v j has double the, cir-- ; i dilation of nnv IF f - - ! : ! - .V" i : pi ne v week iyr pu I h -lkbed' in .the. city. ;A3veriis Ji:lhl NO41 r ; i '!UIf !'K I IH ' . V - . --v . -. U a . I a I IS r v : . I : : ... I ' H I t I Kiln V lT.7Il,r1J'r ftt ji-'J''- i.."".. . l- ; , t-' ' i : . I, T 111 il A. 11 UAXIAU. ........ ..... U(lWLUi J J. JL , il . V-. A AJi U XUJWii 1 1 j illl I i It I ' J ITMliX 1.. i ' i - What I - - . I I I I III ' I I I II I ' "I I 1 1 f joriaJs Dr.'Saipucl Pitciicr'B, prescription for Infants 1 1' d Chorea, it contains neither Otamj-Morphihb nor other rSftrcotic substance. It Is a Iirniless substltuto for Paresoric, Drops, ?Bootliinj Syrnpg, and Castor Gil, 'It js Pleasant. ;. Its i guarantee is' thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers.'4 Castoria is tiio Children's Panacea . '-the Jtfothcr; IMend, ; , , ' . - . :; . . ; ; ; i ' ; ' ; -: Castoria. t" arnnt411 ms'wpertorjWabj'iirescnptioa kUc IL'A. AMB,-0l IX, iX : . Ill fi. Oord 6t BrooKlya, T " 'CartorU la to universal end r in iii-"' wU knoirB tii it rma. a orl ; jv-KKcatioB to eodowo It. Fw art the ; JjjiamffiwiVUo do no T(e? Cirtoria', ;- ur-" ! , ' ' . . ''. i ? Ciuxm Kabtt, I. ':t - ' MAC H ETI C OS Lt. . - lstarttKli;rof Pajn. J Intornol and Externai. Carei KiitUMATISM, iNEUBAL- liiBtai.Uy, Choiera klor. jOHliSON'8 ORIENTAL SOAP IkOcatod aat Toilet; TheGrett Sk!n Cure end heutlfiTrf'.t.4 ij wP find it e Wt SSftMiTttJ-hlkhty perfumed nrS Sriat Hi absolutes PU-: MaiOB'thd iTitoft vulveti nja restores the lwt cflrn- iLy rloefc:;; Foreato ly : . ,j, SUDDEN DEATH! Tho Community. Shocked. lilt fnn&2 jt after tea, while Mr.,, Tboaie Hmrimmi, a. proaiiuebt aru iiigjilr wfiecTsJ citizen, appautly i n the beb of liilatlpiritf was reaaing a newspaper,-; . tkt iliwt poddeuly fell io tbe - floor he pii4 one hand over hU heart, gaipd, and ak back la his chaiir, tvidendy juqcua. iswut "i'tife lamiljr were ricken with' eba ttroation, mid immediately sumrnonfd ' a jKtucuul Hat il was too late, lue.g.-d. milemia wsdejd. : 1'Jirsicf.ani; gave heart tieM aa tho caiihe." ij6ro'A Herald. txtrf daj the pupeM 'cousin statements jinil-jtmhc above. " Even ybith ia ho der . (wie'tgfiinat heart disea.-e, -aad the awful npidit'with. which it 'is claiming victinia WMopon all a eonvietiorfof-its prevalefnie. feeaJer. if -vdu hare a aVciptom of. this imi d'uea3e da -not lieitatea moment in -Mtanding to it. . Delay i always dangerotis lodiabeM-t disease too oftep" fatal. , Spice waptoms of leart di;eaie are hortnee6 of .bnathflu'tterinti, or palpUaiion, pairi or hndriie6 in lef side.; Bhoulderj or trn5,' ir- ' tw-lar pulse. araothlfine.'weaJc or bunsrry ipalk, fainting ivell8,dropsy-, etc. CliirlM'RftTen. York;. Pa. . write?: "Ijraffe'ren J hwtt disc 52 ycft. Jrequently my lrrt would wemtojump Into mv raoutK. and ray osliUou made me very melancholy, Pay.icins ' twt no rellpf. I ixwumeao much worse' h'.t lUBotexrtfd to live, butwaa indiieed" a iToftt.in- Tr. Mllev' New Heart CtireJ"he day I felt reatW ftw-TI Wtlikea-k yK arrrefision." v relieved. &d at tn-enfi king. My gratitude la toa JVh Enckwell. T7nlon&wn. Pa..:ased K . fct: "Fnr.fonr vnnni trrlona to becin atMtba UMof Dr. Miles' Kew. Heart Cttrel was ia!wl wuh heart di- in a--erwevere1hrm. U ultra all -o-alled cuiwi. bot wihno benefjt " I ated Dr. Miles' remedy, one bottle of which A aas.V - - , . . woi itiitement : " 1 wa a wreck (nin hert ! JifV '' taaaaisJi trduble when I heean ninst ij bumt J.ew Heart Oure and K&vm and Ltver na. itreuHof tklr u l.am.wll" Uea- Kcw Heart Cure Ut aold by a1! rtnij-gJiMaao-ittTe ""ntM, ot -ent-by thel)r. MadWal Co, Blkhart, Ind . on receipt t par bottle, ilx bottles for 45, axpresa pra-51- It ia poaitiTtly fie from aH on'atea or Mli. ts eet pet box; live boe tl.on. Vailed y-f woert.- rrea boat aturufgwa, or ioy mm. . ;. For Bale by all prugsts: . ' ontrni.ofev. i a thef . Equ UjiLlf Wle th4w:l' i-r-oiie. if .1 WflO rrCCtVelhw rttun ltf ?t,cmt.r. worth 4lrinVins.ovcr.,u'j a. W ?;C.v-a.b-fB9tb-- K . . fir-. r - 4i,lv',?c-rore " teof 4rf POllOB t.!TrmA ... l.'..-.