Carolina Watchman. ''j. W, McSENZIE, Ed'r and Proper. suuseuirnox kat-es" 0:ie year in advance .50 .25 8ix rnontn. Threes mot ihs rrrr-r THURSDAY, Frbuary 8 1894. It was a great Democratic victory bat Thursday, wbeu th Wilson tariff bill, that will lesseJ Considerably, the cost of 0any of the estri of life, passed the lower ho, of Congres s by a vote of 20 'to lid Uude the exiting stresof the fltitiotial treasury it is ai. great a: reduc tion of tariff taxes as could be made. A number of the necessaries are pace. free lUtnd the sugar bouuty js re pealed. It is hoped the Senate will prom ptly pass the bill and thus give the coud: try the relief demanded. Seveu Kepubll voted for the bill and 13 Democrat gainst it. -' T ' ; The latest news in reference to legi-sla-(ion at the national Capitol we cjill from yesterday's Charlotte Observer ' 'The interest Jn affairs political at Washington-iff begiawing'ao transfer it self from the House to" the Senate. The . federal elections law repeal bill hasal 1 ready been before that body to some time, and now the Wilsohv tariff bilthas been sent to it for action. Senator Voor hees it is? stated, 'has promised speedy Action on it by tjie jftnauceonnrfttee. I ' . TJie Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Record states that 4ltho inkh u nnw Minim? ud' for the tariff struggle in the Senate, andaays that strenuous efforts will he put forth by - those interested in protected industries to .jbave t he WjlsonViir very materially mod tied, tosay the least. The Democratic Senators might study the House's busi ' ness jnethodsVith great profit at present. Now -jvouid be a good time for Senator Jliil to push his cloture amendnieut to the Senate's rule.'' 1 Suice the above was put in typea later report come3, to the effVct, that the bill repealing the obnoxious Federal election 1 Jaw, passed the Senate yesterday by a yote of Sd to 28- JWky Tfcere Is a ficiency. Secretary Carlisle considers a bond issue absolutely necessary to meet the deficiency Jn the treasury .-and to ena ble the government to meet its obli- (gations.. A valued contemporary mak- Ses the facts clear as to wby there is a xlefieiericv, from which we cull. Utiiess the i urgency were great, of , course there jvould :Ue no issue of bonds, jt -i jvel) to keep before the public the reasons, wltiqh . have brought t lie treasury to its) present condition. :' That nher the present ad uiiuistra .'. tion uor the Peniparati'c f)trty can le Ueld- responsible for this con dition is suscepiible of absolute demon- ' stratum. In J 889, wheii President Cleveland 'went out and President Har jrisob yent inr4-here was in the treas- - jury an available surplus of over 185, XX),000. 0 this amounjt 8,000,000 was "free gold " fbt rs gohi over and above the $100,000,000 reserve which ;t is Aie policy of the guvemnient to jiiaiiitaiu Intact.' At th,at tjuie, the ry jenne; of the government were i xcetd ng its exjienditures alut $10,000,000 J year, in 18.9$ President Harrison yretit out and President Cleveland went in., llow did the treasury and therev- . jenu,e? and expendilure' stund then? Of Jthe 198,000,000 of free gold on ly $980, 000 was Je.ft. During President Cleve- Janfs first termJbe gojd in the treas ury Increased $54;772,o66. At the end pt Presjident Harrison's administration there.wa$122,Q24,00Q les gold in the louiiilr.y tben there was wbeu Hurrisoa JHrasJuaugurated. .. f ihe retatioti between cue receipts ud !.exenditura5 ,.yf the go?erument were changed wonderfully by the Re publican congress which went in with Jrresi4nt Harrison. : The McKiniev arriff raised the tariff taxe3 on every schedule except two aud at ,the ame time, reduced