i . i; J -;v" r ii 'Tilly; -: v - : - - - ' v-', . : ' l: a ' ,:: j ; i j 4 :!.: : - ": ' V : v - '. .- J v ' TALMAGEMLLmY 3 zmm''' - "I - I US'" - I - - t-- I. .'jv.ii .l ri'..-ii rt.'j. The Brooklyn Divin JReqonsWars Hia Beoont Resignation. , (TRACE I Cores wben an els falls.? I ri . - 1 -....- ' : i A . . Ii A'l r ":." ''--"1""' ':J'A: ' ' "" -t I "vH . X- 'JJ i - PREUJDE TO .SESDAfS SERHOJ. i i :bVrnMl Pwtor 01va I . itiurcn. March 5. The ;e has again ' to resiffn it- 4-. ' Jifodklyn tab la. ates WforetDr. his seraion at , the began moriJ-ri; service yesterday he told the - Wiion that te had a few Words i tp say td them. ) He then read the fol inwtatf letterrbeih seyerat: time in- a..ted iy ippUtuse: ' ' : 4 - r "L -rVeiLrH' :ot the kard ol Trustee of the iirooKlpn' Taberbacle: ' Y.ur ur cuat letter is at hand. I ha-. uiy r." Jtivei o resign my posi ' h.oa, aot only because twenty-fire years 'oi my Iirooklyn pastorate ' will soon 'ire passed i because' of financial jen-v'-tanglenient, resulting from a series' of disasterriiWhi eh would hare crushed any 'bank, or insu? arfce companyVcr worldly institution. r H ' ;,r; ' sVWby the blessing- of God, up n reur 'management, our church is put out of airembarrasmcmtcnd; rI liopte; lias sen its la-sl crisis "1 am persuaded wllat you'say Tn'1 yoar"letter of yes terday and what I hear front all sides mnd after' seeking i'ivine 'direetknr I ?novr, and here,- declare my intention to -remain' yottr pastor. - - ' 1 ' "What lhaTWfrered at the antici-' jatkn of parting . fromHhTs noble' and' -deroted flock' and from expected' re 'pioTal from this beloved eity in "whose , BiTairs f have always been deeply, in lerested; noxne ean estimate. -' f 1 "And Tiowi with more faith and high " "expectation than : I ever had at any'pre 'vioos point in my ministrr, "I join you n rv'riew" eamjialjufpr Ood -rid the ' "Li s betrm-fn ; Yours,- etc, ;,! - T. DeWitt Talmagk" After Dr. Tlmage had finished read- in- the letter he' was loudly applauded - ARREST-OF THE RIOTERS. -, -,.-.- - 'V Foartci ml thm Kals fenee Disturbers In ' Cctol 1 h dituatlua Cncliktioil. "" CHARl.!5STOXvy. Ya., ?S lrcii' There ; ispracticall.T no fehanyc in t!e s'tnation 'at Eagle toddj 'fourteen riot"rs wera uretd at 'Montgomery yesterday and ter it the r'aycttec-mnty jail. Tn' 'addit -)al 'mumbcrs of Company K, Sverc sent uji at 4 p. m. from tliis place, ostensibly 'timssist in cxtrU guard duty, 'but it is believed that -the arrest bf strikers will! cause troubld and more 'troops are needed in' case of an' out bi eak. ; .Four uir ..? men wer sent yes .,t.,v from Huntington; The iroopt. w.a ;tv o)t the igrounl until legal air titn is taken against tKe rioters. :: iinjuest ovfer An kin maybe con . ' ' n'ljtSn spits of the strange M.:icie bf i two coroners fi2rlitin for ...e ; r A rret wf-HVymnt. ' . ipii, W. Ya-. .March 5. Con-v;.r- ocitcmfTit: was ''eaus-ed' at "a?i ;i !...:it H. i: ln.it night by the ar j c?.t of Wyant. A large-crovd is at .. .iuA: niakrhg all trfrts of threats, but so fa- ho actaal violence has ' occurred. . CO f? B ETT 1 N BALTI M OR E. Several" lloum Sandsy n-nt In Atlanta, ' 'i 'Ueorfla? Iironte Xortb. Bai.timobk, March 5. James J. Cor Telt, the ehaiapic-n,- arrived in the city today fromMaoile;' Ala.; where he gave ail :exnib3tk?ii'in Princess thcatre,- Several hours jesterd'ay' Corbett and pu manager were in Atia-dta, (ia., en Touto.i lie sneaks 'fconfidcntlv' of his speaks ccgag?ment witJackson and shVs hA "1s uuxiou for the meeting. r x Cmxton, 8: C'Mafch, 5. A very de structive -fire' -broke' out at 9 o clock estenlay morning in. the second story of the building occupied by J. S. 11 airs Ion, and destroyed the stores eccupied by Mr. llairstou. W H. Stone, Horton Uros., T. C Summbr -& Uro. The1 buildings were about covered by insur ance. All the merchants got their fc-oods out with considerable breakage -and d image. ' i Sabbath "ltefurm Covmtlona. Columbia, S. C, March A. The se rene Sabbath was selected by the re-form politicians here for'' an 'under standing as to this weekVeventsl Ohe- of these conferences was he fd behind locked doors in the tat ehouse and iTov ernor Tillman was present. The other conference was: held at the state dis pensary building. ' '; - ; i Captmre of Sylvest. r Rhod-a-Satahxah, Ua., March 5. Deputy Sheriff Cobb, of Tatnallcounty, reached Savannah last night from Jesup, hav ing in custody Sylvester Rhodes, col ored, who is wanted in TatnaU for the Inurder of a white man nameq Robert Kozler. The murde r - occurred Fe b raary 21th. . Another Attempt at the 1 air Balldinra. '"JpHiCAOO, March 5. One more of the reeai'- attempU ,to destroy jthe Vorld'a fatr buildings was made yen terdaSr afternoon, but the attempts f ailrtf and ' resulted in the arrest of a taan who (Hres his name as Michael I "Murphy. ; ;- . ; ' The: Tariff-Hat Cemee Vp.. M VAnixcT0jy JUrch 5; -Unless the , plans of the democratic mnmbers of the senate; flnatece eommittee go all awrr. the tariff bjill will be laid before the lull committee Tuesday mo ning at 10 o'clock. ! Atuixta, MaxeH 5. Judge Samuel S Hoyt, one of AtlanU oldest and ost -respected citltens, died yesterday ' M I1W ot tj'five years. ' ' RaUway Kaapleyea Strike. Vl wYoi's:itoWk, O., March 5. Ths Youugktown street electric line was . tied up today by a strike of - every en toloys. , t WTWMsjeh-TJwcitycoun-?'ifn?ft eUed Councilmjr JlfS f fiWbe fa, the wlShriSJ11 an enlrof weigh "an4' measures. Four 6f the eountfrlmep are to be tried on a slmnS charge, sndf there U ng caS qtgainst each of them. - - s - . ? -t : :-: , ' Seaator Tanre Coatlaaea te Improve. .-:.T.in(lir T"1 ltik' r ' fiiL' . - i - i , " w. , m v rt. i ne neal J :: ' ' Suivonee Springs have " i clne u the better in the c bunion oi .euator Vance's health lit is much better and improving daily. r" " : 1 - " '" LI . 5 1 S of your misery: You've tried eyerythingcdicanes your I friends hive recommended, eminent iphy$ician$and spectal- ists, cliange of spene tod climate th?fiLECTROfo5E. Now, come, stick to the old schools through ' ..j j -i .J - to yourself, usetoei&iecuvyvi others have beeit Write ns. .rf TLANTI6. -ELECTR0P01SE .11 . . I- 5. t- l li M'CREARVS CONSULAR BILW I ! j TVa rt of th DlplouiaUe w& C WasjiixgtoX,! 3Iari 5w-The diplo matic; ad consular! service oi mo iriiitd" Slates costs !Uie country but hall a millibnf- yeH Attention was called to t)i:s if act ly Representatie .McCreary, of Kutvcy, tht I chairman of the houMs committee-.-n foreignaf fahsinhU repdn p the f diplomatic and consular appropriation il)ill, which was presented to the! ionsesoday 4 JVhiiethu bill carries a million and a half, in rjtmn4 nuralsi Mepreary will o nt v.vt that about; a 'mjllion is re tired in fees at the vartoui consulates tbroad. Of the ilH jreut appropriation i lis reported to tlie j Wuse'4 the diplo natic takoa the 1h jmonc froi tl jvcrunicnt. f Although a saviiig of $4000 has been dfefstkni in the bill this year, Reprsi!Dtativfe JleCreary: tays t huabueu jmade ill jdirectjons which vill not impair thtJefilcieiicy oi the. urxl:: ;": ; : j , $ '' " I MR. JACKSON