i - . .- J 1 n s. " v - . ' - WW - . ml -f-sv- . ; - I 1 J - W M - : . .- . - , 1 - 1 W . - s - ... . 1 : r- a sn 1! . 5 - ' V II- 11 III - - J 1 I T " 11 A ,K II v i I .1-" giPO UitlH. SE What At i, ; :. "'.-ii t -I r . -m . m -i tx - ii ,i r ii i ri r r . i n : -.:,..; ,. r. v i r n . : . csknti Is Iri Swnncl, Pitcher's jirescriptlon for In&nts Cbildreai It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor i other Narcotic substance, t is h-rmless substituto Vor Pareeorie, Drops, Soothing Syyups, and CastorOil. M. IViMm v f Mothers. Castoria J-the Mother's Friend. .i ; , j Castoria. . . , Tt m pvior to my pcrU kTI tO UVC." lit S. Oxxora BC, toojj, .i. w "r H, weU kno thut tt kkou work v ; KewYorkOty. - Tu Ckut avm JOHMSOirS giACNtrnc oili , tastMtKUJwoirala. Internal and External. Cores' KIZ KOM ATISJ. KEUBAI MIA. trmm Rack. HoisiBa. Braifar. tiAsee BOIVn &peeUny propared for IttC llliftOfc GiUAtf, stock. Double StrenpUi, asamt rowarfal ani PatiatratixacLitilnantfor Kan " r Mt Is MiJkaww. Laix fi stae aiso Uo. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. sad TmIsC Tka Qraat Skin Cure sod fmv BasNixMer; Ladiae ariU find tt most aSastaasd Mhlir perfumed Tofle Soap or - ih bmtMU It la abeoiwteV . Makes tb , rtiaeort ssdwsHstysnd rwdora Us lorteom- sisalini 1 s luxury (or the Bath for Infants. k iUn Uchiair. clasaa tha scalp an t promote MkTt htir. JTicaa5c iToraalaby EDWIN CUTHEEIi, $ALISl!l"KY, N SUDDEN DEATH! Th Community Shocked. Last eveaac, juM after ta, while Mr. TVoaa Hmrtmsn, a (roatiueuVsnd liigLjy rsHwcUd citiasu, apjwrentjy in the bel t.( acil ssi aoirtu, saa reading a newauaper, Iks attsct aad(lu!y fell u tlte Hour ; he jtlaoss oms kaoif over bis heart, gasped, and staL Wk ia it chair, ' vidmtly unuou aua. Tu fainiljr were htrickea with cou atsraitios, sud uaiuvdiaieiy suaiiuaard s ssyiiciaa. Hut it irsa too late. .The oki faailawn waa dead. V'1 K'n Bv h1 1 -..sinus at ihalcau." UolbianJc Herald. - Tr da Ue papers aoatatu statements siisilar U the abort. jrn youth is no de fease sfainst ksart diseass, and the swful raf tiity srilu which it ia claicniug Ttctinia fjrcsinpoa all a convictioif of ita prerslence. : kaadsr if yMi have is arnipt4m of tltia irsas liseaaa do not lieUate a moment in Mtaaiiaf to itM Drlsy U alwayg dangeroun, jasJ ia liart (iiaeaae too often fatal. Sonic tiaptoma of heart dueae are shortness of kraals,' fluttering, or palpitation, pain or tanssrietti in lft ide. ahoulder, or-arm, ir Wifslif jwilwimrttliering, weak or hungry fainting iella, dror, etc. "' rfcwis R wiii Yirk. Pa . writ : "I auffercxl ssj art ttiisa 22 yars. KreqweMtty my a44rtoitU1ratoiinip'itttmv mtiuib.aud ray aaaitt(Mi ma1a ie T.ry melancholy. PhyMclaiia s n rrli.f. I hcani! so much worse that usA ifH-tl to liv. but ws tttdurad ! a IsMrrmrt t n MtW' Nw Heart Curs. The j tasMwl lr I felt erontlr reltsvd, and at the eufl Kt4 I fait like a king, i My gratitude U too tytbe rtreslon." -j fa-lb R.H-kwll. nntnntwn. V.. airsd 1 , . .r: 'sr-vr four veara prr1oua to betrtn- Witttm soTOr. Mile New Heart Onre I waa n4 wlih heart tla in a .rery satart form. 5 Llken cur... hnt with no baneflt I W Df . Vf lies' remedy, one txilUe of which 1 jTn ktka "Rich Point la., makee ths fV f J"1 atateasnt z " I waa avwreek fr-.tn heart ana Maiaach trouble wheM I twins wlna; ; fcsa.HaartOiTs and Serre and Lira ffu., AlarMultortkixueIam weil." ' r.' VlWiVew I Wart Cnre la told by sl diyif.. KJ" r"snte. sr ant bv the pr. MTlsa fctadirsi ro.. Elkhart, itwl . o rwipt of 1Qf- tl par buttls. a' a bttles for P. eprea pre--'. It, poaHtrHy fre' from sJl oplatea or teaswasMrsga. Tr. Vllsa' Nrr and I.'vsr rlUa. ssuta r W, ie tMTS.tl.M. Malted fywhaaa. fiae book at dacaiats, or by malL For Sale bv ull Diugists. raWiasMasststaO.aiaaasaiaiiaatiasasa; :ou of employmcntror in " - ; "" : r' ii M mifftii iw i m'ST'- AMB 73 are . a . positiou tliut iypu do net: .; Jillkf? ? "PrvsclKTtr -fit crt,iS j j ----- . a V.. m Z Siting of Life Insurance is : : J yotjr special forte. ; people lxave, after trial. ? been suronsed at their: I fitness for it To all such s it has proVcd a niost con- i : genial and profitable occu- : pation. The Management : 5 of the : : able Life I : m .the Depaftnien : Carolinas. desi res to add : to its force, some, agents 5 ; of ehhraeter ind ability; i Write for in fon nation, z W. J. Rodney, aAcr, I L - a aaaaa,MIj444Ml.44.. Equit ! i ll ; i: vi i ii i.iWfii ii ii. ii ii-. ii - - w - ii . . n ii ii n iv; t nTrv v u '! - - ii 1 1 ii 1 1 . v f f 1 1 1 1 i " ' a 1 1. ? ii ii ii ii ri - . , i a f y ii ii ii . ii ii ii ii 1 1 i ii ii ci. ii m ' m mm i i . - - i v , i i . . ' a v t - i f i iin.ii'" i i x . 