- ' ' . ; - - -., f. H - ! Carolina V, atchman J. W. McKENZIE, Ed'r and Prop"- BFx months Three, months IatenuktioaalBi-McUlliila. . ..- f -is; it 1 It is prophetic of good to come, says Oirable and excellent contemporary, the Charlotte Obsenreiy )ht there is a irrawine seutiiueut in faror of inter national bi-tuetailisra in the 4Vonf i.-: U .t,aa aitMmnt it W t N irUUgll rM"-t v T, lii . SUBdClUPTlU.N KATES. , O ie year in sdvauee . . ... -J .25 accompl&hed if it is ever .accdmplwed -s 11 . W- rcftrred recently W re ... -r-7------- - , nrieilfKftTnMliP.T'TP.R. Fran our KruLir Correbpoiuleat. -. ! Democratic Seiiator are ; satisfied wit li the ' prog res ruade by I he su b committee 011 the" yVilsn t-u iff bill, al though they would' of course, hAve been I..d to have had the bill reported to jU swoad-oU.i mi All t lUUfflur . N. C the full committee this week. Howev er. iliH time S:Writ iii irettTiivr tht? bill in -1 o V' rrnl recently w Ur,,wr condition is not tirae lost. Tira! of W-metallic sentiment in mgr V. democratic member of the Km THURSDAY, Febuary 22, It It Indifference! land. This baa been largely ,ue i I .. - A , K m - - mm Ilka. .onnnmtmPtit with Itte results of bUV fc' W - - -. ij i:. doW the tniiiU of India to the coin i1 committee, except Senator is away on aeeoiuiHii: his -VI At Ueofwlrer; Jt proprd oow M to the Woftue !- , , D .t. V tKu 'Ttto much indifference party, as Uidowu iu itaayow i.. A....iw.;..fH at i;httiatro in i&V3.ii(nai hju whi 1? ..mi.,tfi v shown by mdte 11 numberof We read in a&xchange yesterday that Twwwr:iiW.. members of Coojtret. !; iUm Pnittiui Dandtas i the other Tfi nlftlires made to a loiijc suffering peo-ij;Ia Mimitp -on Hevden : said with . . l ..ij U- HAt!" J.J Tw .J.-5! pie in that piaiiorm snoum - uc ww j perfonned; anl now ty for - performing then should be no .hould.bo Mcjdljr I0eempilllii, (hat iomrthiiig most hi !?ffc!!rSS:. don. ia Ih. difn . bi.metlliirt lagging. If,, howrer, as this w tbeonijrsowwou ox uw. j. Ev- nee ii health, has IHWI1 llWainiOSt COllfUUII. CUiiircinrv WittfSeujaors "Jones, Vet and MiltW - - , . who cotnpoe the Mib-conimittee, mm when tlie bill: is reported to the full coinniitteei Senator Jones thinks i4 Wiit4ot.be later than next Tuesday it will in reality be ready to, be report ed to the "Senate, as all the changes made, will have received the approval oi l ' nil of the dem- ocr.tts onJhe Fiuance coriimittec. Su- tlw part or tnese yemoc av vuur. taktne a siren hold on popularppmotl men, U creating a feeling ot dangerous Wng a sircnK , V je r . .Ifatru-t iu 4he miudat mem, Am rWg? 1 c. :.r ...ri a nn of them w have lust ouoted submits a iqunm-; ly wish some greater ( powerjtioii also from thfProvidehce Jpurual, ilmn our pen would warn them of the herct0f0re a cold rapno-metalli4 piper, we hi 11 cere tbrou-h neglectrul inainepnce. mi-c nn T - ; -7 f U1S tbfttlie nriuciole stumbliiiii pledges are not fulfilled the people will This is a sentiment which isgrowt gar see. is to prinuple stu iiD ing f ' Lx 17-. w, , Pli nn! thi continent hlock, although therefore tveral olher rruu.i.tAinTnt.dilAtoT conduct: - L.i ' na.lr;r. that it is articles upon which theraare aiffer ClitCS III UUIIIIUU uu mi vi vut. v.u- ocratic Senators agree iii saying that the indications all point to a barnion ious agreement. It looked at firntas as though ..v:;.' i,.H!ti ,.": ..V '.J; Representative Bland's bill for the uecessiiy lono mVI- - the UbUnC 01 WfiWn lsvnafc . aa uuc . . tuekreat responsibility they are uqderto fe UeinpU Bliide bi ,ns,8 of. JK. 8tJ5gn,ora?e 8 , promptly and bone-tly do their whole dwtioIW 1. the silvef tl,roul1 Wlt,"'ut a" T1"" tr.uWe' dutyj 1 Mi-:.' f ;i. .. ... ... but he made several ineffectual at- 1 kuthe various executive departmenti foeshon by 7d S tempU to secure the unanimous con- kalso tne seeming neg.ee. i ,iw!''""7'"sr-- " I Ut nPMurv in th al.iert oftm? dly hiaMt!.