revenues $C0,000,0C0 a year. It increased expeuditu for pensions $60,000,000 and added, over 70,000,0Q0 to the regular annual ap- : propnattons. ' 1: v ; The result w.ts raalleraaticallyr;ertain ; ftu we are iio, laboring under the .burden' which four years' of Jpubli- v can misrule placed ,uiKn us. it is the task ei the present dmiuUtration to . extricate tho-treasury ,ands the country from the unfortunate condition iu which President Cleveland found them yjhe country believes that the admin jstratiou j proceeding ponscjentiously and prudently ;n its ef orts to do this udthat it will succeed. r , JcU of Eepabbcan Eule, WiUnlngtOtt Mesaenfe?. , -' There are many perturbations ;u the OCJ',A religious and political skies J3ut the are jpiainly discernible now n the 'Northern Meayen. Jherc ajre Ktorin clouds gatlieriiig, and , Ilepubl eaii institutions niay yet. fried by siwh jcouvnlsionf and upheavals as this country is not neqaaiiited Vith. fix iwiu in u uoc narrej ot the South ivwed the Iraguif .t(,eth of discord Kill. The wind was aowea, wnin- wind -may Iw reaped Replying t5;the leading Northern Methodist Oran, ew Trk Christian Advocate,; Laffrty, of the Richmond j Advat, says this in part ; . j; hij. , "The coU-ssal fortunes inafle pjofhje by a civil war and a confirfcatioulriff, gorging the few with raffliojlsj(-of iU by- robbihg the nianj, Ust tected by Pinkrtou jaMzarie3 or IxmgUt rotersTwenty thoijsaiM wen own America.,; I hl: Ai i specimen of 'the "fiiOshed'fro duclsof the new era," 100,000 jfjelplH in nna ; Mm iifiirc()d oauDers lied eyeryday at the pubjic. soup noitea. . .Whether that is a utipenor. cvii.iiiuu r fn tK ffe. dancini? merrv cotton,! rice HDa .fgro laborer J-SP"-& linn unatir iudicial mind:.Mimpuf of - ... r hunorrv white wretches never bbov a life so happy as the healthy, careless, jolly plantation populaliori. i ion. A America, as Carlysleaaid, had made the' p shot Niagara.' And we are mltbe whirlpooj rapid. -4 An Age of Crak Sf yi Ji itiee - Brewer. i" iff Boston Plspatcb Jan Stih. . . I j H Justice Brewer, of the United States Supreme Court, in his address tb jthewa3 the only Republican who succedd xaie aiumni last, evening pait: a J- 0..jj oiuf ui,n il M I With all the splendor off its : tta- terial development, this is alsd the fage of cranks. Listen to some o theirj ut- tenngs: Making the btatej a dpm shp keeper un Umperace; fiu- nanqial problt iqs are solved by: caujung biuod to How bndle-rein i-epj parden of anarchist murderers is a meansj of justice; a long continued strike fills the mouths of the laborers' wife and chil- dren with" bread; dividing the fcjiool money oetween uenominanpnai ooaies accompmsiies uie grauu ueinocracy i 11 K J J it the .public school; taking in Indians lands helps to civilize him; putting a Democratic Senators will do as well as Ug.ou a Chinaman protect the Airier- the Democrats in the Houe done ican laborer from one wth whoinj he rfff refonn wUl soon htr bufc in. is unable or unwilling to compete tand dications do not point to speedy action i3 a means of grace tending to; the con- yij the Senate. version of the 'Heathen Chinese. Upon evidJnce presented by Judge In times so peace it is easy enough Durand, of Michigan, who has been for any man to act as Presjdeiiip of Heting specul counsei in the smug tbese United States. I refer ; you; to gling c.Ses the Treasury dnpartment the husband of Mr. . Hayes: j Bu it U!ig decided to push the indictment took a Lincoln-Gentle, greatf sad-to against vVhitney V Boise, Chairman '. "a iJ" ","",,U M,c i"?Vr T lmes and awful hcrrors jof civil . , J MI Justice Brewer pleaded not paly for scholarship, but for Christian jschoUr- hip, declaring