,1-,- ; - l-.--V-'-'- ; "I " !' " ! .LJl ' " ' - " ' 1 ' ' ' '!- 'Ik "Is "-JPiU'lIWN- KATES, - ' t A ' i 100 .50 .25 ' J- ' - jr. ! I T"1 :t v 1 HUUSDAY, January; "IS?1. Y, ; ; CARD." ' ' ' VI aesirp to nike known to th eo i. , S.tiHlnriy Ul -wan counfy ;jtirl i.Jv.iipiiMii: Vff jlitXeu- VaHH Ihvh- a-stHijtrd ' tire dntiivJ, General M.ii. ojr -the cikouyi Watchman. I that c.Ducily it h.tU lj iny pon- f.;eUv . ofl m'mi an4 loJy to make hj8WTCH ..ilAH all f hut a'firt c?a-3 paperhould g!VU' '',q,,i,l justfce to all, jeciitl f uor- Htl immunities to ljone -X)t.!iing KMCce Iie guccess and ho I'na tiiiiig will sooner work otft a per-tci-t sie.m th in the .sympathjr and hearty AjwrrtlQil of the popalace. Every ititeliieiit! community should be able to bo;tst of at le;i3t pne rst l-Iww ourjial Jin() it taijd;iig a a literary an.4 intejljgeut people is meas- lured acicorjjng to -he mjent of i! lievvsoHneFS. VVe are uot itr: the hysi- uesw for fun or glory hTt money, stiH ;.ve esire and ljall coostantly ihdearoH to give valuereceyed. To advertisers wiii say that legiong at once we wiU by individual .canvassing aud hon .orable devices &q our utmost tp mor liau double the autwcription li?t within the next six uionths. .. Jt j to the busi u-ss m int interests to begin hw a .Hard tiijjj-s r-quire hard word and judicious adyertiii? anJ thenieu who iDiVifly use printers's tivk are. the onvs that run ,lj.ir Qf li buiiiies.". Watcli oaf 'columns fgr lie first splendid pfj-r to clnb raises, , - 1'V -ling that nj4re ),t this subject is liiiiii-cessarv and that "a word to the ,v!' is sufficient we respctfull Jisk r.hat ''you tie to its laults a Jittle blind u.ut to itVit-'5 very kind. - J. U. Kebr. In entering upon the New Jear the. Vatchman greets its readers with sin peiv vishet hr their general happiness and prosperity, and with the hope that this year.1894 will, ere its cycles close bring to all our people jjeacer-thnf andf contentment. i-fts an ill witjd that blows nobody good" ad the greatest lesson learned fiotri the sad experiences of 18U3 is Hiatus a people we have lived too far beyond ,our meajis and that we norj onlv can but u) ust draw jn the lines le who knoweth things knows what isbestruall things work together fur good to hinj who, earnestly endeav rs iodo his whole duty.-With heartfel . thanks tlat our condition js ho worse jet every man do Ji is best, live wjthin luiOocome and le ive the rest with a palm submission to the (Great Gjrod wlio holds trs m 4jie' liollpw of kIjis and' ' The actions of several of'tlis- papers pt the state in rai.-ng their subsprip- tin price has tntich meaning. A cheap article sells fof a cheap price and a - cheap psiper is the cheapest of the cheap If the people want good ser vice they should bejkviliiug to pay liv . ing prices foj it. ' t r 1 The Chariot te Qbsei ver js I a credit not only to-thji c jty bqt the entire ptate an4 spuJ4 receive the unite.1 sup port of the people. Tha standard pf . Niirth Carolina journalism must bn raisetl fo public opinion and iutelli- gerce demand it. flally to t he sup port of your paper and there wj be no ! -f e for complaint. ? The State treasury his VgP-the fiscal year wiih a haudsoro cash hal ance of 1240,000. It is estimated tjiat the receipts from taxes during the cur rMf year will be about $0,000 less tuaiiihtst year. Then the tax rate was .? cent. ItisiiQW 41f fojr all pur? posef . There js a decrease of 3 cen t on jhe general pmperty tax, and hh in crease of ope third qf a cent for pen aions and for schools;,' There is n ioss iti valuatibn of property his year of about 4,00p,000. This is ip - per rouh! prpperty, money on liandand solvent credits,, niaitily aii4 pot pn i real property. Tjie hinkge in ;per- sonaj property wa nqt aptipipatejl by "the Iiegiature of J893, which reduced the tax rate. The IucreaH.d asseg nient ot t ail way properly isnbput (XI.OOO which equalizes the loss by t he reductiou of personal property, leaving the total taxable vabu-s ataHt the snieas a. year. It wa natur lly exjiected that there vrould, as herW fofore, be an increase in; personal prop erty, but lm jiarj tjmes.haye caused he failing oS. . .. 