-H o .rTT.T. -M-y'aMWactory one. and ' ' ... Your tnity, - , ; 4.'4 " ' , 'i AS. CiESOX J?tc of.particulars'to-day. Ask all . quesuons ybu wish. ' The' more .too about the Pontine lie better will appreciate it. ' I J- RODDOY, Manager, Pepartmeatof the Qarolinas, ROCK Hill.s.x..' 1 , - I .1 Wdrcn fy for Pitcher's CastonV M. Hilt ..IWiHll n& w ; because it tnnkes yoiiiiCi.'v.1j tiipaxyjf you live, 8siotceUi joar lVmily 1f vUt4di The follow T If"1 '""tiuc l'olfcy-IlQMer' is" f 1 i- Castor! euros C"Tic, Cfensfpatlon, Bout St6:naJji, Durh03a, ErucUion, , ' 4uU.. Worms. ea Blcej, coJ proootea, pestion, I-;; "Wltiiout la Jurioaa medicalioa. - ' " For sereral; years 1 haT& raefinsiCBded youi'CaatorLi, and chill tl-rvays "continue-tc d so 65 it Ws inticiaWjC prtxlcad beaeficia .. .. , .' ' ' - Thx CtorriuB Cokpijrr, 77"&0KsitT 9mcxJX?F YES.Crrr THE. BEST HV ...I MADI. : , ThcVe. aro rirjclo rota'.l fiorC' ttbrei in our Jsrcc cities whlcU sell iJ.OOO-pa'.r.wJ f'.icac a jday,mukin8 a net profit of $ivtf, ycf, Ve bUI aino k , but wc sell a great maV:y p!frr tlrt-CfaSr.rclVt or 'l our ladic-a', fti1t,ns;l eifiUirca..' thac is t Ua.-I , . tea cm a pair,'idcn oir mw' nnd toye' rfitK,;. - ct;nta j imtr. ,Vo hr.:i;c;tt-il:'.is'h fhoe,-tcri"i'a ach of.nbo 'fifty Eiifrwt'eSWvf iJ'aL',: S., aoU if thy scH-unly ii jwira of Jioea a t!:-y wuukl earn t'&t k'xb-.iW Vy B'sotfU baiiUTo t wy ;; 1 .'yarly aivkU-rV-f 95.C".iclnrf,t rpvicaiM ri ci.t. , - a yearon fliViSv- tvtneHU. 'V.:a-lti!atcS-att ' a a'ae. . Tlio.ptip.t-ti .1 lin-vt-b ; ! e t;-"eh tricro- ' tliin SCO aohur;-'.' ' Xo 'm k tv. evt-r Ut-n srt at . Jess tbaa-tMa prise, v hkli i i i..i psrvshie. St t k . iion-nasescable. lr.f:.!r.-.ra,.-.!. t ' iilal'. ! Vi'.ir Vo Jiave ovcrl.030 '.ocUh.-.!i;.; rs s? d tie'Ciinl c r ii incFeacinsc!.-ii!;.v Sons vi ilsi i'r!.::cipul t:otk . holders ere : X. r. V'tiijj. :'. Vd I. 3 f'-t:.'. r. -tr ; N. A. R. Jr.. ChbX 1 . i' X '. ?. Cain-frW -V.'. M. . Ka."i,h. Jttlp ri.!i. Ark.; 1. II. Jnlt. fJurac; J. t. Tunwr. l'liiia.: i. X!r-:in!;, I.', 1. J. Viyufi Utt. "Cr-'k, .Mich.; F.l?. Uu!:.tt"iirw:-i I.'. Y. Write "for yrcpecti:a co::Hiinir! tie name of iourwtoctholdi-r.rt, cie., r ttii'l rixortltr fvr.lit tc!'iiih(l efktirr't-hrrt, rffxh or.rmttrif r.rttr'r. "Orders t'Jteo-for one or inoro eha:c. crrite, fJft DEXTER SH9 GQ.i;1"-Josioi!ala3. Dnrrslnci; to., iftc'p- capital, $i,oeo.ooo ; BEST 160. KHOa.JN THE WOULD. ''A doling saved it a'deltar earned"." ' ' ' Thi-J.ad iea' SoJ U French Jwojro4a K id BnU . ton iJootdeltveretl free anywhere In the.U.S., OU' ' receipt ori:an, ijoneywaer. i&M bt Poetil aXoto for $1.50. SuibiA every way tea boot -aold' io ft1! - retail atorea. for $-i0. 4V-ja;tk- thia boot . ourselvoS t!reii'rjr we guar- si-.&ir-f-4. a ii any e-:?a rr-tic. eausnca wo. f 11 refar.it ihe money or fe53 5 .aothdf pair. Opt-aa W tWf; l''tS 8: and bait ,urm It fit; llr'. irftSra'R'.t.J. flcvTca QuV-.r fn 443 FtCL1Al ST.- ': Careats, and "&&?$g&iifattoa&, ahd" an Pat- ent btisideRferondac'ted for Mo cbati rtt.t .v.' ....OuiOrrie't iiaOebafTc ui. PaTtHTOrne's aud weaa:ecnue. patent hi lesa tipic thna tliooe. remote from Washington. " - ; . Send modal,' drawing or phofb., wna'deserlp tion,- We adviaa. if pa1envbi or notrfraa i charge. Oar fee rtot due till patent iaaeured. . . A PA'ait-MLCTHow:o Obtain PutejuUwith namea of actuaCclietit ia fwu Stale, ounty. or ' -: tawa. sent frea. .AddWaa. 'j -v.- ;AaVKpWjd - OfP-',;PTViT6rrrc'i VrAit:a ttTOhVD. C (mi hry rtiTTMti rci Are SaTMd AlWi' sllabae t better UinD' Tansy or PonDyioyal. Pius v.vtiO&JtC, .BaoeaasrullyOjedlu Uitu-ladtiof caaea. Iar y sure remecyj enaran-eearaexpx.jMia. iTtea -1..A ucequaltedsaflcguard. LAKEJslDG &PECIFI . - ' - ' mi m . m - II. uii I'. .tirn' y- -; -. t w OlV-ae t' prontptly. xyx n oa; and. - i X.Vx&nR can cava '-.'5j-Zi ---"-Vw!- . 700.0-' tak v -. -. .. .r7..fa -mtime,vlr. . i;P!en'j Crelden Medical Discovery will cor-talnly-cure. - . ; -Vi V .f ' - ' b done throng fce'tfeodWand' the uDivdry-. .thacanost.petenl blood. cleanser, ttren-restorer and flesh4joilder i . that's Ttrfown "tcfhiedicEl science. The scrof ulooa affection.' of tl Inrcr. tw-iiri J Consumption,' and every form of- Scrofula" aaa .uiopa-iamTs, all yield to it For Weak v Lungs Spitting of Elood,. Bronchitis,' Asth. ma, and all soverelingering coughs, it's an unequaled remedy. It a the &rr one- that's r guaranteed. If it doesn't henefitrdj' ctrrW - in eyeryJtfsetyou have your iaoney.badtT; Cahytbiag else, at any prfce, bereally as Cheapl ; - . ,. Vr.v- . . -, ' Your pay only for valno receivW., ' 7; Something else, that pays the dealer bet- : ter. may be offered aa "lust? as eoorL Pm.- bas it is, for Mini, but it can't be; fhr. yon.