r- c r0rna Watchman j;.l ... ANI ' IV EWTOM. . e -...,-. A.. ...I ... rk.. audi-clames u. t e city. .. ..,,. mv to cur rcrders for i-Ti.-i.iks'-ivtti .,1 01 " . ill !lU etiuM w-i i He this tvctk on oc- in ilbe taken at tire 1'ivs- the. Watchman and c!i to-i i; h.r .km. eat ol me . '..,;,..ri f )rJH:l iir.. VI'.MIIIiJ . nmi," i v-o- i in . ill- I . ' - ....... f n TT.Iiitirt vi'fuw! - i )-n vf"i t " ev 1 ", ., ,., rfonii a-tnaniag cere- jbis wjr!v' j uot.earu the coutrct- room college on jjiurtH-- ' .... . .1.. ... iln ..Hi,.. ,.iiut II- '" rt i. l.:,i.rlf rcilMVfi select ttfvcv;'.l:. "". . ; ...rJi-i, Wednesday's al Satur- S .1.'.. fiit-v tK-liver promptly. k A Wtt la!r m dry madeati alignment P ' ' . . . i... i.ju lit of t heir creditors i i U' IW-.taiu as assignee. , m !,k. assi-m-e of T. B. Wyatt, I mi inventory ff the stock last ' tfJ opeUC" I lie MUI&.1WHMJ . i jus Ik-cu crowded ill iirchasers It'l eek. li'i- ' a l" fiiC in'-' "f KviingeHst Gak-s in- siiNiJi'Wt '"k,lli.V- A rolcs-siouw ol iar5-iu.ad at every service . 7 1 1..,, i-.. .. i,;,!ous "clintirt vli( is doru; much ,'ood J'vim-'-! Ji-Vi. r-arso , nccoinpa nieil J'f.ns'ii., l.;i.- :H liirouj;i; ??a)ls- store coiiVerrioii i... 'i'u..!;i linn iimiu on their way to !,';..? a:t'lilpted to rob Mr- G. II Cint , "f KtK-xville, TeiiH... near -the l:riiu ih-'rl"l'm-.-day ni-ht. They oidei ! Mr. riivi-U'V t' lalt. wiio re.-jiotided tvtai'!l.-' ;1 revolvyr and teilin-thein 'l,iiTuvT:iv iiKiriii.n ; abiiiit ha!f-jat nVti'ii'k, Aj r-.; U'. It. M i-rotiey died ,i n,-r Ii'iiiio iii t i i r -iiy alter two weeks ticking (tyof'!i .itiv'er. S:e ItniVos a jrnif .-!iUi!i !i'i-!aiid ' and t"Wt htnail ihi!I:u, '''' liavi- flu- .sincere ?y nijialiiy ol'our p-i.; i'l xhy.v feal o. Tin' a'.u:!i;iL tuiiifn'i ee (' the M. E. Ctiiiiiii !r n-.-. in uitli Carolina uiel in tiuiinitr ,? ui ij ,. lifvs. ir Jeith, J.J Waller Hess stnsck a oegro named ltob. Boyden with iho back of a shovel at the ouvtct camp Tarsday, knocking him senseless for a short lime. The tie gro threw some water on Hess, which c.iused the blow. r Subscriiiers at Mf. GUead, N. Care re q'testej la pay. their -sub.-criptions to ilr. J. M. Overtouwlio i authorized to make col lection 'a ad gire receipts for fcubacriptiou. - " : The Salisbury Colton made h d-mat km of two Uolta of clotli to each of ti e OrphauagtS Tb.e Charlotte Observer Tuesday Horiiiutr contains a telejnuu frtm its hitij:ti,n corrvsjK)udent Hnnoiinc ing that Capt. 3d. E. Carter, of Ashe vill will succcetTcolleetor Elias. A lilfl" son of Mr. Jno, L. Link, age 3 years nnd 0 months, died of niein branons croup Friday night. We are glad to say that the an tuvmictMnent in last week's Watchman of the death ltv. J. Lroy LKaton was a mistake. Tiie Watchman got lis information ' from the Ctn-coj-d Stantlaid'c says in Friday's issne that--the article we copied was a mistake and that it now .learn from reliable source that Mr. Deatou-is not ifoid'bui.iM in a hospital in Su Paul, Minn, very i!l hut slightly better at last accounts. He was on his rrad home from Seattk Washington, untr was forced to st jp in. St. Paul. His brother, liev. W. A. Deaton, is with him. U'inl;iiu'- l'i urn tins'' uiii iiJiikf '.:.;) i' cii.i ( oi ui ii are in ai ry. i iii- em. iVtvnce .ii!lul! tilt' niin laade lu ."';;ii-ian y, Jle..n and iii v Conrt in Session. due Miller, distur!)ing religious wo; ship snbinission; Judgment suspended otupaytneiit of costs. Let- Stoke assault with deadly wea pon net guilty. Catherine liobihson and H.M. Huff man i.ffary gtiilty as to C ithering It b nsou; Ji ltn.itt. suspended on pay ment of costs; HuHmau not guilty. Willian Fisher carrying concealed weapon uol pros. Williams Fisher carrying concealed weapon, uol pros. weapon not guilty Ben Correll, larceny, guilt v; four months on ch iiu gang. C.A. Siylor assault an I battery, snbmissi in ; Judgement suspeud. d on pay tueiit d' cost. -Thomas Ilensoif removin; crop suhmis- ! iion jjudgtnent susjiended on p tvuients of cos's. JV.i Handle andGeor.