Hi' A' - ' has double the e-'r- dilation of a: . I other weekly, x - lished in the cl j- .1 ;)() a year, Wto Now Fourth sebies. SALISBURY, N C, THURSDAY DECEHBER 14, 1893. j lie Claroliea ''' WatcnmaiL Z2 What Castoria is Pr Samuel Pitcber'a prescription for Infants mid Children. I contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, ft is a harmless substitute (,T paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. i is pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Million of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the 31 other's Friend; - - .. ' , Castoria. -wtoriaw v) well adapted to children that t :A 1 superior to any rrescriptioiv Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. -Theusacf ''Castoria U so universal and irelJ know a inai it. i to endorse it. Fsw are the fctrilirat fanulif who do not keep Castoria rithia w-'T reach. Ja JUkttji, I). D., New York City. HAGfJETiC NERVINE. Is o'd with written oua.-antt to cure NervooaProetr.v tion, Fiio, Dizzi ness, Hce-laclm and iNeuraigia nndVfr.ko- t.7X- Sum, !co- :-rc . N",e ry. !r.--.'.i,y.!ii eatil ' , !; i I'C'ct in o:t!er sex. , ". ',"ip . -: ui-t- '-j I ps, caused . itMi U'll! of Vh i Ei-slll 'Mill . - :., ""."wuk (.-ryf.ns their . . .. thai of life; curnj i W-ukn ;-,. A lnonlli' iruat-.!..:.-, I'j ftiai!, to orry i-ddrcss, Jl V. i'h f-v.'ry f-s- or-.i-r wo s ive a t , r r rfi:r J t'i uincy. i-uu-i oi-7 by cmc ex- fHi-n ' Jl - 'j 4-- t EJ): TJTHEELL. rv!.ihiU"RY, i . I STARTLING INCREASE! Insanity Last Year. The increase of insanity lust year over the podding year was aurilingl Think of it, j p,jfiMufftnDg from nervoa3 troubles, such m lick nu nervous headache, nervQusne?. I conruUiona,' neurafgU. apoplexy, dyspep-ix ; il(,LeinMS, paralysis, nervous pro Aral ton, ' epiJepav, etc. TIij o itiook woaM certainly dco'irf ing f r you were there no mcjna ! of coc. Aav of the above diiii-iiltie, i mi mt!T mire, are alv-tnee sytupto:u. uf j iaiinuYoriDrujotUeretpi.iUydeji.orabiecon- . ditwu iaJin in Huicide or preniaturo death. I Dr. Franklin Miles, tlte noted fipeaaliHt, J bu d?otd over -'J years to the Lnvestiga- j tion cf nirToiis aff otion and in the result j ofaiihbont lies the only hope of those allio,- a J the troiibles name. IIW Ii'stor.- j u Srvini iva positive tuesiM of relief, j If you hve any nervoiis aftjetion attend to j ittioooe. Di not wait till your intellect id iU-rJ or the frenzy of suicide overcomes 7u. Delar U dangerous. R'f J. R Milier. i'aotor of the M. TS. church, t Km. ra , write: "Uvcrworit caiue me to bfwk djwa aom.netely The eff.irn of itsveral rJdl;l'jr, ant eitit wceki of travel, did 'me liuU tord. I could not real or study, and my ooaiuoii f teriout I ten usinij "lr. Miles', IUtirative Nervin-, four battles of which coin-Mt-flreurei inc. c-e:it mv erilitudc." " I ukeu i'ik hut Ipril'.andhvltheattend-m-jh rf iltrei a:ir '-st piiviii -ia is. The result watbtt!nend of f ir jiioithxr was a help iwalid. e n!d no: eat. aud did nit Ret thirty lwp in if hoar-.. Jst 55 po inds In iSi. Fiur ei?1 I tie?tn usin? Or Miles' t!.rlT N'erTine. Restorative Tonic an Sen-e n4 Ursr PIMh. h1t ginrt 1 V p muds in 9it, en eat and uleon, and feei as well as I er c Stephana, CarUsW. Pa. ' ' w afl cte 1 with nervnn prostration over "V arj, m l drlnc that time was unahlr to pn.fiiy w vk. Through the nj.of Or. Miles' "rilve Vo'rvine I am entirelv restored to Mt'ft. aa 1 abla to conduct my butnes the nm? Jsf 'iBTioknev I rceom mnd- 1 1 teNc-vine wt rouac mn aUi nCrcin-t from nrv us pr 'tm, iii he. to. received wMtdvful benefit nia it Dr. MlleV remc'li a arc considered a pan "r koW-W S. Outlaw. Ga'i.