-...' . . ' ;: - 1 b t - I T TT 4- i-Vr o TV J ttWAda Burkel of Statesville is yisit lag Miss LiWe Burke ot this city ;V--s'ij Collector M. E. Carter was sworn in 5 ountrjr. . t.v-.,- rpnlitHl the V0UI12 tUJl. CorredcnceoflbeWtchmaa. T "To this-the father wnleJ, UmIp. TbecT.ooi at the academy wm ciosejung lbt np; wwr buuuiu w ru.. .. v uY Febuary 1, 1S34.;- GraiiS Offer. vou any good? vir o r,: effort M a few mo- i .we as much. 1 ne 'li dJ Watch worthf35.00 fc . the one sending in w canh' subscribers t.kcn of less than iUwhus size as deaired.. Go jsce see what you eaudo. r TKofAhevillvwitis. K . ..wir. sUa - fiire notice and Hoik T.F. Klutlz, made a flying trip to Charlotte, last Tuesday. The iailroad people are cutrisg down TMiiaM. Viva-. mecnamcs ,wero char; day Mrs m in "the tf sctiixj 9t urate uetorni m lyo.inir ma'i j en .-. - - "MMivA. HOWivoMff r,ui ic.eu . njaoufactuniig town u a wi boarding-house and wen t in -and out ol tbree vears dpart- iissmate' and -.....:;.i.!r - Miss Mainiie vweni w .u.u6 -"r Hrell-kiiown society. raanr was nuriucu 1 li A v r ' at. Jl..I-.A 1 l-i Of ilnro, made an aswga their best earth fy friend. Suhjecti -Itesblted, ? TM should chiuery .pil as to prevent the xottTen. r llclTC -M 1 IVUIUIMVH .,, . : ... . : ... .- I kiuuai SALE OF. Harness Hois&s last two years of less than oue percent., t xWEDNESDAt-F?IlutAllT ASP, while a Urge majority of our Southern 'Sthuesdat FARUABY15. eouon mills have realized from 8 per rrL - i u- ' i tn t . xt. j. -,.-', . i The great combination sale of Trot- nrrtul r W1U Uug-bredt , Track, Middle and Uoud "To n , , ! " P 131,10 lres will Uke place atjBtake's Stable the South s advantages for cotton manu- ut aUeih, N. where about CO he:d lrtf .;t9nWllVehe ufthe best ever offered at Dublicsule in eenter for this great industry ; and, we Uhe SoutH can be seen, and 6ogi b lkr UlSianL WIUIl I k. h wav - Ml am MlArirt ' w "." JUI unu pile, Ull : tC lCUkS u Will be m&da into t M.taAlnfu aula. withAnl fnorr Irtff f v . : - w I -"w i v a w a v v v . tw. cloth in the -States where the staple Is ,, If you wank : SUndafd-bred Stal- lion tUat will certainly sire trotters and Km mail Iinrenvnn curt rt:him nt thw -vy ltnout tne means at nana tor com sa. as baxittg if, a cold may pfave more dan-1 good-ones. - - r ' - . gerous than the smalt puz. No fanji-lf lu want a well-bred brood , mare Iv is safe unless provided for such an w V"U1 V4V "."6 J vut " i - l ly is aaie unless proviaea ior sucn an ... " U.nna.1 handshake. - I'. r . ey or your plow. nd throw you a Rood V GeoiC Folk, only eon of -k Hon; GK, . On Frid-iy abV190i, th sad news g t thijJ ybung man persevered, made vr- - . co t erery year, you can. get. ner at tnis and toaid Ms own way- himsif,aaoa.iuli . . .o J . 1 fi' v j -j . sua t.iiu ijn 'i , if nriil i iin invitliia.t.l Rrwnfin I If von want a well-bred one to ride or .. . . i, li: t.. n,.. 1 I.. ivxl VrrnntTM the COmniUlll toiK.oi tjaiaweu touhij.uku ,..v..ur m f,vMuvv, rM ,?,.i7 . t j j laud paid UH own way iiiiuu, uv, .i-m , - . . , wA th26th inland his remains W ty that Mrs. Mary a!M!ljer had de- P .x. . nftV irwltpral is an invaluatle speciHc -V1 "" . . ' . . k ,'i.lLj :..j.jf-,,n, lifit- Her remains lavuer uuvtv . . ed by the side of an elder sister who died during the H Last iiightabout 10:30 ciii.ots.n llw Trrn dlad pilc- Manuel cut and seriously wounded v , : v -; -Mi V; BiaVH Tnnv Goodman. The wound is a' dan r w-- a to command even tettecomneiiaatiou ZnX nVirtnersh io. jeridence that uleam- ... v- 'i2 A High Compliment. JUIIV VWV v." .4 : J ,.