Kit i-T-v1---'dncUe the cir culation ruf r.ivv olic woe-K i ; - -lialitM in Alt t ' n ' w rS NOW 10UKTH SERIES- SALISBURY, N C THURSDAY DECEMBER 21. 1893. NO. 47 1 T'Bi'J rTTTr What Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Olum, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It ia Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend, - 1 - ' x Castoria. Castoria. wCaitoriaisso well adapted tochfldreniJuit I rtconunevi it a superior U any prescription known to iue H. A. Aschek, M. !., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, X. Y. "Thecs,;f ' Castoria ' is ao universal and It, Bjcrii-s - wU know that it aeoins work cf supererogation to endorse it. w are the Irtsljigwit families who do not keep Castoria hiae.vy reach." - ' Cxklos 2UaTYK, D. D, New York City. 0AGE2ETIC NERVINE. Is sold with written guarantee to caro N ervouProtr;v tJon, FTTs, DUii fiOS4tITcai:icfcc and fenra-gijt aiKlWajto J ulii,c;..u-ed hj el ective Uucol Opium, -"Vi u --' v-tv Tooacco ana aico ' ftf v 'f 1 J; bol; Jensl Deproe-EEFCR- APTcFV nkm, Sotteningof a Brsin. cuipj? Misery, Msar.ity iu! rsaath ; PrJmaTu OM Av- In wrfuntar j L-, causou broMr-iu.liilirenre. owr-eifTnon of the Biviu and frrorsof Yout. It K'iv. to Week Organs theil Balnn.1 Vur and rf.ub fan jo of Ufa; cures LiofrlKM nrvl l-mi.!o Wpafcnww. A. month't- troat taeel. ia iMta paekaj-o. l-y ruaH, to any a!dres, tl Mrl?x,6J"i'J5- with every 5 order we jrWe a WHtrn Cunranteo to euro or refuDd thepioney. Cireninrn free. Ooaranteo iijsued only by our ex - ?haiTgent. , . EDWra CUTIIEIII, S.VLISI5UKY, N. (' S M r ' . . . . . . STARTLLNG INCREASE I Insanity Last Year. T iacrease of insanity last year over the preceding year was sUu-iling! Ti.iak of it. purtousuflVring Iroia uervous troubles, mch u lick ttiJ nervoj'i iieadacUc, nervousnosft. eosruUioati, neuralgia, apoplexy, dy?iep-.ia. l.Mpleuesi, nxralysis, nrfou- proration, pilewr, etc. rii :o itlook wouii ccruiuiy x ducituriging "r y u were there no iue;ins el m-xe. Any of the above dilli Milticn, friil nuiy niire. are alrinoo sytu;to:u. f inauT ir s tine other cu tl ly de orable con duijaJ'lin in suicide or premature deatlu Dr. Franklin Miles, the notei specialist, au derottid over 21' years te the iavestig:t lion of nertti'M ttf ctions, and in the result of tiii libon liei ttie only hope of those alflic -, eJ i;h the troubles name I. His R istur ti NerriiH is" a positive means of relief. If you have an nervous aHdetton attend to iltlonee. D not wait till your intellect ii ih'itt'tre I or the freiuy of suicide overcomes JL l)ehr is dangerous. .!.. Miller. Pwor of th M. K. Church, B;j Rii, -ra, wrte: " Ov'erw.irlc cauv; 1 me to' WmIc tiwn i:xu ileiely Tne efftrt of nveral rJ Hjrt, an I ei?ht weeks of navel, did ine ltul cod. I c mid uot real oroiudv, and my coalition wis serious I txin usimj nr. Miles' iUoritive Nervine, four battles of which Cum- tlr cured me. A.;e:t mr nrratitude." "1 u u-k last Ap il.and ha 1 iheattenrl thr! f ir ...-t n'lvsi.-.ians. The result - wutlitihjenl of fur months I was a hetf- c mid no', eat. and did not net thirtv Bouse ieep in u hours. Lot .r pounds n ua'. Fmr weeks aj I b?jau usin? Dr. Miles K4! Kerviue, Restorative Toniaaud Verve Uver PiUs. inrfl galnel & poinds in nr, en eat and Hlee-, and feel-as well as I 9V,m- i c 3tiHus. Carlisle Pa. . . 1 w sfaict I with nervous prostration over w Tesrs. and d irine that time was unable lo pfjxnn any work. Through the u-e of lr. Miles' iw t'l Kervin 1 m entirelv resrorel t a-ablet conduet mvbiislnes the sami" 7 w y iicknew. I reroaim-nde lt'ie Nervine wToan4 roan alw mjfferin from n 'rv-us pr and he. too. received wonderful oeneftt - It. Dr. Miles' remdl. are considered a nan " a "waonse."-W s. CuUhaw.Ga'ien. Mich. r- MiUi Restorative Nervine is "oi l br all 'jrlsisaa h nj,uive rnarantee or br Dr. Miles .'? Kkhart. Ind , on receipt f prire. l rUa, or dx bottles for $5. express prepaid. It a i! free from all onlates and daneerons M!le' N'erv 'ver Pills 25 cents f x. v boxes. l oo Mailed anywhere. Tree soo at aruxjpsts, or br maiL 1 t U'njrgists. Can Vou Read The Future? IX) you know what your con dition will be 20 years hence? Vill your earainjrcapacity I equal tc the support of Voursylf and family?. This is a serious question, yet, you could confidently answer ' if you had a twenty- jwrs loutme Policy in the 3 J VT - . 