Carol a Watc&nian BRIEFS. Co-vLtxtr-y. Brandreth and J, J. Nert raan; all pra tical mining men. " The object of , Urn company is, j as soon as the necessary amount of capital stock can be secured to tneet at some convenient pointrin llowau county, general raluction milts fur reducing gold, silver and copper on',, sep iratiug every particle of any f these metals fruni the refractory Milphurets . pyrites, utilizing the. for-, met in .the shape of sulphuric acid for the manfucture and sale of a chemical ferttlizT. They are promised assistance v-t.ti.'r iw'11 J i- - - ? trom nortntrn una vtteru capua nV. Li.l or exchanged, for an . , . ' l Last we k Gov. Oarr offered a re- i -... rZrr 1- m lougcij cuauccted iih 1 . . .inn' n4 ou!tt!oiiut or if' . 1 . . . I I II ,,vc tlue us oujttccoui I -1 Fob Kxchangk.TTwo cum , ,er and job luting out- . i'.,jiT-n North ? . in cv-" r WV .Hfit. is tbatot tne .r-..i t 7 w,.r,l ..f S2.)0 forthe canture-'of 'VVih. 3,iptioii f fiJ i Littleton nnJ J B iloore who were sua- UDllSueu ai tl if ' l" ' . .1 ' . Si. a .rvrwi ITCWTVI l uulilunu ..,..v ..wv.w. f r ?KHH Gifeon at Tuv.iLc; u the iinilcteasjiJ job1)r!iitiugoffiee niht of Uiel3th ultM from which were lflclu4Hg u c wia property rtiH 'stoten watches and jewerljrt) the value ..-.JtV till. t ' :.. ilu the tllL f -U ..A CO VI A . .wt lil-i.kMl mur irii if .dpuuine uarKi.i"j ,m uu mi wju. mi uiihuim lvn... T , nropnctor, -"who f forced to !g2- j, 0fftfrejl!,y the gentlemen rrtire n . - - J- - ' .1.1 ' r.... further informaMO" ? j W. McKESZIE, bllshie,s ol, accoUut of faUtng ( Monro,h;ld fceQ UQtj I tied to -be'' oil the Itwkout for these light finwrpd rents.-aii soon after the at- rival of the Yadkin Traill Monday morning last he learned that Littleton and Moore were in town. . Summons ing Cheif of Police Shave ai;.d his s- If so - Grand Offer, j , J.,, (,y ,lo vou any good-? .-i.liva tiimi. -t rt''! AT ivrU. I - . . T T7I J hmi- roaluc? asmucH. i is v- 81stailt police officers r.icet .-nagie uuu .rlvpiiuoiu nil"."," . i M-.h-iinr tnuiil linn 1Q me. semen, IIC - ! Bimetalism ia Bostoa. h -VM "r- t.-i.-:.. m,.piwnt warran- rmuU first claas wgu. ----- . If iuhev of caslt subscribers: differ ad. the wateOrcla in ev No duU taken! of less than HUrh hvost accompany each. J-Srork at oce see; what you .can do, dforbaniile copies. . 5 tB-Me-srs. C. C. Wale, at Troy, J.-M. JlJt.Ulieau, iinj , n'i-irt6u. at V ntlf Montgomery, wumv, collect, Ouville, NewB-Observer-Cliroalcle. It gives us pleasure to"! print, to-day the straightforward Mter written by Genl Fr mcis; X. Walker ?n behalf of the gentleman of . Hostou who have formed themselves mto a committee to id vance the eaue of Jbinietalwm; reply ng to certaiii q'itstims propounded to him by the Evening Post: ,U will ot remembered that u short time agosev. era! eutlemyu invited niaiiy of the aistiuguhejitlzf n of Boston to form an ion to pomote bidieta)isiri; In this letter Gen. Walker incidentally mentions taut mue "but ot ten ot uie gentleman solnvite-j responded favor ably: aud he'iilo stites that the pro- rMiriiiiri anionir the ieonle of that re- c. - . .I t' . . . giou who favor btnm-al'.siu is even gre iter th in ihat: Tiis is an imHirtant stttemeiit. U i Agaii Mrl: Walker heart ' of one phas of the currency question when he; asserts that the Sontherh masW hjiviiig beeiijaaght that the Kortheost Advocates luonome talismi haveconclu(ed that its purpose in doing so is the selfish, one of'aggran dizing itself xit the Expense of the other secfioijisi Ttiat cinl;ldsi6n has aroused prejudice, which new can be allayed only by! a demonstration that the pre mises! iare oufounedt and that the Northeast does not