7 ' x Sjiriljfi :" tjf "tie Watchjiast) and .R-t'tlie-news.''-;'-Piily$T.OO a year in . . - ',ir I KB i btttw am w LETTER jf nwn oar Ifcyfr rrepad nt. . . i as 1 1 . T ' 1 The a'ofYnoney fco defih? VVi! tboe who hare" grown ncjtitlie ex pense of the j consumer ot com w irj by reason of the so-ca)led j jr$t& tion --legislation ''of! 1repu!jlic!iiji lie- r . . . - , , i . s . moae? is UeMg feeiy pei mi yi m'm - '1.1 f !.' IhlUn manufacturers in order to j work "P bfjffusDublic sentiment lq tlre dw: tricts ag;iiust theVilsoi tanpmu, hopin g thereby to influence ie Ue- resentatives ti vote against Mm w"5- Not oniy.are hails hired fbr meetings to be held to protest ugHifist file bill, Kni intiviiaais are ennlfed. oy the lundred to come to ,V ashpigtop, ana to get signatures at liome to ltitious asking that ,he bij' be nol pitssd, and , . i ' - . pace ,s bought in the cobmnf1o; im- u8u. .... T n 7 newspapers which jclaim to ... , a RtlL wlfl. pecuunnis je ' uid pen IU UCIIUPH Mwip ....ysi brew. ,, , ... j t liij . AU written articles udaptcd t . t . j i v i reality and iqteuded; to fnghten the locality lZ tllH the ignorant into the belief tli . , i l it1 ocal calamity of iucalcuabmagiii- ude. , r j 1! 4- ' ' Y Aril of these things were expected. The democrats tcnew that fie men I who had grown rich by Iegjsla would inswiu.u-gB.wn u.., ...uv... spenaing a part tueir siiycqmrea -.. . . m .m . . ) .1 If- : l I weaiin u preveui 15. uui moaey is wasted as far as "its ifjfluene upon democratic congressmen ; . .. II is concerned. U 1 It is easy to find deinocr.i tic CdJigress- men wha would" like to change some n .1 schedule in the Wilson bill and who propose to: state their nksomil for de- -rrS., p1...nFA t,i fbp fUmnftAtf can. c . -r." L ll ,iu .Min ta hp d- an! asldU hat it -made, but the f nniviber til demo- crats who will refuse ;toj votfor the bill if the caueudoes uit agree with them can1e counted ubon the fineers of one hand with' fiuger; to spare. They irenerallv recoirnize the fact hat the Wilnti I. ill Jj :i itstrftr nif. uti imlivulit " " " 1-J1 -r- ai measure, ana mat as gooa aetno-i . .. .. . , . . i i.i- .. crxt if 1 thwr ilnt.v tn mtnnort the hill I. j .r i 1 . ir I- ann.afl.liv fl.A rlmu ..w ,.4 w -ri..r.vv. ; r erfttinnr..,,. and thev will dd it. No , i ' l . . I party measure has ever been (p)issed by Congress that did iiot receive the votes of men whose, nersonil iiitinations and interests were opposed tljej-eto, and tifiil li Wh.n v,t . n.,n. IIUIIC VVft Mill i t civu VUU J not bring himself tooie for !a rrty measure, particularly) when; ft repre- sents fciriff refonii, which I Has been the kevstone of the denitic'i-irtie arch for so many years, it is ligh! time that be should cease to call li imself a party man or to expect to receive honors from the party he declines lto sup port. The presence pf sevjeral democrats 'Eg.- ' I I ill 1 . 1 ..".