-e Cruse nffiMY. ; gvtiitv; Jo Igtiwnt suspended on py- busiuess. He has a new pattcnt for boat building wliica is a good thing. . Messrs. W. F. & A. O Haywood have completed their store hou-e and have a nice stack of good.-? opened up, which they will jtell cliesp for cash. Oar Ml. G if end debuting boysnnnounc ednnd advertised a public debate the 21th lust. 'They had notices stuck tip all over town ' inviting "eueryliody to come out. 'beh.old2.Kur poor timid set of boys, only two of them attempted to say any thing more than to excuse themselves. After the spectatoes disappeared they clased doors and debated until nearly 11 o'clock. Poor boys, you must not be so timid and hasnful. You won't have to tt a phrenologist to tell you whether you wpuld do for a lawyer or a preacher. Mr. J. A. Lisk is right i"!ck mk neu ralgia this .week. " The Death cf Col. Brown. C&arlotte News, STATE NEV7J. The , Monroe -Enquirer notes that there is a man, a" Populist, in Union c uuty,Avho will not py the preacher, .-imply leeus the preacher voted the D. iiiocrutiu tieket. Tlsere are 1,150 convicts in the Slate. Of these 12S are in the peiitieiiUarj , SG are at the farms and phphate xuiucj-tt Castle Hay ne, and OoO on (he furuis along the iioanoke. The Baptists of North Carolina will hold their annual State Convention on December 7th to 11th, and it will be held in Ei za'e'h City this year. There will he delegates there from all oyer the State, and many proaiiuent B ir tasts from different pirts of the UuLed States. Bicji Square, N. C, Nov. .27. -This Col. JoUh L. Brown died at his resi ! community was shocked Friday a!out tlfl'S 'I mi i l!i ml l'rc-i Ih. L ai i L (.Van it. t ia-M.- ii! ienii'ii haw si-rv- 'meuf of CO-ts. rd in tlitir ina-t'iU po.-itions four years,.! t oil 1 'lir V ' ;. I" -. I V. ,! - :1 ! ii I'll :l t, !-V 1 1 1 i' i i i 4t lrt.l..Hlri:lis ilu- Hiianjiiious ttish oi ; I' iVhieiits of cost. iis fiau: and J"ii;e. w imJe city tlul lie-m.i lie i t i iii iiiit to Saii.siuiiy. nl in tlit ir uq,M-iU po.-itious fuur years,.! . . , - thetVi iiii.i; t! iii'.!. , vt H be iJj . Mark Dixon, carrying conee-in-d wca oiliti fu-.ii.-i. ' lit-. L. i.ii has.l.eea heie! j.,0. rrU jSmlgmeut su-fietlded on deuce on East Trade street, this city, a 8:30 o'clock Saturday morning. The immediatecau.se of his .death whs pneu monia.. For several months past Col. Brwu had been in failing health, yet up to within a week past no alarm was felt as to his condiiioirr lie was in his 65th year. The death of Col. Brown removes a man prominent in the history of Char lotte. He has spent his lifetime here, uuu llc .1 (la v.llc vfl nil; ujfiiillJucis vri int. i p .1 . .. Tr . . 1 .. 1 1 of the eountv citv. He was promiuent both as a ousi- nes man and as a pillar of the church, and was always found active in every work tending to the good and advance ment of the community. Charlotte mourns him as one of her best men. John Lewis Brown was born on Jan uar3j8ih, 1829, near Salisbury. His father, Peter M. Brown, moved to Char lotte when the subject of this sketch was only six mouths old. From that time to his death; Cob Brown had lived in Char otte. His business life here began when he was 18 years of age, when he served as a clerk, lie rose steadily in the bus iness world and was very soon recognized as one of the leading business men of Charlotte. His mercantile - career was markedJby one sucoess after another, until he was at the head of one of the most extensive business houses in the South. But his worth was recognized in other Hues. He was a useful citizen in all -the wa'ks of life. He represented Meckleuburg county in the Legislatures of 18G2, 1874 and 1878, and was repeatedly elected an alderman ' of Charlotte. He was" one of the best friends Davidson College ever had, and had been a trustee of that institution for 12 years,. and at the time of' his death v. as President of its Board of Trustees. For 24 years Col. Brown was a nvniher of the Board f Trustees of, l he General Assembly of the Preshyieriau church of the U lited Slates, was a tru-Uee-of the Synod of