atchni'aiir i ir BRIEFS. -' Cowxtry. JcS)AY April f 1894.- TZuno connected nfr is iic mv..w... . -, . .... 'IMML due us on! aecoUuT or r-irrHANGE.4-TwO.COm- fI-Ier ad job printing oat f1 he sold, or exchanged, for an m in Western Korth Caro e6fle outfits to that of the ,t ivv Watchman" which in- f r the WATHMAKlnow published at u v N t,aud the btjier is a good iUiburi.V:.l 7kimn iewfepnper outfit iuClud'g c xhi3 property vil I -A fuli-sixed edition of the Charlotte Obarrcer was issued Monday morning giving full and latesttmrtlculars; of the South Carolina rebellion against . Till man's spies. . A a news dUpeuser, it keeps Tatr ahead of all conteinporaies We are ivq tested to announce that there will ben iiu.tch game of tbase ball jjhayed at Trading Ford if S ituVd y 1-lthinst.,' belweeu the Trading frord and Craven niues. Game to begia? at 10, o'clock su m. ; - i 1 . i nftAT.TTioa. . . t- i -1 ' i I -- ---- - - -- . -- hi if hi Vi eniaWed-SI : 'Pi.ii fLiiit tK school Tu beeif I '' .J ! 1 s 1 1i I7 .1 Mr CdrrUr iiu(IJiirriHiiig hiter,Miss have ifemif rtld feia:int Office and t e areidi tjlil'w.!tlit weXdmU haw theni Lick wiUj tra g un- S. . itgwtesville ,d 1 : ,:,r wKbfes- forced to rr , l.i.iftss on acco 1 For furllier inforroaition addrens, fj! J. W. MCKENZIE, . fei,2ll89ir" - Salisbury. N. C i'.V. 5 Grand Offer. .f' vou auylgood? If so I . bv a Me etfyrt a'ld a feW m0" PoBC Miia8,nuch. TheWATCrt- .raiaWrd Watcl worth. Ufa er,tclas Elgin movefien wurrau ... .fa. to tbe one seiidfcig m ;. t rur u - . number of caih.subscribeis 1 -.!.:.. he neXL-Wat a. ijja offer and the waitch firft chass in ev t No clubs Uikcn of less than ad cash must acepmpanyeach; ludics 6t geuU'enians size as desired.. GO j to o.ik at once see wunt w" jjc'nd furiampte opiea. If you owe us your subscription for the Watchman you know it, and you know it is au honest debt that you are as much in honor bound to pay as for the clothes vou. ware.' Itwour labor giveu to you for a price, and. from it alone" we have to get or living for self and family therefore we ask for what is jour own trusting that you pay uk without the ne cessity of our going or teudiug to you, At the session of the quarterly con ference, held in the "Methodist church of this city last week, it was decided to have the church repaired, and a butld- fng committee ut ten was app-jiuie-i iu raise' the ntcessarvjuuds for the pur pose, louring saul contence air. o. jj.. Mills was licensed to preach, and was placed charge of the missiun work at the Vance Cotten MiUs- . tSothxsy Academy. -5' Mri urArHHli has: Ixeu; visiting MrJ WL Ci Fislvr. tne of our boys, ?!.. iJ:l hHn in MiftSouri lor the p.t three ?4 .r4, I reurued lunue several IrJ !U.!?irfDi Holshouser is quite sick with ojjuluufptiou, but is blowly ciuTtotte Observer. : V""t an,, ni-ws from' the ninth idislncl about tile iineeting ot?llepaWicri hii-h aureetl that 'coalition is tbe t bmg and that Mr. Uichmoiid Pearson is to run fJr Congress, i interesting and su geiive. It .i'd be observed that uuthrtig wats sand abtnit "C.litiou on j 1 i i . . ... iiKimiiii lii'AlllllCilli null ; u-. - .. - J - I , i pw no fl.s are j p. epare.1 lrMOx jt its visds. xAn Bdniir;il1 reined r for . , : i - It has saived. hundred;! f - lives sold should be in ever ijouie -WhiMt. there are joungcniiureii. national o-i stlon. This Wais proband i due 4o the fact "that there is no point Nil- There has been a great revival of re ligioia at Danbury, Stokes county. The meetings were conducted by llevs. C. Miiler aud Wm. Black, two Freiby.