- . fellJMS ii b. lAKli'Fl ALli,. That- Ba?i?33 U-.a Attention . oi Otu'Stat5ru-a.' LTHE Y ILSOS ' BILL Lt TEE HOUSE. SMrtarr Carl'Me Aa' for XVia Tae . ! lrn!tlrtti!.iV jk-'U iw.Ulaa i Matto With ;Cturesk f ! l - , : Was. uxarir. .Ja''t?ary 15. Repre seqtsitiTo lilry. f ipexas, totJay iu irtittuced tli4 o'towljr reabltution: ftWlvc'!j Tliat t is th sens-3'bf th Jiou.He of fepr?teiitativca that tho secretary o be tl4surJ Mas no ab thority uiiiirtexitiR3J law t;j issue a uU. seli tiitf bopdi juf Unitol Stits cxetpt ucli1 as is &j?ferr4 ttpba fcim by the act AjpiroTed Jaaaaryi f. !3T.i,.' vntitl.U- ilii met proyU' for tbe: rcsnniptTo'ft of 'ispfKrB ' frnieiit- anT I that the tutoiey 'derived from tho sale of lxintls isHaii j nmler that act tranuot Ikj . iavvfuliy hppliej to uhy ymip wt cxeept thos.8 fipceiiitl"tliarein." The ivsolntiou was rcfctr.jd to the judici ary com uxijteej After somelroutinfc business io tlw hour ilr. l!jatelle,t caused a mp me li te ry fiutteribj' endearoring' to call'up his . Iiawniiafl revolution,, find de nounciujy the I yay n wbicll the mat to r vr&s .Wing' 'srothered'' by the majority. -if .4'-.' The house, thep resolved itself into a couicaittecjlbl.tlio -hole to cousider ths tariff blllaad in ac,cordanco with, the special order heretofore adopted, the biil ivaib lead in- full j rlor to the cof.sideratwm oi itfsndfoents to it. ; , -'- Three a"noiJduTents eve tUspoMKl of, nanef material jnofufEt. . The debate coueiuded vyitita biilliant tilt between M.' t'ockraii dnd-4siieed. - V -The senatejittf.tcrjbeinjz' in executive ti.Wsioti all pay at G o'clock tliis after noon rvj-'ctec tlie ' iominatiou of Air. llornbiowtlr 88 juse--! pftba supreme court. -Thp 'i'ibate viis verV tpivited. Senator Hill led the opposition to Ilornblowor. Whe the roti? was final- lv-taken tbe Cew Yjorker was rejected. L by 30 to 24-! j vrAarsojriiNi, Jaijunry IV- In 'the loorniiis: bi-slnes ii tlie - Keaate. a rtss- i oluiion va' offeretliby Mr. fall, to kus- ea.se yf pa44riI? on the cominatunof the ctdlectr;.of inernal revenue for the slate .ofiflorldal Uut. as the reso lution itself was nstrucd as exeeu- live, bnsintfssi the' prcsidinj oiiiei r or- dered tnc. jraUcriesfto . b. cleared and the tlfors closed, f and ! the senate. Lheiviipou wijut iito executive set sioru j . , At oel rvcH t lw; c'livrs were reopened and J; ltpnf ;dd)fssed fhc ponatq on i'a'frfstviiilloil to rjifer the piciident's N!aiv iiii.slsuta'r.sS lo the eoniinfttee on f;.n-(elgn;'ivatlon. ' ' V At thv .-'duiife'-asioi of !r. Hoar's rp rnarks: tUe resolution avss jillotyed to eiiKiin oujj the table as the basis of ."urlhef peaches ftnd ilr. tia I linger :rdd:vssedtha Senate on the tarilT. .. There wsbu't jttle routine busi aevi reit:irinf the Attention of the uoue th.s - morning,, and at 11:12 filelock it'went into a committee of the. Whole io -cons; f.er the tariff bill. Mr llurj'ows Htfain startotl a warm debate otj the- right of the chair, to ticonize'Mr. AVilion to offer nll-his amendments befori the other side was allmved olier- sfnr:- After a pro longed dijieussron the, speaker. ruled KUstaininfrjhis.decijon. - , . . V.vsn..MTO". Jatuury 17. l'Ke ciyil servieelaw ajid ihf way it is admin's, tercd wan jdiHcuSsod in the senate to day. JJeiiutor lery -toob' exception to the policy bfpllown the fourth class fpotstKiastj-rs to remain in ofiiee in order toeai!ry o4t the spirit pf the law. I I r ' ' . .. Semjtoi' Hliiiint-er,. of New Ilamp- shire, criticijied tie law and said it -j'puiit tojbe tlepealdi; - . . The fedefat'fclectonbilT. consumed a couple if iujiirs, 4ud Senator Ckaudr, lei", of Xet llainpsh'ire, tried to ticcttre an amendibet. feebgnizing tUeri-ht of -federal iHtserssion . over elections Aso .tar .as lO nerrsit. everyca-iiftmaie jress the jtr'iviW'gt of appoint - "watcVwh-far. each ipreeinct' to iqi con gnard his Interests. in-tlie registration and the eleCitlon lut the vote "."as t reaehed. 1" JK ' j ' A . , not SecretaryCarliile today issiied .'his eircvdarnndunciig"tlre issue of bonds nn'ounci - 54 in wfcf ' b.e"4avst5'."" - : 'As . ooti I . as ! practicable after JihV tst kay Sof iebriiary, 1SU4. .'the altotaient Of! bonds will be made to . i; ..c.'.. .