I -j aid tha n lias double the cir- : dilation ' of anv - other - weekly, pul lished : in thc ity; -1 'TO AiTEitonjlIoM : 4 j '. n SALISBURY, N C THURSDAY FEBRUARY 22 i i 'v V: it r w .... '.s- a -mm rmmm. mm-mmm- m m . t, .. ..asBBBBBSBa. a pbbbbbs mmmm. jr -m mnm. m m bbbbbbbbb , . mbbbbbb e -j mw mmm - . - m a . u 'a . j-. t - - i - . i n si . I iun) ' - ' , r---i-r- v If 1 18J4- . ! - ... no a is Dr. S&iaucl Pitclern ' ctli W X aJotic substance it r jgcrii iropsSodtWns in ferAa Bnarantce; Mother's iricnar - Castonsu- ' mtriu wtU taw that It work ' Xw Tork Oty. yout- do to JOHNSON'S " MAGNETIC Oltl Uttant KtUorel Ptia. Infernal and External. Cure. BnEtTWATISMf-MEURAIi. tM, K welling, BtM Jiitoa, COUC Md . 'V y4(-mM.3roo.DioUirta. Sow T&rot, yviiKAJ)ACiIE. U by magic. JOHMSOM'S ORIENTAL SOAP. AtksMd ad Toilet. ThoOreat Skin Ouf aad fgMUlf!r. tdi wUt find U , iao.t Ztotn wt hJghty perfumod XUt Boap on jSSit nu aba5utlPMTi Makevtha otoft aad velvety aad restore the tort com SSii l luxury lor theBath tor Infants. rjn itthimf, eleansea theacalp and prouaotea MfWtAot hair. Itloaaeei roraalabjr OTiH CTJTHRELL, I Sausbcrv, N Ca SODDEN DEATH! pa Community Shocked. "Iwt veuiiU, juti after! tea, while Mr. !"mbu lUrtmah, a iiroiuiuetit and highly- Wcied tit lzeu, apparently id the oerl t-.l Ljthaud spnfe, a!rwding anewMajt.r, iktket udileuir! Cell W tlie fioor; fe uMroa hind over ji is lf4rt i8!' iuUiUacK m Hi cnair, -svutrau uucun 14. i fue lamil -were atrkken with fbu- fcmtion, and. imiucUialeljr aummoard a yinuain. ' Jtut 11 was too late. 1 be o?d; mo was dead. 1 rli vsH iana gave licart m the caue.''-f Imbronk Herald. 'rrv Jar tae papers oooXaii atatements aadirU) the above. Even youth is no de- rf trfj'imt heart dUea.ier ami the awful rfMltrr arifh which! it is claiming viclinia ivMaponall a conviction of ita prevalence. I KaJer? if von h.aVe a avmptom of this jvMd dwe.ne do not hesitate a moment in pUndiog to it. Delajr i always dangerous, fia lieart lieae too often fatal. Some Jirsptoina'of heart Uae';re anortnena of flutterinir," or palpitation, pain or "M"wjn iciniqe snoui'ieTji or ra, r "ftf pW, am.Khering,.weak or hungry th. faintiing atlIg,!drovt etc. rttR(tTen. Yrk.Pa.; wrttra: "I wiffeivrt j hrt dieas 22 year. Freqnently loyl "rt wotjM era to jump into mv month-. ad my aikiortntne me yrv melancholy. PhyaicUtiS nfitiolip. i hornraeM xnticn wotae tnai. tr lirA hnl waM induced a twtfu4'l)r. if t lea" New Heart Cure. The ddy l f. jt froatlv roHev"l, and at the enft Uadtri I U) iiVo a kin? II v aratUuda la tOJ tnexiwwion." RnctweU. rnlnnfwn. Pa.. aitl 2 Ja. MTf.1 K.r fmir ter prerlow to bertn jtthaaof Or Milea Kew Heart Crfre I Vaa witvwhh hwrt dixeaw in a verv evere form. , w nn rallw1 cir-.. hnt with no benefit i3 Dr. M Ilea' remedy, one bottle of which uieraent r " I Jwa a wreeJt fr.-m hewrt .: MiW Kew Hwirt Our la aold a'l dm- Pe00 amMtir sniiranlut nr Mttit h th nr. V bottle'.' nix bottle for S. expreaa pre- a m poNUrelv froe from all-optatea or r! dme. TVr;fWileV, Nerve ind l.'w U per Wj;va to-e. t Vatted fraajf, Fiae booM atdruzata. or br BiauV For Bale hy airDrUggrBls. IM i n - t 1 -avquitauw i r ; er UK; K-St. tkt-SU!4 fit i ulicnlutKltr 1 ion! m i ..v-... i.ii iivi t.i:jt 1. i I -Mat- . i . ... .;...'. t-jttis ji mascs'vpu vourowii Votl niirl rirr.ttwlo ---'51: fEQuiiaieLife vcdliM own life uisurancc. Co,, " '4. C N'vrraiber Sjth, -V! Manager. ". , ' I wrj nt,,., ore nw ctaicmenr of tKi """'iyN KouMaile Society tuv r.nic PulJ. y, now D.a O'vure.tntjtrional rcasors 'ii .((.! -a. 1 1 brg to asy thartke ft, ' I..l (ivh c,!"''y .l-sictory one. and UuWio o.lr,I ':,firt;':?. "commend Aha Varstniiy, ,! fr ' V.: : -. i j jas,c. cinsow. cay Ask all youihA,. i ' ' Anc more T ;ul1 appreciate if. J;V- J- KODDEY, Manager, : apartment of the Carolioi. Eft HILL, S. C. K -Wd I t - . L--ot .. -."" - f cn Cry ior Pitcher's Qastora prescription, for Infiwts. is a harmless substitute Syrups, aad Castor Oil. is; Ithirty ycawr use by : . - Castoria. CatoT!Cti Colic,' Coiwtjpatija, Bour Stoniicb,; Diarrlrtsa, Eru-tioa, vaiwnit Lijuriovia taoljemtion. . i cistoria,1 lutd fehtH elvkys continue tc as St ham inVarULV produced beooflCLft. S5th Gtraet and Tt.i.Tr Kw York City Tm CarrAVR Compact, 77 Mbmui Stebbt, Niw Tom Cot IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT 1 EVLS MtJE. . There are single rcti.'