y 1 ' i ' ' . !" - y . . - i f f ' '. ; . y(' -' '- !-!!- n,- V.-'y V.-y ': .I ',' . " . . . :': i' .;. 7 : . I -i'i ' r ' 'i - ;. - . . w. l . t ' - . . . . ' - t si - :J j . :y . f . . -v . - i - --. ' : .' - ' --f i s off - . - - -s . S'. Hit . : . ' : 1 . -6. I 'f Carolina , Watchman J. W.MoKENZIE. Edr andronr" - sgBSCKJPTIOSf RATES. . ' 7 Pneye$j- in advance--- Three moato? z" ., y.r : - r -EpJ';re4 9 ?pcond-cLws malll . Salisbury C lUBSDAY, Mari 29 1894. xTl Phijadelihia Rekfi makes .t if Vxcelhent point Ibarthe proposed more-- ' j'ue,nt of aroiies f rom Ohio, California, tcMliipoii VyshingtoD, with'denjan Is 4itcome of latter day teachhigs. The a dea that it is the djoC of I he 'goTernr -K lam to take care of the people jiaben so assiduously propagated that a mqv - liient of tramp ftjraii upon V ashiri - tou deserves to be tukn as quitj a Kosaudi; h$f& qi ilfnegs :ha die at Turyi aged ninet-to. More.th ni r forty years ago hft'ca fb'e to this coont-y .after the failure of his movement secure ijja4epej2dence of his couut r Hungary. He neTer returned to h people. H leading coadjutor, ho v ,e?er, remained, shared the "fate of h s . iieople' au3 eventually succeeded" -'y jgaiiiing everything they M,fougitd fpjr, except alone separation, , 'indent, m fTe jt ap nnary ; nowerc a prem.na u i deJ.ratic ,ositHh, to thrill in the jyiwer irj the afEatrs of the twin empire ' liate." That the liiUjuiil 1 changed Austria-Hungary. ; We have not ;,re it pusses the Seuafenslallogeth r - WASHINGTON I3?T2. - From ur kt-ffular Cortesponfleci? - -, lii- President Clevh adjn)j devoted 1 1 greater part of this f wwk, night and diy,to listening attentively to argiur raents for and against tle tan4 ciAtu age bill, although it ii fnojthai he ha long been a close ftudeiik of he nuestion involved. 1 1 if because of the differences in opinion among demo- c -ats On the matter that he i las been a ixious to hear all that lo,th sides ha.ve to shv. Up to last nigh he hd not in dicated what diswwitioaie wfibia tuake of the bill. . -lak- viewfof the fivcord if the President it is a waste pf , sp ce to siy that there is absolutely founds! tin for the stories J jwnt otit frop Washiugfoff making, him Ta party bi k barirain with; the silver men in &Ugre.-: They r3 simply eusa tional libels upon the PiresideVit as well is ujvn the.sijver nien No man nev-r-ojL'Cupied'-the Whilef House5! who wjas clearer of Wgamng;Bithef j for per- !ial pr f oIiticargaW( than is U rover Cleveland, and, while hK decision must 11'cesxarily je igHinst; the wishes if m my good democrats ciin be et don in advance that it, will pbe the re sult of his honest coiivietions)!ind there is little doubt that it will be so accepted l.y the democratic pnrty at. ia;rge. Since the tariff bill was ri ported to the Senate the republicans fiave been nd coucerted attempts to anDear .tn.it mere is rorimauoie Hon. JnOi S. Henderson Speaks Ithev shocld reg r4 thVatyM As!kib ject to tUe very irMfanest ortAC t$jrnny and oppression. -Dark Ian tn methods will not Itwg le toleratetl in tbw agwor freeJora.uuid enlightenment.1 In the vast niaritj.wf cases the JMrijjure Hjid arrests made are .for tethiiifal 'and trivial violations of ibe taw. There are very few convictions in jthe coHiis, but fees and. diarges are multifdifd in y erv way andTUicGoverhmt nt is cn- tUiually. nmlcted in" heavy costs ., Mr. CliHinuan, I think the Congress of thj Uuifed Stiites should set its fa'ce agaiut'anyuch system of enpioiiBge as is disoLoetl.in this evideuce. There is . no., reason, jvhy the Government should .pay. ufortuers and hire.witne.Hs- es tor testify, against its citizens. iThese informers .are ..secret hirelings of the Goveruutenl. whose names can iot even to lie published for t he informatioi of Congress.. . !hey. are '.going about all throjigl tlie couujiry in a uiysterious way. iurthw. secret 'Verviee V 6f tlie Government 1 hey may alajuud in every neigh horhood. ' ' ' ' Tnis Stfcetrservice system, as I hve j said , is i u operation' mai ii ly i ii Nort l Carolina'a'id a s'inall portioti of Virgin Mr. ttilq-iitt ays aduiiredj Kossuth, because he desert ; t Jiis people. er probable, iuasmui;l) as it n ill pro tin ce, in its present foi in, according to i hp Iatrst estimates.- soinethiiiir like North ;CarIinan Buperintende t : sao.000.000 more than wHIl be reuuir- xazar4snaving s,u-ju aares oi ta il ini alld it is the potioy f the demo crats only to levy! sfficieit taxes to raise the money necessary ' b f un the government. Dem$cratie Senators who favor changes jl4okmgHtowardjs.tf riductiou of the revenue toitie amount v '-ii .i ...;;it.. .:. .Alt ...J nciuireu wm staieiueir reusons u He I tfendt North CjroUnia, Enters a Plea for the Small Disttiters . In the House, Wednesday, Mr. Hen derson of North Carolina spoke for fif- teen minutes against an lusjrease r aii aDoroori ition for defrayiug the e pense of the spy system in the litternaf revenue service in this State ana v ir "ima. He said: Mr. Ch aikmax, my inforimition i that irior to 1870 the approliriatnm lor thiffpm was $100,000. in 187$ it was S75.000, In 18S5 it was red uced to $50,000. In 1887 it was reduced tc $25,000. The appropriation for 1892 was for $5X),WXortK!3; $25,000; for 1894, '125,000, aufnow the O'-niinittee on Appropriations proposes to increase this item to $50,000. The main: rea son alleged for this increase is that it has oeeiound tb'at this fund i' net;4 "ed to l exSended in North Carolina and a small pjirtioti1 of Virginia so as to obtain infurmatiou against- illicit HtistiLlers.and others charged with vio lating the internal revenue laws in tliose Spates. . Iu my opinion the increase asked for is entri-1 v: wi1 hat eXtu-e. There are no mojEe' violations of the. interual-rv-eiiue laws in North Carolina and Vir- giuia (which State i.alsV' mentioned) than in ai:y of the other states of this ; U,KVeuuft for dorug what he cooceivea LJiiiou' where the internal-revenue laws to be hi"' dily in having tiie law ef ars enforced. The injuple of my State ficieutty ' adminisiered. But I wish to ire as law-abiding a thoe of any btate j'siiy' td' :brn t'uUt. extraordinary' meas ures aitd -methods-for the enforcement IMMMMMMMM I ... ''c Z". . ir- . . .' . - : are dWC t-m legitiroa( tt4ii, put who arecbarged with violating the itw lern reveone taws! I hop the gen- )ftnan does 'iwotifavor such- a methrod of enforcing the law. Jfow. Mr. Chairmao. I do nntobject o the laws being enforced, i.ntrtHeJ ougitt to be enforced in a legitimate and proper way, Evry ciiiznu shouta be presumed innocent of wrug-tloii!g until he .U'di o ed suilt v. That s fair and according io the coiumim la.wv as cleared up and added to the cultivate areai'f Ep peniteJitiary 'ifarms. Tjtis ''.will bnng the total area' cultivated up to nearly 8,000 acres. He has inbo ;t 1,000 acres in wheat, some 400 acres of whichjis said to be exceedingly fine. . Mr. eazar is this year making an ex- llsk ther democratia collogues for iperiment of truck farming and h U ' iireir; votes-to make1 tnem, bUt it is uot