslthz Plant er Y7hips a Negro Wotnar, - m HER FEIEXD3 RISE IN AXGEH The Sltfriff tld Out at ths Head oX Two Hcndrfd Men en Futs U. Slctlneers to Uoni IZlcvon Arros.'cd. Orsr-TKA, Am., NovoTnb.-r ZZ.A ne ' uprising' i-ccurred in thii county this morning twenty-live miles from, the citv. ' are scouring tha neighborhood for thj Yeste'Uiy Mr. .Tef? VTi-tley, aj wca1 iy cltiiion redding twelve miles a-oinan for aba.iinj and usuig- prolano j lanctiarre to his wiie. One hundred or! more nogrooa in the neighborhood r ose ;n artn:. M;d s'rore veag,.?anc2 on y.r. V.'naller. (Jr-,n ttire;it.s ao-air.st. b;s it.'j were made and half a hundred ne '"ys anl means committee made pub reas secrete! thems-dves ia ambush ; l:c a11 tho 'schedules of the new tariff and Waited for him to return f rom : " jL1 exce"pt the interQal revenue fea Opolika. All the ne-roes were heavil y j tllves at 11 'clo(ik toy armed and wero bold in their threats lhe suar schedule was made pub- of voti'fTenes. They remained secreted nenr 'Ir. n . ; i v i s , a iiomo ail nig-.it rt:o:i T..i-a - i ii ... , i , . . . morning citizens in the ne'-hborbooi -'t ifl of the aiTair and several ! ''.-.'in.Mi -!.' nt.t Iji l)nl'l-i .... I r , . 0. ill- ! "ineti emciciy I informed t be ot ;e rs or thcir" Cl.S'-OT- 'A pa-ieee Kit: b::i ail y -;J men li? li-.-enrins -I quickly j.,t together ! a vr.iiab'.c, and. bended by iiharilf W. l t.-son, hastened to the teen. i Arrivi:!' "Uiere x . found tlie iie- ' ? rors cnr.eoaied in dui'oroat places t ' and before they ' realirvl th.. s:tvti: cleVOil of them Were sr.lVIv h.-5 "ilTed. Tho negroes arreted are nil ' armc-d, s bavin" j. ra'i - ami two rerolvers concealed on th.-ir persons. A slani the rest and tircy e; .tii was made u aped for tho ti:n.- beiny. A lar-e po.-.s- i- still : eaveh inc; for them, however, and miny otlier arrest; will bo made before uorn'r,;'. iir. Wliatlcy was with the sherij?"R por.se ar.'J one t;o;-ro made strike him r.fter he was 1 an"dtu-red. i'oth the whites aud the negroes i thorou-hly uroitsetl an i biood.bed ; Tet feared before tbc- t:;:itt t:;:it tcr en .is. tt:a, .!.i.a. November 'J.'. X i ne- teen of the wonl.l-b-s as- a: .ad us ili'V. Wi:o the i t;:;.:eo l the negroes twelve miles iil.a Vi'cduesdaj' evening, belov :,; are in ii i r.nd ati wur.v. more wfll s.hare sam.-i the : fa te Ix fore" tomorrow night. A jo.w ; of armed deputies, who remnir.ed n -ar i ;.jr. YViiatlev's residence b- .t n : -ht. ' i--t.-.i u..,. , ; t he. n here t-jls afternoon. Mr. What- ley'o home is still closely POLiCE UNDER ART.ECT. Tcv ere HUed Vp In the Eiiifn? of . ili j Bmlta. i Ilxorcvii.r.r., Tr.xx.. Nove:nber'it ensat:on was created here to,'. ay by tiie an . s.'; of Chief Atl:in:-.. Liculcrttnt Hood and Sergent ilieks. of 1 -.: . .1 . . ... local were j U.1CC V j Itl L ill.: 1 I V. ehurged with being- aecessori e.- ic me killing of Will Pmith. the young man who acted as a decoy for the oGicers in j tin? Knoxvfila and Ohio exnress r'b-1 bery caso. Smith was shot prcsuma - bly'by Barney Qulun, the olllccr who engineered the case. Thc otliecrs named accompanied Quinn on the ex - edition to enpture -oung Heeding, the instirator of the robierv. They took part in tho desperate tignt in tae j Washixgtox, November 27. United express car. ! tt&tes Treasurer Morgan has submit- The warrant was sworn out by ted. his annual report to Secretary Smith's father. The men were ar-j Carlisle. It shows that the net orJi raigned before a justice of the peace ' fiary revenues for the fiscal year 1893 this afternoon and a died for . a eon- were ?385,S10,fi28, an increase of 830, tinuauce. They were piaced nntier a ; s-M,S44 over those of the year before. 50, 0jO bond each to appear in court . 'i'lie net ordinary expenditures were December lit. i-53S3,47,r54, an increase of S38,4.'i4,623. WATCHING THE ANARCHISTS. ad Pat Several Polk- Raltt Thoir II iuu n-i Vudor Arrt . . . , . . r in l m I'akis. ovemoor zi. -xne poace oi St. Etienne have raided a number , haunts for French and foreign anarch - ists, who are supposed to bo hiding, and have .eir.cd an anarchist mani - festo, which is said to have been dis - tributed in many parts of France and possibly mailed to foreign countries, defending the dynamite outrages ni Barcelona, aud Marseilles ana proaic - lag that other tnd t.imilar outri des would soon be porpetrai-ea in i-rai.ee. Several arrests have also been made : and the police throughout the repub lic are taking every precaution to pre vent injury to public build nigs. ! Aeting upon instructions received i from the government the police are compiling a record of all persons - , ported of being in any way conneeteu. with anarchist societies, and they w ill, for some time to come, be kept . under tho strictest surveillance. XJoph Not T-irte I'. Tehee iiavik, ma.. Uer 2! Senator Voorhecs sail there ues no warrant for the statement that .10 wtrs S preparing a savage attack upon ls-ke i Smith, to be delivered in the se 1 .i - it . He said he did not approve o. secretary s pension po'-0.