& gether with the know edge Ithat the period covered by the bond of the re- puo.ican ruonc rnnter wiu pxpire at. midnight of next. Sunday, makes it look as though the. appointment of a new Public Printer wold Very short- iy oe maue. ne uemoccais nave waited very patiently fpr this change - j j i f r ' w oe maue, as in ere are moje places outside of the civil service rtijfcs in tint omce man 111 any otner single uranch of the -government ...U . To have hear! gome of tho mpn who 1 0 nave near I some pi tne .men W ho 5 k:..u 1 1 i if i,i.iuii.w VUVIVICl W iWttUCC wno wouia oe willing to preside yv;r y0un, won.ajS lie on a stue at the Ilia Irdvarniiioilt' Print In rr fHifii 4l' i i . i - 'rii u' i TJ . .r,nd complete, examination revealed i j il i I iS -i ? i ut suppuscu mi, rresmeni thieve- laud committed a great enmts' when he went down the river iii company with n u ! j w ,. , Secretaries G res ham and Carlis e for .r.L....:J...:.Lt " . : o'oi tvikiiuub letting his wculd-be f gyardjAn- xjforehand. The antics ot iljese smart alecks would be amusing if they were not k absurd. Representatives MctalariJ of Ten nessee, and -Bryan ot Nebrjiska, who r.,"'""w rt t th fi xr C were appoiuted a sql-comm Lhairman Wilisoti tb Tepqrt democrats of . the Ways and Means committee of the House the features of tlie internal revenue biriUhat is to make up the deficit that will made : .. li.:-!-.: 1 at I. Li.. . u government oy ite uason wrm w i. have decided un their report, jftj will recommend that a tax of 2 per icent !be imposed n - Zm X r unoti all incomes of S4.fKK 3tnt iu-. . th at a tax he imposed on inheritances i . I '.. I - : -i t i v,n. i L..i I? . . . o, perso.,!,, ppperry, tne; rate -lo be fixed htter; that I he , (ax oh cigarettes be increased to $1.50 per 1000, and thaf; a J;ax of 0 cents a pack; be levied on playing cards. Tjiey es&nate that a bi 03 these lines will brinjg iu about 45,0Cp,000. h I (j ' : A suUrcoinmittejs at the f3nate com mittee pn FF"ign IJlansi com posed Bi mwr, pray, je, Jthifweek began etigatioii authorized by Senator MorganVrewlotlpn. They heard several witnesses fri(in01jtp the provisional governralent ; and adjourn ment intil next Tuesday, when other witnesses wui oe uere. nmning wiu I.- 'j t t?J . 11 : f n Ije made public until the- iwprk is firi- ished and the rejort made. of the committee ; T Genera If etr 5 Wrli Carolina led all the State lu lie Uiiioo tbis year in the building of Railways, 0 . ; p -f . ItMrsTMortoii wife of SUte ganator George L.Jorton, dted at tier houm in Wiimlngtou Saturday. j Tj i lia Cjiarlotte News says that Miss . of Cimcordr will be here- I..FI.W ah iim wiiMin:ii siHii ui .- i-. i .i.n.tiu ifuv. UiUUVU, .. w . ;.,ry before wLich 1'reiiaergaii W4Htri.d for the murder of Mayor ,trr has returned a,erdict; t L,ilfv uf murder itfthe first degree ana retomu,eded that Prendergast , he banned. The verdict was reachel at fur u tr;it ion uf a little over i an hour. The Durham Sun says: There have been uuy times tor me past iew mj , j deoartnnt of I the in the shining department of ! the 1 If.,- . - - ' Blackwell Bull factory. ToIkicco is - , .1 1 V.- rlL Yes- suiprea loan uarisoi nc won OM 1 1 v ttrdav there went out sometn , L. ... ing like 00,000 pounds ot the Bull brand, j and , . . i i li.. .1 : t. .... sometn ir like 100,000 pounds, wmeuu? u c ' R-iUmnra TW. 31. The third t kg occurred to- .mn i HUhon Lvman Lyniant aged 83 yeans , Guvanstown of nneumounu . - Her bro,h.r the Uev. Dwight E. Ly raan die(J ,ast and Bis1lop . Lvman. of the . Protectant 1 r..,i. r.riinn nnntrlAr hrilti1(,, died December I3th. t m 11 i lj. jir 1 1,". "n;.m itecoru; e . L hrhaFMr. jj.ii wnlipf, ?t Dear v;ieeK wwnsnip, acciaenuiuy k...i J.... ... U It cnl umeii uueuj iub "" that he was driving a cow out of his lot and punching her with a gun, which he had in his hand, She whirl- M around and struck tLe gun m snch " manner as to makejj snoot on, ana the load went into hi txxiy. rm..c.. nn Wilmington Messenger t, 1 - . xt n oa nni.. i xvueigii, l. v,., ou.