f " has .double fc, y-.-dilation of any - ( t1 r r Mp-; ! v ; ' . . lished in the cliy -- " Atetistrs 11" advance kscriba Now JjOUKTIi SERIES. SALISBUUY. N ., THURSDAY", DECEMBEU,' 7.. 1893. NO. 45 t? " 11 fc:1 P4 M a il H - M I 1 tl kl VA T-l 3 M t.S H tl El II El -f I 51 1 1 11 J G n. U i If- H H B H J. W W H.Hli ; T Whal' Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's I ftf P fj D J; und Children. It contains ncitner uiuam, juorpnino nor other Narcotic substance, tt is a narinless substitute for raregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by M'llions of .Mothers. Castoria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. - - Castoria. "rsitor'.aisso wt-11 adapted to children that - r,rcoaaa it cs "iperior to any proscripUoB . i'viyn.t." J!. A. Archer, II. D., 1 v to. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. - T3.weof 'Cartorii' la so urersal aad t- c- rt.n r. vtgU trwn thut it setms a work .r..--f ratict i endorse it. F?w are tha t ".:!-rrit famr.:: who do not keep Castoria 1--.- J reach." C-AJUjOa "Ixrtts, I. !., New York City. . . ACCIDES TAL DEATHS. Caused lay Carelessness. TH majority of people die sooner than . jJtfY houlJ. Evideiice of this t: ct is grow " iujiuh'. Wating savs: " 1 isea. is not a connft-ncp f life; jit is due to. unnutiual cwviihons of livingTnigie;-t, :du:e. nt." lr. Mtyhen mi'ii, en ilie .muhc uljtyt, -jiMid'ni to helih riKl k:g life ; dis ts w'.unnaaral, tJeatli, "exct-4 trtia okl Hi i artkienud, and lxth art ritvvntable bv hunisn'agtnc'n s."' 1h b iEjittt st invnri sUv true of death rci-urtli hi ui l.iait ills-..-tae. ("uielcss t v. 1 ( : c; tit n. initn rerat use f , toec, totst-ro, :dti l. lie v ether UBij.it)t me jn;i ;:u;v .ic csU" of thii tiifi..ii!iv, and ii ilii tifMC to its piogiees re raits in m-.l' cn d:-th, kt U f.g kne tnd iigui U:uh . y the i:tMi,::Tii.-Han be f.in tit m; nv ici. i:irt urd 1 undivtis oi jtr oiiH in '1 rh-Oc life die lit m heart d-. t-.'-K -very .dty--r" H on h. ve ar.y cf the fclh vnng pyn;p finw" l:ottno cl'lieiitl-., alpitatioq, irng- u ar j-iiL-c, airth g :n3 fU.4hering FpeJH 4 , ia iioi ilcr, title, -or arm, swollen ; : it:s, Or , U'in turfn ad in:n;ttiiately for i ti t liiu aHe. if you tk-lay, the eonstquenceg j,:av le tt 10U8. For over 20 Retire Pr. Frarklin fc!Ue, :'t'r rniiiKnt t -erialist . fcns n r.de a profound - i jy ol heart distafe, its tatises and cine, . hi! ii;any of tii leading discoveries in that iliiett are due 10 him. His JCew-Heart ( i re 'w iibsoluh lv the only reliable remedy f.r hi? cine of h art dietase, as is f rovid, i th. iiKnixlx of tertiincn ulg fiorh grateful rircs wlio have used it. . fair.; rti' reftl eCfirrv,r . T.rathr. .(.' ' i:' i piarvat Mt,t'r liom mice , . - ir ' ., i fell oi the Mitel urt t-ii--, n, ': -. .s.x.ihe 1" 01 e niwtith frt-ta. " .mi I u -s 1 i nt. .- (o wait a rs'ir.y nrfm, ..r. (. rlfij tram S5 to 1 16 timei- nm1ute. 1 thru' use ! br. Wiles' New Uecrt I me. and t nurt hertrae stroticer. After asbg fix bottles I v. m able to iork att uil and walk n mi'e every iiv, my jiu.ie runrlng from C8 tf80. Vr Wilen' n-tnottr i pot only a pre entive but a cure' Dr. MilM New heart fare is sold by all drup cit on ponitive gtinrintee, or t y Dr. Allies M1WtCo . Elkhan. Ind ; n rewiftof price 51 perhtftlfc. nix f.ir $5.exptfcH prepnirt. It is potd tirrlY frt from opiatet or daiifteroim druK Ir. M t 'p' Pills. 25 cer. la. Free bock at druggie In, or lijouiil. For Sii'e.bv . Wives and Often lose the bencfu'of life assurance, taken out h r 'Uieir protection, because of "ii-a-visetl investments. Again, the intent-ions of the assured sometiuifes.iail In realization through tlie prodigality of a son to whon-the sudden pos session of so much mone' proves top great a temptation. 1 :ie Eg ife a lias provided gainst thicse olieriu' T3ie ct')Htui'.re!irusl lO.Hiiie ;:--j:.a. -jia'.'uient- IViiev. i.us p - r ihouaml h ss than itnder of i-.s'arisnce," and 'a payable iu 20, 25 due rr - . olh-r i'.n theamou or 30 a-umal payments, thus secariii-'a coin.fonbh'inconi f:.T. lie ;'.ii--ijCi.- ..) Unte t. imager '-K 1111.'. 5S?t3.S.K?? C0" T"c'- Pth $1,000,009. 4 IN THE WORLD. Tt!8' - ! , '' is a dollar eprned." ton ' rSoli,j ?rni I"ngoi KldBnfc, ';-v - -i h-jim: every wav the boota s'l rotail stores ior S2.), 'o muka this boot 5 V ' V carsolveg, tiiercfoi ;- r-irf, A t!v1 lf ai:yo;ie is -!r .V. -v e f Z ii r, .;!: 1 therefore we guar- 'tte and trtar. net Batis!:ed . ..Jl . - .uw ... - n J Or pniilhitr Tnii tlnnr ".i i f . X. 'ro or Common Sense. v Wi:llli V, D, K, & ICl", eaa liatl kfjyfjf .- d?v?v iifa.tnu.-j m sjjb it.p.0 FFtZZ .nevr-n ftT iai irrrsm er T'T7 UUi BOSTOS. MASS. 1.1. - is' - '' prescription for Infants Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, DiarrhoBa, Eruc-ation, HilL) Worms,- Tiyes sleep, and promotes dJ . geetion. Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria,' and shall always continue U do so as it has invariably produced beneficia results." - Envrn F. Pardbs, M. D., J25tiLStreet and 7th Ave., New York City Thjs CurrAua Company, 77 Miuiat Stejlet, New York Cot 12 THE BEST AND IS THE SAFEST IHVESTMENT I EVER MACE. There are single rets'.l ehno stores in our large cltle which eejl 2,000 piiirs of ehoos a diiy, making a net profit of 2yrt,0Mi) n yrtr. Vv'e c-!l nh..-.s low, but we Bell a grent many R.ir3, the clear profit, ou our ladies', mUscs' and chikirfn.-' shoes ia at leai-t ton cent .1 pair, end on our mens' otid toys' eh f 9 licpnts a pair. "e shall esl.tl Jir!i ehur et:n s in each of tho fifty l.iwt ;.:flt f !)" I' : ! if thy sell on'y i.. 0 pairs of '..nr ntTiy t':' .1 vol! id eartf&:-- a yr. - V.V sho'ul j be a? !c t j.uy a yearly ilividomlV 5.2'ashan', or over -rti percent, a year on tho ia-vrptmer.t. Wb stll thcEtoek !i share. The pric- mtutlaevitably 1 e much more than $!0 a shar-. Xo pro; k h.u ever b:- :i fold at less than this prico, v. h;rf ii i 1 p::r v:t:i:e. Ht ck pon-asiteneaolc. lix-orf . ra'.eil. '.-p't:.l ;? i .w.M1' 0. Wo have over l.C-JO etocli-holdcr., ard t!-i " t;::iiil er increasing daily. Gome cf the priiie' j al siock hn!d.r arc : T. SrWatlm?. Y.-. I. J f' tt.r. r -t. ii; K. .."!. Jr.. Ohirssoj J. 15. t'11 I" :i. Chira?..-. W. M. Kara;iaahvL.iU!e Keck. Ar'.u; I. II. llic-li. t hua'.'o: J. 1. a-tir ur, 1'hiia.s irrdinp, X. ; K. J. i'ajirv, Uatt.e er.i tt, Midi, s K K llallrtt.-, Arra;-.-. N. Write for a pro5p;cti:a co:tah:ir.i the names of our Btockhcklent, cte.. r ch ont r f tr ,tr.ik, rrt'itntttn fothitr'n chrib, ensh or twowV.v i-rihv. Ord-i o t"4ken for one or 'more shares. Price, $10 a e Jm re. ' DEXTER SHOE CO., "hS&frWSS? Aytn.s h un cu SURE ins :FUle8 of Ointment and tw; r A Eever-fa4Unsr Cure, for Piles ... j detrrea. It makes an operation injections of carbolio acid, wtlck icra a permanent cure, and ofvan unneceeBary. Why endure -.saaso?- W guarantee, 6 ; any case." You only pay for . 1 1 a box, 6 for $5 b7 mail. ampie -"oa t oar agents. - I f f Cured. Piles Prevent ef. - toil by Japanese Liver Pellets i I STOM ACH KEGULATOK and Small, mild and pleasant to 1 vaforchildrea'suse. WOosos EDWIN CUTHEELL. - Sallsbury, N. C. i Caveats, asd Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat enttouaines condncted for Moot rate Fees. Ou Orrice urOpaostTE U.S. Patent Ortcc aud we can peure patent iu lean time taaa tnosa ' remote from Washington. 'Send model, drawing of pnoto., with descrip tion. .We advise, if patenuble or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent ie eeenred. A Pamphlct. "Hotr to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients ia your State, county, or town. Bent free.' Address. .C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent, Officc. WASH'.flOTQN. D. C. 1IQ Vlft! 1 CTIDfC ,1 PldJt fltlUHOIHil.l '60LDES CAPSULES' Are Safe and Always i.iJr.Lief beUtr tnan Tansy or Pennyroyal Pills r.d ..il.iiiJtt.liir iridicines. Cuexcelled for Irregulart-!'-si. wpseeSBfully Used in tbousaodsof cases, la a -'ro rarrdy, guur&ntecd, never foWs. Price ft. A, -.lU-riafeffUiird. LAKES1DQ SPECIF1 i 7 Scned-the life tba isaghting againstrConsum p- tion. Only-act prormptly. cfz- -Put it off. and iJ ' JT'- "CT T nothing can save "-s . you. But, if tak en in time, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cer tainly cure. It must be don through the blood and the " Discovery " is tho most potent blood cleanser, strength-restorer, and flesh-builder that'1 known to medical science. The scrof ulous affection of the lungs that's called Consumption, and every form of Scrofula aad blood-taiata, all yield to it For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asth ma, and all severe, lingering coughs, it's an unequaled remedy, It's the only one that's Suxrunteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, every case, you have your money back. Can anything ehte, at any price, be really You pay only for value received. Something else, that pays the dealer bet ter, may be offered as "just as good. Per haps it is, tor him, but it can't be, for yon. ML JL M. jaLfia ML 1 .LLb,,. ';' $ V- ' H&J K- ' ' crrfi Jk-iwHllilP'lr1 IBS! THE MESSAGE. Tho Important Document t o Our Law Hakors. Road ft'HAT TEE v PKKIDOT' THKES if ll.ta Ial ng Ourstiotm th-t Affect the Uudy lo:itif The l':u-4ltea Krco in n t-l. WASin:OTOX. December 4. The re-f- alar be.ssloa of I'oufrrcK.s convened at jooii today, with a, full atWudunee. uimediatelv after organization, the residents messajje was received and. ?eadi as follows: Yo the Congress of the United States: i h ; eoat'titntlonal duty wl:i-. !i re lirK the president f :xm tiie to time y jive to the eouTtssj. information of jiw' .state of the 1'iiio.i juid recommend ) their eousiieration ieh measures as,. e shall jadffe necessary and expedient a tittiagiy entered upon by commending ;o the eongre.-s3 a careful examination t the detailed statements and Weil inpported re jonurnemiations contained in t ie reports of the heads of depart ments, who are ciiie.iy- charged witu the xeet;tive work cf i'.m g-overnmnt. in nn eff.'M't lo bri(i''e this eommuni- ation as much as is consistent with its .mr .rout; n AC .n;iii-mi.tion.