BURIED. -H - i ! SMud Act In the T: Mjcmi'ius, Tcna., 3lircht 1 The fu neral of Lioii. S. A. Jackson, the demo cratic politician wh4 w as i killed in a 5trtK.t duel by R ;v. i IV tjatt iff, oc curred at Koschi.skq, Misi yesterday. Two thousand people from the sur rounding tdwns anUfcountry attended j e ferric wmeu.were e:a at ine Hvoscinsko Methodist khtirch. The do- I .... d ".wak buried ' vi(h military honors? This Khights of Fit mas and iynights of onor, f pviii ihj Mr. 3 ack-son- was a prominent member, also took pa'tiffthc furjefal serf ices. Catt- 'iiffe stood at hia cell' door and cooly watchetl tne funeral proceaion. t t T - : TO PRESERVE tHE FORESTS. f ' - -- .i National and State retry AMddationa - WW takp Aetlin thtoWeek. j " I Kew Yonk, March 4. A Hoint ' meet- ing'ofthe Araericai! forefiiry assoeia- Vit a 1 . A I" - A A . M J. tion, loe iev lurv siau iurti.rjr usbo ton and I the various I loeal ns- v f 8i 'f -sociations of the ! stata of Aew :York. together I with i! representa tives ' of state forestry commissions of New York, Pennsylvania, xtew Jer- sej and the; New Kngland' states, whl 'pe jueia on rnarcn at AiDany, i. Y., for the purpose of arouiing general Interest in the subeet of forestry and of discussing especially the policy of the states mentioned. . ! ANOTHER FLORIDA AFFAIR. Tula Time the Governor of IntflaA Ia Try lax to Stop the Mill. DtsMoisEs. Ia.. iarchlii Governor Jackson is determined to $top k prize fight advertised to take plae at Creston March ia j .f f ! lie has written the sheriff to Use every means at his conimand to stop the fight, which is t4 be between James Ryan, of Seattle,- and Uaffy Meyer of Burlington. ' ! H The Atlet athletic club ;lsaya that it will pull off the battle iaind that the governor cannot mterierev ine pas- I sage of a bill bv the lesvlature to Dre- t vent such ejchlbillbus is expected, j THE COriFEDEFtATE VETERANS. FonrtU Annoal Keuuiilcna. In Blroalnsbam April jjsstfaj j' ; NkwObxeab. jllarcHt, The gen eral commanding announces that the fourth annual meeting a4d reunion of the'United confederate jvjitcrans will bo held as stated ii I general orders No. 115, current : series! front their head quartersiathe city oilJirmjngham, Ala., on Wednesday and tThurkUy, April 25 and2Q. All confederate; Organizations and confederate soldiers and sailors of all arms, grades aud departments are cdrdf ally invited tojattend" the reunion of their comrades," ! 1 fs ; i.-- .- 1 ; I i . ; i ADVANTAGE OF THEFT R EATY. ' ' " I-' j - j r 1 ri n s ' St. I'terborg lloteli Cradecf With per- wan Traders-Foreign Mews. ; BEBl.lx,;March5. The hotels at St. Petersburg are crpydedj with Uerman traders and commercial agents who are preparing5 to 'take advantage of the liew treaty the mptneiit; H shall have pwu 5 c.ii4iiis. i tucj report that the treaty is the only subject in foreign politics ivhich .'interest the ! Russians. ' The' attitude of the clerical party toward theftfeaty is still doubt- : .-i '! -1 I'll""' ;: ThejFlrat-Tejse al Oaa. " Nkw : YouK, March 5.1-The Cuuard liner riiiiBn?h. tvt5Vi I in-tul lv.t - - . mmm s ,MilB morning from Liverpool and Queens town, was j' about I tw4nty'01ir hours overdue. ; one naa a ! temnestnona passage. i( Joseph Baditskto, a steerage passenger, fell into the hold and had his skull fractured; causing death, i His botty was buried at sea. j The Lucania has been laid up (for 'if the winter,; and this Was her first vfova e'of the season. "i i pH rn '--'1 Railroad Men Keep the aabbathj Chicago, March 1 5. There la rejoicing among( ie