-im anuuu. rc- - 1. . vr iV. ..1; luru 01 u,e seiigui ot .onu v,aro,i 1. ..'6 f..f U,.nr.l T ' v - bslimvs l,,e WiJMT to be ine forc is imposed of a troop of cavalry, fr regiments of infantry, four divi sioiis or naval reserve militia ana one mattachel company, the latter being coloreiL " -During the . past year two try companies and a naval um ion were mustered out and an Infan try company dropped from the rolls. Bodies of a Man and Woman Found in a Box Left at the Express Cfficc. i . Omaha. Neb., Dec. 31. The bodies I ot a gray r haired old man and a pretti 1 . T morgue, ana aerecuves ana rxmce are LvorRinir on clues to ascertain how ,ey niefc death. ; About 10 o'clock vderdav mornimr U st ranker took to the oSee of '-the pajcific Express Company a box, say iuc that it contained stationery, and order- g, ;t sb md tn a town in W.; Ti Wpii?bed nbn.ii.iwA t,,.mln.rl r,rv..,.r1- I D " " . v.v. (.vmuv..,, Promoted bv susmcio.i created bv tlu factt the M!ltter Wlia rt..wteii to t cbief agcnt, and he decided that the u shnUuAno, J ' Tk- I v .-uiu .v uucucui ft lie I (TIllUl HI . . ,..... i the fifst boar(J disc osed the head ahiM UnJn nr i-:L Lt J- u t ' - " o(iM, , , , , , LnjlTOr(l t-nilj r.. ..u Hii-.i; u - g thw discovery the company sent u t. , ., the grewsome fre-ght to the coroner and notified the police. Further than thin no fact can be ob tained. The erpress companyV sound no marks of violence on the bodies. , When the contents of the box was removed it was filled w(h rubbish aMd f orwawiea to the address. By tu mein? the authorilies . expect I to arret the mnji.for whom the bodies were intended. They refuse to gWe the name of the town in Iowa. A Tnut Which I. Popular. t . . - . .. i i a ucib 12 a i nHt n tu i i-iT imiiivtiAiiAtt elt against trnsta. The Su?ar Trust - da Trut, Welsh Tin Iate rrustr the English Salt Trust, and other .K!;.;..r.r .u u:j T.r denou"ced. and it is a subject of coutro- I VerSV Wbfether ihcrA arrn ninra InuU li. wu.viuanwoo vi iuc Kiuu.are viiroroiuiv l versy w net her tnere are more tnutu ih England than America, and wbiih.V f tection or free trade fosters them.: But mere is one iorm or trust against : which no one has anything to say. That-1 the trut the public repoeds in Hood's Sarsa parilla. " f Positive economy, peculiar merit and wonderful medicinal iwer are all com hined in Hood',. Saraaparilla. ry it Iood cpres. ! CO DO YOU KNOW , OR. FfUX LC BRUrl'S STEEL BSD PERHYfiflYBL PIUS fthoorUlaaland only FRENCH, sate aad ra. fcabloenre on tha marked PAeaima! mi K. 1 aau. UooAuioaoidoDUhy Edwin CuthrBllali$bryI 0. SuWrH to jhe Watchman now. O..ljl.00aye'r. 5EWS OF J3E WEK COJDEm -- Att lel.ephpne wire at Qs&iift, fb.y f now niMlerfrrouod, 1 President Cl.eTclap4's nbli47' w pe miming pxipa, . - JawrenceTlllB. - IU,, was practloallr wiped oat by fire last .Thursday ' i -.- A foose tbirtvHiix years bid is owned by Miner at Kllieott City, M&. ' ! A French" authority estimates ths wrajtb of iho unitod kingdom at S1W,- 000,000,000, f j Attorney uenert.1 Mttie, ox Kansas, hold that a soldier's pension cannot be attached for debt. v :., . The Empire woolen mill at Oayrille, Conn,, - has shut ' down indefinitelT. About 300 men are affected. - 1 One tree recently cut down in Tulare eounty, California, - was - thirty-three feet in diameter at the base, j Uen. W. A. Quarles, of the confeder ate army, died at the residence of his danffhter, . in" Kentucky,- .December; 30th. ... . voroeii ana Aiucaeu nave giren bond for appearance, and the legal ity of their fight will be decided before it takes place.'