-ii Wth.. ,nternlioa ba.Ullic reement order from the eomutl on Rul L, flh thMiwd. of jr.. Democrat.; for 4b w ,0 . . bt . . tim. for clu.ng tlje deuute. Tb. i,w hvnot funrotton ' how'.riit',; -u- .. . s ? s I opposition not only refused to consent UVJ v 1 iMiMl must itrvm. k j s i w der tU fame civil-service laws and rules " i ' i 1 I f n oaf a ttmo In Vif a KiiK if nnf ihon .WM.kt;. very dlbtrVrofth.m ; -1" wor i Mr. Bland that the friends of tbCfll were nut out toowk.wa, for H.rriw.'. 1 ,n .uch .declyatwn lh from d the.r wbe Kangi . a quarter; ana as suRgeawru iu . 0 -n , . K f- . .u r t , - , i ..i i ftt;. TT uJ they did vote. Ex-bpeaker Reed became The dbaffection among the farming day when eithe England or the ; United J . . 1 . f and laboring classof voters of the coun giigV becomes ripe and earnest for iu frfKJ oppos.tion to Mr. -.hih linimuiM th rank and' filef . ..is - u. ..1 Bland sattenints to close the 'debate ma.i m a ivm . r.mitiiAHMi mmMrni I mx.i. -will a ir. mi. i - . T - , , r. KmaMuiim " " - ii-- I..., . igtobeh;ste r;C.Mr the hd to Call for the Sergeant-at-Arnis that our rep'resentatrveMn :tKt lim could cet order, Mr. Bland ofCongresa should deem it a sacred duty exisiing amuroance, mj "R,. thorounhlv nLd ' .. .. ... -.v M ku ka. -r..t tbut Ik will h the fiwt WMtooroughly mad. f,;rihin'i..;r.irnr.tnyMl. Thev nr i f.b fin- Representative Bryan, of Nebraska, dare not foriret that their ma8ters-theL,;ai .tmnnn i. , nn mat-lw gng on reform and iieople-are watching them, by vbom J a rfcuK thi natrint ran address "peech-makiiig toufHis first speech ibey will be held to render an account of . . , . . - v , fi will be raiide on thelslltest- to th thcirtevarubip, especially if the deair- , " .n.ii K- students of the Normal school atal- edreleifisnotforthHiomine Cent resutU than of cultrvating pub- tdJrl""- 14. nw,n nHl it fthall 1m so reidv for Paso, Indiana, lhe next evcni.i? he ,r d"r04 iVmavW well scheduled for a sh at tl.e Chic-ga tinn iviir the neonle alt the relief from .n,T U.rt i that ije I Uuipu Leagiie" .banquet' Jjjroiu hw its present ,roblery feature pow t,ie he goes to Lincoln, Neljr., and then b should be sreedity-Biiacted; the silver fi-vn.Mi.t L. to find its basis.i1nTer w,,ere ou tne a h ,l,sr ' ht ls Bicgniorage bill which 111 meet the pre- mofliMnetallist Wild be wise to 8Peak ttt tbe " th Gray- Bent demands of the country on the sil- Ane 0 K - . , sbone Cluh on uXarif lUform ulld Bi. ver issue, ; should receive the support of aiM'nwwwi ""'"oi. v a 1 .1 ii n' f w- thut.nvialnbeaoniadav. banished 1 meUlli-m. Not one but both. and a bill to repeal the 10 per. cent, tax as a money metal, except as subsidiary aator, G inever as an ora on State bauk isnues is auother pledge tknanA u loial b,dr I iir tnflinff tor- When he has anything to say he the party, under ouligatfins to fulfill asL,...- nf jlar and 5 lea, and P-ceeds in a straightforward, busine early as possible. tKu ir,dd .md rrr on But Democrats should go slow. In - ' r always carefully and resjeclfully; lis amenumg me iniemai revenue taws. -. - to His twdaJS Kpeech on thi Our congressmen must not forget its un-nd, w a dream whicti is defined , popularity at the &uth. and that they never to be realized. Oo the other 1 c ,u vm, as a com have wtfned victories oyer their pledges. Ihund the advocate of the inderendent.l P et ai,d Ullb,ase history of the re.alion ,in pacampaianioMvare no effort, to If aHd unlimited coinatw of iilvfr bv between this country aiid the littlt- reeal or gr atly moHfy 4ts harsher feat-Li.- u..;. Sfif BM,lrl u,w if t.i. islands, of which he trulv aid, "If an urea, owimes ius nos.me win ;i nw . . 