jad vocate monome talism,! butllrepudlates I the doctrine taught by tlie Evening lbst and its co- lalxirers in financial matters. With regard to bimetalism itself, Gen. Walker; speaking for the genu men associated with hini, goes to the has gone to the lv authorized Hgents to solicit, collect J int for subscriptions o' olxa ' Joat'fur the Y ATCHM AN,d all f our rtoM wkoWe-dae us will please make Ze vf thw -ftl lJ.V "l beir v 1 j. '.1cKknzik, Alitor. soon found -hist men, both of whom were so adroi ly slipped upon that they were arrested before they realize tha fact that they were nabUed. Little ton had -a pistol, two gold-filled aud oue silver watch and a lot of jewelry in a valise aud pockets ot his Jclything; and Moore 'had one- Mirer watch; a lot of assorted jewelry and a pir of knacks found in the pockets of his clothes. A gentleman from Alexander county was , 1 . J mov metal. At pres- $2.50; a.ui for sums exceeding $250 in the city whoknew both the Pn.nt in'lhi Ai'tttr silver stand as an former charges will be adhered fcy The ers, and identified them as LittletOH aMxiiurj sotuewhat after the fashion of new arrangement goes into effect July und Moore tie men wanieu-anu ; i.-Uv '.f.l liin tl.P stan-Ut, 1894. tl.ere-is' nodottbt of their being the ' , , I ,.ft, 0 vmno in f.ntll. General Newi." Eead tha Following Magniflceat Offer. MONET MADE EAST, YQC CAS1)0 IT, SO WITT NOT TUT r . :- We call the ktentkn of our readei to the remarkable clubbing offer i ers in beware of Ointments for Catarrh that coaaia Uercar," it - The consolidated Methddistr papers As mercury - will surely -!fj destroy the 11 begin publication1; at Greensboro JJ"8e 'niell and completely! derange about Aoril IsL i ; :. - , . FJwni 'wneii'j entenn t . rii- . .. .. inn iriMii Knnn I n . il .1 .1 . v y An liitttois nnnie oturuia nasi UCin uc uami exceitL on ..1 . ? t . XMjneowiiuH .u?.w - to the gtio.1 vou can nohiv .1-,. stitdtioQ to t ie same addre for nn. : Wilmington truckers hare teen ship- frou thm. Hall's Catarrh Cnralwfor the low sum of $1.50. ipping cabbage, lettuce-and;; ra.lkhea 0: -ntJins tLt Yd. f iw ind we Uhiken internally; acting diilyu'p" nave wr.We. to make Jo our on mucu siirfaceVof the reafler- t The Atlanta Weekly Constitution. 'is too well known to need any introduc- the 15th instant. bj DruutSc. ! i . " avs x ,w p,ace a the nresiue ot the nation as a model week ly newspaper. It number on itUtff some of the most faniDiis and brilliant! writers of the day and on all publfe questions its lance is ever in rest to de fend the rights of the peoplelt is the and most widely circulated o New Y ork for some time. " , v a - - - . 1 KViilam .In K... ... J r pointed conuKgeueral ta, Shanghai, W;- s.rrnure will leave tor his post of 0 duty .anbont j. Chm & r 6 ..:..L r. r - - r 1 cyitiivuiiil9 IICC, Rev. Dr. W. . Black, superintend ent ot the Oxford Orphan Asylum, has NOTICE! i beeu appointed presiding elder - to lOf ths Valuabls Farm Lands and succeed Be't; S. D. Adams, deceased. ?H Town Propsrty, on Ciis&s Creek and Several casesf mall pox showed up X J97! 3? Town cf J in AtlanUlaWi week. eouseauentlv the UUeOO, C-t f .-T-..-T-: -. . . " - . n.,! :- .J. - V7 ---- people of that city, are Very much aK p0 i ZZ iir y Phw! in An4er5c:l armed. Every ffort is being ;nseu j Court of Mouigomery Uoua'tv North !kr. "av,ng circulation of 150,000, and it thereto prevent it spreading or inCreas- reuuer " Term r 18U2, in a r . V -.-i Uua theu and there peadiutf wuereiu uvm u. vvonn, KUardian of 1 the minor largest - . t - ' -k - i 5 . " j--I. '. . J ; ' t,tvi ?:.m. ?! - Is - - . -t.- '.