North Car olina, and was chairman of the bench of Deacons of the First Presbyterian church of Charlotte. He was "identified with almost all the important buMiiess enter prises of Chai Km ie. half past one o'clock by the announce nient that James L. Peele. a well to do and most highly respectable citizen, member of the society of friends, who livetLaJjout two iiiiii s from this place, hail committed suicide by shooting him self through the head with a shot gun. lie leaves a wife and four small chil dren. Mr. Peele was the son of T. C. Peele, one of the best known citizens :N".i:iiv Id' i ivl .iKj ieats I li iii't you tlnuk if l- Uiiie-yi'ii weii' piling oiil Mibscr.j'iioa' ;."lhi-;-p :p;r V We think hi. It yoa dmi l iniei.d io pa pu a.e li'itjfy us ah.j we will discontinue the pjier iiini t ui ir iail in tlie hands of ifcfilec: Ifi si ai'iiev. l'.eitse rivc lhi J Ui-at'e-idivi). j - Ed. Bost,: larceny guilty; two year chaiti gali. . II. Sptrnell assault" and battery, A special to the Observer Irom Con cord says: Yesterday William CorreifH a colored hoy of 10 years of age, living on Dr. T. F. Pharr's plantation.", was out gathering wild grapes and by some mishap he fell from the tree and broke his neck, killing him instantly. There were a number of while boys along with him when he fell. The Ijiwdmirk says that Iredell county is to. furnish the granite for the Confederate monument to be erected at Raleigh. The quarry from which the granite is to be obtained is locat ed aoc ut two miles south of Moores ville, on the lauds of M r. T. J. Wil liams, and is operated by the Charlotte Granite Company. Coh cord, Nov. 25. The nngio.vs of Xo 3ftownsItip hei'd "a festival on Tlitirs day.inght, which Lad a tragic, ending. As is Asnaily the eas they got i:ito a flight. J Atw-ll was tiiitiii .Jim Black and BobGtlmer. Atweil pulled oat Ills pitol and M red in the direction ol "t hi's p n t.M-. missing t.iifoi, shoot- I I r .i iit ("rii..iii mi fiii :; 1 1; i i i i 1 1 Dr. S -'eie was called, and he says Gih son cannot live. At well made his ts cape, but they are alter him. !I:co, Texas, November 2?. Ia adif leuity n:ar hare, A. Slassey waskilled i h ssa and Win. Oldsla tally shot.' KALEioir, K. C, Js'oveniber 2a. Safe Kowvrs did ellectiTe work at New ?ertie last night by getting into the i.fe cf J. D. Dinkins aud takinsr off 1,S-J0. Jt:: jzm.l.n, T::xx, November 27. lt-r.no enanty voted ?50,f,00 yesterday as the cupitat stoe!: of the Nashville -aid Kcosvi'la road, 'ibis insures its ?.rly completion. CiiAr.t.i;sTo:;, S. C.tXoTjmber 23. A usal decree was en tered in the United states court today, ordering the sale of the South Carolina railway to take VKicj at auction on April It, 1S04. Norfolk, Va., November i4. W. M. Foreman, colored, was banged in the juil yard at Portsmouth at 10:3J thib iu.i.iiii', ii.r me muruer oi carr; .ar rington, colored, some months ago. Kai.eioh, N. C. November 22. A white man nameoV Elliot was placed in jail at SmithCeld today for the mur der of his wife to prevent her fro? giviug birth to a clild. Elliot is u farmer. Maco:t, Ua., November 23. Major John B. Cobb, one fcf the oldest and mcst favorably known cltizcus of Ma con, died suddenly fro heart failure. !j v , He was a member of the insurance a ou n; firm of Cobb, Cabaness & Co. Kxoxviljk, TiKrjf.', November 24. Maxwell Co., leading dry goods an.', millinery dealers of this city, njade an assignment tonight to Wm. S.' Shield, president of the City National bank LiabQities, 83.000; assets ample to cover saiD3. Jackson, Miss.. November 23. The "supreme court reversed and remanded the case of Jack- Swanson,slayer ol two Jackson policemen, upon grounds that the jurymen read newspapers containing testimony and commented thereon during the progress of the trial. Ci.AnKSViLLE, Tenn., November 23. The Clarksville tobacco warehouse ONE-HUNDRED DOZEN . French - Woven - Corsets, Which we liave bou-ht of a Factory going out of business,! offer at the following prices: French Woven Corsets worth $1.25 at 1 rench3Voven Corse.s worth $1.50 at rrencL Woven Corsets worth 2.00 at (HcenU. 