-V .- ... - 1 " I. . - v -. I.' , ' -.1 gerousebutlheichances; mueh are tliat the woman u i ' gtxd.c4iiclon and a rich father, W Lv wk'thaeffectof vAur Simmons Qt $20,eoo: f , r..drv Dramatic Club am on fplay theldwmnUtled Goan.tT.ket-xt Monday Uiy- Tte goodt home 4 "r s club eontfi,n U city Glee Club an- fit,'; nt v-eek.. The entertamr f hiive keii pronoanceanrst Cfai4bu.rj will doubtless giieet with d vfniwia, kidney roit had ne pusO' Lony'a tofj.' Ei Checonsequence, T! h i LKt NOT? TRY ? - Tl?e youiigladj, Mrs J. CIGoodman, L , We the atteiition.df otir, readers Bullelin. 1ia na . hornb t Duroea.ai aer Dome .. -. . . - i..!. ;..- :.. hear town, an account of which .was pub- . ? . Ui,:ir w w-nd lishedhre; weeks ago, died last night at abf U o'clock. She suffered, terribly, and tbVpaper and tjanto.WeeWy Oon- her case is, indeed, a id one, .ne was stitution to . the same aaurew w only 17 years oiq ana - itb . - imowv f :VX ' imod education ana a ncn iatner. pays i r; - i ali'i EitST, Vou CAK DO rr? 80 J a gooJ return, both in money- and vr Rem,jator, and have recomraend- manly -iiidtipendeuce Boston oni. to a good many f nends.--E. , A. it ,-' . ,-. . i 4 ' iRiido Vnur rlrnrrcnf. illa it in nnw. def.of liquid. The powder -to be taken babe flve months old. year forjhe low sunilbf $1-0 : Thi i the only bier of . its kir VO lUiiikC Netrlect of the hair often destroys 1 4ry. dr-niade into a teaJ its vitality and natural hue, and Causes it to fall out Before it is too late ap ply Hair Reuewer, a sure remedy. : t ind we to .our twelve tailes ah hour and do it it good hltip. Rue -win lie in Liie nam. ' - If you are wanting a young btandard bred mare, Stallion' or gelding for a race noise, for a road horse, or foV I breeding purivs, come to this rale and you can get it, aud - at a reasonable - I he descendants, ot the - greatest horses that the world has produced wiif l il i -.... . l, v.? oe in tuiS BHic, auujruu mn, .wac k vnnr own home, net as well-bred Stat -Japanese Pile Cure is the only one Hioraafi . j -j. ii can anywuere m ,u:wiuc-.iunw. that can be truaranteea a it is the rM., 'j ,j Aim kno of ' VAtl T rklVIl r" if : I JnlianV eieht-rear-old son, t w.. ..V been able James, while fooling with a loaded 5 readers. ' I l rr 1 . .mlr it vim in 1TC.I . . edsmair the cap entered the skin or tne "r " m ihe lv -irLI riot. Dai .WoWd lust over the left eye. iniunne uon nw. KY" " -rr"T. .' ;W Constitution is pnfrsowC Pa.. Jft,fa7'" -."VSl! Uv " . j ; S , mflet OX UTmoy preva" OTVC,VJJ i-oo-weii aiiut j 1 IbroTvjhout me Aiansueiu Dyiwf"i V I 1 w v .... j - -I- - ,- i ... i . . ?! i . -ii i. i rm-ma it.rinni'wefe bcu v . that orcan dangerously . and causing the fireside of the nation a moaei weeii-r , the detuty sheriffs on v' IT! ........ .. t- . -I bouses, ana tnej aepuiy uiw child severe pain. 1 lv newspaper. n it numbers On it Sw'iif euard at the various mines In the ms-. i, WorVn,M..bnean tr some of Ihe nit ftouS una, bnUum. the Southern section of Davidson county, writers .f the. day; and on all public was regarded s preceding the stormi Siiturday night. Other judgements amounting in all to about $1,200 were also h?ed. The store was closed by the Sheriff, who will take charge of the busihfss. Poor collections tne cause. : . i i t .inn Tiioaav fur 'I k..:.a. j Jta littiA l pvpi '""in' rest to de I TKo iri well PToutided fears of an- was arresiw m. wihv- .---j ;r- r"f;; " V - . " i.v i. thd .w.aJt rMnnt.rft.it rt,in. Ten "dollars, in Uj Hld rihfnf UieneouleL, It is the anomer oourv r.uS.ra-u. u,; - "V n-MZ .ih dvsnepaia. KKtuev " . .2 ....