-n. Mich. f MiU1 Rtorative Nervine is ol 1 hv alt O'V.naa a !sitire euaraatee orbv Ir. Miles MU.cai C i.. E'khart. Ind , on receipt of pHce. t V r ,,tt1, f"r 5. express preP4. It avly free from nil ooiatesaisd daneerous anK Drs Nrre and li'ver H1U 2S eenta Cri'IJ,T,,ollM.1 0 Mailed anywhere. Free " oruipaia, or by mail. For jile ,v afl Druggists. Can Read The Future ? fro you know what your con dition will be 20 years hence? Will your earning capacity be equal tc the support of yourself aiut family? This is a serious question, yet, you cduld confidently, answer 'yes" if you had a twenty years Tontine Policy in the Equitable Life A rnethod which guarantees jll the protection furnished by any kind of life insurance, and in addition the largest b returns to tlipse policy holders whose lives are pro longed, and who then need - money rather than assurance." fror facts and figures, address W' J- R0DDEY, Manager, For the Carolinas, ' ROCK HILL, , Q. ,7 . : Tobacco tnn A S '-' e : ' 2 hoi: Moufi! You is Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Soisr Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, jives sleei, e-id promotes gesUon, Without injurious medication. dJ ' " For several years I have rocommendec your 'Oastoria,' and shall olays continue tt -" do bo aa it Las invariably produced beneficia results." - Ebtvtn F. Pahdec. M. D., 125th Street and TUi Avo., New York City Thje Cuttaitk ClOKPAirr, 77 MuaRAT Street, Nkw Toes Cot A3 FEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. There arc s.njr.a rci ' 3 ctorcs i 1 our iiri'e : v.i a ti.iy.inal-itsjt cities wLit h sell 2,Cn a'.r.: o: a net profit of $2t';,' a " C Hi ll Ml"lt ! , t ic r.:t-r r.ioiiJ on but we (k !1 a Krer.t i.ia'.y 1 our laUicK , misses r.uj c !! r.;i ' h!;o-! i : : 1 li-utt ten cin: a pair. riiii on our 1 1 " !d;"h! fiii i a Kie etc'" i i r s. if t!: V V "i;Tt ' ' t ' I 1 a r. 1 ! ( r. i I !. t f J i..- ' ! - lc i.iit-ist .- k I rl t't- P. 1 tl.v':,; r :t . ;.! t-:o k. 1. :. . ; : - : V. . !. ( : I 1. 1 -i" : . 15 cent n ia:r. Vc r! - each "f tlio i"'.y 1 irrc'-t il e ; : thiy r.cil on'y : ( y.i'r.A r-f k" & s earn $'- u a V. ' t'r5v,'. yearly divtdoid't " C"-.i!m:' , i a year on th- i::v- ;::.!.; . .'-. m a 8!i.irc. The jiriw j-m. t than $'i .". r.iiar . ".) ? h k j ' less th in thia ;r!c, . h: f - i ron-aC:!shte. J :u:r. ; )- :-.;' .'. . J We liivo ever l,OG3 ;otl.ltir i i incrcaidn ; lally. '.':" i h !Jers arc : T. S. v.-,!i r,.:. v.: :' A. Uo-d.J-.. M-i.-a.- i; .;. 15. Ka.n.iu-!i. l.itt:' ilw i. .r'..: 1. I! Turner. I'liiia.: ). ! Ur.I. i.', N. .: Cmk, Mieh.s i. V- "Hall. It.-. Am: Write fir a prospectus rr,:-.;:.i our tockbMer, cc, r . .- rve'o-ine vfuhitr' ' rrt, n'v'i : t'.e rami- of M ' : I '' ' , Orders takeu 'or cae or tci-tv- fcharen. - l'liee, a Hharc DXTE3 SHOE CO., HI. IIS a J IT frrf.rU bU, BOSTON, Si. ,-Jy7i .s J i:n eU r.vTf ? sr.oa cOj-Tcp. fRpUai, $1,000,000. :.L.sr t.;,0 .SfrtHi IN TUK WORLD. ''A (inUrtr sured it a dollur earned." . r , :MtSr.K':-io!.ilVencJiIontlfKld''iut- , : diivcred free ntiywb-Tt" m the U.S.,oa r-rr-j receipt of ( ttxh. Money Order, - . or r. 8t;l Note for $1,0. 5 . I'nrtnis every way the booW ; v. f.'-i;' ian'! retail ptorea for -, . ,. v.- . ' . .si i.OU. Wc make ihia boot crclvos, t.terciore we guarr i.r?.e the. s'ule inJ irrnr, eid if anyone io n)t a.tisiU-d vo wiil refund the money V or wiidnnothcrirdr. tpt ra "s. - . .. . .. .j ( t' v vidih '. I), K. 5s l ?.'".v: l to 3 arid h.i.f f'f:- - jPTiV-izsc. 5. n-ly-jur ' ; - liluMr.'.. 4 r-. ?V vidihS! V. I). K.& l" Cht:v- iOi7-i j 'ZZc?Al ST., r'.'M 55 .ASS. r-T- r Caveat, and Trade-Marks obtained, and .all Pat ent business conducted for Moocbatc Fcce. Ous Officc is OPMStttU.S. pTrnTOrriec and we can secure patent lu has time thau thooa remote from Washiiujton. Send model, "drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advic, if patenuhle or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent Is w -cored. A Pampmlct. "How to Ohtain Patenta," with names of actual clients in your GUte, county or Iowa, sent free. Address, C.A-SriOW&CO. Opp. riATCNT Office. Wash.xgton. D. C. HRS.YiCU.STAB:. S 'GOLDEH CAPSULE? ?'j$ky?-j Are Safe and Alwaya Beliable ; better than X&asy or lennyroal Pills - and all similar medicines. Unexcelled for Irrtularl tieS'.&C Bucceasmny used In thouaahdsof cases. 