- " la 13 ' ' ' jf .'11 I - - -'II - I VI ' V 1 v h" . L V v"l - X . ' " - ' - JKH -3 . - .,,00 a year, :i : ir n tv. r :6: OJ . . IV J I WW ' 6 11 i TP A r Tt 6n "TKTh lQclT-. lJ , T M :fl 13, H " . . X I 1 1 11 II II II . II i V W 1 I fl w II II II umauuu oi any JvailCf- II .1! II VI ' 'VVv 1ST: II r 1 1 U 1 I II - II ! 7 H -M-r . VI If T II i II II II-. 11,11.-11 ill II- II ntW i,1,,t: r- J w y i v l i it v u ti j v it a ! ii . i ii I it - II fi ir. -,.T,,,,.i'"r1 t ayiIKa NAW - - r. , Ni. -fc - w w xwvl i 1 n 1 1 M VLAU n in nsneti in tne city. IS ,oC. fourth; SERIES. i. J SALISBURY, N C, THURSDAY JANUARY !4i 1894. NO. 48 h - i - in i j ; ' i .,. , - ,, . , , . ' r - - .-. . -vt ' . 1 . :" - r .T . ' !. -! i I !' ' " - i ' . it What 5 CaSttia 13 Ir.5iuel Pitcher's prescriptioa for Infants and ChiWren, It contains aleither Otpiom, MorpUino nor 6tber Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute -Jcr Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. 1 it is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years! use' by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea "1-tlic Mother's Friend. . . " : ' Castoria. 1 CMtoril well daited tochildrea tht j reeoieBl it u iprior ay prescription kaawn U me." H. A- Aacus, M. D 111 So. OxfonTSU, BrookJyn, K. T. "Theuflof 'Castoria. is o universal and tu meriUo WeU known that it se.-xna a work pf Wporxt,d0'B lt- :.rw are the lauaiewit familie who Jo sot keep CaAoria .jtlii'MfT reach. J i Kw,Tqrk,aO'. l JOHMSOM'S MAGNETIC OIL1 InsUntKRItftl Pain. J Internal and External. Cures iKHKOWATISM. NEURAX XilA. Uuao Itnck, Sprain, Broutee, Kt.:iin. Stiff Joiata. tXJLlO and 'HlUPSicMantlT. Ghblrrs Kor- Fi LKjStkFi.-. OwuHDipthcria, SoreThroat, Sn.feuiiiU)ACJi E, as U by ru&ftio. i ; moiit Pmn-rful and P)netrRUnBl.1aini0tf Or Han I JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. " Face Beautifier. : Ladies will find it ,e most jfsiieate icnd "hizhlir perfumed Toiltt Soap on ttn soft anl velvety and restore the lost eom ptoiion: i it taiury for th Bath lor Infnnts, Ft1 atari, itching cleansea Uie scalp anl ptCdiOteS Uwtroboit h-ur. iric625c Tor sale by ' EDWIN CUTHEELL. ' Salisbury, NC. SUDDE5 DEATH!. - The Copmunlty Shocked. "Last eyeninc;, sl after tea. while Mr. Thomai Harimau, a itroiuiueut and highly jMpected citizeaj appaieutly in the Ut J Balth and spirits, ,was reading anewpjf i, tie beet widdenly jTU tu th floor; lit Dliceti one hand over his heart, rasped, ami ' H.lr 'K.ilr 1 ltia n I a M :.l'llul1l 1 V ,!,.. you,, me ntuiiiy were siriciten wnu cv- rtrmitiAii rvi imnimlimlflv klimmooVd S ohniaan. JJut it was too late. The i- tatletuj wasdcttd. 'Phrsw-ia'ns gsve heart diieae u'tha cmi." Iltubrook Herald. : 'Efery day thejapers contain statements, ifflilai to the above. Even youth is uo de .hnm against hefrt disease, and- the aw Id i npidrty. with wixich it is clainung victims, fercei njipn all a qonviction pf its prevalences 4 Keaiic, if;' you hax.e a symptom.of 'tliis yiretd disease do not hesitate a moment in ,, attending tp jt. Delay-is al T8 dangerous, nd io lieartldisease too often fatal. Some - vymptoms of heart disease are shortness of brsain; fluttering, or palpitation, pain of UoderneM ia left side, shoulder, or arm, ir regular pnl, smothering, weak or Eungry !. P1U, faintjfig spells, dropsy, etc ' rCharie Riven. York, '. Pa., writes: "I suffered - from heart diwate 22 lyeart. rreque'utly my. BMrt woi1d eeia to iuTap into mynouth , and my aniiitiou mrte mc Jnry melancholy. Pbyicia'it , ris me no relief. I became so mnch worse 1ht" WMnnterrxH ted U lire, but was induced s a U Mortto-uie Dr. Mite' New Heart Cure. The 4i . dty 1 frit rreatlv Tclieve, ad at the enfl ' ! -. nftendtyt tfH Hkea king. My iratitode is.too wpfoT exprewdon." . i , - j- Ji-h Rockwell j Unlontw. Pa., ajred 2 olntOis'tiMiof Dr, Wiles1 New Heart Ctire I was stnitfed with heart dieae in a jyerr wrere form. HM taken till n-Hd cure, but withr no benefit mt I uied Dr. JTiles' remedy, one bat tleof which mt me ' . . I . J I). Betbirds, nijth Point.: Is . makes the fd. tnc .statement:;-I wM a wieck fr-nv hert Jwawanil tomvh trouble' when I b-jTin