- -Vf - j. i. j e f . v ; ....1. :. i--1--. ;-. : ; j; 0 : 1 VV '-' t 1:1? n-f Ilel VI. W. II. Uagley deed, is plaiutitt. Afpec,altp the, AfeWl Citizen tt,id M.B. Lassiter aud hU wife 8. S. sayv 'George Hensleyjbosholaiia kill J1", Caiur 8. Keams. W. F- Wooley ed RUey SheltonJrat nrettpnwas I?1 T IWm . s . . - -,! iV-K. aatl wile Wagie Ingram are defen- tned several years Jigo tor killing a man dants, for the foreclosure and sale of the ....... i fi,..n ..A .,... If fl n Imorlvrated I ud4 described in th -om- - ' - , P,ll;t.IH8aldsuit;I, tue uodersigned com- phe world every, week for a year at an Mi& iMtuy ise v curt,-wuo maue. uai-i uiissiouer appoiutea oy week. It is mitself an education to those who read it. By the clubbing rate which ne offer, onr readers -can get the Weekly Constitution aud their home paper at but little more than the cost of one paper, thereby getting the news of their home. and the news" of the court iu said ; Ion ascensions at the New Bern fa r. decree, will sell at public auction to the T ..... . .; ' . i ., TVJXn til bidder, for cash, at the Court I addition to this, every subscriber made the Ust or,e Br.d.y and in de- in ; &onday the 2J to this paper and the Constitution., un cending alighted in thtunddle, of the day of April, 1894 it,beiug Mouday of A .rui i.,,, Trent river. She u rurf wi.hout ? ,") - MUM La of La, der our dubb.,,g u n,Dge.t, k. - . . to wit: i given an opportunity to win some hand- damage except an impromptu and The 1st Tract known asthe Alex. JSich- nr:7 ntthertoolbatb.. I olsou tract pFJere. Luther place ou the A.,r,. ... waters 01 uneeas ureeK in said County, ( ic eji.ucu m Ve merely call at- show our readers waters 01 iieeics v;reeK in said uounty, hwio Under a new postal law- postmasters djoiuinglhe landsof Mattin Rush dee'd, another column. W , . . James F Green dee'd, Alex. McKoydec'd ... . .. , . no longer sell postal not. They will aud others, containing 833 acres. The 'entiou to it here to ... nf Aha liiiit fr 1 Thov (In lint stO! ...... j 1 . , , ,. v .,n( i,l.-f :..t.. i.: .. i:i I K.... I with uii adtocaicv ofl ailareer use of ue fostal orders only, i iree cents are 7v",,:t rj,.., r. XLtA; i ."rJ ? wua1' " "UCI,U ""CVWC "tt,v w " lu 1 : w , I , . . - . . - . w.w. auiuiuiui: t4v lullUQ Ul , U.I.I . 'I'U -fT . .. l... .... nnmur Inrif.. ..nlimitd u to be charged for orders not exceeding Illtftlim. Marv a ciiimbef, uieiu- Auese uueis u,rt4lc "u 9U1tl v.w mvv.. w .v. - - I . I c " - - T I , ... ( . j. . - , , - . ivearus aim juo. r llUi coutaliili:g OOi i airuiiguitrni, wim ic uuiiBii'utwii,mm rascal; While on their nay they were trie-v I Gehi Wiflker repudiates the ivi.t Ueunett-, of N.,rwood,-wasliere , " i . H"llday. : ,' Mr.W.T Li!ly,of Norwood. pts- (athruoul' the i it v lat Sat unlay . on - his way to t),aiviile, Va. V -. Irsj V. It; Hirker left S ituril iy on r 'hVreftuUr-spring tour North topur cliae iit'w iuiiifry. Mislw "Alice Thompson v anl IzzV White in couip my wi;li Mr. Frank Tliotnj sun are visiting " friend. .in the Jlrfihie Lilly, ;bf' L, Stanly vfiHiutr, vv.'isiu'tli. city Sita-lay last, nave the V ATCHM A 5.' nnikiflv uiifi.ruiivHii Kiiiiit' ii:m in iiiiiilc tin i . a . e ' i. t "Ji" Tr.V V. . . 7 ,;smgreigoId standard and advocates a man. Dau Slaughter, who had I thrain; jtn.1 uispiayea- ana , lru, a . A8heoulltv;ua was Ul tried to sell some of their Hlolen iewei-t . - - . ?; ; . . :i j r '.. . ' . ,T . , standard aslgld iMf, , from the Alleghany l nl by a party o I r . """"ir.- . . ! I 71 To make this possible, bowser, the m. from Ashe and UncheJ. Uvlorsv.lletotnesuerm there mar, , ml3t aambl f Alleghany, Qia,le a fig lfr" he r, "et "?L the same al its commercial value; but agrtiut the , Veny nde out, he would take h pn-iG Walkrr v.rjr Correctly says that J several of ,nets to ri;yh.rsville. A good witlia rea:,bleUine3, with a reason- ,6ut iu the wiirk" tins, for our wide awake sntr- , .