13" sore reoiedy, guaranteed, ucverfaila. Price ft. A taieonalledaarcsivd. X,AKESlIa 8FECIF1 ' t$9-84-bO Market bU. Chicago, 111. Scttfff that is -the life fiffhtiug against Consuru p- uou. Only act proixptly. y Put it off, and -Tj" - T nothing can save "S""--1--- you. But, if tak- en m time, ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cer tainly cure. It must bo done through the blood and the " Discovery " is the most potent blood cleanser, strength-restorer, and flesh-bui'dcr that's known to medical science. Tho scrof ulous affection -of the lungs that's called Consumption, and every form cf Scrofula and blood-taints, all yield to it For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asth- , ma, and all severe, lingering coughs, it's an ! unequaled remedy. It's tho pnly cne that's guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, ypu &ave your money back. Can anythicg glse, at any price, be really as cheap ? " e You pay ly for value-received. - Something else, that pays the dealer bet ter, may Be offered as iC iust as good. Per haps it is, for hinij but if can't be, for yott, IT RHKfi IS. PS r. f: iJjm it mm wj&I CONGRESS AT WORK. Tho Hawaiian Question "Warmly Discussed. 5I0RE CmCULAIIOS FOR TEE BAjKS. Probable Change In the Wilson mil The Itrpsblicain Prt'nrlnjr for i Viicer- tight Tho Bankruptcy Kill Will Not Pom. Wabhisotoxv December T. A spirit- ed discussion of tbe liavyiian ques- occurred in the senate todav. The 'debate rose over the resolution Offered yesterday by Mr. Hoar, of r Massachusetts, requesting the presi dent to forward to the senate all tlte correspondence on the Hawaiian ques-. tion. , Mr. II oar. advocated the resolu lion, and in very strong iarifrtfage pondentned the "president's course. Messrs. Sherman, Hill and Frye frpoke in favor of the resolution, and -Mensers. Mills, Vilas and liary against it, but it was finally adopted without division. . : The house passed the senate amend ment to the resolution appropriating i 50,000 to carry out the provisions of I tfo fHin ATiiiismn i f j .v-tttriflil was agreed to, Jl'he house subcommittee on banlting And currency has agreed to report favorably thebill allowing national l.anks to issue circulation notes to the full amount of bond deposited to se cure circulation. Washington, December 8. In the senate, Miu Hill give notice that he vould, on Monday next, move to take up for consideration the - house bill to repeal the federal election laws, and Mr; Hoar gave notice, in that connec tion, that he would move to refer that bill to the committee on privileges and flections. The democratic members of the fiiiance committee of the senate held a conference this morning, at which it was decided that a comparative state ment should be prepared, showing the difference between the rates of tariff under the Wilson bill and the existing law, and as boon as th:s is re- ceived the committee will begiu work 1 on the bill independent of the action of the house, i ! From the tenor of the remarks of a i leading member of the committee, : the inference is drawu that there may : be numerous -. changes in the Wilson ! bill wnen it is reported to the senate. ! It is understood that the republi cans of th-? s.-nat" are preparing ior an agtrres.-ive iight, and that the ap- pointmcnt of their committee is the iirst step towards organization for it. i Washington. December 9:--The house ia committee of tbo-'wlrole killed the ankruptcy bilLioday by a vote of lol to VX The enacting clause was stricken out. This virtually de stroys the bill.. ? A bill to repeal the ten per cent, tax ou state bank circulation has beeu framed hy the subcommittee to which the full committee on banking and fi currency referred all measures to this question. The house committee on banking and currency today reported a substi tute for the ilrawley bill, intended to exempt from taxation the issue of notes put out by certain banks, most . ly in tlie south, during the late strin geuey. FOU3 IN A DUEL. i W'hii the Smoke Cleared Away Three AVero Found to lie tfhot. i SrBiNO Place, O a. . December 8. Yes terday at 3 o'clock the residence of M. H. Hill was the scene ox a bloody battle, lioge Terry, who has been for some time seeking the hand of Mr. Hill's daughter, went to Mr. Hill, ac companied by Dob l'ates, his uncle, who was armed with a Winchester, hunting for Tom Mctlhee, a son-in-law of Hill, who had entered a protest against Terry's visiting Miss , Hall. i They got McGhee out of the house by persuading him that tliev wanted peace, but soon after he entered the vard and after the old fend had been discussed by Terry and McGhee, Hates took it up and began cursing Mc Ghee, at the same time advancing on t him. McGhee, realizing that he was in the bands of his enemies and that danger was at hand, opened fire on i ltob. Simultaneously Terry fired at i Mr. Hill who had just come upon the scene. The pistols were all fired until empty. When the smoke cleared away it ' was found that Mr. Hill was shot in the thigh and .one finger, Hates in ' both sides and McGhee in the foot J and side. Terry went unharmed. It - is thought that the wounds of Mr. i Hill will prove ftal as he is an old man. All belong to prominent fami lies in the county. Bates and McGhee are in bed and Terry is on the scout : with the sheriff in pursuit. j - Capture of Chlnrse. 