1 j IE. i is is th Children's ronacea CastoriaT Catori cure OoBc, Coarf-:Ittln, Kour Stomach, Di&rrhooa, Srucjation, W.U Worm, iic loI. prooaotoB ro. " -. 'iv TTlLkout Lb jurioua medication. ; " "For aevecal jreatt I bave-rocomiBwdoi your Cartoria,' u&Jtuai filway contiaua it U t s it L iBTariaLJ! produfoi benaOcU tJCUi Street ami "Ui ?iw York Ctr Oomtajit, 7? UCUAT tiTKXET, NKW YoET CtTf IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I CYEH UAOE. . There are'siiiKle retail hra stores la our lares elttea which at 11 'ifioO pairs of rhocs a day, inakina; a net prollrcf $3j0,ejo a year. -Wc sell ahf low, but we aril a great many ps.ira, the el ar profit on our ladies', mUaca' and children.' shoes U at k.-a.t ten e nt a pair, aad on our mens and boys' alu a li cvtxU a pair. We clmll cstullii''n rh Hon a in each of Hits flay Urrcct cities ut the I'. S., iul If thy sclUmly v0'piura c-f rhof a Uay thry wixild ears Vii, 01 a yi-ar. - We ahould ho aUct- pay a yearly tJiAitU-wl . f J 5.C" a.r!inf-, orovtr irv-i!t. a year on tho ltv- tiup; t. We m II i'iu K'.wck tt ?i a shaTe. The pricf nuit l:wvilali!y I e t:n"ch more , than l'a shar. :!Ni f'.v !c I:-i t vi-f I -t-n wnl at less Ihn this pric, t h:c!i i 1 i j iur-v;Ine. St rk non-asecsaablc. lticorprull. t;.it::l ,,"'0. We have over 1.000 Vckh.Ui r, r.r tl tlur in:!rlr Is tneruyilng daily. Soraacf t'io priaclri-l suxk holdcra are: T. S. Vail us. V. Y-: I. J. !-Uf. I? -U; N. V.ltA'1, Jr.. CUh-at? V; J. II. fi l '. !ii--' : W. M. Kvaiaii2h, Uitlp K-tk. Ark.! I. II. 1- i !i.'fhirar; J. '. Trur. Phila.t.V- Hrd:tB, N. V. i:. ' l ay:... Uitlit Cn-'k, Mith. ; K 1'. llttllrtti-, Arra.r . r. Y. Write: for a prurpectiia t'nuiiiiM; li nmrs of our stockholder, t-tc, r 'h t-nUr r '. t, i itc'ntimg mutter' rifrt, rttnh f tituvtf ftttr. Ord.-ra iaken for one or utoru shares, l'rlcr, $10 DEXTER SHOE CO., u&ttX:X LiklTKB. 8H0E CO., Inc'p. fspttsl, $1,000,000. It EST SI. SO !Sltt)i-I IN THK AVOKLDW "A dollar tuvtd it a dollar enmetl." ThisTjtila'Sol't.l French !tnsolaKIfBnt toa Boot delivered free anywhere in the U.S., on receipt ort;aln Money uraer, or iNwttt-Note for (1. SO. Equals every Way the boots wld in all retail etorca for 2.50. We make this boot ourlvpn, t!icreforo we guar r.nlc Ujo til. (' rtutl wntr. anil If n;iy o:m is not satislied wo will i'eind the money ov -oiiix -'oiher pair. Upera Tu cr Coniitiun trns. lr-.l i.l2fej. Smtl tr.iiir tin ? rj-. - " - 9 F icpie DExiEflf Shoe Go., Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, stid sll Pat ant business conducted for Moocnatc ret. Own Owcc is Opposite U.S. PaTCttTOrrieK ana we can secure patent iu less time tbau those remote from Washington. 1 bead model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We ad rise, 'if patentable or not free of charge. Our fee sot duo till patent ta eccored, A PaaiPHLCT, "flow KjObuUn Patents, with names of actual ekrats ia; your btatx,coanty of town, sent free. Auires, y C.A.SfJOW&CO. Oesv PaTcnr Officc. WaaH.aTOH, O. Q. tgas,viousTiirr;s .-rti nru Pizrcni ret Pitmen ysrouLLo Are Safe auU Always Ke Liable t better thaaiUnay or Pennyroyal Pllli aadtdleimllsrintidicinea. Vuexcelled for Irregular! lios.Jka Bacceasfuity usedlu tboniandsof cssea. las sure remedy .'-guaranteed, never falls. Prion ft. A -BbeqTjailedaategiiard. LAKKSlIi3 SFKCIFl Market; fct, Culcatro, 1U Sen e-the Ufa that is Gratia a against Consump- ,.- Only net prorapuy. ! Put it off. and jj,'-rt"w - nothing can save' ""- C. you. But, if tak- - i '- en m vune. ait. Fierce' Golden Medical Discovery will oar. taialycure. t - -' It must be dono through the blood and the " Discovery " is the most potent blood, cleanser, atrength-resiorer, and fiesfebuilder that's known to medical scionce. The scrof ulous affection of the langs that's called Consumption, and every form of Scrofula aad blood-t; ints, all yield to it For Weak Lung, Spitting of Wood, Bronchitis, Asth ma, and all severe, linjrering cough, it's an unoqualed remedy. It's the only one that's maranteea. If tt doesnt benefit or cure, in every ccse, you have your money back. Cah apytluts else, at any price, be really . as cheap! . You n&v onlr fr,r iWlnl Something elffl, that pays the dealer bet- M J J - " ; . . wvA ' tSR, i mmtk iY MTV hap i , for Aim, but it caut Be. for THE OLD, OLD