- 'c ' the r highest. biddf;r. therefor, nu.tTio propositio'4 willb accepted at a low er price than . li7U?3, ... which .bi the eluivahintfof a 3 er cent boiid'at'par. and the! right to ; reject any and ari proposals isbereby expriblyreserved; in case the! bids ejititled to allotment statingt-thiitS he r - in 'JanT il'-f -. L a-4n4a : Vt l as i-atirrrratiAn r 1' lai- wi .O V4 VV-,. Aa va;riM'wi vy, : v."" f take effectl oa tlffillth .in$tant w&Z laid before! the ,sf bate and- placed e senate and - placed onj secretary'of tite treasury bqs no"la'w-' j fal atttnorit. for issuing and sernnf bonds as "proposed In his notice" ofyes ,terdyti.4-.i5.r-;; Vj" T A I somewhat siroflar resolution of- fered byMr.AHep was laid over.. V" 7 Tlie repubbeaafseba.tjDrs'met.pi cau- cus this morning J to consider matters' connected jnith legislation now before the seoate and agrei?-upon some'eon-eerted-' plab?fpf lection, ; .'Kodeiip.itt conelusioni yas''-pbed and the cau eos adiounSed after bavlncr transferred the question j'to' Ihe usual committee, 4 which: will .' 'consider the . matter fur ther an report to a future caucus. The full texto the internal revenue bill, including the income tax. hire ,beeb agreed tpbn by the democrats of the wi'ys lyhii niens committee. Tlie bill proviels tfyit the ijoeomc-tax. U to go into effet January 1. isy.v, and Chiton Cri;fot Rlcher's Castcria: - -4 h i - U ' : x exceed tbe! bonds! to be iastted,' they . first verier. tvheriff :Ptf r will-lie alltited pr rata. S - . ,'. : V' ' Iwith a ball, in hU-heaV -tv...vi AVnU a Tf- 'Davis, one .of Abe conyicts. . : . . . i :. ... .x Ai..f1 tallv -wonndod.- The vflrroar rr ---,-- .-- r-- r .- -. badent tobe goy . in-- zr: . ow -- ;s.AjreWibi offered by'Mr, . rfefferf Rartner. Aheye vyill be another tbat,4riKVipiriionef:the senate, thrj ?g"x-t. M pthet escapes hae noj to be u:;w,ie on J uly I, 185".. All claques of ineum s are included in the meas are, iw the tm! form rate of t percent tox ob incomes over$4,C0tr is fixed, .ill is maJc obligatory on all persons re ceiving ludividuai incomes af over 53,5y) to make a retnrni to. the local collector ' of in ten; a 1 retenne Tlie'sa returns are tocc ovr and a liet madj of those, whoso incomes i execeii 4,01)0. Xo tax is levied on thos under 54030, but the; committee deeriied it expedi dieut to , leave this margin of 5500 'bo lorlhe exemption point in order that the returns cijLt be sure to sbow all who are" subject to the tax.- The pen alty for failure to make jret t&iis 'is fin3 an 1 buprisonment, . iaj well as double It is estimated that itt tcpre thi,;t 85,ob) persons will be effected l tlii- limit, and the great ; majority of citi ens will not have to make, rv turps.. . VVASHKSOToaV Jan uary ' , 1 U. The houiu this morning-" voed ; taf vduec 79: manv erats voting for Tom .lohnsonV amendment to put steel rails, on the free liU - ,.. j ' ' - -. The amendment -proposed by Mr. Johnson was lost, bv a vote of 71 in the aflirmativc to -100 in the negative. After the defeat of the Johnson steel rail amendment, Kcprr-sentative Henderson, of Iowa, oirefedan amendntrnt to substitute the present law. for the agricultural schedule, and a lonj "debate on agriculture "ensued in which Measrs. lioplrin.. of Illinois. Hull, of Iowa, briuf-cr, ,.of .iUinoit and others took" part. - ..- . j , It' is evident that Secretary Carlisle will have io ' trouble in placiug ,Ue new ?oO,000,tXK.Vond. issue. .Tho . capi talists are eager for thcm. One inan haS offered to take the wi6le amount on1 a basis of little raore than t pj;r cet., but ' th secretary prefers . to place' Iheni amontf the jHrople in .small uAsni.NOTOx, January w. in tae house, -.the. amendment proposed by Mm.. , , . ' . , , . . i , ii! " ' of the Wilson bill was defeated bv a . rote of C3 in the uCirmative to 110 m th nof-tivo Messrs. .JlcRaetKL Dockery offered awenduiiaits to; the tupar schedule, similar in- their provisions, ktrikina1 outthe clause piovidiugr ajLrraual reduction oT tSe ItoutUy on.sugar. In- stead, the b.mntv L-to be wiped out at . ' i -. . . ne sweep ana mar le absolutely The president in a brief note of ttnwisruittal' today, submitted to c - cn - .- a - a. gress vue ia.t coirespontivnec Teiaung to- liuwsiii. It cciii prises s'otae brief liotes of Si in iler S niis to bcejetary lires.luiui, vxhvn are unimpcrtnpt, but the chief features of' it Are letters passing. . between liiiif.tef il1is aiu. l'lesitleiit lioie. in one ol which, the minister ctmipUuns'; of; the utcrances of i'le.sideut Ixjle ??rTeilceting trrjbtt the rest of ... tlie Ijrilteii, Slates, ami a letter from Vtesideut tiule in which he. speciiically inquit es ' if 'Minibteir Willis" anslructioiiS authoriioek. tlie use of force. Thvs vnialters appear to have been settled by-thc"last mes sage frt in the prisideht' to cosgreei and the last instruct ionic of Vcietary GresLum to Minister AVillis. - 'CONVICTS ESCAPE. TKcy Caa lJj-nan.Jic, runJ a tiai a.nl lbr:ii!tG;iAM. At.a ' January 2!. b'cvcu desperate convicts,- led by the notorious Vin-'' M"o'rr:s:u. etrt-cled an escape from Ii-titl iniiifS- last njght by .dynamiting' the guard; Jqhn i'atton. - The cutrance to thetpynjng ipAvhich they '.worked was guaivett by' a heavy iron gate arid"' Pa'tton sUxHb.jrist out side of it. Tie men liyTited wie elyn umite sticks', and builed-thtm at tbe guard. Thej-eVpbhlv'd.at. his feet and he was kiiockt-d sehsele:s and mortally wounded.. The eonviel.