1 Key west, Fla., December 10. Cob j lector Jeff Browne and his posse, who I left here this morning for Bocachrca, ! to capture the Chinese landed at the latter place by -'a Spanish smack, re turned this evening, bringing eighteen of the twenty-four which were landed. The other six seem to have gotten in town somehow. Those brought in by Collector Browne;, are under surveil lance of a force of inspectors aud will be held until orders are received "from Washington as to what action shall be taken. They were three days on the Boeaohica without food stole flS.OOO. Socm Bbsd., Isd., Decembers. The .South Bend National bank was robbed of over 1,000 today. The robbery was committed in broad daylight, while hundreds of people were on the Street and the robbers succeeded in getting away with their booty with put leaving the slightest clue. The Jid the work while all the officers and employes were at dinner, Th-y got in through a bai-k wjadotv amiujsned Lhe safe door. ' - . - GIRLS HAD TO RUN. Midnight Fire IJestrori the Southern J Female University. I EiiiMixsiiAii, A i. a., December?. The ' Southern. , Female university ..was burned to the ground last nighty to gether with all -the furniture it con tained. Miss. Minnie Dcane, . of War rior, one of the students and a negro domestic, named. .Vjicgittia, are, it is feared, fatally. burned. ; j Mis .Deane, in the excitement rushed back into the building after being safely out and her hair became ignited. She soon became enveloped in flames and but for the heroic work of J. li. llobins would have been cremated. He was severely burned, ! as was Mr. J. H. Foster, who was doing good woork 'assisting in savingi what Could, be gotten from tue build-. ing. . --'.T...:.; . .- f The -school's apparatus, valued a' 83,000, is a total toss. . - - The girls had all retired and most of them escaped in their night cloth ing. Many of thenr were more or kss burned and bruised in escaping from tlte building. The loss on the building is $40,000 and on furniture 85,000. The for mer was the property of the Klyton Land Company and was insured for S15.000. DinjiiKOiiAM, Ala., December 8. As a result of tbe Southern university fire last night, Miss Minnie Dean, of Warrior, Ala., is' dead, and Virginia We t, a chambermaid, is not expected to recover. The other parlies who were injured will recover beyouad doubt. A SHOCKING! TRAGEDY. Lawrence WllUanta, a White Man, Kill Ilia Nero Paramour. Savannah, Ga Decern ber 9. Law rence Williams, white, murdered Eliza Martin, colored, this afternoon about 5 o'clock, in a house on South llroad street. The wornim was Williams' mistress and the caus of his action is thought to be jealousy. He left the house in a bad humor about 4:30 o'clock this afternoon and returned shortly before 0 o'clock. He entered her room, where she wae at the time, and without a word of warning went up to her and drove a heavy butcher knife into her right breast. The woman is supposed to have jumped as if to get away from Wil liams, when he hit her a blow with the knife across the right arm. break ing the bone. He then drove the knife up to the hilt in her back and left her. She was found a short time aft-r. having attrctiid a erovd by her screams, with the knife still btielc iug in her lack. Williams escaped but the police are after hin pretty closely and it is likely that he will soon be caught. A MAYOR KILLLJ. liirby Miilor, a Tough, Cruahcs the Fkall of tlu .Muyor of lla.c'liurst. nAZT,Knui:3T, Misk, December 5. The most dastardly assassination i the annals of this cour-'y took place here todRy in the killing of lloa. 10. C. Williamson, mayor of this town, by Ivirby Miller, a notorious tough t;nd hoodlum. Last