-i as arm 'artijulaftime appropriato. While our fn-ein relations hava not - t all tini -s dr.rin j the past year been ruthvly free frum perpiexity, no em .arrassiny situation remains that will aot yield to the spirit of fairness and .ove oi int'.tice. which, joined witn con-. ,isieat nrmucfis, enractoiiite a truly ui erica n loieigu policy. .M- predecessor leaving accepted the iHwC of arbitrator of the long -standing aisi.iin beyond any dispute temiered to die president by the Argentine liepub Ue and liriu:ii, it has been my agreeable iuty to receive the special envoys com uir.sioned by those states to lay before mo ev-ideur? "i argnm"11 : i" behalf of reir 1 espectiv e go . Ci'm.i. iL.s. THE TKOII5I.E-5 IN IJUAZIl,. ' The outbreak of domestic hostilities in the republic of brazil bound the United states t; watch the interests of our citi zens in that country, with which we a rv on important commerce. Several ressels of our new navy are now and for some tune have been stationed at Uio de .Janeiro. The struggle being be 1 'ween the er-tabiished government vvbieh controls the machinery of the administration and with which we aaintaia frieiully relations, and certain flice.s of the navy employing the ves els of their command in an attack upon the capita! and chief seaport, and ,iig, its it tunes, ttie elemeiits cf tUriued idministration. .1 have failed to see that the insurgents ean claim recognition as hllige rents. Thj.sfarthe ixsitiou of our govern ment has been that of an attentive but impartial observer of the unfortunate ionfliet. Emphasising our policy of im partial neutrality in suha condition aa low exists, i deemed it necessary to iisavow in a manner notto be inisun lerstood, the unauthorized action of our late naval commander in those water? n siiluting the revolted Urazilian ad- niral, being indisposed to countenance' in act calculated to give gratuitous ianction to the local insurrection. THE CHILEAN CLAIMS. The convention between onr govern nent and Chile, having for its object I he settlement and adjustment of the lemandsof the two countries against ;ach other, has been made effective by the organization of the claims commis jion provided for. The two governments failing to agree anon the third- member of the commis uon, the good offices of the president of the. Swiss republic Were invoked, as pro vided in the treaty, and the selection of ;he Swiss representative in this coun ty to complete the organization wras gratifying alike to the United States ind Chile. eoan's break reviewed. The vexatious question of so-called legation asylums for offenders against the state and its laws, was presented Ijiew in Chile by the unauthorized ac tion of the late United States minister in receiving into his official residence two persons who had just failed in an attempt at revolution, and against whom criminal charges were pending, grow- ing out of a former abortive tu-.turb-tnce. The doctrine of asylum as applied to this case is not sanctioned bv the best precedents, and, when allowed, tends to fncourage sedition aid strife. Under no circumstances can the representatives of this government be permitted, under the ill-defined fiction of extra territoriality, Jo interrupt the- administration oi ! ;crim- , trial - justice in the countries to which i"they arc accredited. A temperate de rnand having been made by the Chilean roverninent for the correction of this jonduct in the instance mentioned, the , minister, was instructed to nq longer a arbor the offenders. ' AS TO THE CEiET LAW. - The lecislation of last year known. a3 the Geary law, requiring the registration jf all Chinese entitled to residence in the tlhlted States, and the deportation of ail aotcomplying-with the provisions of the' act within the time prescribed, met with aouch opposition from Chinamen. Acting ; irn fhe aAvir of mirf.nt. trmnsfd t.h:it. ' law was unconstitutional, the great mass ox yiiuiese in uv;re, pcuuiug juui ;ial inquiry 'as to its: validity, in good faith seemed to apply, for the certificates ' required.',, A. test- case upon proceeding j by habeas corpus was brought before i the supreme court; and on May 15th, 1893. a decision was made by that tri- .. tmnal sustaining the law. t .. ft Ik Vdifvd . that under the recent amendment of the act extending the inrondment of the act extending the Itime for registration, the Chinese laborers thereto entitled, who desired to reside , iiij this-country, will now ' ivkil themselves of the renewevl privi lege thus afforded of establishing by I lawful procedure their right to re- main, ana mat tnereoy me necessity f enforced deportation may, to a great Jegree, be avoided. i MISS ION AB Y ML'RDEKS IN CHINA. It has developed ' tfpbn the United States minister aV'Pekin, as dean of the diplomatic body, in the absence of l.represenative of Sweden and Nor ivay.to press upon