11 Equitable LileiffeSP A niethod which gtiaranfees . the proteciiou furnished 'by any kind of life insurance, auo m addition the -largest fash returns- to those poilicy- holCTs.vJiose lives arepfo , tanked,, and who then need money rather than assurance. ror frets and figures, address vyvl. RODDEY, Manager, For the Carolinas. " ROCK HILL, S, C is Caatorla cures Colic, Conrtfpatioa, Hour Stomach, Diarrhcoa, Eructation, Kill Worms, rnrc sleep , tad nromotea dl gestion. Without injurious medication. For several years X hare recomraendec your Castoria,' and shall always contmaa tc do so as it has in variably produced benefkaa results." - Eaww F. rain- M. D., ISUii Street and 7th .v.:., New York CSty Tub Ckntacb OoMTAinr, 77 Mcbrat Stekkt, Niw York Cot THE btST A3 13. THE SAFEST li4VSTMENT I EYEP. MADE. if; :rk.'7-& f-J Tbcre z. i' in our larse l n t profit cf $iV),;oj ay?".. 'c a . ;1 t.'.ocx low . but we cHI a r"- v. . c- pmlit on our !:vui.-..', r.iU3.-a' .-J ti-ildrn ' r'-.c.i is rtt Ua: I ten cvni u p iir, u'.j ci o;t : r.r-1 ltiy' rh s li r'.-n" a p-ir. Vi o yha'l r..t:ibi:l; i "toe f in each of !.. f"r:y ! ;-.-c. t :t s f " d if tb-v-f tl .' I puir.s f . : r. :--.- U: . i:!d earn -iij-j'. . f ''u' I 1 e ::' V i -J" a yir v it.vilr:(! i t-i - a?. :: , r . r.;i.?. a y.' ' nV j-:v' -V.m t. .'-;": - .;f $ a s.".t:"f. Tiii jic t ; . : .'.v ; i -t t - thai. lafbir-, J; n.kl -s V- rl ' i f ft L-s i lh aVJis j.-rlc;', . : t :.t. . k ronji-snessar!-.1. J -co- I. " t i .''. W'tf'have ever 1 f rt h:! V.l ,t- li!..'J -. niir It J.'r:::c.::: I t. oil;. .. Y.t I. J i :"-. I" : ' ; li'iMiT :ir': T. :. V a!i j. S. . 't-Ttl. J- CuirS-.; ; J. R. -. Kri au:-!i.l.ii:;- !'!;. '.i.: i. I Tirvr. hiiila.: ". 1 !-nl.n.-, jr. f. Mich. ; I". r. I.' . Am' Write fcra r rorxdi:i w:; oir stockhuld'"-, 'ic, ' r ml :. '. :-Mt,s : v.. ?i. . i. .. , .- -.; j. r. I.J. I'xvm. llav..e y v. ;i:':r.C t!:f !r.n;-nt)f itic'ruinq rmhfrr x rAwf, nr r mov i r- r. Ordi-rs taken fr one or men.; cbarcn. I 'rice, $10 ' a :'hnro. DEKTE3 SHOE CQ - lit. Hi S II? FrrfTal St., BOSTOS, s Asa. mi eti SITES REDE CO. Inc'p. Capital, $f,000,009. ':sT Si. SO NUUK-1N THE WOKLU. 'J dollar xttred ia dollar earned." M Ji:lieaSoliJ French DoneolaKid'Biit. ' Uoit delivered free anywhere in the U.S.,oa receipt of Cah, Money Order, or IVetal Note for flJ0. Kqnals every way the boots sold in n'l retail Stores for tZ.oH. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar niU tiie Jit, Btile and wear. . v-'vv A E.;;t u -X fir hc if auy ia st satisfied e win rc-innd tne mi.npy or Bend another pair. Opera V Toe or Common feneo. widths t", I), K, Sc hi'.. ri yfcizes 1 to 8 and hail w" o'l'i your , '-3ftv v ill ft v. Cata- FRE OnUC UU.t BOSTON, MASS. Sfreftl tem:t to JJenltra, Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moocrate Fees. Ovn Owee is Owosite U. S. ptet Orrice and we can secure patent in le tioie than thoee remote from Wa-hfusrtfU. bend model, drawing or photo.; with descrip tion. We ad vine, if patentable or not free of charge. Our fee not dae till patent is veenred. A PassPHieT. "ITow to Obtain Patents," with names of arrSMl cli;-nr la your fciac, county or town, sent free. Adre,s, CA-SHOWGOr Ops. Patent Orricc. Wash kgton. O. C. 'GOLDEN CAPSULES8 liaBBaMissHsUJsVsMt;! Are Safe and. Always Keliablet better than 'iansy or Pennyroyal Pills and aU similar medicines. Unexcelled tor Irr-gnlarl-ties,fcc Successruilv usediu thousands cf ca5- Js sure reined y, guaranteed, never fails. Prtce fl. A onequaltrdsarcnard. lAKESIDiJ SPEC I Fa :-iia-4iO JilarJtet U Ciiicago, III. Saicd th life that is fighting against Consum p tion. Only act promptly. Put it off, and nothing can save you. But, if tak I i 1 V en in time, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cer tainly cure. It must be dono through tho blood end the " Discovery " is the most potent Llood cleanser, strength-rescorer, and flesh-builder that's known to medical science. The scrof ulous affection of the lungs that's called Consumption, and every form of Scrofula mid blood-taints, all yield to it. For Weak ' Lungs, Spitting of