Spring the mayor had Miller arrested for gambling. Miller admitted his guilt, was sentenced to pay a fine and for contempt of court was sent to jail for thirty days. Since that tine Miller has evidently har bored the purpose which he carried out today by arming himself with a heavy bludgeon and waylaying Wil liamson, approaching him unawares and felling him to the ground with a two-handed- blow, crushing in his skull for three inchos. The murderer wis arrested. Disastrous Fire st Maniiinjf. Manning, S. C, December 6. On Saturday night this town was visited by a most destructive fire. It was discovered in the upper story of Legg it Hutchinson's livery stables among the hay. It reached Webber's market and Thames's restaurant, destroying both buildings in a short time. It then caught the Dank of Manning, Sires and Chandler's furniture store, then the establishment of Mosos Levi, then crossed the street, burning two stores of Weinburg & Strauss one oc cupied by Louis Louns, then the West ern Union office aud The Manning Times office. The cause of the fire is unknown. Tho total loss is estimated at from GrW.OOO to 5575,000 with insur ance of 335,003. a a k era Couvirted. Waco, Tkxas, December 11. C. L. McCoy and 11. D. Cone, president and eashier respectively of the insolvent Bell County Kational Bank of Temple, were convicted in the United States circuit court upon indictments for mis appropriating, funds of the bank and rendering false reports to the comp- troller of the currency. The amount " . ... of their embezzlement was 510,000. They signed forged names to notes, which they placed in the bank to de- ceive tne bank examiner and balance their shortages. Back in Their Oid Place. JerskT Citv, N. J., December 0. The old employes of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, who went out on a "strike, are gradually being taken back to work. A large number of engin eers, firemen and switchmen who went out are now back in their old places. Tbs Central PaclfRc'a President. 8an Francisco, December 0. -II. E. Huntington has been elected president of the Central Pacific railroad to suc ceed the late Senator Stanford. Mr. Huntington is a nephew of C II. Huntington, president of the South ern Pacific, and came to California twc4 weeks ago to look after his uncle's in terests, Muulilojetit Gift. Chicago, December 10. Mr. D. K. Perkins of Chicago has -offered to givt ;5,000 to Dury College at Springiield Mo., providing $75,000 can bo ihimm frtm other sources. andx he-will in crease tho gift to '.i.'JOii if au addi tional 10,000. can bj ?ecuivd. HEARD FROM . Ete Dcomsto Have a Consldrabl Ainotsit of rxscreticn. KO CHANGE 15 TEE SITUATIQi YET. Order Will be Prraerel-!I fhowa S lnn'ng to royalty If t l Ocpiart tuff from Ilia Inatructlona He ia Erring the Safe hide. Tort Towxpend, Wash., December 7. The barkentine Klickitat. Captain thitler, arrived yesterday from Honno luju, with advices to November 20th. four days after the tpauoer Alexan dria sailed for San Francisco. " In an interview published in TheXyening Star, MhiifHer Willis is 'reported'' to have said: - -" "You are cuthorizcrl to state' that no change in the present situation will take place for several weeks. I brought with me certain instructions from the United states government on the "Hawaiian situation, but sinco my arrival contingencies have arisen about which neither the United States government nor myself were aware when I left .Washington. 1 have thought best to submit these matters to Washington before preoeedinir' f ur- j ther to carry out lay original instrus- lions. No one need fear Irouble, and no lawlessness will be permitted." This statement gave the anexation ists inuoh satisfaction, and the royal ists were much displeased. On ac count of the many rumors current of the contemplated action of. the queen's supporters, the provisional govern ment found it necessary to keep two companies of soldiers under arms for several nights after the Alameda sailed. Continuing, Minister Willis said: "I mean that until the time comes for me to carry out my intentions, the peace and good order of this cominu- jnity will be kept undisturbed in the j interest of humanit3, aQd that any ' attempt made by any person or per- sons to