. ettlea which at:l 2,000 pairs oi el) .. a net profit of S200,00'j a yesr. Wc nc 1 1 v-.- ; but we sell a great inany pt-.ra, the eit-ar jir 1 our ladkt', tnlssen a!l tj!i!ri ' eh'M ". ten cents a pair, and on o':r rim '. - 11 cents a p'.r. Wcrlul r !.-;? !;. i ' - each of thv fifty Ln-e- ; --.hi 1 thy sell on!y m airs of f !ju. i .-. aara m a y'r. " V.'c s!ioul.i L- . yearly divlJemtof SiCnrhar-, orov r i : a year oa the itiv tnifi:t. . We s-.l i'-s r". ' j a share. Tha price nut l-tttvltahly l ei.: 1 than $IU a shar-, N' !.-.' eve r 1 1 . leas thin this price, hUh it i - p-ir ' nonaescssablc. l:ieoqK.rM..t. We have over 1,000 ttockholder ,a-U.. is Increasing daily. SonM of t'.'.d p."...c ;; ! 1 holders crci T.8. Wall .. N. Y.s I. J I" ': '. N. A. itera. Jr Clii''C" j J. L fi i- Uliinc : : . Ksvansush. Kock. Ark.; 1. M. i:- a. . ' i Cnr.ialch.; V. C. Hallrttr. Arrc . . Write for a prospectus coutai:.;ns I :c r ani----; our stockholders, eteJ, r t .'' i.n'ir i r , "rme'oniaff U-oh.ir' rherttrith nr'mot-' Orders .taken for one or noru shares. I'ricc, j DEXTER SHOE COr, "sV baaifcti HU0E CO., Ine'p. ftpttal, fl,000,000 BEST il.60 hHOK IN THE rWOBIJ. '?A dollar intd it a dollar earned." . ThlsT-ailies' Solid French lon jrola. KVd "Bnt ton Boot delivered free, any where In thetU-S., on recssptof casn. Money uraer, or -J'uetarvSot for 150. Equals everyway ihe'boota sold In s'l retail, stores tor ei5C. .;(V. mako this boot oursclveaVtJierefore''We Va8r ami if ixny osie is Dot satisfied we wtu ) refund the monry - c6acnot her pair. Opera Loe or Vomtnon sense. widths V. 1), K. & K-", sites 1-to 8 aud h: f sizes. Stud your ';,- ill a-V. llfustr..: 4 . Ca:. Oexter SHorto.a4S?? ; -Special tervu to l)rl. - 9 Caveats, aad Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent btteiaesa eohiiactad for MoocnsTC Fres. Ooe Ornetti OeeosiTt UL 8. Ptct Orriec aua we can secure, patent o led time thau those remote from Waxhfnxton. ; Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patenubte or not. free of cUarge, Our foe not due till patent Is seen re. A Pamphlct. 'How to Obtain Patent,' with names of actual clients ia your State, coasty ur town, seat free. Aidfesa, C.A.SSIOW&CO. Ors, Patent Ornckv WaaM'.aaTON. O. C, MnS.VIuUSTAnVS BBaBBBBasBSBsPsawaBsaaBaasBMa.BsBssBssBBa - wtfti nrti niTTom 'rot eULVCn UMrOULtO Are Safe and Always Lelkiblct better than Xaaay or. Pennyroyal PIUS- V uei, Sey aledialh v. -sure remedy, uaranteedj-never fatu. Prtte ft, A i DDoquai le aareauiira. 4ab ui i k ojr a m '1ifi! )( O. VW JU W rmmy f9 V" iniyiM.7 , Sit the lifa, -that im k against 0usump- usuwug Only aeV proiaptfy. - .ve- Pht it Off. and. II I Er IE! ( . - j r ir v - if i a. a a- a r i w.h. r-aw . t vita p: Sg t Wiethe authority of an. act of 'L ( - T5 n la tuney Dr. ne?esa. It required aU act of con- Piereea flnMiw lffd THanoeMyrni aC ' STess to brfhp' the declaration from ,Umlycure.- r ,-:- ; Philadelphy to Washington. I It must be done through the blood andJ ' -r the "Discovery" is the most potent blood- PrendjJrBalaSeee Painter Ghost. cleaner, strength-restorer, and flesh4ailder CmeAobJ February 18. The prison- uaofl alartUor ; Consumption, and tlaryTStfereaffifte 1. over the stories of " aad bleodtainta, all riek to it For Weak " I visitationfby the spirit of Geortre 11. Xiunga, Spitting of EOood, bronchitis, Asth- lainter; jwh was hanged there on ma, aad all aeTere, lingering roughs, ifa aaT t angary 12$ IThe spirit J1 the mur unequaJed remedy. ItTa thiOafy one that's 1 derer is allegejl to make uncanny call euaranfeed. If it doesn't benefit or care, mt hispid, qnarters, a nnjnber of the la every case, you have your money back. priaohere claiming to" have seen thl Can anything else, at say pripo, be really ghost. iTendergast, the murder r of You pay only for value received. Bomethiag ise, that pays the dealer bet ter, may be o&ered as "just aa good. Perv haps ijt is, tor ta,but it can't be, for yon. m I' Speaker Crisp Si i of UieBlao4 I Bill Dicussi02i. fCSECAST FOR THE C01II5G DAIS. i- Xrram Iu ths Hokse For tho Wrk ' rit Othr :Mtten Pvatd- " la; and 'of liUmU ' . . Wajhuxotox, 1 JL Ul UU J ,iTher apprs no prosjject of a. variation from -the projrram followed by .the house for the list lew days. Mr. lount -huj Speaker Crisp's earnest support iq liia intention to ' kpep the . 