-, .. , , i ., , i. . . ,. . fi iendl ca.l -ripfinlini sa AffrrfepiMidiiig 18 moi.ths n ig- iU(l,Mr; FTink Williauis lerurne.l to. his In hie at -G-U K'nob, bi cbuiuy,:i : . '.U C iMwell,, of "tho h.'-sfe daily in 7 tlwsStkt th Giirl tte'OWr wa-i . iii'i irc ty Siti.-liyl ist. VYe 1 k : it be! te than Mil v in "the United Slates Dr." A.;. Fuller, of Davidson county, : las retntly sold several mining proper- itU f..r ?o"),')00. . The purchasers are Norih Carolina and Feunsylvaui:t.tiap : italists, it is said. V - ; : A coinriieinlble h'anrovenint at Uie . depot iv an .-id'litionai number of lamp? (which The Ruliniond &Danville people liavenretitly placed there t. light'- up 1 tile platfoVtil. J. .l.C .rbett, the fi f-fiter, lias l)tf MVto Jackson ville Fia.. was tried rfnd J ! acquit tV -for fighting Mitchell, and returniii ji -;sed S ilistmty l ist Su n- vJajnigltloirliis wy Ntiffli. 7 I Wtile on his iiunton our sea coast laRt ek;Pi esideut Cleveland had fine sport ; lie alone. Ivavuig bajiy;el one wild swan,' twentj jitese and more than thirty ducks, v 11 said lie never .enjoyed5 a more pleas r Mt sjiupthig trip than this proved. V "AiBirlier prpiniuent divine, Dr. G. 1) Parks, of the-Presbyterian church, i died at his home iu Cliarlott", last 3at- ifday. .He has been in . tln. ministry ' I far alxiiit forty -years; and once had ' thurge of -Third Creik church, this 1 cuuntv . - J ' ... - - ' ' i If you owe'iis your suo&mption for the WyTCHM.VN you know it and you 'rr knwTTis au honest debt tliat you are as touch iu honor 1huimJ to pay as for the We published in last week V, Watch man1 an account of the lynching of the killed (en f Sheriff ht lyuchiug party aud wound- theui, among them a man abdomen who has since aMeiriitio betveeii the metals, conjoint captured, whose name is R sv full! toinartj-of jtiie two metals will Phe" sheriff has him charged with ni.itr- iiiaintalii siahilityMii their valmv' der; the irieuds of Slaughter watithim , And he ftuiherf assorts that it is no! , order to a.vetige his death, while At 10:30. clock on tlie night of the at allinece: hit the money of ahStl'a recent associates ii the lynch- 2 id iustauf the brave old GeneralJubal couiitl-y shpuld 1 coaipw-d of equal ig business want to put, him out of E ally p;tsed quitely away, surroiii dd parts bPthel tvo ,netalt. or the !ue w.,y to prevent any. disclosures, he iu his hotne at Lynchburg, Va.,' by his uther!mVy rfp ujderate at lim-'S with- m , nt to make. Hose is in a b d familv anil friends, among whom was out pMucjig uiliicOtiy.etieut coase-,ix n .lor ibinjiel. He' steuud to be quehees. j nware cf nppro; c iag death', and met These atjthelyiews of downright itca!mHv'"Not long lefore theeud.he. bimeiilisUlf'-fUlf; as were the stales called Senator Daniel to his side aud men of this! cbuujry iuthe olden time, acre; more lamiliarly kupwu as theltoh erson Mill Tract. The 3rd Tract ou Cheeks Creek in said Cuuutv. adioiniutr the lands of John P Little, H. T. Steele and others, more familiarly known as the James Skinner place containing l'JOacres. 