- - j I . t r l i . v i law-aoiaing- ciweu. .ftann Dill now oeiore congress, uau ' 111 vi - . --. - m a 1 n ik. m.w aw wxvaawv t - . .... m- n an I nun an im iiiMrii-M wb i mm ysii iin rac-a. - w v Lt RXnapmarii Jyerx' rri,i.-l th neiUborhood "fV nw, ,a-, - the . rioters, were' rintto ,re r n1iy,. n-p Thfe- morninfr by the; rSV,ll cure - rheunWism, mentioned, who have a full set of conn l 6 , edacalion to tLltorLThev circulated freely Wr-iL v l .,h-ihi all terfeiter's tools, and tnat tniaiapropao.y . - m - - , TUra. and this evening re- ttAuqia ;;-" ' .k:j. i.r.t twisk linv of their those wlio read iti 1 oj.w ciuuu.ug T------- - ttr t Vmhl-i nts -:' Sena lr -circular ihhi. i-r r rL , i" . i s : it , tarnea who we nuwuv.u flif If... P. tIIAPM.V2(," MainlSiVeet, Charlotte, Ni C. -"ffi; . , - tarned with the tmormawou t j... .... ,ff jf ftiip rundprs can i v.in. mnfp to attack ram n ii lis Li no uiiuij vim .w...- - . paratiuus wcjb - , . . .. xr ...JthH VeeWlv(ktitntl.naud their the works aVKrtd - The vhanotro ews saJ l'Urt, ' " - " - I i . . Ifturious metal. he Uhurlolte JNews say inai..; --i v -y - ueadimg. una ieeuK -'"""'S ! : 1 .. . ; . - , i-- . I i V. - ..t l,t Iithu mnm t.nun IDP .x: U arv htttdT H7&1DS. I. lie wou- i, H tiColfmaniUrand U bapiaiu ieX0(lus 0f farmer.; from UuMrrus jana uu v-v.. - 7- the killing of -3 &.lLiiS.MM,m"iVlfM Lexoiius or jarmc uu. - . . U m V . r IK- Ung brothers for the laiung ox ru lIfe'd!L;ige Vf Keucky, bystaUley counties has assumed suet pro-1 cost of one pperereby getting the and theJ that .U-waU HVT : f. ; i .rl . J . 2.. i.-.".V7..a:- .wlTn-w of their home and the news of have revenge.- . ..... . ; , . ... , ... . if another attacK ih muo the world ey4ry wk for iryear at an nau,, works the foreigners will V .a- 1! liii ' . met with a still warmer reception insigmhcant outlay. - t accorded them yesterday. In-addition to !l his, every subscnlwr There are twelve men in the Head- to this pairr::aud ihe Coualituiioii, un- the three who tt,. M. V: G "M. of ;f atlrnrt attention, and br. x - . .- - . j ! i uvi " . . Kj.li Cari'ltia, will aeiiver an some means suouia.ue? pru.vmeu w iifici 'n .Frwj' MaMiiryintiie gtop toit." -Do.iis of some ot.pe lit Mil the l-iftv fx nil I i'pa in Stan I v have i . ..' t i ;"KT-. ''6(1 tti. a '"Jtv" 1 ' .'.X- r..-.. A L-Miwjd uiul nthr price the descendant sef the greatest l . I 1 T I vc. . I Morgan sirr$ on eario,uaniei mmoeri lr.ll TT TTnlnKrm frVi fTrAcor . nf I oni) Ran Pmnlrlin? nr. if VOil " nfitw Charlotte, confessed Judgment in fa- Hamb'etonian blood; then select from vorof Mr. W. Haufman for V"" v"" " 7uua i -fTDti unn wr.: - rii.KJ : i iiih rp.il. x imihiihii 15 George Wilkes Egotist record 2.22 Sphinz, 2,20; Alfred G. 2.10; Nob VA.L, F.14 Belmont 04, 868, and Al most 33, with 833 descen tants tb.it are Standard performers in 2 30 list Nut- wood, 2.1b with d4U btandard per formers in Z.6U list, emperor wukps, 2 201; Empire Wilkes, 2.29; Guy Wi- lr- SIR- VVi lam JU sire AXtell. Z.1Z General Hancock, sire Victor Ma.n, 32U; Allie Wilkes, ZID; tied mikes, sire 87 m the list: Maoj-Ki, siro iu m the list, Bourbon Wilkes742it toe list, and the great Onward, 2 25 the rank ing sire for his age, 82 in 2 30 list at 18 woranld. The Wilkes famiU is the trrpatost ior nreducintf uniform need and the great sire, Gfoeqe Wikes, hiis 1,603 desedauts that are standareperr formern. , The nWendrnts of other eood nnd ereat horses will be in this sale; such a