planted on the rarm near Wilmington, i-l ,evrd that any of them will seek re about twelve acres, of K)tatpes, whi;h ,,bHi:an votes to get Ihose changes, or he expects to put on the raarkit. w;u vote ainst lib bill Should the Should, the xperimentj.rove succssful changes desired pot be made. i !! i i ne win next year go into trucpn a .aii'cx;eiisV at:a.c. j loi'M tti.i ..i4 taut t'Jtticr the jU.itjs ui-e"ivnived. Weno-lay of last wee!; II ui. j4hu, J5 The lour aDPronriationl! bills the District of Columbia,' the general pen- V-iu, the fortification and the sundry civil already "passe by the Hou-'e, reoreseut a net reduction of $24,331,- II.... 1 ....I r .;m.i.. i. - ' -a. ; 51 . . .mNHV,!Mry,,,.pxu from , he total L amount carried bv r. - . . - . . . , . - the same bills for the current fiscal hiu-ukmu tiy system cMtH-ted wuh the! f . . . mode of collect in the iuu-nuil revemies 'jr. This shows that clnnrniaii Say- . j m Nrtii Carol hm and other Anthem ,s aud his democratic collefigueson the - hUite.-;esoecial!y in refurem-e to the 11-iUse Appropriation committee, are . harhjind unfair .!'urthWs used a2iiiiiit .rrviiw nnt 'deuioeratic idka of econ small distillers of tins State and Vir-1 ..,,. ; .w.i.i: on;f,,'rU " M,r. J. VV. Adyj who pretends to iaruedt zeal iu his untiriiij; enort to at; . ; ft iixt m.-nrv f hM ...r..n. ...r 1 1 - v-i ow filled. in the Senate bV; Hon. John ....... ; 1 t t- . I i ? ' r i tll i'mta. ' His 'defence of their cau-e was? troit and convincid: evl Icncin his tier which; this uu is collected. We 1 Martin, ot nansas, is in jvasniiigton I am not blaming the rveiiue officers for dis charging ihHr diitiwj under the law. They thiist "obey the! orders they r cHve f roui headq rarters, and l am not bhiiiiing the ConimisMoner of Interna in the Union. These internal-revenue . CottOD Seed leal-and HdIIsi IT IS TH13 CHEAPK3T AND BEST FEED KXOWX CATTLE AND SHEEP; A Cotton Scctl Meal is ailn'glily concentrated feed, 0im tT " Aiiicii liaja more ieeuingjvaiuejtnan inrec pounds of J agaiiist another citizen. ... 1 1 JS.o good reason can be gtven, and-1 .-A - lw fimilll moro economical to tU., w... ; .3 . , . . - . - . z - jm m m m w w ' - v ii ii ii do not believe! any gent leniau mi ii. is ( j . "v -lej, floor can justify himself beTlore lu constituents for voting . fr a law which will 'authorize; an internal reVr- eit ue officer to pity the money of the Government to one citizen to inform nous grain feeds. t COTTON SEED HULLS takx? the place of: hay or anv M: lind of long or rough fred, and has been proven by fiiia1ygir J tlie practical tests bt;thouahds of feeti rs, to be . ortli as ' J' Upounu lor Kuiiujp.a iiuy ui mu luiajc acvi jh -general Uto s atlQoStroi -IIULlJS is less than hay, nd. can be led itfe vas-e, it i far more economical to us than any feed now in and lii'councctiort with CottQh Seed -MeaKthls 'tr iWqitalle&wIicm frosts .jificl I'enefils are ! considend. C 1 tiiVVFiiAviuCtpr.cp.ajiu A Visit to North Carolioa. ,, .- Cochran ton P.ur Soru years" -agii ; Jj Q.-ul occasion jo visit ii orin iaroiiiK,' nnd While there had one of my bluitittVj attacks. Hearing, for. the first Jithe:of Simmons . Li vrr Regulator I ;trj.-d ";(;irreiondc nee solicited by Nothing before had so effectually lieved uie. other more t remt-uy in their n pard. S: W:C!aoliik Cotton Oil Company mire than W puttuur-iMtch af. jLlfciVl ranagcr " ' ' - -HABlX)il?vW in their hands. N. N. Slu-'r: - " ' ' ' - ; - " - . M-O iws, Mr. Chairman, have leeu en fore--uf the law are no uore needed in North Carolina iinn i;i West Virginia, Kei - tnckyriiexas, or auy other State. I ed under every Aim:iiisiraiion very larsbly. 