thut tjns is a ihnsjtain nation not uy joiceoi ji at ue; Or ;;?oa. - , . -kli.t: I...1L-1L. L' li . I uno uUl oy ie nopes ana purposes ana laun 01 jtne people who hare wrought its glorious history from ply- iout llock to ;J5 tvnd wicti Islands, Silvern England and Germany.! WllmlDgton Mes&nje r. Silver is coming home to robst.The Gladstone Government gave it a blow in I;id?4 but already the folly of it is appearing to many. We yestefday gave whnt the Albany (N. Yl) Jur- nal said of it. We find that thqdon tunes, "the thunderer' prdiioujices the action of thejndian Gove4met in; McPherson's friends, among whom is closing its mints to silver as shbtsight- President Cleveland, are trying to per ed and pophesies it will prof e djsas- SUltde him not to try to resume his rous tonlapd. It favors the reopen-1 ing of the mint- to the coinage o sil- ver as the surest, best means of prevent- Uy that 'no break has taken place in mg serious trouble to British interests, the pleasant relations which have ex This is might? eood readinir and; de- ia k.... c ii?lits( nsl ! ' . I. n Iff T- ' 4r wver in; uerraany in rrussia puia ister Vori Hsydeu, :n a strong speech declared that something to restore sil ver must be done that bimetallism must be restored. He says the real, al .uusi, m cause 01 ine. long-contmueo and the bill will be passed, notwith mdustrial depression in Americafwas standing the silly stories which have due to the war upon silver. Thidk of bepn widlv cirrwlat .triU.Hn,, . ii. 1 -. ' 1 1 tye men of goldolatry and mten. xue enxmeu, saia no sure, permanent relief to the distress " AM. M 1 " w"ru nas oeen saia oy a democrat to would come until silver was restored to u., ;.,i r . o i .',-., , f . indicate that a single Democratic Sena lU rightful place. Bojtfe Europe! : and tftP w;il'Vn .n.i.t th. Kilt the United States .are iu-a whirjpool and they will never get out on r firm land again until they give to silver the same rights that are given to goldThe great nations will have to return to bimetallic coiuage if they would f liave f-telTO I.?flfValW6Id.Dt.b the officiaUnnounco- 111 uicate uiiuuu villa now oecDuie ap- i .I 1 , J . parent to the close observers-of events , . - .f s h" and the men of wise finance! PiThe Baltimore Herald, noting Sethis resurrection, of the silver quel ion, says; ; " v i ! 2 A r few straws, however, ind ,t which .way e wind blovrg, and a I few things have happened of late td -krive . 5 , r . y pve this matter rejiewed lmportancei It needs nd prophet o foresee thtr the closing of i thejmints ir India anl the repeal of the purchasing clause of the .rmn mt'AA n..f tuJu Sherman act did not relegate UtB isil ver question: to .oblivion,' Magnetic Nervine queits the nejves, drives Sray bad dreani and gives quiet rest and peaceful sleep. "Sld at Edwin Cuth.relJV. Xff A&klHQTOli LErriSB..; " From our KvjTJlar Correspondcan , . 1 President Clcvelutiti was one of the 'firt, cnide Pfiiis cbngvessional colT leaiesj.trxtend .congratulatiousJ.o Chairtnliri Wilson on thesucrss of hi tari? fiIit in tlue IJouse. Th oou grat illations were teleplioned froja the White House to tlwv Capitol. Mr. WiUou is not a man of robust Koitb ut IliA IipsK and the cojjlinuous ' v ' ... . becoming Chainnan of the Ways and SleaiiA fJonimittie has ul ui(st com pletely broken biin -down. He' has m earned a rest, and be" will probably Washinetou to spend several wtHka in snmi atiiet place. Uther A. i. h.......j u . thI innosia ta imbl3 f the IP . ... , :11 .... . .,.. ,,. i p;issage 01 ine 0111, oui. n iw-'m If l iu.. a., ua been calmlynfident fi'om the day the bill waa reported f romx the. committee that it would puss without" being ma- tfriallv