6eignioraj?e bill before the. hoiisc nntil it shall bei disposed of ihsone wsy." "After the adjournment on Sttir Jay. the speaker was conTersirig with several persons, including ne:qrtro mcnibers. regard ing' the baine.ss ftr the coming week. U'e shall go; ricrht alone. v he said in his hearty; faKhioii, "just -as we have ' been going1, until a quorum votes upr-n ! th question dt elsinj debate, and re ', i mains until the vote on the passage of . i'.the hill' is taken."! ! "When Will that bei Mr. Speaker." was asked.'! :;J. ' "Oh, I thinlcwef shali have a quorum : with us on Monday; certainly by Tucs ; day. - But whetheiP or not, he eontin T ued, with something like criin deter ' mination in hi manner, "we will go 1 right along. jAnd the bill will, be passed.' i If. i . f This lat statetdent was in response L'to Governor Saj'efs, chairman of the J committee' on apniropriations, who had j exprefsed the opinion that Mr. liland would not suceee in securing the . at tandance of v quorum favorably dis- ! posed toward his ineasure, "AVTiy," said' Speaker Crisp, "we have , j i L i . only oeen nine votes snort of a quorum . . - . . : 4. . . in the house this peek. In that num ber were nine fpouUsts and eight re-;nblicansj:-',iipsf eight republicans ys-ui. oocomo ciKiiecfu, a ttiu assureu, when the bili is before the house for its twssazc."' ? I ; .How many' day the Bland bill will "occupy this wtekcannot, of course, be definitely stated now, but its supporters . ' confide ntly expect that it will be cut of the way by j Tuesday i night at the f nrtheresti, lit answer to a, question why ihe committee on rules was not asked to bring in an order, fixing the time for takin;? 4 vote, Mr." l'land ex plained that i undjjr existing conditions such a proceedig? would be useless. ''Until we pet a q'norurn hore, ho said,' "we couldn't adopt tht ord -r1 and when the quorum-is at hand, we wont need an'ordcr.?! '. Kl B " After the bill to coin the seigniorage of the treasury, silver bullion has been disposed .oti I illpresentative . Brown, chairman of V,e committee on elections will ask ti:ef"!hoie to tnko up the re port in the congest of O'Neill vs Joy ? f roui the elcyeut1h district of Missouri. Joy, u republican, Is , the sitting mem ber and the; committee by a straight party vote, ihave recommended that O'Xedl, a democrat and former mem ber of cbngress, be given the seat. O'Xeill b chairman of the sub-com- inittee in charge of that measure. So, ivhethett if is to be the election ' case or the appropriation bills that will follow thetBland bill, the time of the house this wee k'promises to be pretty well occupied,', n . Sukisv seaeciuie of the IVUaon Bllb The indications are that the sugar schedule of the Y,ilson bill with abso lutely free; sugar and no bounty, will be reported by;iei finance committee, without change, but with the under sta nding that the question is a to be fought! out bnlj the - senate floor, the committee 'stii Sting in the :, attitude of making no! reoinmendatibn on the subject, . , ' 1 !, . .. A, 'Hawaiian matters will probably en gross senatorial doquence almost to the - excluiettto'f other f topics. AJ- 1 though the newspapers have got con- : siderably ahead f the ; state depart ment in the publication of 'resulent Doles letterrt0 Minister Willisit transmission ,to?cjongress today m con-" nection wtth Mr.. Willis reply, -war certainly spring a debate. - DECLABATIQN INDEPENDENCE. The Orlrlnal jCopy'TKa Longer to llo Kx- . WAsncvQ-fo,;i February . 