the Chinese gov ernment reparation ibr tha recent murder of, Swedish missionaries at Bung- Per. This question is of vital Interest to all countries whose cit izens engage in missionary work in the interior. the surrender of wee:cs. Costa Kica, has lately testified -ite nose. 1 kIv.,11 mnnt. a hri.f rof- i v'vt:i '1,en wl's a vww w ucn co a- "y xuoojrj-presentmo ucc to the extents ol tiic.,- deoart- I current actum as wiil make tae awai-l store, as far as pract ,--::a! reports by th- mm. of such l :m aereen upon oy the ov nt the time of eeutivo ,-usineL and incidents a are ZU J"?1 of, ".'"retion tcrvention. t embraced therein", and bv such ivc- " ,VV:7 I i roi?T'.:;s Of ) frienJWinesis by feurrendcriaj to Uie United States in the absence of a convention of extradition, but upon duly submitted evidence of criminali ty, a noted fugitive from justice. It is trusted tiiat tlis negotiations of a treaty with the conn try to meet recurring- cases of this kind will boorube ac complished. In my-opinion, treaties for reciprocal extradition should be concluded with all those countries with which the United States has not alreody conventional arr augments of that character. y I have deeaied it fitting to express to the governments of Costa R5ei and Colombia the krticllv desire of the Uni- ted Mates to see their pending1 bound ar.- dispute tinallv" closed bv arbitra tion in conformity with the spirit of the treaty concluded between thorn , bOini years ajo. j "bC It KL'KOI'KAN RKI.ATIOXS, Our relations with France continue to be intimate and cordial, 1 sincerely hope that the extra-iition treaty with that country, as amended by the sen ate, will soon be in operation. I While occasional questions affecting our naturalised oiti.eus returning- to the land of their birth have arisen in oik- intercourse with Germany, our re lations with that country continue autisfuctory. I Th-- question'Rf:eeyT!f? our relations , with (treat Uritaih huvo leen treated i iu a spirit of frien-ilinets. Keotiu ; tions are in progress between the two erate freely with t:is cou.trv fur th accomplishment of that purpose. The dispute growing opt of the di:-crinii-liating- tolls imposed in th-; V.'eUand canal, upon cargoes of cereals bound to and from the lake ports of the Uni ted States was adjnst d by the substi tution of a more equitable of charges, and civ predecessor thereupon sus pended his proclamation imposing- dis- existing treaty between the two coria' tries is 11 rid .7 -.or. T .. . ..." ear to oe at tuia ... , , ... . .- . ... y , , . H e-.neurreni re cnniinating tons upon J.r.tis.i traaait , ja4te(1 by dipl .nn.tic agency, may 1-throu-h our Canals. - . referre(1 ari,itration and be neaccabJr ! a retjuest lor additions to the list of dVusb-d by vU h m--.: s '' e. trad 1 table offerees coverej by the I Anr-1 i3 ik-o. intn.,!. 'A nc-.tr.V'e ivrt of tl.o southeasterly 1 c-. . cor -.i of Libe ri:'.. betwe-.-n the Cavally , : -and Hav. i'edr-j rirtrr which for nt'criy , ' v1, half a eeatury ha's been LroKcraHv reo- nr..: oj'ni.e.i as b-uo.-.-in t.Jhatrepul)dj by cessior. ar.l i:urch:i:-ve has been o' aimed j r J i.-roteett-rate of France tiie native tribes over win ia 7 . r control U.s not been -.veil maintained. Mo;-e rrer.tly. ne-roti;:tl. u . be-we'n t;,e I-ioeri ir rerer-ei.t jtivw antl the French .-overnjaout rv eeit t-l in t'se i:lgnat-.Vre at i'a' V. cf a tre:.tv v-"ierebv. ;us an nd- j :.u 'r;t etvi. M to ai-iii i.;e.-iHJi t':Mt'rv 'lid conv?:ti'vn 'Vmt mee. -.st ar!v ee- a;: : ru t : .tt.tr.r t. o ! e i.v :. i-'eeiia- a rympathetlc i itvre.-t in ths f.)it:: u'S of tue hiile eomnio'.iwe-Ilii, the e -,tubis;.m rit a;vl development of winch u-:s lar;-ely aided by the beaevo ler.ee of or.v couv.tr ni--:i. and whie'i eoin-.titut 's the oniv independently sov ereign state on l:; v. vst c at.t of Africa, this "-overe.meiit b.ns sng.-j-e.-t v.l to tiie Fix'seh goveriii 1 i:t its earnest concern lest territorial im:.; i'lii rmt in Liberia Khonid take pbsee i ithuut her uncon ;;t. ,ii:ed co.ises. t. v.v.xic) is alt. r.icirr. Our relations with Mexico eor.thme to be tf t.':: t el :,e and fri.:ndly nature .hieh sh; u!tl rb.vi!vs ch.jructori: the int-'rcj;::-.. o ;wo aeih boring r. -:c... mca !:.-.(; t I. TKOt BI.KS. Xicr.re.gr.a has passed thv.iii-'.i two revolutions, tit,: t..ittva. nr.d st 'J1- fill, having in turn Ix-en displaced l w another, and dar new! aopoiuted minister, by his f.raety- good o eecs, aith:di:i a pesc.