1.00 year. OL- I-FOURTH SERIES- JANUARY 18, 1894.- V- . - - Ml oAJjib5UKx, JN v., THUliSpAY JANUARY 18, 1894r ' - ; . "- f Castoriajs Dr. iSamucl Pitcher's trescrlptiou for Infants and Cliildreni' It contains aeitlxcr Opium, jBIorpliino nor other JKarcolic substance. It is a Iwmless sabstituto for, Paregoric, Drops, Soolliiriff SyrupSr and Castor OU. rt i I Pleasants Its cuaranteo 21illins of Mothers. Castoria the Mother Friend, Castoiia. I weoauoeiai it aa uperkir to any proscription 111 So. Oxford Si, BrbokljB, K. V. Tkeaf 'Oeitori is bo tmlteml and .aTwit fcunSic wk io- not keep Cautorta wHh easy roAcli. f !Nnf Ycrkaty. JOHKSOIf'S MAGNETIC OIL! ; instant Jdlltr of Patfl. -internal fend External. fnres BHXCUATISM, KEUEUIi- j'.Hwitttic, ruu worms, hoi aiCRAJirsinstinJT. I y. Cnolera Mor Tf. . t ii ( 2ygUIlAI)ACflE,pstf byiaRSElo. . ' IhMoat Powerful ud Ponfvtrrvtinsl.iniuichtfor llau ci Mt In 'fxieteactt. Ijircot eizo 75c 500. aiZbaUc I JOHKSON'S ORIEfSTAL SOAP, ' h MwUroted end Toilet. The prwit Skin Cure and ' ib fao Sautifiari , LadieaTrlll Cn.l it e most !1 ),i;cit and Highly perf uf.ied ToUct Botp ot IMmurkeU Itin abaoiote'y pure. Makca tn .nil) sort na nrcTy an ro-ttrCT m iw wm- rxioni i 3airy for 11 Efttis for Infante. tUrs itcUicr, leiQMa the irnlp an 1 prui5Cte3 ik.lk.! 'KriMlKKi Vnrulok ! HJWIiT tCBTHRELI, 1 Vf: i vV . Salisbury, N- C?; r: SUDDEN DEATH! Tho Gornmunity Shocked. 1 ; 'Last evening; utjafipr; tea, wliile Mr.' j Tioniwi llartman,' a prttufueMt and highly "ropeusd cit!zeiifapNtrni)y: in III Iwt-t. t. Btlth aud spiriui, was VeaJing a newspaper, ! tie" iheet guddenfy feiL )u the floor : plocU one-hand over his ieart, gasped, and . link bket ill his chair,- i icwus. Tiic laiuilj were itricken with tou fUraslWD, and linloediatel summoneu a ? Dhysictan. Jut if was too late. The oKt patleman was deaL riii'stf-ians gave heurt vflueasf a the cixtwe." ifojfitwk Herald. i' Erer dajr the' paperaaontain statements imilar to flhc abpte. . EydnJ youth is no de- . r .fewe against heart dlseaf and the awful ; rapiditjr with whkh it i claiming victims . firce apon all a convict ibjwrf its prevalence. 1 Keader,. if yoa have a aypaptom o tli is 4rei duaaae do not hestate a moment in ' aiUadiof to it; D hay is alwajs dangerous, and in heart disease too Often fatal; Some ; vjaptoms of heart dueasp Ire shortness of krsat,4 flutterjnir, or palpitation, pain or teodsrosM in left side, shpulder, or arm, ir i wgnlar puloe, smothering, weak or hungry JP fainting spells, drqiay, etc. r CaarlM Karen. York. Pa.i writes: "I njflTered teh.'rt. disease 22 yeaN.! " Freqnently my t would teem to Jump hi to toy mouth. and my .edition tnarla me very melancholy. PhyaieUis rive at rollef. I heimao much worse that . wMootexpwtfd trf live, oHitwas Induced a a 1 report to uDr. VJMes' ycw Heart Cure., T!e - .m(r Uy I felt; grreatlT relievHl. and at the end flftan dM t fait like a king; My tratitude is too ';- expression." r ' i A - JmiJi RocVwelh UnlontAwn. Pa., a 2 pn. mti: TFor-four yem prvlonato be(rJn- NUttUe uwiof Dr Miles' New Heart Cure XMom rBiBted with heart ditease iif a very cevere form. Bu,Uken til to-oalled cures, hut with nobeneflit antfl I vid Dr unes' remedy, one bottle of which Si " . I. U. Bthardii. Hiah Point. makes the fl jj tement2 " I was 'a wcJc fmni bewrti .. SwtQ4 nonnch 'trouble when X began '.nxiojc ! Vf - MUjteKtw Heart Cure and Nerre and Liver - fn a peHitfre 'guarantee, r rent by the Dr. VtUi Mfiiil to., Kkhartj lad .-on receipt of tlr bottl,s1x bottles for 5. exprew pri It is ponitiTPly freg; from all oplats or r wmn ini.' Tr. Miles' Nre and L'ver ; Tllk,is ftnxt pet bnx. f rpw, tl.orv. Mailed aajwhare. Free took at dreglsK, or by malL For Bale, by all. Druggists. The' Beisi 7 IA Toiitiiie j Policy ifi the Eouitahle !..Mc. Ui c best . 