1 he 4tn tract is a town let iu the towu of Mt. Gilead iu said county, kuowu as the Wade store lot, with a dwelling, brick store house, stables and out houses con taining oue half acre. The first two tracts being the lands mortgaged by 31. B. Las niter aud wile S. M. Jassiter to Ciilier S. Kearns, dated 9th day of November 1881, and duly recorded iu office of Register of Deeds for said County, in Book C" on only those who subscribe for b itli pa pers through this oftice are entitled to take part in the contest. This is the most liberal clubbing offer any have ever been able to make, and we feel sure that it will prove im mensely popular with our readers. We call your atten tion to the lollowlu New Arrivals: ! New Dressooiis. New Whitegoods. j New Embroideries, f New Lices. j " New Ribbons.! New Silkolines New Irish Lawns. New MattingsL These mid lo s other goods we are en abled to sell at veryj low jot work, this, for our wide awake i-2. ' ..... r Gen. Jubal A. Early Tead. A Live Oak, Fla., t. legram to las: Saturday's Charlotte Observersays there is "a marked change for -the let- I IT 1.1. IS, .1 page 358 of Mortgage Kacords; The 2nd, '. ter in benator Vance s liealMi, -ni 3rd and 4th tracts being the lands mor- jj,. 3 nuich better and is improv- Lassiier to David G. Worth guardian of i mg daily. It is hoped that he may the minor heirs of W II Bagley dec'o, 1 soon be r stored to his form r vigorous dated 1 ,lh day of June 1HS6 and duly reg istered in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County iu book 4'G" page oos, to winch record reference is hereby given for more full description. taie to opeu al 12 o'clock. M. j VV. A. Simmons, Commissioner. February 15th, 1894. 1 health and useful lies. c ii" u res. COME AND SEE US. Littman StLichtensteiii. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I id: "I want to iell you good bye, and we are glad o see them avowed by M jor". Then bale his nephew, Cabell Eailv fauewell. Fiiyale telegrams were sent by Sen ator D .ifiel to maiiv of the General s Ex-Cor. fe derate comrades, aud many of theai " dtulthss attti;dtd the fune n l obsquies which took place. Mon day trom St. Paul's Protesaut EpiscH pal church, of which his nieces are members. General Eirly himself was a member of no church, but rather 'p ar- tri;.l to the Catholic. ; He was buried with both civic and military honors. Among thedistin guished personxge who were present The presents i .lb. .St1XZS if Represciitativs is inexcusable. Mr. 'exhibit the same to me on or before the band's seigiiiorage bill is not sufficient 10th day of February 189o. This Feb. 5ih il... -....I imi (iF . Tlieo. F. Kluttz, Atty'. of E Luigle. the disiingijished. giitlemen who com pose the Boston corauiitte-'. Gen. Walker does hot propose to have silver use'ljis'a money metal at a value far above its Commercial Value. Have its commercial viflye, if there be general free coinajge, j st as the commercial value of gold is tixed by the free coin age o tha t! were GeiuFitzliugh Le Gen.!i Bradley T. Johnson, Genabuey H. Maury, Gen. W. H. Payiie, Geu. Ejpa Hunton and others. - The Virgiuia Mditary Institute cadets' went in a body and 1 ijovernor O'Fei rail and staff telegraphed that thev would' be nresent iu fu1! force. The burial was at . Spring Uill ceme tery. ;'l. . ' ; Who Emptied the Treasury? Sijures v' , that Tell the Story. liolttmoFC Sua. - r . ... - . A conesdon'dent sends a cuttiug ;! t- i 1 ti metal. tut in regard to this matter of value, as we have fre- qneutly iaklvWe do not think it would establishing a new ratio to Value Jrof silver much above be well iu place the iinixirbuiCH to instifv the obstruction of ....g- busies, even granting . that b.struc iructiou may be justified 'on due oc c.ision. it would do no great harm in any case end the probabilities are that it would never become a law. But the House s'hould either pass it or vote it down.