employes of the Chicago and &rie and Kefr York, l'enn sylvana and Ohio kroads over the order stopping all Sunday work hereafter. Yesterday was the; first Sunday in years that telegraph opejators,Atation agents uocic laoorere ana round nouse men hare had a flay 'a rest. 7, Caag-ht a Gil "T tpae pt ft he Tlelei. Capk IlEsnr,! March 15. The rurht I house tender Violet I With President Clevelana and feocretary Ore sham on board was seem ato i yesterday after noon, at a point Iwelvs miles from Hat- tcras. one leitj there? ajtid is supposed to havs ! gone north, but has not yet Wbea Baby vaaafck,ire cave her Castorla. WhentbeMaOaabeiWforCastoria, When she became 3ti. sha dung to C&storia, Wben Ehe bad OuVtao, sba gvetbem Caatoria. -tgr; 18 8 : : l I I ; dux you naycr nvi donUe bigoted.; Don t prejudice. .Be generous, .; mil r a rirAH 9C ?vu wy y Cp., WingUm, D. C KtTOHfcD TO tOt-V.. BmrCaUe So.tlcment or n Heavy bflltr in a Short P. rlmU MiIwackek, March S. Tke Lehigh ICoal and Ir i company, jvhich went into a receiver's nand in April, 15SV has been declared reatored to solvency. Judge Jenkins, of t,,ie Unitea StaUs circuit court, entered anj oruer cis- charging the receivers and directing that the estate be returned to the cor poration. Checks to the creditors fr the full amount of their claims were , sent from lresidwnti Uoty' office, and this action will relegate to history a failure which, botU . in rita ex tent and the ce'erity with whkb the-' intricate" .complicatioas growing" out of it were settled, will, it is stated, stand out prommeutly for a loDg time to corne. 'l"he cotapany failed for 91, 250, qoa ; unMertne airec tion of Judge Jenkins, it has transacted a business of 83,000.000 durmj tbo last year, and as said, is able to pay all its ereditors in t ull. Captain Lu K. Doty, KriA nrincinal receiver of the company. j 1 has. daring the past eleven months, conducted the busjin 'ssund-rr a riid order entered by. 'Judge Jenkins, which provided in effect that the latter should have a close supervision of everything. Captain Doty was elected president of tbc eompany a few days before the failure and was ma ie receiver. ' lie will resume his office of president, and no re-organization of the company will be necessary. The settlement of so heavy a liability in such a brief time as eleven months, is in itself remarkable. LAST ACT IN THE TRAGEDY. Moore Baker Wife tml chll.l. Both Mur dered, Hurled In lite Same Casket. Somf.bvii.lk, N. J., March 5. The funeral services of Moowf Baker's mur- . Jered wife and chil l Wefe lwld in the hitch Reformed church in Franklin ark, at 2:30 p. m. yesterday. The Hev. lames 11 Blauvelt, who has Wen the aitor of the Baker family for many ears, preached the funeral sermon, so text was taken, and, out of respect o the wishes of the family, but few cmarks were made, llytnns which the nurdvjred woman loved were sun by a hoir composed of her friends. The curch was crowded to the ioors, and it is cs;imaie;l that fully 10,000 people attended the service.. People drove twenty miles over foar Jul roads to see the last act in the trag edy. The mother" and child were buried n the same casket, which was covered vith flowers. Mr. Baker was present aid seemed to lx;ar up very well under Vhe strain. The negroes were very luiet. and during the funeral services ome twenty of them at in the gallery. t the house a score of curious people .vandored around all day trying the loors and windows iu a vain effort to ;-ct ia. 1 HALF A MILLION CELEBRATE. Troinendous Sunday Ucntun'.ratlon Orer