ij- zr siija3M.iM!MwmijiJiapt'! CaroUnar Watchman. J.;ty. McflBHZIE, ETr and Prop'r. SUBSCUIl'TION KATES. Our vear iu advance.--. $1.00 -Six months.- Three montbs 50 ,25 ,ICat'.;;ca-asseeoal-cUs3 mall at Salisbury, N. C. THURSDAY, November 2, IS53. Hon. F. M.S:nfiiMims waasworuiu Sat jirJay a collector of internall revenue Jur Li Eastern .district and has usuni .ed charge of the oHice. He will soon Jiave all the oiHcrs under liin filled' by ,Ltuncrat!. The tariff bill prepared by the Deni .ocratic member .f the Ways aud Means Comiuitteeru1'u been made pub lic. It deals entirely with the cus toms and administration branches of .the subject. The internal revenue por tion is left in abeyance. - Last Thursday -was Confederate vet erans' day ulUm Augusta exposition. About 3,000 veterans fornied a line on Uroadway and macrhed to the exposi tion ground where speeches were 4e- .hvered by Ueu.C A. -Evans and Gen, Yitteudeu. I)r.oolij a former fellow-traveller vith Lieuteuant Peary the Arctic ex plorer who has recently returned from .a short northward trip oft his own ac count is confident that the lieuten ant will reach "the orth pole this time and return safely. Through a returning visitor from (Chicago, the News learns that the jNorth Carolina exhibit was not ex tern pt from the depredations by theives. t is said that at least $1,00 worth of ems in the exhibit from this State were stolen. "One theft occured about the time of the big fur theft from the itussian exhibit. So far, nothing has Jbeen said the papers about the jtheft.of .the North Carolina7 gems. jCharlotte News. Hon. Bcuike Cctkijin,,of New York ?a violently opposed to the idea of an income tax. He declares it would A be .class legislation and would knock the tbottoqi out of the Democratic party iu New York. Bourke has some -wealthy citizens among his consti tuents and he feels bound to take care .of them. We have been taking a square look at this thing, and we haye not been able to discover where the class1' feature comes in. It is hard to pJease every body. , There are thousands .of American citizens who would wil Jinly pay an income tax, if t-ome one would furnish the income. Wilming ton .Star. " Hie Scmth's Need. While the South needs good and wholesome legislation, yet that is not .all it needs. One thing we are greatly .oenmu in is eaucauon. ir we ever .expect to be prosperous and a happy ,aud contented people X)ne of the most .important things that we should do to .biiig about such a . condition is to ed tucate' our people educate the masses . that is what .we mean. We have .good sqhools and they are .doing a randwork, but there are so many of ur people who are growing up in ig - IVL..I L ' iiuiuiice. urn, we wane is a system hat will reach .all classes. What will ,it be-The only way to hring about this result is for us to have a compul sory school law. Lenoir Topic. Key. Dri Atkins, ,of the Raleigh Christian Advocate, says that there are p. the ortli Carolina Methodist Con :ference, w hich meets at Wilmington, peeember 9th, lTOreachers and 30 jay delegates, and in the Western JJCorth Caralina-Conference, which jDieetsat Charlotte Wednesday, 160 jreaiJh ers and 40 lay delegate!. Bis hop Duncan preside at both -Couferen ices".- Collector Kojie Elias wired tha Ob- serrer yesterday from Urysou City ask Vng it to say that" he hasnot resigned nor does he intend to resign the col r.lectorship. The telegram was doubt "- .less seut iu reply to the publication of the Washington special in Sunday's 3aper.