- The Republicans are filibuster ing fur mere partisan devilment; the Democrats who are helping them have not even a runes, I ud. partisan excuse. Phil. Why We Are Poor. Wluston Republican. We notice in our Northern exchan- EXECUTION SALE. Bv virtue of au execution issued out of the Superior Court of Row an cotiuty on a Judgment in favor of Tobias Kesler agaiustDavid Casper. :I will ofiVr at pub lie sale at the Court House door in Salis bury, ou Monday the 19th day of Febru ary 1834, it being Monday, of Court. A trac ot land us tollows; aijuuug the lands of Geo. Hill. Henry Kesler, Tobias Kesler Calvin Pool and others, containing about 9J acres being in rrov idence township, being the tra t of land where David Casper now(live.s. Jan 13 '94 J . il . 31 ON rob, Sheri ff By ltj P. lioSKM an, D. S to arise. from a contemporary, in whico thi 'ensh in thi Treusury"at the begin ning of Harrison's administration is compared with the casb iulhe Trea sury"at the end of that administration'' no nten:iu being mide of liabilities the result, according to the edi tor, that there was "nearly $100,000, 000 mure cash in the .Treitsurv when tloihes yu ware. Ii is our labor giveu , j. " pntered." The fact is "that when you lor a IrKe, and fi-oia it alone we ye living for self and- family l,erefuie e ask for whit is our own, irubtlug i hat you pay uss without the ne- cuy of our going or sending to you for ; oar ;m,mey. Seud it by mail, or i cwmeto the office aud leave it and get !.:ur receipt. j - .' ue mainspring to all :- live mining fnterprisesu thissecthm of the State, r. Uich u 'Eauies, J r., M. E., secur- i P' charier frptu our State Legislature last session, and under that phar ' ?rr the Southern Metallurgic and Min ; "gCiinip(iny wjis organized here last :. nurMl;iy,- The company I Ivus incor- P'&b d orgaiiiz.ld by ejecting Mr. .nes prdent-aud J.J. Newman, of this direct tnv tsecretary and t ie isurerT The 01 5 are ft. Eanits, JrM W m, Mr. Clevelaud went out of office in M trcblS89r he left a cash b..lauce, over atid above liabilities, according to tlie form of statement afterward adopt edby Secreta-y Foster, of $183,000,-. 000, while Mr. Harrison left 410 bal atice at all, butleft theTre isury bank rupt: Secretary Foster in the spring of 1893 wauted ta issue $50,000,000 ol bonds to fon ifyithe Treasury, but Mr. lUrrion woukl uotgree to it, since u would 'make too plain the extravagance of; his party. In Mr. Cleveland's first term the total expenditures were $1,- o17,6?9,0Q7r 111 Mr. Harrim s 1,412 31u,0UI. " In Mj. HarrisQirs last, thrtH yesirs the revenue was 31,133.38,801); r hft : npprooriatiotH ! $i;40Q03t?4l: f fcese last figures tell the stoiy. its cost of production, because under a rrraaf aMlVUlllW TAr 1 llfl rAllltlCT WU:lI r ? 'L i. . 1 , U..4 nni4wi r ruiiiiir lilinMriPfl immense quantities of silver may be .... - produced;1 cin oneisee what conse- fom Eurojm, E.ster lilies -from Ber. queilces might flow from such a great '""da, rabbit skins from E nope, etc., prodnctiop. ! Besides it is but fair t while with u localleit-. are in- .1 ii- 1 . 1 viifii 1. 11 1 1 li 1 1. 1 1 ilt: xvitiiS'ia vin 'i : 1 .......1.. f...... iKu NTii-iIi shbiild bofiratedrfor money purposes at caim-ige, nVV .1 .... v... , a value ulitlarlely their in- (frwm.:!h l . i f i it 11. 1. t wo-thirds of what we use m home, or- l.injil Dllna lilllul(l onnrll nine ituU t il nee, woi KsijAip, on lauu eic, iiiip".'- from a distance. And then we grum ble at Providence aud. tilings in geuer- auit Your Meanaess." - Ll W,ia we are noor. The Lord i i . ;. I I . . l l. pUnlefsoinetimes talk of mending helps' those,, we are taught, who . help a r j .-, 1 . . . - -.i their ways when that ; is not neeued. themselves, and the remedy is wnn Thev ouiiht hot to mend their ways each individual to do his or her part, - r . . - i - . . . 1 . .. . 