. x Stat Treasnrer-elect Colrin has atH . . , m,N, - i . ! Js -ed man of New Vork city, as his pri rate secretary.' A Tery berceptible shock of ?earth-; , quake was, ielt at. Huntington and other portions of Pennsylvania about i 4 o'clock Christmas'roominjr. ;, -; j The Leonard & lUs -oil and paint . , works, af Birmingham, Ala., were des troyed by fire Hast Thursday.; Loss. 118,000, covered by insurance.. , . j (kiveroor Mitchell, of Florida, stilt says the Cbrbett-Mitchel mill shall not take place in that state unlets the supreme court decides that it is legal V '' - . I '- The National Hank, of Oreensburg, Kansas, has been closed. It. owrs 868,000, and the commissioner does not think it will pay more than 65 cents on the dollar. . ' I - A strike of immense proportions will be instituted by miners in the vicinity of Bellaire, O., about January -1st, if operators do not revoke their decision to cut the w.agds at that time. v i Eev. Edwin A. Holies, a well known and renerable Lutheran minister, died ai his home in Columbia, t?. C, last Thursday. He was in his ighty-sec-ond year, and had preached 50 years. J Both sides deny the story that any effort has been made to compromise the case of Miss Pollard against Con gressman Breckinridge, and the latter says he is confident of his re-election. The state of North Carolina now has. VZi convicts at work ditching and clear ing new lands at its great leased farm on Roanoke river the largest number of convicts it ever had thus employed. Six men held up a train near Coeey rille, Kansas, Sunday night, robbing the mail and express cars, a$d reliev ing all the passengers of theip money, jewelry, etc They blew open the ex press car with a bomb. Charles Mitchell, the English pugil ist, was given a grand ovation on his arplval at Jacksonville, Fla., last Thursday. He is said to be in fine con dition and confident of victory in the coming bout with t'orbett. Two men whoeoinraitted murders in Kansas have been located in the Mis sissippi penitentiary, where they arj serving a sentence for burglary. - One of them is the murdeier of express messenger C. A. Chapman, at Mound Valley. , Three of the leaders of the late n -gro riot at Wildwood, Fla., were ar rested, after a desperate resistance, on Tuesday. Seventytflve shots were . fired, and several negroes wore slightly wounded. The negro who started the difficulty is still at large. The call of Governor Waite for an - extra session of the Colorado legisla ture was dated December 2.rth. and tho legality of the call is being questioned on account of Christmas day being a legal holiday in all the states of the Union. The courts 'will probably be asked to decide the matter. J - Exhibitors are slow abouj removing .world's fair exhibits from Chicago. There are now 20,000 packages lying in the buildings which cannot be re moved by December 31st, the date fixed for the termination of the cus-r toms condition of the buildings. An' xtention of the time is asked for. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIES. Bostort of tko Sit nation for tho Week Kadlas; Dacrnber 86. 1893. In Its review of tho Industrial hI tun tion In h souta tot tho week, ondlns December 2U. Tao Trsdesman reports tbs tl.e la Wncr. of the sesnon sro shown In s iesued Dm' er ot new lsd istr.es established duiLttf u week. In Importance they are wortuyof notice. In snanufscrurinc snd busintS' aflairs there Is DO soaterlal change. The In iuiry for and cense .quent firmness la the pri -e of Iron von tnues: 'and there is lucre asea drmnnd for coal o ne products. No especial ehan e laN o -e ezpectrd Cndimr the discussion and ictttanent of the riff qaestlon. ,s-. Twenty -four new industries are reported as established or Incorporated durm ti.eweek. to f ethw wi;h three enlsrsremeuts of manufacto ries, aad seTen important , new buildings. Promlaent smon the new lndustrlss of the week are theJellowinc: The Florida Mlniag and Ca-smie-jkl Company, of Tampn Fla.. capi tal tl.itO.OOO: the Wnite CiWs Cement aad Chant Comt any. of Little Rock. Ark., capital 11 000 000: tke Potts Valley . Furna. e and Mia tnc Company, ot Charleston, W. Vs.. capital cft.OQO; the Powell Novel Hook Pad Manufac-; . variiw Company,' of Marshall, Texan, capital SM.OOj, of. Churvhlan 1, Va; tho Out too 'Coal Company, of Richmond Va.. capital t2& 0X1; tie Gibbons t'lothinj Man ifaoturintf Company; of . Houston. Ts;as, . capital tlfi 00: . tt waive Rrrer Slave Company, of Clareaddn. Ark.; eap-- ftal '49.90: . tne fcouWern rar Hennery, at Meatcoinery. Ala, cap. UIUO afH J0ea d&x factory at Svmter. S. C. and a distillery withllo.