- We are gladV to read and to -jrriut it. . We hope the collector will Uy iu the fight to the finish and that the finish will be his confirmation. fiharlotte Observer. The Raleigh News Obserter-Chron-jcle oi 24th insfr says; The entire ex .hibit of North Carolina made, at the World's Fair arrived .here yesterday .. .and is being unloaded and will at once Jbe installed in theState Museum, where .spacious apartments have beeu built -or Jts especial accommodation. It will ,of course attract much attention and ,will be a most valuable addition to our jmuseum. WAS H JIf 3 TO JI LET f EH. J From o ir.KejruUr correspondent. Th? conservative and fortaring dis positi :i o the administration in deal ing with the various phasi'SyOf tlu- :Iawa'ian question has added to.. hex good effect upon public opinion ot th publication, early this week, of Com missio icr whs largely based-. It bus taken no official imtice of -the very unusu il ai.d -injudicious ac-ion of Mr. Thurston, the uiinitter here of the ProvRoinil government of H iwaii, in writing and giving to the press an an swer t- Mr. Blount's report, contain ing la igu ge that would not have been tplera ed from a foreign minister b any oilier government in thf world. Had tlie administration upon the ap- pearauce in the newsp.ipeis of Mr. Thurston's defense seut that gentle man his passports no one would have had a ty right to cmplain; it would only have followed precedents set In everjr ivilizl government in the world, including our own the offense for which Lord Sackville Wesr, the then iiritisii niini-ter, was ent his passports -was trhial compart d with what Mr. Thurston has done. It is not improbable that President Cleve land in ignoring the bad break of Mr. Thurston way iurfuenced by the thought I that the -Hawaii .n minister was per haps only too anxious to pose i.s a mar tyr. But whatever the object ou eith er side the fact remains that Mr, ThursUm was guily of an act that would have driven h foreign minister from airy other country and that not the slightest official notice was taken of it by the administration, and this forbearance-is geuera'ly recognized a? altogether credit ibie to the aduiinitra- tion. Aside from the publication of Mr. Blcuii s report and Mr. Thurston's re ply to it, there have been n new de velopments this week. No pn.i out side of the cabinet and a few member of the Senate and House knows the ex act nature of the instructions yriven to Minister Willis, and Congressmen, out side of a lew of the most heedless, re- cogniw the absurdity of attempting t expre-.s an intelligent opinion in the absence of that knowledge. ., When Congress meets everything connected with rhe Hawaiian matter will doubt less bi made dublic. Then thi public can ad will pass judgment, and no member of thei administration has any doubt of the n dure of that judgement. Tlu democratic members of the Housj coiuuiittee on Ways and Me.ms aie working l'rm 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. every day, in order to get the new tar iff bil. ready by next Monday, so as t give the republican members of the committee an opportunity to prepare their report by the lime Congress meets. The republicans, having made a mis erable failure of their attempts to ca jole the democratic niemler of the committee into the retention of duties that are purely protective, have now taken a new hick, but the result will be tlu same. They are now circuit ing r-ports that democratic Congress men from whose districts petitions asking for protection for this or that industry have been sent to the commit tee will, if that protection is not given by the new bill (and it certainly wHl not be, except, in the few cases iu which the duty imposed for revenue may incidentally give pntection), vote with the republicans ag