' ' ' I I I II II I ' II mm - ""I ""l" I - i i- , " i i -' .! , , i ; 1 . . ( if has double the cir dilation of any other weo!;lnil lislied in the i city ' M.tnh ,a vcar, "-' Y - !.:: a r T 1 : 'Li I MraUijri..Bel6!Jf iI-FOURTH SERIES ml Castori is Dr. Samuel Pitcliera prescription for Infants end Cnildren. It contains neitber Oritxm, Morphine nor 'other Xarcotic substance. It is a hurniless substitute : j0E paregoric, Irops, Soothing Synipa, and Castor Gil H is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by' MtlUons of Mothers. Castoxia is theX3hildren's Panaeea the Mother's Friend. ; ' Castoria! ! InoaMMoJ i t m ipai3r to opy prestriptioa 111 B. uxrera & .isrpojuj-, a. 1 4 a kim tkat It Mfou a work Jt jLf MrrTff-" to adders!!, Trw are tbo oSwtfeBlUaswao do not kep O&rtoria i l: A : Kw Ydrk City. H - !! JOHNSOFi'S 1 MAGMETIC OIL! : - lailaat Rillatol Pita. PJ - Internal and ExternI. 53 L.7Z iiiir.r nnantl TtenmaaJfrr wrftrarea for lit hUncC UiiAiltlt Stock, DoablA KtreiigtV ikf sKMt Powerful ft ad Pwietratiufi Unimntf or K as JT lot la oxirtoioa, LaftfO tt i9 lie, 60a. ozo 40o. JOHNSOtJ'3 OQSEKTAL SOAP. Vsdlcatod awl Toilat. The Great Skin Cur and fioe Beautlfier. I Ladis wiU find it o most dtlloate as4 Mghfy perfumed Toilet ap on IU BftrkeC It i absolutely pur. MiAea the ,iia soft aad etvety and restore the" Vot com Bftiw.t " luxury for tho Bath tor In.aots. It lart itcklag. cleaasea the ecalp and promotes EDWIN CTITHRELL, i ' - Salisbury, N C.: SUDDEN DEATH! Th Community. Shocked. " Last evening, just after! tea, while laomas Hart man, a pro'tuiiient and high ly rapeeteii citiian, apparently.in- the bebt uf , health and spirit, .wan reading a newspaper, Ueaheet Middealy fell the floor; l.e pUoed one hand over his heart, gasped, and tuk back ia bis chair, idendy uncon idoua. -The family were stricken with cou- staroalto, and iininediaiely summoned a ehyiician. Jtut it was too late. The o.ld ' raileaian was dead. Physicians gave heart , diMMse as the cause." --HoLbronk Herald. rery day the papers cuhtain statenients ; similar to the above. Even' youth is no de fease against heart disease, and 'the awful -. nptdity with "which it Is claiming victims forces npon all a conviction ot its prevalence. Seader, if you have a symptom of this imA disease doi not hesitate a moment in tttsndiag to it. Delay is always dangerous, sad ia heart disease too often fatal. Some Tjaitoins of heart diieae are shortnefs of aratk; fluttering, or palpitaionr pain or ksnderaess in left nide. ahotahfer, or arm, ir rflw poU, snKthering, weak or hungry pll. fainting spells, dropsy, etc Cntrttd Rtren. Yorki Pa.. wrh: '"tlmffurM tmm heert disease 22 yenra."' Kreqneutlv my ' hetrt wotild en to jump into mv mouth, and mr enedi'Jow m1e me vry mMancho'y.. PbTicii rte no itief. I beciae so much -oree thai Ml aot eiperd to 11 hnt wss inicd U a lut rvwvrt to ni rr. Nile' New Heart. Chire. The tnl day I fell jprtlv r1!evedr and at the enfi , t U ri I felt Tike a king. My m titude is too ! ivtr. etnteasinn." ; . l: J EocVwell. tTft'ontwn, Pa.., arl R2 fii.,tsT: "Yrre fonr veom prffUms" a b.v'H aJt the wof Pr MUes' New fWrt Care I was JB:ed wlib heart dliwln a Terr wevere fori. 1 aU taken att wv-Ue1 cnrlni. tint wllh.no benefit r sstfl I ased Or. Mtles'Temedy, one bottle of which f "ewd me , : 1 J. D. TtethsMn. nir point, Ta..roaV the f 1 UiR( e'emcnt : " I was a wrpek f.-'-m hert oiMe and tomsr.h tTOuh'.e w-eM t h$rti iibItiii f- Mile KewHeart Cure and K-rve nnd Liver rnTK AaaivsuUof tVir ne T iim "-ell." ,. UTle' Kew Ttert Cure H soM hv aU lrn? " P"lt(BiHilT s.iarnt, or y the Or. KHei 'Kedleal. rv., ETkhnrt. Tnd . oi Tretpt of pri, fl per Vtte si t hortles for enrpsa prv H.' It is tweltivelv fre frou ell ot4t or """ erne. " 1r- Vi W Nrr and y.'vr ."rtUB. eat -pmr Vt. ve bi-we. fi-.tt. V tiled i MrvWa. irea boek at dmaritfa, ar ky laaiL . --a . .;.:. . - y ; For fiale by all Drngiais. 4 T 7 A'.Tor.th-.-i 1 hiSS - th'iMi: hcaciiciarv ii oil. rivtft.- voorfk cii'v s 1? l;tt-r TO lit i'l-ii v il-..; cr the' ? if who r?v c;.vr - i,: . A '; awctyj tS.i-i J'v.Vt; r i ' Kiw i ;,. 1 Mveral op.kim tu'nw e 1 y.. i-qtuia'flf Society 4.il C ; I i4i-Vi fffc' wjccept Ihetash r.f,:i, ... u i- c to say that the futcmcttt it a.n oni.tVs..iisl,j;uiy i.e,,sivl X,,"?. "s ?rst rr rcccmuicd Uie MaiUblc l tlm ii.iioii j-nS-ic. 5 ' VoUTS tOti.V. " JAS. C G'.PSOX. rite for particulars to-day. Ask all "ie questioha von wish. Tlie more' you know about the Tontine the Setter jou will appreciate it.! ' 1 i W. J. RODDEY, Manager Department of t ha Cfrojinas, ROCK HILL, S. C. - . 