1 believe the law is less harsh- y administered now thatF heretofore. Tlu re is a,n inherent vice in the law. fhere must be nire or less severity. But it is nor nt'cessiiry that the Gov- ernmei.t of the United btates should authorize -its officers to pay money to obtain information and to'Hiire and. suborn witnesses to testify agaiust the citizens of North Carolina or of any other SWte,. helher.they be charged with, violations of thelaw or not. There is no more hateful creature than a paid iufornier. Any law which tolerates or authorizes such system is infamous. Thomas Jefferson denounced the. sys tem in his day as un "infernal" one. I .hold in my jhaud a volume printed undei the direction of the Committee on Appropriations, containing state ments made before thatcommit,tee by Hon. J. S. M.'ller, Commissioner of In ternal He venue; Mr. VVr. V. Colquitt, a revenue agent, and Mr. T. H.' Vander ford, a revenue offi:ialf both of these lat gained gent lemen beiiig now em- luniiy ito ga before 'i ' wT.-ii- v i' mm. . i . . . ... i. I do not tiiiuk they .are ueetled auy- wlieie. '' Tliere'aire a gif-at m any violntiotis of law in. different iiart." of 'lie country as well as in North Car.-li a. While on this sul'j'lci'l wish to read-an extract from au"pinioii delivereil hy Mr. Justice; ; Miller,., in the United States vs. Ulrici, publUhed n 3 Dillon, 532: Judge Miller speaks deliberately, after a, careful Tii vest igat ion of the whole 'sii' ject. The entire s) stem is evil and corrupt. The Miue motives whi5h actitate men to violate the taw Im'XorVh' Carolina will actuate them to violate itpi'lfew Yofk and California. Himau nature jstlie same every wheie. Uf. Chairman, I would i:ot have SJMf a- worofitaliout this matter if the States .6f-North Carolina and Virginia had" not'4' been Mngled out for con denination, and tliese two States have been., thus singled out without their Representatives having had an opor- the committee Th3 Oicl Fri6hd A'. o be.t friend,- that never"'-iy)- r-;:-.i, is Simmons Liver Eefru--' ialu:'", (the' Ked Z) that's what " you li-tr at the mention of tin's exc;'l.at Liver medicine,., arfd rcople -shouid iut le j -ersuAued tiiutr.any tiling. elso will C.oi'' 3 1 i tho King of Liver Medi-is'bv-'tter ' th'-.n ' pins, and . t!;C ' .ce cf Quinine arfd nn !. ; It acU sit ctlv oh the' r ' J"' ' : r r wUl2 BOILS, ULCERS or PI MPLES, SORES Kyoor blood b bad. A few bottles of 8. S. S. 9'tboroaKhlT cleanse the f yitem. re more all Vmritu. iul hniki en nn. All Baimf M Y s r isbesare l : CLEARED AWAY br ai -vMIt is th best blood remedy on TlMiii..fuli kn tm um! it 1T SO.. LofMiffeniir ppellte, aocmjnratcM lf. Two ""'M CP n !' bfoaght rifht out. pmiKH KrM nn 4kLww) nf .lrtn rticasM Keller) it SWIFT SrEUiriU bbb,ui. sssssss toeS earaun 2 r U y OH Revile to ;fei-J pjirilia fbi nyt..he. mdih ml Cf Kffr iLlMbtute art He ' 'T'u1-''Ati rkn I H rwvl a 1 - -i . " ": . YUU CAN MAKE utnsni -SUte, beautifully it wlt M,b re (let ot e) to-lhr tg ' "'. .." : ' Having ; RECENTLY MOVED iv. :, Kiciivvs and Bowels and; -: 1 f lite to tli-? .vluile fiys- , . , " : . - 1 .j .... h - .'s rnouicjno y. u Jittve i't. sp we to p iMish the whole ! he wiyjt for the purpiisej of contesting . upeecu, .that oil iMully d ployed in N01 th Carolina. These gen tlemen were examined by the Commit tee on Appropriations in regiyd to this increase; and what is the reason they gave for it? The main reason assigned , hiitcutl enoiniii fro n it to show Senator ISIartins right to the seat, but KM1."1 ley need this money for the ir worthy rep reji-ta live U fiiUli- ju rea!ity merely 'to' get allittle iioto- purpose of obtaining information efe,,du.K the nhu of aIl ,3y whi, he hor to W able to turn "gainst men who, as they declare, are ot!