dust the bill. After a mast diligent search I have failed to find ,a single democrat who will ; cktiovvlef'ge any contingency thai hvou d cause him to vote with the re publicans against the bill, although there are a few democrats who would havj been pleased had the petitions ol their constituents -been granted, and who expect to lose their seals in Con gress if they are not granted. It can predict edwith absolute certainty that fewer democrats iu the Houe will vote against the Wilson tariff bill than there were republicans who voted against the MtKinley bill. S .'tretary Carlisle is the recipient of congratulations fn-ni all sides on the abla financial speech he delivered this week before the New York Chamber of Comnieice, and many are of the opinion it will have a highly beneficial ........ K 1 II txxcou ujjuii me uusiuess oi me conn- try. J t is expected that President Cleve land s message to Oorfaress will deal so fully with the financial policy of the administration that the republican ca lamity wailers will find themselves de prived of their principal argument the allegation that there is a doubi about the financial intentions of the administration. The message togeth er with the new ta, iff bill will put those intentions before the public o plainly that there can be no misunder standing and no doubt. Th Japanese P(i!e Cure U the proper opplic ttionfor internal pile? and i guarmleeil iu everj cae by Edwin Cuthr 11 Salisbury, N.C. A Great Lessen. m . . I . ninii or a series or similar ueients, Uivy . ni'ist, above all things, look the truth i ,:s to the causes of the dias!er si might in the face. It will-do them no good to aco-pt the explanation of the bosses, who, in order to call awny popularat rentiou fnmi their owji mis.liiigs, pre f ended that ihe great overihrow was kindly owing to the ''bid tittiv.' f:r which the ruling p rty was alwnys, no matter how uureasonatrfy hell re-pon-Mible. If there had leen only a change of some thousand votes from the Dem ocratic to the Republican side, the busi ness troubles disturbing the popular mind might be held accountable for it. Butreat political upheavals are not explained in sich a way, especially when they occur in "off years." when ordinarilly the iulertst iu politics is but languid. The truth is that the Democrats party has in n conspicuous manner failed to justify the confidence of many good citizvn who last yeayat the Presidential election, g ive it their sup sort, the -business disturbance would not have produced such sweeping -o-litical eff-rrts had the party in power that is, the m ijorily of the Democrats in Congress shown themselves capa hie of dealing with the most pressing problem of the time as s.ig.ciotisly, vig orously, and prompMy as the cri-is de manded, it is true the final repeal o I the Sherman act satisfied the immedi ate rea'iiremeuts of the d iv. But this result i3 generally believed to be due to the unwavering firmness of the Presi- ent, and not, to the widun of the Democratic majority. It produced much more the impression of a lucky escape than of an act performed by tin- party in power according to a well-set tled policy. The public mind has con ceived a serious misgiving as to what tha Democratic majority would do when unrestrained by a very vigorous Executive leadership. And here a word to our southern friends is in or- i - r t i i it Mer. lueir oi-wa.oo a.u it -present a- tives in Cougres-, who, either fioui natural muddle-headedoess or from cowardly dread of ihe Populist move ment iu their States abet iho-e fi ian cial heresies which .have- become so dangerous to our honor ami properity as a nation, sire n a fair way