STORY.' .1 I -V-f- T "v'1 Th Thrilling Romano of Younff Qirl's Ioer Raia and BegTet. ii HISS TESTIFIES 15 COURT. i ; ' m. i b Sudtli e4 re m Tears' Slraai ; Tlta ta lTorld of m Canpromliil VlrtS v Urokan PromiM. WisnrsoTOX March 17. -The newt from NeV York that the marriage of lolonel W.C- 1. Ureckinrtdge and Airs. Lmi.y VliiPliad takeu place secretly in that city 91a April SVth, last, accord ing' to; thd nfarriafre certificate, three month before file ' public ceremony, wa Hpread about the court room where. MI3S M1PKT.IXR POI-LAUn. the hrcai-h 4f promise -ae was bring ' tried and created great interest. Coun i sel, hbwjpver were unable to see what bearing; this marriage could have on I the cjisei for t.stimony has been givrn ' that hef engagement of Colonel llreck- inridge snd-Miss Pollartl existed nearly i a month, prior t- the dute of the secret inarriaie os given in the certificate, j which has juat been filed in New York. I Irk. Julia C. lllackburn, the widow of i Governor Luke ! lllackburn, of Ken ' tncky. who testified in the case on Mnrch Vth, said that on Good Friday night, fin 18UH. Colonel Breckin r'dge hrpnght Miss Pollard to her apartments at the Portland, in this city.? j aiMl !preehtod her as his future wife, asking Mrs. lllackburn to give the young Woman her protection dur ing the :etufasr?ni.rit. (!ood rYiday in 18tW came -on March 81, while the se cret I marriage is recorded as having tnkeh place April 29 of that year. Miss ' Iollrd; ttsM'-ed rn the witness stand vesterda that 'tn one of the Inst days I.f Aiifrtwt in IWi, CoL Hreckinridze Lnd a ket her to marry him and she hud ooi,M.itod. Col. Jtreirkihridg wrstolJ bv a re porter that' t'C wrtifcale of marriage had Iverf fij -d with the bureau of vital statistics and asked if he would say somethHir iftlwut it- lie declined. Maiimtfl I'ollard told the story of . her i life lt a courtroom full of men. She wns I on t":ic witness stand from early nVfrrilntr until adjournment and the tale she told was a romance. She was; souHvhat theatrical, very plaii: tive and cnfiding. and gave hor testi mony wiihirtvhesitat;on. Her bright ness, h erf 'keen wit anl her appreciation of ercrtr (question, we; e particularly n tU.,e btt'i For svich a sensational c.ise herf trst!mony waa free fi-o.n vul gar anil suggestive details. Once whf n she wns asked to tell of a ermrersation with Colonel llreckinridee ' aont l hrr coming confinement, she burst put Jhalf wccpinglv, with a pro tect eAint beinir made to sny such things be.fore o many men. and the qnoktioTf; vfas withdrawn. Cold tf rift cannot depict the rising and fallinir of pier pia'ntive voi: the tone of her ti?rijnre little acknowledgement j about herewrlv life, and the sharp and i eonirteonsireplies to inqnlr'ea of the de ; fnilantsJattorney. Major Hulterworth. . Khti proved the most interesting wit : neca of the now noted trial, and every i woi-d f he uttered was listened to with attention!. She told how she hnd lived as a little girl; how James llhodes, an uncouth old mnrt, ihsd made a contract with her to pay" for hir dncntion on condition that she would pay him back or marry him: hriw Colonel Hreekinridge came into he life; how she pased for nine yeria4 f a pure, innocent girl: of th proptMial of marriage after the death of Mrs. 'Breckinridge, and of what fol lowed tie defendant's marriage to Mrs. Wing, ft The last' question asked by Carlisle was as to how long the. illicit relation ship existed between Colonel IJreckin- ndre and the plaintiff, and .Miss l ol- lar.1 ' answered lourtlv and distinctly, cmrhasiiintr everv svlable : "I'Vora that night when he took me toarah (Inest's. in 18S4. there never was j any sngeestions of the discontin uance pf that miserable sin, until Colonel Breckinridge, with all his pro testation and promises and vows of affction. left, me on the 17th day of May, 1393.' , H.-;fs -' Why Did nrrehtartds-o Harry Mrs. AVlae? LoviSVtl.i.K, K.v., --March !7. Dr. PretoniScott. brother of Col. Breckin ridge's wife,r6fued to answer thc ques tion if the statement was true that he had compelled Breckinridire to marry his sister immediately aftr the death of j thef coloricl's first wife. 'His face flushed! as he said that the matter only concerned th member of the two families. f , - Da Vaitoa. Wh Ofll alod. BiHks a . : ton; in an Interview relative to the Breckinridire-Wing marriage, said: married Colonel Breckinridge and. Mrs. Wing on April 29. 