1 ;e cauk it i fllnl Ip! v sure ; because itiiuallsai you Vousbwn' Beachciafj- f jou 1, and' protects .aaiuy,i: you tlit. LTbe foil t;r fro4a.4'o,:tiiJell'aie-a owh;l' oliey divider 'A.I- ' 16 Life who fCCeiVcd his nwii l:fr insumfw' is worth tliiukinij ovtrt j " otr: - ii -i Kdvf l-f On ,U,r, ,,t,, ...1 I... L. j . . f'.t .t uly I ,,,,1,, tuli v. iw n... a.l 'ptl( Jt i-ji-S to ;-ay tl-.pt ifce. - . i ; ( in to- i-i- u...ai w iiw: in-unns nslltc. - i ' ' - M Votfr tln'y' "' s lmkllat toHy. Ask all voV2?vr1S ycwidi.... The more yoi wS? out.th Tontine the better J4 wiU appreciate hs " ' . ' .J-RODDEV, Manager, KUCK. K!LL, .C. Winjri Cry for Pitcher's CastoVIa 1 ''aaassERissBPT Equitab Is tliirty years uso by is tho CJalidrcji's Panacea Castoria. Casterl&oures Golic, Censtfpotion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, -EilU Worraa.'c'8 1. promote 21 i gestion. . . ' ' ' . . TVitiiout injurious modioatioa. V Tor ereral yut I hAre recornmoBdci year CJastorl, and nhaH alwsjs oonttnuo tc do so as it has inTerittfy produood beaoficia rcBults. -" Edwct F. PiebOu, D., . , . J25Ui Street and 7tu -ra Ze York'CStj Thx Centaitb Oosepait, 77 JfcaRAT Steikt, Nkw Tom Cttt -y ' There aro alcgie r;ta!l rims store In our large cities which sell 2,090 pairs : t hoio a ilry, kieg a net profit cf OiOO.Ooo a yot:-. Y.'c teil ch' io . but-we sell a great ' many purrs,. the ck.r prolU on ear ladies', mlseesK fcnd cbiJUrvu.. dism 1 3 t itat t ten cry ta a ;-..-:r, a:xj ot ov.i tat-n' iid 1 ors sh.i s 15'nu a pair. We i:t!l Jpstat'lii'h rhov r tonkin, each of the fifty larrrit .it;c.. t'sc 1" than a! a char". ,; c'.-.h k I; : cv: r i - ri K il at less than ibis ilcc, w.uii il H i'N j:. r i-: ck lion asaeSeVuic. lrar:w.;::!. -'.t i ',' :-,; 0. We h ire cvcrl,)3 swckjoldw.s-.l rs nd-tr Is insivslns duiiy. Eo:h? of thv'r.i.sc : e otk- h )'.Jirs ar: T. S. V,:: N. V.-. I. J r -. !" .n.v ; f.'. V-K-1. Jr.. .'!iiz.; .'. 1 ft - I.- '. :.!- : J. - Kiva:i-a'il. Littltf liiVA'i-s LI ' i'.'-'.t. C h'i-oC" : J. ' 'JMr irr, lhiia.t J- Urunit;, .; i . J. jr;.::.-, c Urwk, Mich.; F. ! I'.ulW.tf.m -. I'-. V. , Write for a proern'ct'.ia cnu.i:.:;.i: t'.ic t itirs of 7ouf etoctlioldiTA, flC, rr.xt mi ,,n -r' r .. , rrc'ii'ia f "xiirf'n rfinrr, rn' fr i :nn- r''K. iJrtiprS iakea for orio or laor j sharrs. 'i'ticv, 5-10 ' a hwe. ,'- i ' "c D EXT EH SfiCc DO., xoi: i DSITER 8E0H C?).5o,p. Capltftl.81C00,G0. BKST Hi. RO SlIOK IN THE WORLD. ''A-doilar gued it a dollar earned.' TiiWT.iuliear Solid French Ionj;ola Kid "But ton lioot delivered free ifnytrhrro in tbe U.S., on rece!trjan, uoneyuraer, or i'.wtal ot? or tlM. Equals every way tbe boots gold in ail retail stores for mm - $2.60. Wo mak thia boot ourselves, tiicrfore,we 'guur anlfe the Jit, tigit ana wear. . arid if any one is not saiUtied we will rcftttid the moury or Bond r. no: her pair Opt ra ioe c-r coRir:i(.-n trenw?. ilCAl LA Otivil Utfy KO.TO. alSSJa. I special tertnt 13 jMnirrp. y : J - Caveats, aad Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent bosuicss conducted for Moocnavc Fees. -Ooa Orrict ia Opmsits u. 8. PaTtwT OrriCE aud we can secare patent ia. leas time than thoee remote from Washington. S Bead model, drawing or pboto wltk descrip tion. We ad viae, if patentable or not, free of charge. Oar fee not duo till patent is secured. A Paaisntrr. How to Obtain Patents, with oamee of actual clients in your State, coast, ot town, sent free. Address, ' C.A-S f J OW & CO. Osv. PartMT Omec. WaaMtaeTOM. D. C. 60LDEM CAPSULES' I Are Safp and Always KeUablet better UiAn Tansy or Pennyroyal Fills and all simnar medicines. Unexcelled fcr Irr'gnlaii ties.&c. Bocccastull y naed In thousands of canes. Is? sura remedy, guaranteed, never fails. Price fl. Baequalled safeguard. XAKESID3 - iaU Market fiu, Cliicaffo, 1U. SmedQitt Ufa that is Aghtui against Consump tion. -Only .act 56 promptly. UisfZ Put it off, and y T nothing can Gave i!C - " -. vou. But. if tak- , ' i N-en in time,vDr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will car tainly cure. . !- - '; ; . L It must be doco through the blood and the Discpveryw is the most potent blood cleanser, strength-restorer, and fiesh-builder that's known to medical science. ' The scrof ulous affection of the lungs that's-" called Consumption, and every form of Scrofula aad blood-taints, all yield to it For Weak. Lungs, Spitting cf Biood, Bronchitis, Asth ma, and dl severe, lingering coughs, it's ah unoqualod .remedy. It's tha only one that's guaranteed. If it doesn't benclit or cure, la every case, you Lava your money back, s - Can anything else, at any price, be really as cheap U ' - , - You pay only for value received. . Bornething. else, that pays 4he daaler bet ter, may bo. offered as "just as rood. Per haps it is, for fttm, but it cant bo, for you. thv scl! onlv .;) tntx-ei f 'tOr a .av t:i V H'cii earn $"!" a yet-. V.'e :: id l.o v' -is 1. jsya yearly dividers .f j-.'