chanaretL Th3 result shows that his cpflfidence was built upon aj t.nA ,;niitt ho if that niHii 1 lecUnl to Conjrress on a tariff rrform issue would not allow, themselves to be stamneded 4y a manhfactured senti- ment.againt tariff reform. i Represeniitive Dingley, of; Maine, . . , ' , ... . lauui, w v. " " T.r""" ; , rrol itnrr tin miiinmpnt , to ine Liirill mil aaoptea. lie uauvtu mag imc uuuu ovidedxin the whiskey clause 0f fho internal revenue section of the bin should be threexyears, as at pre- ent, instead of eight years, as reported rom the commHtee, and x the House Tote(j with nim. H Democratic opposition to the Income tax amendment,, which ut one time seemed strong enough Jo"endanger t he wnoje bill, began to grow less and lets eariy jn the wee, and a day or two bef the Vote was taken had growu ... . I so insuznineant that it was no longer considered a factor in the fight If the of the lpublican Central Committee of Oregon for complicity in the illegal llon.nrr 4,P Pliinucu . In ln,f Juds? Durand brought with him to Washi on lhe chief of a band of Lft!isf Sllllltri,iMr!4 wh-hM ..m sU..' DO v- evident. He it was who furnishpd the evidence a2ainst Boise, and he im- p'icates several other prominent Uepub licaus of the Stiite who will be prose cuted if sufficient corroborative evi dence can be secured. So manv lies have been told concern- inff the abseiice of Senator McPhrson. L New Jei-sev. who M rnrentlv ordere(1 South by his phv8iciall bccause of a severe bronchial affection, that he ha3 returned to Washington and an- n0unced that he will resume his dotW although his doctor says he will Undai4er hU life bv so doinc?. Mr work until his health "ets better. cal, state on the verv hiahest author- Pherson and Voorhees, and that all stories to the contrary are maliciously i fajs se. The debate on the Tucker bill for the repeal of the Federal election laws will close in the Senate next Tuesday diffeience on the part of Democratic Senators towards the bill. Not one I j u. i ?j , away to keep, from voting upon it. Neither is there any truth in the stat- - raent that Mr. Cleveland has expressed opposition to the bill. Secretary Carlisle accepted bids yes- fol-rhiv frtr tU Srirt fWYl fWVk t K.. J- : , . ,.' . j . ... . ,. ment recently made, notwithstand n l , i . . Tr " the futile attempt of the Knights of t u l l Tl r . iu twaddle from Senators Allen, Peffer Stewart and Hoar about the ilWalitv of their issue. There is some talt fa?or, of the Bailer resolution, which h . "rao y reportea i to the H0U8e being rushed through as a hint Srf r,: k Al. nt received for the bonds shall onlv L Uiiei to sirengthen the gold reserve f ua uul Mn ite-resentative McCreary nas ored- the right of way for the next inreeaays in the Hfwr for his .Hawaiian resolution, i is dear that .r. ( Bailey's resolution cannot come in i . '. " up untji the expiration of that time. Senator Sherman strongly favors Secret tary Carlisle's action, but othr I.'n.iv- iicans are trying to make trouble, hop - ing Jo gain somertisiiuidvantii and arduous labor which ie'''H H'w'. iu, h:, n Hsnidnouslv irformed since Mw A ttv H "V Rafter v General Nowa. : Rv. J. A. Rauinay has be-en ' select ed to fill Jhe vacancy in the inalo' school caused by llwdtfall) of Pn. Mi'ade, 'In what county m ll-lfih? iqtier ricd the vjcher, Catawb.t" ijuictcly nyponded u bright girl, ilurrah for (Jatawbu, A g rea t-gandnep he w o f Q en . Wash- J::.r .i: . . .1. . a the "Father of hU country. Jii Mcklenlnrg roimly GnJltffsell and his family ate canned cherries Sun day, January, 14t b. He and one of the children are dea Ajihevill Jan. 29.