again to ruin the Democratic psrtv iu the con-" tide nee of the Not! hern people, a.nl thereby in the whele county, as thoroughly as it was ruined during the civil Wir and for many eais after wards. In the (lei?ocr:itio defeat thi autumn they should recognize the be ginning of a revival of that fatal dis trust which, when fully developed, will utterly destroyed for an indefinite linn i he prospects of any parly ;.g.i n t which it is aroused. If the Democratic party wishes to remain a strong factor in American politics, it will have to disarm that dis trust by a wise treatment of the finan cial problems still to be solved, and by she fulfilment of the promises with re gard to the tariff policy which found so much favor with the people in the na tionaLelections of 1890 and 18,2. li can no longer stake ils fortunes upon the esteem in w hich Mr Cleveland is held, for he will not renain its lender much lougc-rj and besides, the prestige of his name, too, has been ini pared by his deplorable action iu the V;n Alen case, and by the spoils politics which his administration has keen carrying .on. These things have played a sub ordinate, although by no meaiu unim portant, part iu the recent elections, but they will show their full effect when public attention is no longer di verted from them by questions of im mediate urgency. Harpers Weekly. Death of Rev Dr-Wood. NVllmingtoa Me sengcr. Rev. Marcus L. Wood, D. D., di?d - at Gibson Station, N. C, on gatuniay. His reraaius were taken to Rockinghaw, Richmond eouut.y, for burial. His death must have been unexpected. We think he was ill some time igo, but he had probably recovered from that mtaok. O the nature of the malady that caused his death we have no information at this writing. Dr. Wood was a native of North Carolina, and was educated at Trinity College, of which he was an al umnus. He eutered the North Carolina Conference, Southern Methodist Church, aud after some years of faithful service he went to China a3 a missionary, where he remained for seven years. Upon re turning to his native Slate he again en tered the Conference, and for a long time was a faithful minister of Christ, dis charging with zeal and fidelity the du ties of a Methodist intinerant. Soon after the death of Rev. Dr Bar tou Craveii he was elected President of Trinity College; which position he held ! C a - 1 ior ino or mi ce years. Johnson's Oriental Soap is far superior to all the other so-called, medi- cinaLsoaps for beautif in the in v piexion. bold by Edwin Cuthrll S..i. ei.lll- , '- w laburvN. U. J . If the Democrats, do not wish Ihe; Wheeling. W. V., Nov. 22 Ex crushing defeats thay have suffered at Gov. John J. Jacob- tell dwd this the late elections to lw only the l'gm- afternoon. Heart failure was lh .General Kcmts- cause. Pauis, Nov.25. Tne French cabinet Ijhs resigned and president C.rnot ha accepted their reisgnutions. - Richmoud, Va.,Nov.25.-Col Rih igh Colston died here to-d;y in he 'i2iid 3 ear of hi3 a-.e. His paternal gnmdmol her was a5 sister of Chief justice Mar shall. For years he had l-en employed by the Secretary of I he Common wealth in the preparation of Virginia histori cal man u.Hrrp's which are publish. d under the name "CaUndai of State P.i pers. Roanoke, Va., Nov.22 Three of the persons under indictment for partici pa' ing in the ri.it of Septemler 20th were found guilty inthe Hustings Court but almost the minimum penalty was imposed. J ims G.llichardon who was provm to have been one of the fore- jnoH leaders ol the .nob which suround ed the jail where the negro was con tired, and attempted to break into it when they were fired ir on by the mi litia, was