-.C- act'r.rc, orowr J r -i:t. a yckron tlin i::v- t::K-: l. rVo p M l'; ; n.'atk M .v'.O arshare. 'i ho uric- ir.iut i!:vl::ili!y nn.c't ivcro : 11 CONGRESS, Tha Discussion Eesrits catWH- son Tariff BilL 1 DESPITE .BEPUBL1CM CBSTRCQICiS Secretary tTarl! Aak for a Bond Iftaaa Clrtlfrats rroixsee4-Tii . !fe'reeCaeuvbS tU lla-wasliati TVisnixfitoKv Jfanuary 9. Chairman Wilson qf the ways tid me4n cota- j yesterdif in faor of tlie pending" tar iff ttteatorc, declaring that tUe pro tectiye tariff instead ol -hicreaslng-tvajres, rtally lowered them, by rvdoc ing their iparciLRsLui paxver. ' 4 jt Mr. VIon j as followed by Mr Kurrowsl' 't'ly-ii A- ,',. lyi a j atricl party rote, the hoase committee on elections totlav decided . to t recommend ; to the house that! ex- Congressinsn John J. y'lNeiiTbe seattd from? thet illth j , Misaotiri district, ia placd ojf Charlea Joy, the sitting' member!, trhb ia a rvpublicaa. Tlie reaolut,ion ? offered jesterday by Mr. (Jhubdler as to the atithority for the appciiutmeut of ' lilount without the adviee and eonsent of the ftetsata, was talrep np h the senate, v' ' After iome - eollocrvty, Mr- Chandler withdrev iii3 rcsoluiioa, the subject laattlr Vf iug. within the scope of the inquiry jdw froiag" on before the com mittee cfnj foreign relations. Th Widlution iritroducod in the Kenafebl euatorTt'urpie in -regard to HaAy4" tlilares th:tt "it is unwLo, in arpedl &nd not in, accordance with the hamster ! and dignity of tlie United Spate's to consider further, at thistime either the treaty or project of annexation oj 't W iiawari-iii terri tory to this cochtry; that the povis ional ornmcut thoro in having- been .lnlyvi,ecg'ni7.ed, the highest interna tional interests require that it shall pursiie iti dwn line of policy and that torelstn Itiiervention ; in tlio political affiirli ofitfte inlands will be regarded :ta an! a t-fun friendly to; the govern mentpfijhdj Cnited States!" Thife rko!ution is said to have been .havrti VLp a the.btato department ami Mr. uilpM introdticed it at the re lest of athe president himself. . VA8uriiG rox, January 10. Kepre sentatxvjl 0Xeili has introduced a bill .vhieli pj-oposos an- iii.vue of Joan cer tificates jby the secretary of the treaa nry, ih ab amount nyt exceeding 100 hk),'KJ0, to be pay aid j after one y:ir :id -vhi;h Jinnst b; re le:;ol after ighttjeiV mouths. TUtvo ikt ceat is the rate of interest which these cer liiiicatiisiv ilt give, this figure bcificr thouggbtafer than 3 per cent, ia view of thel fa&t t--.at at iiiq present time 2 pc-r cciitboridp are selling below par, !eeouM; pf their small value as au iu vestmentl i ) ' ' Mr. j ifouteile .attempted for the seventh in;3 to' bar? the housj con sider hi& resolution t-ondemriirg the prfs.te'i&, and lor tae seventh time the speaxer was forcca to call 1. ..it-. bmTj uown.j, Jhej peaKer; nowever. per mitted hSm to ttilk for ten or fifteen aiiiutes Under ' the,' rules of the house t! speaker wa forced to re- iise to entertain his motion. Thb louse hs fixed a special order for the ,ioiiside rm tion of the tariff bill, and un der tlie ales -no other Inutter can be ?-aken I ifj)! that aviU interfere with this. j. i; i ! ' 'ft . - !Kecrje'ary jCarlisle proposed an issue of bonds to the senate coinn,ittee to il aj". fcenutors ,Voorhees,l Harris and Jones,! bfj Arkansas, Vest, Sherman, Allison s and Jones, of Nevada," were Ji in;.to,. i,. prese icrctaey would ha ve a proposition formulated to present and such proved " ... to be the j case. Mr. Crrlisle said he wanted? authority to issue the bonds and so' stated to the committee in as few worlds ; ; ' "c "f?.c" " ""f esumHum of specie paynents, which He asked that the act of 1875 for the r also authorizes a bond issue, should be so amended as to permit this issu- ' ance fqi a shorter time and at a lower rate of interest than is provided for in that aet ' The lowest rate of interest named. ia the bonds provided for ia the act s i per cent and the time for the 4 pr cent bonds is thirty years. The president has sent instructions to Minifteir VilIisfita take no further action jJpoking?t the restoration of the queen and to make no further ef-fort.tochange-J'the status of affairs in Hawaii edijg aetion by congress'on this troublesome question, jrhe ad ministration feels that it has1 exhaust-' od its powers in .the matter, and that now everything is left to