the Corll Xarr'.ase llilL , Bud A Testji, S!arch 5. More than 100,000 persons joined yesterday in tho demonstration in favor of he covil marriage bilL Ux-Ministcr Crozy pre sided over the largest of the meetings. Tens of thousauds m irehed through the streets, cheering for the cabinet and waving flags and banners. Crowds stood all day before the houses oi Maurice Joaki, the author; Premier Wiekerle, Count Czaky, rninister of yub li worship, and Dr. Von Szielagyi,. minister of justice. The appearance of any cabinet minister in the street was the signal for tumultuous demon strations. TO VISIT HIS FATHER. Mr. Wllaon'a Soti, Enrowr, IuforueU of Ills Father's Improved Condition. Saw Antoxio, Tex., March 4. Will iam Q. Wilson, son of Congressman Wilson, passed through here yesterday on his way to Gaudalajara, Mexico, to t e beds'de of his father, who has been seriously ill with an attack of typhoid fever. j While here1 Mr.j Wilson received a tel egram informing him that his father's condition is slightly improved. lie will be . removed to ! the United States as soon as he is able to stand the journey. i. . Another Texaa Ubld Find San Axtoxio, March 5. Ben H. San ford, a ranchman of Presidio county, arrived here today and states that there'; is much excitement among the people of that section over the discovery of a rich vein of gole. The find is located in the extreme lower part of the county ! in a mountainous district. A town or : camp of 300 people has sprung up there ! within -the past two weeks, and pros-J pec tors are arriving every day, many ; of them coming from Mexico. Mine Kxploslnn In Mexico. Sax Axtoxio, Tex., March 5. Ad vices were received hero today of a pre mature explosion occurring at Sierra fclajada mines just as the last shift of the day was leaving Saturday. Three of the miners were killed and several injured. The authorities have arrested the superintendent of the mine upon the charge of being responsible for the accident. poea Cheap Silver AS vet Cotton? New Yobk, March 3. H is reported today otf Wall street that the decline in silver had caused a notable check upon the" "demand for American cotton goods from lTiina. It is further stated that there has been a falling off of from 15 to 10 peir- cen$ - in orders dating from this month. ... i. . Bass From Atlanta Barred. Atlaxta, Aiarch 5. The board of health at Augusta through its president Dr. Foster, has notified express and railroad agents that they could not haul rags or, second-hand t lthinginto Augusta from this, city doling the Smallpox excitement. ' Georgia Democratic t on rent Ion, Anjroat S. Atlaxta, March 5. The state demo cratic executive committee, at its meet ing in this city Saturday, decided on August "Jnd as the day for holding the ; state democratic convention lor the ! abomination of a governor. 1 i 8 ! Lessens Paia, Insures Scfety to r -t. Life of Mother and Child, j My -wife, after having used Mothers' ; Friend," passe4 through the ordeal " with lUUe pain, was sxe4ncer in one j ltr.iTu V.Mi In ttf.k afior the birlh of her f oitait ?.ild.-?.J4icGoLlilci, j - Mothers Fzieno robbed pain of Its terror and shorteoe hilxa. I Lave the peal- tiiiostchitdlewsaw.'' . r ' !,,..