- .'' ". ! -. r : ,.t. - . .. J - - If HI. II.. '! - j r,! 1 I'M -r i 1 1 i! Car. Una. . '-V.atchman . . . -. ' , . Ll J; TO-HcKEKZlE, Ed'r and Prcpr' Or e"ar iii aJ vatu-e. . . i .'. - - - 4 -h.ie months .:..v.-i-V----- . : i X S .. - .fi :,irJ.,11iihnrv 1 ' Object Lesson In; Politics, ; Correspondent CbarJoUg Qtes jiirer. : t ;;' .. j Superintendent addressing a jiew re- crutei " w?e iuc juu'mco. rrr t Willum Jones, alhls Wlium rf-tersou, V7Him KrrVwii. tl;w u miani Thiympson,xonvietpd of areenj AVha X VJIl CSDA Y, Mai cl. 15, 1&S4, . Ihe Essence of Dftaiagiguery. f i i ii ii - : .-L 1 riti )-u Jtfr, i he Kclv of Ueprev i v s ( an .ii, of Jill noise; 'HUtf-irbwii iiiii ihffMfhi in nther cafe, the W v . " - r .rjt io tlie iiiii.d of wn" lionat hum if-iwt i)V. n titter iet-liaigof jdisjjust and ni.-4ain for .the KItr"ujuery, the sliame TJT,a .iclniiiliii win. aiii3 the" cTowii-rikht H;'fiu'ss'of- hiai : w.ieked detuigo-u-s, lid e friends vt Uie people, who resort t tli ipiftaii 'lor the purpose of crca- ' in L!ie public unod distrust and ha- 1 red Cuanf the true friend of Hie peo- U-ihi JK mocratic party. They are fair .iiv present af-tSVof Satan a n da re ser vi u ! fm Uvtl iii liw i ceaseless war agitiust 'j:.u.t.ifU6(i Honesty. " ThVlIavvah ins are now a civilized, i h'rfs'aiu pfuple, and the. fact U, a few AmeKC.iu' sb-ionruera atvuDng Ihenj, backed -by' IIrrison!s jippq";ntej'unuiv "ter Sieveii!?, and his a4.nied jiiariiiers, did ivrnsfc . Hi? croverii merit of the llaw- .. -. o iiiinan? froni thevr queen, and Presi Jent Cleveland learnilig Jl e-e fact iroin Etcords m Wqshihgt n left by the ojan he succeeded, could only i'a j.iHwe and honor, do just as' he has -mo. e' , He lu-s s-inipy asked .both par ties concerm-d at" Hawaii to fettle the inatier justly and lionoruli( which w-aiild h;tve been to Jet 1 he ,1000 na live tawiias decide 1T- th'tyuselves who Vjio'uld' rule tliwu. But the 5,000 Dr Gt30(j iVireguers tht e wl.o "believe . they have the Uppub'.kan rartyxif the ; United Stales to back them refused to do jhi;. Accordii to intern tioiTal Iav i.nd iisae Mr. Cleveland could da no more, lie has used no force ' meiisuref, khd-havitig done all he-could honorably do he has-left the matter to V . in j i ... ' K.t.-il ii.:.. oe seiutu uy vonnees. wiiui nn?, and his endeavor ;l-o stop pension frauds : j as bet'n held up as a utuq er, al id st a tr l or, anta denouncea us au ennny of his own people. One h;ison iy to read tlse procnedings-of Congn ss - iioW-to see how terrjbly mean ire the JiepuUican politicians. hany aliases ? t pretty tough WASHINGTON LETTEH.' i "!ant P:ir 'nJT1? - ! I h ive a Riorum by - s;np!y iiltending the sessions of the House; but- tifjs seems to have been eotirrly oyerfo -ked .y some of tjiem. -.r i . ; is stealing is a are you doing with so You must have been fellow." VMS! " frnvict-'-Nlosq' unjt charge. I m anpnest twan. i ell you 'bout deiilalus?. Lat w lec tion businessryouiknowl Aly iiamiuy ust belonged to ftMf a,,d '' longed to a in(iU llained feterson. Den when hiamrny wraa sot ,arn . sue oak up wid a Brpwnnd deli wid a Thompson. So yuu see.ibo I come honest ly four najtne5.i jj one pay i. lieaves'gome to our uquse ana-wueu uk seed me be s;iysJS i4Boyf whats your name?' I says: B?ss, ory Ch risen name is Bill,, but I glit foul; othejf names. People tails me by the ;3ame pi Jones and Peterson an4jBrokn andi Ttiomp- How old isjyouM says IK Bout twentyV says 1. 'You'l-e n foo'says he. 