(O) -apl'al at MaysvUle. Ky. ' ' I lea factories are to ho established at Ciar 1otteK. C. and Norfolk, Vs.; stove works at Mobile. Ala. a coal and coRe company has boest chartered at Waco. Texas, a tobacco factory la to built at Salisbury, N. C acid works at Au gusta. Oa.. a canning factory at Catt'oraia, Ky and ear wheel works at Kaiegh, H. C. A now furniture factory is reported at Ktngwood. W. Va., a hoop factory at KUgore, Texas, aad a saw mill at Attai n alx. MARKET REPORTS By private wire to B. W. Martin, Managea . 1iw York. Dec 30. -Corroa. Jaa. ? T; Feb. T.M; Mar. 7 73: nr--i steady. Mldditau 7 13-U: market firm. ' Chicaoo. Dec SO. Futures eWaad follows: Whs it MT 65 CoRK.-Mar 4 Oats. May :0i Poajc.-Jaall&tr Labd. Jan sf-M Sidks Jan. H'S Chicago. Dee 0 Oast onotat'nas were a loUows: Mess pork 9lth &1 . . Lard I O . Short ribs, loose. -. ... t ,y salt shoulders, boxed. . 5 '.v? short loar side, boxed. .:hQ7M - . i. Savannah. Dee. 30. Turpe n tiao o.iUot at 2 toaia Arm at 8& Life la Misery To many people who have the taint of scrofula In their blood. The agouie caus ed by the deeaeful ranninK aoresand oth er manifestations of this disease are be- j fond description. There ia no remedy eua' Hood's 8ansapanlla for scrofula ' j r ua ! eases. It U reasonably sure to bendrit all who give it a fair trial. Hood's Pills cure all liyer il!s. WL . W Wl 111 hi . ... 1. I a a 1-1 IS ESSENTIALS 1 1 1 I Ml W a w .sv asmv - j T W f,u .' -. '' vWeaanot z! i ' u 11 Ji r,rT " KvcoWtrot -: - ?i -.f (--.-------.- - BOILS, ULCERS or PIMPLES SOREST bleed if bad. A tew bottle of S. S. S. mthlw cleanse ths. srstem. removt il pimtiet sad baild joa vpJAu soaaner et m CLEARED AWAY iU Bse. It U the best blood remedy on earth, lousands who have ased it ay so. . ' - ; - MvMaod TOtedlT poinmd test yef,wa r"T g T J'Vljl bAw5 ricfcfwt. .Tkonia Mbaocr tcawdy n. Klnau an4 alnn iKmmM mailed fl GAVIN, SWIFT SPECIFIC Ws A! TWENTIETH CENTURY FAIR. Paris Is to Have Another Fair in ; 190a The site of the exposition of 1900 has been definitely selected. At the meeting of tha sub-committee es pecially appointed to settle the ques tion, it was decided that the Champ do Mars, the . Trocadero, the Es- plaqade des . Invalidcs, thc - Quai d'Orsay, the Palais de i lndastrie and the surrounding; "oujfd should xkll be devoted to the iriyat world's show that is to be held there at the j close of i the . century, and that the banks of the Seine should bo further connected by a bridge to be con structed between the Pont de-la Con corde and the Pont des Invalides. It Is interesting to note, now that this problem has been solved, that' all the members of the sub-committee who attended tho meeting wore in favor of this choice, M. BerTfcr, who was the sole'absentee, being the only one who would have preferred Auteuil; yet, as a matter of fact, M. Berber's views were origin ally shared, by most of his col leagues. It was objected, however, that -the distance from - the center of tho metropolis would be too great, and the Parisian tradesmen, fearing that a smaller number of visitors would thus be attracted to the city, also made thoir voices heard with good effect. One by one the sub committee were brought aroiitid to th hninion that the old sitevas. after all, the best, and tho