15. The original copy: o the Declaration of In depen '.ence ha been Withdrawn from public exliibltin in the stale depart- - mentl library, made into a roll and placed in a' Jox for filing within the archtres of the fc-overnment. The rapid fading of jthe jtext of the declaration , - and the deterioration of the parchment on which' Jt ii engrossed, from exposure . to thfl i light and ouT accouut of age, ren-' ; dered it impracticable for the depart ment to alloW, it to be exhibited or handled longe In leiu of . the origi- " . E Jai -documents; a fac-slmile will be nrad lWinif.Sln T'Some years ago it, was noticed that : the ink -n thr Bnrionna.1 ttarchment was gradually grow- ? irig fainter. e'eently chemists were "called on to examine it, and they gave S the opinion, (that the f ulrstrength of A.i . !, . , , " soatihg T wrth alchemical solution. uuw . tuts . experiment, was not trie a. tor thes fear that: the precious - V"PC5 "g oe .injurea in some way, and . also . .beeanse no alteration could l ba made an'1:nt.Thno waate mr dnne t slayor liarrison, is said to be especially aiarmeu aou, w ereat terror oi a per- sonat visiiauqn irom fti l&ie ne.lgn.por tn "muraerera row. WEEK LOAGHESS W; ri. PtCKHAM HtJtOTED. Srim Fall' t Cotallraa llltat ta lava Faaaof Stirring Appeals. j . Wa-suixotox, February 17. There Was a grim det arm ma tion manifested in the senate yesterday to push for ward in the l'echham case at the earli est possible moment TThe contending leaders were on the ground earlyVand there appeared to be little chaaze in the personnel of the opposing forces. 'x Mr. Colquitt (democrat, .tieoxgia). Who was classed with" thaj anti-l'eck-ham contingent, was said to have gone over to the administration, but . the op ponents' of Mr. Peckham say they have not counted lim&s one of their num ber. A 1 o'clock the doors of the senate were closed and the battle of Thursday wa4! renewed; , Considerable routine .business was .transacted ftrst and tt was pot until I o dock that Aljas Jt the floor and began hWetel lavoroi t'ecknam. .-t lie fore "the doors closed he occupied himself arranging a great mass of let ters and fMpers, which, it is up-' posed, formed the ground work of his argument. i Hoar was similarly occupied, with purposes the opposite of Vilas.. At 3 o'clock Vilas finished his speech, and Mitchell (republican of Oregtra began a jpeech iu advocacy of confir- f mution. . x Mitchell spoke briefly, and was fol lowed at 3:50 by Mr. George. Of the com mittee, who favored confirmation. (ieorge was one of "the anti-IIorn- blower men both in committee and on the floor. A vote was reached at 3:55, resol ting in the rejection of the nomi nation. - SENATOR WHITE NOMINATED For the Federal saprenie Court Jedg-eehty Vacancy. WAsmyoTos, February 19.- Senator mu, 01 j Louisiana, nas been ap pointed associate justice of the supreme court of the L mted States the position to which llornblower and Peck ham . .11 1 were previously nominated by the pres ident and rejected by the senate. This appointment is regarded as a total sur prise to everybody, as it was confidently expected that New York would secure the prize. - . ' MURDER OF SEVERO GARCIA. Intense Excitement and a I'robable L,yncTst ins the Outcome f it All. Sax Axxoxio, Texas, February 19. The excitement in Starr county over the recent murder of Severo Garcia, one" of the most prominent stockmen of that section, has not subsided, and the fce'ings against the men arrested charged with the crime is so intense that lynching is feared. The alleged assassins arc all well known young men of the lower Bio Grande border! Uarcia's body was riddlad with bul lets, and was found by cN detachment of Texas rangers buried under , a sand hill. Garcia had hen mLssinir from home several days whori his body was found. FIGHT IN A CHURCH. Fis'oU Were Firexl and CKsira Hurled-The Cause of tbs Troable. Nashville, February 19. The bit ter war that has been raging in the First colored liaptist church of this city broke out anew yesterday and a general fight with chairs and pistols followed an attempt to read a petition. At one time about