74ceutr IKlcentn. Has procured us a big lot of I HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, - Which e will sell at less than regular Wholesale Prices. Odt line of Dressgrois ani Trimmiiiffs is bow Conglete,- from tie cleapes UP TO THE LATEST IMPORTED NOVELTIES. We are sure to be able toplease you in quoting, Style and Price. have nevtaseen a nicer I ne of Cloaks for Ladies. Misses and Childr as we are exhibiting now. We offer themjtt very Low Prices. Come nnu uvi your tnoiee now, when all the sizes are complete. Ojai.S3FD25SM2?1 AND lES.'OCS- The bi-est selection in town, which we will sell at prices to suit your peke book. Our Stock is con plete with reliable goods, as-we positively decline to handle tra-h. Your Good Money deserves Good Goods, and you can find them at low prices att liUmann & Lichtenstein, Positive and; KegatiYe. Tne r ice Q testi-m is i nsettled j iiut it is settled that II ol's Sarsanar- i ila lead all remrlies. 1 Diseisi m irclie- throng'i all lands. hJint good health blesses all wl.o take 1 fIood'sSarsiipanFbu p Dyspepsia is a greoh foe of the hu - ! -nan race But Hood's Saiv uparilla ij .nits it to fiht. which - covered about an acrv of ground, was burned this raoi-ring. Over 230 hogsheads of tobacco, valued at F'J.000, were destroyed. The total loss is $39,000 insured. Origin of the fire not known. Jonksvii.lk, Ala., November 22. A fire, first discovered at 3:20 this morn ing', iu the frame ftore of Ucyoolds Brothers, was carried by the wiad to an adjoining1 dwelling, and thenco pro ceeded down the line, destroying- the z'is-.ii ' vvi Ate s: l v rw ii insurance, si 1,300. f! ocrotula is one of the most terribh Columbia, S. C, November 25. "Ar- M d diseases. But liooi's Str-aparilli resrs are going on quietiv, is all ttiat Newspaper Lrvy Const ijiation is t'nc parent of innumer able diseases and should therefore be promptly re.nedied by the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. Thwse do not i ip are uiltv: j-nl-inent su-pended on pav- perfeclly safe to lake and remove all ' l.i . l: '.'.11 1 ifiiuviicy io liver ami uuwis uuiuiiiiiui. men t of costs. Waller Pinkstoi,,' Do.-. Carter, Will Taylor, Sam. Gaty and Fayette Hen derson convicted of an ;dx ;v yvere sentenced-to three mon- Tlie Charlotte OLtrrrer , the on tlie ClJalll ?llg. " ' 1 - H ' ."",7 VT I llr. D. hMl.u iy, who r.Mtnt last we, k -Walter Hess, previously con victed of in ami ab-.iit L?ai':s!airv. eonu s buck ! robliery was sentenced to four years on i'iie ....Uii.s.n ,'vx-r Mr. E. B. C. Ham- the cluiiu gang WeyY sIm4v i ,j in i;i ii..ua;i. The !K:k; lie say-'.. is tin !inest iK ,.v,r saw. S'cui cows i;i. .s..w aete vaaj'.;d at a thousand i oii.irs. 'ih;iuks.;i iti ervi es . . . wM iii i nr c luu eii. s lions Will he Ui;:de r the f..ihi-1-h-ss will lu oay. tit. i una-1 to the Mijiport j ones oK our Manning Item3. . Cones, cmdeace Watclnnan. Oar farmers are through sewing wheat and gathering their crops cotton be ! .in.l T.wn i..,af nu.irlt. i 1 b I I'll 1 his bein court week the usual ra;n Prevention Is 3. tier fhan cure and those who aie subject to rheunutisin can pi event attacks by keep ing iheblood pure and free from the ac id whichcausesthedisea.se. You cau rely upon Hood's Sarsaparilhi as a remedy for the rheumatism and eatarrh also for for every form of scrofula salt rheum oils and other diseases caused by impure dood. It tones and vitalizes the whole ystenu has come. Several te,ai.. I v,e trust liiev nn ty ho liberal! several mountain wagons pa-sed 'l iiuiiuiua.s that iln smtd.. u.o- i.iav Isere enrottt for the citv loaded with an- 'i MlkT I'uT 'L. el".-i: j.pn. 