Blood, bronchitis, Asth. ma, and all severe, '.lingering roughs, it's an cnequoled remedy. It's the oniy one that's yuarantetd. Ifrfitdoe3nt benefit or cure, in every casa, you havo your money back. Can anyjljhjg fdsc, at any price, Lo reaUy as chpapj i . Yog paj jxity -for value received. fceraethittg else, that pays the dealer bet ter, may be OtTered as "just as good. Per- haps ir IS; for kfWjWl H tpt te for y4, AT UOiiii. Tho Hawaiian Question Vannly DIscussod. BILL T0.A02IT.CTAn 13 PASSED. rrobabte Changes in he Ti!an Ull! The RepnblicaiM Pr-parlnsr for a Vigor not Fight Voorheeaj Sliver Coinaff Hill Bead. Wabhixgtox, December 15. In hoh the house and . senate the llawiian matter was np totlay. The house passed the Uitt resolution calling' on the president for the papers in the ca set lathe senate, Mr. Frye, of Maine, defended Minister Steveus, nnd in the course of his remarks took oceaakra to 8eyerely criticise Mr. Hlount. Mr. Frye went so far a to alii rm that Mr. lllount in his report had not written one line of truth, nor given one un prejudiced opinion, nor renedrt d one impartial judgment. , Senator Vest, of Missouri, defended Mr. Blount, lie declared him to be a man of honor and of the rery highest motives and he believed that Mr. Blount, in mak ing his report, was honest in believing every statement he made Mr. V est, speaking for the administration, de clared that the president would not attempt to put th queen back on her throne. That would be an act of war nnd he did not believe the president contemplated any such tinner. The house bill for the admission of Utah to statehood was passed without division today at" the close of the de bate, the only amendments of impor tance incorporated iu the enabling; act being one by Mr. Powers, of Ver mont, prohibiting polygamy forever, and another by Mr. Wheeler, of Ala Lama, reducing one-half the land granted to the state for common school purposes. Washington, December 10. The committee on privileges and elections this morning, by a party vote; decided to report the house bill to repeal the federal election laws. The house bill, repealing the federal election laws was reported back favor ably from the committee on privileges and elections and placed on the calen dar, notice of a minority report being given on the part of Senators Hoar, Mitchell, Iliggins and Chandler. Mr. Voorhees, introduced a bill for the coinage of silver dollars, retire ment of small denominations of gold and paper and for other purposes, it was referred to the commit- on iinauce. . It directs the coinage into fcilvar dollars of standard weight and fineness, of the seignoroge or profit from the coinage of silver bullion, under the act of February, -and July. 1S90. Mr. Catchings brought in an order from the committee on rules, setting aside a time after the second morning hour, beginning today and continuing each day thereafter, until concluded, for considering the bills admitting Arizona and 2ovr Mexigo to state hood. Commissioner Lyman, of the civil service commission, has resigned as president of the commission but not as commissioner, and has been succeed ed iu the presidency by Commissioner Proctor. - A RACE FOR LIFE. W. II. Parks and Mrs. it. W. North KlUe4 by a Freight Train. s Kewnan, Ga., December 1 r.e tween 3 and 4 o'clock yesterday after noon Mr. W. li. l'arks and Air's, Dr. R. W. North, in attempting to 'cross the Chattanooga and Griffin railroad vere struck by a freight train and in stantly killed. The accident occurred at McDonald's crossing, about one mile west of Sharpsburg. Mrs. North resided at Sharpsburg and was re turning with Mr. Parks in a buggy to his country home about two miles distant The approach to the railroad crossing is through a deep cut, and they hud driven into the cut before the noise of the approaching train was heard. Mr. l'arks was driving a spirited horse, and it is supposed that he tried to get across ahead of the train. When the horse reached the cross ing, however, the train was only a few feet off. The animal became fright jened at sight of the train and instead of going across, wheeled suddenly and started down the track in front of the locomotive. The train was running at full speed and in less than half a minute