- MiIM.AHERif,;Ckchraa,Ga. Esprnscl i amy ddre, hryel prepaid, rtst. Book to Mothers muted free. BjCADFIELO REGULATOR CO. AtlastxCa. POZS THEM GOOD, i The rromUe of Tariff Re form Starts T Xutur-Q4 Industries. According to the Textile World j of Boston, 173 new mills ; for the , manu facture of textile goods were erected I in this country last year. sill These mills were projected after the election of the present tariff, reform consrre-, an I ' nvt of them after jtbe. inanguratum of 1'resident Clevelarul, Twen sy re ven , of thd fifty-two cotton mills erejrte r are in - tli 3 south; vXorth Carolin.v le:idin? w':th fourteen. The ittal (r Xew Knglan.1 is fifteen, all out two of them bei.nr in Masachu-si-tts. N-'arlv all o:' the fifty-threo new nittin mils alo usf cottoti.i Most of them are in the ml Idle s at js, the joutli ami -w.'st haying. howeYer ifteen butweea tlieui. There wereislx ;otton bntttntr m.lU put up, only one. 'ess than in liS'U. The proSts of thj woolen m.inuf-ict-:irers wero cut down s .mo. but thoy .vere sulHciently Lire to justify the peniug of thirty-three new woolen ail Is. They are scattered pretty well ver the country, every sectiOa being represeutel. I About hlf as m i ny silk as wooilen nills were established. New Jersey and Pennsylvania manufacturers putting up tea of theni. F; It is too early yet to .tell how many" mills wiil be erected thiye'tr, but a ool start h is already beju m wVv an 1 particularly in tho soufi. The pro.lte- clon or textile g.va is. however, in- r?asod uot s- much by t'.ie establish -leutol new mills xs it is by tue en .argem.'nt of tii se alro i-ly establishe l i'he c ;pac'tv of ful!y l ilf of the cotton jiills in thj smth has rec'.T.tly ceiM or s now beiu lubiic. inc:c.iie L St Louis Jle- Sir. Mr. R red hns c:n miivin? a cam a-gn .sn-ecl in Piiila lelphia for the v lie til lature nf Gaiuslu A. Urow's candi- for cotJr'Si. I The burdn of ils complaint agai.ist the preseut con tit ion of things in Washington is that he southern democrats am in otnm ind n ine pariv. it can scarcoiy nave -scaped Mr lived s oiservailon in con- re-.s that thj west, inste.i l of ! th . outh, rs contro aisg l;sx illation at jut. anl that it has required a good teal of generalship on the part of the 'emoerutic lea lt-rn to restraiu the! ex rerae ralicalism of th-; wester ra inem ers on ec :ninieu.jeets. With wiie:tt elling un-ler sixtv cents a bushel! the evolution that is'goinir on in the wjrst Is not likely to die out. Mr. Uevi ught to know this, and we ratUer hink he does. Iloston Her:ihL "Pr.Jtctlon" Knui'n? Fruiee. j In the French chitj nber of deputies I. Jul-:s Charles ttnux, a well known nanufacturer of Mar.-ie'.lles, a niember f the tribunal of commerce ..n J cnam 'jer of commerce of that city, m ido a peoch in opposition; to tho corn: tax prop sals at the govrnmenL He de clared that the accept ince of these pro posals would lead to tho destruction of I'Vench commerce and would increase the price of lireai, which was already ouch dearer iu Fr.thce than in! any . . , . . , , oiner country. i-rieci,inisin nes ue-clarel,- was mining the country. The -.ta'tistics showed that since a protective policy had been adoptei there had been a yearly falling off of 2.000,000 tons in the amount of freight carried in France. This policy was a suicidal one, and ho urged that the government go back to some form of free trade. ' i Kothlns; Heard From the Reindeer. Philadelphia, Pa., February 20. Nothing has been heard from thet j dy namite laden schooner Reindeer, which broke from her mooring at the Dela ware breakwater on Saturday aud drifted seaward, " j len.iesA.-e jSepaMlcana to Meet. CiiATTAXoooa, March 5. A call ha been issncd for a meeting of the clubi comprising the Trnnesse state republi can league iu this city April 5th ' ' Or La Grippetfiongh or'rasionnllireTiL. demic, i.s always more or Iprs prevdlent. The lient remetly j for this, complaint is Ayers Cherryl Pectoral. ' I-tst Sprtnjr. 