make trouble will be prompt ly chocked and punished. You may put the ma' .r more plainly and say that, even if the provisional govern inieut discharged all its troops today, ! no lawlessness would be allowed for one moment under the present situa- lion of affairs. j "The whole Hawaiian question is now in abeyance, and nothing that .the newbpupers can say or do will alter this statement one iota. I lnavro litis statement on mv own re- sion.sibihty and in the hope that it will allay the present excitement. Stdnky, X. S. W., Decomber 10. Ad vices from Auckland, N. Z., state that the hteatner Mono'wai has arrived there and reports that the provisional government of Hawaii was still in power up to November 24th, the date when the steamer left Honolulu. LIQUOR FOR TOWNS. License '.s l'roponed, but Cndvr the Htrlct- t n.-cuiatioiia. Coi.rMTtiA. S. C, December 8. Rep resentative Kirkland, a leading Till inatiite. introduced in the house today a bill to repeal the dispensary-law and to substitute an act providing that liquor may be sold in the incor porated limits of any town upon pa3 tuent of a license of not less thau $500, to be divided equally between the county and town. The governor shall appoint county boards of con trol. Before granting any license, .the municipal authorities must meet with the county board. The board shall act as a body of review, and no license shall be valid without their approval endorsed thereon. Applicants for license must be recommended by twelve free holders, half of whmn must be white. Bond for Si, 000 must be given, and appli cants must sign pledges solemnly swearing that they will fully observe all legal liquor requirements. No licenses shall be yrantcd to sell liquors in any hotel buildings or withiu one hundred 3-ards of a church or school. Saloons must be exposed to the public view. Distil 'ors may sell origional packages of ten gallons at the place of manufacturing. No sales shall be made to minorr or inebriates; relatives thereof bhall be entitled to damages jn the bonds. Penalties are fixed at from Slo to 8100, with imprisonment of ; from ten to thirty days. The present jitate board of control shall remain In 'office until July 1st, next, in order to ' dispose of the dispensary stock on hand. Huflocntcd by Smoke. NashvIllk, Thxx., December tt. Mrs. Amanda J. Muller, an estimable widow over eighty years of age, was ! suffocated by siuoko tonight between 1 7 and 8 o'clock. She was sick in bed and her supper nau oeen orou-m, iu 1 . v 1 1 n - ,1 ; to ner. li.e iamuy uu coiupau. J were in another room entertaining their guests when they smelled smoke and burning leainers. icj uuC into the room where the mother ana grandmother were. She had fallen from the bed, which was on fire, and was lying on the floor dead. The lire was extinguished with small loss. The physician said she died from suffoca tion, as there was no marks of fire on her body. . T!e Wrong Com. Lopo-f, December 8. The coroner' iurv in the case of Processor TyndalL who died Suddenly Monaay last, 10 .iny returned a verdict that the de ceased came to his death fromthe effects of an overdose of chloral taken !rv mistake. "The verdict adds that the drug was given to Proffcs5or Tyndall by Mrs. Tyndall, who mistook it for sulphate of magnesia. Threaten to Vt'rcU Train. Tucsox, Agl, December- 0. The ..Urftfthe Southern PaeiOe railway s.nt tramns will be allowed to "ride .r, fri"-ht. trains, mav rcuit in blood- There are n." tramps camped i lmUburi.' who threaten to derail -tssenger ...A.ccd. .. . trains II tns oruer is en- WILLIS Highest of all in Leavening Power.. Latqst U. S. Gov't Report 1 K A BOMB EXPLODED . Plays Havoc With Fratieo'o Cliam- bcr of Deputies. iHOUT SIXTY PESSOXS IL'URED. In the M:dst or the Ilorrlhl Scene Da puy CMlsuly Catia tho CHumUrr to OrtitT Great Kxclteiuvat U Created U Par!.. Paris, December 10. A bomb was exploded in the chamber of deputies while the body was in session, yester duy evening. The proceedings were not specially interesting, and compar tively few people were in the galleries. Suddenly from the right gallery a bomb was thrown and fell in tho midst of the deputies, causing a loud explo sion and a scene of the greatest con fusion. When quiet was somewhat restored, it