overtodk the vehicle and completely demolished it. Mr. Parks and Mrs. North were also struck by the locomotive and instantly killed. Mr. Parks was one of Coweta's wealth iest and most prominent citizens and a brother of T..B. Parks, of Atlanta, Mrs. North was the wk?ov of the late Dr. IL W. North, of Sharpsburg. Arrested the. Countable. Savannah, Oa., December .15. Charles B, McDonald, one of Governor Tillman's special dispensary officers, who has been in the city for several weeks during which time he has been appointed a special city detective by Mayor McDonough, was arrested to day at the instance of C. II. Med lock who charges him with trespassing on the wharf of the steamer Alpha, and also with carrying concealed weapons, lie gave bond and was released. Mr. McDonald's particular duty is to watch and-, and see that no is sent from Savannah to inland places in South Carolina, Mr. Medlbck thought he had no right to examine the Alpha's freight and had him arrested. A Fatal lianquet. St. Petersburg, December 18, At the annual banquet at the winter palace of the soldiers decorated with the cross of St. Andrew and St, Georire, last Monday, forty of. thp guests are said to have partaken of & meat pie which was in a puti'.d stafce, T lie re sult is that fifteen of .them have since died of choleia and the others' were yery sick for several days af teryarls. CONGRESS for Bimi MMALS. Arrosalvij Resolutions Passol by tho Qecrtjia Legi3latur3. 1 COINAGE WITHOUT DISCRIMi3ATIG3 A ud State Tin n Its of lasu licrontnirndsd- The KlKht of th- Grut ril Govern- ! . T i . tui-nt to i:s:abl:'.i I'rnh'bltorr Ian is Jiti-at:ouLJ. Atlanta, Ga., December 15. The Georgia legislature r-asscd resolutions favoring the coinage of bothgold and silver, without discrimination, and for state banks of issu?. The resolutions were introduced iu the house by A. ik Bacon, of liibo.. After reciting the financial distress prevailing throuin. out the country, the resolutions says "Wc hold it to be to the interest of the people of the United States that the government should coin loth gold and silver as the money of final pay ment, without discrimination against cither uwtal. tiie dollar unit of coin nge of which shall bo of equal intrinsic ttnd exchangeable value." The second resolution "irrvokes at the hands of those npon wlium is laid the responsibility of its decision the speedy determination of the future s'-dnaye of botli gold- and silver and. the future equality of both ijo and silver coiu as tiie mony of final pay ment, to the end that the future pros perity and development oi the country may be assured." Tiie resolution on state banks says: "We hold it to be the constitutional right of the several stater to enact their own banking laws by which bunking corporations within their bor ders shall be empowered to issue bank bills for circulation among their peo ple for the necessary transaction, of business, and 1hat there is no co;sti tutiouul right in the general govern ment to lay upon the states a prohibi tion against the exercise of such 'right or to restrict, regulate or control the exercise of such rij ht." There is a declaration for an indi vidual income tax and u tarL'f for rev enue only. The last resolution re quests Geovgia's senators and repre sentatives to do all they can to make i-ifective the principles contained in the paper. The resolutions were ad opted by an almost unanimous vote. FROM HONOLULU. .VII Qnlet Thre Still- The Government Uni-rlcadtaff the Castle. Yancouvkr, B. C. December 15. The Antriaii st.iMiier A raw a arrivvd nt Victoria at S a. :n. todaj'. She brings tho folio. ving news: Queen Lilioukala rsi h-is not been re stored and there Lis been no trouble in Honolulu. Such is the ncrs "brought by the fctcamsJiip Arnwa, which ' rounded the nice rock at 7 t 'clock this morning, and vns tied up at Victoria two houra later'. F She loft Honolulu Monday, Decem ber I'ourth, and was a fraction over S Ten days making tho run. , From the arrival of the last reports there has been but tw things of sig li'.eant natur The annexationists had a mas meet ing on Saturday. November '2. and adopted resolutions i:i eiT.'ct appeal in s ing to 'congress over tho address of President Cleveland, Secret;u'v" G