1893, in my study, before two witnesses, of whom! Mrs, Paxton was one." r , Hi :ii xi : --r MISS POLLAR r - O NTI N U ES. i 1 Oa th Staad AcauH lt.u. ay ere Cross- i Kxassuaatla by tb slssias. iWafHtwoTOX, Mnnh 19. Miss P--l-lard tfKk the stand acain to rr "rd the cross-examination begu: P.-it'a and i confirmintr t' e story of her o e and ruin. .She is st -ongty , pressed on the testimonv of Mrs. Blackburn, aud this now is e'e rty tl c def ns?'s strona i bold."' Ihe disclosure made a to the line of defense recalls the- many ques ' Uons. asked this lady that w ti consid ered at the time wholly foreign to the .ttbjeet . I 3 if 1 Ashors Kaat mt Fir I aland. " I iFlItK I si. A 5 D. N, Y.. March 19. . steamer La Bretag.ie is ashure two ve cjille ea&t of Fire Island, u 1 ! ' " ' " fafa pj SALISBURY. N C. THURSDAY MARCH, 22 1894. NEWS IN THE SOUTH. Matters of Oenoral Interest Bolow the Mason and Dixon Belt. RESUME OF THE WEEK'S E VESTS, Ttapemlat f a Xy aad Week 11 ThtMth DUte State roUtlra, Mtloa. Etcw. Chroalclvd 1 Interest aa4 Insirmvt. Mobii.k, Ala., March At 8 o'clock Jast.niffht gre broke oat in.Lienkaaf &. Stranas' wholesale dry goods and no tions, double front, four-htory building, IS and 15 Water street, and spread rap idly to 8. Lahn A Co., cigar manufac turers, next north, and then burned through to St. Franeis' street and de stroyed the building and contents o( the Mobile Vrug company and S. Ii id good, books and stationary. -:v j ' The buildings on Water and St Fran cis streets opposite the fira were schorched and considerably damaged. The wind blew a gale from the south east and at one time the fire spread so fast that fear was entertained that a exeat conflagration was impending. The Battle howte is just went of the locality of the fire and in the same square, and everybody packed up and mored out. The gale was follow d by an immense fall of rain, which greatly aided the firemen In overcoming the flam- s. The loss is nut at S'!OU.OUO. perhaps more. with insurance very nearly that amount. FROM CLARA BARTON. Thvs Presldamt of the American Xstloual Bed Cntsa aad llrr Work tn M. C. Chaklestox, March 17.-The Newt and Courier . publishes today a letter from CI ra ltarton, president of the American National KedCroas, touching on her work in the sva island region oi Kouth Carolina, which was devastated by last August's cyclone. The letter ia dated February 23d, and is addressed "To Our Generous Frl. nds, the Public," as follows: "On the first day of October, ISitt, w accepted the sacred trust of taking care of the sea islands of South Carolina, stormwrccked by the cyclone of Au gust 57th. "From time to time we have issued statements of the condition of the peo ple and the progress of relief. January 1st we published our midfield report, giving an accurate exposition of the field, the statements therein contained speaking for themselves. "Depending uptau that unfailing power that bringeth seedtime and har ve t. we will, from this day, undertake to carry the burdens of this relief on our own shoulders using the funds al ready entrusted to our care a far as they will go, and our own funds after that when necessary, and will ask our fri.-nds to use the money and material which they had intended for us on this fiejd, to relieve distress and stiitring in their own cities, towns and village 6.' For Misappropriating Fluids. IIrunswick, (ia., March 19. Yester day two warrants were batted for the arrest "of R. li. Everett, a prominent land owner in this section. lie is the founder of Everott, a blooming young township ab -ut twenty miles from llruusuick at the junction of the East Ten nessee and 1 lorida Central railroads. The warrants were issued at tlie in stance of agents of the East Tennes see's receivers, and they charge Everett with misappropriating funds of the road oil different occasions at O'Brien and Everett City stations. T Contest Isler's Seat. Chari.estox, S. C, MnrchJ 19. Dr. J. William Stokes, the populist who was beaten for congress from this district by Judge. J. F. lzlcr at the election on Tuesday last, is in the city with John Gary Evans, the candidate for gover nor. They seem to be here for the purpose of getting up a contest for Judge Izler's seat. They claim that the ballot boxes wertTstuffed. - ' John T. Ford Burled. Baxtimose, March 19.-The funeral of the late John T- Ford took place yesterday. The Kev. Joseph T. Smith, pastor emeritus, of the Central Pres byterian church, coaducted the relig ious services, assisted by the Hev. Her- rt nichard.