'r. J. A iiiid. one of 1 lit . hi-st i-i: :r,.iK t ies and chestnut. A "irls vesu is brief but it isn't ta- oj i ra.iiu- r.,rd i.t-i-iih .vhood "had the 'ken 'as a short answer . - juisfortum-n, ot.t !,r,j(1t ull(iy c.u,l.id! Th i "women of this dav and "Weil tlu; 'tin ia t heir sleeves. it; lime - - ; . - 1-lillllK rs ol two fieiuht CJ rs ' . -i tainlv h;iv.i iilanK- nf room in, Inii'rb aUilii sinM.... i - i . . . i .. ! J J r ui-it raL "Miiiuuav. lie U1U lit cil I.. ly pussiiig Letttcen two of I hem. Just as ielUt his fuutou tiie buaij.crs a sliifiin "Sine struck the ears and crushed his 70)re.Vl.iuUadai.ti 'MKi'iz:e drts- V1J tne -w.'uiHi. d "varv t lio!e k inctntK'i- and iound it ' aiiinutalii l-.vo toes. It. '. .i.:i IU...IHIII OI llio l(X't wuu.d bo necessary, hut the oiss now liuoe to save il Thecals aiust ytt "''"VrTifTiuTi. "i'M'T tli:tf i llltJict f'Ust Hi T- II. I Vmi. t. !aie s' Nali-auil 'jtnk,ea:ue ! i.i'-raiiii;. 'l'o bil! of mt"l had bct-n luti.i.i s.g.-iii.-t Mr. nc ct taee bills chai-iu- him Mr Charles W. Graham left last Sat urday for t he "Bear - State!" he will uial.e his home at Cotton plant. iliss Beulah Davis of Salisbury spent a few days with friends here last week. From what we caa here old man Jim Benson, the mail carrier on tiiis rout wants a wife," Girls here is an ex (-client opportunity. , II UlC hH1.ik lo the -Vance CV. ton Mt. Gilead Locals. Coiesfontlence Watehtnan. Rev. K. A. Mcleod filled his regiilar "' 'lie i iiiK r ....,.... .... sinnuintmpntsit Shiirnn th. 9fi: h 111st unit din v j iLLcin, oi c5,uoo ami vl,- ' ' "".t;I1,f:i( th F.ist NationaS Bank, i be preached a good practical sermon as ti.ili .it-oieiii of u.-.ual to an attentive. Mr. Will Cottony of the narrows, was in town last week. We don't think the old folks were pleased with his keeping that girl up so late, though I think they will forgive him if he wiil not do so auy more. Mr. XV. T. Hearn has commenced build ing bts new dwelling house. Mr. N. P Hiatti, a,i at tins tune and bades has the contract to do the work. - wit j-t u .lw : ,i ..... I - ll ia , "'anueoeieiKienu Mr. E. M. Williams bas-aboutcom- 'Ten.,. i . , ,xtJ,t"-e. Jm.-e W hit- i!eted his dwellinsr hone nMr Hip "wr I ti I i. try -- - ui'Jnsi;v!. Klue uf thw case lhurch at Meltons Grove and he wrt M .... ' ' eacu t S2,000; move In it the fir,t of the next vpr. , - rf Mr. William Maner, of-Norwood, was nit -,ii "'m i' . u C2,hd Mill. deL,4'1' A Uohi''-s appeared for the 1 M-.1WF. Kluttzand tUet' ,,i, ,u listed Soiicitor Long in co!11'1'- Ti':-IVnse asked-for 'ee until ihc next term of the trial i , m1 i,c,,,)m,t f iHcjudh e a fair W'U I i., ,t 1... i , lli?KII.... and Ti I'iv.... r . s ii. .or t a . ii ... i i iiorau uetom- justiiymg ja !he sum of ne will bu rried at the Feb- Da hi. . Ifclni . f .i iue court. in town one day last week Mr. M. S. Pool, of .Ga., was in town Hast week. He is iu the boat-buildiuc The Durham Sun says: Our citi zens were very much snprised to-day lo le :n tliat -.1. W.dvUL-s & (o., d.ty goods dealers of this place, inula well known firm, I .-ad made an assignment, the pa pers of which weie tiled this moniiiu at 1 0 o'clo. k. Inability to meet their obligations w.is tlr- can-'r o.' this i. nil being forced to the wall, :.s it, is in most every lustanei i. J. Jones J. D. Pridgeu are assignees. The Hood's Pills arc easy aiui gentle in effect. Kow's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward lor auv ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F J. Cueeny, Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheeny for the last 15 years, and be lieve htiu perfectlv honorable iu all "busi ness transactions and financially able lo carry out any bligations made by their firm. West &Traux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggist, Toledo, Olno. Hull's t.'atarrb Cure is taken internally acting dirnctly upou the bfood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle Sold by all Druggist. les timonials free. act amount of til ir !ii;ili.es ;i :d ex- as- Covernor Tillman has to say ibont the Beaufort afr'air. It is said tnat the governor has never before been sc. determined to show to the state and the outside world that the 'dispensary law shall be enforced and the oflf.cers of the state protected. Con -jihia, "S. C, November 23. The dispensary authorities say that Fisher, who was killed m the mountabis oi Creenville county, a few days