'Whari your iuHmmy? ' I So main my cqme ojiien ae nciuMs.nu he says : 'Old wijmade Democrats js trvinir to fraud tie Publicans outen d lection. Di old nori aiu mmy says: 4 reckou so, boss; if you mean ho harm.1 Den he tells mammy how, if she'd gree toj s,t.th ijp bout de ige, he'd send me roiind to lour places an hab my fpur, f nHmes registe l and den I eo:ild jride round to (all four places in a day and vblein the name of is boj stwenty one years iu't he oill woiuHni?1 An President Cleveland "hasftccording to information frotua Ijuxtworthy source, Msilively refuel to act as me diator between the democrats of tlie Finauce"coin mit tee and the democratic gators who have been fighting for radical changes in live tariff .bill, in ordi-r to protect certain industries in their States. When aked to do so he is said to h ive indulg-d in sonie very Vigorous la'in.ig-i ' concerning cu i- :isais whicti 'democratic 'SHtrs.. Iwve made upifi the floor of the Senate, aud elsewhere about his alleged tnterlfcrence with the legislative, branch -of the gov ernment, ami to have expressed sur prise that he should have been asked to have anything to do with the ra it-r What Secretary Eok3 71X1 and 'Sea- ator 21. C. Batler Say of ihe Xemocrat Cbarlotte News. . . -: ": , '!! When the vesliUule tr .in ! arrived lat. night it h id on bov.d Hon. Hoke Saiilh, Secretary of the Iiitenior. was.iKcnpying the State room in he fcleejier, and wheu Charlotte Wa"reticti ed be slipjied on his shoes and idtpped on the ground to meetjand talk with his North Caroljn i cousius. ! ' A New.vrreporter grt a Vpuinbn the Secretary, after so long a time, and asked liim "what of the j nigiil" mi ' J 'il. .T ' - ". !..' ' - ter. 1 nis is in accora wiui uiy uuuer- around Wi tsi linston. He reidied: "Althougp the way matters hnve standing of one of the reasonsfor the President's hunting triprHe wished io te -away from Washington while the democratic senators were agreeing upon the tariff bill, and was both Surprised . "ji bed! going puts the Democratic party in an unenviable li;rht I believe every thing will s.ving.arouad right I befoie 7T:i 4o)ei ic,n postjOce was iittf'ia operation in 17f0. X tst xyear the e were 4,471 hiiles of mail routes and 67, y& postoQces. The revenues of ihe de parlment fver i $70,930,470. V There -veie-iarr ed 2,800,000,000 letters.. 'pre world's an u ual n 1 ai I co m prUes,8,t)00, 000,000 letters ajid 5)U,oi)OQO pa- pers. jHs;ou iraveuen u Y - 1 the tariff but, and was iKtn "surpriseu verv loiig.-.ue Deniocrats. uill juss and djssapointed when he returned to y,e VYilso' lijjl, , the; .seiguorage ..bill! find that an agreement had not been lind do aometUiii' 'for "the currencvl i-eathed, feelings probably shared by .Tliey already reju-aled' the' Federal ninety-five per cent of the democrotic ectiou iiws; ai,d roua this on, ! the party. Deniocrafs wilt make the It'p;udicans It seems difficult to convince the re- dt) most -f tle talking, while they will publican beuators mat they ao nor,pos- be lf,uVt on,y o jug their pUt- Jones and Peterson) and Irqwn and Thomj sou. " Sure nfugh, bjs, I went round and v oted at all four oh de places and I dohedat Very jectiofi n.ow for de last'two or three, j o, bbss, l'se no rogue. Mr. Reaves sj a bi ljnan and he lowt'd I was one of j his iht hand men of 'lectiou times, fwhen. do colored folks hnd to lotfk sjurp t kpep deni down-de country 'Democrats from cheatin us outeri out fivedofn. iNotsay in, boss, but what youse up in this coun ty is jest as good as you kiif be to col ored folks. ' fj. Jf ! i I sess all of the oai liamentary knowl edge and skill in that body, but they were very cleverly outwitted by the democrats this week in a scheme of their own putting up. A 'republican caucus decided to spring the immedi- ite