-on. The interment was . private, only the most intimate friends of the family accompanying the sad cortege to the vrave in Ioudon park. - Uyna natters la Korih Carolina. Winston, N. C, March 19. The dyna miter has appeared in this vicinity. An attempt was made to blow up a house of ill-repute situated near the dividing line bet ween Winston and Salem, south of the Norfolk and Western depot The inmates were not injured by the ex plosion, but the house was partially demolished. Tracsdy la iUabsvma. Camdkx, March J9. Last night Ed. Mercy shot and instantly killed Bill Hayes near Snow Hill depot Mercy ielaiins .that Hayes enticed his wife to tiSare him and defied him tln." . . to resent it - - rjnwjeaiaieiy aiiercomnmu"K uwu, frftr tmv himself tin to the law and jv? , fl "Ii " lapallt.'s la CoatToattota. Orpoos Cur, Ore. March 19. The populists met in convention yesterday and nominated Nathan I'ierce for gov ernor and adopted tie Omaha platform with a number of planks covering local issues. Pierce was the successful pop Taliat candidate on the electoral ticket May Lyuch the Xsrdsrt r. Coi.rMRix. S. C. Mareh 19.-McLeod, the negro who is supposed to have led the gang that brutally murdered Post master Oayden at Wedgefield, was cap tured at Wagener's Friday evening. The air is f ull of lynching rumors. South Csrollaa Keforsarra. Colcmbia. 8. CL. M rch IU.-There are indications that the race for the le form gubernatorial nomination will shortly narrow down to between ComptroUer lieneral Ellerbe and Sena tor John Gary Evans, - QHIIdrcn Cry for Pitcher's Castoria' - ' I Jll III , i- hCfdoisTaU BRIEFLY. tswa f lbs tt m V-sdraasd a fsrscnapheaV . In less than three dayf three erf At 'anta'a business nun have committal juici le. During the Chilean elections the tate of iege will be aaspended, except at Santiago. , The tvomen's vote in Colorado thb year makes politic in that state verv proldematicaL Lait week in Wall street was the best in a year, there being- an old-time revival of trading. Sam A. Risley, ex-posta ter at West Plains Mo., commit! -suicide at BpringSeld, Mo. '-'nk-'-ci- Manuel Gareia, the baadlfr Kins- of Cnlia." Is 4'ever-fithf ul Isle In the opening game of the billiard tourney at l!oston. Sloskuo defeated Schaefer 6X to 247. ! -. -Texf persona were kiUcd daring- the storm in Germany by factory ichimneys wciug uwwuuuwu, j ; . ,. . Several citizens of Baltimore are or ganizing tite Common wealth having bank in that city. : '1 he Virginia legislature adopted re solutions of regret at the death of Gen eral Jnbal A. Early. Another cave-in at the Gaylord mine destroyed the fruit of three day' labor by the rescuing party. Bonllla's troops are said to be shoot ing1 even .vomen and children who sym pathise with Vasquez. . The Tennessee breeders' sale of 500 fine horses in Nashville, Is on, and con tinues tlie wlo?e wt e-c. Two burglars were driven out of a house iu St Louis by two gilU. One burglar was shot The tobacco monopoly in the Repub lic of Columbia, S. A., has Created great dissatisfaction. The governor of Virginia has been notified that oyster pirates made a de scent upon James river. Dr. Robert Wickham, charged with murder, has been re.eahcd in Chicago, but will be re-arrested. f Every coal mine in Georges creek rr gion, Maryland, will re&uiuo opcrution. within the next ten days. Rio Janeiro advicce suyl that Presi dent P ixoto has prolonged the state siege unt'l the firs of May.! The Citizens' Investment company has Ween organized at Jacksonville, Fla:, with ?5.ojO capital. D. A. Sullivan has withdrawn from the dtinocratic conirressi.Hml race of the find. Scuth Carolina distrnt. I he h ive Per Cent association at Co lumbia, S. C, is planning to organize auotner bank in that city. Tlie Mclitla i incident will cost Mo rocco 84,000,000 if the sultan pays Spain tne indemnity he promises. Ex-I're idenlJ Harrison delivered the fir.-t of his lvtiires brfore the Siauforu university, in Menlo Park, Cul. Joseph N. Wirley, of Elberton. a& nounoes himself as a candidate for the next genci-ul asseinbiy of Georgia William Culpepper, white, was killed by a pardoned negro convict at 1'el- hani, iiu. Jealousy is alleged as the cause. Moore Baker disposed of the relics of tne tjuatlrup.e tragedy in his house at rranulin Park, J.. and they are to be exhibited. j Colonel William C. Oates. candiiht f for governor of Alabama.! will addr i the citizens of Tuskegec and tne count; ou March -i3d. The granite quarries at Mount Airy N. (.'