euteucu to thirty d;iys iu j. til and to pay a line ot 100. Knnedy and Fnqn t s ho were iden ilied as hav ing e a active participants an I mad- i -cendi.ry calk were sentenced to one day's impris nment in the city j lil. and a dollar fiat. Abe Perry Who was also wider indiei meiir charged vvith a misde meanor and the only one who was not re pre cuted ty a lawyer iu the" tiiil was acq iilcd. The tridof Ihe chief o! police J. F. Terry, and Sergeant II. H Griffin uudr indictment as ficcessories before Ihe fact, to the triug ng of the negro was iiegnn today and the .de cision : pi) 1 1 a motion to quash the in dictment, on ncifount ol' a tecluiieality will be rendered tomorroAV A motion to set aside the venh'ct o the jury t f the cases of llichaid-on Kennedy iind Fuq ia has bv?en oiade and will come up for argutm nt Moinh.y. 12,000 Killed ly tli3 Shock- Loxdox. Nov. 27. A dispatch from Teheran io the Time says thit. I2.0W persons uvre kiih-d in Kuhan, Persia by the e H i 'nq'i i!;;- last week. Ten tln-us. .nd lo.dios U ve b'-e:i re covered fri.sn themus. Fi'ty thousun ! citilew.is killed. Shocks a-est l! felt (idi! V. An Insurrection la . lxbanii. Montgomery, Nov. 23 A special fi'i'in OjM'I'li lo'tlie Advertiser suys: A ni'uru lijiri.-iiiDC'Ciirred iu 1 lii conn t lliismoruin in Ui?ut Seven, twelve miles lioii) this city, ami tu-.iijjht. ele ven i -In-le ideis sire in j;i l, stud si l.ife j-n.se uf sinned ciliz-ns is hcbnr Hie nrighhorhood for tlie oth er. Yesh rdsiv Mr. Jiff Whalley, n weal thy eiti-'n residing twelve miles from Optiika, severely thrashed a negro vo ui n for abusing a id uiu prof. me lanjjuae- to his wife. One hundred or more negroes in t lie neigh liorhood rctse.iu sinus against Mr. What ley. Open ih rents ;uin?t his life were inside-nnd hsilf a hundred nerno-i si e re ted themselves in smibiih sud wail ed f.r Mr. What ley t) return from Opeliksi. All the negroes were heavily .. rmed smd were hjdd in ti.eir thre.it.s of vei't sl'ice. Usev lem oned seer: t near Air. W hat-lev's home !:sst niit'if , . . . ... -,t ! 1 and this morning citrons Withe iiel - h - itorhood got wind of the siff-dr. and i ..v. r-.d .r.ntb.nr. r..,w.t l,r r.wl,. ln,i ilka and iniortntd the oiheers it t heir discovery. A no, p. imniherinT shmit. two hundred men, quickly got togeth er idi Ihe firj-firtus available, aud hesid e 1 by Sheriff XV. i. Gibson, hastened I he scene. Arriving there, they found the negroes conceal-d in difierent places, ami before they realizetl the si t uati. 1,1) eleven of them were ssifely handcuffed. The negroes arrested were all armed, sever..! ojf them having a r..Zor and two revolvers concealed on their persons. A s.'anipede was made by the Ohio negroes and they escaped for the time i i .mi I hfin A ;i -re liosse is si ill se:irehin(r i'or them, however, and uisiny other arrests will be inade Iwforrt morning. Mr. Whatley was with the sheriff's nosse, i ii d one of the handcuffed ne groes made an eff rt to stride him. Both whites and the negroes are thoroughly aroused, and bloodshed is yet feared before the mutters ends, Montgomery, Alsi, Nov 24. Eight nmre negroes were arrested near Ope- lika trjdav, ch.irged with complicity in - . . . -xt " . i uie race uimiimmmi-c. io ivruie trouble is srpprehendtd. Men are made manly, the old nmde young and vigorous by Magnetic Ner vine. Sold by Edwin Cuthivll. Don't he tsdked into having an oper- ' ., t I.... .i it tn-.V ...r --., 1 1 - 'C. ' t,', "7 1 ,.v-i ju jui.il iii". I t..: r:i '... ..... i uituaucv; i ne vine sitt.ii.i j iceu io I . V1 , iture jou hy Ldwui .t ulhiell. y,; far", 1 T'-ri,r?