- trian evangelists i. e., y nodical evaii .LliJiinr hnmft niissionarits. not1 the traveling kind. Fifty-three persons were'couveirted, among the number State Senator A. M. Stack and .W. W King, Esq. a prominent lawyer. tortainmttnt will l)e mveii hv the vl)uiir people of St. Feters congregatialii jt th!it place on Satur day, May IV- M i . . J . ri.ur itruiH are now Deing m iu hi. OwaCiiurcf foT the annua1 meeting It :.. .h '2 ...... .V !ST II Airtw.-li meets there tjie ls"t of May. Eini;GroyeA(liance wiil ludd a mfiini'l iiiir Tuesday. April 24th to celebrate l he birth-day oCol. L. L. Folk. ; i :; ; Tlie fifth let m' of BhOjW Academy closed hi Marclii2Jih .With am eaitei- tainiueutaa ilighjUi'ite a large crowd of people ee"fretKand we think all had U"-jvry ijejrfj-y able time. The nerftirinwiiu-e wire ioikI: the music eX- cellent. Mis Came Hothroek preid 1 well athh?rir-an. Thus did the fifth term pf Bethany end. Ti e nextses wiiirobeiiabout the middlexot Julv.i llowerer uo auuouncetneut. s ... I7?. ..L i nave ueeu, auaue. 11 1.LEVE. lit. Oilead Locals. fnrrps-.ionflfthn Viitihm in. Reyi id 1- lcLeod; returns thanks to Mr. M. S- Martin for a nice load ol The first and only prisoner that has Cm. rMtiit,v i iil Kinnn llifl Avur was hn.v. i Lindsay Hadeu, a white maiVwho died I TheIl. pdejidites deeded th;it it there last Saturday ' night. Haden was was too cblc for an E iMer picnic Serviugouta6month'stcronthe.chain they had! alible at Mr. . b. In- MHniis at night. v all teemed to ganj, aim ueuuuiiuj; hiuwuvhw i-"u o ; , - j. .irs. C.C. W&dedat Troy, J. M. InSrton. at Mt. Gilead, and L. It, Llsk !0llviilc, Montgomery, cjuuty, are our : v . -; . n t ,i:..:c ywlloot j-n'va illioriM'd ageuis xo komvh, w..v, gam. u.u nine 1 f i? U receiptffur aaWU W - her ago: was placed in the vvhe.-e enjoy, y danmcwJ for tie Watchman, kd alKoi our. he could have proper, .ue . i,( , j . - ,,, Uwh are due us w U please make He was abojit years oiu. anu was ou ( MyUl fifi Ue.4. Waadeville, l i j '. i . .. .1. i-uara I .1 Ko n.xmnv'j irpnua vnrn lit t lift . a i . Ti". toUofUiKtaci anu pay ui iiicii eu iu iiio mur b, . j i J. W. McKffNZIE, Editor. County Home. jthis couilty h discovered a very ricn sinfaite and ore jzold mine. He saiys it Dr J. A. Tyson, cf onyood, sient I Monday ill the 'city.. Alberuiarle, was in tow n Ucv. L W. Cm w ford, Jas. Carter, of Stanly county, charged is one cf tl)e rjfche Willi VIOIiVUOU Ol Itte minimi icumic uuiijiii. i . lawi wasleiog brought under arrest up ; Mil L ti. p esperman, a puoiograpn r VViMlilioro. has oiKiuevl a photo- Hon; SJ. :rembertoii dnd Dr. King, of b ju b f tbe traill aiTived at graph gallfery ftere and is prepaied to Tuesday. Miseuhtinter Springs, he was allowed to of Trinity Col- enler tjie gentleman's water closet. Of- nccr Jveal becoming impatient at ins oe- taUeiiili kiiids and styles oi .iclures. - i B'acks anl :Whites in the South. . V . lay iti coming out opened the door of the cuaripttc erveH hghttn the cIesfct to find an 0pen window but no Tjae Koj11 ight was pret- r.-. .... i,.,.;,.; iinu' "LX...1I in lours ilrn peoplf are gradually i .:nn.,n. Pnrtop uriij cmnp hiiviti.