ago, was r.ot a dispensary constable, as haajbeen stated in the dispatches. He belonged to a family noted for its bellije rent proclivities, and the bloody fight was pi i"-;.bi v lae result of an old fepd oi of i long standing animosity. Acovsta. Ga., November 25. rrbe feature of the last day of the cot: fed I kt xqels it from the system. j The people of this day, like Job, auf fer from boils. But Ho xl's Sarsap ; 1 1 is a sovereign remedy for tl em. j Catarrh is (me of the most disagreea- ijl'Ie diswirtJei's. But IloodVSarss parilb: J s sure to relieve and cure it. 1 Bheum itism racks the system like a j liumb-serew. But it i?treats befort he power of Hood's S ariviri!la. 1 Loss of ap)etite leads to nielai choli; tin bit. Hood's Sarsaparilla niakts Uuie-d repast tickle the palat Life is short and time is fleeting, but erxftvcteraus' reunion at the Augusta Iood's Sarsaparilla will bless hninalli e:i posit ion was the arrival of Gener! ' y ys tillages roll oil. was an unexpected event, but far- nished a happy occasion for a clinvas of enthusiasm that was touchingly sublime. The day was a veritable love ! 1. Subscribers, who x press notice-tatkeetMfktrary are consid ered as wishifcgtoxoutiau tbtur ab- senption. 2. it tLe suUeT i6eir-rder the- dis continnaiiee of their peridialT t .r publishei may continue to su4 Ihem. until all arrear.is are- poixi. 3. Ii suliscribets. nwgject or refaw Lo tak their perbdieais. from tle of tice to which. Uiey aae- directed. . : v ne KBSfonsible tiiitii they have .. tti.u cheix bilJLand. ondered theui Utoconiiu ied. fi.If.tiie subscribers move to ,u ; Wes without uiforniing the puiiiHi. n,.and' paper ai-e-sen ttU th lormci lirection,. they are- held, rusppnsi-)ib- 5. rClie courts have-cfceid& '.that re I'tising.to.tiike periodinai.s friinu the of lias-orr mmonmg iuid leaving them . itija'lad for,.ra Prinut lucie. e'tdeii intentionaL fraud. 'J. If su-bscril)ers pay iiru: Ivance they .i?w bound to. give notice to pulnishers at the end of their time, LLHiey do not witdi to coutiiiiie taking it; , otherwise the publisher iauthorizedto"suii .t A Minister's Rebuke- A m.i . -.. ...... .-. ..1 l.,t , till" Mll.lll 11(1.-1 (tlllllM I'll UI 1 CUU1C r 1 .1 I - -,. , . - ' ', !aad t he-subse riber will bo- resnoiistble f, nst .for tht- vetprans: who were here ' alKlllg and giggling, tie paused 100K- ... in large numbers. ' ,l d at the disturbers and Said: i . . -i T 1 tr T i 1 - I . i juit, tvui.-i oiiki; 111 I iTd.l ill r.ii .1 I II I t'le Lmtea Mates court toaay juoge ier Simonton signed an order directing j i young lllair wlio sat Oelure me was the South Carolina railway to bring in i , o!lstant Iv laughing talking and niak- rdl goods otrered as Ireight and eon- ; i uiiftil an express notice wi4ii pay m eta of all arrearages is sent tolhepullish- sets have not been learned ;ifc this writ- inif A Shooting Scrape. Charlotte Observer. The Westmorelands and Whites are neighbors in Linley's township. Ibid blood has existed between them for sev er.! I years, and it came near leading to a homicide Thursday. The immediate cause of tb trouble i was a cow. Thursday morning Joe Westmoreland's cow got out and as it went by the Whites they impounded it. Tne- last jaostall laws are stwdi. (Lat i i)fin:-4.rkii rujr vti-lhliiriJoii .on ufMtnk n a . signed to private consumers The de- o " . (one lor f rain! wlu takes a ppper and. cis.on was made on the petition of a .dministeri'd a severe reouke. Attel . , TT ,-. number of citizens, who claimed the - irefwes topaj foK i. Under this law. right to buy beer and whisky in onothcr state for their own consump tion and have the railroads transpoi it. Rai.f.ioii, N. C, November 24. Ii. IJ. Wood, the old white man who abduct ed his little step-granddaughter, Liula Coley, has been convicted and ff;n sentenced to live years in the peni tentiary. The poor girl told her hor rible story to the judge who cloao-ed the courtroom of spectators. Wood's defense was that the girl went wil lingly with him to Florida and Geor gia. The sentence is regarded as