--Treasury Agent ue- " iraiisiwnngjne m ue oflBcje to Collector Caller. i Mrs. Sidlie Cunswell of Jurke coun- ty is said to be otie hundred and five ! years old, and "Big Witch," a Cbero- kee Indian, claims to be one huudred aim JOuricen. Dr. J.L Rice of Boston, Ma?s., w!l deliver two lectures before the North Card:na TeacUeVs' Assembly at MoVchead City in June. Suljtt, Scientific teaching.' .:' nil 11. : .1. -1 iiieeuit-oroi ine a(iewro mes ..sehirer killed . ... . er kille! a hog, recently that weighed 7t'0 poumja-iiHt, and claims that It was thbiggest hog killsJ in Anson county in several years. - ListThursday eveukig while play ing ba-Hcball at Salem, three miles from Morgan ton, a young man named Dale was accidentally rtruck with ft bat by n boy named Roper iuid i not ex pected to live. X.RfV. R G. Peiirson will begin a se ries of sermons ut Davidson CoJlege, February 20. Rev. Pearson has many fr,1(ls t HiekorV who would with pleasure his return to this city for a series of sermons. The building on the county farm, in which incurable insane were confined, burned on the 21th ult., and eight of the nine inmates were burned t death. Steward Holcombsnays he banked the fires at 0:30 o'clock, aud does not know how the fire started. The Wilmington Siar says thnt the halt-devoured body of a man was round near Durgaw last weeK. it was -. n i t afterwards discovered that it was th body of Sylvester Limb, colored, who had been murdered and robbed. Charlotte Observer: We like some of the ways they have in France. In I) ceuiher Prof. Vaillanl threw a dynamite bomb iu the Chamber of Deputies and in February they chopped the professor's head otT all regularly and according to the form of the . tatute in suoh cases made aud provided. According to recent advices from China by tho steamer Belgis 12,000 persous lost their lives by an earthquake, which com plelely destroyed the city of Kuchuo Fiity thousand cattle are also said to haye been destroyed atthe same time. The once beautiful city of 20,000 popular tion is now only a scene of death, deso lation and terror. " Henry Clews, the New Tbrk banker. dosen't take much stock in the capim ty howling indulged in by Republican politicians, lie says this count ry will recuperate from the panic of 1893 soon er than it did from the panic of 1873 It is hoped mat ne knows wii it ue is talk'iig alout. " A'lolher edition or the Siamese twins has arisen in the East, 'l here are now being exhiited at Hoii4 Cow B. C. two fine-looking boys about six years old. bound together by a liga ment of flesh near the middle or llieir sides. They are as much alike in ap pearance and a near equal in sizoas it is passible to be. E. J. Fuller, who was tried and con- victed at Fayettsville of the murder of Parker, was sentenced on Saturday of last week by Judge Bryan to be bang ed March 161894. It does seem that tliis sentepw is terribly severe, from' the evidence. - I Henderson Gold Leaf: Cal. Bur guan is home for a few days this week; He tells that the business out-look is more encouraging, he thinks, and in all his trayels and observations'iie is convinced that our people are as wel( off or better than those of ther States; he has been in, and certainly Nortl Carolina upon the w hole is surpassed by none. ' 1 Rv. Dr. Talmagp, "has tendered his resignation as the Brooklyn Taberna cle, to take effect on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his pastorate. The Tabernacle has been financially em barrassed for some -time, which ha some what embar rased Dr. Talmage artd h congregation, which is probably! the cause of this re ig nation. He will continue to preach. j i . ;;i Dandruff is due to au enfeebled state ofi the skiu. Hall's Hair Renewer quickeua 'ing and prevention th J daudi utf. the nutritive functions ol tne skio, neai-i e loruiauon oi .