9H!ldrcn Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Castoria. - 1 Castoria. enr Oolic, Cenctfpatioa, Sour Etoaruxk, Dikn-kdeo, Eruc-ation, Kiil V"orma, c" slcT, tad jrocaotes -' ' qestion, " ' TTltlit injoriotia Dte&cation. di "For several years I have rccomrKinded your 'CGstorii,' and fiiall always conUausrtc do to as tt has invariably' produced benaflcia reaaUa." ' ' 1 - ; Edttct F. pjuirra, H. lZth Street and ?ta iva., Kwr York Oiy Tiii CkstaCtr CoHPam, !7 Murrat Strekt, Hew York CrrY S 13- ?Kl SArtSI IKVSTMHT I EVES SSADE. - There ere s!n?lo rct-il t'eno ftorfa la oar larce eitiea which ec',1 2,C50 pairs of Bh-c3 a day, making - a net profit of g25,CCJ a yjar. r V.c cell cuius low. but we bu!1 a sreat nar,y p--:r,.l:e cit-ar prctit on our ladies', la'.sscs' r.nJ chiidrr :i ' slio..-; I j r I "U-a' t Jen centa a pair, aid oi cir mei'.'- ar.d toys' !in a ; li ct-nts a air. "V.'e Khali Catablirh ib'e cKir.'s i'l each of tha fifty l.in-est tit ca of Ihc L" K., n?A if thy sell only inir! rt n'-o n tlr.y Hv y Would earn V l) nt ::r. i'c nhou'.d Laablc t pj;y a yearly dividend c.f Ssj.C"fhjr', crewcia jh r ert. ayearonthiir.v stmert. V.'cfi II t"ie p'.uck i.i a share. Tho price mmt i v;v::al.'y I c rat eh-woro -than 10 a shun-. Ko f.ock li:l cvt r 1 tin fold rt leaa thoa thia price, vhic!i l-i it.i pr.r v-j1ih-. Mt ck non-asseKsable. lneoHfrativ!. '.:r;t:il ?:,oi',0: l. We have over 3,000 stockholder- ':d tl:ciiu:l.vr is increaslns clai!y. t'cmocf tlw j :inc:p-il etocfc. holders arc : T. S.'VTai: r.K. y. V.: I. J- liiT: L. tor ; -N. A. Ureil. Jr.. Chimu' .; J.'VH. :". U. V. C'.:trz W. N. Kuw.auch. Laiilc IVwk. Art.: I. I!. h. J. K. 1'urnir. Fh:la.t 1 nrUing, K. V.; '. 4. ry:.i-, liatl.e Ctwk. Jlicli. F. r. Iluilrft.-. Arf. T. Y. - 1 "AVrita for a proepectn i contuUtmi; l!:c names of our stockholder, etc., tr ril nn ort' r for xtmk, rnc'ooinfj cunhirr'i r fit, enxh or tuoiiry cnlir. Orders lakeu for one or more ehre. Trice, $10 a share. r II H nl DEXTER SHOE GQ.j 'sKosTOM.alss. AycHla li tinted. DEITRt R20S CO., Inc'p- Capital, i .OOff.CCO. I1EST !.SO SHOK IN THE WOIiUJ. ''A doHnr StfMti it a dollar tarntd." Thi18iia' Bol;l Krach Uonjfola Kldltut ton Uooi delivered free anywhere in tha U.S., on rewptOTU&Kn, Money orocr, or l'.K:tal Note for, fl.M). E.j'ja: every ray tho boots so!U ia n't retail stores for $2.60. AVe tnaiy thU boot fmrelvcs, thcrjtoro wo guar n.iUe Uie fit. $ii'U find trfar. ;js end if rnfiKM is rnt n!ioued or pe j liuothcr rv.ir. (ren mm Caveats, and Trnde-Xarks ehta'.ned, arid all Pat ent budacM condoctsd for MoewT: Fcts. Ov Ornct is Opio5-rs OcS. PaTtNT Office and we can secure pcu nt Ut lab time thaa lUobe y ..reraote from Washinnton. fiend model, drawing or pl-.cto., with descrip- tioa. We advisa, if paten: "oie or net, freo o :"charg. 0 fee not due till pateut is fcnreA. A PaiawiLCT, 4IIow to Ohtoin Patents," with naaies ot actual clients ia jour EUio, coact7- cc town, seat frue. AJvlreti , &A.8RSOW.&00. Off. Pavcnt Orncc, WH:aftTen. D. C. SESLm Aro SMo aaa Always Kolixble t Uoitw thaa 'Xaasy or Pennyroyal Piua and all eicilliir medicines. UxexceUed for Zrrul&ri tle,SiX Successfully usln thoiaandsof caacs. laa 8U?a remedy, saarentasil, never falls. Price ft. A t.Caai!edsarcwrd. I.Aa13SIDS SrKCIFl Stwe tha life thai, is ftghtiEf ednstCoasum- uua. - , - Only aot. protaptly. Put ft off. and i2 -t3--, "" -.- notaini can cava - yeu. &ut,tf tak - en in tune. Dr. PIsrco's Golden ifedical Discovery will cer tainly cure. v It must be done through tha blood and the "Discovery" ia tha most rwtent blood cleanser, Etrength-resTXirer, and flesh-builder that's known to medical scienca. Tho scrof ulous affection of the lungs that's called Consumption, and every form of Eerofula aad blood-taiats, all yield to it . For "Weak Lungs, gpittiag of Blood, Bronchitis, Asth ma, and all; severe, iintrering cougba, it's an unequaled remedy. It's the enly one that's guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, ia every case, you hay your money back. Can anything else, at any price, ho really as cheap f - M - Toil pay only for vain a recerrcd. Somathuijr tfeis; that pays tho doaler bet ter, may be offered as "just as rood. Per haps if is, for Au but it cant be, for you. e hut; a a a. 1 mi if mslijhMs SALISBURY, N C, THURSDAY. BEARING! THE END TJ19 1 A i ; .1 Great Tariff Debate In th i TEE VOTE TO tOME ON THURSDAY, Aftrir4 Kf jHuf Ucba e Under tfce Fire t Ml33te: Ilal-.i;d 1 h-a the Kawa i KiinB O licr I'orossta. will cloi e in I the house on nest Thursday? at 3 o'clock, when, ae-cordinjj- to j the special w order under which! iLeflionse is operatiuar, the rote will be taken 'on the pendini? ainnri. J t ireitsisxidl me nal passage of t ha bill. Ilhe U?eitajt3 vrln tlij comisifj weV will rel5to icntre-y to the internal rev-, enve hill. Mhlh the democraiits concna tleticeii td(llac5 npoa th tariU bill as a rdcif. " J . . Tcrncrrow aiid Tnesdav will be flo Tole 1 Slo genct al debate, and Wedncs day todetiate; under the live-mir-nte j iuic,.wl:en , th intcrn'al ;rerciie f eat-j ures will be oen to amendments. Of ; t-ourse the principal opp jsition will bo ! di; ecti l nainst the incoaae tax, wbio'u j j in, be ins b:tcerhr opio J by tho eastern j d uiocraU. i f I The republicans. horrever. will Eot votv with the demcerat orTonents cf j the isni? la- nt willj cither rclmin; ! j from feting. 1r ise- i' ;neossay, to ' j oak k qUornm. vote fvr it in Onlerto ! iaoorjt?r4 it in Van bilL An &t tempt j to defeat 5t wt. therefore, bo hapeless. 1 When the bill, is rep rtod to the house on Thursday jSthree Uonrs will bj al lowed fiv closjn? tho debata, one and a ( halt hours on p. sid. ; j Mr. Heed Vifill cltae for the republi- ' ; cans and. Mr. $ Vs- .n und ;Spuaker Crisp i for the dfaicr&ts. The indications. aai 1 that wh4u; the bill is placed upon its fi:-.al pASf-uTf that it wi'd have u fa,ir' : ma-sin to carry it. ' . During the i ast week, the movement to rc :oin!ait tie bill looki-d formidable,, as at least, fifty 'deiiiocrat. counting the anti-incoriic ttixfidvocat is) iuc!ud- ing all those "ssatiKfied With any por tion bf . thes measure, were 1 eonnled I ; upon to take " this bi'livtt I method . of compelling changes fnjthHr infercsil With lh rc pnbiic?u suf);rt. this jilan nrght have succeeded. jbtft on yesterday sotne of tho republican' ' lekiderstalkcd t'ie situation cer au?I cajn?e:to tiie conclusion tliat it v Oal i nht Jl:el jk1 itic t je-in u faction r.n deiu$catfc r. nks in ovd-;r to give th-i bill i balv-scT, u i-.h mirht not re sult in ili hlfiniate tVfcat. They la'e inSonniitl'5 docit'e 1, tlicr.fo -e, cither to r'f: a n i out votin-r or elso t vote a'-aiast ilhe Snotion to rtrcrn 11:21'.,. lmt ey' v. sill J w-tvj Avith te p;os:tion rsiinst the pbr5';r;e o li;c I .'ill -or for a flv' ill fi i motion Itoi tril e out t'ie c:.aotm ciitU -iC. wljL iacti p'in 'r.t s ;f f tie bill onU : - o:'d i(,j.:i'i.-t This deci' V1- if it will j lyce tle op- fairly a:ul stiuarely - the entire mea'orc. is adhered to, in thai npiuton pi 1 is democra'.Ic loaders, re- iuvck ait nsjaiT as to tn-? xia. pusagi of i the biil.gjs th-y believe that u.;t imrc than thirty d emocrats at the ut hi;&? wit! carry their opp- -sltion to tho extent of rjpiting" direct against tha bill. If th rpuMkan-i shouid poll their whole sfe-ar.th,' f 124' this would only raise thf votfe against th biil to In 1. as wih turf incorhe tax included It i; btf l'ep;d th:rt t:e : bill will command th'j or-tirt populist vote of nine. The full vole forjthe;i bill, therefore, could be '2 . a m?jorty of 4i. Jt is- fair to as sum thl' titHe absentees witl be drawa ;rt.trrlJ;tt ' frrun ffiV di.-l. crt fl iat from present uklicittions the democratic' leaoers clifi a major.ty fur the bili of frqm SOI-tnNfardT. If by any chanjre of program. jt .repnbliCans shonld deeido t? yote in fajvor cf the motion to recom mit, the ; adlit'onal ttreaglh pained frm the ftihe-cratic side ( about twenty ) mlfht sjeriously endanjrer, if not defeat,, the measur4. lint this is not now an t:cpatodJ jAfter the tariff is disposed of on Thursday. special ordr will be , brought in for the consideration of the liayraiiani matter Friday or Saturday. Thf McCrery resolution will form the basis of thb debate, and while some verv lively ; and picturesque speeches will rSr0bab3y be made, it is. expected that itvilltxj passed practically by a strict pprtjt vote. y i ; ! ; 4 ! Me Returned to Claim Ilia Own. Si?RtNGirii-T), O., January 30. IT. C Patyej ft mber of a well-known fani iiy aadjan $eir to a fortune of . 