everybody in the house had a chair drawn on some one else. One sister went out of 'the win dow with a chair hung over her head, carrying sash and alL Another wo man, when arrested, fainted while be iujr lilted into the patrol wagon and was left behind. TENNESSEE'S BONDS FLOATED. Six II and red Thousand Dollars Are Taken at Far In New York. Z New York, February i7. Latham, Alexander & Co., fiscal agents for the state of Tennessee, concluded yes terday one of the most important finan cial operations that has been made in behalf of any southern state for a long time. They sold to Blair & Co.k bank ers. $tt00,noo'of 4 1-2 per cent-Tennessee bonds at par and accrued interest., -These bond wen authorized by the last legislature of- Tennessee for ' the purpose of building the state peniten tiary. " 1 - Destructive Cyclone In Louisiana. IIomkk. La., February 1. One of the most destructive cyclones known in the history of 'Claiborne Parish, passed seven miles north of this place at. C o'clock yesterday evening, the roaring of the storm being distinctly heard here. The cyclone struck the northwest point of the parish travel ing a northeast direction, laying waste everything- in its path. .The casual ties i known thus far am one white child and one negro girl killed, and many wounded. Cleveland and Tay lor's store and steam mill were deatrov- edand Mr. Taylor was seriously in jured. The track of the cyclone 200 yards wide. , ' The Family Burled in the Klo Grande. Sax Axroxio, Tex., February 19. L. I. Parnell, a sheep man of Tobrey county arrived here yesterday and brousrht news! I of the drowning of a ranchman named Randall, together with his wife and three children, in the Rio Grande river, at a point near Pre- . , . : a. it 1 fri "iSiaio nan v mcenie, jiuico. iuer " is easily forded at that plaee, but-in axvaie manner the wacxm in which Kan- dall and his familv vere crossing was unset, and before any of the occupants could got from under the box bed they were drowned. - - -1. " : Colonel Oatea Gubernatorial Caaannlam. Wi BHisOTffX, February 18. Colonel Oates, of Alabama, who is a candidate for the democratic nomination for Gov ernor of Alabama, will ooen his cam paign at' Athens, Limestone county, onJ the 2th. lie has already arrangca me dates for speeches, during February andMarchi Laroy JIarrle Cap'nred Acaha. I BpffaloJ N. YM February 19.. Leroy Harris, the jalleged postoffice swindler, who held up fiyeUnited States offi cials with abig revolyer on Saturday afternoon and walked out rt 4he room aid locked the -4oor behind him. was captured at 11 o'clock yesterday Clif ton, Ontario . Ji2I LOXG'S STOJtYl a jumated Hnnter Olroua - Four Grleziy Eeara Witlj ! V)ld Jim Lonr DroDTvd himself back in bis chair and elevated hb! feet to a more" convenient level - Qfliust the Cottonwood under whicCt we were sitting in front I of Hilly - uawson s store at ;,San Warcial, iu southern Nety IMcxico. Jim was ou bid-timer, havincome toj New Mex ico with a bull team thirty years back, and what he didn't know about fighting Apaches and hunting bears wasn worth knowing. ' "About, five years ago," lie .said, 'I bad a bunch of ratlin rvor in"Arw iunj seven ty or eighty miles north or Silver City. purinK our first two months there! wc beard from various ixirtics who had eatjtle near us hat bears were very plenli- : f ul, and that one o!4 grizaly had run three or Tour outfits, all of them having failed to kill hef,lthougb i they had shot her several iimcsr The amount of lead a grizzly will take! into his anatomy without serious re . " i m sults is simply wonder fuU I ' have seen an old fellow fairly filled with lead and still bo in fighting trim. "Well, Although we had heard considerable about bears, wc had been there some time before any ol our outfit got sight of one. At last, j one day, two of my men and a boy had gone out to look for some steers that had strayed away. Their route led them through a" rough foot-hill country, and took them farther from camp than usual. The ; boy, whe was a little jchap only about twelve yeara old, was the son of a