-' i !f ! r Snch Ado Ahavt Wntvicr. iw.llnjlrigionstar. , , ' " 4Jhe Eiisterii papers as n tile arc yioleittly opposed to an inc6nextax. All th papers in New York thatxwe jjsetjitU the exception of the. World, are opposed toil. The Representatives in Congre;-s from the Eastern States tore, us a rule, opposed to both Deni ocrats and Republican.rDome of the Democrats are. o". much opposed ,to il hat theyefu! to go into the Demo :ratic Congrevuoua! caucus and be bound by iu action. r 1 i Hon. fjourkd Cockran, one of the Tammany headlights, who in the Na tional Convention fought the nomina tion of Grpyer Cleveland because i he didn't square up to the ideas of Certain gentlemen, of whom Hon. Bourke Cockran was the mouth'-piece, under took to defeat the attaching of the in come! measure to the Wilson bill by illibuktermg against it, after it had been decided, upon by the caucus. We have respect for honest convic iiousJ although we may differfrom the man who entertains them, but wehave ho respeet f or t?.e couvictions that would pile tons on the back of the poor men and refuse to put a fe.ither'j weight ou the back of the rich-man. There is neither sincerity,' generosity nor Democracy hi that. . If they could give any good, solid,- logical reason for their .opposition, and the great averson they have to touch ing the Incomes of the rich, they would le entitled to consideration, but there is not an objection they make to it which cannot with more force be ap plied! to the present methods of raising revenue. ! If it be cla legislation iiiquisitonal, what is the internal, or as it is some times more descriptively styled, the i;.- fernal revenue system? It h;.s done more to demoralize and corrupt people than any other system of taxation that has ever been devised in this countryi with the exception, perhaps, of the high protective tar f! system. It is a pull straw between them, the difference being that the demoralization under the internal revenue system is easier exposed and becomes more conspicuous because the array of Ja violaters in the courts of the States where the in ternal revenue system operates with the most effect makes-it more conspicu- oiii.; It Ine liicpm tax encourage per jury among those who would have it to pay (what a reflection on people of larg' incomes), what does the internal reveime sysiem a, wnicii not only causes a nio:.strons amount of nerlm v but makes thousiinds of men biwlessi desperadoes who spend their d;iys in j violating the laws or eludiuo the reve- i il uue ofiiers, whom they sometimes Jr- forate with buckshot when they get tired hiding from them? All disease of the skin cured, and lost complexion resiored by Johnson's Oriental Sotp. Sold at Edwin Cuth rell's. The human body without love is a barretfTles ert, with love it is a paru- Thomas. Cherry Peetorul is known by its works. The experience of half a ceniury prores that no other preparation of the kind stops coughing and allays irritition of the the throat and lubes, so prompty and etn dually as this. ; i Unlike most proprietary medicines, the formula? of Dr. J. ('. Ayer's Sarsaparilla and other; preparations are cheerfully sent to nny hysjiein who applies for them. Hence thespeeial favor aeeorded thee well-known standard remedies by the WorcJ's Fair commissioners. j Befaess Cannot Cmed by jocarppication as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one wajf to cure deafness, and Unit U by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an. in- fl uined condition of tlie mucous lining of tlie Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you! bave a