5,000, has returned to this city after having been tniisaidg' for twenty years. Four-, teen ;y:far!.s ayo his mother died, leaving1 him $10,000; cf her estate, which was placed to hisci-editia the First National bink. As roar" after year passed and he did not return, his relatives gave him up xvi dfcad, , riome of the family eon rotipxi tticd a division of the inheri tance, but It was not made. The prinei pjil $tO,OO0 has bean drawings interest ever since, and now it aptiroaches quite c ose to 5,3, which Jdr. Paie ha t--.kcn posTitssion of. Siuee his dif np poaranee he has been for most of the tifict; loeat-ed in Decature, Illinois. - 1 i " ' - . I i Ivtrttve Elatsoea In u Loo. to. 3r. Jjror, January 80. -Fira tody completely destroyed the five-story building ?cupied by the Western Hoot and Shoe company and the Bernard Ci,'tti iSKoe .e.snipanj', on Olive street, beiwj'-4nj.E:ffhteenth aad Nineteenth, w 1 h nil eputeuts. The lieanard-Can-nouoj ploy's loss is 540,000 on stock and ipvfisvry, the Western company's loss Is ft.' f too and Thomas Keyburn, owner; of the building, loses $35,000. All ldsseiie folly insured : M Cnpbeil for President. ! ;! i ii . , v i 1 . CoMTMBr;, January 30. Ex-Governor Campbeir friends have stated that he will be active candidate for gover nor inS (with a view of securing' the presidential nomination, in 1896. It is claimed by these friends that the machinery of the administration is behind the movement, I and the fact that Campbell dictated aTT of the fed eral appointments in Oiiio is quoted in support by this claim j . : .Sj ) -t-; i ; 'j j Severe Wind 1b Colorado. CpMp, January 30. A severe -windstorm ha prevailed! here for thirty-six hours, id there are no signs of its abatement. Trains on! the Union Pa cific hisrh lines .are blockaded. The rotary sjuw plow, pushed by two engines struck a rail near here yes terday, land the plow and one of "tho loeomptifes went over the embankment.- rolling over, three ties and land jug about 150 feet from the track. ..I , Children- Cry for Pitcher's Castcrtal THE CARLISLE CARD. Authority to Issue Bends Conferr ed Upon tne Secretary JnlS75.? 15D IT EXISTS YET, ES SAtS. Jir-Unnor, the Au-bor of tb Keaolattoa .ddnwsrd the S- retary, Admitting "rt"ht Ke CLilnwundVTUereln lie -.! Qaestloned. Nrw Youk, Jasii&ry 20. John G. Carlisle,, secretary of the treasnrj', isnt the Fi:Va Arenna Jiotel in tbis cityr l!e made public last niglit theolknr in"f. statement :Iti" has ben crrou eouslj published in some newspapers tjuttrthc committee of the jndiciary of the hocae of representatives had agreed to trni .reported a resoltrticn denying the authority of the secrt-tarv of the treasury to - issue ca t sell bonds a. jT posed in his jecjnt dreular, and these publications Laveevidentlymde tin unfavorable impression xton the minds o st-me, yho , contennplutec making bids for there 'securities. The on!y resolution la relation to this subject that has bcea before th? -'-otnmitt is As folkm-s : "Eetolvel, Th at it s the fierseof the 1 Ikouse of l-eprcscnta'tivcs that the sec retary of the treasury has no author ity, uadr exist irx-r laws, to issne and tell bonds of the Lnilcd tales, except such as is conferred upon him by th-: act approved Janus ry 14, 1S75, entitled 'An act to provide ftr the resumption iof specie payments, and that th- unocey derived from the sale of bonds -issued .under that act car - t be law fully applied to any purpose exeept thoe specified therein. "It will bo seen that these revolu tions as-samed that the authority to issue bonds was conferred upon the secretary of the treasury by the act of Jjanuary 14. I87.", and that such author ity still exists, but it usscrts that the proceeds of the bonds cannot be law fully used except for the purpose of reden-ption of treasury notes. His Authority Mot O.Cdtltncd. '"The official stenographic reports of the proceedings in the committee, vhen th secretary -of the treasury ap peared before it last Thursday, shows that bis authority to is&ue bonds was not questioned by any laomber, the . only question iHsinjr witether he could use the proi eds for aiiy otl or -purpose tinui the redemption of I n tni States notes. Mr. iJa'iiev. the author of the resolution, distinctly admitted the ex is. t'.'nce of the authority. . "Audrssinq; the s. cretary, Mr. Pai leys:i:d: 'Th' resolution do s not irn pcah tour rhrht to is-.u-.? bonds; it epr.ssl.y record'.e it. but questions the riyht to apply the. proceeds to any purpose except, thoso spec'-ei in the act.' ' "The juuicAsry committee of the house e:v mined and reported npi;n this' same question darinp; the Fifty second congress, :nd it then conced-. d thit tho authority exist .'d under the act oi i8T;. The qncstion as to the au thority of the secretary cf tiie treasury to use the raoc?y in .anyiparticidar manner, or for any p:-.rtk-uUir purpose, is wholly distinct from the qrre .tion as to his