res ham and Mr. Blount. Tor four davs prc-'-eeding the saiiing of the Arawa. the troops of the provisional government were busy fortifying the government house, or 'The Castle," as fonnerlv called. The work was being done with sand bags principally. .s the Arawa sailed from the harbor t..e troops could be teen from the deck of the steamer busilv engaged in heaping up breast works. Kan Francisco, Cr, December 17. The steamer Australia has arrived. She brings advices from Honolulu to December Uth. The excitement was tit fever heat, but up to that time there had been no change in the situ ation. Since December 5th no lnateri nl change has takeu place in the mili tary or political attitude of the different parties. The queen's adhe rents are being -secretly armecL The marshal is satisfied that over two hundred Winchester rifles have been worked into Honolulu in small lots from the island of Mari in the past month, and distributed among the rovalists. A vigilaut watch is kept upon the royalists who express the opinion cer tainly that on the arrival of the Ala meda Willis will carry out his instruc tions to reinstate the queen. FINANCE THE ISSUE. The JllmetaMle League Maps Out a Pro- a-ramme for the Future. Washington, December IS. A. .T. Warner, the president of the confer ence of the Bimetallic League, which has been in session here for several days, today gave out an explanatory statement of the action of the confer ence. The meetings of the confi-rence have been well attended, a number of public men in congress tendine it their aid by being presenL" The following is President Warner's statement; It was unanimously agreed in the conference 1. That the money question is and will continue to be the paramount issue, till it is settled rightly and on sound principles, and that it can be displaced-by no other. 2. That tho first battle is for the next congress, 3. That to achieve results, the silver men must not only stay silver men after thev reach congress, but they must there unite, anil putting silver above party, work incessantly to ac complish the object for which they were elected.. .n:irib!st KaitU. Pa ma, Ducembar l. The ofilces of 'lAnarehiste wei$ raided today and a number of documents were seized. The Journal des D bats savs that tu dynamite cartridges hav been found iu an omnibus ia J..e Rus Fuvir. ;j-i J Coal shipments from IltUburg, Pa.. I to tho south and west last Saturday aggregated e,0d0,0(Uj bushels. 1-if teen eouvicts escap-d from the! jail -at Greenvilie, Ala.. Wednesday uight. Guc prisoner declined to leave The limit of value of wearing ap parel which can be brought in free reduced in the nw tarin bill from?; tog'.'SU. The citizens of Waco. Tex., have re solved to build a cotton palace upon an elaborate scale, to be opened OcL 10, 1SU4. . The ivar department ha.s awarded a contract for 5,ooo pounds of smokele powder to the powder works ut Santa Cruz, CaL W. li Knox has been appointed su perintendent of the AJaja:aa A.inerul division of the Loui&v.llo and I.asiu llio railroad. - - . . Ihe 1'aris police ha?e arrested three friends of Vailliaut, the cnaiuber oi deputies bomb thrower, together wth eight other anarchists. General Clement A. Evans, has for mally announced himself a candidate for Governor of Georgia, subj ct U. t.;e democratic nomination. .More than 1,0 X) bales of eottou hav beeu compressed in Birmingham. Ala., this season, which is far ahead of tut record of any previous year. A dispatch from San Francisco an nounces that A. D. Jones, consul gen eral at Shanghai, China, died ou a steamer at sea on the 9th insta.L The business of C. Aul inan & Co., of Canton, O.. manufacturers of engines, threshers and other farming implements, has gone into the hand. of receivers. Congressman Brawley, of Charleston, has been tendered the district judge ship of South Carolina, to succeed .ludge Simon ton recently appointed circuit judge. Maj. 1). A. Carpenter has been appointed ponsion agent at KnoxviLe, Tenn. Maj. Carpenter held the same ofiice under- president Cleveland's first administration. Senator Hill haa completed his bill for the imposition of a collateral in heritance, legacy or succession Ux, and it will in all probability be suo initted to congress this week. At a meeting of the Southern Cotton Yarn mill men in Augusta an associa tion to advance the intere-its of tl.if industry in the south was organized! Temporary officers were elected. Every indication points to a speedy adjustment of the late disturbances among the employes of the Louisville ancTNashville, and the promise is that harmony will he restored within the uext few days. As returned by the state board oi canvassers of New York, the senate will stand: i.epublicans 19, democrats 13. 