noins; ViW New eart Oitre and.Kerre and UTer .'iarTOltoflU"eir no I am well." . tor. Vllea' New Heart Cure Is sold br aU,drn. PltiTe r'ntee, or wrt bv the I)r Jta Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind J on receipt of . P", II per bottle, six bottles for .V expre pre- It. is positively frpe from all opiates or nrmi drojr. Hr Miles' Nrr snd l.iver . r S 'nt, Pr box. five hnxe. $1 Mailed Hfwb irreaboekatdrAiflr ' For , Sale bv al j truggists. .1 M. . I , ntine Policy in the Equitable i-1-tire best, because it is absolutely bchatv; it makes you your own neficiary Sr you live, and protects CX STy if 'ou die. The following Sh 3 To,lt,e Policy Holder Life rho. k vwv "is ovn ic isaurnce,. M W i ,;c-',," X- C .November jqtht -.So, i r i 1 1. J- .I.IV. statement of the I :' ctrtcittT..! rav 1', tine Poll. v. 'mw ma. H i l.lii II. I 1 1. i,,.... .I,., ..!.. .HWl III.. n Cliniolv. i.lstil I..I V niw a.wi ' , Te:H P Jjre-to recommend tbe " U; uurin& jMiWic. Yours truly. . JAS.C. G1RSOX. !iParticala" tc-da.i r Ask all f W i AQ!1S W wish. The more tor -:' . - "::J!-atc it.. ! . .HQDDEY, Manager,. ai t tment of the Carolinas, -IT Equitable is mm rrv V4 1 Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, CoDsttpatioa, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worm, c1' l'er aod rumctea gestion. Without injurious medjcatioa. I. a.. r "For several years I have rocomaendw your 'Castoria, and shall always oontinua U Uo so as it has invoriauty produced beaeJici results.' EnwtJi F. PAar.T-'M. D., 12Wh "Street and 7U :;w York CSty Tbx Cxittavs Coxpaitt, 77 MuaaAT Strkst, Niy Tobi Crr THE BEST AK3 IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. Tbcre are uinc' eltict wLii-h 2' 'a nvt ptoiit ?--"-,'' a " .bqt-we'pcl! - jfrcnt v.s'-y :; ' onJiidis-h', minses" ant c:i;i:vi ' tv.i ct ji:a a p-i:r, c-.i ci otr (?.;' j c ;nM a ;);;ir. V'b fh I Cf'.::' ": each tlu T;.r v ir : :i t thy sell'!i:y ' ) !:;.": f : ' ' cam ' t sm:: '. yewr! .U.v: !; ." if' .' lytaronlSiiiv e.mi- u V.'ck.. a'sharc. 'i'hy t-ricc -i: t : i a" .': .' than $'iar.:ar--. U. 1 iosn la in Uiis pile-', t i , noh asciS3ble. 1 t.V ,"Ve havi OTC-1A Kt.. ,s ;! ii incrca.-liis c.'.i'.v. :";. : s" ' -boM-.-M ?rc: r. a::'-a. r N. . iter!, a-., t:;.. ; ' ' Kja 'tu.-li, Li::!r Bx u. : , Turvf. Ph-!a. &.!-.,'..:?. X. fn-'t. Mich.; iU'.I'' -' , . ' Wiits f.-ca ; ro;'-.f.- ;. i r,v:- our toc?she!,."ri, c;c, r . 5 t at . il ir fl o; .1. r. c Czif.e ri:i:m ; cf i v n'rr. V. Orders; iakta lot otic t :' n.i; aiarc a nhare. . . DEITE3 SHOE CO., Inc'p. Capital. 1, 000,000. BKST SIO SliOK IN THK WORLD. "A dollar tartd i a dollar tamed." This! ti.iie'So!M French ItoncolaKidltat ton lioot delivered free anywhere tn the U.S., on receipt of Cash, Money 0)rcer, . at.tl .Note Tor si.su. ! every way the boots in 'l : retail etorcs for V.'c ruHke this boot raehres, tlierefore wo guuf the Jil, style and xctnr, f uy one is not salutied will refund the money send niiot her pair. Opcra loe or lomniun fense. WKltbs n. E. Jk Ki- Dexter-Shoe Co,, i c-t tcr Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all I'at ent business conducted for Modcmatc fees. Oo Ornet iCepos Uva. PTerT errfec and we can Secnre patent in less time limu iboae remote from Washington. : Send model, drawing or pr.oto., wiib decrijv tion. We advise, if patentable or not- free of charge. Oar fee not dne till patent is ecu red. -A Pamphlet. " How to Obtain Patente," with names of artoal clients la year EteU:, coautjr town, sent free. Addreee, c.A.srjow&co. - Qfp. Patcnt Omct, Wash.ngton. O. C MRS, viou star:. ''GOLDEN CAPSULES elaabl better tnaa Tansy or Peonyro al r and all similar medicines. Unexcelled for Irr-rjt. ties,&e. BuocewsfullT used In tbousarxto of cases. 7 snrs remedy, ruaranteed, never falls. JPrlce ft. Wjeqnalled safeguard. LaEESlDS SPECIF! Market kt Cnieactv JH. 3 f ' Sntrd the life that, is Aghtinc against Consum j- . uuu. Only act proutptly. H lT:t it on, and T nothinz can save you. Cut, if tak en in time. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cer tainly cure. J It must bo done through the blood and the Discovery " is the most potent blood cleanser, strength-resiorer, ana flesh-builder that's known to medical science. The scrof ulous affection of . the lungs that's; called Consumption, and every form' of Scrofula aad blood-taints, all yield to it For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asth ma, and all severe, lingering coughs, it's an unequaled remedy. . Its the tmly cue that's avaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, In every case, you have your .money back. Can Anything else, at. any price, be really as cheap! i pay caly for ralue received. ', Something else, that pays the dealer bet ter, may be offered as "just as good. Per hsps it js, for ai.is.bul $ cant be, for iwl. it ' -ls -osf?iw- - BFQj cold. IIMM and 11 6 AfiSf& lb .ra VT ThoNecrp handthaTlrdk Olme tWdNot Kill, SO THE 203 WOT BACK EOS fill Os the Second Trip ICaoagti tkd Was Cod t Flnisk the Jok He Was Irncked for ConamUtlaj tke iSoad Crlsme December 50. One more? rpj$t pajid the penalty of his crime last nigbt in Whigham. . The crime was cminitted about ten miles north of "Wbiham Saturday after neon! about saaset. A negTo- named Calvin Tha'rnas fwent to th residence of Her. U lllianr Sellers a Baptist min liter. and iztqaited of -Mrs." Seller if Jlr, isellers ;weJs at home. Iieinff in-; foj-med that be Was' absent, the negro pretended j to wait ' for his - return. Mrs. Kellers SbeJng the only person oh the premisel. Went' into the yard to attend to some domestic duties. The negro entered, seized her, and after beating hei1 no insensibility, crimi nally assaulted her and Hed. On his return Mr jSejters found his wife helpless. j?eigjibors wers soon on the track of thi brite and had him nnder arrest. lie! Wa carried before a jus tice's court I in the neighborhood; where he waf folly recognized by Mrs. Sellers and making a full confession of his crime.; vas committed to jail, A posse. took htm as far as Whigham on the wajjr itq Bainbridge jail and locked -hin fny ' in the guardhouse. Daring thejnlght the, guardhouse was broken opep.,:tl4e negro taken out and lynched. j . Sheriff PiatteVson was scn4 for and when he arfived was surprised to find the negro 4till alive. Physicians ad vised, however, that be was too seri ously wonnded?to admit of taking him awav and hfe rwas aain locked in the guardhouse) fof safe! keeping. Last nijfht the mtob returned, took him out again and riddled him with bullets, this -time finishing -the lob. Mrs. Sellers's condition is extremely criti cal. Little le hope i it of her recovery is entertained; MURDER Eft FOR $20. Keg-roes Heard tries but War Afraid t I s ! 1 - !Hie Oat. i ti CL, December 28. A YoRKViiii-i: negro name d 44 A Crawford was com mitted to jal today, for the murder of w . ui ij ri--. ' . i .j.. man in this pott nty last. Sunday night. Blackburas body was found in a thick wood Monday morning. There werei two bullet holes through his head and severed.. bis jbiguiar vein had been . A pistol arid Wagon were found near the body! and dentificd as the prop erty of the nearro. Twenty dollars that lUackburh was known to have in his pocket Was missing and 8 of the money was found, in the posses sion of the negi-o. It is believed that Crawford lured Blackburn to the woods on pretense of taking him to a whisky wag9nand murdered him for his money. jSceral negroes living in a cabin. near b$ heard cries and heard Blackburn say "Oh, Lord!" but were afraid to go but to see what was the matter. I i- REACjY FOR HIM. Quarters Being!: Prepared for Charley Mitchell, the Paft-Ulst. Jacksosvill;, Fi.a.. December 26. Under the libefal offer of the citizens' coihmittce of jst. Augustine, Billy Thompson, th manager for Charley Mitchell, closed a contract today for three cottages for the training quar ters of the English pugilist. , They are the Howes pottage, the Dr. Carver cottage and Ijjhe house of Captain Bean, president of the South Beach railway. The largest of the group will be fitted up for Mitchell, Thomp son and Jimj IIll with furniture from the Hotel Ponce de Leon, in St.. Au gustine, anl will be supplied with hot and cold! water. Tb'e workshop" in the training j cottage is 31x22 feet, and Thompson phas his chiefs gymna sium already set up in it. In addition o the eighteen miles stretch of seabeach on the Atlantic side of the i&Jan'd, the committee will have a shellroad 250 yards long and seven feet wide rolled hard, for a race course for the bojer. The sentiment of the people is all for MltehelLj 1 Sare-ISlWrs Hnrprised. Galkxa. '.'