was discovered that nobody was killed outright, and M. Dupuy rang the bell of the president, calling to the deputies to resume their seats. About one-third of tho members present at the time of the explosion obeyed the summons, and when they were seated M. Dupuy arose and s-jid, as calmly as if nothing had happened: "Such attempts should not discon cert this chamber. I invite you to continue j'our discussion with calm ness. When the order of the day has been dealt with, the proper officials will do their dutj'." (Loud and Pro longed cheers.) When the cheering had subsided, M. Casimer Perier added, "And the gov ernment will visit the attempt with the most severe penalties." (Pro longed cheering.) j M. Dupuy warmly supported M. Casi- j ner-Perier's words, and amid renewed cheering the chamber adjourned. The public left the galleries very -s'owly, many of the spectators carry ing away with them small pieces of iron, splinters of wood and other souv enirs of the explosion. After the chamber had adjourned M. Dupuy was the object of a manifesta tion of sympathy so touching that it brought tears to the eyes of all those present. The courageous president of the chamber, who was deeply moved by this manifestation of sympathy and appreciation of his courage, retired from the chamber immediately after adjournment. The prefect of police of the republic and the prosecuting general 'hurried to the chamber of deputies as soon as they were notified. of the outrage, and at "7 p. m. all the entrances of the p.'ilais were guarded by gendarmes, and but few spectators remained in the vicinity. Mere than fifty persons, including fifteen deputies, were more or less in ured by the explosion. thk bomb thrower ix custopt. Paris, December 11. The authori ses announce that they have thj bomb thrower in custody. The miscreant is named Marchal. He is an anarchist and has made a full confession. Marchal, it appears, was among the njured tnkon to the Hotel Dieu, tho arge hospital on tha north side of the 'lace du Paris, Notre Dame. He fell inder suspicion, and. pressed by the prefecture of police, decided to make full confession, and did so, glorying in his dastardly crime. The Guillotine Proposed. Coi.OiniA, S. C, December 11. Rep resentative Williamsou, of Sumter, will propose an amendment to a house bill providing that executions be pub lic that has every appearance of a first class remedy for lynching. His idea 5 to incorporate a provision that apists be guillotined. the action of the mobs in several re cent lynchings in this state, this scheme will prove popular, as the blood-thirstiness satiated by placing the victim undea the guillotine and, beginning with the toes, they, could eep on slicing until every man in the crowd hod a relic of the la&t tad rites. Prenderg-aat's Protest. Chicago, December 0. Frendergast, the assassin, made a formal protest ti gainst the plea of insanity being in troduced in his case today. Vt hen he was led into Judge Brentano's court room he handed his attorney, Mr. Essex, a letter in which he asked that the insanity plea be withdrawn, de claring that he believed people would f; et an idea that he did not kill Cartel arrison for the benefit of the people at large, but rather from a personal or selfish motive. A Plucky Woman. Selma, Ala,, December 1L Mrs. W. T, Smith of Richmond, killed 1 pegro who had entered her bed room Friday night. The f elbow attacked her witfra knife, when she made as putcryf but she secured her husband', revolver froni under her jillow and killed him. It is said the Hegrp had three accomplices, who have been arrested. Unless they prove their irmdeence they. -will doubtless be Lynched, w' ' itiiniiK uhoon, , WeaUofSs. lalar.a, Vdigestion and ili lanes. ike - I,ru,-r c It r-.i'es quickly. ly alt dtalen In rf.fine. Let 1-hS stircn Cry for P&cheis Castoria AESOIOTEKf PURE SEffS 0? thjje comessu Professor John Tyndall, the ooUd London scientist, la dead, Senator Voorhees will hare eharf . of the tariff bill in the senate. . J. J. Van Alen has declined tha ap- ' ointment as ambassador to Italy. A number of arrests f anarch lata have been made at Catalonia, Spain. The Georgia Legislature has passed a bill providing for state banks of (issue.