consideration of the Bland bill for :he coinage of the seigniorage, which oassed the House 1. st week, on the 1 7 MORAL. THE &rJWCAN PLOGRAMME For the Next National Election. A VVashingtoti city special in last Friday's Clmrloite 0bserrei says: - The llepubljciiii prograuiiiie,' about which P0 much is being' written in .the dark, - j about us follows, so far as I can gath er from an 'inside source:- The plan comprehends a Jan in-faced campaign. In, the So .th aiij Weit fre coinage documents are to be Iavihly distribut ed. In tire IhHt anti-five coinage speeches and documents are contem plated'. In the fornitrsectioi s no deliverances" against the tariff reform are to be cir icuinlated except in .manufacturing dis ' tricts these pretty freely. Oue 'inin . ion .,two hundred thousand copies of i lteed's tariff speecii are co'ntraded for and are being printed here for circula 'lion in the E istern State;?.' ' " The programme! furthei- provides for fusion between the Populists and Re publicans South on this idea: the ior iner; in States like North ; Carolina, to - be encouragd to capture the Legisla ture, the Republic ;in- to recieve ail in the congressional districts from Popu- ' lists. In districts; where th Third par ty is striMigest the Republicans will support the jiopulist congressional tick et; iri districts where the Republicans are strongest tliejrepnbliean ticket. The pemcKTKts from Alabama seem to think that a despratt struggle will take place there4heir election comes first in .the South, in the month of August be-r'.-1 ween the fusionists, composed 'of Kol- ! bite or irregular Democrats, old Tiiird partyites and a Small section of Repub licans', mostly white men, and the white and bl k Democrats largely in the hlack belt. ! The4inti-administration ists say t hiit to endorse Cleveland wordd be to destroy all hope of success; They : propose to nomin.i'e a silver man, Job n- stou, uii a straight free coinage plat form, "j The Cleveland men hope' to . nominate-Repcek'iitjitive Oaies,"a mHl rrale silveritiv The result is in doubt. That negro is four olf, Richmond Pearson's twenty-tive thousaivl that(he says) were cheated put of their votes in the ninth district. ,Iie suttled; in Bun combe ar.djf he doti't vote at Asheville and in Sandy Jush, Leicester iitd Fair view townships Pearson will lose four votes for Congress. lalav le Pearson will lose five, because it! must -be tiis vevy negro that's sailing under1 false colo-s and registeringlat IBlack Mountain as Z. U. Vance. I kiiW it it,'-(ld Zeb," because he's registered in! the books in Charlotte as 'bulon B. Vance'.' as i I i f. , 1 big as John tlunCock's (name to the Declaration of indepeudehce. Sjjiueold fellow once said: fKo thief e'er felt the halter draw with gootl opinion of the law." "Tljem s the sentiments'' of Pearsous outraged cohyict. Li don't blame both of ihem forgetting angry and "cavortin'f a Htte aJout. this new law that curtails their rights and ruins their prospctl. if i form pledges. ' : ! ! Mr.Sinith was returning from At htnta to Washington. He has been ltCn)me ten days. 011 private business, and says the trip South was beiiefi-i d to bm in a pJiysici.ii way. j When theC C, & A. train arrived it had a pisssenger also bound for Wash ington, who made very congenial icom Senate, counting upon the votes of the, p:inv fur tjie Secreta!