congress. WAsaiiseTox, i January IL The .house went into a eommittee of the whole jto jconslderv the Wilson tariff bill, aiid Mr. Kreckinridge, of Ken tucky, 'addressed tbe eommittee. Mr. Breckinridge finished his speech amid thi; enthusiastic plaudits of the gallcrv jnd , the floor. . andwhen this had subsided, and the house; was re stored ip irdcr, Mr. Richards, of Ohio, addressed the committee. Mr. chards' time i having expired, the chair recognized Mr. Dingley. Mr. Ungley spoke against the bilL Mr. Ifinglcy's . hour having expired, Mr." Sprnger" was vrecoguized, and de fended Jhe Wilson bill. " At tb!o ! expiration of the morning business Mr. Davis took the floor and resumed his speech of yesterday in re lation to the Hawaiian difficulty. The senate eommittee on commerce this morning. Ordered an adverse re port oi the nomination of "3. Scott Harrison, brother of ex-President Har risonMominated onj December 12tb lastv toe surveyor of customs at Kan: aasciti;;- : . ' - -'. j; WA8liSOT03f, January 13. The house committee on coinage, weights and measures has ordered a favorable report; qn the IJlaud bill prpvidingfoi the coinage of ihe silver bullion now held in he treasury. - j The Tote was to 8, strictly silver and anti-silver. . Tne bll provides that the .secretary of tbe tf'easv.r.V ball imniediately? is sue silver certificates against the aeigniorage sit-pr, amcynting to 833,- uniiare M.m .(I h pry for Pitcher's Castorii 150,681, which shall r be immediately! available for the payment of current jrorernment expenses and- that the fceigniorog-e" silver sliali be -coined as fast tts possible into dollars, to be held in the treasury; 'for - the 'redemp tion of the certificatea. i f - U." : . ' The second section; provides that the remainder of the silver ,bullioa purr chased under the btirman act shall be coined as . fast as practicable and that the dollars rhall - be 1 jeld 'for the . redemption of jthfai treasury notes is sued; for Its - purchase. "The :certifi cates are to be cancelled as fast as the silver is coined :for its redemption and Bilver certiScaies may be issued 11 on such. coin " x . " s ; . s The house committee on tpiiliing and currency. has decided to postpone the further! consideration of .'the bill to repeal the ten per cent, tax on state jbaaks until thes tariil diuassioa shall JhaTe cioscdi- -r . J ' ' . :iv K WASixoTos,'Janxiary 13. Tbe presi dent today transmittei to congre rfli correspondtjnee relatimjto Hawaii since his.: Instj meRsa-grerIt gives all j'the instructions toMinister' Willis, land his consequent interviews with ithe ex-qneetvind ther reprcsentativefc of the provisional ' government. The queen at first'jrefuscd to accept the proposed terms ns to general a-nnesty. but afterwards agreed to them. The present government then refused to aurrender, and denied the riht of tite United Mtat-cs to kitcrfere. Minister wiliSs Tstw theu instructed to await tlte action of cougress before taking further Isteps. The grent sybethesof today's session of the hom.e were those of Henry G. Turner, of Geojrg'ia, ai:d llourke Cock ran of New York. The delite of the -daj" was opened by Mr. Pickler. of South Dakota, in au hour's speech m Jhis usual wild audi arid western style. Hon. Mr. Turner, of Georgia, took the lloor and for an hour and thirty min utes delivered one of the strongest tarilf speeches made dnring the de bate. Mr.,. Turner made a constitu tional argument against protection, and defended at length the ftuturcs of thu Wilson bill. ' . Later Id the : evenin-r, Uourke Cock ,ran, of New York, took the floor, and for an' hour and forty minutes held the attention -of the full house and crowded galleries with his eloquence. It. even exceeded his great elTort in the Cbieago convention, lie defended the Wilson bill. J - The jtrdictary committee the other day reporfed adversely to the con firmation of Mr. liornblower as a jus tice of the supreme court. It has row reported adversely on the nomination of J. Scott Harrison, brother of the t-V-nrcsi.lent. who v.?. i::uned for Lurr veytr cl cisio'.;is at h::nsas t,:ty. These and other acts ore stron"- in- dicatious that j the president aiivl the senate Rre not n those cordial rela tions which g'enerally exist between an executive and senatoi's of his own party The bond question has ben referred i ii. A . i . : iu tiie t mm Lii-iius 