Franklin Chief, Hejville Uhief, Kooeri Mdium, Victor Bninrck, Messenger . A report comes from Washington that Congressman. Wilson, author of the he will back down physically,, ere the bill comes to a vote. - When traveling, always fake a cake of Johnson's Oriental Soap with you; diseases are often caught from using hotel soap. Sold by Edwin Cuthrell. H. RVineman Milwaukee, writes: UJFud Lodge,' WO. yv;"iwcwy gone to -lexas,-.' Arkau-as .ana. owier ----r. ' ' . . tominedana uravc m Ihe. fn.r,.iiy .Wi, SUtiia the x w, d,r iur clubbi,B get, ,U be .gg-Jgjjt to flt .mobof , Th I If . . .-. .r i t. t vi l. ..ivl il.ir luini For. t h VV est. SOme priAtts. , i ! ; . . " . i v, U Kn.tjKf.ed One box Japanese Pile Cure has eared me of a case of 23 years standing, af fur VitMiitr trpjih-d hv New York s bet physicians," Sdd by Edwin puthrell. Duroc. Volunteer Happy Medium, and : m r9 m ' . I oiufr. ere is more Catarrah in this section ! Mr. Shelby T. Harbison, of Leqmg e country than all other diseases pnt t0ll, Kentucky, consigns 18 high class VintburizeU aseuts to' solicit, collect. jpt . " i4"! r; ..t i.; h bn ,wrud. .- aum u jwe ft ! 'lil-.. . 1. I I 1 11 K SX f llFl) ,. ,f,Kif0M -.ul iavun their arrears, we need to ouua up vur ou k... ' I v.! - -('-, 1 .... 1 - some prizes. au; another ither ami until the last few nzes. , i, .v, . . ; . cy -8nd. he is satisfied greT,t many years doctors pornouncettfo WlLKES Family. Mr. v . u rvenne these lUalteis are, explained nf tbat lfVaArehfof thestrikcrs' hemses f j disease oni prescribed local rem e dy, Cedar Dell barm. Falling Creek, JN r colunin. I UVe merely "calfal- was oade at least a score cf wounded , dieg an(l hy COOstaQtiy failingto cure with (;e cousingsf that are the equal in breed "t- ... i5 I tt'Pll-DieO. OlieS. U1ULIV il iuc u an.1 uasuppoed to be incurable u . For . jel l oiea . e . .luruef.illv prematuWfer! a man ter for the counties n-imed. 1,1. 1IIC ino T-r- l .. l.i . , gome of the best homesteads tu Stanly Jtenuou uq.q.r .. r what a liberal Mfrl" we nave io uiaac n. them. 'Thfsej ofip are uia-le. by pur airaiigiueiit with the Constitution, and onlv theselwho subscribe for both pa- pers through this bthce are entitled to Uke part in the context. This -is the nost liberal clubbing u&r aiiv hiive"eTer been able to make. and we feel 'sure that it will prove im mensely, popular with our readers. H- W mm V v, -. f- ..; . f d-Hth MriU.iL Davis had ; Vick's Floral Gwde- alalo call at ht furniture' room Mwwrsl Jas. VickVSonsV ElflSAt 4Mtua.v. who sail that hU wife fimi)E for 1894tis received and, as1, kn fei)E rxjectfd .tcj live-but l a few Lustration of the great pn-gress iMade Mii he wanted to looki !t Mr r 'if. . i . l.kJ (IK .. ins ock to see ii ue ;iiv;"i " 4wunU suit him. 1 Tlist man wa mtkH bijVkiu - hibre of thamKiiifc 'Mh?'WiM V on: jo bin y if niiip iow ot laiutiur.wuu 4i ' - : , ."" ln : !-- -a- L k '- f,tFer-W(ikfd wife. aj SJ -Sledjif ' d.nrnk, became very io LexitigtOnj. lasVSiturday, 'ttisvooe of the merchants' ot that 1p would not c fed it hi in fori" bill of pw;2retr hU little gun and i wanted I'tiean out- Uie ruiich. But Sledge MtT that this ilis not he "wild : ool!v wit" roiintrv. and he souu &dhinis-lf beiundi the ham !of Lax- on jit; there tcybber itf,! and af- Wdt mi the neiialiv ffOr an -'--as- aJit and for canying concealed wea- i number of the eei in recent years in the art of color-print ing,it is a perfect gtm.; u is na, u- r; g . - , had j, someiy'bouiid iu a chaste cover of gold, , s.ano, ilollse to take hiss Learning a Business. ing Iiounj to take his son, I incn would be found. ' EUled by a Road of Outlaw. Sax Axtonjo, Tex., Januarj? 