'ihe assembly: Republicans 74. democrats 2. Republican majority on joint balloi -'5;. At a meeting of the members of the Pittsburg Petroleum Stock and Metal exchange resolutions were passed pro testing against removing the duty upon petroleum, as proposed by the new tariff bill. The North Carolina Methodist con ference, in session at Wilmington, ad optod resolutions condemning foot ball and base ball, and requesting all the church schools and colleges to refrain from these games. The following railroad earnings were reported Monday: Norfolk and Western, for the first week in Decem ber, Sl.S7,65i); decrease of $11,380. Louisville ai:d Nashville, first week iu December, increase, ST4;430; from July 1st to last date, decrease, 1, 649,726. Ths quo warranto proceedings in the supreme court against the Jack sonville citv council terminated at Tallahassee in a victory for the pres ent municipal offeers, the supiemc court deciding that the Australian ballot law under which the were eleeted was constitutional. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIES. Rep rt of the Situation for the Weeb 1 ndln.f December 11. 18t)3. In Its review of the industrial situation in tho Sout.1 lor the week cndinir December 11. The Tra.ics-n.iu reports t jat tue condition t:i the iro.. Industry continues to s'.ionr sU;us of en cour.ieiaeut. botn by the incro ise In tae out pjt of cone :rns in operation, aa.l the yreiarn l.ons which a.c aiado .o rt sum : bus! .es on ih 1 1 a -t of f ..raaccs nave een o..t of blase. 'iic diffcro-i cs of opin on as to tue ac tion to 1 e taUeu by t on jress on tho t trin caun'e.s and as to the eiiei t tie ptoposJ e!iau,'c.s ail have on soutle.-u iuvi s presents .or the tiiao bevn; a l ir e incrcuio in ibe iusi-.e -s. T iis element of uncertainty. 11 boon eliminated, will, in any event than e into a condition of greater prosperity, for it is jtea eraliy ndu: tied f at noi.tnera inn iuj-S-ers ian reaiiilv adapt themielvts to l .e situatiou. ui.3 fcre well pr";ar-d so meet nnv lss e InotlKr l-r-.i!-.clics of u aa fat rinit ind-. str.v. as le tiles ood-wrkinK- etc.. prcpa.-atioM are ll:i made ' active winter s worii. with favora l lo pw p cts. r T. irty nivc vex industries are reported as establish dcr in corpora teu dur n,; the week to Kt'tior wii.i . u.- enlartemei ts of uiau-fac o rit s. an t si teen important ner b. il .in,'s 1 r m uent anion ; tae ns.v industries of ta wce.i arj tae to' g: The Tea .Wile Coul an.l o eCompiav oi C'arW.b rg. W. V'a..ctp Itul :.oj 0 u: .ue Caeiry ('am i O I Company, a: oofvlaria' r- wit 1 $1 0u0 00) cap ta!: t e tojt e;nC e.Tfteal .T.d I ertil.zer C mpauy. ot New Oilcans, u'i al 8 0 J: a oul com! a y at f'Var.e-ston W. V a.. apital 0 IKO: a rice m 1 n. c in unv in Verm 11 o:i liiuSi. a . ,u!, ta f 0 DO: tJCTh rl.'s -n S (' . t o:istr.u lion t ouit u .'. ca .tat f 9 0r. in ic omjainy at . ic : I u ;. M ss.. can t u :J 0 J a c r sa saf bd 1 ut i an.-ao.:ke.i, Fia.. c st .0(0 a p i U cotiins'UV '-t Kic u:o. d v a m i n i200 : a. d tho Thoiaps n Klettric. to., o. V'.u-. l u V'. Va.. wtlh f ir0 0 - pi ai. An.i- 1" -raisin le aeu w r cs are t b built n- ) awt.oriic Fla : ad.nami e f.-clor- at t -d r own. t:a : a cot.o-.i n-ili at o.o ss : ane ertri li-,hun .'".a i atori'n . i : ro r a-id -ri-t miU at : . st s i nd 'i a '.ah - e Fa and Carol di Tena ;iu I a r c un u .ia I. Fla. lea 1 1 ai on aii.-s : i.e .a icr-' s a- i,u. . ..v and ( l.arlotle V. ('.: a iau.iery a. ..n (I,:.- s-o c a: d furn i c r'.;- a; '.irrv T nn and wood., ml. iu )-ia sa M it ,u l-r .MTiti s Ai.i.. F rt Mt nee Fa a a b v. KockWtKHl. lc. n., 1.LU t-'iiy. LTABKET HEPCRT3 By private ?vire to li. W. Martin. Manager Jiaw Voitx. i;e.. la t- r"; J 5 l e. '.8 : Mar 7 17. mir e so-i Ml l-n. i ' r 1.V1C. m " e rni CHICAGO. IVec- IS -Future clo.