-y of the Interior, populists, and upon-forcing the silver He was Senator M. C. Butler, of S -u h democrats to choose between tariff and j Canlin.u S-uator Butler was on his silver, their idea being to ktep the 1 retU(-n from E ketield. where he nude Bland bill before the Senate for an 1 a rosing speech 011 Monda. defiuite pericxl, in order to prevent coi:-j k.Wl)ilt (lo vu t,lil)k nf ,,ie ptll;tici, sideration of the tariff bill.. The dem-; s:tuaioil in y0iir Stilte Sjuator? asked .1 I B ll " II - i ccrais learneu 01 inis programiue auu i ti,H reporter. gave the repuUicans a surprise they j i.Ve. uolitics in South C.irolin 1 is have not yet recovered from, by taking ui deci Jelv better than it was h the initiative in getting the Bland bill !f;JVV ,u,ltu :1 " 'ri,r..i before the Senate, S.u.tor Voorhees , recoVt.ril Vi from their frenzv land stating that as it would probably bellman i irr .duallv 1 .si:.o- his Win. about ten days before the tariff bill ; T m )le a ,h ,G a u m) f l t 1 p il. f. u k.. a . 0 t novv ueiore me urn rinaiue tuuimii ree) would be ready for the considera tion of the Senate, and that that time w. .s ample for the disposition of the' Bland bill. Senator Shtrman m idean ineffectual effort to have the Bland bill sent to c mimittee. Senators Vest and MePherson made personal explanations in the Senate this week concerning- charges made against them, in a New York puper, of Wjrgt evltfy one to read th ad vertisenient of Simmons Liver Result tor. We have never said on- word in faviir of anv parent aedu-ine adver-f tisment in our Cidunm8, but ---having given Simmons Liver Regulator a, fai trial, we do not hesitate to say that, for Dvspepsia and ffieneral debility it can not be excel led.'f Fred M. Childs edif tor "News," Ke 11 ton, Ohio. , l! , . - r Whatever may be the en use of blachiug the hair may be restored to to its orgiual cohir by theme of that p ! en t remedy H ji's Vegetable Sici Hair Recewer. ,1 It. 0 Taylor iMHrfreesbdTo Tcnri., .writes have, "nsed:' the - J ipane?e J?ile Cure with great satisfaction and succes.,r .Sold b v' Ed win " Cuthrell.' ) Aunty VVhat a lot af pnttj; dolht you have. j ; '" . . ' . Lit t Ie Miece Vw'm, thev " is ;. real pretty, butl hve so innch trouble wi2 fcem. Sometimes 1 fink they ui ust be all boys. G0( News. S Magnetic Nervine the. great resloni Ijye, will tinse you to sleep like a chil.l. Try iL Sold by lwinCuth- rell Salisbury N. C. . ' - ' ' I - - ""' "v - r Elstin Cuthrell .Druggist, recom mends JohnsnV Magnetic Oil, the great family pain-killer, internal audi external. E twin Cuthrell Druggists, recom mends Japanese Liver Pellets for con stipation and sick headache. Small, mild, easy to take. 50 pills 23 cts. Vs. E. a NEBVE AND BSAIN TEEAT- MEST,- pcifio Jor Mmeria, Disriness, Fits, New B ral(rta, Beadacfa,iNrrous ProvtratioB ctucd by 'Joohol or 'bacooi Wakefulness, Montal Deprewfaxt dozcecix at Bi-olij, ccasins insanity, misery, decay, death, Prematura Old Age, Barrenness, Zjoiol Power Ineither eejc, Impoteney, Lenootrhcea and all Female Weaknesras, IavoIuutRry Lcae. aperma torrnoea cata.ed fcr orer-exerUon of train, SeU caa! over-Indalg enco. A month's treatment. fL, 'ojW. mail. With each order for 6 boxes, with W will send written guarantee to refund if not cored. Guasanteefl issued by arent. WEST'S LIYEK PILiiJ cure i Sick Headache, BiUoaxneR, Liver CompUmt. Soar Stomach, Dyppia and CoristiDatiaa. GUABAKZ3: issued ouly by T. i Edwin Cnttrell Salisbury, N. G - Why Hoodts Wins. President Lincoln said, uYou cannot fjol thet peop'e. a second time." They are too quick to reeoKiijze real merit or lac'' opt, and Ming ouly to those things which they find ?lo be what is claimed for l hem. f . i - Ujsespeciapy Ratifying that the sale of HoootiSarsiipariila increases most ra pidly in those sections whorte it is best known. The iuferenceis plain. Hood's Sarsa parilhi has proven