.LiJi December JO. At 4 o'clock this tnorning "burglars attemp ted to blow open the vault of the East man bank, at j Montfort, Wis. The doors, refused to open, and the explo sion awakened a boarder in a hotel next door, wbo quietly gave the alarm. An armed pOssei attacked the robbers and chased j them a mile beyond the town, fusilade being kept up by both pursuers and puVsucd. One of the roo bers was wounded and captured. B said he and lils w:6mpahldqs were from Waterloo, IaLl fv t. . f To Boo ifia Ojlar ChUd. Chicaoo, December' 28. Francis J. Dawes, a wealthy Chicago brewer, re ceived word at New Orleans Saturday that his chijld Was dying hero,anu. chartering im Illinois Centraf train, the tracks webe cleaved and Mr.; Dawes and his vjife were: whirled over the 1,000 miles at the. rate of a milej a minute. He paid f 1,000 for -, the trij-' and broke all ""recprdiC bjetween Nen Orleans and jChicagCH i making the ruu in tvventy-five ntid a half .hdurs. Caractr Urnerml Offer. PrrrsBCBej PJul December 30. An drew : Carnegie jhas written a letter from New York pa Robert Pitcalrn, tf the Citizens'! relief "committee of thi city, offering to? duplicate all contr.- uuuuu mttux: uj mc citizens oz rilU burg for the juneoiployed, to th amount of S5,OOpfor each working- day for two months. 1 1f the' highest possible fitrnre is realized, the dona tion will amount to over $220000, 4 LYNCHED PREPARING TO RAID. Ovvetrnor Tula la GoU( . . Against tlile Blilad Tljee - : f CotcvBtA; & CLt DeeemW ts, Got tirnor Tillman Is pre paring to beard the blind lier In his lair, end accord to utterances made by him -today, by will in a Week's time make a grand effort to sweep this greatest enemy of the dispensary from the face of the earth In fact he is devoting his ex efusive time to preparing' for-the at tack now that the legislature has given him a law fashioned by his own hand and according to hfav-desire. ' Speaking of the new law today, he said that he was sending & copy to every trial justice, together with a circular of instructions as. to their duties in enforcing the law. - "Just, as soon,! .said he, I can finish this I. will be ready toWake a raid nlooor tlu linn Tlili 'Cm K. next week.' ' : Th The governor has a larire force of constables organized and has placed Fant in charge in the upper part of the state and tiaillard in the lower portion and along the coast. The iroTernor says that be will require Immediate reports of stock on hand from the registered distilleries quarterly reports thereafter. BOLD HIGHWAYMEN. with PetpsMls Assaalt m Man and Bob 121m fat DayllaTht. 1 Birmingham, Ala., December W. This afternoon at 3 o'clock in an alley one block from the courthouse, and In the center of the city, C. L. Bell, a white man recently from Chatta nooga, was knocked in the head by footpads and robbed pf 8275 in money. Bell, it seems, was going np the alley Tor a short cut, when two men slipped 'up behind him and struck him on the Uea-i with a heavy rocx He fell in tensible and they went through his pockets, taking from an inside vest pocket the roll of bills. Then they es- saped unnoticed and as yet have not been caught. ! . An' examination of Bell's wounds ihow that they are not serious. He has entirely recovered Consciousness and will be well in a day or two. He was until two weeks atro a merchant In Chattanooga, and has been pros? fee ting here with a view to engage in usiness. , FOUGHT THE ROBBER. Two Women Keep a Villain at Bay Until Help Comes. Kansas Citt, Mo., December 31. A . masked burcrlar entered the house of Mrs. Ellen Kelly, lire miles west of Argentine Sunday, She and her! daughter Eliza live alone and there j was considerable money in the house; ! The women- awakened to find the burglar in their presence. , Mrs. Kelly pot hold of a long sharp corn knife and a y