-ful a !jur.tra:ut of the controversy involved in the lirst co.i llict. The large .1 merican interesta established in tint country ia connec tion with the Micaraaa cauai were not mo'osteil. The Uh te i states are especially in terested 111 the successful achievement of the vast untie talfiU'r this company has in charge, compiished in can auspices a That it sliouiti lie ae. !"r distinctively Ai.veri td its enjeyment ;:s.ejred not. on ; to tiie vesseds oi tiiis countrv as a cl.a'inel of communicatioa be ttveen onr At'ant'c Hid Uaeitie sea boards, but to t he-ships of t'ne world in the interest of civiii 'atioa. is a pro; osititjn Thb-h! iu nte iu.ljreinent doci , not admit of luestirn. :'.A DITiON ioii treatv TKKATII'S. An extra has recenti with Norwa changed and pi o- claimed. The ext'-adttiors tretity with Kussin. signed iu . ;arf ii 7 and n mended and co'tfirtned by the s;e f1 in f'ebruary last, was duly proclaimed last June. CI.AId.l AOAI.Si.f Sl'AIX. More than 'i'fteeii yenrs aco this gov eviniei:t prefi-rr'l a claim n gainst Spaiu in Whalf one of o:r citizens for property -sei; and condseated ia Cuba. In lf'f'. the cla'ni was ndjusted, Spain agre-i?ig to puv uncondition ally, as a fair indemnity, S!.50u.a A roK-o" tful but evrnest note w?s reeeritiy ad lressed to the Spanish trov- evninent. iusixting upon the prompt . fnlfdlment of its long neglected obli- gai:oo. (.ther ci-'nts rref . rred b t'-.e United Stater? againct Spain, in behalf of Araer ienn citlecn.-,, fr pronei t 7 coit.i seat-'d in Cuoa. have been per.umg lor many yea rs. At the tlin .Spn in's t tie to the Carolina Islands was eoitfirr.vd bv arbitration, tliat govcrr.m-wtt agreed that the rights which had been ae'inir -d there by .Am.-r-iean mi-sitmM-e's, fthonld le recogniwtl r.nd respected, it is si.icerely hop-d that I his rdedfj-e Trill 'be observvtvl by allowing cur missionaries, who were rc from I'onape t a of safety by a I'nited St ites war ship tturtng- the late trouble between the Spanish garrison i:dd the natives, to return to their field cf nef eln-sr. ' I !t-v-Rt,!i '-V . Irr.nortHr.i rd tt Uttent:'l;S U: 1 ' e The nrle.g and nn: :URKS. i:ive ! em m led oar ef- f - - ee..ir !. o Uoi-te. ' striuti-ed, by one if tlie an unret tre.ut'ti in :ho-rI buUdivgs of Aiiat.dia Utdl ge. es- t iblLshed bv cit izens f the i 'nited States elarsovan, and tiie apparent indiffer- citee i.t the TurkWh t'overnment to the tr-trage, n.otwit'st ineli.- g the c -ity of scm-' of its id.:, i:.ls. c remonstrance, wlikh was fo-lowed by promises of re:)."r:;t'.on and the unish-l-e-nt f the otfeiid.-rs. indemnity for tae injury to the I een pa d. pena': gctr.ition of t. I .e name oi the he.s alrciuly t. rebuild given, ;hovd pror.e.-ty in rleur. tjv.iit'rs t.e te..' . tit..a guarj-U- t. u: e. .... . ., tetd- i TRR HAWAIIAN EMimOOMQ. It is hardly necessary forme to stato thKt the qucstious arising from our relations with ilawau hnvj caused se rious embarrassment. Jsut, prior to tha installment of the prcseis-t administration, the existent government of Hawaii had been sud . ealy overthrown, and a treaty of an nexatibn had been neg-otialed be tween the provisional jroverr.ment of the islia.ls aad the United .States and "Uhmittei to the senate for cer till ca rt. on. This trea'y 1 withdrew for eami nutioa and d. snatched Hon. James H. Islo-.int, of Georgia, to Honolulu as a pee;a! mciiseier to make an irapar-tt-tti invest. Kit tion of the circumstances attending tii-j chatttre of government, and of all the conditions bearing upon t.se Mibj.ct of the treaty. After a thoroeirb and' exhaustive en-'vaniinHtio-i, ir. 1. burnt submitted :o me h attest :o report, s.io-.vir rf beyond a'.t a it ti.e conslitutioiuii 4- :V- ..rr.nient ,f Hawrii ha I been suV verted with the active aid of cur rep- ! . e: -mauve to that (fovernmcnt and turoLh th? intimidation caused bv ' he p - s- -.? of armed naval force of iieLmted States which was ' h.t purpose at the instance landed of our ai;;.ist'r. yr-vi th? f te'ts developed, it seemed to n;e t!at U.e only honorable course r-jr our vrovr-i-i-.mtrnt to lairsue whs to wroug that nad been donv us, an-l to r- 'cable, the status our forcible in- '.nniTR ATI0V. -.oluti n passed b- 4 v t.ie seiinte he:re.arv 14. 1S:,0. and bv the !i.,u .eo? repivrtont: lives on the :h:d ol April following, the president v. as re quci.ted - to invite f:1. m tin, to time, as fit oec.usij'is in vy aris-:. neg-otiatrons wit'; r.ii" vovcru-aci't w'th which t'ie Unit d St.;tes hi ; or m :v have di;5lo- r.iatie reiatiovs. to the end that any dif ferences er disputes arisin .' between the two irovermnepts wm.-h cannot lie ad Conferc-n- Wi-.shiri rt m. V ija esr-.-cr, c - - rc lf -i the wish thaM the republics . ,. JO V tLlv'ti OV 't -;.tior. and iee- n-.led ta.-t the rf-jveomr.eat of each ' a represented in that ennfereue ;:ld cc i-a- .:jto thi.. vvh to ntlly 1 - v.- rj. iii-. , " I-sVc-ra .1.1.- hus been Ajut 1: itain in the sh i pe ci a resolution re lot -ted by the parlia lovted by tiie ment did v lth. la-st eordi:illv svmoa- th:i:ig w:th tit e'xpre..-sin, the pu-.K.'se pi view a:u! !:epe t!:at her iu tjesty's 1 ic.ie rerdv co-operr.tioii governme:.: t- the govcrtiT 1 n;.- n t.ie be. - 's nt of the United States )f t ;e concurrent reso- l;tim above q ioU d. It till .rd;; me sigjvjl pleasure to lay t .1. p.irii.ia eoa rress. smd-gi-atille-.aiot: ta ,r , rest datio.'i bef- re tiie to express my sincere t the sentiment ol two t'iorit;:tIvely iauTi.fe.