1'uniiuitii.x, but no action whatever has been taken on the subject as yet. The bill of Ilepr-csvntatlve L'artcr for an issue of fcbuds and the bill of Representative O'Neill, of Massachhsetts, for a loan anticipation or revenues, are botn i before the committee, cut Mr. uson i says, that hj i has not had time even i to refer thc-m to the respective fsub- committces, winch will consider tlieni. A MINIATURE INFERNAL REGION. A. Fire That Covers auAipi and Is mxieeu Teet IJep. Pommeroy, O.. January 15. The dead man found in a btd of burning cinders at Clifton, W. Va,, yesterday, is thought to be Henry Walton IJrinek, I of Cold Valley. Alleghaney county. i IVnnsvlranm. lie was KniTtit-jitn!! nv gas, having fallen . into the fire wliile going to the ferry. This bed of lire is on the site of the old Clifton nailxwbrks, and is an acre in extent. It is sixteen feet thick, with a thin crust, through which i fiames bu'wt and light up the town at ' Diffht ho noisome pases from it make life a misery to the inhabitants, It has been burning since last April, hnT-)Ti ,T 1 iii( n K t fl T1 1 Ytv a r roil f i n - fiarrr:ition thn. and at timas tas aori- imit.l tr.vl r ob.'r. River railroad by undermining the track. A - second stranger narrowly nanA ,l-Rtli thr lai.t n!ht. III was pulled Out of this miniature in fernal region in an unconscious condition.- All efforts tof extinguish the Cre have failed. . ' THREATS OF A WiDOW. If tier Husband's War or la Not Convicted Sbe Will Act. Jackson, Tb.vx., January .13. Ex Police Captain. Thomas C. Gaston was put upon trial in the circuit court to day. Judge Lewis Woods presiding, for shooting and instantly killing W. C. btricklaiid, a saloon keeper in this city.! on December?!, 1892. Newspaper publications f rtJra Strick- I"::" . , . ,,r t olW anA nftiii!ill w Vrrm rli t on tn trouble! . The trial will be sensational. Strickland,, the young wife of the dead f man, was in court this afternoon. It is reliably reported that she often has said that she expected to attend the court every day with her two ba bies and if Gaston is not convicted, she will deal with him personally. The lady was very angry and very much excited. y ,500 Half or Cotton Horned. .' .Memphis, Tksx., January 13. Fire vas distovered at 9:30 o'clock this morning in A r buckle & Son's ware house and before tjht; firo department could arrive the entire 'buihline, cov ering a half block, was a solid mass at flames and smoke. The heat and blinding smoke ' worked against very effectual work on the part of the fire men, and for Jtwo hours the fire raged in alljts fury. Fully 2,500 bales of eottor.were stored, jand of these more than 1,503 bales were burned, whila tbe balance is almost ft complete loss. Arbuckle, Sons & Co. lore losers to about $40,000,- and various other firms sufter severe losses. insurance is uot known.- ir- DOLE HOLDS Mr.- Clsveland Demanded That Kj . Should St dp Down. , i HAWAII'S FilESlDEXT . WOULD KOT aVfter nearing; TS'hatjj liaUter WiUli Had : f Preside iajt ..' 161 Stated 1 ' . ' TUat He Vl eald TaSco 1; - i ' f e - ' . Uader CAnaid. ration. i i Victokta, . B. a, jja,r.uary 12. Tha latest reliable inf ovmationrirbm Hono lulu states that ndj i jadfices avo left there for the rast sine the sailing off the UnitStjytes cutter Cor win. -i Apjilication was made by thj Associ ated l'reps and the fepec:ar correspond ent of , The 'New York '. World" for per mission to ff.rwarj j dispatches by the Corwiri. This was in each case refused and dispatches wej only put aloarl afterwards through the courtesy of those, who shall forever be nameless-., even though the United States should endeavor to investigate the matter. The Csrwin tooti ihe demand to Min ister Willis upon the provisional gov ernment to step down and out. Min ister Willis in making the demand of President Dole said: ! '"Wie Presideht of the United States kaa very much regretted the delay in the oousidretion ' of the Hawaiian queetloo, but it is UQavoiiable. 