authority to i-ssue and sell bonds. No ci-atter what he may do with tbe money, the validity of the bonds will net be aiTe .te l. and th n-e the reiori no reason rhy an' on j should hositdt-e to invest in these secorlties on the RTornds that the proceeds migrht be possibly nrcd for other tliaa redemp tion purposes." Mr. C'arlLsle wor.ld say not hir-o; fur ther on the snbject. lie stated that his only purpose in issuing this statement was to rectify errors of rbcentlv pub lished reports regardhvr the issV'.ance of bond3. Mr. Carlisle will leave this city this evening. Attempt at iUsy. Dui.ctii. Minn., January 80. An at tempt has been made to burn Con gressman Baldwin in effigy for voting for the freo iron ore schedule of the Wilson bill. A band of music made its appearance near the Merchants' hotel and a routh appeared bearing1 a banaer on which was painted a figure labeled 'Baldwin," with his neck en circled by a nose. A procession pre ceded by the banner ana band started west aionff Superior street. It had not proceeded far when a man jumped from the crowd oa the sidewalk and grabbed the banner. As ho caught hold of it sotae one landed n well di rected blow on tfie back of his head. ZJe let go the banner and dropped to the ground. Two blocks farther wt several men rushed toward the iead of the procession, and one grabbed the banner, which wa quickly torn into pfeocs. This created a lively riot for a few minutes, but a squad of police quickly dispersed the crowd, while the yput&jwfcb had been carrying1 the . ban ner was taKcn m trie patrol to pouoe Jseaaqu afters, Riek refuge (rem tfee gorm. Kttw Loitcojj, Oonn,, Jajvuary Tbe feowlrny northeoeter that has pre t'ailed since Thursday night has made it rongrh for veteels. This harbor is filled with craft, the number including a dozen towboats. nearly two-score 01 barges and. about twenty schooners, most of the fleet being1 bound eastward, but held here by the head winds and severely cold weather. Vessels that came .m.today are encased In an armor of ice, and present the appearance of having struggled against sea, wind and an extremely low temperature. In the town there are more than 30,000 tons of coal, a greater quantity than has been afloat in this port before this winter. Twu Accidental Enlctde. Toi.kpo, O., January 80. A case of what might be called -accidental suicide was reported to the coroner -yesterday morning". Frederick Leab, of 128S Erie street, thought to frighten his wife on her return from church and fastened a clotaete line to a nail in the wall and put a loose coil around diis neck. In some manner he tripped and. the rope pulling1 tight, his neck was dis'ocated in the fall and death was instantaneous. Smallpox In New J't.rli. New York, January 30. John Mc Gr&il. 53 years old, a widower, living at 357 First avenue, n.vs admitted to the alcohoiio ward of JloUevue hospital on January 20. lie has since developer unmistakable sisrns of smallpox. Mc- i llrail was removed to the reception hos- i ptiai is Eatt fcixteeuth street. FEBRUARY! L . ;..f Ch.it and tlio 1 e ierai aUtlon Bill "Will .- 11 vida the A' ..teoiioa o the Senate. WashixotOs,. j anurfct-y 30L The pres iat indications arathat the federal elec tion bill and thai Hawaiian questions vill, jn a -larjje mea.sure, dividj the at ventioa of the senate this week. : . If the tariif bill shouid ' pes? the hoosa, according; to prograia, Thu rs- day, and be sent into the; senate, noth ing- would be done with it more than to refer it to the finance cbmriittee. where it will rest for at least a few weeks, so that there is little or no Drcsnectts! this subject interfetifigHjatany way for the preseut-wltTfthe! eoliisideralion of the bills and resolutions already on the calendar. . . . j 1 . The iiawaiin question' has "right of way for the moriiing5, that is. r.p to o'clock, and ths election bill after that time. . ; ' fi- " i.T ; The Hawaiian discussion will be baiied. upon thj r solution .reported b e:ar Tiirpie, f i-oiii the cwnmittee oi, ioreisn- reiolutionsr ?nd! fed various ame!iLhnents and substitutes will' inci dentally .be taken up. There are four amendments proposed, one each b Senators Manderson, Dolph, Jtowairi B'nd ttaliingcr, and one subbtitute, that offered py Senator Vest, i . 