-i - lhe xpeefch is. very- :tiru- J . r ft . - l...: 1 1 :.. . - , r " - j i'i'"-t. t ir .i.- i . priate at this time, in that jt calls atten- 10 lcc,,unfc lu -uusaa lu u"u 'lion to the h:iisli injustice cer:aia features tu.re. h uf the law develop ii a its hearini: upon j Hn. Daniel Magone, wji6 was col- he smaller class of dsf,j 1 leF-; especially ' lector of Customs jxt Nef ' Yorfe City .ho when itinnstbeexecuteilhy honest .'during the tirst Cllveland! admiiiistra couMJteuiioii: otlieer who remenitair and 1 ...u.. u:.JiL. 1 , , . , tKiu, nuu nuu una 11 iu-tuj j caia well reasct lhe ohiijiaMons of , their official i V ' i'Ul 1 i ICCUUIliibOl UUbllOL'Lty Ull t) VilC UU111ICS He sort of past ad of Congress, ualler Hepuhlican doubt iu. l.uy tnind:hat NW York is a .ittiiiiation, are reHiisiWeand tmt the democratic SUtej lOccasibtial losses are Ieui.Kralic party of North Carolina or!,!,, ' tn ' e.i . . ..t. .in... ...1. 1' . 1 . ' :. . . Lua-V 1 puhlishe Very voter hi lhe State. .jjith,. Uis cil is Mng eiensiely l .WW W diussHl.iniiginj t tighl the hteqnaii- h Slate, is in VVashhgtpn. ties of the s st eaii howiiy; clearly lhat ' y-" of politics : TheVe a no sc lfM ;il emikea. hut Hit iint ufFwt ith. The whole speech should he p:i . i , mil T v 1 . .-.... w . . ' 1 V'5 1 a aemocracy, 100,1 ustana.s f;squareiy lor. tarff reform. There isiao backing down with us on that issue. The one Ihing now for Congress to do is to pass lhe tariff bill' at the earliest practical date. With that out oil the way, so that tnide may resume its normal con- Tl Ifews-piiseryejrCfironicle j.There is a great d'Hl beiiiig written and said ty the niommieUllists uj.jnst the Ulau'd Ml, but on what a viender fmndatiuu the-e statements -rest- in siitfieientlv . .1. -1 . . . . .- -. snow 11 ity a iiijoiunts renjc governiueiit. has pmch iseil f silver bullion, which the! l iw says shall bvj.couied an it hnll Jjeconie ne tcsary to do .o to -redeem thc.iii lioteisl.tohHy ibis bullion. When the lieces.rv amount for H 1 51 f. tkiv rwoo 'iif ii; n. i h Ury of Hue gun tnakinein the; United .rum.K 01 States, Usides establishing the wisdom :tiott-'TlmiHlj0n A01? ?"reaHD"'t0 PPW :t ,lallt jt v Vensive alaiut 'de'moccacy." " ' i , - , '' The 8,ucceVf ul trial of the thirteen- inch caution nnide at the Gun Shop of the Washington Navy Yard, which was urate this I week, at the provinir grMiuds a fef tniits "dqwn the Poto-1 mac river, marks au epoch in the his- utlhjit, whiidi. tlte heuiHn act calls -. y - i' yj1l,,,,W'''.'!MJ which tliat "CJl AY-r.1 'V w .d Limed V-'iw'twryuu 1 of the treasury. & ii'" - " 7 juemiore utes not chHjige the exl tihg law btut ji. oua p r-J ; .ticiilar. It provides for the Ininied iate Aeoinage of the gain instead of w;aitin; :; v v ll,sn1ai,ce uf f 11111 atier. ; Why, ;; .;'v r ..'H'W roneib i pposUiou to it 'f I - luW VHlty thatthVe.itire J .7 unVTWMu,'t galled for on ?lSJ irai? Jf ' eft'. tovW ..-jeen pi nd E ist Ten lid fn. No .v v- WI4?..Riyj.(Jon!aii.& Cmi:u vhav lit "wCWf?t ,lt 'e'exu-t I pvo-third" r nn .re uf eaH isn J:,s 1 Jven d to-t"i uidor t!e m difi.nl nj iit 'Ula tirtTtinuit .u t.te'ba'.i.ijce is tub -' Called ut,,0ace, , " . 