3o mtjeh of it as has oecgrred since m arri.val has been due to certain con ditions precedent. I; compliance with which was required before I was au thorized' to conler j vith von. Tha president also regtets, as most aur edl do I, that any secrecy should have surrounded ihe interchange of views between our two government'!. I may say this, however, that the secrecy thus far observed has been in the interest and for the "safety of all ydur people. : "The president deemed it his duty, to withdraw from til's senate the treaty of unsexation which hal been sig-ned by the secretary state and agents of your government and to dispatch a trusty representative to Hawaii to impartially. iuvestr-te the causes of' yepr revolution and to at-certain and report the true .situation in thes-e inlands. This inforuiationwas need ed the better to enable tlie president to discharge a delicate and important duty." : It becomes my further duty to advise yoa. sir. the executive of tha provis ional government and your ministers, of the - president's! determination of the question .which' your action and : taut ot the queen devolved upj. Sinn 1 A. I. A ' X 1 A . ! Bnu lliai ou are epecieu to proinpi- i ly rel;r.quish to 'constitutional au- In the name and by the authority of the United Sttites of America, I t.u!- a. a i j mit to you the question: Are yon wil- the decision of the ' n,.:.!.,,. i . . . . . l'rooitient Dole replied: "I lie eov ernment will take i the matter under consideration and answer you as soon "n tii.v nm ma-lr " j Nr a. Thurston leaves here to- j morrow by the steamer Pekin for , W?.i;hiEjrton. He will take with him a copy of the government's, replies to Mr. Willis, which up to the- present hour ha's been refused tojthe press. It is learned that , the reply of the provisional government was drafted by Prf sident ,IT61q and is lengthy. It is an able document and states the CBse'of Hawaii, In no pleading form,- One of the strong points 'of the re ply' is that the ex-queen's point of amnesty is not touched. The presi dent and the government, being pre pared for resistance, arc of the opinion that side issues cannot be raised by either Mr. Cleveland or by the mon archy. President Dole's j answer concludes: "Tlie provisional ! government is re sponsible only to those who consti tuted and are now! maintainine it in power. It ia amenable to no foreign power on earth, lit has always been faithful to its constituents, and by no act or intimation has ever offered to submit its rights to the United Stltes or-any other powe ns government must refuse to the proposition of Minister I Appeals to their patriotism and i moral sense, nor to viie terms of a in nesty secured from itne ex-queen. Peixoto's Humored Kesiifoatloru Pahis, January Ti. The ?.Iatin says: "The news published in Paris yester day to the effect j that President Peix oto, of 'Brazil, had resigned was founded on a dispatch announcing this fact, which, wbs received at the min istry of foreign affairs. The Brazilian minister here has declared that he did not believe the report to be true, and &nhor Gualabara, the Brazilian gov ernment delegate, is quoted assaying there was nothing; in the latest dls patches which he bad received which would furnish ground for the beucf that the report was true r ' " The con servative papers here consider the re- n4. 4. lA o-n1 .vnrocii Knt.isfao I fill! 1. Ill i ,1 . . UU. WIII4 V. . -J'- VIOI1 ll.il tuu puiusuouin.o- " tt nation. I ')' . An Chip I.j-uflilnff. CrxcixxATTT. January 15. Roscoe Parker, the colored boy who four weeks ago last Sunday ijht, brutally murdered the asred !Mr. Khie and his wife, was hanged by a mob of the best citizens of Winchester and adjacent rtoints in Adams county, Ohio, at o'clock this morning ; about four miles from 'Winchester, i The murder was for money, and! only $10 were ob tnino1. Pkrtear. i the murderer, was only sixteeiear$ old, and had worked for the old cottplji. land had known of Mr. Rhine receiving money for soma stock. , '' Is Vaillant Keroiisidfrs. Paris, January j 14. Vaillant has weakened and and it Is now announced that he has" thought better of his de ciaion not to make1 an appeal against bis sentence to the.court of cessation, sod accordingly,- he is understood to have signed .the necessary dtjeumpat. ( But, it is added, he jstill refuses to pe- Carnot for a commu- uition of his aeateuCA f Highest of all in Leavening Power.. S ' '' V au5 of ui mn mnmu Every business house in Courtland, Via., was robbed Thursday night. M. Dupjiy has leea re-eleeted presi-de-a of the French chamber of deputies. The drug house of Joseph Jacobs, Rt Atlanta, Co., was burned Tuesday night. k f The widow of I William Makepeace Thackery died at her home in England i'Viday, aged seventy-five. ' George