., are now engaged in tilling heavy oruer irom tmcmuati, anu.200 men are employed. ' The Nashville Cot'on Mill company made an assignment yesterday for the benefit of its creditors, whose claim' J. K. Sovereignr grand master work man of the Knights of Labor delivered an address iu Binningha u Saturday niht to 50O laboring men. Eev. WV P. Rntliffe, charged in Mis slssippi with murder and manslaughter has entered a plea of self defence in the Jackson Hatliffc tragedy. The chrar manufacturers of Ocala. Flu., rassed resolutions arainst the changes made by the senate committee in the tobacco schedules of the V tLson bill. ITie First National bank of Wa lcs boro (N. C. ) au.l the Bank of Anon. n Ktatc institution, have In-en consoli dated as the National Hank of Wa ie--boro. j A prominent sporting man from one of the large northern cituU is authority for the statement that 4 new athletic orgauizatiou U to be formed iu New Orleans. Perhaps the largest gn the rintf of rail way men. as well as one; of the most important of tlie yer, is that to take place at Lskeworth. h ia., on the VOth of March. Lewis Guild, the l.?-y earmold 6n of Mra I. E. (uild. who resides at 60s Front street, Columbus Ga., acciden tally shot and killed himself Saturday afternoon. A special election will be hld In the first congressional district of South Carolina tomo.F-w to fill vacancy caused bv ex-Coiigressmdu Bra w ley s resignation. Philadelphia cricketers are beinjr criticised for failing to send a team to England after "all' arrangements hud ben completed for the trip and the scledule fixed. The wife of Charles Walter Stetson, of lYovitience, R. li. sued for a divorce in California bocajuse.it ; is said, sh-j war'r. neri nusoan to marrjr iort Chanoin. i j J udge rtullips. of the j Kansas City United States circuit court, has. decided that the Joseph Smith crowd are enti tled to the historic Mormon temple lot at Independence, Mo. i ; After eigh cen yeai of unlimited pov.er in the second consTcssional dis trict in Tcnnessei, the Houk got their Waterloo Saturday in tho primary . lection for the j nomination for con gress. John llouk. the present mem ber, was defeated j by 1,700 majority. Th Ituisiana state board of liqui dation met at Baton Kouge and adopted resolution to purchase and retire "4OO.0OO of consolidated and constitu tional bonds of this state of Louisiana after thirty days advertisement the board reserving the right to reiecv any and all bi Is as authorized by law. In their presentments to tb Unit d Ftates court at Mac m. Georgia, tl e rrand jury recommended that the.e should be a governjmcnt prison in ti.e out hern states, knd swtfifted ti e -ovtrrnmcnt property near Aiigu-HVa, ;eorrla. as a sui:al'.e sit--. All g"V lo lJ c-. rurn'tit pris .ncfu!;i- lied to Coluuibu. Ohio. Hi) a' ' .. . - .. " . ; - i Highest of all in Leavcninrr Power. THE BRAZILIAN WAR. Insarasnt Tssnsis Hurresd r to the G overs meat DaUaaia lerta. Rio tx Janeiro. March IS. "lorin.t a j Pelxoto Is triunapbain. I nti.. incnriranf vac.1. . dered without having answered with a aiuiw snot me eannonaae xrout tne government hill top batteries. i ne report that Admiral I)a(2amahad fled, was confirmed this morning. He kought safety on the French cruiser Magan. The American officers of the govern tnent war ships came ashore yesterday afternoon. 1 hey report that the crew of the vessels are well, and delighted that they won without a fight rxcepting the officers, nobody aboard Peixotos men of war. seems to have been eager for battle. In comiui un the harbor this morning, the govern ment fleet saluted the United States flag and Bear Admiral Benham. The United Sta es fleet will disperse soon. The men aboard the American war ships are in excellent health. The end of insurgent power In the harbor, has been welcomed with oy in the city. Exchange has improved 5 per cent. Business is as usual. Not a symptom of disorder has appeared in the city. The people are preparing to celebrate the collapse of the insurrection. The Aquidaban and Republics, which constitute about all that is left of the Insurgent cause, are reported to be in south Brazilian waters. Both are said to be disabled. Admiral Mello has just been seen on the streets of Montevideo, lie has de serted his followers, as Admiral Da Gams deserted his officers and men on the harbor fleet The insurgent sailors here will be pardoned: the officers will be court martialed. ' After the M ar la Over. Eio de Janeiro, March 16. The Americans who helped man the gov ernment war ships have been paid off. They will leave the city on the first ship sailing from this port for New York. -The French war ship Magan. on which Admiral DaGama sought refuge just prior to the surrender of the in surgent fleet, cruised off the coast for a short time and then returned to port The United States war ships will sail on Saturday. SOUTHERN LU3.N.S3. Notlcc:il.lo Acttv.tytn Mntters of Tub is Improvement. Bat: T.