that it posse.sses ;en uine merit. It luaintainsa tiiih standard which others cannot even anoroach. It is the people's favorite hiood-purifyinjC and building hp niedicinei and is more2 popular this yiear th in ever before. All this because II ood's Cures. Hood's and Only Hood's. Are vou weak, and weary overworked and tired? Hood's S nsaparilla is just the niedicinf you need to purify and q lieken your "blood , and to give you appetite and strength. If you decide to take Hood Sarspariila do not be to buy any othjr. Any eff-irt to s'u"b stitute mho! her remedy is proof of the merit of Hood's. UI . I! 1.1 II . J I I XiUgeneia iuouu iy anu l was j never treated better hi my life. 0!d South Carolina will be all right vet." j j The reporter then questioned beijator Butler in regai d to the work of Con gress, md he replied: "The Democrats ;ire now blamed with the unhappy condition which pre vails. Of course the Republicans are responsible for it, but Ihe people d not know ir. But we shall not fo A Hood's Pills nro the best after-dinner Pdls. assist; digestion, cure head ache.1 Try a box. r Sp in Burke they propose to build a church close to a distillery and then in corporate the church and conijel the distiller to move. ex. DO YOC tSCw" FELIX LE P'Jrr3 fTFFi Pil PYKYR V f are tho orisrfral mxj-.I only pitrN' fl. pafoem! ro t -'l-ile cure on; tho irtrkct. I'rtx, i 00; odt by GanuipefcoM ODlvJ:.y Edwin Cuthrell Salisbury, N. C. having speculated in the st.-ck of the ; with the R, ipillic;U!S HUy all .w- sugar trust on their knowledge of what the sugar clause of the tar'.ff bill was to ing them to spend only so mu h time as we can't help in talking. ' When it I. Senator Vest said: 'I may as well , come8 action n,ft . wi a(.t as H Hjy say now, once for all, thai such publi- jTne WiUon tarriff bill will become a Wants a Comfort able Coffin. A Crowfordlvilljj Io$.) correspond ent says; There ijs a mlin liviiig nine miles south oftthil city fwho, tjiough m the Lest of health has given his orders for his eofSnl His name is Drake Bro-ikshire. Ie is thejfather of Hon. E. V. Brookshire,-the democrat ic!cou gressman frotp tbis, tle Eighth ;r dis tricts" Mr. Brobkshire weighs 280 pounds, has always liveVl upon a farm, enjoyed the fjestf of jhealth,; hiding nver leeu sick ajday iiu his life, and now 67 years fefajgej the othei-day he c imrtotowiind wen to an under- taxing estaunsnnieiu anu informed the proprietor, that j he, jyanted ! to pur chase a cofSu, The proprietor, asking who was deaq, was gatly astonished on being told that it was for the live man standing before him.' ! uMr. BroOkshire, Jhowever, quited him by saying t(iatlh did net intend to die until hi had to, Shut that he want ed to die with the k!n(fwlellge that there was a coffin alrelidy; Uiade forj him in whieli he would haveileulv of room rrhe undertaker did! nit seem Ito I L'nmv what to do, tlndSMtrookshire, seeing his embarraslmnti kid down! upon the uoor na arqereclj . is measurement taken, lhejcr fcuj vfill be made of two inch ball,! firmly jbolted 4 gether. anov will be 0 feet inches long, 3 feet wide and 2i feet dftrt. After rh . . I " .. I "- fio is made Jpr.!Brpokshire will! try it and see if it psj bjiu. He also says that he desires tb be aken to Ihe grave , "JIf one should step to the Senate duor arsd. exclaim;, Vlteilo, Gey.?rn'orr Sen'a- j ! t i - - :tf" G f. Harris Hate. - -. i yard in-liis frn) waon, drawn by hh team of favorite1 mlils." j 1 -'iopu i u.g.i ; i r ij,vr:iuL be npi 1 o lornk. jratt li e alt-niioii of t hr lemainiler ?apl 'Hell"J ColimeiT' Would probably fech those that were left. " r - ; is . . - Annette Truly astonishjng.