three-cornerad struggle fol lowed. The robber received a wound in the head inflicted with the knife and he beat both women badly about the face with his fist, while the laughter received two severe wounds in the head Inflicted by i the robber with the ' corn, knife. -Finally the laughter succeeded in giving the , alarm and neighbors came to-their 1 assistance. A large posso is in pur- , uit of the robber and a lynching is not improbable. Mrs. Kelly is seven ty years oitL Killed for Revenue. Collixsvillk, N. C., December 29. Tom Wilkinson shot and killed Ben Robertson and perhaps mortally rrounded John Robertson, his elder brother, yesterday. Last Sunday afternoon Miss Mollie Robertson, sis ter of Ben and John, was married at aer father's house. Among those who attended were the Wilkilison boys. They got into a difficulty with two of John and Ben's younger brothers. John, Ben and their father learning what was going on, promptly appeared on the scene and kicked one of the Wilkinsons a few times and ran them oftyhc place. , One of them left his hat. behind. It U supposed that this row was the cause of the killing yesterday evening. , - - . 'French Anarchists.' Orleaxs, December 30. This city last night was thrown into a state of terror by a demonstration of the an archists, who ran along the,'Faubourg LaMadeleine acting in a most riotous manner and shouting "Long, live an archy." -They broke the gas lamps along that section of the street, tore away supports to a number of trees and with these smashed all the win dows in . the vicinity.' The ! police to day are searching cor the leaders of the mob, whdare known" io"befHends of the arrested anarchists, Moulinier and Colas. Menaelnir letters, evident- ly written by anarchists, have been. received by the principal resident of Orleans. j.: ' Kng-Uah Troops Butchered. - - Lokdox, December" 28. A- terrible disaster is said to ' have occurred to the scouting party under command of Captain Wilson, which . has been in pursuit of King Lobengnlar, and which has not been heard from for some time past. Several south Afri can merchants in this city received cable messages today announcing that Captain Wilson's force had been com pletely annihilated by the Mata beles, who are said to have cut them to pieces. After being completely surrounded 4y the Matabeles. they were charged upon repeatedly and ' were slaughtered to a man. their j bodies being afterward horribly muti ; la ted. - . 'i; Ha Is After Farkharst. i Nkw YoRjt, December 28. A man giving his name as Timothy Kane, Aged thirty-five years, of No. 1776 Third avenue, called this morning at the East Fourteenth street police station. He announced that he was going to kill the Rev. Dr. Charles Parkhurst and wished two policemen to accompany him and arrest him after the deed. After a hard strngglz he was overpowered and locked up. An examination as to his sanity will be made THE GRAND OLD MAi England's Graat Premier Celebrates His Eighty-Fourth Birthday. SW THE LEADER OF THE LIBERALS Hale,, Hearty, aad Still; Vla-erou A r Mas of Fads aad Fancies, a Stateo . man Who Adorns j What ever Ho Tonehies. LoxDOJt, Dccemler -23. England's irrand old man, the Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, entered his eighty fourth year today. ' He celebrated his anniversary today by working hard In his study during the "morning. In the afternoon .he5 went to t,he house of commons, and in every3 way vigorous ly attended to the duties of his posi tion. Mr. Gladstone received many telegrams of congratulation from dis tinguished people in all parU of the world. j , Mr. Gladstone was born December 59, 1S09, at Liverpool, where his father, Sir John Gladstone, was; a merchant of considerable importance. From him, Gladstone inherited a fortune snd, what is more important, the baggage of tory opinions he had when he entered policical life. Mr. Gladstone was educated at Eton college and Christ church, Oxford. In 1831. he achieved one of the greatest academical feats known by taking a double first in letters and mathematics, there still lingers in Oxfard' the le gend of his phenomenal industry. His first intention was to study