- -.tht-n blew opeii ttbe gate' and Escaped to the woexlif. Officers gave .chase .with houhds. About liiidnight one .of ihem, Marshall Wyatr avas xacght' in the wootls ten -tiiires away: lie, said the menhad' separated at that point, each going in a i drffere'nt j'direcUori. TImj officers' rfollowed -re: of - the trails ., which led into Bessem tt was Idst and search ; .T.r, Ala. There wa .a ba ndohed until- 'tms urniug,' ;. w.ncn it was .iairned that three. of tba-escapes. Jim Morrrstm-, Jim Davis and V. ill Allien, ;f bad visited .-Morrison's .father's hohie .near tuat eity.last;ntg.iit nd procured i weapouSi '- Ueputy .JSherilt. f ran i;ex ! ter. who know .Mo-rison's. old haunts, ;mong the hills of libb. county, start- i ea wuu several geoa.-men vw searcn '. a.u. ; l. ,...... ii..... '4i. these rocley fastnesses. When the bosse readied a . wild .section, of eountry in the neighborhood of tfreely mines, they observed the jlhree conviets ht'- the k roitd . In f rpnt of them. The convicts saw them . also. 8imultani- osly both sides 'opened fire... At the fell dead and Jim fell inor-:. continued until the i .- conyk;.bi',jeixhauf ted their fbh; .$lte ad . oflicer ana - , ' r 7 . i tj.n...! a.'infivi titnvA inbnn r I rort 1 T a aa aaa aaaww: w y.wr J 7C aa ' ires,.na.a,-.. .uir Worriton. 'desperado, as y The MeXleaitHrxplttUoftlata. CHHft'AUt'A; MJcxvi Jannary. H. Tbe rexoriwas brpnght here totlay by a eovernmeut i'courie-r that Victor L. Ocha andrSanta-IVrextherevoluti ton- ary leaders, are 'irr.- tHe. vicinity of Ojc San -Antonio, ' about "iighty mile north west of here. Tlie number oi followersis. pUced at, 3(K) to rO men, A dispatch' wa received here. yester day" stating-that- ha .ievplMi ionistr have attacked the, custom 'house at Lresidio Dei NoHe! and took several prisoners and secured a considerabb auiourVt of money. 'This report .has hot yet been verified, bat' it ii given general : cr-ATecce, .here. The federal troops, and ; rui a gua rds ' will soon have be rebels surroanded. There "is much anxietireU bere as tojthe re tsH pf the.jprctspeweiije ooiii.'i. . .-i'.- - ,tbe duty oa teel rails fiiiij onwtLing. . The vote was 100 to7S; many detao- ayvi aa.va a a-a a. a vtea , The Kxchart-a Hank, of Ottawa, O., usijned tataiday, , sr-' Ttisthocjfht tba,t a federal prison wiii soon :b bi!lt at Atlantti. If a.. . H rock J eckv it a h as bee n uou iua ted forVcoileelor of the port of Itavan-nalu...- " ,i ej '. . I.;;' .lcyis Red wine, the famous Attchta embezzler, Was taken to the Coluiubus, O.;, penitentiary last Tuesday. j, - Two new j railroads and river navi gation to the gulf arc among the 'good thlngsjn store for Dallas. Texas, f lioa? Marion llatlcr, it is saidj will be a prominent caniltdate for Uiiiteu JStutes senator from South Carolina. The Columbus i'ity.Ala., Mining, f?danufae.turing and leyeioiinehtkoin jpirfiy lias gone into the bauds of h. re ceivr. '. ' ," ? -A - pro-ading1 for the establish lESentwf free public employment d Likes i peuuing oczore -tne iew orir lfgis- K I vanstotiv IV ro.. Athle tie Qui offers t75.IiOQ"in sheep for the Corbett- utiieti ugut, and, 'guarantees uonin tarerencew , j . j Me-xia, Teacr reports no rain, of an consequence for the pust six icon ths Watervfor all purposes is becouiiny very scarce'. vorth Carolina turfmen will meet in Kaicigb February 14th for the pur pose of organising a running bo: se association. - " i-ate Thorsday night W. C Clark, do ing business at Uuston, La., was assas sinated between hi store and his dwel ling. ISo clue, i . . v The President has pardonedM---. !. .Meredith, of West Virginia, couvictet: of passing counterfeit" liiouey, on ac count of bad health. Jesse Evans, while out hurting cat tie' near Kosciusko, .Mis ., wajs shot t deatit by some unknown pa i ties. Hit, horse was,ao riddletVwitk buiLts U M.' Mzellthft : Atb. .: i.l'.'