-;ted in favor t.f the r.de.ual aial peaceable settlement of i .ti i -national q-earreiij Ly honorable re tort to arbitration. ! STATU OK 1MB TU"ASURY. ' The secretary of tlie treasury reports that the receipts of the government irom al! wi'.ireos during the fiscal year et.ding Juiie 1 803. amounted to -'t.l !i,f.O l.'.d, and its expenditures to '.i.7.i.:'.T-i,i4.i... ' Theiv was collected . ro:u cu-.tom:-. self.'.X.'i.tdt'.T:!, and from int--rr.:!l revenue fl'M .OL'T.O'ja. '.)-,'. Our dut a '' 1." i.npt rts a:nt)iinted to ?431,S."(i, 711. a t ii.ert i.se of V'-'.4 V.i..v 17 over the pivce .ing j'l-ar. arid importa tions free ; of ".'-fty amounted to ';4 14,545.11, a de crease in t ie preceding year of " Internal revenue receipt.'. 1.4: e:c:e.:ed of the preeeediug year bv iV. 147.44 .3. It is e:,timatedupon the basis of the .present reyerTue la i tliat the re eeipts ol t(:e govt, rtiinent for the year ending .1 uue 30, 1S: 4. will be .53'), 1 Jl, 3.15. . is and its expenditures S4'3,f21, j'..".'.tj. resulting ia a deficiency ot t.00, 'X!0. the irst dny of November, 1S03. itofmoiiey of all kinds in n.-or not included in treas the a mo eireu:a t ury holdings, was ?!.7!8.544.")82. an in crease for the x car of l I2.4t's,tl47. L.-,t. mating -ur population at ')7.4?1. 't:e at the lime mentioned, the per ea- idi c'.rca'ution w;.. S'i 4 I -.ring tiie year ! V banks were or fanietl in thi'-Lv-two states and tcr-:-,to.-les with a capital stock of Sll,- X!. distributed as ; '.lows: i-1 r t v -four with a eajiital stock of d in the east-rn states: fortv- one w!th a capital stock of 340.00-:). v.-.t of the Misslsv. dpi river, and thir- ; -f.ji'.r with a capital stock of jf3.7o.",00i in ti.e ct nira! nnd southern state. . ;ti-.;:i 'the Mime period l.'.S ba ! sitspe'i led with a ca:;tl sto-.c of 3,"'.0, ?. '..k;o. Of this leember eiifhtv-six with a capital stock of 8ls.205.0OO re Mime.i. and si'tv-tive assed into the b.wi h. t.-f receivers, with a capital stock ci oiJ.srta.O-W. rn:: bijkkman law repeal. The i eeent repeal of the provision of lw requiring the purchase of silver uniiiou by t.h- government as a feature of our monetary scheme has made an entire chanpv iu the complexion tif our currencv nlrairK. I do not doubt that the uitiire.it? result of this action will be Iti't salute ry-e.:.d f-ir-rencbing. the natr.ie -i tl .dies, however, It is imp ..isible t know at this time precisely . -: . tk W.-511 lx' hroaxrht ationt ii; L Co t;. tiyiis win 11c inuuiiu owui' v the cha:i'pe. or what, if any, supple- nieiiterv legit-lation may, in the light of tuch con. ii ;t ns, appear to be essential cr expedient. Of e..e.r: e, after the recent financial pettrrbat'tin. t.ia is neeessaiy for the rc-es-t.iblisl-.niei.t of business confidence. When, however, th.- ugh this restored confidence .'the money whi-b has been n frightened ii to l.oanling places is re- riirr.cti i" ii.it.v t'n'i niiv i j...... - --j of the site.-otten will rtd.ablv disclose a , t ;1 a.Un-' to a jet manently sound .,i.u d" ntlvMiliictent to meet every rctja.r diiei . of tear ldcreasing POOf, ' - I, -T! -! CI ill 'SS. 4. V T;ir.i;;.t iect we should i all alluring resolutory t :ii,d teta jtif ;n a.' ry e:. f-. etils. tietermined t !dn; less than a .endive financial to be eoi-ledl v. .ttv lasting and ct-m plan.' it:A-k"ON-.n: DM. A Y THE rSST. t . e-'s 1 iim convinced In these circu thot a reas'.m;l '.ey in dealing with this subject will inc:e:e;. tia. it! .m of 1 ing injurious, .-.re-1 a u d it v tif wise ae- xi ) . K I' A It V ft) - FKIiXXC'K. ion-. Ire v o;:;r -nee which as ;t pre ., -is n.r'ii r.r invit.- ti m. a. :i -ii to the i.-t!i day of .h ,: f..- i) -e--: t t '-J-u ri '. -: wa - . ' .. -e. !' t r In ted and -, , ' t' d , ee tie:. .-it itxl t.c I Hi K'el- It: e jected UyOJ' . I " - w -m V - A Vb - 'II.il 1 : e of Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report tt e i,f:,.o'H.,iii.M:ii.; o. . d ;v.e t- oxpivWa v. i!., c c;:; lev-.-at. ii '.'iw!s t.o hava ..'o meet I g still iu. . t se.-'ins to ta.- te. : . jj 1 - j general atit ii . tjt to in ite oth -i- ; :if .--eiiee at a f ion! I (- a fe.ir pr. .isnbig an i:.;-r.;al t .,.-r ":otpoL.e.'!. t vo.ild be x-. i.-e : :t .- to the pivsi 1.1 l; to si, mi a :ie v.iie-i til -re ;v.'t of iuco.u 'o.s;:l i:i' reciu;iit :i t.ie Mil j.-et of eo.;;a-g . A- .'O A ISO , i) lt.-V.- 1 desiie a'so to eat iv. stly surest tito wisdom of aiuouiLiiig the exitii- faiu.es 111 regit r. I t.i tin i.-su.ii:ce of ;;veiii:i ui bonds. T:u authority r.o-v ve-ted in th- secretary of tho leaiiry to is.-ue S-or.tU is rot a-, clear r.s it should be :id the M)i,(i.s authorized arc tiisiid- ant-.igeoavi to the irovereruent. both - to tiie time of i.:..:r mai.ur.ty a.id r.Nte of interest. Oil1. S!ii..TAhY rO"T:S :. The retary tf war rep--rt.it'iat tl-e trengt'rif tin army 0:1 th :i th .day of September l ist va.-, v!."i.vr e -ilis'e I men ...1 .1111 . 'im. . a . 1 ! .m .,111 oi.i -t .,. 