-r fhns .....,!..,. i K.iuM In i.ii ii iiilwi tit :i lull llir it iiivrn ivm v i ic r:ii'H s L ;irui i ill iiic kjviiiii. vu &.jraV'hi .the. .city -Tuesday. The view ot lue aurora porttieru sky last Frdiiy i ty.f It hasted about two. i The Attnt Kiys tn;U ui neseiau iiy, it Wiie otlie -''destructive il.sect - is killing ilitoats crop in poi lions Rev TinM iijll deliver lite, baccalaureate ""'ra "x"" J '""Mr'- T ti 1 i - : wriaontlTiinity College, ba Wendes- Cmnks was burning the, brush trom a and itll -4 lilfja stout exponent ot lie- juii imn u i .net i ' ru. iru.niw w n m ins in lip uii i. m- i.- iiiiiiiii:uii i ill" . 'fF Hon-' W id. Rol.blns.lf Statesville, is playing bout thefirehad her clothing j " Tfie white 'j e of the South have u Waliington Avheie lid has gone. to en- to ignite, and before the father could the intell&enle, t hey own the property; Xvt upon hisduties aas a inember of the tret to heir Relief she was ei.tiivly envel- ' and inrel'ij eve'r wav more di-epty iutei- Gcuyburg UatUield" Gymtuissiouer.N oned n ie fl ames,- causing . her death ested iultlie .ff .irs of joverniu.-nt and tliviW the chartre of selliiiiT I in nor almost immediately. hetir aatlie to di reel them th.iu are the vlirre lu.t S.mdnL. LuiSier Julian was . Lltt m.xn ,vitx h- nmA' iiegi4s a ciaiss. The mt violent ciuuuiilted to i iiil on aietriutt (rf Ixiud. to '? ..... - i. :I;L .J &.'...,..,. mplhnk i.'iu'd in .l , j .. 3 t . as Jo in Sim Hi, livuifi iwo n.iies iuim- ci H'-'-'.f " " a mi'aif. nu :i mir! ni-xt feriii ot court. . . . . ? ?. - . i i n. r - l at. nf hsburv. on the L.exmnton roan, Soiltliernf hur-rounaiiigs, couiu uaiuty .f ihich the Minneapolis and Omaha iilit forms touch, and that tho ways aud ireans bv which the two are to be jo.nt exi have nt yet been devised. Mr. Fearson, it appears, is not to ue nomi nated by anybody, but merely "endors ed," thus leaviug cim to rap, as an in dependent candidate for the Li Mature in i his cou lit v some twenty years ugo 11. l.l...l 4 . . .. iwr1i.Tli ikf salu ue luieuueu iu i un euiiseaueiices." Abasis of coalition as to State matters, was blocked ou, it will be noted, llep-al of the present rfliu nf emmtv i?overJiineiit ami ol jovv.u. j o the eleclioD law aire to be the issues The first named prdp-jsitijn will not be so popular an some oi iuc tuiigiiuuai districts of tbe Slate; but it is proposed, perhaps, to have different terms Oi coiili.ion in different congressional dis tricts. As to the election law, if all who have beeu defrauded of their votes bv it shall vote the coalition ticket, audi all who have not shall Vote the Denn cratic ticket, the Democracy can afford to, be cO.itcut. We are told that on theplaitoiWas above inentioiied, "it was agreed thai the Ue publicans and PopuUts could uuite iu elect iug a Suite ticket ami members of the Legislature and m de featiug SeuatorHiansoiii." Dt-feat him with whom? Republicans wil prolj- able want to know, and so, ;lo, per- hap-, will Fopulists. Some Republi cans will likdy n-it takekiudiy to a combine with the ch .noes that, some raw recruit will re ip the beuefi of it, and Populists will probably waiit to know that the Senator wIumii tlu-yre helping to elect is not a Republican who w.ll go to Viishingtoii- and Vote with John Sherman and the pluto erats. Go right on with the coalitio't, by ....iinti. districts 'and State. When it is per Ceded aud sets iis ta de the be? Fopulists aua also t Ue best llepublicsins .t in