33- Frank lloweil, a ranehroan ofi Pecoa' .tvtt i!vd here vesterday and brought news of the killing of a prom inent vouns American, named .Henry W. Carew, by a band of Mexican out laws, supposed to be remnants 0f fcanta 1 erez s Bo-caAJt-ti forces. Mr. Carew eame to fjouthwest Texas a few months ago from Chat ta ooojra, Tenn.. and was promoting irr 7. w . lit - i xl n i n tvi 1 eeos couniv whh m . the Bbeep raising business there on an extensive scale. He left the ranch c t- ii .u IoiThoc-Iav foPa trto into t t n'Was iruvpiin? alone, ancs -hfxrl-r crofified the border whu he ml ... . T 7 f HHMWn4a was attacked ana amea. i"'. local treatment pronounced it incurable. J : aQ(j individuality of anythat ever Science has proven catarrn io oe acuuu- . . a:lTa A mnn? them is a creat ... - a .a . . -i i ncilb J xv n tutionaK iisease, ana W L.,. of Egotist, 2 22,sire 10 in the list, continnance of their periodicals, the consiuuuoiiai uw- ta U.f mil. of ' :.n:.i. J -.. mnniiranrnrMl hv bJ. unenev vjo. nvjn-uuuinxi., a-x -- j iiuoiiniicr uit -""-,uc r Teledo,0.)ioti3 the only constitutional Sprite,' 3 in list, by Belmont 64. 'his I until all wrreMruges are pid. crre on tne maruei of a considerable nam ol money and his horse stolen. The body ; iU novelty pyges pnpted m eight ; dif- . . y eQ U) at a ra(KJerafe ttntil Friday. The trail fl the bandl ferentcolorsid its. many new : v - m fc long WH,SFci. nedhTlGran beautiful engraving, ;js indeed, a won- . reaue8ttbat the rive? in Mexico. derfur-work of art: Wernave .oruerea , t , , , , , . .worfc Tramp. th. BiKdy Baada.- 1 I IlllllfK - ' , r - I caivliiir seed from Vicks for a numoer , i , j. cure. Send for circulars and testimonial F. J. rJHENEY & UU.L I Oieao. U BSold by Druggistg, 75q. j young- gentlemen to work 1 1 ... . fVi.h Unein Q of ye and UiiW "i" ion w u, as .1- fe kSSS.rrSS . justas remesented-fresh Jind reliable thonl,lr modern fashion has done away 2urfr, Fort Wayne and Chicagra roadv! and we can wfely assure our readers .it"..... - , ,;.v; r. Saturday m' , . . ji 1 - who juiwiiU Mt" r fcv-ono of them m- on-aenwr w r that if they waathoiitoodVMehe-p yet the young Siey.- Theraid was crfuctod by as tle cheapest, they will do weU t "C.M- ,A U tinn of stock for "ST", w aiHb od - - - . luioiL u ui xx, w-- - I wnxi vrim ooowww - - send 10 cents to James Vicks bojrs, ni(, .nrin,?. cen and fonr cn offloeri Th offl- f?Wr K Y" for their 44 Floral ."""""5, w . T cers wnt to the place in a Kocnester, W. l ior meir wywi. . -v.a. ' - v ...Jo vh, tramos. about thirty Guidehich also contains a cala- J TT K allv took .to their; heels when tho eehy have orgaxji w4'ii'ajij; alhletic 'I ... - 1 . . . J : - . I ' to be eal ed Ihe .TOIympic yit 'fob1... 'Torgaa'ilioo was ,perniijfnt atam'linc lat Mon- UeulienLlloimexf ' Jrm vice- i08e a price lUt of m, . rrrS v '-Th'I. lKiar out for ST - .j , Light injury- . dinner. i J . - iH1m.fMMM.' - i. it., ....... i. . n - i . - . - plants, etc. - As'the 10 cU, will be de ducted from your farst order the Guidew will really cost you nothing. Send, your order 1 At fhp And of i three- weeks time he t , v .A. w failed to putin hr appearance,1 but .the Taylor. (arlesThompsoti and wuuaia fjt'n wu twT in' nne mormncr Wlin iuei- B . 7 xz . 