1 m? -i .l . i. r . ftarthniiak'rf or a nonvn sinn in t wi mx, wouia realize uat ui uursuii ; - 1 - j " 1 i tf Arthnr Due&trow killed his wife and child in fct Louis. AJo. . . r . jj The Louisville Commercial ha joined the Associated Pressi, ":'" t . The trial-f "the Ctial Valley rioters1 bean In Pittsburg-, Pa- i ) v Bill Nye, the. humorist, b critieallv ill at Kiaara FaUs, X. Y. Town elections thrra?bitr1ri.w York showed repubJieaiTgains. , j Ten thonsaxul elks have left the mountains of- Wyoming for theUinaJ iirou neeimcn are airenay ar ranging for a trip to Niagara Falls. f A machine sibD will be established at Bartow, Fla., 11. V. Mayfield. The Phifer Moss f actorr. at RdeheUel Fla., will add a grh,t niiil toits! plaut. Four men. wore killed .vwheih. two- freight trains collided near UelleTue, O. The biennial session exf the National Trotting asciatioi, began Thursday. An extensive shingle plant will be built at Palatka, Fla., by Til&hman & . , "I"" :: . ... : . ! It ;U uoduubiedly Uetriiiaetlta! to th ( unit)! and! solidity of the arty that our representatives in the United States Sen ate cannot sustain the President in all bis appointments to important ofllctal positiousJ M rl Packham , of Ne wjVorkr Mr. jCleveland'i second 'Selection for; a Juji0X(Ts Supreme Court, U; a man jwW doe not stand well with his party at-home, and when the question of hij confirmation wa brought to a fi nal iotjB by the Senate last Friday he met wth as decisive a defeat ai did Horn blower; and all good democrats iuu.--t feel krutifird at the reult. And it i. hoped, thai Mr. Cleveland will learn from this tecood ibstlnce that the Dem ocratic party canuot afford to bestow of ficial honors and trusts upon men who are chroiiic Iwlters andkiekei; and who pretend to be better than their part y Af ter thr'u?n qualification loyalty to pnrty obUsratious should be lhe first re- TX ..Vudg be, submitted, quirement to fit a man for place under a to the chamber of deputies within A 'i , . . . . w " . Yellow ferer has broken out in Port have; a tru Democretic admiuistratiou of Spain, Trinidad, arid "is becoming J unless true Democrats fill the offices. epidemic I Uiiinu ilia nlmva urna mtf in fviiA urn A new ras company has been criven 1 . i,, t..,c. r2.A.,t ri.i. the riRht to supply the people of Chi-1 i . . a f cago. ' , ,v4 4: - v. p lappujinled Senator JEV-D-. V hit e, of Louis- A bill to make, football a crime has lana; Associate Justice of the U. S. Su been introdncsd1anv the MastaehiisetU preuie Cour'U and that the Senate imme Uouser $.?u: . !. . ' , , . .... o 1 t . uiaiciy cpuurmea tne appointment jus - Ex-Speaker Titus Sheard says Bourke , i,,. , , , - Cockran promised to Vote against tfc tice White Is a through Democrat, nlaw- Wilsoa bill. . 1 yer of marked ability, and a good man "Paul Jones'?has started on hl trin I fur tii niur(. mid hU atinoiutinnt is noSiw' w1, mOW rsatblractory: to all sections and will create a happier feeling among the friends of the present i administration. Mrs. Hawk wns fatally injured in Circleville, O,, tUrouuh a mihtake in :j..!4 - .... w .- .. ... ,H Action to prereot the sale of Florida lizards has been taken in Montreal and ban 1 rancisco. Archbvshon- - SatfJli has condemned Father M. J, Corbett. of Palmvra. Neb.. for his suit for libel against Bishop iwnacDm. . .. . -. - Mrs. Ballantrneromlraland. claims I every inairedlrut. have been, the wife of T, 4- lUrrls, pari fla combines ec to of Kansas City, .Mo. T" I. . , T 1. lt. J a .am. . fin Louisville, Ky.. f or protection atrsinsfc Chinese highbinders.- lionilla's troops are said to be shoot ing even women and children who sym pathize ! with V usque. Two bunrlars were driven out a house in St. Louis by two irirb. One ... 1 .; t. a . 