friend, and had been brought into the tnounr tains for his health. He was riding on a mule and was a little distance ahead of the men when he suddenly ran on to a big grizzly among the scrub oak. The instant the mule sighted the bear he bolted- down the slope, to the left, throwing the boy off, and the animal started for him. The men had come up by j this time., and while one .opened fire on him with a six-shooter the other rushed in, and, stooping over, caught the Lboy up in front of htm; none tool soon, ptther, for the bear was within ten feet of the boy. ; It proved to be an old she grizzly, and the men fired at her seven or eight times without effect. ' "yhcn I heard of It that night T said I would have' that beat if it took a month, but as we were busy at that time I did not get started for nearly a week. However, I got off at last, one crisp, frosty morning this was early in November a time of the year when everything is looking its best in that country. Never been, in the mountains in the fall, oh? Well, you have missed a whole lot, then. Why, the breath of the pines and pinions up there just puts new life into a man, to say nothing of the beauty of the "scen ery and the pleasure of the open-air life. "There had been several" frosts and the gentle breeze that crept down from the! higher land " that morning rustled through the fiery scrub oak and yellow quaking asps in the pleasantpst way imaginable, vhile underfoot was a soft carpet of dry pine grass. I traveled through the foot hills fully twelve miles, en tirely past the place where the boy had "fallen off, without seeing the sign of a bear. As I had gone! along slowly it was noon by that time,, so I picketed my horse to graze, ate my lunch, ami alter an uour started back for camp. The attcr- noon had turned cloudy, with the air chilly and damp just the time for bear, as such an f afternoon would likely bring them dowu to the lower ridges to feed on acorns, of which, there was a large crop. The bear-is very fond of acorns and will wander, a long way from his sleeping place to feed on them. The little spurs or foot-hills that jutted out from the ranire were covered with: a heavy .iu r iKolinich iuhI I felt oret- tysure that I would find something; on mv wav homo. "1 had traveled nearly half thadis tance on my return trip, when, on starting down the further slope of fht nur. I saw. down a littieigraae, fmir Wars feeding in the ! brush. Thcv were so busy thrashing around mnnnir th oaks iratberinir the nuts that they had not seen roe. ;iUy. horse was an old hunter, steady as a rjek. and I knew there! was t)odan- ger of his leaving ie. A wo lare- old fellows were 1 coding- ciose tu- rrether. Slipping gently from my I horse, I let drive at one of them, aim ing for the butt of his; eai ranging back. All this was, -of course, in less time than I can-tell it. "When the bear received my shot, which was,vufortunatelyr too low, striking him in the shoulder, he evi dently" thought for a moment that tbefother bear had struck him, for he hauled off and gave it a most ter rific blow, knocking it some twenty or thirty feet. A stroke Irom a full-grown grizzly's 4aw, let me tell you, is no joke, either as a J grizzly can crush a horse's skuITat a aingie Bwccp of his iaw, The beajt seram bled to his feet ia an instarl, and I let him have it ngato as he row breaking his neck. j Highest of all in Leavening Power. USELESS FURNITURE. -1; Merchant Had to Pay a Peasant for ' Throwing a I'rince at HIrrai f Pjincc Alexander Bariatinski wa the hero of a -vcryvamusing series of ' lawsuits a short time ago, saysr Vogue. .He was pitehod out of a iifst - floor window of the housebf VI wealthy merchant at Kicfl. who Hmnd reasons, for objecting .to hia; presence. .- His fall was broken by a peasant passing under the window at th tin?i who received on his head tha- full weight of the prince's body, be-? ing nearly crushed thereby. Law suits followed. ...