7 - Md will be sentenced tateT. ttu t:- ihf ormationlthat John would pot, re : pieaaod ynltty o the charge ojwn' turn.untolthe position: 1?ltrS2,l? ftSS'SS?, tVhy .not?" sfc the publisher. . ..tn 1 1 l I 1. f U. a year la Ww pn ? t bt fousd Heory Bowl, ,WWIf2;; i' G. H. Price, manager; Jno. r taU'i,. secreaW' and i f fesnrei ;: plerliiatou, collector;- audMsrs. TlietJ. iPlfand IV 1L f'U, rtre the executive commit- lllCl v "" neiirhbprhood L. . M - re. . i ! .4 ! - .i in : - ! r i r ast. A T n..i :J11! Moots'f imprr AicTn n f it'll, nir Vi lias ftfoinerjtjie farmlpf Mr.;J. i pwttetlsoitoutUharm and ,Mrn,iht jy has made a tirade with Kt ntlenUtl, exchanging his - We lot and residence here for the f .'fcirui. siid; that UevV Cobum jiwnf remove to Montgomery. 1 i,iU,,J-irn l,s done a great j and good -fiy warEi1 friends herejwho. re J8ee hutf leave. Hei is a good. it- T taiu, npJ w cmnrnhyd him to ; J .Wof jpcop'f m ihe UwliaVrie com yjwith whom he will kUn fallow i m f'- H blesscdn Iws new ' 'Manning; Items. , t'orespondence Watchmaa . Rm rainv. rainiest, we are navinRi trrii U XJ. u- k.ta ifww " iv."! Tr'Ilj' , - . I cii, u'u4 y I vo. TjOoeT. li wa ata ramy wea her, . r - . - : . I - . mnpn:nfrlCj0OTy, bd will be Sentenced at tho end- There will lie several Chopping? in wis i. ;v" " . - V of the term. - ; od this week. r to get hee, and then re is not usetr io Ad ne tailed nim.ru. nrxTlKGKOS, Pa., January 30. nUe, ii 1. mc VtfvV with Ws vopnir wife oM Mm und his ten months v. ntVmr. Geo. Tj. McCtnm, ol vi v - - , , nlvpr from nnuer xi. oiyy, F"" , --libra his ml low ana umi a r? , L i-i. v.T, Hi. wife was in a . . . xv l.-i l-r. m.s nathinar Its mini auu wc . 7, head in the blood from the wound when they were diecovorea oy 111-.-bors. ' - - ' lyiu doses of 10 drops to a teaspoonfui m tUe jlst e a daughter of It acts directly on the blood and mucous 1 nn Wh yraiid- "--. . .i.; ..,W TKPV offer one ua whu iiu ..., .-1 -o- hu,1.oco"1 V.,c r" :i " .1-enters of GeORGK WILKES. 4 DeHU- huiulreanoiiarstor f-ny cas 11. l ?ci" 1 .. VnDr.i 9 11? nd o ...J .,rl loalimnnk . 1 fiful fill IPS. OIlP UV jNORVAL. i6.14T ana two by the great Pamico, 2.10. The Messrs. ocaies, uyravme, the trrert bred Stallion, Piuxce BELNONr, 3,878, son of Belmont 64 f nf a dmifrMiT of the ereat Nut wood. 2.18. with 12a in the 230Ust, ...A ,.r.,u v.ma 11 nd daughters of his out of mares by Pilot Belraoj)VMeenger Duroc nud other good Sim. Occoneechee Parin, and rair ..View Farm, and the 'eateof the late Con sul General A. D. Jones, and others. make valuable consignments. Amoug these is a son of Pamlico, 2.1t, .rrun.lsoil of William L,sire of Axtel, OIO nirv r.RIAlt has in H li W. X M. wr." . . -1 rreat sous, standard and registered, iie. Franklin LHii- ill liuvu ihrp lieautiful U.uiirhters III sale one of them a racehorse. Ihere iii i,f. in it also, a cood son of rnoR- F0LK,8ireMissNKLS0N,2 17out of a Wilkes mave. CnniR to the sale and get what you ..I rr.nr ourn nnce. HS all taut' naui nv " .... 1 . . 1 1 '..t ,,.,i m., h Kfiid-to ine log ueu uiusw or. hiKhest bid. Sales to commence 11 :d) A. M. each day. Send for catalogue mvm.r hreeding.aiid description 01 each animal to ie Sold. Addre, - - B. P. Wlt.LiA.novi, Faiaview Farm, Raleigh, C. ' . , T i - --1 - - . " ' ' " i- j - ii - - . i- . 1.- ! ' . vt Sp i WATCH . - : !- ' ; - " h :-- . . '. .. .. vs . . ; v.':"' NEXT . ' -:.-7,;. 4 'Vll V WEEK. : ..v . - . " -ffitl ' : '- -" . i' i ' - .'-'.-ir I -; ; i ; . 1 " . .... , - - - . - ... . :- . - ; ;; - ;i ....; m.A i 1 . .. ! ! . H ', ..!-.' ' 1 ' v .' v.