7Ke amendment of the first three seniors are laach on the same lfae. : ana recognize the present government of Hawaii, without cdmmittir.g the scoatj to any proposition ftainr,t an nexation, even lor expediency's sako. Senator Dolph's amendment looks to the recall of Mlnist t Willis, and Sen ator. Vest's substitute declares unncal inedly a&ainst annexation, f In case the judiciary committoe makes its report upon j the Feckham nomination there is likjoly to b3 con siderable time devoted! to executive business, a. nil there mAy be. ia , any eveat, several other nominations. the Assassin kled, After a liloody Murder and Robbcrr in a Kansas Town. Kansas Citt. Jauuaryi 30. A special to The Thn.:6 from Pittsburg. Kan., says; Cno of the most horrible mur ders ever committed fn this part of Kansas was- discovered yesterday morning, when the body of William A, Chapman, one of the prominent citi zens of the city, was found dead hi his stoi-eroom with his threat cut and his body fearfully cut and slashed and cov ered with eon-julated blood. Dr. Chap man vas the proprietor of a grocery and was also treasurer of. the A. 0. U. W. of Fit-.sbu.tr. liis residence ad joined hirhbtore. For some t;me past he had been sleeping in his store on ac count c f the rmy burglaries commit ted there. T:iis nmvning about 7 o'clock Mrs. Chapman went to tbe story to ca1! Ler husband, and no re sponse couple oemj. niado, sh aroused a i-hbors, who forced the 1 i'or.-ible s'pht awaited tf a. them. . On fhc lhor, beiiiuu a ccu-.ter, in a lare po jl of blocd, lay the lif 'less body of jlr. Chapman, with his throat cut. his hai ir. tied behiud him, a gag in his mouth, and his body hacked tp pieces with, a knife. Denies It no n-ledge of the Scheme. Lo?;jon, January 30. Joseph Cham berlain denies 'any knowledge of the alleged unionist scheme for home rule published in the Speaker, a well known Gladstonian weekly newspaper. John Redmond, the Parnellite leader, said that he would not be suprised if such a scheme was under way. Balfour's re ccut utterances, he Said, were signifl cant as aa indication that the opposi tion condemned Gladstone's bill rather than home rule generally. Mr. Ked mond then prfeseded to comment strongly upon Edward; Blake's appeals to America for aid to!the starving vic tims i t eviction. Mr. .Redmond tald that these appeals were open to criti cism, when Mrl Blake's party could, if it were harmonious, get 80. TOO out o: tiie Paris funds without any legal ob Ktaclcr, bciiig offered, j The Farnellites.. he added, did not . insist that prior claims Rhculd be r;ettled before the 0 lease of tho lunds. Timothy Ucaly and his followers. Mr, Redmond said, cau.sed the deadlock, Mr. lieaJyclafmlng that he had -made no pledges to:the evicted tenants that they had; not co-operated in the plan of campain or the 'agrarian movement. Mr. Redmond said th?.t tie Parnellitcs and the adherents of Mr. John Dilion were practically i greed as to the disposal of t!e funds, and that. unless the lieaiyues shortly came to a settlement, tiie publis might expect some interesting revelations. Bold KcBbcry and aicrdtr In ulexieo. DfitANOO. Mex., January SO. The authorities here were notified yester day of a desperste murder ajnd robbery commuted about eighty-five: miles west of heje. the perpf-trntors being a band of . brijrticls lei by the notorious or.v 1aw Fynncwco lieiseda. A mule train, loaded w'tth s'lver orv frotn the Penta Maria in4aes, was on its wy to thp re ducing' works, when the bandits made en attack upon the guard, killing th foveiuaa. ftoife'Vili'arsial. wboljtizupted to off or ewts:tarie. 4'bi other guard fled, virwte burrt-ti, with thtr hnrccious Ccvrsw ia possession of tne WidH-. who aJbve the am ma Is to their rndz-ro6i' m tbe raouexsjjia. A f.roe of troops will be Scfit In parsuit of the robbovB. , noT.rrvr.fK. Jnrraarv 80. There ws a cenMttlon ia the big dining room at the Ohio penitentiary today when Convict John .Conroy r.e in the presence of t.h 1.000 -.-u-isonera. seated at breakfast, and .announced lis. intention of taking his own lif 0, ConrOy slashed the side cf his neck with thej knife he had been ont in xviih. sn l after he sat down the LWnrtd rwmrcd in a stream over ms (thmilder. Conrov Iwas taken to tne 1 . . . . . hospital,vhere it wis found the wound wonta n.-,t bo fataL 1 The fellow has Wrt a mania for idUinfr himself ia pub lic. Once he deliberately sawed a fipjsfor off in tho r.riscn theps in order tuat n-e mirrlit n.r.t Ik- rromoelisd to work. Coa- la K.-rvlnir five ears from Maskln (rum oniiiitr tnr haviatr burglars tools fa his possossioa. j i McFaddsn, the Welterwcljrht Champion. -St. Lorts January 50.--The wrcst lirnr match here S aturday night be tween Max Luttbcg and Barney 'c Fadden, for the welterweight cham pionship of the woijld, was awarded to f.