--'"rl Mrs. L. Tovcriscnd . ElslngSun, Delaware. Good Sram!Iy frTcdfclnes Hood's CarccparHla and Kood'9 "I regsrd Hood's Sarsr-parilla and Hood's Pills, tSc very Lest family medicines, tiiH we are never without tlicin. I Lavo tilwaya been A Dcflecrto VYornain end began takL:? Hood's Sarsaparllla thretj years ayo for tliat tired foelic- It built mo up 80 qulo!:!y and so r;ell L"iat I fe?l like a tlillcrent worn":i and linvo r.hviiy.i had gfesit izlih i:i it. I Five it: to ivy children v;aenevv.r there sacnistny irou!;lu v. itn tlieir blood, and it doc ? then loou. Mv iiUlo bov li'ie it so well ho erica for It. I ca:motiul wordj to t?Illiow hish!y I prize it we uso iiooa s Vim la uie lamuy ana uiey . Act Liko a Charm I take pleasure in recommending these medi cines to all irsy friends, for I believe if people HOW Sarsv par ilia Cures would only keep IIood'3 Sarsaparllla and Hood's Tilla at handiis we do, nucii sickness and suf. ferine would be prevented." Mus. L. Towx .xd, Tiislng un, Delaware. Kood9 Pitts act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, ca the liver and bowels. . 25c. KEWS OF Til'i WEEK CONDENSED. J. H. Jenkins su?:i with morphine at his wife's grave at Nashville, Tenn., last Tuvistlav. , Di Aiaos Fo.t has recidvcJ his co-n-miss'.on as postinast-iv at Atlanta, Cia., and will take .I:ui-re December 1st. Ge?icr:tl lUr-.k. ex-cu mber of Presi dent Harrison's cabinet, died at bis home in Yirotiua, Wis., last Tu:sday. E. M. Johnson aud wife, of lloi-erson county, N. C, wero arrested Thursday for passing counterfeit .silver dollars t Tlse indications are that the free coinage ficrht will be renewed with in creased vigor at the opening oi Con gress. It is reported from Washington that the .ways and means cojumittec will probably yivo out tha new tariii bill pn next Monday. , The Southern Methodist church at 'Fountain City, a suburb of Knoxvillc, Tenn., was burned last Sunday. Loss C5.2C0: insurance SL000. Eev. John Jones, an eminent Presby terian miniiiter, and for a Rurr.bjr of years chaplain of the (Georgia senate, died at his home in Atlata last -Sntiiluy. The railroad people are excited over the discorery of a it2tmmotU d; al in ;bous tieketa. It is thought the roails .buv ben siwiculod out of tiJO.i.OJ in this way. Tlie report of th pdr.itontiary t hews jl.lVJ convicts in tho ; tat j of North (Cavolina. VZ'i are in prison. ci;;hty-sis at thj phosphato mluas, and t;30 on ttate farms. Toicdo. O., is ex .'it.'d over the discov ery cf a lon--con tiriTL-d system of fraud practiced by ofucials, by which the city has been robbed of an immense asr.ourrt of rao::ey. Th-j governor of 'leoi-iia has oiTercd a reward of 81.")0 for tae capture of i fii.nircu wiiii luuracr- intr John J. English in Jlonroe countv t;i . i ion the 13th of November. Governor Tillman, of South Carolina, ! nnn;Tnakt has offercl a rurd of -00 for the There htr-e crones in daily at arrest oi t.i.; person or p?rc.as who , . , . . . ibsassinated Josicph C. Coldingia-Iiarn- wcil county on Oetob r .'Stii. . It is now state t";c.t at least 13,000 persons lost their lives by the terriblo earthquake in i'jrsia last we.c'c. Ten thousand bodies have, beeu : c overed. Tifty tiionrr.nd cattle were kiiiod. President Diaz, of Mexico, hr .s issued Jin order that insurgents, whn cap tured, shall be ?.hot like dojp-V-as be considers thjm nothing' more ti.an out laws banded together for plunder. Burfflars entered the house of J. D. Chamber-lain at Woodlawn, Ala., Mon- day night, chloroformed the inmates, ransacked the premise?, taking i find ; wonderl'til sicrobatic f'eatn of B:if y, jewelry and other arti-des. If.,,, l;i!' , rry iliil. charged with heavy for- 1 1,1 Llh s Ar;ibs' ls Ml eVer.v 'l'' pone ; Harry iliil, ehartred with heavy series in Atlanta, Ga., has auin been i"ele"sed on iwii.l. livit lmrrir.l ir, ,A J , r . V . iome of tae forced notes are trying to vneci ms arrest ayaiu. . Several school girte at Alleffheny. Ta., recently committed suicide, and jothers attempted it. An investigation -was at the bottom of this murderous epidemic. iura. luaoie iv, neiier, oi urang-e- Jburg- county, S. C, has ioundod a Kcnoiarsnip in Xsewbcrry collejre in memory of hr son, James Aiken Kel- -who dted in November. 