-.roUE, ; .---March IB. The Manu factur rs" Record, in its weekly sum mary of the business conditions of the south, says: One of the noticeable feat ures of the buainesu interests of the south is the unusually large number of capitalists and home seekers who are now investigating the resources and attractions of this section, and is being followed b some large sales of prop erty and extensive colonization pro jects. Many reports to the Manufac turers' Record complain of the iuji.ry to business by the tariff, agita tion and in some industries there is much uncertainty as to the future on this account, but. on the whole, the south shows a gradual improvement, with more disposition to take up new enterprises. There is considerable ac tivity in ) ublic improvement matters, including waterworks electric light works and sewerage systems, and re ports for the week show such enter prises for one town in Maryland, one in Arkansas, three in Florida, one? in Louisiana, one in Missouri, oue in Ten nessee, seven in Texas, two in Virginia and in Kentucky. Among the important industrial er terprise.t reported for the week area $500,000 lumber company in Maryland, a $100,000 lumber company in West Virginia, a saw mill of 00,000 feet daily cap'acity in Georgia, several planinf mills in oher states, a shoe factory in Virginia, three tobacco factories in North Carolina, a furniture factory in Norfolk, a 250 ton ice factory in Dallas, an ice factory in North Carolina, fire brick works in Alabama, flour mills, a Eaper mill, a soap factory aud a num er of other enterprises in different states. , Notwithstanding the general depres sion in railroad matters, several rail road projects, some of considerable importance, are taking shape for ac tive constructive work. Th total pro duction of coal in the souths in IStto, 27.700.000 tons against 24.000,000 iu 1893 and 15.200,000 tons in 1SS7. BRAD3TREETS' REPORT. Tbs Mild, print-ti!s Wra'her StJmnlatea Ciiiaum;tln. New York. March 17. - Bradstreets, in their review of trade, says: The unusual prolongation of mild, spring like weather during the early portion of March has greatly stimulated the consumptive demand in almost all the staple lines. Chicisgo reports a con tinuance of last week's very favorable statement regarding trade, this week having been the best thus far in the season, with many buyers in the city, and some dry goods houses working at night to keep up with orders. The most striking evidence of im provement south is from Augusta, where alL mills are running on full time and the demand for cotton goods has increased, although improred crop prosoects in Texas tributary to Dallas, 'together with increased immigration, hare stimulated sales as compared with February. Nearly all of the larger western cities give evidence of an im proved feeling in business circles, specifying ore encouraging prospects. Decorating; the Graves of ths Dead. ltF.iti.iN. March 19. The usual March celebration in honor of the men, who fell in the revolution of 194 was held here yesterday. The weather was bright and cold and thousands went to the Fricdricbshain cemetery to d co-j-ate the graves of the dead. Blanv Peron are fcrciet. avwes from overwork or household cares. YZln bittern Rebuild, the SllLre. exceaf K hue iWlJ has double the cir culation of anv a Lii . i ,J ouier woeKiy, ptu lished in the city. iMi rs Hotel Latest U. S. Gov't Report Atlanta's St. l'atrtk'. tay. " Atlanta, March 12. Next Saturday J is St Patrick's day. And in Atlanta it will be more generally and completely observed than it ever lia in the historv of the city. Every ULshmati in AW , lanta is now working; $ mukcrthc day u one of the most delightful 4n the hi-" r ' tory of the many celebrations of he " patron saint SeyerujT meetings, of the leadtug and most powerful Irish organ izations in the city hnve already been held at which the coming dnv was dis cussed and arranged for. Some of the organizations have gone. so .far as to arrange details of the day and map out