-Fnfirlen hv three! iuda-es. The match wn for and it he championship, btnn frit hold barred, i McFadden claimed his strangle hold, and the v.Tu-Im w!is RllowetL land the m'vtch dj- ni,i,i on tht foul. I i Luttbeg, who waf handicapped by a sWe lop. claimed he, at .vt.Itt -.iiit the t-iun nolo. At tt-'J ,WSo.i of "His iiu.ig tha rcsp-jctive n'.riti.. tnnis friends:-rct iato a wrau-jla and trouble was liurr jwly averted. i, 1894. TT 1 'v' " ! - ' -' x I ----- -t : ; 4 I 5 . . . " . Highest of aU in Leavening PowerLatejt i, si Gov't Report THE BLACK SPOT, tcry of tbe Cole Eurned in ths Parlor Carpet. A TooDar Onple's first Do.mettlc Qaarral lie Derided to Ho Away Fore er, and th to Her Slot her -Tlxit LncS1 -- I-rletion Match. '"Why, Millyr-saida young West side wife 'to"Tmother .voun West side wife the other day, "how'd you burn that great black spot on the parlor carpet?" "It was an .accident, " replied Milly. "Too bad, Isn't it?" "No." And Milly's face took on a queer expression. "I don't think it's too bad. I think it's the best tbia that has happened since I was married, or before, either, for that matter." . Milly's friend rxmderod for a min ute. "Well," she then declared, "1 can't for the life of me sec how it is a good thing to have a great hole burned Ina parlor carpet, especially when I don't think you can afford a new one any better than Fred and I can." It was than Milly's turn to pon der. She finally said: "We can't afford to buy a uew carpet, and that hole is in such a bad place that I will have to plau a good deal before 1 fjod a way to cover it up. But, for all that, I think that that is the luckiest and best thing that has hap pened to me since I was married." Milly's friend drew off her gloves, pulled a couple of cushions about, so that she was perfectly at ease, and said, imperatively: "Tell me." Mtlly blushed a bit and then said: "Well, 1 suppose I might as well, now that I have spoken about it as I have." She hesitated, as if at a loss how to begin her story, and then plunged boldly in like this; "Jack and I have been married six years, and never until last night had we had a quarrel which could be dig nified by the name. ' . "There have been plenty of little spats, cf course, but never any out- and-out quarrel. Last night we did mve one. tt's no need telling what it was about. It began shortly after dinner and after the babies were in Dcd. It was pretty bad at the start, but in half an hour were saying per- ectly awful things to each other. I elt that I hated Jack, and I know rom the way he looked at me that he felt that he hated me. s "Things went from bad to worse, . and finally, about 9:30, Jack got up, vowed that he was going down town and that he -didn't care whether he ever came back or not. I told him that 1 wasn't particular, either, and he banged out into the hall, threw his overcoat around him and grabbed up the first hat ho could fiud. Then became back into the parlor and I said something else mean and he aid something that was so awful that I can't think of It. "Then he started toward the door. Now, as long as we have been mar ried, Jack has never, gone away from the house without kissing me good-by. I stood over there by the door, waiting to see what be would do. I vowed mentally that if he didn't try to make up before be went nwaj I would go straight home to mother and never eeme oacs again. I wanted to cry, but wouldn't give in, and kept saying mean things to Jack, and he, enraged-beyond en durance, paid me bock, with inter e I gave Mm one particularly ex asperating shot and he mde another break for the door. He said that he would never, never come back, and I think he half meant it, or thought he did. 1 stood looking at him with a mean smile on my face all the time, trying ever so hard to keep the tears back. Jack hesitated again. He didn't want to go. I gave him no encouragement to stay and he bit his lipsfsld something under his breath and gave a leap for the hall. "T7cl! his fc?t struck where that burned spot is. Somebody had dropped a parlVar match there and of course his stepping on it lighted it. It cracked loudly and Jack gave a little star, of surprise and the most ludicrous look of fright came over his face. It was so funny that I mushed. And the next thing I knew Jack had me in his arms and we let the carpet burn untu it burned out. And that's the reason why I am so thankful that the parlor match hap pened to burn that hole in my car pet." Buffalo Express, For