ihfn- niiices over to the D m- ..... ...... v oCratic -board. Elmwaioil, M rch store house, owned ly I W - i- . . t . I j. . . ;:! A . t,is iiurue! ni-nigtia r origin ot nre un unkiu- u. There was ! no Pi. i .. . : c ri f I tr i ii t- . . me as okjkj. urK . n. Lmenaiiit s otiice was in the building and nil his surgical instruments books, furniture! uncollected accounts were coiiMjuned -hA vacant xW. J' MADE EASY, YOU CAJjT DO IT; SO WHY XOT T1JY t W.J t All tt'l.fftl'. oirt.'l utilll- . " vria tT. i v Ulil ail 1 l.i i. i 1 it'l III VI impureuidof is baddly declared by Hood's S trsap irilla, the ; great conquer er of aill blood diseases. Many of the gold mines in western North Carolina are very active-at pres ent. The Boger mine. iulUuion couu ty, is said to he producitii? startling quantities of Ntiie yeljlQw njetal, iait a veteran miner in Cabjirruji county List week faauud four largej nugirets. H e call the at' en t ion of lour readers to 1 he rem ukaMe clubbing offer in another coluijii by which wee in send lhi papjr aud ho .'Atlanta Weekly Cain stitutiou to tlufSiMue aiddiv&s for one year! for the low sum of $1.50. .. Tjiis is the only i.ffr-rjcf its kind we have ever ieen able, to make toour readers. ! -r' ' Tiis-A'ttanta Weekly Const itut oii i 't fnoTwell kniiwn tn neel :inv iiil r.rdtie- lion here. It his won .its place at tiie fireside of the nation as a model week ly uewpafft't. Itnumlaers on it suff some of thejniost famous nlid brilliant writers of thexday Jiud on all pubi c qnestipiis its lance is ever in rest to de fend the rights of the people. ,It is the n: ;--, -- i . ' ; i" : - ; . , - l : r- v ' I j i. :- "" - ' -I1 ; - ' ' t - I : : ' : -: WM :' :V ' ; - - j - v - ... . ... --j , 1 1 ' "' u ": -; .; '- ! 5 Litiiii 1 LIcijieMfe ' 0 ; . be ' . ', r largest I and nost widely circulated in " i "1 1 N.. jri -v- Wc call vour atteti- "r - -, - y J J - - - weedly newspaper published in America tjon j oUowingj having a cin;tilation of 150,000, and it; , v 1 week. It is 111 iiseif a:: elucalinu to'llGW ArriVillSI l . those wjio read it. By the clubbing! - . . rate which we offer, our read el's c;ihloV OrPSSOOCis.. , - get the-NVeeklv Constituli n :iuil t!iir ! -xtrU T ' The distressing news readied town spiciuiMploopd.l h.s la.:i. is uoi lacking ..-i i f ii . i 1.1.. .1 1 1. ..J 1 ''I. : t . - 2- 1 i.'is I .L.i ...-I,! ........ , it ic f iStaaly eouti I"11 0tw.iy oi me leirioie ue.uu ui , ai;u:iouejoj aui i.n-e.sir ciu, iV . llil.o Wt.tU ibree-vear-old dauiihler of ! re 'iilhi'inextract Iroin a recent is- ' U . L" 1 '-n k t Bev. R. V. Crooks, lit bis pliice Rome ! SUe of l). Ai$)iiii. Kvciiiu Journul, S, Vl'wcre'' rigUt sou.1, of . his oil,. Mr. fo,,jjirli fo of riiorlow Wl ..ilp..:..a'.. n..nJ,o v,.,Ip- (!i-,mlvs was tiuruitiir the brush In m a and all ii liieia stout exooiieut of Ke- Urn. S. A. Lefebsr Eossmojno, Ohio. Terrible Misery Helpless With Kheumatlam and Withput Appetite Mr: W. B. Scarboni, w y . - r n it 1 , was in town Tuesday and reported that aVt'ld sllao ilig the sentinient. Tlie iwriter of the foregoing most havai viitd tjie South aud lo over vJsffnlJv in lhe i-il v oh 1iis -wav home last Thursday night about ILo'clock his i.t Ml.'G.leaul, from Trinity College, house and its contents were destroyed by , . . . i ..-' t . j fii-A sind his invalid wife, disabled from . s i . i, . . wtiereiie has been atteuuing kcuooi. . - ,tW-the grotiwd ine person. vvnatnesiys I 1 partial parai3i, wunjr c,.Mt ...... . i.v-.'