light. Atlanta, Ga., November 25. In the United States circuit court Judge New man decided in the case of the Equita ble Mortgage Company against Clay ton draft, mortgage foreclosure, tha4 the transaction was free from usurj f he close of th services a j.'ent!enian paid to me: 'Sir you made a great mis rake. That o iiig man was an Idiot,. Since then I have always been ; fraio '0 reprove those who inisliehave them selves in chapel lest 1 should lepeat p hat mistake and reprove another idoit. During the rest of the service the;e was good order. jthe ntau who allow his subscription t to run ahmg for sow time unpaid and. then wders- the pookraaster to maik... it . 'refused' and have a postal cariii seut notify in-g the publisher, lays binwelfi liable to aifcst and fine the sania:aa.fux tlreft etc. For sick hiadache, caused by a disor dered stomach, Ayer's Cathartic Fills are the most reliable remedy. "My mother first recommended these Pills to me. thirty years ago. They are the mildest and best purgative iu use." S. C Brad- burn, Wortbiugton, Mass. Do not wear impermeable and tiht- fitting hats that constrict the blood-ves sels of the scalp. Use Hall's Hair Iien- ewer occasionally, and and you M ill not be bald. .-i it A V. ry ren err ff r lip fi T0 r 1 r S'.O fl fOT When asked by the We.-tiuoreiatids to he fuu "amount claimed. This' casa give it up, thvy refused. The W si morelauds consulted 'Squire J. M. W ii is of gre son and he wrote the Whites that they had l-etter give t lie cow up. When the Westmorelands went.t.' the Whites again to demand the cow, a fuss en sued. Robert White knocked Thos. Westmoreland off his horse. As the latter fell he fired on White,' shooting at him three times, but missing him. White ran into his house, got his double-barrel shot-gun and emptied both- barrels at Westmoreland, but the latter dodged behind a tree, thereby saving hi-, life. He in t imoortance to the loan com panies which have been doing business in this state and have millions of dol lars invested. Kt'ARTAN!iiT.a, S. C, November 24. A negro, mimed Will Bradley, who at tempted to wreck the fast mail from Atlanta on November 4th, which passes here at 11:25 o'clock, jvas ar rested today. He admit being one oi a purty of three, but does not know the others. It is thought he wm alone and his motive was robbery. He removed the spikes and cut the bolts, but the -trtia passed before he finished the job. lie is an old rail roader. Kf.i nswicx, Ga., November 24. The A Miscellaneous Lot. A hackman found this order writ ten on his slate last summer, accord ing to a Maine correspondent: 4Joe: Send hacks and wagons in time to carry the following to tho Bar Harbor train: "One wife, two nurses, three serv ants, four children; five .trunks, four valises, three grips, two bun dles, one me outs id( preferred)' Youth's Companion. tn hip. City of Montreal, passed over the turn emptied l-rnsv.-)CK Damn uiuium u"."" 1 tivnntv-nn TtH L sis. iiseiics. i.'..- v.. v severtll chambers of h:s pl--tid J-! have easily passed out had she drawn of the iiu'ilets took nine inches more. Cave-am urecn. master of the t ity ol ;.ioa;reai, tijm-u a certiiieate outside St. Siraoa's bar, showing that his ship's tonnajo was 1,137. her draft twenty-one and one half feet, and that he crossed St. bimon's bar without trouble of any Jcind: not touching bottom once. Cap tain Greene savs his expenses for loaJ-irt"-, touring, pilotage, etc, at this port vevc 5W0 less than they had hewn eW ..Lere. Vhite, but none effect. All part h s will be C.died account. THdr ja Cry for Pitcher's ntona," "Why is hs so Irritable. This question is often heard and nearly as often unanswered. It is not always remembered, as it should be. that the occas on of ill-temper aud irritability is often to be found in the phvsiciat conditon f the persons ui fected." What is the use of tniug to "harmonize" a man whose liver lias gone bark on him? If a man is tortured with rheumatism, how can he be expected tote affable aud agrei able? Can a confirmed dyspeptic be expected to be cheerful and aivvays ready to tell a funny story? 