rcsoluLJ tion at which they have arrived completely settles the affair. One of the principal entrances to the exhibition will T be on the Place de la Concorde, but the square it self will not be interfered with, nor, indeed, will any attempt bo made to include such well-known establish ments as Lcdovcn'3 restaurant and the caie chantant of the Ilorloge, situated between the Place de la Concorde and the Palais dc I'lndus- tric within tho boundaries Of the world's show. Pcople have been Inquiring with WW much curiosity whether the Eiffel i w Q n (rfti oinipo mir if tower, which was the crowning fca- j tlb ,lU ft1-1 l VAir 1)1 lure of tho exhibition of 1889, is ta:RnTnrre RhoCS. - Follow be allowed to stand, as tho archi' tectof thecity of Paris has spoken In favoir of its partial demolition, M. Pickard, however, said that nothing- had. yet been decided ou the subject. London Telegraph. Burns' Best Poem.. It is said that a boy was once . fmsked In the poet's presence which of Burns' works he liked the best. After taking thought with himself a little he declared that e liked the "Cotter's Saturday Night'" by far ,the best, "although," he added, "it made hie greet (cry) when my father bade nie read it to my piithor' ' This statement sjeeuied to impress Burns, for presently .he said to the lad: "'Weel. my callant (lxy). it made me greet, too, more than once when 1 waswritiugit by my father f tiresidft. The Old Friend And the best friend, that never foils you, ia Simmons Liver Kega. fetor, (the Red Z) that's what syou hear at the mention of this ftrJlpnt T.ivpr mi?n nA people should not be persuaded that anything else will do. It is the King of Liver Medi "ues; is better than pills, and raKes ine piace 01 quinine ana oaiomel. It acts direcUy on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to the whole bvs- tem. This is the nledicine you want. Sold bv all Dnifrtrista in I Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. SJ-EVERY PA.CKAGK-C Has the Z Steoap tn red on wrtpntK J. H. ZKTI.1N k CO., PhlUdelpWA, iC f Kj. UT.r.UTTlxrDoCKr- waTaWaVia MEDAL AND DIPLOMA 1 w IT U-CRLD-J C0LUSB! EIPOSITIOS, ! BaainMa CXmrs aboat iaclodtBc to Uton .books tA Am nl.t. mam doato. foot Tel . P. ftJUTU, trrtmUtmU Ialass. b. 1fopmoMTsa towas 1c'Cave. Decbrah. Winneshiek ' county, la,; hasrihe finest specimen of the tyr leal ice cave to be found ln-.tbeTMI?- representation of that class, of nat- ural curiosities than the Tattoos "Natural Icehouse" in Minnesota. ! ' It has been known to the Unnabl- t tants of that portion of the Hawk- eye state for more than a quarter of . a century. It was first scientifically ' desoribed by the" White! geological surveying party in 1809, and has. since been visited by many of the noted icientists of this country and Europe, j To this Iowa oddity, if to any, the evaporation theory of ice accumulation may be applied. ';- : The walls, and especially the roof, Of the cave are very near the sur face, in no case being more ; than twenty-five feet below the surround- , ings, and In some; places not mora' than tenf.i A fact which goes a long- ..way toward establishing thev truth of the rapid evaporation theory - as applied to ice caves in general, says the St. Louis Republic, is that where the walls of this Winneshiek mys tery are thinnest the Ice accumula- , tions are thickest. The floors and the base of ' the walls ' are thp only places where Ice is found, and there only in tho wann est months of the year, say" during the five months beginning wtt&May Charles White, director of t geological survey of 1870, say? Vhat t 'the Winr shk-k ice cave is, about 100 feet in length,' taking all its windings into consideration. IE BMWS na Kmm m. nh Edwin Cuthrell Salisbury , N. C. Here is 1894. The first thine: lie did ! . 