-i. ti : , ., . .1 Mr. Heiarv Fike. of Ifickorv Mouutain i;r t,v the ne. of her -crutches, with : ts entirely trite, but while it IS, this 4iwo8hfp,-Chathani.,couJity, fcays the Re- hir ia.month8-old baby in her arms, may be! dda : that whiln the white .ienrrf, owns 11 "taulti that is thirty years old, I vH4ch w:a8 go hadly burned that it died I pt-dplje 6t tli South hive the greater - ' ! 1 . -i -til '! 1 I . . ' ; s J . U ... . 1 bu suia woi ks as wen as any oiner arnaae parl Friday morning- tie says he interest: m tljeir local governments and ije ware of Oatxae at s for Jacarra tiw conaia sis rear, As mercury will surely destroy tie use of suiell ulld completely ilea;;ii:ge the whole syietu wii.-u ei-icrm u liroiiiih the mucous suitacis. bud. articles should never le u.-eii except. !! prescriptions troui n-j u aijic piiy-ici n.s is ti e damage they will do is im io : io the good 3011 can j o-sib!y der v. fro u tlu-'tn. Hail's C.iia; l it Cur inaiiufac'uied by F. J. Lheiiy Co., I'adetTo, 0., .contains no niei i or ; ;.ii'j is taken internally, acting aii.-ectay up on the biooii anu tmi hs n ieces of t n system. Iu buying tl,.li'.-Catarrh Cure be sure ou get genuine. It is i- J. Cheney &. o. n? nee. y,Sold by Uruggtstg. 7:c. Tlrod Feelins arid Pains Dispelled by Hood's Sarsaparlila. "I was in terrible misery jwltli rheumatism In my hips and lower limbs; I read so much about llooa's SarsapitfUUi tliit I thought 1 would try it and spe i It would relieve me. Sv'hen I commenced t coulj not sit up nor cren bed without i lifclp. OnebotUeci Hocd'3 Rctiovccl rsa BomucB that I was soon but of bed and could walk. I had also felt! weak and tired all Uia t'me : could not sleep, and obtained so little rest at night that 1 felt all worai out in the nwraunt I had no appetite to eat anything, but Hood s Hoofed Our es Barsaparilla restored my appetite so that I 1,1 iviriKiiitlanV distress, and I have CUV ...'-. J . r incdra;'.'.!y ia strength. I t:-5rrn . vc bottles of ii d's Sarsaparilla and I -"-'a wed asevcV." Mi;a. S. A. 1.i:fi:c.kk. Kossmoync, O. Hood'3 PHI3 cure liver ills, constlN-tlon, fcliousacss, Jaaadlce, sick headache, iu.ligcsUcn. NOTICE! .lis Sals cf Valuable Tarn L nh ar.d Tswn Property, on. 0h:c3s-s -i-Ts. Ii r.SA" Litt.e Bivar, and in tha T-wr if lit Giletd, It C "home paper at but little more than the cost of one pper, thereby getting the news f their home and the news of the world everv week for a year ;it an mf ! tf insignificant outlay. In addition to this, pvery sub.-riher to this paper and the Constitution, un der our clubbing nriangeTpnit, w ill, be given an opportunity to w in some hand some prizes. - All these matteis are expl lined iu another column. We meivly call a!- entiou to it here to show our. ivaders what a lilaeral ofiVr we have to make t. tl;em.! These offers arc male by our arrangment with the Consti'titi'm, and only those who subscribe. 'for b !lT p pers "'through this ofEce are entitled to take part in the contest. This is the iiost liberal clubbiuu iffer any have ever been ;;b!e t. make, and we feel sure that it will prove im mensely popular with our readers. New Wliitcffoods:' New Embroideries. New Lices. . A - ; . New Ribbons. New Silkolines. : New jrish Lawns. New Mattings. These .and lots ot other gooBs we arc en abled to sell-at yeryi low figures. COME AND SEE US. Uttmah SLiBMensttfln i Tliur.