1 . : of the Govern men t mukinit its 'own guns.' Secretary Herbert and a distin guished p.irty uuuibenng several hun dred were present at the trial. ' Experts prouounce it oue of the fiuest guns ever made. : , - M' iteprcsen t at i vc Breckeuridi;e is now Lhav.ng his inning in the sensational trial of Miss tfollard s suit against hfm fr hreach of promise of marriage. He icuics in imo HiH uiam cuarees against ijui, and if the 4yidenc6? to be inihmkt- Hl by hini sustains his denial, !as jiis ir.euas wjneve iijwui, ne raaj; Buccned th? terrible! timonl ofthe defen dent. .. . H ! !r '' !' ; Senator Colquitt, of Georgia, is dan- gn.nsiy 111.: , was this week strick en with rafyHs, and!his physicikus havH little hoiie'tof his! recovery. ! " CoXey's Army is regarded in Wash ington as a $9rtf Alt Jools day hbax pulhd btforit vas ripejaii nobody has th remotest idea' of nisiWinr renaration 5(rits repti6nfferbe yery Simple reason that no one believes i- will vrr conn?' hi-re in any such uum- rs as us oriiiutu-r now talks abou s i so glibly. violating th internal revenue laws iu the State of North Carol iu a. It seems that there are about 500 11 registered distilleries in North Carolina,! only 230 of which are now in operation. Four-tifths of the whole number mash less than 4 bushels of grain tier day and are owued by poor men who are not permitted under the law to reclaim their property in case of seizure by the reveuue officers. No distillery nor dis tiller s apparatus seized for any viola tion of law can be released to the claimant, except in case of a distillery having a registered producing capacity of 150 or more proof gallons per d y, nd not then unless the claimant gives he bond required, and also shows by sufficient affidavits that there are hogs or other livt stock, hot less than 5U in number, depending for their feed on products of said distillery-which would suffer injury if the business of such dis- illery is stopped. ( Revised Statutes, section 3331.) This is a very strange provision of aw which favors a rich distiller who owns 50 head of hogs and cattle, but at the same time discriminates agaiust the rich distiller If he is not fortunate enough to own as many as 50 hogs or other cattle. Thepoor distiller is not recognized at all No favors are ever shown to him by the iuternal-reveuue law. He is to be stealthily watched and pursued, by hired informers, secret agents of the Government, whose names are unknown .to him and to the conimuniU. What a travesty unon . . liberty, equality before the law, aud justice ! " These hired spies and secret agents ollhs. Gevernment wouid not be believed on oath- in a court of jus tice any where. -:When a small distill ery is seized, confiscation is the result,- no matter whether the accused bemiil- y or innocent. - The internal revenue Jaw seems to hold thai every man charged with a violation of anv of .iu be deemeu truilt v Sntil ht nnw,J . w f . v . w J to innocence. When whole communities are treated by this system as outlaws Jaud cnmiuals, it is not strange! that t-ir.. v:nt. Sl.ll hv ii'-l-Pntggrf-ts- 1rl Lltiid, or in rowdcr-io- Lo-'Ui'k'eu; dr or inn into a tM. ' . mn 'A WKiup li ltd ini Mviipptr.. ?i. . ;S St CXK.l'l.i'ta.Jtlr.-fcs Ortmana Fays h v xmiVY m li e XI IK when this matter j was up aud when the statements reuVctiug tipou these two States were uiade. If . the light luwl b en .