- The rumor that President. Plexot Jiad been assassinated turns out to be yntrue. - The next session of the North Geor gia Methodist Conference will be held at Rome. The Georgia Legislature has killed the bill calling a constitutional eon ire n tion. Brooks Story, the notorious express 1-obber, who escaped from jail, has been recaptured in Arkansas. Minister Thurston has gone to Hon olulu on his own accord, to advise and consult those he represents. The prison board of Mississippi hired out 523 convicts last Monday. Negroes brought better prices than whites. : The G. C. & N. railroad depot at Lawrenceville, Ga., was burned Mom day night. Result of the carelessness of three tramps. It is announced that the Yadkin -Valley and Cape Fear railroad, of North Carolina, will pass . Into the hands of English owners. Colonel Porter Ingram, of Columbus, Da,, died last Monday, Be was the oldest lawyer in the state, having been licensed fifty-seven years ajo. Since the declination of Mr. Van Alen, Oscar Stranss, a rich merchant of New York, is mentioned in connec tion with the Italian mission. Alfred B. Shepperson the noted cotton expert, of New York, has f ivea the opinion that this year's cotton crop will be about 6,800,000 bale. The United States revenue cutter Corwin sailed last Tuesday on a secret mission. She is supposed to be bound for Honolulu with instructions for Minister Willis. It is said that the Louisville and Nashville railway company will buy the Knoxville Cumberland Ga and Louisville railroad, also the Mari etta and North Georgia. Governor McKinney, of Virginia, la his message to the legislature, com mends the action of the mayor ol Roanoke in the bite lynching, and severely condemn lynch law. Valuable discoveries of tin are said to have been made at King's Moun tain, N. C. The deposit of ore found Is the richest ever discovered, and only ten feet beneath the ground level. Robert Adams, jr., exminister to Brazil, has been nominated by the re publicans of the second Pennsylvania district to fill the vacaney In congress caused by the death of Charles O Neil L The city officers of Atlanta are to be elected by the people hereafter. A bill to that effect has been passed by the legislature. It includes all city officers except the recorder and tax assessors. Will Law ton, one of the three ne- . groes who robbed a Russian peddler near Verdery, 8. C, was captured last Wednesday, and after thorough identi fication, was taken to the place of th, murder by a mob and lynched. At the recent session Of the North Georgia conference, the bishop decided that there was no law for the appoint ment of evangelists, and Rev. Sam P. Jones was located at his own requesL He will continue in the evangelistic field as a local preacher. - Through trains are now running te Brunswick and other points in south east Georgia without interruption. All of the fumigating stations h&ve been discontinued,' the yellow fevT scourge having subsided and no fur ther danger, arising from that source, being apprehended. The second trial ofFrank Porter field, oashier of the defunct CoiTiner cial Bank, began at Nashville. Tenn., Monday, and ended Thursduy with hi conviction on ten different cour t. A motion for a new trial was overruled, and Portertteld was sentcnted tc fen years imprisonment. Killed y at Woman. Dariex, Ga., December o. Monday night EllaCummingfe. mortally stabbed Cain Ba.ju,-.. aied in ten minutes. The grana jrrrx found an indictment the liext -Ir paurder. The woman was . trial today before Judge la and the jury win probably rende verdict of murder. The estimates on the difference ir revenue between ine present tan: law and the pioposed new law ha-. been made up by experts in the treas ury department, and ihy eaicul&W that there will be deficiency under the new law of nearly SSO.otKUwU, The attorney general has made a rt port to Secretary Lamont and lecretary of war has Vleclded tha General Dan Sickles, 5ef New York, ian draw pay both jea member of congress nd as retired army oi. cr. S&ea Baby was sick, we rae her CaMorU. When she was a Child, she cried far CsJtoria, TThen sha Vame Miss, she hnjr to Caafcuria. When she had Children, ehe gave them Castoria 9 f .1 1 s t ; 1 !! .:! , -1 ) - t f - - " ' ' ' . - ' . ' ' - - - . . ' - - ' ' . ' r ' i