-tlav and Fridav April. lUtft iind 2iUh. "' bract ice limit d to Eve, Ear, Kse ami 'lhroat. i A naati.livinir nesir Paaburv. Stokes coiiuty, says th? Reporter, has live" cbii- aheu and five dog:but has not had a dust ;M teem stilt in his ykith. thiuU5 the fire origninated from a cat's m,iat direct them, they will do so with rSF-Dr.iW H. Wi.kf held v; 1 be turnuag over a iatnP leit uurmng m, aue .1 ail i U-....1 1.. c'i: i ...... room, or else it exploded, setting fire to iiii- vcnn.ii ii ciin to o.i t ii ii i , un . x i . j lUe aitll 111 n HM tl lir nuc tiuui.iiiu i v, sleeping, she not awakening until arous ed bv the burning-bed; and before she could get out of hed and secure her due regard to4 the welfare of the black race!. Uiie whites and blacks of the South utaJerstind and like each other. There is'no people under the miu which Ciu(d get along with the blacks as well Why Hood.? Win3. President Lincoln s id, "You fool the oeoole at H'cuud tun- . are too quick to recognize re; merit oi lac1, ot'it, anal cling omy to tliose inias which they find lo be wnat is claimed for them. It is esjecially gratifying that the sale of Hood's Sarsaparlila increases most ra pidly in those scvuoas where it is best known. The inference is plain. Hood's Harsa ...riil.i li.iu miivrii liuiL il T)oses.-es iien- it It iii:iiiit:iins':i lii ll vt;lllUaril -1 unit. ' crutches.the clothing of her babe became fas lhe Southern white people do, ar ignited: and, although the poorv woman succeeded in smothering the flames that Of meat iiLthe h1 otie fJr seveial davs ex-'were burning her child, and eseaped out pt what he borrowed. Ue is a tit sub- eetas a rccuitto Cpxey 'smarmy. ji Kiat-vit is said, ciiine near causing a d disitstrous fire t Nairivyood, last Satur ' A .i. t.i n I.. .;,! . hi '. i r.-.i-.- II - fraie' til of and!. aie:ir Hotel Knr- f od, -caught tire, hii before it could 'lie put out tliej ho'elvas in great dan '. er of being Ues! r y ed. Tlje State' upremif Court, Tuesday, i rptiijlered its decision in t wo cases from llowan: State vs. L W. Foust,'affirhfing the j. Jiyrcl vs. Crese,ffirriud. At pTstfci m ui eub u eerier Court. Mr. -t oust was f'iteufced totwo eafs in State-prison. i Ins sjjnte uce must ilpw be executed. that the blacks, could live so happily amongst;. The proposition sprung n a recentPcolored convention at Uirniing 11, virtue el", in loaloiinit.v to, and iu ,iltsi.aauce - ol a I' u.c ...pi r ..; aji.uri.ol Aloii g'tn Coun , Nui'u Cid' ontut, l ee.U re.i al i' a.l 1 n in 18L-2, i., . .-u.l then and tin 1-.' pciidn.g uuereii: i...i.i i: W.n-ih. ot me m-noi heirs of V. II- 15..gieyia-:'d, is pJaas.tiil, a.,d M. 11. , a ilrd Ids wile S. L isoei , C. Ii. r r. Kctrns. S . t- A .!. anal his wile M.J' Vooiay, I , ". 1 ignin. ....i u. .fii Mii'. 'ie. 1 .vm. ml sue u.icn- .bants, fur me i,reel-U i e Uii'l sjk: ot in. j ......r,5 l ...ui itpsei iet:-1 in Hie coiii- cannot ! plaint ia said Mii ; 1, i nc undersigne.a c on Tuev '.iiiSioau-r app-.u"u-i y tbe cur. i.i M .Ucrea-i will ell .'t pu-oiie- au. i i . ne highest Wid.ter, for- cii, at iue. L-. u.. IlHuse Djor la l r y, ou .doud;iy tin; 1 day of April, it iu-ing o.i-las o Court weei.) tne-lol. owing iracisoi uiani, to wil : ' ' v- i. The 1-a Tract known as! he U x ieti olson tract oi Jt re l. uhei pl.u-e n in. waUTS