.s'ttflt tn x k-, .,- ' U t.M k k.. .u...... r .n .... . uiwva J Mjl.S. Hill Harry Hill, the Atlanta man so of- rnn n rvncK,.! t. 1 1 a rvt it a-l vv f 1 , i IT, ..-.. 1 . . . - i , . , , , , , t' . - "i maue w Rex, nun io aiauta agau. . ""V t , i r ... . " l" ''""V "---"-! -n-tfw ur,? usotm is ; 1aai memter Uer present com A1 ' , More than a m-llln unelayaad let- tern V:- ri lft in f.r f'h5..!r i " , V . , ' J ofnee last year, nsarly all the ijcrc:is.. over the preceding year in thjs'buraM 1 being du, of course, to the wrbiifiah- ! 1? ..ii I. - ! j vyroeii nuhft-that the Jim eproelt lias l.ssuca an an;iou:nn- lifht between 1 hiliise' and Ciiarl uT Mitchell will jo.-siv'l; take place inor uear JacksonyiHeil la. January toth. . 1 A I'altimore dispatch announces t threated injanctiou by the Knights o! Labor against Secretary Carlisle .to re straia. him from, issuing the propos. STAiXiO in bonds? ' ' The populists of Blount county, Ala. will convene at (jaelsdeit oi tho 27tl hist.-, to select delegates to the stnt convention, which meets at Birlniiif ham February Sth. - Marshall county, Alabama" claims : log with 'a partly human lii-ad. Th. dime museums are bidding for it. bu: its owner, a farmer, refuses to pail with the great curiosity; ' . ; An engineon the Cineinnat i. Chieag and St. Louis railroad -"exploded nea Winchester Ind., Monday, killing tin Sreman apd severely wou nding tin engineer and brakemaa. J ;(u Kear Concord, in Mason 4 court tr . Kentucky, there is :i bu i;n In g. moun tain that has been afire a month. Il is supposed that the llames are fed- b oil that Hows from a crcvijee in the mountain. ! . Near" Cocoa, El a., a man1 tvav a yak ened from liis slnmb?rs by ,tt strange nois? in his room." lie arose,, and wa. - horrified to disco?er two laj-ge rattle snakes coiled o:i tho' fiot of his bed. lie was hot long in' dispatching, them. .Major Burke, .the . absconding stat treasurer of Louisiana, who "embe'z zled 3.000,000 anil lied to Honduras, is manager there, for a, mining syndi cate, lie says he will come bte-k a-d stand trial as soon as hegc-s. rich enough to defend hlyca:e. j; ' . t -. The l)uval-Athetie,Club jii-.Kine the pubiie that they will have trains ready to convey the crowd to the, great priate fight at a .plaee yet to bef selected; in ease it is prevented ..at .j'ai.-ksoiiyille. The betting cow is 100 to'O'in favor of Corbett, with few taker. V- .' SOUTHERN INDUSTRfCS. of th-j felt nation lor tha Week KrtUln January IB, 1894. In its review ft&e irrdustrtirti situation 'in the Souta lor tho weeR eadintrpjaauar.v 1-V Tlie TntJcsman reports that no niatoill e .--anirc iu ind'.ixtvia ccnAitions ;.a taken pla. e. i'k-e aiimbor of -nw irnlOntrit?sctntinuerto b:'' abo- ir- aera0. inrtica:;n; a prosperous sist" o a'airs. t cruvari with the ra-4?.'e rnoatlin: There can be po doubt that the tie'e of rcriial lu mniifiicturinsi aaJ uiecUantcu.1 af. fairs' las fairly sot in. tsout'iera aierviiia-t aud sout.irra bauks aTe lna'rodJ !onditv h. a-d aaad -ilui-u!Of t e' Den4in ta.ll t- estioa i onlv aeedod ten pr rene-r-a p dspcray. - . . T.Vrtv threoljiew Industrie art reported s estaMishd or incorporat-u-dv-r n,..! the weei(.-to-gvther with c gfit cnlai-Kemet.ts iX man' fac'o yiea aaa eii i lra wrran?-iej(F. uniua "t6m:tH".nt amonrr te o?w: ind Jstcies of. the" .veek aro t .c IoIIotIiik : " Tjo; A'.''' bs Ue j n i iWinpe toia:.vuy of YV eeiu. Xt. Va. featiial fo .0 (On t w io .oiaac 'Alamos'' t-tlass .t'pm -any of A;e iiudra Va eaeita $3 0 00i. ths Col m lia eil--s ( o upauy. of Wt.el5nr.rW. v a., ia i tel S'eO.OJO: the Uiaiksb r , C. P ;op:,aV? eiuauo e oar an. T c S!i inton Bri'-k a; d file Cosa- anv, ca; i jil f'OOjO lidts l-eon ri'.ffaa i?ed at Nate' c. M:sa:"-ih-5 .rhreven.f a Munafr.'i: jiUi .Com- any pi al s ui: the So-1 i.k ' i"yu.aiifce n . To der;.f 'o n a jr. ' Talo.-Hsa. (ia.-. ta-Ha Nr0 0 X; tbn Uriel eport Ala., stove Wori . ay) a.1 --" OpO: . tb JXcti:-j-o;i-crv. Ala . 1'asket and' VVOixlcn .M oxii'n uv. va- lt-ii ks w-aii auu apoi -.a.ivrj ixv.km hArk..4.apit-i M0O0a. -j. ' A hr werv l nponea pi aus-ih-. l.a;-rel fartcy at Fwreaec, Al : a i:r.Wn? fac tory at tMe eisad. 'ieaa ; a tottiata n a:-Ar snata Ga : eye wi-r.,a at CUurlp" txf. N. C. ; .a in 1st mUi at lilrmln hnan, Ala.; t oumlry and machine ..o at VVes:ia atcr j.. C- and-an oil mill at Mo:en o i,.-U.:Jl uatr.es .are, to toe developed at At rarfa ie 's .a ela.