-Miss N: Moen. jpountkin, Miiin', ys k4Ayer Cherry Rtjora! ha) j had i wonderful j.fec itciringmy brother's children of sever and dangerojus cold it, was iruei. astoijsihmg hOw speedily they found relief after taking parationr this pre- cation as this is a vile slander, and the man who repeats it is a willful and ma licious liar." Senator McPherson eaid that he did sometimes buy stock, fori investment, not speculation, and that when he was in the South some weeks ago his brokers, acting under a stand ing order to buy certain stocks when they could be had at certain prices, bought 100Q shares of sug.r stock for him. As soon as he returned and learn ed of the purchase he instructed his brokeis to sell the stock and to buy no more, as he. did. not wish to hold it . while sugar was being discussed by the F. nance committee. The usual bids for the soldier vote were made by the republican members of the House during the debate on the pension appropriation biil. it was the old, old story. Postmaster U neraKBissell doesiLt accept any halfway business from con tractors uuder his department. The President of the Pacific Mail Steam ship Company ,was made aware of this fact, this wevk-i through an official no tification that thecoutract between the Government and his company for the transportation of mails between New York and the Isthmus of Panama, and between San Francisco and the J.ip i nese and Chinese poits, maJe under the subsidy act of the notorious billion dollar Congress, would be cancelled, he cause of the failure of the company to comply with the terras of the contract. Mails will continue to ha sent by the steamers of this line, but only the usual prices will be paid for carrying them, instead of an extra subsidy of SI a mile for all the distance covered. The can celing of this contract leaves ouly two lines the Red D line, between New York, Cuba and Mexico operating under the subsidy law, as the American line between New York and Southamp- tion will not bejiin to receive its sub sidy until next October. The House democratic caucus held this week to consider the adyisability of making some change m the rules, look ing towards ah easier way of getting and keeping a quorum, accomplished nothing because it was not itself at tended by a quorum. There is one way in which the democrats of the Housv! could largely iucrcase their pop- law by April 15, ar. fa th st; tlie seig niorage bill piss; the Federal elections laws have been repealed, and if j Con gress vill now do something for the currency, and repeal the ten pr 'cent, tax on State bank issues, it will j have redeemed everyone of its pledgrs." : The Senator f.els confi lent th it he will be returned to I he Senate, He knows the current has set iu his fayoraud he n iu a good humor. ' ' " lal The New York coi respondent f tlie Charlotte Obscrcer savs he ! he..rd a prominent Republican ptdi.iiini from the West -a-few nights ago atjthe Fifth Avenue Hotel decloethat the old issues between the two great parti s were al most entiiely obliterated;-; that . 'new ! lines of battle were beinj foi niied, silent ly but surety, and that, iu his opinion, it would not be a great while before ojen political war would exist betwipn the great manufacturing and agricul tural interests of jthe country;' or to put it iii afrother from, between the North a'udjEast oi(' the one side and the South and West on I he other. He declared tb;:t the voters of the nation were silently and unconsciously align ing t hem-elves for this conflict right now, and the constant am irritating tinkering with the great business in terests and industries of the; country by either party as it came into power was rapidly hastening the d iy wheu battle would be joined in earnest. Tha Old Friend And the Liest friend, that never f.ul.s vcu, is Simmons LiverTiegu lato, (the Ted Z) that's vvnat you he ir at the niention cf this cxc'Vleiit Liver medicine, and i o i-hohM not be y l tiuided X:-;K ntivtliiing t;c w il "o. It, i j tiie, .King cf Live;- .Ldi is U 'tter th.