rumbling sound or imperfect heaf ingjnnd when it is entirely closed Deatness is the remit and unless the inflammation can be taken out and tbis tube restored to its normal condition hearing wilt be destroyed foreyer; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the1 mucous surfaces. We witl gire One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for (ejrctflara, free. . VITAL TO MANHOOD. I Da. E. a WESTS If KBVE AND BRAIN TREAT KENT, epociflc for Hysteria, Dlzzinoea, nta, Neu- : ralgta. Headache, Nervous Prostration cawed by ieohol or Snbacen, WakefalneM, Mental Depression, soxtesia? ot Brain, canting inanitT, misery, deay, death, Premator Old Aga, llarrennem. Loss ot Power m eiUier oz.Impotaacy, Leaoorrhcea and a reinale Weaknaaaw, IaToiontarr Locaea, Sprm torrhoea earned by overexertion of brain, 8eU aoue, orur-ladvlevnc9. A month's treatment, tl, for by mafl. With each order for 6 boxes, witi aSwiU sand written guarantee to refund if not cored. GaaranMlaMd by agent, WEST'S LTVEK PLLU eorea Sick Haadacha, BiUoiinieni, liver Complaint, Soar Stomach, DrpepU and OoosUd&Uoo. PUAftANTEXa iaraed ouly by Edwin Cuthrell galisbnry, N. C I T nmiMi ts. 9911 crnmt six. thtm wmk eaaxf ai out or tekca iBteiaaUy. in tU I IT! A8 A PREVENTIVE Ul W llI ByaitiMraaeUkfaBiMwibtoteeoDtnc top iihl to contract thwlwdyltw iufur Arrucrx taaara. Pn by mail. poaU fwu, 1 per a,r Ww far f. mtihium aw; ait la tn eaf of j Edwin Cutbrell Salisbury, N. C. 3 Friend And the best, friend, that never fail yon, is Simmons Liver Hegn lator, (tho Red Z)- that's what j you hear at the mention of ihu -excellent! Liver medicine, and jeop!e .h)uld not leXreiauaded ahat el willxb.' .... It n the Kii:g cf Liver Mdi; is b Her tlir'.n pill and ":c3 tire )laro of Quinine and OaloTncilrl It acts directly on the Iivf, K!dn.-Ts an-1 BowVds as.d Ives r.ow life to lh- vhble evs- tcm. Tliis 1.3 tho Tredicino'' yCu w-mt. S?l.l by'a'I Prnir?i?tH in Li:);::d. or in lowdcr.W ie tuken : - -y---'.:-i huo-.ti i a. - , i.: -!S A" CO., iiiiiUe',p..U,V.i TJna3ual Bihavior for a Corpse. A man named Hodges died in Wil mington Fiid ty night. ' After he was. laid out, accarding to the Review, some conversation; followiug anioyg those present n dative to a future state of ex istence, wh"n some one in. the room de clared his doubt as to the existernie ota heaven or hell. Suddenly, Mr. ; Hod ges rose in his be 1 and told those pre sent that theie was a heaven and that there was a hell; that he had been to the latter and was now on his way to the former and that he had b?en sent back to earth to tell them this. He then full back and expired. The Re view adds: Thjs is the w:iy it is toll to us and it is truly reniurkiible cir- cumstame. 'The report comes . to us directly from one who was present in iu the room on the occasion. Why Heo.s Wias. President Lincoln s:it, J'You cr.nnot fool the peop!c- a pecond time." They are too quick to recognize real merit or lac1' of it, and cling only to ihose things "which they find .to be whsit is claimed for them. Il is especially gratifying that the pale ofllooil's Sarsaparilla most th i(15v!in those' sections where it is U-st knovn. - The inference is.plain. Hood's' Parsa pari ! la has proven that it poesse gpn nine merit. It maiutaius a -high st:mdarl vhif:hiilir i:hiH't even silinrd:iih.f It is ihe people's favorite, blood-imnfvinsr and l.uildinjr up medicine, and is more '! (.wtniil.tftbic vftui' I l in nvfll' Ir"l'i All because llood'Cures. ' Tn view of what Hood's' Sarpap:rilln ha d ne for othern. is it n t, rejonable to hel,h'e thal it wi ast) be -of beilcfil to--vou? SMillFtpYpL m V.' biocn-n oj the narVvt. "tifj l.:.o; a.t 1j ti-il. Goii'iinobclfl nii ly EdwiirCuthrell Sulisburv, N. C. Shoss for 1st Waatliar.s Rain may come dow'n in lorrentf, Ihe streets may be covered with mud and water, bt you won't raind it if fyour feet are encH in a pain of Water proof Sample Shoes, to be found at 33. "W. 33"D"jFC,T at) SAMPLE STORE. o. of Ky. UnlTereitJ. Lexington, Ky was awarded F-1EDAL AND DIPLOiVIA BT THE WORLD'S COlUSiBIAK EXPOSITION, For Hjntrm of BoU-keowlns m BuliMn Munition. .f0,? and board. Phonography. Type Writing ant. Teleeraphr tancbt. For eiroiHwra. 