-- a" I-..-,,-?tVi r it. wfs costing '.:'.oi-e to VKS. pendpensions thuu to t-ny th-:n. Ke did not believe- in tpi;miing for r.-al '.rents to stop a - i-nsion, ; pcrhaps he might tay something to that e'ii'ocl iu the senate. A Premium . Washington, olScial speed oi cruiser Columbia .Vortli Trying 'or. Novtm't:er 25.-The the I'm tod c-1 . ... . wa ri-p'-'-rteel to secretary of the navy by Hear Admiral BeJknap, president ot tuc tr.Eiud.u. They found the fehip fully bllca t.ic contract reoitirements in every respect. j-pet iag her builders p prwr.av.-.i o at the rate of J r n:;i ' er . kru ot over tne tJkliii- .k--l k'-ots. j - Highest of all in Leavening Powers Latest U. S. Gov't Report FREE COTTON TIES. ' LAGGING'S Dili TO BE LOWERED. Coal. Iron and Un;r Made Free-Very tattle Canjc Is Blade la the Ski ear Bounty th Flrt Year, but It Will Bo Abolished. Washington-, November ' 27. The lie todav. It leaves raw s?ar on the rrc li-t as at present and reduces the duty on refined sujjar from 1-2 to 1-4 of ' ccnt Pr Poull(1- It does not repeal the bounty outright, but provides for its repeal in eiprht jears from Janu ary 1, lS(JT)7T)y reducing- it one eighth i-aeh year, which is a reduction of 1-4 of a cent a year in the bounty of 2 cents a pound. Members of the committee arg-ue tiiat the reduction of 1-4 of a cent per nouud on refined sug-ar will reduce the price of the article. Just that :.;uch to the consumer. As to the re- lofthe bounty the members gen- i e: tnoug-nt ii snouiu De repeaiea ;it oaco' but t,ie republican party com- l utted the government to it for a term of years and it was deemed un inst to destroy the industries built up under ii at one fell swoop. The com mittee, therefore, arranged it to make j the repeal gradual. I in the new bill the following articles have been taken from the dutiable Ik' and placed on the free list: j Iron ore, Coal, Coke, Cotton ties, ; Lumber. Wool, Binding twine, j T.ead ore and many other articles, par ' tleulavly raw material. The duties i of the McKiule3r bill have been re ; dueed all along the line. The duty on r'.ce is reduced about one-third, and on . oole.i goods und clothing about one i third. i J a. i WiC auiy ou ciars remains as ia ! thc odvalorcai duty the same as in 1 lhc IcKinley bill, 25 per cent, but ' t-ie dut-'' of Per pound has been reduced to S3. There is a cut of 30 per cent on cig-ar tillers, and theduty oil wrr.;ip?rs is reduced from ?4 a pound As is shown above cotton ties are on the free tist. The duty on cotton birriniT, which is now 2 cents a : pound, has been reduced to 20 per A cent advalorem on bagging imported ;v to be exported when covering goods. the duty is refundad when the same is exposed. A cut of about 30 per cent h,as been made in cotton mill machin ery, and indeed there is a cut of 30 per cent or more all along the line in the machinery schedules. The internal revenue portion of the : l 1,as not been completed and prob- i bl" not be for a week. ! THE NATION'S FINANCES. j ! Com Fignres from th Report of the C. I 8. Treasurer. j There was, therefore, a decrease of j !7,772,779 in the surplus revenues, re ! ducing them to &2,341,rj74. Including tne public debt, the total receipts were $732,871,214, and the total nv S57 7 V0O7.003. The of...... fl,n,3R arnmint.fld on .Tnn 30. : 7sfiT35I,f-5, and on June 30, -Jb9 to 7433335. j 2r 62tting apart those sums of ; f,oll gjjver an Tjnited States notes, j 'vjiic' were held for the redemption of j certificates of deposit and treasury . Rot3 were ieft a reserve or pen- i pral fund of SlS7,ei2,740 in 1S'j2, and . sl3jlG5 3ttl in 1393, HEARING THE END. IIopcs Entvrtaloctl That Brans wUs Soonrgels Aboot Orer. Birt-xswiCK, Oa., November 25. No new cases of yellow fever were re- ported today. One patient, Lucy Par sons, colored, suffered a.relapee. Six patients were discharged, three of whom were whites Mary Lancaster, Frank Keddick and Blank Hanson. Thc colored patients discharged were: Mrs. Armstrong, Henry SuttoD and Virginia Mitchell. Twenty-one pr.tieT.t3 are under treat ment, seven whites and fourteen r.e-rrroer.