1SS5. A fire at Columbus, 0.f Friday night, (destroyed tho new Henrietta theatre, pnd the new Chittndon hotel, which was a portion of the same structure, connected by a bridge. -Loss about $300,000; Insurance 330,000. A three-year-old negro child was burned to death in Atlanta. Ga,, Mcn iay. The mother had left her twin labies In the house, which, from sorao cause, cautfht on fire, and one being unable to walk, was cremated. i iuias iiico rietciier, me einnotoorist. .... . c ' n f : n: t.h.i.i t a, i . . ' received S a day as a special a-sr-ent oi the Indian bureau while making- the allotment of lands for Indian tribes, which is the highest salary this gov ernment has ever paid to a female. Minister Uloanfs Report. Wasfiixotos, November 23. Secre tary Grecham has made public Miais .,er IHount's report, which confirms the rumor that the queen would ba restored. I The report shows that Minister Stevens used the force of this government wrouefully to depose tha queen, and Mr. Blount's recommenda tioi that this wronff be ri-hted, wili control the action of our government , in me uremises. uu u.il nin.li, xisk., -ovemoer 33. Jack A illiams, the leader of the Oli phant train robbers, has been arrested and in custody of Deputy. Sheriff Pem bertbn. of Searcy county, who refuses to jrive him up without the payment of 81,500. The governor today seDt T ... I) -v ' , his private secretary with a warrant for Williams and Pemberton, the lat- In,, oc nnnm.., . ..vvto-wi y iui ii'iuiDjr iO gave hp the criminal, to be servil niu. . - . . . . . . . ,ue persisted m reiui,mr to give up HTliliams. - B. C.Webb. W. L. WEBB;NICHOLSOK &'Ra.Ri mOPRIETORS ' Salisbury Marble Works. 4 LARGE VARIETY OF MARBLE ON IT AND TO ?ELECT-f0v SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J" D2. -E03T. I. SA32SAY Surgeon Denffct.) Salisbury N. C. Office Lours 9 a. m. to 5 p. ni. DE. W. W. McSENZIE OSTers his prnfe sioual services to the citizens of Salisbury unci surrouudinp community, lie can le found at his office up siairnover the post uliice or ai lvluttz stirug store. In The Shoe Business TInd In It To Stay.' As an evuienee of our prices beii- HARD HITTIullS, you have only to seethe ieeT oratians ol our competitor's store fron's mnked AT COST! BELOW COST! -BURSTED I - This tells the who!e story in a nut shell. They "ci'iinot compete with our prices and ihey have four id out, too late that its death to attempt it. 20')0 pairs of new sanipTe Shoes will be thrown upon the market by us next week atless thati f;iciorv evis . Very Truly. ZESTTZT.r e22 CO. Spoeial r-litcriiil l.'urre.-'t li ;if: 111 tr 'J V- Ex Mil pOXi .;l li : i .V lii !(, - i IT. t ver, pn-tn'v si:e-, l.r. t p M i:cii- I i !! :; a,.t an cm o- :. sou .1. ilnrin . 4 !. LI no ? I !, v. i- I!-,'.- . t 'um iiiii :i:';t slrin g ni;v ;s il,!.' country is now j.s inv through was an eviil-uee of A n"fM.t.t :lr.ek a'..i enb rpris.'. To m ike it s. ciuj)ief.- mkt! -ys his: it liu tln-ialiy sunt i:i J -oi:.t of ex!;. hits and ;;ttr;.rtiliss, is 1 i , ... evit,.