Bollinger, another victim of tlie Ford's theatre disaster in Wash ington City died Tuesday. A bill providing for compulsory edu cation Is being-vigorously discussed bji the Kentucky legislature. The Mingo Mountain Coal and Coke Company, of Knbxville, Tenn., ha gone into the hands of a receiver. Judge - Jackson allows Receiver Comer and Hayes of the Central Sl.bU) OCT month apiece for their service. New Orleans has fifteen hundred -bar rooms, and the people arc kickino against their indiscriminate location. Three horse thieves and murderer:. were taken from the jail at Russell, Kansas, and lynched last Saturday night. The Pollok Company, of Montgom ery, Ala., one of the largest wholsah. dry goods houses in the state, ha failed. A magazine explosion at one of the government forts near Rio de Janeiro.' last week, killed fifteen men' aud die" great damage to, the fort. Mr. Carey Strickland, of Concord. Ga., was killed by the accidental dis charge cf a pistol in the hands of his cousin, John Banks, last Wednesday. ihe small pox epidemic at Nashville. Tenn., is creating considerable excite ment, and the citv authorities are making strenuous efforts to check it. progress. The' hard ware store of J. Jl. Wilson at Flint, Mich.., -was destroyed by as explosion of turpentine at2'1) Sanda morning. The explosion shook thV whole town. Charles Oscar Keller, convicted at Chattanooga, Tenn., of embezzling 2,700 entrusted to him by a -brewing company, was sentenced to seven ycair in tlie nenitentiarr. i ue employes 01 tne isanui icr.rai roa.i liave received no paysfnee Oeti -ber, and a committee haN reported t Governor Waite thtft there is great sufferinc amoutrthi'm. ltrtly isflfrming her forts on th French-'frontier, and otherwise pre paying for war. It is claimed tha. the French are aiding the revolution ary movement in Sicily. The latest news from Rio de Janeirt is"very discouraging for the insurgents The people are tired of war, and it i said that half of De Mello forces ir tlie south are ready to desert him. fi Nearly 4,000 people attended the con cert of Mme. Pattlia Atlanta, Ga., last Thursday nijht, and hundreds Wen turned away for lack of stamlLi. roosn. rJig speculations were made ot choice seats. Hqn. D. M. Key. jadge of the Unitco States court for the eastern division oi Tennessee, has announced his inten tion to retire from the bench on his seventieth birth day, which will be the 27th 0f this month. An 'ordinance has been passed by the licensing of persons engaged iu tl.e "jrlove contest" business. $25 is to be paid for each exhibition. It remains to be seen what effect this'wiiriiave on the proposed Mitchell-Corbett prize light, - The Duval Athletic Club announces that it will bring about the. Corb;tt Mitchell fight in Jacksonville, dsspite the opposition of the governor-and tin opinion of the attorney general that it would be a violation -of ihe laws of Florida. General P. M. B. Young, United States minister to Honduras,, has re turned to his home in Georgia, on a leave of absence, ne says that the war between Nicaragua and Honduras threatens to assume formidable pro portions. ' ' Execnllou of Fam Nelson. St. Louis, January 13 SamNclscn. murderer of Clementine Mannintr, spent last night in eating oysters, drinkivg beer and talking with the two deputy sheriffs who. formed the death watch. He was escorted to the scaffold, at 8 o'clock. When asked ii he had anything to say he simply re plied without a tremor: . ''Go ahead." The drop fell at 8:0.1 o'clock. His neck was broken. In twelve minutes the body was cut down and prepared .for burial. A Spanish Maria Edgeworth. j Women of letters are not plentiful in . Spain and the sudden death of Seuora Pimr .Sialics" "leaves a gap , which is not likely to be easily filled. SencraSinues raiht termed the Maria Edcworth cf Spain! She published er first book, "The Angel of the Hearth," when quite youns, and for more than thirty years has through her work been a propa gandist of domestic virtue, and in her tales is to be found a faithful de scription of middle-class Spanish homes and manners as they are to day. She had a. large public, rot only in the peninsula, but ell oyer Spanish-speaking South America, where Spanish authors find moro readers than in old Spain. Her last book, published six months n-o.wa ontHlPd "Dvinc Alecs." , Latest U. S. Gov't Report -- f . -. A MARVELOUS INSTINCT. - The Ability cf Ceheaded Turtles ol ' Locating Water. Reptiles and, batrachiansi usually, possess what may be: " terned. jthe 1 water-location sense. I My attention was fi?st called to this by toy brother, who, while en gaged in a natural history expedi tion In southeastern Teias, had what at the time we both considered a unique experience with a large sea tortoise. This tortoise had been surprised some distance from the water, among the sand dunes that line the gulf shore, and on j being overtaken had Its head chopped off preparatory to serving as a very toothsome addition to our diet. Much to the surprise of the party the beheaded animal continued on its way towird the water. Several times It was turned around, entirely or part way, but every time it was able to right Ua position perfectly, and again make directly for the water. At the time this was narrated to me I was of the opinion that there must have been something In the contour of the land - that enabled the -tortoise to regain the correct direc tion in each case. - Since then I have had numerous proofs that this ability belongs to a number of species of these animals in the West Indies, and that the loss of eyes and nasal organs, of the "en tire head and neck, in fact, apparent ly works no inconvenience to them -in thia particular. This is a family characteristic which, so far as I have been able to find, is not alluded in any work concerning .The same singukptfbility may be observed iricerttfui species of water froqucrji4iJgfsnakes, The common water snake, otten erroneously called the "water moccasin," almost invariably finds its way to the water, if not too far away, when its head Is cut off. St. Louis Republic. Tobacco and Development. Tho perjcnnial table of statistics on the subject of the. physiological effects of tobacco smoke has again made its appearance. This time Dr. Jay Seaver has based a series of ob servations on a class of one hun dred and eighty-seven college men during their first and final year, enumerating the growth in weight, height, chest girth and lung capacity of "non-users," "irregular users and "habitual users," of tobacco. Expressed In the form of percent- o ages, In weight tho non-user in creased 10.4 per cent, more than' the regular user, and G.6 per cent. , more than the occasional user. ' In the growth of height the non-user increased twenty-four I per cent, more than the user, f and fourteen per cent, more than the occasioual user. In the growth of the chest girth the non-user has an advantage over the regular user of 2G.7 per cent., and over the occa pioual user of twenty-two per cent., , but in lung capacity the growth'Ms in favor of the non-uer by 77.5 per cent, when compared with the regu lar user, and 49.5 per cent, when compared with the irregular user. j Cri3pi's Capacity for Work- Slg. Crispin the Itattan premier, is a man of robust physique, with an " extraordinary capacity for work. He rides early, does not waste a mo ment 'of the day,, and puts fill "1 time to the best possible use. He Is most abstemious in eating and drink--ing, and for a period of four years did not once go to the theater though ho Is fend of tho drama.. So clety bores him, aad .his politeness, and charm of mariner ire conset--queritly lost to it. This, at least, Is the testimony of his secretary, to "whom the statesman, is a reat deal cf a hero. The public at large has not credited Crispi with the posses sion of too much oi the mlk of hu man kindness. j iAi.KiGii, 'nr. C January 13. The opening gun- in this year's campaign was fired by Marion Butler, chairman of the people's party executive coaa mittee for South Carolina. It is an address to the voters pf tbe state which declares that ninety-nine hun dredths of the voters are dissatisfied v. ith the present conditions and that the causes are bad laws which -were passed at the last legislature; that -' large "majority of the voters favored Changing laws, but wasted their ttrength by division. He then de nounced the democrats, saying that thv deceived 50,000 reformers who -.voted with them. He asserts that the supreme issue in liorin iarounii aa a entirely irec e. .d honest electton.and urgesV.raHy to the people's par.y or anizaiica "is each county ia tairtjr duya. . " - 1 T-- i t - -.x 1 . J '.. . '4-V

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