Malaria, Li7er Trou ble, or Indige at ion, use I iiii'' NOT MUCH : OF A PLAYfcR. Cut the Mississippiari Knew tht Va!u of Two Pairs or Aces.. WTicn Gov. Lowrey of .Mississippi - :i was in this cityr some time ago, says' the Washington Postt he very cleV s edy tookjin a few friends with whom he. sat one evening in .a friendly game of .draw. The governor and a'r party of ladies and. gentlemen were being entertained at an evening tea, and, after the menu had been dis cussed, tho gentlemen withdrew to the library, where cards and chips were soon produced and in use. Gov. Lowrey said he knew nothing about tho game so, while his friends tried their luck,; the southern exec-' utrve remained in the parlor and en tertained the ladies. Later in the, evening the governor drif ted to the poker-room and was prevailed upoa to play the hand of one of the gen tlemen for a few minutes. As soon as the governor sat down he iro rainded his friends again that h knew nothing about the game. There was a jackpot on the table which had gone around several times. Hands were dealt, the tpot was opened and play ' passed around to the governor. He didn't seem to know whether to pass or not.r He studied his hand for several minutes, then, showing a card, asked the man pext to him whether it was a king or a jack. "That's a king, governor," replied the gentleman. i Then the governor produced a queen and remarked: "I take it that this is a queen. Am I correct?-' He was informed that he was, and then very deliberate putting up his money he called forone card. The gentleman who. had opened the pot had three nine3 and failed to better bis' hand on the draw. He thought he had a lead-pipe cinch on the pot and sized up the governor as having two pairs kings and queens. He thought the governor had 'oun J cards like the king, and queen he . had shown aud was drawing for a full. ' ' He was somewhat taken back whep the governor raised the bet, and fearing that the governor did knot know that two pair were not very good, he called his attention to the fact. . "O, go ahead," said the governor, "we'll play this out, anyway." The governor kept raising until finally the gentleman with the three nines weakened and called. Then the governor proudly laid dpwn four aces, and everybody yelled. He had held three aces all the time, flashed his king and queen for a .bluff, then drew one card and caught another ace. The gentleman who held three nines says he will never again sit hi a game with a man who knows noth ing about it. RODE IN A CATTLE CAR. A Tramp Whc Succeeded- in Laminfj His Free Passaje. Tho other morning when the freight train from the cast arrived a man emerged from , a car loaded with lonar-horned steers, says the Reno (Cal.) Gazette. He said that when endeavoring to secure free pas sage on the cattle train leaving Win nemucca the night before, one of the railroad boys said he would let him into a cattle car where he could ride as long as he wanted to keep com pany with the steers. To the sur prise of the railroad man the offer . was accepted ami the tramp jumped In. He says he rode the greater ; part of the one hundred and seventy frve miles between Winnemueca and Reno astride one of the animals, and when he got cold or tired of that po sition he stood in among them, wher he found U quite warm and comfort able, and vvould have continued on his journey westward had it not been for hunger and the absence of any milch cows in the cars, so he got of to rustle a little grub. ' The -railroad men in Reno say that brake-beam and blind-baggage tour bits are quite common, but they Tiever before heard of one beating tiis vay on the back of a steer. Chicago Hospitality. The young Jady entered a Chicago book sore hesitatingly, as if she Were uncertain of her location. "Can I do anything for you, miss?' asked the polite elerk. "Yes.- I want you to send four or five dozen books to our house on Prairie avenue. Here's the address Send tbe bill with the books." "What (books do you wish, miss?" inquired the clerk. "Oh, any wilhdo. so long as there s enough of them, ' J'm going to have a girl from Boston visit mfr and I want to make her feel at Lome. -Detroit Free Press.' - if ! ? ;i - - 'I . I ' , ".-; f 'J1 v 'I s-1 ,;. ! i .- i "1- - 1 i -! ' i' . ' 1 ':V 1- -''I i 1 ; i. -. i - '- J' 4 ?4 '-. I -r r t 1 , :. 1 ' V'P-&- i-rt r v .1 Mitl; , 1 . i.jf 3 ") "'' ': .- ij V?"' r : J ! 'ii-..' ! - ri;! - t 1 V -1 r- r"' ' i -.-if . . m H: .4 : 1- f ,1 ': - i ii

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