1Ir, w 'STudtnL VrmnU LmlAun. K- n r v ar linllh Prln fimmpr(-lil ColleC? B. C.Webb, ' W. L. 'Nicholson. W EBB; NICHOLSON & PROPRIETORS Salisbury Marble Works. - rrr LARGE VARIETY OP MA-RBLE ON AND TO SELECT FKOM- SATISFACTION i - wit in m mr.K. i, Mlr Harvey tlted ' ;. ; LaceyrBlo. a . Catarrh, Hoart Failure, pa! ralysls of tho Throat i ... j7 "I Thank "Cod and 'llood'a $ar$a . ; partita for Perfect Health." " Gentleicea : For tlw benefit ot sufferlis j bn. mAaity I wish to state a few tacU : For levenl ears I hare suffered Iron oitarrh arid heart failure, gettg to bad I could not work aod Could Scarcely Walk I had a very bad ipell of paralysis of the throat some time Mjr throat seemed closed and 1 td Mot wallow. The doctors ai(Ht was caused by heart failure, ad gavo medicln. which I took according to directions, but it did not seem to do ma ant good. vMy wife me to try Hood's 8araparilla, toluag me ot iit Joseph C. Sndtlvwho bad beeo " i , At Death's Door but was entirely eared by ZTood's Sarsapartlla, After telle toff with Mr. Ssilth, I eoncluded to try Hood's- Sarsnparilla. When I had takes two bottle I lelt Terr much better,, I hart eonUniMit taklac It, ana am pow. teelin exoeW teat ItaankthCaad f : Hood's Sarsaparilla and my wife for my restoration to erfr hcmlu.f HaarKT IIekd, LaeeynhaVQ. HOOD SUXS pot Pl" or ff bet ae prompUy, mU nd ffltiwiCj. YOU 9 CAN MAKE M0XEY BY OBTAINING SUBRCEIBKRS FOli The Southern States. t is a. beautifully illustrated uionililv nujrazine devoted to the ioiUhi U i full of intere t for everv resident 'nt tkaith uul ouht to be in cviry Southern iousenout. - : - Everybody Can Aford it is it costs only $1.50 per year or 15 cent fjr a single copy. tj We Want an Ajjent in Everv Sou'hem City and Town. Write for sample oop ies and particulars to the MANUFAeyuKERs' ,Reccrd rrn. Co.. Baltimore, Md. MILLSTONES. HaAlnsr bousrht the K. E. PhH'lns Millstone tjfu.iirti-s, I will con1! ue to tumlnh h at-ii- k-uow. grit, lor corn r and vlie:it. AtlditfA , J.T. Wya't.- aiha ni) N. c. Call iwMlc to k t -v t tiiat lhy have rmoTei' the sti k riom tut ir store ruoui Ui!er tin t etjiral ful 0 R GO 3 3 S liaD we can lu"ke nxni Ior and la order to retluje our stoc'; wli; offer ' ' -- QPUf'HI D1DP.1IVC ut litiau uaivivJ ior the next . ' THIRTY DAYi IN DLIY GOODS. Call and be convinced that we can save you aiouty by jbui Ipk from us, D. fh JUUAIi & SONS. U L. Spsn: ATTOUNk Y-AT-L V. i TROT-, ' IsT C "Offers his professional services to tlie ptople 'of Montomery and ad joining counties. Ad'ltris him at Troy.N. C. DSE0BT. I. EAHSAI (burgeon leniist,) Salisbury NJ Jggy'-Ofhce hours 0 a. m. to b y INSURANCE. -O- 80UATI),STU0XG & RELIABLE COi onAKli3 FOR - Fife, Rents Life and Accident Losses Promptly Adjusts Rates Reasooakl. -J. M. PATTON, Agt. O.Tice at C. M. & II. M. Brown's Shoe store DR. W. W. McKESZIE ; Offers his professroual serviccto citizens of Salisbury ml Mirrouing community. lie can le fomid tlice up stairs over the post office or a Kluttz's drug store. j SuUcribe to the Watchman get the news. Only $1-00 a ytr i advance. ' J- T. IB- GUARANTEED. RABE

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