-. The ratio mortality is 5.7. The weuther b:n b en most favorable :in 1 eneourasrin? r.U d?v. The ther- I moiu-jver tonight at o cIock registered taincd that, the on l is near. Tli- Sonlbfrn I'.ai?L.nll -ii'x lat!on Suit. C::atta r o'ir; A. T?:nn., November 23. John V. Nicklin. preld. nt of the- South ; ern lia.vk'l A?'o.-lntk-n und pres- I- :C--"i; of the Ir. t:- Sr.,i:i:ern it-ague, left 1 1 ikis mo 1 1- aiug I"-"" e.iaeon to rt-pre.-t-ni the ihfereits of the; on trier n 1 hi :-!: ' Association clubs i:i 1 nit brorrght by join a:n Alt , e of tiie ob; the Macon team to er mover, formerly :;is! league KJikhig j fund to Mr. I watched wii h ! result wii! have :; . ae o oa; e e... a 1 Lite south. ie i.i'. in'1" te.i 1 1 u 1 C .ie A GEEWSUME JLNDU8TKY. The Robbing of Indian Graves In the Northwest. White Men Stat Coins and TslwbUt from the Dead or a Once-Powerful Tribe Visit to the Scene mt These Depredations. Particulars of the despoilmenl oi tho graves of Indians in Clatsop county were obtained from the dep uty clerk of the state circuit court. Clatsop cemetery is located on. the Ohanna river between Grimes and Gearhart. Nin Indians, the rem nants of the once powerful Clatsop tribe, are camped near by. But this has nothing to do with tha story. Nine years ago Julia Marchelle, the daughter of an old Indian woman, died and was buried in the cemetery. In accordance with the Indian cus tom money was deposited' in the cof fin. There were about twenty-seven dollars in cash and some old coins, e; Ever since Miss Marehelle died, her mother, an Indian woman of about ninety yearsK has visited- her grave ' dailj One Sunday morning she made her usual visit and was sur prised to find the fence broken down. This she thought was done by the wind and she paid no attention to it. But when she knelt over the grave she imagined that she heard dole ful sounds issuing from it. She then made a -close inspec tion and found indications thut ghouls had been at work.' She then returned to the camp, and soon-after informed County Judge McGuire of her suspicions. As there was no cause to doubt her statement, Judge McGuire decided to make an investi gation, and he went to the cemetery with the constable and two or three others. Several graves were exam ined, and a file was found on that of an Indian who died year$ ago. This was the first one opened, and it was found that the coffin had been robbed of what money there had been de posited there, and also that the bones of a boy, who died some time ago and was buried near by, had been put in the coffin. About two dollars anjl fifty cents in silver and a watch had been placed in the boy's coffin, and these had been taken away. On old brass chain and some campaign medals of William Henry Harrison, bearing the date of 1841, were found in tho coffin. The grave of Julia Marehelle was then opened, and it was found that it had also been despoiled. All the money and jewelry that had been de posited there, except a five-dollar gold piece, a silver dollar, a gold ring, three brass rings-and six Har rison medals, had boen taken. Be sides these nothing was left except the remnants of some silk handker chiefs. The old Indian woman refused to touch any of the coins or trinkets taken out of the graves, nor would she allow them to be placed in when the bones were reinterred. eSo the discoverers divided them mtoong themselves. Oregonian. EASY ENOUGH. The Young Irish Priest and His Crit ical Hearer. In a certain church in Ireland a young priest was detailed to preach. This occasion was his first appear ance, and he took for his text: "Tho Feeding of the Multitude." - He said: "And they fed ten thousand people with ten thousand loaves of bread and ten thousand fishes." An old Irishman said: "That's no miracle; begorra, I could do that J myself," which the priest over heard. The next Sunday tho priest an nounced the same text, but he had it right this time. He said: "And they fed ten thousand people on. ten loaves c f bread aiuT ten fishes." lie jwaited a socond and then leaned over the pulpit, and said; "A nd could you do that, Mr. Mur- XM. iurphy replied: 'And sure, your f, I r-ould.' ;ov could you do it?" said t. i t re, your reverence, I could ,r; 1 1 it v. what re as left A benduy." Ticl-ITits. oyer from vTicn Daby was Eick, we gave her CastorU. When bhe was a Child, she cried f r CaatorU. -Then she became Miss, she clung to CeMorU. When she had Children, she gave them Castorifr t I i i 1 - t 4 . . t '

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