- , - -p J : , .. ' . I.. '!. - . . ' I . - .". l - ' . - . i. -. " - i -:tV: . - . ' - j i .' - ' - !' ': ' ''T- i Hewmaner Laws 1. Subscribers who do not give -ex- ; r;-'"'i press notice to the cotttraryaie consid- . M ered as wishing to continue their nb- -"I- r. .. " seription. ' ! .. U 2. II the subscribers order the iit- j . r: 1 if .... i - ii - i ! EXSCUTION SALE. Bv virtne of an execution issued out o .lc.inori.ir (nrt of Rowan oountv on t Tmiffmpnt. iii fivor of Tobias K.esler against David Casper; I will offer atpub lie sale at tho Court Hoiise door in Salis bury, on Monday the 19th day of .Febru- ... 1 8 U It. Iiii'mir Mondav of Court. aijf iu.-, - r . i i . ... . A irac oi iauu s iu"1'- !. ..... the lands of Geo. Itilli Henry Kesler, Tohiarf Kesler Calvin Pool and others. containing alout 97J acres beinn in rrov idence township, being the trat Mn( where David Uasper now lives. ja i.. By R. P, Koseman, D. S Sulcrlle to the .Watchman now. Only SI .00 a year. lOOOO hthI Vs, ' ! You caanot iBlooaBul BOILS, IfyootiatrtttbledwttliJ i - - . . ULCERS or Mi?s Effie Barrier, of Salisbury, fCarrviue bundles , and sometimes he's . o ...J . .. t-Ki. .. A ii.,,.A.. .rh I n i .. , . . . . . spein omuruay u.git. uu uu.m.ij t .p.ntwiih hooks risrhtuo to the - - , WX. M wx-M w ' JT- " f Miss Eveamo Colly. nn of .nebnlwe kuowsocially Mv Miss. Nannie Goodman from near n , Ih 1 ti,,f r.,- ' j S.W.n ni.rht u-iih son hasn't been1 brought up -that wa, Vicc'- j"" - r --j r--. PIMPLES S0RE5 . . . . ... ta 5. mi W Wood is bid. A lew oo r,, in ihoroaghly cleanse '" b porities and ouua you uy CLcAKcU A W I 79 Prof, Elliott of Manning is now en gaged1 in. teaching vocal music at Mt. Moruh near China Grove. " Mr Mock Wyatt, of Pool, was visi- 1112 nis uncles Messrs Peasant and Daniel Wise here last week. !l I v Miss Delia Richie, of Wdodleaf,xis now sta)ing with Mr. R. F' Gtaham and'family. , , The Host and Davis millhow in the hands of Bost and Liiigle is now in full of onpriition. x- . " J U . xA s X Mr. Howard, otuowan: ' r.as con- tfticted to carry the mail 6u this rout fr the vear.- .' : It's a verV easv, matter io tell wheth- er'a giilds expectiug a man or girl ..alli-r. For instance if her -fellow is x. . " .- cprtiinghe looks m the tuirrow every fiv moments, ll it is a tan sue and I guess I wOiA have him learn thi i- v ii.- - i . business. i He did not and what's more, has nev er learned any other business. Now let us look at another actual picture, that of a son of a wealthy mill owner desiring 1 become a manager of the mill, ' t il ' J:'-' ". "But that is imoofsible." said the v-"-' - - - - - .v by its use. It is the best Diooarcnj Thousands wno mw virk , UlinU tem out rf oraer-Ji-" SmZ" hotlcl of suffeHnif naappetite. o)oy - .71XTJ icawui .- . nitlA !E22aCiL-C JOHN GAVIN, ""'.rir-- 5 VV Lc 1 arfiviriv ' ' T 171Jvr ADMIMISTRATOR'S KOTiCE. against .11 ViAvtncr claims Thomas Earnhardtieceased, are hereby notified to exhibit ffie same to me on or beiore we J v 7 "Ti" c All Derous iudeotea io aiu .- are requested "to make immeaiate paj- mi-lit TbisJau 2uiii A'--i- meut. i ais ju E ARNHARDT Adin'r. of 1 boa. Earnhardt. Tbeo. F. Klutiz, Att'y. 3. If subscribers neglect or refue t take their'periodicali from the of fice to which they are directed, they aie responsible until they have settled their bill and ordered them dtecntia- ied. ". : ' " -;1 -v 4. If the subscribers more to other places without informing the publiah er, and paper are sent to the, former lirection, they are bl responsi ble. : ; .. 5, The courts have decided that re fusing to take period icals from t be of. fice or removing and. leaving them . uncalled for, is Prima Fact evidence of intentional fraud. 