-.n pills, :.nl "j t'io ice of Quinine and ' '..Snn-!. lit a..-t3 c1 i recti v on tie . Ki'ln- ys nn-1 Bowels and !?-.v !life to tli vholo sy's T!i' :, ifl tl.o nn dicine y "u J;: I t bv all DruuLrist in ; lAVlcr to be t;.keu in'.o a t-;i. 'V-'!V F rV'.AtiV w fy i- tvi oi r:njTtet .. .5. CO., riiiiWi. iu, v".. 7 -i . v . ; tliv'js Mrs. Judge Peek Telia L .hShe Was Cure! lowing letter from Mrs. it: i, Judge Pecfc,aJusUce.itttraty '4 connected wltU the AiaWfphHfc "By A fle?p seW of Bratitde ft! - Ijeuett 1 have received from the i. ?! SarsaiMirllU, I have Wen lea u tug statement for t!i i.ciu-V w4 Hl bwu grm sutferer from d,," 1 U j Heart Trouble. J Almost eryuing I ate ovM fiutreJ I tried differeut treaUuenu Wi 1 failed to rene relief. Two ynZ prevailed upon me to try H.HHi VJ51 fr, . xiie nrsi Douie i not i lieiiii;rpvi. my menu tke of ti.e imj,r,,.mirtf7 -feceived aacli great benefit from tTm, j 1 j Gladly Recommend it.! r I bow bay an eTcellent amtite ever distress iw. u alw kl't flesh and strennth. 1 cannm I HAVING RECENTLY MOVED MY STOCK of fiOODs J TO , TIIE CORNER Fisrsusrly Ucctipied BY J. B. SHHST3, i f . - . I am better -prepared to sell yon Gro ceries cheaper t!ia:i ever. I receive new goo ts uly and luy a! kind- "of eoiijitry.' prod al-io aent. f' :r i h-- eeleUrated alvauize.il li.ieUk-haiid ho.'k; wjil not iu st tfoin sei'ie or exposure to weatfier. SPECIAL I have'JfH) pairs of sbe- il'.id some laHe dress noti.s oii liimil and will sell ai and. below cst. A 'so a!I persons indented to me ly account, note or in rt ir ig - tr last year will cal4- aiid settle and sive eot. Yours, re-pec; fu'-ly, JULIUS EAMHABDT. neu ana su-engui. i caunot Tniiv T Snrsapartlla too much." Mi-h u f Tracy, California. Get HlK)l. ( Hood's Plf are ku.a mS t9 proporUon and appearauce. 2Dc. box. Jomj Voinei! Yin; CAN if A KE .MOXEI BY OBTAINING SUIiSCRIBEES F0t The' Southern States It is a beautifully ilfustniied 'tamVk oagazine diM to the Soutn It k full of intere t for evtey iesiViit'of .u South and ouln tobc in ev .rv utl,m ! , Evrytoay Can Afcriit :a t i'iatu Anli' 1 .?,0 ..... i. - ?! iji n fiiin; ciy , We H ant an Agent in F.very. SooiIhi vn.t anu iiiwii. r!Mr samittft its and particulars to-tlie' M A N U F A CVU R KB S' II 1 ( ( 1; 1). J I B. fjj, Iialtiuiure, Mil. KILLSTO.Ea Ha" inr bouTht the K K. mi ips XiPs u.nnis. I w iotI up t' fiiniiHi iNv uoiv g.li, lor com alii UrA. -- - . J.T. WUH Beautiful Shoes- Ortmann Pays Tina EXPRESS. SEND FUJI OUR SPRING TRICE List and Circular aiid you will find it to your advantage tohave;i!nndnf various kind. .F VOVr soiled clotliCS dyed or Uusnendeis leif at 13c. e;ich. cleaned by us. All work guar anteed or no charge. COLUMBIA STEAM DYE WORKS, 173 Main St., Columbia, S. C. Deafness Cannot be Cured Tennyson on Spring. We have th word of Alfred Tenny son for it tlnit in the snriny the vonnp- m in's fancies Jiahtlv turn to thouoliU 5U-tfchiao Tu,' "he" is tbeKeu inflamed by local applicdnon as they cannot, reneh the diseased Krtion of the ear. There i'g only one way to cure deafness, wnd that is by constitu tion :d remedies. Deafncs is caused rv an in- flamed condition of the mucous liuinir ,of the v.. i i. : .. ' . M l . t. : - ... i . - .i of love. It is singular lh it the great laureate "omitted to nientidn the fact that it is in the sjinng t.iat a ctmside - ahle potion of the huui in race turn to Ukiag Hood s barsapanila. rrobabry notiiing but the difficulty of fln iiug a good rhyme lor that invalii ihle remedy deterred him. Certain it is that the old-time domestic remedies are . gener al iy discarded in favor of te standard bl. o.l puntier, Ho wl's "S ir.