for the bar, but through the influence of the duke of Newcastle, determined to enter political life. He entered parli ament in 1832, as member for Kew-srk-on-Trent. He was then a con servative, and his first book was a defense of the union of church aoid state. When he was! twenty-five years old. Sir Robert Peel made him a junior lord of the treasury. A few months later he was appointed secre tary of the colonies, a position he held until Peel went out of Office in 1835. During the next eighteen years he held a number of offices and gradually swung round the circle from staunch tory ism to the liberalism he has held ever since 1831. In 1853 he was chan cellor of the exchequer In the Aber deen coalition "ministry; and held' a place in the Palmers ton cabinet, which succeeded it. He was sent to the Ionian isles, as lord high commission er. In 1865 the University of Oxford rejected hha. and a year ater the de feat of the reform bill threw him and his colleagues into the : background. He was in his fif ty-ninh year when he was first made prime minirter of England. After the triumph of the conservatives in 1874, he retired and for a number of years devoted himself to literary work. The victory of the liberals in 1SS0 called him again to power. In 1834, through his efforts, the franchise bill was passed, which gave 2,000,000 people the right to vote. The last years of his life have been given to the battle' for home rule for Ireland. These are the most prominent facts In a life of brilliant achievments. His home life has been singularly happy. Mrs.' Gladstone belonged to an aristocratic Welsh family. Her father was? Sir Stephen Flynn, of Bar warden, Cheshire. She -was well educated, and by nature as well as by attainments, was well suited for the companion and closest friend of the man who was tp become one of the greatest of English statesmen. ARRESTED THE CAPTAIN. Ue Thrw Constables OB Ills Boat aad Ther Got Him. Savasnao, Ga., December 31. The steamer Alpha arrived tonight from Beaufort several hours late on account of he arrest, last night : and this morning, of Captain IS. F, Daniels, the purser, the head deck hand and Beveral 1 others of the crew by the Tillman con-J i tables, at that place. ; Last night Captain Daniels found a maa search Injr among the cargo of the steamer with a lantern. Ue asked him his business and was refused an answer. With that he threw him out of the boat. A few hours afterward the captain found another man searching In the. same manner, and getting no better reply out of him, he treated him likewise. Daniels was arrested a few hours later by the sheriff of Beau fort .county, and the others of the crew were arrested this - morning. Thtoy 'all gave bond for their appear ance. The Alpha has had much trou ble on account of the Tillman "spies, and. her owners intend to! apply to the iudjre of the United ; States court fio see if some steps cannot be taken to prevent the Tillman spies from ob structing commerce. j.- : Gag-sed th Policeman. Cleveland, 0., December SL AtGi rard, O., last night a gang of masked men bound and gagged M. F. Bronson, the only night policeman in the town, and placed him in a blacksmith shop, where he was found this morning al' most exhausted from his long confine uaent. The gang then visited the gen eral merchandise store of Harteell & McNish, and gained an entrance by bursting open a door, where they stole a lot of deeds, mortgages and a small amount in cash. I Prendercast Slcat Hunr ' Chicago, December 30. Prendergast, the murderer of Carter H- Harrison, will ba hanged for his, crime. This is the verdict of the jury,; which was brought in yesterday evening. The prisoner was prostrated with nervous ness when he heard it read. ' The ver dict seems to be generaUy approved by the people of Chicago. j j Donjam Arrested. Washixoto, December 28. Joseph 1 Z77La. Donjam Z "TiZ::nA. Viee-Presidenr. Stevenson. Senator Mlllsi ahd other prominent pubUc men, and for whom the police in several cities have been looking, was arrested in this city yes- terday evening. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report id V , SHOT BY A FRIEND; 1 1 Dispensary Constables Get a Lively . ... Beoeptioa. THEY F1ID A LOADED BLIND TIGER a Arrest Was Attempt a Woman" Appeared with a Gam la th Struf-ft-l It wm rtr4-NA Cons tald Mortall Wounded. Spahtaxbtjbo, a C, December 30. The first fatal raid of the dispensary constables occurred last night. Blay ton, Jackson and Pearson went on their first hunt for a blind tiger, and aa a result, Henry Palmer was killed Instantly and Constable John Blayton languishes with a mortal wound in his back. The men went over . to Palmer's house to arrest him "for keeping a blind tiger. Constables Jackson, Blayton and Pearson knocked at the door and told Paltoer to open. Palmer came to the door, and Blayton laid hands on the negro and told him to consider himself under arrest. Palmer jerked back and acted as though he was go ing to pull a pistol. Just then a wo man came in with a gun and Palmer told her to shoot. She cocked both barrels and leveled, the gun at Jack son. He grabbed the gun before she had time to pull the trigger. Blayton and the negro were scuffling near the floor, when Blayton told one of his eomrades to shoot. A shot was fired. The load entered Blay ton's back. Blayton then drew bis pistol, placing the muzzle just back of Palmer's left ear, and fired. The negro fell dead without a struggle. It is evident that Blayton was shot by one of his own party. The house was full of men, who ran away when the first shot was fired. ., Great excitement prevailed in the city all day. The colored people are organizing a mob to kill the consta bles, and it is feared that the Hamp ton Guards wlU have to be called out. YELLOW" FEV ER AT RIO. Th Plagn Appears In th War-Stricken City. Bkusos Atbes December 31. Very bad news has reached here from Rio de Janeiro. 1 It is announced that the. important city, which has been suf fering from the ravages of the war, is now a victim of the worst and most dreaded of all diseases yellow fever and five deaths from it are already re ported. News that yellow fever has added Its burdens and horror to the suffer ing already endured by the people of Rio, has caused widespread attention here and much sympathy is expressed for the plairue and war-stricken in habitants. It is added, however, that the government is taking every pre caution possible, under the circum stances, to prevent a spread of the disease, but the work of the officials at Rio de Janeiro is greatly hampered by the condition to which the city has been reduced by the horrors of war. It is added that the yellow fever which has broken out in Rio, is not a mild form of that fever, but the worst form of black fever. War In Africa. Heblxs. December 31. Reports of the seizure of the German irovernment house at Cameroon, West Africa, have been confirmed by dispatches received here. The mutineers numbered one hundred, sixty of them being native soldiers, snd the remainder women, carrying firearms. After driving the officials out of the building, they bar ricaded the doors and windows. A de tachment of marines from the German gunboat Hyaere was sent to recapture the building. The natives held out fifteen hours before withdrawing from the building. Five of the sailors were wounded. - The Governor and th Pug-lllals. jACKSOVVXixs, Fzjl., December 30. Pugilistic circles are much worried over the governor's attitude. 11 is tel egram to county officials here, inti mating collusion, has provoked lively comment, and officials have replied in a peppery manner. Able lawyers here sayjhat if the circuit court decides in favor of the match the'-governor can not interfere. The habeas corpus pro ceeding will be heard Wednesday. The betting is in favor of Corbett here BOW. ' , Codeaonlng- Fennoer. Salem, Ore., December to. At a special meeting of the board of trade last night resolutions were passed condemning Governor Pennoyers Christmas letter to Presidend Cleve--land. The resolutions say state ments in the letter are false and will prove injurious to the state by de terring home seekers from coming. They say there is no widespread desti tution in Oregon. Bar Wa Iropp4L Washutoto, December 3a Colonel J. Hampton Hoge, of Virginia, United States