-;:' i' oj-1 1 c ' Vk csin.ei. is : . i poVrr j 1 1 ,UUJ) 11 1,1 its i,)p ! Ul u ',l " I'tic is every pnmns that tiier.te receipts wiil be largely il: i excess of the rxpeiuses. On veieraus" Thmday smd Fri day, 1 he buildings were croAdeel with the old soldifis :n:d I heir irleiids. j I can s.ifely pr'iu;se t4iat vi iiors wiii ; not Le disuppointel. There are many attructions heje i'u 1 : v sis ex'x' le it, sm j.lt il, VSild' I.'..:.. -ri... i i .. . eri in theatre, with t he S rsille dancing fi 11? ! 1 he St me aS at Chicago. And nianv n it. f i . " joiin-i oi nie iiiii hvav i si'snuce a Ir e- ti(i! h ive been lrpi:ht here. 'i he ''xiiibws of ni.miifaciiMed s:rti cles a:,d aiicuhiir.d proslucts are sis ooo.i as ever vets lit a sou"! he in exnosi- i i Tl r ,. i 1 ho rcrris w be. 1 is large.en oiigh ; olve inose !!; UM no (d to Cli icago in rehitn- a good idea of ils wonderf al ; i--m. SfcEjy B E Q 88 R 11 H U B 0 for there ir.-.;ta;ior.s andsubsti tutes, ley r. c peer stuff at the best and i: crcrrc ycur misery. Take'Simn:or.s L.iver Regulator only. You v. id I ncw it by the large red Z on the face of every package and by the relief it gives when taken for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Headache. TIKE J. H. ZEilin & Co., Philad'a, Pa, ua vs Vi5 Vs jr.w-s$ sr Nichol on. 1 INSUlUXcg' SOUND, .STROXO-4'BELIAUE - 'X - for X Fire, Rents life a j JS: Losses Froinptly Adjusts Rates Reasonable. J. M. PATT0N Office atC. M.&II.M.I! i vn on OA MAKE MOXEY BV OBTAINING SVIwuiIRs Kor The Southern Statss. :- It is a beautifully illustrated u, nagaztne devoted to tho s.,.,o, , J lull of intere I for every i-exi.i,.,".., V." Everybody Can A5:rd it :I8 it costs only $1.50 ler e.n I". . fur a single coiy. - We Want :ui A-ent in V, ,v Sr..i... Cil and Town. Wriie f,;,- " "rrD ies aud particulars to tin- p . - Balliim.re.-.Mil. -Call notice fo-l lie fact that ih.'viiat'-r.j: . tlie-tito-'k fiom Wwlr store nm uiniw tleirmn! id i n.-ir .: oil I i tlt.Z. and in order nvlu-.-e oiv sf.-.v-. v. i I ofrrr for tlie next ' TilMU'Y DAYS i'X i::Y (i(H)D . OU!:inlM- eo vtt:c;il 1 '!i;,t we . ka,e (or 'H:n-)LliJ i Uj li.p u 111 VS. . Ur L. Spgnc ATTOUXi:V-AT-L TP O, " . ' -i. V. 3M C tlirers Ids' prnfesional serviies to. Jll e i "oj.e f Mf)j.t.n,ei and d-joinii-.j: C(iintics. Ad ! i Intu it 1 loy , N. 0. tV i i. IVARRATED SILVERWARE IVILL LAST. s poous AM) J-?) for;: 3 Vvrni Sterling Silver BACKS h TO 7AR 2 5 TL1RS. Tho pieces cf tcrlir:',' f li ver ini:UU atttbe iiiits or rest, preveut any wcarwliatcvcr. FIVE TIME'S tis much Silver nsta i;taiid arUi'laie". , FAR BETTER than Ujrlit Sold i--UTersnd ;ot oac-Jjalf Uic,cost. o Eacli article Is rtxnyd E. STEHLING-INLAID tE. Accept no su'wutu'e. Made Only by The JTolmes & E:o Stva C And Sold by the Old ie liable Jronlprq T Kr Mil Main St.. Salisbury, N.C. MILLSTONE n-i I Havtn? lvju;M. t:u- i:. i ' . !' yi.uri.-s, I win . i i i .u. i . I-.UOVVU Tilt, -for COIU 1 .I.TA .VillUO All persons are c:on i-.n.- tiatiug any ntiU-s .urjiui ! ! , MM II )il' " . made bv E. It. IV tit am r... , .e r .i i.. ..II tJ t,i .uonigoiucry count . .- vBr. M . V I ...l:l.' .' T notes Having iu--n .l r v: e rat ion due t. ; : -t: . been cariied vui ' ' ' sell iu relation tlui :- ,r,T l yj L FtT, NOTICK. ! Ira ! ,1.! ii. iv ni- I " j -n,,t:tf ' of J. S. Gooduili-. Hereby eriven io an 'r' !l ....r.illS . claims aaihst- sai'l c-t i'- ' -i tfrem. tlu! v-ant hent c d' 1r.1': tK on or bef ore 'lolh ilav "1 ' )l t.Uef 'r on th:s notice will '' 'a lllS ir their recovery. Ann i ' r-r JIB IF" deteil to said" estat-aiv If iv s sllftston AT JL V f IIIIIU 15 lyoii hut hmti ' 0090 I oo oo j Jill t,-jf r'AsJ ft, Lo to :ke iir mediufr " ' ,f,Tv-u;Hl CLAU1SSA K. iWZ't O.-toUrr 5Ji, lbW.