-ap irilL, which h is attained the greiitet popu larly a'l over the country U thf favor ite Spring Medicine. H p!iiihi?s the hiood and gives nerve, mental, hjdily and digestive strength. I Suhscrilw to the Watpiimax now. O ily 1.00 a yeur. you have a runiibhng sound or iniiierfect hear ing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is (he result and unless the iufiamniatioi) can be taken out atid this tube rettored to its botaial condition hearijeg will be destrovt-d forever, nine cases out (uf ten are caused 1v Catarrh: which is notiiing b ut an iutiamed condition of the mucous surfaces. j We will gire jOue Hundred Dollars for any ase of deafness' (caused by' catarrh) that can not becured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free os irtnzz BEX. T... W R.T SMALL PRICES. L 'dies dongola button oe, better .grade '$1, Infants 25c to Toe, Ch'Id fine donijola button pa'ent tip 50-, Misses 75c, Ladies Low cut don sol patent tip 50e.fi5c. 7-"ct 'SI, 12"). 150. 1752t'X), 250. 3 H) &c. Men. Slioes in a hundred ormore stT'es and grades nt aS many OifXr-reut. prices. Also gin shams, prititshtwns, wsh fabrics, onr- injjs, white s(f"t black g cU and ew hundred pend 1 VERY TlUILY, 3?. W . BX7RT to O O. N.B. Cario Henriettas 36 inches wide at 1 5c, per yard, . ; , D,R.'M uan nonce 10 -no i ici uuu-iny lixve nwd 4.-uesto-k iioin ttj-l : sloie nmui niiiier tiicCni. tei lotn.eir oia oU sli-i t: th nid in otdei to retlu -e our si-w niil ofTer SPECIAL IJAIKIALVS ior the next TlllUrYDAYo jXDnvreom Call and he convinced that we-can bs :noney by bu;. lnjf from u T- . D. R. J'JLlAN&SuM. L. Sjfenc ) ATTOnXHYJ-AT-biW. TROY, OfTers his professional services U the people ef Mofit(.n:ery id; joining counties. rAJ-Kr.-s . him il troy, N. C. V : DR. E0BT. I. fiAMSM Surjeoii 1 kid ist.) SALisBUin; X. ' JBQfOttice hours 'J a. iu. to ij.tn. INSURANCE- " '" wBif "iw mi iimi . Prof. E.W. ftmUb. Prin. Commercial CoIIp of Ky University, Lexington, Ky.. was awarded MEDAL A WD DIPLOMA ET THE WORLD'S CCLL'SS.'AS EXPOSITION, For Sjratrm of Hook-krplDx aed Hnrm BnaineM Mwration. cte. Cost to compief Business Xurne about 0, tnclnding tuition bonk and board. PnonoHTapby. Type Writing anu Tlerar'y fnbt. For circulars. l4rmt. SOUn, STUOyG A T.KLIABtE - FOR- Fife, Rents life and m Losses Promptly Itatea Reasonable. J. M. PATTON DR. W. W. ?rs his " profe si citizens of iNili.-biiry J rrr.. i.: . . .,4.. .1 ' wrVIl! T-viiem ins jiruic .-ii'" community, iiecan " .-if ir... .... . .1-1 tip nofet t" ' U InM'iVli-iiir utiil'P- J a mild o . Subscrilie to the WaTCB1 set the news.: Only tlW tidvjfnc'. W. L. Nicholson. NICHOLSON &RA HPS M fe Eiwiti Cuthr tie dneiMi oftbUul-LiiiurT Cf. i ' I " rtquins no c. u. of diet or. A3 A Pf8EVEfTlVS by citbr ss It U ipoMitti taeotanrt muj irMTMi d iiuu , l.ux in th cu, of tho lreJy Ufuiu.ra.t Imictn wuk (icaorriitta aad Gleet, wi f u4ru te ear. Frn by mail, poitac nmfc 1 f lpeUx,arUaafurai. ell Salisbury, N. C. B. G.Webb. WEBB, I Salisbury Marble WorKS LARGE VARIETY OF MARELE 0N.HAND TO SELEC1 - I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. i PROPRIETOKS - - '4 11 S - i.

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