11 j but to oait ithem, turn from them.ltalive morej eotonijr' aim ,iiUU- Ourchariicteristhe cUthiug of the facture and produce for ourselves what i 5 i-As . . I . , .1 jr. 1 1... a souh Now what the Y soul needs m we depend on oiners aa-oisiaiice w o maiiv caes is hot to have the old char , for us,: and on til thw is thine we. can ueter. th JolV Jiniieut mended, but to content ourselves to accept h good deal - ; 1 . . . . thrown aside and a new gJir- of what appears as unfortunate ana ueiit. not the old one mended, and there misfortune, simp'y because we do not are raanvf habrs that are not worth choose to remedy it.r meuditig. l!hy neei to be thrown off pntirJv And hfiw habits formed. No: I The marvelous success of Hood a the corner an I niprovemeht but a complete change Sarsaparilla is ba'sei-ujon the cornei isvhatinanineed.--A:ll.Presliyte- stone of absolute merit. Take Hood's llirouguout tue spring nan il i- LA Is Essentials to HEALTH.)? Yon cannot hope to be welly 11 your BLOOD 13 IMPURE. If you are troubled with; BOILS. ULCERS or! PIMPLES, SORES Kyour blood is bad. "A few bottles of SS. S. wit thoroughly cleanse the system, remore wi" purities and build you up. au manner 01 u i&nes are .-.. CLEARED AWAY r its use. It b the best blood remedy on 1 wKa h&nCMf It 1 SO. UHMWa " . T T' Z U!,V. ... My blaod was Mdlf pommca m T. -J, Caifferr appetite. aoemmrBMat of Ute. wo "'"; nroMfnt me urn ok. remedy for blood diieuw. Inuv r 1 itu TVavtoa- Ohio rreatise on blood and skin diseases mailed If ree-, swiirr srjst;iiv wshbh, Hard. Times Cortl!l7CrC lowest Vle-l Prlctft. SITIind PoUtm U.pO 15.00 A.- fiv3v.Mw -ni Traits SafeSS; Theo. F. Klutiz, MVS Ayer'sPills Are better known and more general ly used than any other cathartic. Sugar-coated, purely vegetable and free from mercury or any other inju rious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and ener getic in their action, the use of these pills is attended with only the best results. Their effect is to strengthen and regulate the organic functions, -being especially beneficial in the various derangements of the stom ach, liver, and bowels. Ayeis Pills are recommended by all the leading physicians and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy for biliousness, nausea, costiveness. ' indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, pain in the side, and sick headache ; also, to relieve colds, fevers, neuralgia and rheumatism. Tiey are taken with great benefit in chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers, whether by land or sea, Ayer'sPills are the best, and should omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all cli mates, they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. "I have used Ayer's Pills in toy family for several years, and always found them to be a mild and excel lent purgativrvhaving a good effect on the liver. x It is tne oesi pin useu. Frank Spillman, Sulphur, Ky. - Pitared by Dr. J. C. A yer ft Co., Lowell, Ifaas. Ql. 8U by Drug.t- Everywhere. Every Dose Effective ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE., AH' '.persons having c uiius h. Thomus Earnhardt, deceased, are hcieoy notified to exhibit the same to me on or before the 2oh tlay of January 1895. AH persons indebted to said deceased 'are requsled to make immediate p- meut. This Jan 20th 1894. I !?. A. liAJtNHAEOT, Adm'r. of Tbos. Earnhardt. Newspaper Lawa 1. Siib.scrilreis'wiin d press notice to the e)it r;irv .-i ered as viliing to continue tiim !eriptioti. 2 11 tt-e su'bsc ib'-rs r con- innaiK t ; pu'dl-er ?:.