- One of them was that of the peaaJ ant, who sued th6 f)ri nee f6r damage) inflicteir'by falling upon hi'm.V,Tbe prince, in turn, summoned the mer chant for having thrown him out of his window. ! The judges experienced consider able difficulty in coming to a; ae1' cision in the cases: It was manifest -j that the moujik.was entitled, to dam ages for having been half crushed by the falling prince. On the other hand, it was hard to make the latter responsible for the result of his journey through the air, which he had certainly- Undertaken,, ..much against his, will. , , ' At the same time it was difficult to blame the husband for turning the prince out of his house in the drastic manner above described.: After much deliberation, the courts finally determined to make the merchant responsible for the damages, basing their decision on a ukase of Czar Paul I bearing 'the date of 179D: "Every man has a right to throw out of the window into the, street , anv useless piece of furniturevlhat may happen, to bb"ih his house, pro viding that he t&kes the precaution . to call out three times" beforehand to tlie passerby: 'Take carclVfailing which he is . liable ,to a municipal fine of twenty -five 'roubles, 'and is financially respohsiblc'"f6r any- acci dent which his negligence may have occasioned." , ..:: ,. The court held that the prince, at the time of his summary ejectment was a "useless and .superfluous piece of furniture" in1 the house of the merchant, but that the-' latter had failed before throwing . the. prince out of the. window to warn, the pedestrians below, as required by law. Accordingly, the court condemned the merchant to pay the fine off twenty-five .roubles. .and four. thou: sand roubles damages to. the peas ant, besides the costs. D r'n with-Q i tan Victoria,- . Dining with Queen ' Victoria tloes not seem to be an exhilarating fuic-5 tion. A womau who has bee threJ describes the routine, which, naver, varies. The visitor ' is , co6'du4j,e3 immediately to her r66r5f":TWr$' she remains untile quarter or an' j our before dinner; Which isScifca". 8:45. FunetuaUy- at, un raimir the queen enters and l.h company proceeds to the o'akroom, where din ner is served. Tfiefe isiogefe'rar" t i-ini in.-.i Conversation, a tire .queru-.unu-inr- famiiy speak togathef, it voder-! tones. A i fcer .dinrror thi? qflpen .-ad dresses every guest fcbripfly. and rp-'' tires. A young attache sent from a foreign court and tuiisr Entertained' cives a still more gloomy vlow of the queen's hospitality. . FQr. ihroj hours previous ,ht was con (hied to his room, not daring to walk through . the corridors. -At" the" f ehdeiv6ft1asany indication. . , 1 before dinner nfrtmMpoice WDim.- At dinner two guestF conversa. across hw shoulders without noting, him. After dinner no, one addressed him. The next morniffg. expecting a special intef vtcti he was' ushered nt0 the presenceof apwnVate scOre tary and in a. few words curl.lj.dihperefbe drcrquite dead. 1 .J v F WTWTi v -I examined the old sht missed. Boyal Cousins to Marry TrtA rnrrrrinorn of fho'cnrnd dtfo& of Hesse and his-c(rusi prirtictes Victoria Melita- Cruri.sfra ranged several weeks aoj mivnn cnnntiiiryl tllt'ir CUCJ when the dulec of Corttrgytsrted lieT at Windsor fuJt Ifrfortliiett fcg- lau in Decemrbcrv Tho oCicial. nounccmcnt; of . tbsir- iSptaJ wbichiook place formally, in the.j)aJ: acc of Cob"ur i Tuesday afternoon; was delayed 3 til .lr'Ttti pri vately comrnunioaled tbe-onrperf and rmnrcss emperor and .ctnpressdptLer rel-a atives.' Tlie., marriage, according to the present arrangiicuu ..w take place at Coburg during the last " . a . 