1 " - Manuel (Iarcia,'the bandit Kini? of a. a 2aia-. i M cvvr-iajmiui isie. The tobacco monopoly in the Reimb- iic of Columbia, M. A.,, has created great dissatisfaction. In the opening game of the billiard tourney atr Iloston, Slosson defeated tichaefer GOO to 247. Econemy and Strength. Valuable vegelabli: remedies are usjid inltheiuifparatiott of Hood's Sar- sup- riila in such a (eculiar manner as to r-tuin the full ntediciiial value of Thus Hood's Sarsa- a a pari I la combines econoniy ana strength and Is t he Or ly remedy or which "100 Ooes Qne Dollar is true, Be sure to get Hood s i f I II II II.. rliors Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and ffi-cieiitlv. Just Like a Man. -' , She patterned him ome aightsbirts on the " sewing circle plan; -." And he stood it like a man. ' I : . And she kept him wildly hopping with her i T ' New Year's bills for bopping till b i though there wae no itopping. , But he stood it like a man. She made him search for ribbons from - Beer sheeua duwn m Dae.v . -; But he tood it like a man. When she bought some new ball dresses and sb killed him with caresaes it was hard he now confesses, i " . But he stood it like a man. - She made bini wearsome neckties thai; to fejtrfui colors ran. But be stood it like a man. And as might have beeu expected, though it was with uiiea dtjected that he smoked what h sttlcctedf- Vet he stood it like a man. But wban she took the paper that each day he ued to scau, While he waited like a man. And arouad a bonnet spread it before he'd . "4 tven resd it why, he cussed, and then she said it Wait just like a horrid man. Boston Times alfn Gerg SmUth UTaMa.Texaa.- SHAKESPEARE i ' wad , Why Hood.s Wini. President Lincoln said, "You cannot fool the people a second time." They are too quick to recognize real merit or lac- of it, aud ding only to (hose things which they find to be what is claimed for them. It is especially gratifying that the sale of Hood's ai-sajtarilla Increases most ra pidly in those sect ious where it is best known. The inference U plain. Hood's Sarxa- pari Ma has proven that it iose!te gen uine merit. It maintains a high standard Said About Hood's Sarsapariffa ? f Baa Bbakespear Ut4 ittffwU . IhaT. I think a wnW kre jvJ" swy ll roedlelue eieeps Hoid s SmlnZ nils. At aa XarUshmaa. s.jvij . 17 ellmsts. I have f olt V hwt veLfc- the spae 1 f.U tf I had ui?h anxiety or ASBrta oa atr adad. ? -1 taken It I Mt as tt t torn airtsjr bast montb I hd a rstura of prickly seemed hapoislbla t stanc p er & ewedtao host butt toller U p7 Hood,op Cu res tn geod eoadlOoo, X s4t1m an t Sddsanaparaia m th sprlac sai n Oaoaoa Surru. Vralde, Tnu. a41gesttoa. BUlousasas. loU r sil tojpi XT: t TUT : which others cannot Hven approach. Ill V fllTTf V lTl : . U the people's favorite blood purifying a - A 4 -: building up mediciue. and is more popular this year than ever before All thisbecause Hood's Cures. DO lOU KNOW Dr. Robert Wick ham, charged with murder, has been released tntJhicairo, uuv win ob re-airesuiu. T1 . ... . i iturersyas were auiea atirintr tne storm in Germany by factorv chimnevs - . 1 1 1 " r . oeing Blown aown. Six prisoners, one of them charged with murder, cut their way out of FayMtevillt jail Saturday morning. Fuller, ccitricted of the murder of Patker and under wutence of death. was asked to go with them but re fused. a r iUorjsu Jno. Y. McKane was convicted in Brooklyn lor ballot box fraud with a plea for mercy from tfroijry. lie was Monday sentenced' to sixyears in the orison at Sinsr Sin-r. A second unsuccessful attempt loSali?.bury, N. C. launcntne U14 Uomtmoa siup York town was made in Chester., Pa. The'aJe faculty lias announced that 00 mure ooxim? wm oe allowed in any pubue contests given by Yale. A girl claiming to be St. Anita has appeared in Jelec Mexico, and there is great excitement amon theindians. The yacht Florence and the ships ijou.siana ana tieorge Curtis, wh.cn re ported lost, have reached port. The two Mound Xalley train