1 was taken down trith La Grippe. At tlrties II was completely pros trated, sad so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemftd as if eoufiuetl In an Iron ease. I procured a bottle of Arer'a Clierry Pectoral, and ho sooner had I lieenn takins it than relief followed, I could hot be lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the enre ho complete. It Is truly a wonderful med icine." W. II. Williams. Crook City, 8. D. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral P rom pt t o act s u re to c u re TiT Agents. $75 m tk. KMlwir trntin. Thm yi far fMU a ok a, nam mm nrm tm lh ik bai i en. tlMf MtbiM mmm ta rM. lirwki, U-hi Mm. hd ch rft.1 wirrm, !o wtmimv i M hmmtvt rVn Mug. .1 bepkra dt.X. mum. raa. dBnWc,wraatr4.CirMWtrn ft iliiB & H. B Co.5 au.iei Sin cer, F.W.HnpcJ'XJpci and - Reuben foster llcceiver. , ' CON DI2NSi:i CH li!ULi: ; IS KKFKCT AUUTST li, Lv Rietamoua ' Lx burkcville .. Lv Keysvhle., .... Ar Uunviiit! ........ lv liiviiie ......... 5rrefnaUoru...,, Ar Kal-ij.u.... 4l 3 Mm AS M 3'AK & 50 AM T0A 4 e L.v Itaieigu. ......... Lv Durham '.. ArUreeasuora Lv Wlnwon-Hatem. t. urenttburo Ar Su tlshnry , .T. . . Arsiaiesvllle...... Ar Asuevllle r MotortnjTH..... 1 Ma SSAAS SUA 4-AS Uam SUA 1- ra 8 en AS 8 45 AS 8i ru 1 t6 4 HTM ...... ,., 5 U salisuary Arrbarlotte ArSjMrtanburg Ar Greenville r At'ant!....-...., Lv iharlvti ....... 43 ra k 13AM 8 AM It &t AM li ! ri; 4ftt '. 1 STa 4 C TV It 13 ra 1 sr. AM II ?S AS J 55 rs S 18 AM 7 IMAM 4 r 18 1" rs 11 s ra 111 AM 8 13 AX A r Columbia...... Ar Augusta..... ..... NORTH 3OuN0":Kos. - 38 ft to. - DAILA. No. is io. t V AUlli-ta .... ... s (h pm 1 opin 8 llta ...J 4SV ;M 8 jeym.. ........ r-w en pm' iw in t oo pm S30nm T4'.ra si;)iu t it am s ft pm s U4 m 4 1 am 1H a n m 9 Htjiiu t.v (olmnhlft ....... r luir ottf .v Xtlacta...... .... r Charlotte., v imr.otte .... ... rHaiUbury .. l.v Hot rlngs e e ee e lTlipia...... ... v xsnrviv . jas-pui 7 1 pin.... ...... LvStaresvllIf Vrllsbury ........ e i ......... iWp'd..,..... 4t3aia toil pra STm lt aia 11 40 pin 1 49 pm. 8 sr. am ts 5 ain I joaw is 61 m 8Spm "35Hm SaliMJury Jn.enHro ...... r Winston-Salem . Lv Orrenbl-ori ..... vr inimam ir nuirmi .... ...... lo;eum 8 30aui. Lv Haleljrh... .iHSSaa IrHnldttttoro ........ iipin !.v iiroensboro . 8 aat 11 sa pm la 48 pra r raYlll .., T4ein ism ot'.ain r 'KvtKVilli. tt8ain 46am 4i'5s.ia rl!;VcM!lf l!m islam 451 am -.r ltlehtaeaU ........ 1 18 1 lu K'l'uifl . Do am t D Uy exce. t Sndav. 3cTWcCN WFST . POIIiT AND RICHMOVD- L-ave V.'-st I'olni 7.5t A. MUiilly. and - v- A. V uH escri srnrf: i'Bd Vivdij: arrive ! Icli uond. a:i il ' 4A St. KrtRrnin? le.n-e l.lei iond s.ic una 4 4 P. M . tlal y cxr-pt sun.U) : hi ,-lxc Wfst. Point 5.f id 6.1.0 1. M. dET.RICHMOKn AD RaLEICH VIA Kc.TSVILLt. Leave BUbmond l.i P M.tl. Hv; leave Key. L -IHe P. M ; urrtve uxf6ti .... 6 K. M.: ''-nitt r- on 7.1 V. M , nur.iam r.li i. w.. i n igli 6 r. . .i.f lU-tainictf .oitclb I ain d.tily. I urb ui 6.1" m 'lendt-rsor. 1.t' P. (.-. oxt ni .14 5. : ar.1. ieysvlilt; le.is A. M., Ul. lnao-.d l.u P. M. J:iU . illxcdtro'n Nol C Pnvs K sllt.e it l v ex - i itnd.i.v,4 la ni (x"nrn,9?'i t ii'. nd .rlv- urit iiu It S:i m. Mltje l ir.tln No. ! eaves Dnr iam, laily euept Surifito . 6 in- ia., Or.Iord S :! pu: ui'l hit ves KeyMlU.-, 1 '0 I M. ; MixeaTr.tlii No. . rt av o.tfori, lallv exrrr Hunuay. S .25 A . M ,".'iHliir..lves Uurhani Lir A. M lxr-ti 'i r.i!n No 6 leave Durhan-, d-illy xeept iiinda ..V., and rrtve oxfrd. 