-.v 'Hi', tuin IU. til all ;irii'..r; me p. if 3. If subuciib' r neglect to take their peri"dieals from . fice to which they are directed, ;ue ref oiiv:ldv until they-Iiave s their bill aud onleied ilitiu d-r . lied. 4. It the subscriber, niovt to th . places without informing t' , er, and pner are ueiit lo tin- ' dirctiou, they are In , rj :. -' hi.-. 5, The out tn -have decide 1 tL r .0- fuiiig to take per odicals i r.-ui , is ficenr i moviig aid, hhv:?1) .f .bem fiVim -PM:i km id vnu niust not stav S . j I MM.. -- j - Fits, dizziness, hystc ria. wakefulness. af u-r eleyeri o'clock. bid d reams aiija softening of the brain He It's nine o'clock now. quickly Spuredj by Magnetic Nervine. She Mercy! We have only two Soi'l byjfelwiii Cuthrell, Druggist Sal- hours to say good night. N. Y. Week isbiury, C - !!U ; ic' ii. j 1 v , J Infl tmed itchi. g, hurning, crusty r ST leaseuii rive iu-eniouisi. cuurui, . . . , . . , . ... ;faf, r i , -fit U . . and scaly skin and fCalp of infant Lincoln county, was burned recently. ., . J , 1 u ,;'-n'"r? : . Y ,-i" ' soothed and curel by Johnxin sUneu AJsingn g haobeen Held in the church . j g ia by wm Cuthrell. tud the mre in tne store was not . pttv .rerly looked fterJef ore the crowd left, the loj is aoout $l,0K)r Tbre was no itiburaiice . t' ." H Recommend Job nsou's Magnetic Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, bruises, lame back; it quickly relieves pai.n For S-le by Edwin Cuthrell. 11 uc1 led for, ia Prima Fac -of intei tiotlal f aud. 0 II u!iT. ibei N .41 - aji louiiil to give i.itic- ,it the e -..' oi t iiei .'). Wih to coiiiii.iif i. the publisher isauin iiz'. - 1 ami t he su'iM-i ib"i- iviSi until an exi'ie ; - 1 ol an air'- i-w " i- t er. " -' .' . The last K).st.l laws ;ir newspaHr pu' i - 1 oie for fraud v. I'' - I' ' iJ j'! ' ' the muii h .i : lo run along 10:; .. theu orders the poitu.. p. i . u. iL "refusal" and have a postal can! ,jui notifying the pubiisher ! ;. h niielt liable to arre t and' tine ti.e .lame a for theft, etc. - - ' Of Sanjtarilla k aly wirtii ihelK;Uudar reaWH htcausi it is true; nlways appestU to the (.! rt iwmon u of ti. "inking prople'lramiiJ"' ii i UiM;; afld it is always lolly Mtbiji c.i i t-; ciaio; .finf-uts which in 'the Li-i i:.: w . . won d fcccrpiul wiihiut a iLtu.. j beitaliuu. - ' THE K3. 6NTH Being the largest, 1 the dlr-ct result of beln- Uu t 'L ' . u -d are known and crown la m th sonth: acknowledged to be 1 k..i mr mraeo. iriu Wood. Seed BoK- It U not mere catalogce, bat reference boox 01 me Kriifc , r,r. t-r.,i infnr.iiatiou boib f.r the and pUuier, together w na full purticuUtrs about , . ,ii r.tnra tor lu kj the full directions for rowing Beet, for Smrmr Hmlui alo de4crlp. ; . " ftrl'restrU. an lnvaluabU ora-e plant, and U the latest novelties for ear-, len and farm. Write for It, and enrrent prices of , ny Grass, Clover, or other Field feerts requirea. fnrj fionr orders direc t. If your merchant doea, not handle Wood's SeeUa. T. W.W00D ii SONS. Seedsmen; Richmond, Va. Ttds question i oflesi fceC and ut-arl; often unaiisw ered. If is not mlwi.ya reineiobrred, as It fchou'l lie. Ilml tl.ei'cvaaiun of ill-lttn-ier Mid iri ilabilily is ofivii lo be found ii l lie j.b racial cinuiiwii . ibr -iouk Iccied. WhnlU lW uh: it trying o. "harun'iiwe" a uiau wliose liver lis gone ' huek en hiu.? IfsviuKU is lortuitd with 'rheiimaiifm, how can he be ix peeled to be finable and agreeable? Can confirmed J ,K gpeptic le expeele! U be cheerful mi iiiwnyr ready to tell a funny irtorj? Hi ! only way to riinoe the d.lli. ulty if lo ! et al t hecaunr. l)y Kepi-ia. mai isni. ; impiiie ulod a i.U iler ir ub'ts 4 it-It? ? j ,HoHlV8afmji:rilli; iiii v - rtlective tiauquiiizt r, a p;.cc'.t rUi' ger, a proVtui jve iX dnpU fia i iels. , . ' " :-'1 n A i i r t i t-