-d a, fttilows: h K kx -Dfl '. C, ( t:s: :-T ec .f Oats Way JJ Fowk -J.u il . 0 l.Aim- J 1 Cil A.O I -r.-tSl ' ' CUows: -Mess rork - ' trd ,. s on ri Jr,!- " - P tilt S40 -tlder-i. boxe i. i 5-i .5; alitfi cIja. ft Ue . . 10 ; I . 5 ' 0 si .-a.-."ah. lx-e. !.-Ta.:p-a.ia-' - t. . "ji aj . J Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOlHJTEUa' PURE SUICIii i-OLLOvVSA.trtLiiT. Habel, Who rr:et In Nctvuan Iiereetlr, Takes lviion. Ram:mk, N. C. Dccembsr 13!--Early this morning Henry Habel, thirty-fivo year old, died h-.r-o from arsenic taker, in the station houso lat night imme diately upon his arrest for bigamy. He had lived hero up to last Septem ber. Kight yci:r ago he married tin da tighter of a man near Lynehburg a. In September ht desertel he: and wnt to Charlotte. N. C. '1 heno he weut to Newnan. t'a., where. ii. October he married a young ivuiuau. Last Sunday l;ab,'l suddenly reap peared here. Late last nif-iit the chie of police received v. telcjr m iron Sheriff Carmichaal, of Newnan. asK ing if a man named Henry Habel w in Raleigh, and if ho was marr.ed. 1 so Habel was to be arrested. Arr.v followed in a few minutes and HaV was placed in the station house. II. said to a friend that s.e was drum when he married and was not con scious of what ho was doing. It ap pears that within a few minutes aft.": he was placed in the stationhoir e h took poison, having bought the latt-: during the day. It was over an hout before it was discovered tfhat he haw taken poison. Physicians tried to wv' him, butall efforts failed. llistl,ti was horrible and occurred in the pres ence of his deserted wife No 1. SILVER MEN CONFER RING. Planning Their Future Campaign, bat not Talking Oniaide. Washington, December IS. The conference of lea. ing silver men oi the country to devise ways and means to continue the fight for free silver coinage opened today at the head quarters of the bimetallic lea u; Most of the familiar fad's of the silve: leaders were there, including Genera. Weaver and General Field, of Iowa; Senator Stewart, of Nevada: Cantab Kolb. the Alabama leader; Moriime: Whitehead, lecturer of the nationa: grange; More ton Frewcn, the British authority on bimetallism; Colonel Beverly, of Virginia: Judge Sheldon of Connecticut, and tunny others. Master Workman Sovorign. of the Knights of Labor, is expected later. In all the conferees number about fifty, representing t lie bone and sinew 'of the free silver movement. INVESTIGATION hRi DLE. Virginia's l-2i atiir: II is lo Take fotaf Notice of th- i-:p"r '. Rich:om, Va., December 14. I: leaked out tonight that Mr. Withers, member of the house of delegatesfron Danville, proposes to introduce a r'b. hit ion tomorrow providing lor a join' committee to investigate the rumors that have become current as to tin use of money by the railroads am others in the recent campaign t influence the election of me t who would support Martin for United States senator. Mr. Withers did not vote for eith Martin or Lee, but will act. if he a-., at all, upon these rumors and what he heard during the cai:ipaiv. a hoc the employment of qtiosiioi.ubi methods. A G I. ?!' 5JIC1CZ. She Had a Oaarrrl w th lltr llrotln-r an. Miot IIiTetf. Rome, Ga., December IS. 'Miss Cai rie White, a beautiful 3-011 ng hi-lv si teen or seventeen years of aire. r;vi;i near Rockmart, committed -liei. last evening by shooting out h. brains with a pistol. At the snpp table she had some words with In brother, and left the table. The. was a shot, a crash, and the girl w. found, lying in her own Llood. Tl family is almost crazed. No oth cause for the suicide than the litt quarrel with her brother can be a 6igned. DAZEY'S CASE POSTPONED.' Be Is Oat on 20.000 llond I'utU Nn ipr!n-. Nashville, Tknn.. I)eeemlor 15. The bank trials are over for the pre' ent. Judge Sage today grant.-U a to: tinuance to George A. Bazey, charge with conspiracy with Frank 1 oitei field to tlefraud the Commercial Na tional bank. The ground of 'th.