robbere got the death sentence, which in Kan sas means imprisonment for life. F. A. Abell, the Brooklyn baseball magnate, has announced his retirement from active interest in the game. Japanese Pile Core is an ttnf. tiling cure for every kind aud tage of tli 1;sease ' buarantced by XiUwui tutli- relL Johnson Oriental Soap imparts a lelicate-odor and leaves the skin soft and velvetv. Sold by Edwin Cuthrel', ttin Herald: The Kincaid Paniily Its tliiscounty is remarkable in one or two pari.ciilarvUf the sven cliiblrvii lxrn iill are livini?j4he oldest ieing75 and theyoungt (M) iwyears it; 1I1 1 1 ... ; .. . j ! . 1 oia, ii.tve i.irire lamiues una ni (.oil 1 a oe urouifiit " auorirtuiuu u twentv-four hours' notice. striving after to-a " that every move madeto increase the tax the imattn able, and that as between toworrpw, there would not be, except pn whiskey is instigated by the large and Ibe two the dream of the gold-bug is from feelings of humanity for the los wealthy whiskey nikuufactdrers of the rather the more rational; ' The qties- Te a ripple on the (surface of the Northwest in order to crush, out the com- wm t0 Ke 8etlcd,! as most world's afialrs, It is because the petition of the smaller corners in 'the at questions are, on a, compromise question involved in one of internution. Congressman Entoe. ofnesaecCin The, trouble b that zealots will l Inoralty that thi, Hawaiian busiues; diacussing the Silver SeignioragebiU In not look at bttt one side of tle ques- becomes important, benator Gray s re- the House, Thursday of last wet k, . gave tion. The "gold ' bugs1 think that; utterance to opinions that should not be they caa by the logic of CXistiiig facts1 treated with Indifference hy b jetlow finallargth all opposition intoinsen-i Democratic members. He believes that :k;i;. :i.. j j. . 1 sibiuw ana uene--tney cannot do it, the opponents of this bill are that class of f, . - , , i ... , wealthy men "who wbh to stop Ue issuel JiC HUr ,ucu ww neJ "aTe of any more money in any form' men 1 the pwertj ofthecountry behind them I I. a 1 1. ll v marKs auout tne nag incident are worthy of careful . perusal "A good deal has been said about the hauling down of the' American Hag in Honolu lu. When the American fl ig i3 hauled up by the order of a democratic Presi- 1 ;jj.itA...J it. J . . .i l-urt ail as r.n mir. th. trro a nuAnlo ..U.... of bonds which wotild prdyideVl''"""' w r r 7 7 - - y 1 "v"r by which they could invest theurl money anewat, or 11 oy acs or vrongress 1 J -;in "' n is, 10 tnillionslnVovernmentsecuritiealthe independent eoraaite of silver nnon "e u,usn- 11 vill never misrepresent whotrn not care if every itidtwtryin the nd that pbrty being a tnsjority, dent 11 WUI e hauled up nuder circum- country would perish "exceptthat ofcour they can finally engraft their ll theories ''taaces that will keep it where it U, un- pou clipping jHe believes that there upon the lgislation of the country by til the winds of heaven have beaten it had been a scheme. Inaugurated by thb 61 of brute i3they cannot db iti ml rag- 11 m "ever be hauled up 'd' Knor.-: nwill never be hauled . O l wmhv w . X .vavij.. issues process hoarded whoae interest eoupous are always , paid the present ratio wc lra magnanimity, the greatness, the in gold. But the speaker showed that! the country thus bfouirht to the single courage of the people, of the United VU S.Tf:ih not ' be States, as it did w).e,u jtasjiaulei P , uv.6ivi win, lucu iucra. W4ii . ve no need to placa Wall street markets these autodratic Now, if it be'true tuat tbw deplorable wmt and nore hotly : thtid . before. 