-e trry & 'VJriluia, a : Viu ar re nert- arc 'o be l uilt at Ken;reen aad ; -t.'-Mar.-iusv-Kd f a ; -mcf ..ninhx l n h n.i nr.saf I i at'O a'li'-toa, V... Kno v.Ue. Tena aat West 'Ltfbrf oils. Va and saw an i ujaiUi t r.i lU.arel i ilt vi Br.w- ton -Aia. s .lerh tind oaservije Teua. 'ie.ar1 ana. Texas. - Amoas enl r emca's Of neu-v a -tones r--; pored for t e ce rer Alreatr.ai 1111. to&ie ie :us: Trio ana tile wor at- I-oi'S-ni. I i- su. wn-..s a -k:i v it' ft e. co jou a 4: .s at ? l .-Hi 'a. ft I lit ".-. -ud naf a-d i-ian. u si 1 nrX ayvr.-c tenipj, S. C , aud l-i-v:y,. j ,-. Highest of allin Leavening PowerLatest U. S, Gov't Report A MINISTERIAL . CANDinATF. ' ' - . - Vica President Sffvenson Tel!s a Good ; ' Negro Story. '--.. yfce President 8tevenson to!d thjs following sCory b a tproup of sena tors the other night: There was aa old darliy In southern Illinois who vvaiitod J6' join the. ministry. He HprptVrcsed through man j, years of trial arid; tribulation to tho dirnl fied office of sexton and chief bell rinf-er of the white folks' church in. the same town; Ue couldn't read, but his granddaughter Lucindy could, and he made her read to him every evening frcm the Good Book: He was .finally brought before th board for examination, which was conducted as follows: "Brer lias, do you know tbe Bible?" .. . ;'Yas praiso de LaYwd.', ' v "Brer.Xiaa, do you believe if tb bo tbe word of God?,J . " Yas, dat I do, praise the Lawd.", ' Do you bclrevt the parables?" ' v - "DatI, do, every Vtid bb'.dem parties Is fac3, sho nuff, troof." Do you know, any of tbem iweU v -fTt 7 ;rrrr - vivt ,uciu Mill., uuu i ,T. ' r.it- - T .1 t-T'l-i -7l dat one of Potiphar and Jezebal is do truest an rnos' powerful" on ero"bi; all. Hit goes dis sway. You see PoW lijiar wtw a-ridin' down In hiicharv.- i, it f tim Jerusalem into Jrico. .Ho. drove lloqg lil bit when long comeT Jezebal. he say: 4VHte nian1 gttamo a nde; an he done tub her up bebin' hirri in bis chary it. -.Ant., dey went erlong a lil furder an'. fella. among t'ieves. An' dey say: lim down Jezebal t' "An' Potiphar he sayt - 'Let him . among you widout sin cas de' fu--stor.e.' f '- 4 'But dey say all do louder: Trow . down Jezebal!' Xs- - ."An' finally he frew down Jeztpbali But dey . wau't satisfied, an' yell: Trow down Jezebal!' . .:; 1" "An b6 frew her down ergain.. An' deu dey yell out: Trow her down some mo'.' And he frew her down seben times. But dey was dat mean dey warn't satisfied no how; an dey 1 kep' a hollerin': 'Frow down Jeze-. ball' An' he frew her down sob'niy times seb'n. An' ob de remains dey ' gaddered up eb'n basketsful." -Wu-ihmgtoQ Post. A CW'e Disappointmpnts. . , The girl with the inquiring mind - says, in the PhiladelphiaTimes, that she. wishes someone would'explain lo her why it is "' ; , That all the things that she Mks to cat are bad for her complexion,"' and all the things she hatesr--jyie oatmeal and rye bread. are i . very wholesome. . ' " That the lady who runs her beard-' iug house insists upon epokiog.-eith--' er cabbage 'or onions '.jifirr.diiwjef whenever she expects callers In th'61 Aiianlnrr That 'the :onlv time she" wan is: S drink cf water is when the water pipps arc frozen up That, nothing ever offends ihoni men that she simply can ttoicrate, . while, two hasty wordsor . silly . little note v.'ill cause a most beart breaking quarr&rwith'the one-man that in rasn moments , she .tjiftnks shn'dVdio for. . .-k , ;. . . iThat after she gets hojne from. 'a " ... v -' . a ' - .Jm lit party she .thinks of. hundreds ' of- smart things that she-f might iaVe said If she'd only had' her' wits-abotit-1 her . . . .. '.;ff That whenever she hears about1 a wonaenuuy cneap saxc uniu rushes down tbwn in the'rnorrrrog jo; take advantage of it, she get s- there. just -fti'limc tabe-toldvtJiat 'tbe last one was sold not. two .miptites ,agp, ; .hat this life is 's6-fuirJf 'lsap; oointments. anyway. AvFriend! Tip. j .'449. t VTT ' Mistress---I don't rWj&SI&i&'m e.b Amh rnmnn.n v. . 1 ) tl haVB iinvc-Bu inuv-u l'?v?iiii' Tffi-ir more callers in a day man x nave m . a week. v ; KA:, Domestic "vveil, roumrierhaps'il ' you'd try to be littl.Q mpfe agree- fj able you'd have as many inepas 03 f- oave. -r-ix . k yf ' ; - I ' t 1 , . : . , .... 