consul to Amoy, China, has ben dronned from the consul service. the result ox tne investigation ox ... . ..! ! ehar airainst his integrity. Secre- ' Ury Oresbam has sent letter, to Sen- , ator Daniel and I to Colonel Hoge, in, j forming thernw tnis acoB. pljij., P-y ( r pitcher's tcria. t linliorin trv lur uv ivt . ; frs n o PUBS THE MOST POPULAR. LETTFR.' J, Seems to Be the ' Mascdt, and Ap pears in Prominent Names. A very plain andj ordinary letter Is J a common, j everyday letter and eaSyto make. That this modest letter Jisthe mascot of the alpha- Lbet is shown by the number of well- known people in whose names it is. Starting with our presidents, .we have John Adams, James Madison, James , Monroe, John Q. Adams, John Tyler, James K, Polk, James Buchanan, James A. Garfield, and the first and only president of the confederate states, Jefferson Davi,. making nine presidents whose names begin with J. Thirteen speakers of the house of representatives started their names with this popular letter. They are J. Trumbull, J. Dayton, J. Varnum, J. Taylor, J. Hell, J. White, J. Polk, J. Orr, J. Davis, J. Jones, James G. Blaine (three terms), J. G. Carlisle and J. W. Keifer. Now refer to the plutocratic-element and see how many are found who rank as millionaires: J. D. Rockefeller; J. J. Astor, J. Gould, J. M. Sears.; J." S. -Morgan. J. P. Morgany J. B. Haggin, J. W., Gar rett, John " Wanamaker, J, 'W. Mackay, J. G. Flood,. J Arbuckle, J. T. Martin, J. W Constable, rep- resenting in all nearly four hundred and ninety million dollars. t'Ask any intelligent man to nam? you fifteen or twenty of the mo-n prominent men of the last decade, and among them will probably be James G. Blaine, John Sherman, John A. 'Logan, J F. Filer, J. Don Cameron, J. Proctor Knott, Can non, "Sockless" Jerry Simpson, J, R. McPherson, j John Reist'-nwoU-r and . J. Pawleyj Nearly all ar - r publicans. The most . scientific men pugilistic fraternity are Jj J ' bett J. L. Sullivan, J. MixA ulr, ' f C. Henan "and J. ' Morrisoii most popular actor on our sta. ; probably Joe Jefferson. Our .'. papers must concede that J v r Bennett, Joseph . Pulir.- - .' Cockerill and "Our" Joe.H::-.i.i-among the foremost and rr'--v . x worthy in the world. Two Am -can poets, ranked high in th- miration and esteem of all, are Jar'. Russell Lowell and James G. W!;' tier. T A Hero'c M ddy. There were hundreds of rrn.lj.j--i: " souls aboard the ill-futei Vic;.:, when she sank off the coast of S on the -22d of last June, but braverthah young Herbert larsha Lanyon, whoxwent down with ship rather than leare the hvr-. . admiral, Sir George Tryon. He was only seventeen ye.ir age. He -joined the Britannia 181K), was soon afterwardsucce.v ly appointed to the Aurora and ' Narcissus', and on th? 2d of Ov: 1892, was transferred to ' the ' ' toria, in the Mediterranean sq'u... . ron. - Only a few weeks before the tr rible- disaster Capt. BourLc ha made him his aide-de-camp. After, his vessel was rammed the admiral.' seeing the midshipman still at his postp on the bridge, said . to hirrv: "Dph't stop there, youngster. Gol.i a boat." Bvit the lad "paid no heed to Ins -r-ders and lost his life with th; thr noble men and true who were -v whelmed in the waves. X. V Journal. ' - ) Outwitted by a Moorsh!Wr. When Jack Roper was called in f United States court he ro - ;-. pleaded guilty to working.iii Ul. it distillery. With a number of others he wa sent to pue side to await sentTice. WorVing in an illieit distil - v : nothing but a misdeiii :or. - -operating a distillery L ' 4 felony. Roper knew this and entered hiM. plea to working in the dis,:'!'r which was accepted. 1 "How long did you work" the judge wben' the man sV -for sentence. "Oh, 'bout a week, I rer ! tt: . "Whose distillery was ii? "My own." ' - The judge looked puzzled, bu he could do was to give Uini months' sentence for work'u. : illicit distillery. Atlanta Journal. tPben Baby wm sick, w gave her Catrla yTbea she was a Chad, sh erted f r Castoria. , beaam. Jthm, sh duar to Ca w crattdren. sMSvtlCorW i -, r '' .r i Ji 7 M . ; : .- J I ;: i . - 1 i :

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