1 w? lo 8ay P1 condenvriation of t he Pn -ii state of UDpardonable inolflerence really (The reaiQB Vould be ihat neither tne e'nt unhesitatingly, when he exisianatnat ttaasacmL.priM follua that a wrong bad been done r. .hrintar. V, -21 w Jttly Jt 9V tt eUld permanently. ine American people will always com tion should be tabenattbi timopportn.i n ''ill Wer be seb-'noTa President who does the right nuy to purge her chambers oral llndifrer wa luwty ana neQce permanently ent traitors. DemocraU can hot afford to until the coinage of both gold and siU longer nourish her most daaeeroua wr M mJ. f rait a convenient I i.u .... , . . . - - va MB9UIO bilC . ' -. - -. . . . t a IB '. ai . . ... I . i ar-w . . - . aific T.na rnnagr. if th.j h. ....... i more hoods 011 f tSal14 "P" wnawiaign:Ot47-;.r"- v--,.(:,9w.i5,uluWuwu to be gobbled ?up bofJM-lt itotU: Zj StfraijcHJ0 ,n Hawaiian Island on the sharks. ' : and the whole around would be fonsht lst J of .Febrtfarr, 1893. What are enemies, who only await tima film smvwl dtltasw iVs. kAMB iL a V fed them. Especially at thb time should nntiua 4h parity ? between her portab be jealously guarded when, because of traitorous desertions from her ranks, her vicious old enemy, the Bepub lican party, hopes by an unholy coalition with the so-called People's party'and by its u ual methods of deception and brib ery, to once mora ride into power, and fasten tighter than eveY the shackles of - the rich aud protected aujtocrats , of the North upon the (oijers of the South and West. But let us bopa they wiU never succeed, aud that the people will yet longer trnst their true and best friend. Democracy the patty for the people and pf the pwple, f them, bbonld : this be dobe? The Chicago platjoxTxi the law ofhe Deni-ocndkoif,-aaya; U ttould. How can t be domlrV Th plstfprm say by "iuternational uKresment" or by We guards of leigblation.'! What leg istalkm would afford ample! safeguards in the premises ! - We hare. no idea, Bnt we all knowti that air injjernatiou 1 agreementwonld clo?e Hie! question lift it out of Hi -field of 1 Wntroversy, and thua allay friction which interfere with buiness ana which will not sab- de with arir merely temVthmrv fth. ! menvsuch as would result from a Tiviwitn life-Unnre in office and makes 1 tory at the poll of w iii the other Jiw the longest time any person chu of these elements. i" ;o remain i oflW J w thing and who is riot goveruej by the mere clamor and jingoism that is iousht to be injected tnto this government." The Post Office department has de clared the Honduras Lottery Company, understood to be the successor of the defunct Louisiana concern, to be fraud ulent, and ' instructed nostmaatpra n . to deliver reitered mad to it or any of the men known to be cor. necbd with it. The iSlieilli? of mnnpv nr.lpry n able outside of the United States, to the same parties has also Iwn m nliiK.f President Cleveland has resumed the Puhlic reception at tie VV hite House, which a pressure 61 pub lic busmen compelled him to tempo rarily abandon last Fumioer. HfpresenUtive Boatneivof La., has a substifute for the present civil ser vice law in his mind which he intends m pusn in Uoni-'ress. It A M Bacteria do not occurfir the bloo.1 or in the tisstie 6f a healtey living Ijo- I ! '.t ..I I ' . . I (ly.fitneroT man orine lower aurmais. Germany will have war with Russia! So s;iys I he celebrated l 'r. Kocb within tliroe months, the Kaiser ii tne commercial treaty is rejected. - ' tn AlMr , h,4Mi ,rnv ,111Pi. Trnn TTtHTd Knva iAcri'mAl a4 ti I . . - . r v a vouiuuu aa v a ivtouut ir- i i i l : a i? i I Work on a new milLstarted-anda trials uut ne.uiny is Ayer a o .rsapanua. ma King recora was DroKen. Mrs. Luther Smith, of Huntinirtoni Ind., ha been deserted by her hus band. She was married last week. Zimmerman hopes to do better work than ever this season, as he will not do half as much traveling as last year. The Commons, by a small maioritv amended and adopted the Lords' amend ments to the Employers' Liability bill. The Montreal Bicycle Club wants