'Ihe owfv way to remove the difficulty is to et at the came. D.sepsia , rheumatism impure blood ami liver troubles yield ti ll..wl' siMi-w-.r.-iiill:!. litis is whv il is an alleetive tranquilizer, a peaceful mes-en-ger, aud a preventive of demise ipi if rels. There is nothing so sweet rnd all the l est picas-ores o u the wake of duties done. is a dat y 1 life CMP.' MAJIKBT REPOF.TS r.,. nv3t wir ta n v. Martin. Manajer Mjw York. Nov. at. -Cotto.i -O a 64 Jan. 8S5; Fch. S.3; marVc2t very ste.iajr. MWdiin- 8.": marhei Crm Chicago. Nov. C7.-Futures closed a 2S -MaV PORK.-Jaa. IU70 I '1rd.-o d. Sides Jaa. rwu A -o S'.y Cashorotations irre si follows: Mess rf rk 9V. T& . n. . . Short "ts. loose. i fiait shoulders, boxci. $7.r4,7.W: gi,ie i. t'oxed. 10 A Maniac's Jump New York, November 22. John M. S-chirmer, an eagitie.'r, thre.v himself out, of fif h-st n v win low i:i the ttrJiement, No. 434 East Ninth street this morning aud was. killed on the j;ot. His suicide wa the lesii.t of iro-ible at the shop that, wt-igi cd upon Millionaires Once Poor. George PeabodfTt philautbropifct once sawed wood for his board, and when he was 11 years of age was work in a country grocery iu ALissachu- setts. TotTi Scott, ihe famous railroad pre sident, drove a mule on the tale canal Lis mind until it ni-et it. ' ' I . 1 ...-! I r- ." i,.i. it.; . : , .:f!ta i eunsviyTariia, an worace uree j An Z o i-lock this mhi in in - t i,H wife i - J ' n . t.J ..i ii i V l foiiml the husband sitting on the edgeiwu,h "l ""l-"' uw of the window opening to air .-liaftl113 'OKJ a u . ...k...,ui r.f i . iUa me iouuaer or ii.e Aaams rjipre- tie was one hundred Jc't above the: . tjompany, Alvin Adam, started iii-. career as an office boy in a Boston he tel. He saved his4iioney and boqgbt grotcid, mid was prpio ing to jump With a shriek she sprang out of bed, ran to the window and sez.il mm by the wrists. Schirjne-w a' sm ill maiu She is a vigorous woman and despair lent her grocery store, . Corcoran, who was the richest nan in Washington, and who has given away three or four millions in chari- i . ii. x i,..i.i i;.., r.. silio ufri-irr. LienLTMl 0 11"IU uiiii in-.. . ... Tl 1 1 11 J - TL olfnl to null mm bick in the room, but;. . . " . . , . I iauier was once u suoecaaivec siie could 3iot. lie tore at her in nas half his Johu Jitcob Astor, tle father-of len of millious worth of real estate which now bold in New Lard lJ. r& ut, . on short cla SiVASNiH. No; vi.TuryentUie i-aol at H: and squirnu'd to escape with body hangiufcT over the s. I S ie brae- -d U.rselt agu..,., u,e .v. c ouc; . brwdBll4 him with all her might and pleaded,! o?er streets fiow Vmed cried for him to t ome back. his children's property. He never said one word, but stiug-j Jay Gotly'8 father wajJ farj far gled silently to free himself. She feltmer in the o ew york Hfi1 her strength give out. -Goulb's baud, wfeich sigied checks for "For baby's sake, for inine," shej millions then squeezed the pleaded. j teats of 20 eow uiA Hr turned his eyes upon her once., the lMlttaT wbich-brougbt tm- and she saw in tlieni only a mama.; s tw t.llivi... c. Jj. Uu flet- . . i. 1 i 'hire. With a desperate euorc ut wrenched himself from her grasp ai. went down. The Value of -aPaekte. 'PI. . t 1 ...".j full II .1 -it Hip bottom . ': ' , i- .1.11 The contents of a 2o-eent .pck3ge oT of the st.alt crusmu uu- - '"" jsimllMM lliyn lJt gSuHr .ill cure mass. J maiiy a sii k-ht adaehe. -I7t iketwoajan'n fiii ial. Ii ctiretl me pciTtanentty of eT BROlYiTS IRON BITTERS rTi In li-i-siion, Biliwisiiess. Pyspepisia, Mala r Xei via'Siics. .int OeBcrai Ixbility. Pbysl--'i--'o n-ron-incnil il. All ,:eaiers soU it. Genuine bal trade mark und croiiea icJ Unci ou WTpEf2E Scrofula eradicatetl and all kimlreo, elchrr C. vole,1 IS. M 0" -ris-! Brawns- di-ease cured ov Hood's Sarsaparilla. ( v,je w v.. I e it tlry ou the tagu whicJi bv its vitalizing and alterative ef-j or matc u leu. fects, makes puXbhd.

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