the line of individual homage to the " event in the history of the world. Curtis Confessed Years Atv Nr.w Youk, March ; 1'?. A special to The Herald from San IVauciscp s&ys: Chief of Pdlice Crow ley and Detective Lees last night made public', a state ment made to them by Henry I. Haw alsky, attorney for Actor M. B. Curtis in his trial for the murder of Policeman Grant on the morning of September 11. loWl, in which they say that Curtis confessed the crime to liis lawyer im media ely after his arrest .. To Bo Reuiovrd.t r Cleveland. C&KVEi.Axn, O'., Ma,rch 12. -. Congress-, man Tom L. Johnson, ownor of the Johnstown steel works, of Johnstown. Pa. r authorized the announcement that these tns in moth works will he it moved to Cleveland as arvedfly as arrange ments can be cone uded..- The company will erect a 33,000, l)0 plant in this city. Three thousand rr n will be employed. 1'rlxe Ftjrhter Gets Fta rl cen Years. Peoria, 111., 'March 12. In the cir cuitcourt Saturday Charles Wicker, heavy-weight pu ilist. "who. on Decem ber l."th brutallj' bjatJohn Behrends, crippling hiin for life, was found guilty of assault with intent to kill and sen tenced to foui teen years in the peni tentiary. . . Jollna Caeaar Iturrowa in Atliinta. ' Atlanta, larch I?. Julius Caesar Burrows, of Michigan, next to Tom Reed, the leader of the republican side of the house, arrived iu the citytoday enroutc to I'lorida, , whero he goes to deliver a lecture at the chautauqua. Strike or Weavers In the Mi rritnaek Mills, lowELi., Mass., Mareh 12. -t-The spin ners and weavers in ; tlie .Merrimack woolen mills struck todaj- for the old rlM f WJiirtW DOES THEM GOOD. Tbe rromlw of Tariff Reform Starts Ce Numerous Industries. j According1 to the Textile World of j Boston, 172 new mills for the inanu j picture of textile goods were erected i in this country last ear, " - j These mills were projected after the : election of the prase nt tariff eefortn conjrres, an.l most of them a Site r the Inauguration of President Cleveland. Twenty-seven of tle 1ifty-tvo cotton mills erected are in the south. Nprth Carolina leading w!th, fourteen. The total for New England is fifteen, ail but two of them being in Massachu setts. Nearly all o?, the Sity-three new knitting mills abo use cotton. -Most of thera are in the middle states, the south and west havinr. however, fifteen between them. .There were six cotton batting mills put up. only one less ithan in 1S9 Tjie profits of the woolen manufact urers were cut down some, but they were sufficiently large to justify the opening of hirty-three new woolen mills. They are scattered pretty well over the country,, every section being" represented. 1 About half as nitny silk as woolen mills were -established, 'New Jersey and Pennsylvania manufacturers putting up1 ten of them. It is too early yei to, tell how many mills will be erected this year, but a good start has already1 been made, a td particularly in the jsouth. The prodnc tibn of textile good is. however, in creased, hot so much by the establish ment of new mills as It is by the en largement of those! already established. The capacity of fully half of the coUon mills in the south h'-s recently lean or is now being increased. St Louis Re public - j Mr. Keed'SjMistakr. Reed has i cen m ining a -cam-speech in Philadelphia fur the Mr. benefit of Galusha A. Grovv's candi dature for congress. i The burden of his complaint against the present con dition of things iu Washington is that the southern democrats are in comni itid of the party. It can scarcely have escaped Mr. Heed's observation in con gress vthat the west instead of the south, is controlling legislation at prent and that it has required agod deal of generalship on the part of the democratic leaders to restrain the e trorae radicalism of the westerm mem bers on economic subjects. With wheat selling under sixty x cents a bushel the revolution that is g'oig. on in the west is not likely to ,die out Mr. Reed ought to know )thls, and we rather think he does. Bpston Herald. - When Baby waa sick,: we pave her CSajorTa. Wbcn she waa s Chilli, alio Cried for C.sUria. When she became 3IiR, she crtmrr V CastiirU. Whea she bad ChiVrpa, sue tvo taeia Csaturi. fpCir weskneaa,j Malaria, Indigestloo an Uiliesnieas. Inke ! '. mVM uHtiwN mow Binrejou. V cntM qnieklv. For aale by sll dsleral Trw-iK-inc. Oct the zennins, - j if ii NO.7 .'l.i '1 & il 11 I i. in li II ;1 1: li'" ',

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