1 1 week in April, when me queen via be staying there. hadren Pq r fcr rttcheiJ Castor Latest U. S. Govt Report Ming IPlaIRE : Wa Dr. Hale a Prophet? In 1884 ' Dr. Edward Everett Hale's novel of The' Fortunes ol Eaehcr : was first published: TBo novel runs to the end of thtf century," and, in the year 1900; Tom Pooro, af Washington; reviews the last twenty years of the nineteenth century. He says in his review; "Theshares rose again steadily for five years, when I ,sord again. The crash of 1893 came, ana everybody supposed manufac turing was at an end. At the low est depression I bought Stocking shares again. , When tho com-fiany wound up two years ago (1898) the sharos yielded $G,050, and here ft Is." We reprint the passage from the novel, which is not so well -known as"it should be, for the bene fit of investors In, '"theerash of I893.n Herr Randhartinger and Modem Muik The death of BenedictBaudhartin- ger. the veteran Austrian musician, is a reminder of how new a thlniv modern music is. When he was born in 1802, Josef Haydn, the father oK the symphony, had still seven years to live, and when Haydn was born in 1722, Johann Sebastian Bach was in tbe midsLof hi creative work. These L three men ioin hands across the whole history of modern instru mental music and it is startling to reflect that this musician who has just passed away must have talked with men yi ho could remember Bach. Herr Randhartinger-.was a school fellow of Schubert and a teacher of Liszt, , and one of "the most widely known musicians- In Austria. ''The other, which was an old she bear, started forme and I opened on her. My rifle is a forty-sixty, wilh chilled ball. With reloaded shells," as - mine were, I used sixty-five grains of-powder; but I let her have it three times in the throat and once in the mouth without stopping her, and she was within forty feet of mo . when. I heard a noise to my left. Glancing out of the corner of my eye I saw that one of the other bears was coming for me from that side. There was no time for thought; what - was to be done must be done in- stantlj'. "At dismounting I had dropped old Charlie's rein. In an instant' Y had gathered Ittrp and slipped into my Saddle. Old 4 Charlie must have made about twenty feet at the first lunge. I gathered myself .together, and, as the horse circled around the last one, I put three bullets into him at short range. 1 but did not knock him down. The old he.bear was following me up, grunting like an enraged boar; I took another shot at her, putting a .bullet right through her hear.t, but she still came on, with tjie .bloody .foam flying out of her mouth and tbe blood spurting iira stream1 from her last wound at every step... .' li shoyt in. some' fresh cart- ridgeSj thb horso keeping some dis tance ahead of her' at a little can ter: J could but nottce the expression of ' ' her great blocky face as she followed meV'it was full of a dumb rage that was-srCKening xo see, auu ner biuuh, knowing: -4eyesy -now almost red,- had - -a -glint- in them 'that meant She ..followed me fully.woJhun-. dred yards,;growing. visibly weaker at:cycry oshamble, I had, in the, iroeantime, taken a couple of shoti. at hei5 QYF- th.e horse's taiL At the last she topped and lay dowV, too sick to go further, but ready' to fight 'stiU if. the way she looked toward nie her I , .;v.us-'" u,"."" j"began to Took round the seedhd .one I had shot. . fie nad araggea himself off up the" slope,1 leaving a 'bfOad traiV' ttehittd Jhhn' T ' soon ovtHddk'tfirnf' arid a1 shot behind tho .foTelb -settletl his case. The firsts When I' examined the old she "bear J fpupd. more .than a dozen, old Dullet wounds on her.' It. was doubt- fless'thc one my men had met and that had been the terrorof the coun try The " fourth one I did not see after the first bot,.,it having in aH 1 probability struck.up nto( the thick Ftimlier of the range.' " r hn'" '" Ji'"" - :"r rode bacV : to camp---bnd we x. brought back -the wagon Jthat -even-jbg- packing the bears dowa to.t.oa the horses, . and got them all safely in just at 'daVk! They: Were iri excel lent condition tobr fat, 1n fact-the -fat.on the-hindquarters. -of iwoot A .them, being threeor four inches, thick, we naa near spare nos ior a'wek and more bear-bil for cook ing than we knew what to do with,' Chicairo Record. Weakneaa, Malaria, Indireeaen aaal vnn trute. HUWU. It euresolekly. For aale by all dtaletai. aanrtirtnr Oct the ceaaine. .J.-V..- ; '-J t : i s .rt- r- ft 1 X ' ' : 1 ' A -l.iC.J"'"; t-;r ! I: - ! I- f 1 r- I U Ji t - : f .-T.-ifil i ' -- -'!-. zhirn -kit Z -t rtt - ! . ' . , r ". -.mi- - -i- t -1 ! -1 1 ; ' 4 - . i I'" ' . . I -k ' V fhildna Pry for Pitcher's i - 1