the Canadian meet this, summer. Johnson has promised 'to attend if ft is held there. Bantzen. a town about thirty miles from Dresden; was visited bv a lire that rendered seventy-nine families home less. 4 -The Past General Workman. T. V. Powderly, has sued the Knifrhta of Labor organization for a balance on salary. The Keystone Electric Construction company, limited, capital $25,000. ha- been chartered to do business at New Orleans. Today the Pessemer-Iiloominir rail and merchant mill of the Pennsylvania steel .company, r Hamsburg, Fa., started up. ' The statuexf Napoleon, which was erected at floulosrne in 1854 by Ensrlish- Hnaa.ffeas been blown down and broken to pieces, j. j A special from Kiq de Janeiro says there were rdrty-nve deaths there Sat urday from yellow fever, and fifteen 'deaths from other (ever. A report has been made to the Enr lisH'Government by the Government in Ottawa-saying there is no pleuro-pneu- moma amongCanadian csttle. Mary E, Lease, the Kansas female statesman,' claims to be a Mason, and she makes the statement, that she pro poses to organize lodges of Masonry i! u.'. 9 a 1 .1 S. A. A. . . : iot women tnrougnoui ine country, j A JU-eijrnt auT: worK train on the , b vi IochI application as thoy cannot rench the Richmond and Danville, railroad coi- ' Jvi..;- .fit..... ti,. ;. lided .near Profits, Va., Saturday. En gmeer u. urant was iciuca. lwth en aUiiiiU Aiwa The Old Friend And the bc?t friend, that never fails you, is Simmons Liver Keen lator, (the Rod Z) that's what you hear at the mention of: this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not be persuaded that Anything else v. ill Co. It lithe King of Liver Mdi o; is hotter than pills, and ;es the placo of Quinine Jthd t'alornel. It acts direcUyrTthe ; Liver,j Kidneys aht"Bowels and gives new life to tins whole, sys torn. Fhis is the' -medicine you I want. Soil by all Drugiriti in Liquid, or in Towder to be taken ; dry or made into a toa. sVKVKIlY PACKAC:e-7 ! H ho Z StMup It rH on W' pTir j J, M. ZKlialM Jk CO., rtulwfelp-la. Cekfhest Cannot bs Cored LADIE3 DR. FELIX LE BRUM'S STEEL IHO PLIiiYIsUfHl FILLS are th original sad only FRENCH, afivnd r Usblacora on the mariEet. Price tJi ut by ' avL Gsnoine sold onir by Sdwin Cutlirell Salisbury, N.C. HAVING RECENTLY MOVED 1Y STOCK Of . f YOU i 1 - ' ! CAS MAKE MONEY: " - ! . BY OJJTAIMNO SUBSCRIBERS FOi The Southern States. It is a beautifully illustrated montUr magazine deyoted to the South., h I, I full of intere t ior ever reside 'it .u. eiouthand ought to be in ev -ry Souther. nvimiHViur a -v, , Sveiybody Can Afford it ' aa it costs only $1.50 per year or 15 cents ii ji h euigie oopy, ... We AVknt an Aeent in Evrv .dntW.. t audi Town. Write for satanleroh ies and particulars to the ; T MANTJFACl'UJtBBS' lBvcCItD fltB. Co.. ' Baltimore, Md. j millsto:;esl fro THE CORNEU I Forermly Occupied BY J. B. SHEETS. I am better prepared to sell j-cui Gro ceries cheaper than ever. I receive new .Ur.Ala . i ! 1 .nfl Kilt' ull L'Sti.l nf i.filllitrt .i... . -i "Ving oouifJH tne k. E. phll'lDS 'Uiimm. proouce, "u nKrnv Kir J V'l ! 1 WMI-iOO'liitw to fttrftU.ll UI U- gal vanizeti iratK-iKinu iiimik; . uui rust !r-im swe.it r expo--nre to weather. tsPECIAI-r-I have 200 pairs of shoe and some ladies dress gMods on hand and will sell tit and below cost.' Also all persons indented to me by ncc-Mint. note or mortgage for last year will cull and settle and save cost Yours respectfully, kiiov g.