1 lie i"..i! j. ix' a.; :nres of the d Kirtm-nt for th year unc . amou.ded t Of this sum -1 54? .i5 ies and eontin?ent ex- .".l,if),'..'lT4.S ). was for sab enses. S2:;.:77.,-i:.J.:-5 for the support ol he military erdnblis'- rae-.t, Sf..077.0H3.1S or miscellaneous objeeis and $'.'ti,.M8, ..'1.41 fcr public works. This U'.ter am includes Si5.2'.H').S70.4 for river and ...rbor improvements and $3,2.141.2.) .jX f-rt-fiju Liens and oth.r work, of defense. M'l. .. 1 .1 . 1 11 1 i ii . M ! J rri "tv l": r 01 .iaullv.u 1.14.: M vcrm rv.o.'.-i as ou tiie jim ui Oetolier of the current year, iri.oU" v :s existed m m. The olii -ers f the army detailed for the inspection nd instruct io:i of this reserve of one -lilit force, rep rt that increase 1 in terest and m-uked progress are appa . . t la VuS dis-'i'i'iei j aud cflciency of 1 'he org.tniz ;tloa. c. r. .xr-r pr.FKr..-F.s. It is gr.itrfin g t note that we have !egun t ) gain completed results in the t ve.apveheiisive scheme of seacoast de lense' and fortdie.at. ;n enteixd upon 5rht years ago. A 1-tr ;e sum has been ..lready expended, b it the ctst of main tenance will be ineoasid-'rable as com pare.! with the exp.ri.s-e of cnstrueti n r! ortlnanee. At the e:td of the cur- ent ca'e.id:.r year, t!n war department Vill have '. twe've-iaea guns, 20 ten ..ieh au. I .M eig;;t-mc'.i gans ready to be tio.mtee on gu:t iif ts and carriages, and. 5 tweive-ineh moitars. In addition to ihepioduet tf the aray gun factory, tow coin:)leted :.t Watervilet, the gov- rement has contracted with private . artier fer the purjhase of ti:e hundred ,-uns of these e;i lit-' is, the first of which houltl be deiiver. tt to the department or tett before Jniy I. 1 v 4. The reports of the military academy ,t W est l o at and several kc hoots or the special in. truction of oth ers, showe i marked advance in the .Uucatlon in t'ne army and a cotnmeud ehle amhition to lit themselves for the ligiiest service of tiie country, l ;ik i::;. itTMK.s r. The report of the n f tome v general ontaius tae usual summary of the 1 draii's and proceedings of tlie depart- j . cut of justice for tiie past year, to- j ether with certain recommendations : ,s to needed lc:; tion on various .ubject-. 1 cannot too heartily endorse the roposition tiiat t.'t fee system as ap dicubie to the coin p.-nss tion of 'i'nited tales attorneys. i.;.tr..h.;ls, clerks of dderaTcoui ts r.i.d i'nited States cot nls.i oners shot: Id' be abolishetl with i ( ... . :!.l. 1.. ;.s Illile tie ia v as possi uie. Hi.ii-iranj n. the interest of the co;:i!nu:iity tliat .he business of the courts, both civil tini criminal, shttil be as email and iiexpensive'y transacted as the ends f justice will allow. 1 also heartily join the attorney 'en era I in recommending legislation .xing the tlegrees pf the crime of mur ;er wUiiin the federal jurisdiction, as .as been done in many of the states, i jthorizing writs of error on behalf of he government in cases where final udge'iieut is rendered against the sTT eiency of an indictment or against ee i-ii'veniraeiit upon any other ues tu arising before actual trial; limit ;g th- right of review of cases of fel mv pu nis. ia ble only by fine and ini- : esontneiil to the circuit court of up- eals and making speedy provision for ae construction of -.r.cii p. isons and -forma lories as may be necessary tor ne confinement of L' nited States con--. iets. IS THE POSTorVICE. Therepoit of the p-tstmaster gen ial conia.iis a detailed statement of he operation of the postofiice depart neiit during the last fiscal year and uuch iuseresting inforinatioii touch tig this imbortant i, ranch oi the pub ic service. i he l.-usiness of th mails indicates vith abstdnte certainty the condition ' the busines. of the ctutitry. and de re5sion in f-eane ;n a if airs inevitably md quickly refluees the postal reve illes. '1 heiefore. a larger discre pancy than usual between the post ;rhce receipts and expenditures is the vpected and unavoidable result of be distressing stringency which has trevailed throughout the country dur :ig much of tee time covered by the ostinusler general s report. The post-office receipts for the last cal year amounted to $72.77)d)33.5 nd its expenditure to S81,074,014.0'.. "his 'osttice det:eiency would .tiann -ar if I ss matter was carrietl ee throng t the malls, an item of j ,hkh i- u'W'rd of ibree hundred j ons of ss-eu-. ard grain from the agri- ! ultural th : ; -id me tit. 'lbetotr.1 nuili b.-r of post-offices :n he Unib-d States on the 3;th of .lune, J v.'. w is r.4'). in increase of 1.-84 j ver the preceding year. Of these j ':. ''it were president-til. an increase' i that clas. of .''4 over the prjeeeding 1 ear. j her ' n ew connected -to tee post di ee: fibl;shJ:--'t i.:4 enjpb-yes w!w I re hi the class th-d sei viee. ;c head lu.-i-e e this partnvat givefc U':-' ' f t ic value of cr. ii . i-t-n. ti'r an e.-qx-ri' nee , ,. :-..