9.1 f . M. ! Tr.iD on . A. U. It K , I -itveh Opro 6 A M. ally evcepr sui-day, it I A. M.. d. tly. n ni 6 P. !t.,tIuHv t-xcepi suuday.arHl arrtvi Ilrn'i rs!D . . M., li. I I. M.. an I .! 1. M icetu nliir. leave :entli rmiti tin ai.? i.:;o P. M., inP' xe. I Minrt;i i nd arrive xion'. 8. . M , 3.1'. P M :-nd 8.85 P. M Nos. i". and :.s ooltiecl I'luhniOril froir. Mid in Weal Piiliit ,ml llaillii.oie Uullj -xcept .-tniduy. i fn Tnlns 3.aal PuUni.u hrJTet Sleeper : dwn-n ev ht: ana xv.ani-. 1 tMi No. 3'. ut-ti is. I'lil'rt; n S:"pl-if. fms Xew ;.'or., i(i Nt"' tiile ii1-. Ni w V u Aii4i"t:i and ; af(ii:isi'teii to Mnn. ! jimi I Inlng' C.ir tiv York n Mo:.itipn;cr Tr-lf.s . 1 and W Ml!d hnvrcn I.'l b- aoiid and Ai l.u'if i and e rrv I'uh i 'ti leeptvCo'is tw en i.K-!i!: o- d. ) vli: Trahu" Ni. "1 niH vv. I'uliiiiHii i'ir!' i "; lrt wet nt Hot su .i! iid Hr en-Lorn: N. '. ' 'I' tslr-ii c'irry ll Sails', us j , AbUcMln- : P.KPKLKY. .-uirmi -ni-nt. J. s. n. T (v pvn u, e I t nt'errt .rteii'l o o. N f V. A. IT!;!; ;eiter-l V s- li'irMii-, I l li lmu lid, ... ssenyer AgeM. . II. II A I'U'-.v u K, ami. Oen! Pass. Agt-nt, Atlt:tat UA. V. II tSIJKKN, Hd II A8. wen ,,nnirer. Tr.-.Pi: Mft atcr Wasblumuij, li. C. i-Liii,t Oi.. l. ( 1 t r. . - - i H a! j SOLD ItVr, rtftANTFR I SMITHDIAL HARDWARE GO., SOLE AGENTS. Steam, Air and zontal of - 529 ru 1 ra i . is r r, j V; J. j s K A v .1 ! AA t? tefF a ;4 I.Vfr. rt & 1 ' " I ; . i IE. k u a! . m 1 a r- m: i (' l b h : ! tit I'lf i a m ! i4J M il'fiBTIll II ISiftl ll I ! AM i T ' -: - .tl I IS i ti. R 1 E : tl Si If 5.15 U - -T r'i: -JTf TT WWW I If I I Hi!!!1. : W i- eeeee -- I - . .j -. "'1" " - ' -, j "" j -' , - - - ;, ' ' a - I- - - J ' :' " "' - ; ; !i . . ::::::::: -v:' -Av-.:-, ft:- n " ' r : i " . sm a ar r a moci'nc'! of tbc T i asks eveitv - - v . i . " - ernment, progress ft d enterpr for support price i To Single Subscribers & LG0 To 4t of over Ten ;Soc in me nanas oi i . 7 ' rf fill ; iliwifM - . ' l Prmterf is prepared to execute all!; kiuqs oi odd r nntmg, and at prices that will compare , favorably with any SFFiCE Orders Solicited, j LOST! A litrL-e amount of nn'n y iiiM!i;illy liy juirli'-s piirt lLrsii! f j I iv-s, rosi's. G-t . 1 litni frtm Hflll ll.H irrqws lliMJ- own Irw'S. ffi;il I out tioiliin litit g.H) 1 stock ulii lls lit ' re t'OU 'tile jirit e;. W niml tlw ao- ir-H of even farmer or ganleiier your -section iilHial i.ff-r.. aiw) orires at a . one. oeuU .-tamo tie critive c:itiUxui ami will' in ii VVrile fnf i artieuhir ( AfiHllts autJl eVci v w lii'TP. ' Adduss, Cheijkfe Nj'rrc Co. Wai Cross, Ga. (Mention Lb is aper.) ; Vacuum Pumps, every Variety and Capacity. - - r - Refiilar Horizontal FLtcn. The most simple, duvcblo and ef fective rump in the market for Mimv Quarries, Kt fineries. 'Ilrfcwcritp, . Fac tories, Artesian Well?, fire niA General Manufacturing rJur osc s. E'Send for Catalogue. Foid of Eat. 23rl Slrttt iN.w Y. tU- A. S. OAiMERON STEA1T ance to the- ; I. nil so pcoplo, friend of trrri gov- n Its j subscrirlticrl win oe r jear jvtijablA; 4 ft H an old experienced ITS IF, . .. .. lost V M r LU. ui A KhI fable ! to take- tl I HlSIUI Ul J-.WVylEtll f e .xcii"ie Ajrel:CJT r the world Colum jaFxp: silion Illustrafed, AUTHBTn ORGAN OF THE in. HTAeXJl 1I. . 1 rcat Oftji'irf n . ly 1o 3:;. t. iif W for ! Hie Xi xi Yei H . One Chance in a LimeliwfJ Enclose lo cents. in staii'i fr itt- Ile copy mid full particular. i i . .MPEELL I'ret 169 Adcms St., Cl.kfgo.lt- Vertical and Hori " " 1 5$ fey tar a ht PUSSP ! 'rM si '