-turned on the Committee on Appropriations would have been ier mitted Whear the other side. 1 Mr. Caution, of i Illinois. Will mv friend allow ahuggestiou? Mr. Henderson, of North Carolina. Yes, '.sir, MrCaniK)n. of Illinois. I wish to suggest whether what the gutleman complaiiis .of is not the fault of the system, aud whether it would not be better to repeal the internal reveuue laws, thereby affording t he remedy. Mr; Henderson, of North Carolina. I iw'll,j8.uy t my friend from Illinois (Mr. Cannon) that personally I have always' been in favor of repealing the internal revenue jlaws. I am uot speaking now as a partisan. The Democratic party in the St;ite of North Carolina., has always Wen in favor of repeajtig 4he internal revenue Jaws and , of jiiodifyinjg the harshiiess of Ul is sysein . . . Mr' (Cat) uon, of Illinois. -It seems thjA .dbe;i geutlemairs party; in this Congress tre. not making . vei"y uitiCh headvMW'i 4tu are'r-ither increasing in- steaduf -rtejHBiling" lhe internal reveuue taxes.fti - MrX'Hmdersorf, of North Carolina. L tfitdersJand that, and I know the cansjer.-Xne . extravagant expenditures of lbe.lrtst rvepuijiiean aaininisiraiion nece?sitiited ouie new sources of rev enue. But Ihavwbeen in this House smoothie forlj-bioth Congress, and I have tx en, nxnng my oei aunng an th-it time either to have repealed or to .bare modified th internal system, and voje after vote has been taken upon that subject, aiui i he gentleman's own party has almost unanimously yoted against every proposition either to re peal or to modify the interna ikw.:: : ; ' ' ; I have-not favored, the increase, am not alluding to the income tax, whtch i r bearuly. favor. The"gentle- mab f?om Illinois (Mr. Cannon) is a mepilier" of the Committee on Appro-priatioVi.- I do" not know w het her he favors the increase in the item about which I am speaking, or not, but lure are $25,CKXK additional appropriated, and J lie statement is made that this fund I is being Wl in North Carolina and Vinnnia in order to hire witnesses o EXPRESS. ; o . ; . SEND FOR OUR SPRING TRICE List and Circular and you vfll find it to your advantage to have yovr soiiLHi eioines nyea ui cleaned by us. All an teed or iu charire. ". T0 1HK t OUNKIl , . . - - ' 't 'DV "; : ':. - :'- v'j. BHp; I a t?betler: prepared to sell ynGro ni iis i heaier tlma evVr.,; t re'e"lV4' new u.mmIs daily and ImyittltiudiS ofcouiitry prodm-; io uiient f.ir thr inne4tateu 'nH;mi.ed taekk-tiid . hfnl;-i will .not "i tist fn ra .-ei4- ir rxjurH :wea(her.' Sl'EClAli I have 21 0 pwirs of shoes, nl sne hidies dress gmIs muni hi I will nell at and .tielow st. -a'so II iiersoits indented to me hv aecunf r ti.N or inortj;:! fr last year wil.r call an J settle nnd fave cost. - Yours reeci fully. OBTAJM1KG WBSCmBiaaii The So It'fsia UiatfaUire i fu Ik of in t ere. t for ery tm,Ux of tk - i; ! - Everybody Can JLffcrd it -: j a? it costs only $1.50 per yir or j lor single copy. .ii: We Wajit i Ajjent in Jverj Mej Ci and Town. Write forili . . . .1 I I.. I ' ... " r itiiii mriicuiuiTi iu iittr y : Manu-facvi rf.rs' Kia tD ftt; Baltimore. MJi (jqirrlfs. I wVl oh ! :UP-tr'rtiml uan kuo Kill. lor cui and Uta A 1 I All work imar COLUMBIA STEAM DYE 173 Main St:, Columbia, S. C. J. K. RlIflSAY, Asent. SALISBURY, N. C. Deafness Cannot be Cured . by local application as they can pot reatrh the diseased portion f the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, anl that is hy constitu tional remcuies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the raucous lining of--the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you hare a rumbling sound or nupt'rtecVhcar