-:;;on t. li.d l he ervi 'let r.'io: i .t w th. . li .d.i : ' imp' 5i- ble to condact tlie vast " Dnstness en trusted to him. I desire to commend as especially worthy of prompt attention, the sugges tion of the postmaster -general relating toa more sensible and business-like or ganization and a better distribution of responsibility in his department. OUR GROWING NAVY. Tlie report of the secretary of the navy contains a history of the operations ol his department during the past year " and exhibits a most gratifying condition of the personnel of our navy, lie pre sents a satisfactory account of the pro gress which has been made in the con struction of vessels and makes a n umbel of recommendations ta which attentioa Is especially invited. Wuile l am distinctly in favor of oon sistently pursuing the policy we hava inaugurated of building up a thorough nnd efficient navy, I cannot refrain from the suggestion that congress should carefully take into account the unfin ished vessels on our hands and the! de pleted condition of our treasury in -considering the propriety of an appropria tion at this time to begin new work. THE CIVIL SERVICE. The continued intelligent execution of the civil service law and the increas ing approval by the people by its oper ations are most gratifying. 1 am, if possible, more than ever con vinced of the incalculable benefits con ferred by the civil service law, not only in its effect upon the public .ser vice, but also what is even more im portant in its effect in elevating the tone of political life generally. FOR TARIFF REFORM. After a hard struggle, tariff reform is directly before us. Nothing so iu. portant elaims our attention and not e nig so clearly presents itself as both an opportunity- and a duty, an oppor tunity to deserve the gratitude of fellow citizens and a duty im. 7v d. upon us by our oft-repeated proi.. sious and by the emphatic mandate of the people. After full discussion, oiir country men have spoken in favor of this n form, and they have confided the wo of its accomplishment to the hands those who are solemnly pledged to .'. Nothing should intervene to dbtrs our attention or disturb our effort -til this reform is accomplished by w. and careful legislation. T1IK WILSON BILL, A measure has been prepared by the appropriate congressional committee, embodying tariff reform on the lines herein suggested, which will be promptly submitted for legislative ac tion. It is the result of much patriotic and unselfish work, and I believe t deals with its subject consistent as thoroughly asexisting eooun.. permit. FOR AN INCOMK TAX. The committee, after full considera tion, and to provide against a temporary deficiency which may exist Ik fore t! busieess of the country adjusts its to the new tariff schedules, have wi. embraced in their-schedule a few ac tional internal revenue taxes, inchnii a small tax upon income derived fro certain corporate investments: These new assessments are not only absolutely just and easily lnirne. bin thev have the further merit of bein sucli as can be remitted without unfa vorable business disturbance whenever the necessity for their imposition- nu longer exists. . . In my great desire for the succ ,' this measure, I eannot restrain the-sug gestitm that its success can only I e. at tained by means of unselfish conns 1 on the part of tariff reform, and as a r suit of their willingness to subordinate ;er Konal tiesires and ambitions to the en eral gootl. The local interests afT -tt-d by the proposed reform are so rmm and so varied that if all are i;,.-. T . upon the legislation emlodying the- e form must inevitably fail. in coxcu siox. In conclusion, 'ray intense feeling ' responsibility impels me to invoke f the manifold interests of a generous ... confiding people the most seruo care, and to pledge my willing bdj.?; to every legislative effort for the Ad vancement of the greatness aud pros perity of our countrv. 1 OnovKH Cleveland. . Executive Mansion, Washington, D Decern ler 4. BURNED IN HIS BED. A Wealthy Lumberman Cughtby m Wv In III. OIHee. Sklxia, Ala., December 2. The depot of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Creorgia railrpad at Vine Hill a small station in Autauga eounty, was burned ltween the hours of 2 and '.; o'clock this morning. Adjoining tl-'-. depot was the office of the Vine lid. Lumber Company. O. M. Frederk-k-son, president of the eompanv, Ld if room in it where he slept, lieforu lu could be aroused from his slumber the office was in a sheet of flames and he was burned to death. The origin- of the fire is unknown. Mr. Frederick son w as a prominent and wealthy man. Killed by m ifomu. Darisn, Ua., December 2. Last Monday night Ella Camming, colored, mortally stabbed Cain Baptist and he died in ten minutes. The grand jury found an indictment the next day for murdr. The woman wai put or trial today before . Judge Falligant and the jury will probably render a verdict of murder. . Another murder was committed o.. the same evening in the conn try. Charles Owens, colored, was tried i. the murder today and was acquitb f.e,..-:i d ... wa!l a Cu-d, fclw crK-J fr (5ttori i 4.

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