1 . r-w i let-; .kUKlMal ( Cf. ' t. : C. West s Herre, ar.d R-skt. J$$$ is soidnndcp positive written gnarul JURet , . I Brnlnaad ycr-. firmer; ixfc j Tf t ' ,rP ''-cc-' ' and I r.f iha-0lat:-c Orrr.Ti"- m w-i -.VSrV.il - ToLacco Oi'Lciu or l i- 'J r, wl.ich a i aVii -ri iir iC w;-i wrfttt-a psaranf tcftroft-- GOETHE AKD .REVOLUTIONS. The Gcrrnan PM'osopher's Indiffer ence to Politics. - -- Goetue's wid grasp of the phys-' ical researches of the day and his intense interest in scientific prog ress was kept up to the last That weight of four-score years bad not too effect of narrowiog bis outlook; There X& a we1-known and " verjr characteristic anecdote of him la, the evening of his life which may be recalled as Illustrating in a few lines what ho was and what he was not. It was , the 1st of -August, 1830. The news of. the French revolution had reached Weimar that morning and .all was In commotion. On ca tering octho' room his secretary, JL-Soret, was accosted with the 'ex clamatlotK - "Now, what do jo ,think 6i this great eveutr "A frightful story, answered Soret, 'b.ut wCh such a ministry .jrhat was to WcxpecCed but the expulsion ot 1 JoBe roy at family r ' ' We do .not ap- ,ear to undorstand each other, said Goethe, ever indifferent to poll- : tlcs,'-even when boiling up .into rev- 0lu6n,'- WMmporteni for science be- .lwcc ween Cuvier.and Geoffrey St. Hil- . afcvhich has come to an open rup tCrreln th6 academy." .? " "Ooefhe,. it must bo rernembered, ' considered the question at issue as a Ibmatterof the greatest importance to thje future of science. lie was 'greatly rejoiced over the fact that tiiO: youthful physicist, St. Uilairc, haspown himself so powerful an ally 'of liis owij fixed idea of the synthetic I manhcr of looking at -nature. It ws a fine burst of Goethe's cntliusi . asfn when', during, this same inter vaewith his secretary, he cx 'blaimcdr ' -. i'What is all intercourse with na :'tiire'if we merely, occupy ourselves rwitkt-individual material parts and. do not feel the breath of the spirit ivbich proscribes to every part its -direction and orders or sanctions every deviation by means of an in herent law! I have exerted myself in this great question for fifty years. At first I was alone, then I found support and now, at. last, to my reat joy, I aih surpassed by con- J, genial minds." Temple Dar. A the DIFFICULT TASK. How Minot'S Ledge Lighthouse Was Cu It. Yvbrk could bo carried on only froifn April to September, the sea be ing too rough at other times to . ad mit of t-bje. workmen gaining a foot ing "ou the ledge, . or even of ap proaching it with safety. The first Wow, was struck Sunday morning, ; July 1. 1855. The building of Mi- -.bot's Xodge lighthouse was a work u tor bumaaity , and therefore Sunday, tbe first day the weather bad been propitiousfor' beginning operations, was utilized, he weather aiiowea L ..onlvowrnundwl and thirty work IrjgKburs " at the ledge that entire Season. Preparing! a ;parti-y-sttD-'merEjed rock to. receive the foundA- xions ui u rauive- vici wy" 'different matter -from digging holes ln'rthe ground . on shore. Guards in boats constantly plied around the ; ledge to pick up workmen who -faifht be- washed off into the sea, J "iand their sorvices were frequently ?qurred, . .. . . -.-ot tmtil July 9, 1B57, could the irst.. stone be laid.' During that yjeaeon there were again omy oue ,hundred and thirty working hour Bt the ledge. ' Anticipating sjucb a. . contingency,; Capt. Alexander- bad , picked out a force oi good a! i-rouna workmen 'sq that when work bad to bo su3pndt on the tedge the mor afe of 'bii1 forof? would be maintained 'by. keeping1 the men . occupied oa sh'oW In 'sljitptnff the granite block' Vor theitoweri.t.nd fitting the courses lort a' mryk?iso4ha.t no' time wo"h1L rbc lost in corrDCl,ing. errors after ; f'fhe bleaks. aa-been. shipped to the edgsi' Vs.a- matter, f rfact, work oa the mddel .discjoscd Several miscal culations? whichr, would bave caused annoying, delay bad . they'not been discoyereil in time to be rectified oa fchore. The 'tower was completed .September; iG, 18G0, in. 1,102 hours and 21" minutes" a.a cost of. $300, LrjOO.;' "in.'lbabj'it.ls the "frustrum cC j "a cone, one bund'rednd fourteen ieex anu one iiitn m uuu, "'vmu: th'e" laiitcrntGustav Kobbe, la Then Baby waa alck; we rave her Castoria. When tbe was a Child, she cried far CaiAoria Then ahe becaufe Miss, aha cluoic to aatorla. Wien eha had Children, she gave them Caatoria v - hi! 1 r j z I -A . V 4- f n.r 't 1 r 1 1 ii -'-. -' 1 - .. - 1 - i" .. . . i . , ... i , r-'"' .. t. . . ' i- .' -. '.ti'r ; 1 fi 'i i. r --6;'' j I"', - - '- f -'r ; - ' J ,'