ing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the ret ult and unless the inflammation can be ta4teu out and this tube res-torn! to ita normal condition hearing -wilt be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any- case ot ueatues9 (causeu by calarrii) tuai can not becurel by Hall's Catarrh Oure. Sqnfl'fdr circulars free- '' , ... , i.. ... .uV; JULIUS EAROTABDT, 1 T-' TLl'-'l-'Oifl'i. Cill luitk'f to lli ttct .t)ml Hi fan the ato-k (rout U Ir srorr nmi iti'H bturf il -t-l lo i heir 'iM hii"ttt, KiShri tt, auU lu otler Ui reUfce Our sfoi tr.tolftr SPECIAL SALE I t SPECIAL tor -Uic next .TillurY DAY5 IS pltVM ' Call and fce cofivliKSd U;d iwtuWfl inouey tj buj lug (Mi us, D.(LJUUAH$3Si TROY, Straw Bat. Lfc RRDfi S"" rlf 1oth pmt& tun; tain M Uaf M 4iH-S nniony iunurt cr yi. til bM takaa iaUnuUf. Ita' 1 M j 1 1 Ml mm A3 A PREVEimVE , by ithw ms tt It IspMiUttoMKnel any TtMMi iiMM ; ttmt im Um mmm of thm alKKlr Unwmimi Imnn with 0ii1ii u4 Cicat, fn to aemr. Pnc by nail. piatM vm etMrbas.TUtefkv revenue Edwin Cuitlirell Salisbury, N. G. VlTAlfdliATlnOOO. Im. B. O.WK8TT8 KEBVK AKO B&llN TRKAT- VI EXT, a tpodfle tor Hytwia, Df lrlnima, TiU, Kw . ralgU, HMdaeha, Nerrooa Protrstioi fumed w 'Jeohol or totxiceo, WakatulMM, Mental rtipro Irni, doftninof Brain, mwIbc toMntty, miMrjr, daeay; deatb, Prematura Old Af, Barramva. LmToI Powar In althar sex, Im potency, Lcaoorrboa and an Famala Wwtaiwii, iBToloaUry homtt. Sperma torrhoea caved by orvr-exertion of brain, 8aU-' aboaa, ormt-iaAvigtncm. A north trtwtmem. L. f or $&, by naiU W1U Hofc order for boeTiriut S will ad wilttaa niaraptce to refnad If not cared. OaaraaUealMoed by acwnt, WEST'S LIVtB PILXa core Sick Hettdacha, BllloameM, Iirer Oomplalat. Soax Stomach, Pyvpeprta and GoocUpaUoa. ' OUA&AXTZXS Ima4 only by . . '. Edwin CuthreM ilisburj, C ; ton.- FtXlX LE BRON'S : ' STEEL PD mWiH FILLS troth oriffinal and only FRENCH, aafaand re Vbl enre on Xbo markai. Pria $L0O;.eent by Oanuina aold oahr hy Eawin Cuthrell Salisbury, N.C." ' Tlie biggest liiM- of iriens! fine stuw HATS.ever . slicwti in Salislmry. multo any feisoiiabl trrntlehien wlt will ay Uie are nut by far the tlrrapesv te will preseni m..Mv sfraw HAT fivp," 'gratis and for mtfliffl-aiit pC Uiuliee of SJime ui llie pjper. Big sle on" ladies fine SHOES and OXFOUD T1E3: during ; (be next ten days. - ' - db CO. 33. w. BU11T i WW W II I. Slrsmn U . JU. WUiUi l attoi$ni:y-at-L-W. : i ncJ OfTers his - pr(feionl ieri tke people of MuiomtTjM, joining counties. AdW M joining Troy, N. C. DB. E0BT. I. fiAlC Salisbury X. nr. to Ip-- Jf-ilfticeihours 9 a- Full FirRenHifs:2p' Losses Promptly Wl T .... T aKl ;- ' J. M. PATTO Office at C. M.& U. M BroT BR.W.W, trC E. W. aaajtfc, Prin. Commercial Cull- 61 Ky. Vntraralty. lxlnirtOM, KyM waa awarded MEDAL AND DIPLOMA IT THE WORLD'S COLU5S3AS EZFOSITtOR, for yiUw af Iteok-k riAmm mm flwra Bailari g b.oc Coat to compief Basin MS Coara a boat IW.lncludf nc tnlttnn.book aad board. Phonorraphyr Typo Wrttlnc anu yiey b For jrfnUra. addr. i ... rt'HV : irrr-ni -. nnMcrv- - . V - m , I ..! UnrV H .con)KiuuUy. .. Ji Jfi fficouusUir" over i i - ; ICluttx1!) irug 8tore, SuWcribe to .w UIC lit" . ItilvHUCe. - pl B. C.Webb. W. L. Nitliolson. Subscribe .to the U jltchmajj now. to testify agwnkt : citizens; there wlo Only $1'00 a year. ; j RA WEBB,NICHOLSON& "' ' - ' r' PKOl'UIJ-rrORS olikv;w TVToTiV.1 a Works L AUG E . RI ET Y OF MARBLE ON HAND TO TIs'FAGTlOX GUA UAK.TEEP. - Si j j f

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