-lt, tor; sonr aud whtt. f AddfM, .T. Wy.it hs.'lstsr) X.o. S EARNHABDT. R.Julian&SoDs Call notice to t ho fact tbatthrv h.v imnrd lUelo. k tion tln lr bture luoni under tli- cnu.i ! iliti to lUHr U1 sio- uu Mher sum. w htt Muni. G0Ua)S weMU makt! ; room lor, ud lu order to reduce our stoe . will offer 4 SPLCIAL BARGAINS iex j : : ' THIHTY DAYS INIJUV GOODS. land be convinced thit we can aw, yeu money by buj toic from us, JULIAN & SONS. U. i L Spsnc ATTOUNE Y-AT-L w, OfTers his professions! services Is the pt-ople of Motitonierj snd'sdi joining counties. AdJ him t Troy, N. C. . ... - i WHEN IT COMES TO deTSt. Y itAHsiY a ara ' - r DHnUiilnO. (Surgeon Dentist,) But what we want is more in the chtss, and iu the rrder to increase mem bers we are making some close prices on Shoes and other goods, and propose to keep it up till our present stock is redncel. We have just received another big lot of samples and bankrupt shoes and re going to sell them if we can gt buyers. VERY TRULY. Salisbury N. XOfBcc hoars 9 a. m. to t p. iu. t INSUlANCE. -o- C. 80USD, 8TRO50 A RELIABLE COMPAQ IB : JOB Fire,' Rents life, and 33, SAMPLE STORE. pines and wrecked. several cars were ; badly t . - it .-mmmmm mm "1 Albert s. Rosenbanra, probably the -Wealthiest .Hebrew, in America, died suddenly at 8:30 o'clock Saturday after a brief illness from .asthma which had developed into heart trouble, at his home. 44 Ninth street. New" York.- VITAL TO MANHOOD. - Pa. E. C WEST'S KXBVE AJTO BRACK TKXA.T a ptMBlflo for HrsterU, Diiztnee", Fits, Nen ralgia, Bdach, ITerroaa Proetrstion csoaed by "icohoi or tobacco, WakeroloMs, Mntet Depression, Joftnlng of Bruin, causing avmnity, miiT. decay, death, Fremature Old Age, Bsrrennr, Loes of Povar in cither sex, Impotencr, LeucorrhoM sad all Vemale Wetksesaes, Involuulary toseea, Sperma torrhooa caused by over-exertion of brain, SeU abnso, oror-Indulp enco. A jaonth treatment, f 1, 8 tor IS, by matt. With each order for boxes, with K will send written guarantee to refund if not cured. QoaranUes Issued by aeent. WEST'S HVKK PILX8 Bum Sick Headache, BiiionKnoa, Urer Complaint, lour Stomaoh, lrspepia and Constipation. : OUABASXS issaod only by ! ! Edwin Cutlirell Salisbury,! N. C ; , diseased portion ef the ear. There is only one why to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafnes Is caued by aa in Siuned condition of the muoouf lininfc of the Eustachian Tube. When this tab jcts inflamed you have a rambling' sound or imperfect hear ing aud when it is entirely closed Deataes is the rcfultand unless tSe inflarawation can be taken oat and this tuba restored to its normal condition hearing rill be detroji-d foreTer, nine v9a oat of ten are eaasad by catarrh: which is aotfaing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. t We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that, can not beenred by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for cip u'ars frea. a mm aaiaarvaaaam Mia S1TIU SR. VMi naak iaf IfctCeH. WitOs. f m ar it ae taaea lalw llj. Vaca aar nBl mmmmm; mmt m ate mmm mt ,lfcOWlllHlU aritk BttaM. fMMBTBMiL 1 par Sua, er S ae far Si. win Cutlirell Salisbury, N. C. Suhscrilie to the Watchii an now. Only tl.00 a year. Losses Promptly Idjus .E.W. Srlav fViTB marrl ml Guile i XT. CRivaraiur. iaeztoartcaa. Kf- was awarded Plf?fi All Mint APIA I mca un stnira Avr th nost Ottice aitatiaauiu BvUIV Rates Raasonable. J. M. PATTON, Office at C. M. & H. M. Brown'a Sh DR. W. W. McKEHZB 1 Tr raa.-ht rtt . a. ? ar. a. a .1 '-a II fisj 1 tiff or Salisbury anu suj-rwj -ty. He can be found at W or citizens community tf TKEWUrS CCU'S1X1 CPCS1T1SX, ww wyataiawj m WtmmmX-mtt eatttar mmm Hiaiia Stialieaa Balaiaamaai. . Coat to compter n " I. ...I lMlMli..t.iM.. . wmf board, noaecrafjbr. Type Writlaa; am. intminTiuni, ror . ac auaiT; slid ru. cirenlara. addraa. Subscribe to the Watcbhak get the news. Only f 1.00 s n tid va nee, ) B. CWebb. W. L. Nicholson. T. WEBB,NICHOLSON & , . PKOPRIET0RS j Salisbury" Marble Works. RlA.BE LARGE VARIETY OP MARBLE ON HAND TO SELECT FBOM- 1 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. " 1, - - - - - 1- r

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