6.-If subscribers pay in advance tbey are bound to give notice to publishers at the end of their Jime, if k hey do not wish to continue taking it ; otherwise the publisher is uthori-d to send "it and the subscriber will be rtsponsibU until an express notice with payment of all arrearages is sent lo the publish er. 1 , The last postal laws are such that newspaper publishers can arrest J one for fraud who takes a paper and refuses to pay for it. Under this law the ma who allows his subaenpiion to run along for some time nnpaio sod then-orders the postmaster to mark it "rrfiised" and hae a postal Card rmt notifying the publisher, lavs hm-Mf liable to arrest and fine the -..e .... i t theft, etc. U 7 . : i mm ;ii Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is always wlibu. the bounds of raaaeii becautie it latin; n always appeals to the sober c.;Hiroa ? of thinking people' bet auiw it-U l, ui . - it is always fully aubatanwaied by ti.d... beroenis which in the. fiuancial woM , wouiu acceiieu w uuuui m hcaitalion. Brlnd A a Ccia.oqu.oeo. Cx.btki.akd, 0., January 30. It isaa noimced that General Superintendent W. H. Canhifl, of tnef Lake Shore raih road, has resigned.' The auppoed cause was the fact that President Jewell de- i i rr,rrv his aTDointtcent CI lo re- father, "unless1 f ou practically learn the business. i 1 1' ! cently rstired. Cashier Sheldon dosen't. gOMEO. .i r-,j cViT.ii- shHiiioa was TlUfiayI would like to made paymaster. liLJ I f ; Ta. Death Bed Erlnr Confrtslon. . 8a,ir?' 1 X Foax Smith, Ark., January 30.--WI1- -Bbt to becDjne a manager or super- 6rowllt lhe tram robber, wounded in intendent we iprefee a man who has the capture of the Rogers gung at in- f.iKlr-nVa-and ondprstRnds .tta, I. T., and who is in the hoaWtal ,BCU ."'r r-7iV .' "7T 7 here, confessed today to parii1j-.". the mechanical -department and the, in the Monnd . Valley (Kan. hank ro ! X 1 Liil V-.; ! berv, and also the robbery of theeXr press ajrent at Chelsea, i. a. chances are that Brown vrffl dio of his wounds. : ways of erfl pipy ees. "M-Let ine begin m the rank V then," ' -r.;i -l- m- 'sz- - 'I . ' THE 8 ; ior.f i the direct result of being the ( !3!f!ttarrknown andigrown In. , lHaa. WW vxM w Mtl Tn IIM IVers State m the 1 th. fcest for garoen, -"" caX,ozm, Wo.4'" r Vue greateat value, con- but a reference boo of Ibe r lrncker Ulnlag useful uiior.u.v.-- ...j.-, aud plainer, togetlitr '01 . , r,a trr- ivt Is lb. fall direction, for A KTial feature for J 'Lii! lo descrlp- lions of irfUivr 'itiM. for rr- ,-oruge PU at. aad . vn rlc8 of dauand ft.no. vr'w 'Yi '7nW ! Feeds required. dyo A 7. W. WOOD A SONS, Setdsmen, Richmoai.fa. This oucstion is often heard aud ueai i.. as often unanswered. H is not always tfoeiaWrf!, should be. that the t ceaa on of U i ier and lrritaUilily ilten to ir.iijy ibe physicial Conditon of the persoi.K leCleO. lln "j'-rt harmonize" a man whose liver nas goiu- buck on him? If a man it tortured with rheumatimt how can he be expect raw ..rKiu ...i acrrnbUT Cau a cob firmed dyspeptic be expected to be cheerful m r ... . ..I. . r... . .i.iraf I n 1 only "way to rrm ive the difficulty is to et at the cause; Dysjte ia, rbeurnatisin, impure bliod and liver troubles yield Ui Homl'. 6armparill-; this ia why i it a fleet ive irai.tuUiierv PJlT 1 r mid u brcvenlhe vi oemiitst - el. - 1 "i. .. ;-:t ' ;7-. .... : . 1 r Mm 7. - 1 5. J -.5 1l 7U ':--M?;yJei " ' - ' ' 1 ! v ' , If iL'-. ; . : .- : 1.. ' v ' ? - . I ' '' ' ii.; ! if; : i- X . - -I i