- eoi tinuance was the failure of tin- rm ernment to give the defence amp1." notieo of the case ou which L'uze. would bo tried at ' I is U rui of cnrt The witnesses for tne wer. scattered from Connecticut to Toxa.. and as t' e defense did not know wha drafts JV-ro to bo 'reiled on by th. gowrnment -to make oct its case thev were not in position to sav jus what they expected to prove by t-acl. w itness. They promised to be read for trial at the next t-rm about Max and were gmntei a continuance. Judge age wiil be here ut that time t irv tiie ia -cs. Laev s hr nd war hxed at Jr'-'n.o "f. which lie gave. The bond of George . hildress. charged with vrecking the bank at Columoia, wa lixed at i-l(),JJ0 and his cise was con- tinuod, , Not the Same. Mommt Do vou know what hap pens to little boys who get up bright c.r.,1 mrlv i i tho raorrr.n'ff nti-YtVra. They get awfully sloopy before luiich tjaie, Harper s Yining jwpie. - i j-o 11 ft TOMMY'S DISCOVERY. PUCK. ' Twa, vh a, , Were hghUy flitUng from u That Tommy to his mother saifc "'Twill soon be Christ., now , "I hope thatSaaUClaus will britur Alot of things for tne this rear I II be as glad as anything When Christinas morning's here. "I hope ha'll bring a scarlet sled, For gliding switly dawn the bill And that with candies green and rol My stocking long he'll AH. "I want a little -gun to pop The kitten when she's fastasleep; I want a pretty humming top, I want some bleating sheep. I want a book of fairy tales 1 want a nest of picture blocks I want a boat that swims with wiU, I want a jack in a box." ONE WEEK BEFORE CHKISTVAa This morn said Tommy, full of glee. As to bis mother dear he ran: "Old Satna Claus indeed must be, A very nice old man 1 " Then shouting in his boundless joy Ho soon relief in dancing found, And was indeed the happiest boy ' For miles and miles around. "I know he heard me when I told You, mother, what I wished he'd bring Beneath her spectacles of gold She smiled at such a thing. "It's so," said Tommy, with a bound That showed he hadn't any cares; ' The toys I wished for I just fouud ' 'Way up the garret stairs." a s Cbj-iitmas Plnmi. Christmas week makes weak pocket- books. - Better , a paid pork chop than a fat turkey on utick." The man who quarrels with his wile cn Christmas day is worse than a horse thief. U Blessed are the babies on Christmas day; they can be put off with cheap candy. It is sad to note that the average Christmas stocking is longer than nios-t purses. .. " If you must give !he boy a drun give him a drum of figs; he'll mak hole in it quicker. The old saying that "hanging h to good for them" is never understood t Christmas stockings. There are no Christinas presents ti tradesman gives with better grace tu receipted bills. Give him a chance. The head of the family expeu many dollars on presents and receir wo handkerchiefs and a patr ot mi.. Then s the time, to be merry. A flat purse means a stout Chris mas tree. It's a foolish girl who "kicks" k beau before Christmas. The small boy cannot be judged U is conduct on Christmas eve. The Rain Saint. St. Swlthun lived In the ninth cen tury. He was chaplain to King Eg bert, tutor of Alfred the lireat, ana died pishop of Winchester. He was buried in the churchyard oi tno cathedral. They made a saint of him and built a shrine toblsmen ory in the cathedral. When this was finished It was resolved in 'J71 to re move his remains from the church yard and reinter them In the shrine. The saint seemed to object to oeing disturbed, for an old writer says that he "protested weeping." Ia other words, the 15th of July, oa which the ceremony took place, was a wet dav. Out of this simple oc currence arose in later years th well-known legend that If it rained on St. . Swithun's day (July 15) it would rain for forty days afterwards Perhaps we ought to be thankful that the inventor of the story did not make it eighty days. We are likely to be still more thankful that the tale has no foundation in fact. Eodes III for the Girls. Forty young society men of Chat tanooga have bound Jthemselves to gether in an oathbound organiza tion, so it is alleged, to cut down personal expenses by declining aU invitations to social functions dur ing the coming season. The motU is: "Look out for the pennies; the girls can take care of thcrruelves." - , a- tl s 1 i r - fc - i 1 t H tl i - -St 11 i t t 3 t n i ! 4 II 'J "1 tl - si n i 1

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