1 . 1 II 1 S CXttnipiC aim. get a i f ' p f i t i" .trr" v" ' 1 " v " ,V'VJU'" arrived. 2000 pairs sairr- ple Shoes thrown on the market this week at and below factorvi cost, another big lot f sample pieces ot carpet, also a line of Sample Shawls. While dull trade is forcing, many good men to thd wall our trade is still on the increase and we propose to keep up the racket if low prices will do it. 33. UTm INSURANCE. -o- SOUND, STRONG k RELIABLE COXPAXIES FOR Fire, Rents Life and Accident !- ... , , LOSSeS rrClliptly AdjUStett . Rates Reasonable. , . . - J. M. PATTON, Agent. Qflice at C. M. & H.M. Brown's 8hoe store TT TJAUT T OnTTCAV -nviil. L. RAIiSAY ' Surgeon Denhnf,)- . ! Q A T ToiiTTTxf XT ; ALIbJilJKY iN V. Office hours 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. DR. W. W. McKENZEE M- Mm- OflVrs his profe fional services' to the citizens of Salisbury and surroundiui; community. He can be found at rmce up tairs over the post office or at Kiuttz's nrug store. B. C.Webb. W. iWEBB,NICHOLSON& Salisbury Marble Works. LARGE VARIETY OF MARBLE PN HAND TO SELECT W0' . Of Baltimore. f , ; ; Sciatic Rheumatism Oovero Pain ond Stiffnosa 4 JtotfUajff nood'a Perfrct Curt. ; I am not only wlUinj, but snxioos io recoo. sssai Hood's Sarsaparma. I war tskea wtai ever psia and sttCness In my Umti ; t tiai bains bardr able to walk. I consulted t Ph-. sidau, wbo proaouncod my troublo bcLhu Ibatamawom instead of bctur. IludVet Hood's Cures aneb of Hood's SarssparHlai wa4crfB was 1 eoaciwts3 o uto it a lair truj. Hbbd9ov Sarsaparilla to arr ooastn. vrao ass rocrred. mu&Ht mJ : ffoompaa 1C I eaanot spak too hirtafr ef V - V Hood's . Hsnspsrnia. - Mas. Ciamm witi ' W. F. cor. CaroliBft and MeKidrr Ri iu77 more, yd.. .-t SosBroto cn!oori.l - Hood's Pills ri 1 sroporuoa and spssranoo. younfn ' YOU CAN MAKE M0XEY. BY OBTAINING 8UBSCRIBKB9 YOfi. , " The Southern States. ; It U a beautifully UlustrtiUd mont magazine devoted to the j Eolith, h it full of intere I for eve ry rjsilent of Ow South and uuut to be iu ti iry !rHtl,rB household. . f A Evsrytody Can Affcrd it , 11 it costs only $1.50 per year or 15 cents for a single copy. . We Want anA.ent in Every Southrrs ITitv nnd Town. 1 Write fur wimple coi"' les ana purticuiars to tne MAXU'ACrrUKJRRS, lKCt tl)t i I 11. ' . Baltimore. Mil. D.R.JuMn&Sons fitll nui.tce to the f ictrthat tbv havr fntHT tbestO'-k from tUt-Vr Htmv ronm tiuittr ilu- tinil II ti io rhHr oll nvr cu Hhr Sln t i. and In order to nrUu x oiir MtocklwlU utter SPECIAL BARGAINS tor the next THmrV DAYS IN DRY OOODS. CaU and be convinced that we can save jo money by bujinK fn ' D. R. JULIAN A: SONS. U. L. Spsnc y . ATTOltNE Y-' AT-L . . W. TBOY, I IsTc Offers his professions! services to . ti.e ptopr f MonK iiierv nJ sl Joimne counties. Adder? him it Troj, N. C. J. tt H. HORAH'S WAR RATED, SILVERWARE - WILL LAST. - YOUR LIFE TIME! TTE GUAKAXXEE SPOONS !jFaRr?S wrru Sterling Silver BACKS TO WEAR 2 5 TEiES. Th rdrcesot SterHnjr S0 Tar inlaid at tae points ot rest psevont anj ... . wearwaaterer. FIVE TIMES as much Mirer as in Stand ard Hate. FAR BETTER than IJsrht So i.1 surer and not ouo-kair Ute cost. ' - " - -'oia stamped j " F ' INLAID rE.j " " ihstltuto. Maoc X - & Edwho $uf C A )f the Old Be liable Jewelers, J. & .lUlilOBAlI- ' Min SUSalisurv.N.t;.. ; ' MILLSTONES. ' j Ilsvinff rmu?ht the K. E. Pli ''P? -f.R lucniiue e... h tuts rT his Ouairles. 1 will lomlnue io i" .vtfr toow g-rrt. tor corn ana- "'TT Wy11- V. Nicholson. ' TJ 1 wna .wss ssunc Ul arsi Douks I eouM feet chaos lor tbt bettor ; inv sppetlto iacruM ud bit uiBos oocarno rasa sum. . i wave m &&4Lmmda and mHZ "J ! SOSS.-I : S0J I . i i RABE PROPRIETORS 1 r k r

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