ofC.ifi U Creek io sa d u ,l v, .ii iiiii.;- lhe h.i lsol l.nslnse. i, ainea FCreetMluaCAleX. Mciv ; de.:o KnvivKtteil. Rmithstvh was absent African meets with no favor inJibe J . . I,. ! i .is "i : i .. i . ... tfrom home, having visited a near neigh- South: among tne wniies anu nor The granite men near town are repoi of. the house, sustaining pain u. ham, AU? tii favor of the .deportation herself iu her heroic efibrts: the little ii I vj . . .I. l.k! ri'l fel 11 I I 1 fa IJIIVMril IIIMII I rrlrl Was so badlv burned that it died as I "H1' .f W ' J , "'"V. O " . .... Ii. . t which others cannot tvu, approach, la m.J others, et, .... .g ; -isihe people's favorite b.ood parilyin ; 2m irr k aud building up medicine, and is mo.e iiid t uutx ... , ..nun :ir n svea .i i r er ikijiu. . - , . , "":'- ' . U'M.,.4 rill JllO. 1- Mil'", I. r this because 11 out! cure. - ;"v" . '. ,..h,ii,,rii L--ow.i a, the K-m aun -; iiioiv luiviii.i. t-rson xMiir-Ti-'act. ! ' Ti ." Checks Creek -in ai j ouniy , a.y ii:i ,he la nils w; J-'oin lKL ale, K. i f'-.' mmiI oiner. in ne iami i.iriy kuowii au. Hw's This. xr rr ( .. ll,.i.,l,.,..l ril!-.n-a , j. '" ... ' . u . I -.kiinuM- i.iiioeeoiitiiii.ii'ii 11:0 acres ami-n iar auv case u v.i.uii; m n v.... ...... - - i . .,,.! . l"- .. rni. . r . i. .i t.ivvu i l ir iu"' " for-I . K.. ..iir.ul l.t 1 1 .: -5 iihirra i t u re. 1,1 " 1 ' l" 1 ,a " " V .!... --( . (-j l . k. . .. .f . 1"-. , v. ' i. . t . r P JU- Vilica.i in c... v Lv... , bor, and as he was starting home he dis- poral s :ti trd of blacks would tali ad n...nA.1 fla mac tf Ma- luiriiinc home. I . ii ' . i I. ... . .fT.. It if v;vvncu i . . ... ... v, j . . ..... B . . i van. a ge Siliu nr. ui i iycu i. ij v 1 IV ...7 u.. J . ..1 . I Vila m.v .1 i .-.I I 0(1 tL'lfnl ...itl. tlisoii dvinor hnho in her lirmH. AstU'Hl - 1 1; . j:... I f roni SC ue lews ii uis cwiiuiwvmi io s x - . . . .- . . ... I r. : . i. s 1... . . .'nl La nuul. t i-irrv out. ;i::V obuLTalOU U. iue nna anti lie nsiis tne Bvmnainv anai nem ouui u uanw ".rt.v ....v. ..w ..v- - Ayer's Pills Are better known and more general ly used than any other cathartic. Siicrar-coated, purely vegetable, and free from mercury or any other inju rious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and ener getic in their action, the use of these pills is attended with only the best v results. Their effect is to strengthen and regulate the organic functions, being especially beneficial in tho "various 'derangements of the stom ach, liver, and bowels. Ayer's Pills are recommended by all the leading -physicians and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy fpr biliousness, nausea, costiveness, .indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, pain in the side, and sick headache; also, to relieve colds, fevers, neuralgia, and rheumatism.-They are taken with great benefit in chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers, .whether by land or sea, Oyer's Pills are the best, and should never be omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all cli mates, they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. "I have used Ayer's Pills in my family for several years, and always found them to be a mild and excel lent purgative, having a good effect on the liver. It is the best pill used." Frank Spillman, Sulphur, Ky. Prepared by Dr. J.C. Aver ft Co.. Lowell, Mauaa. Okiauj iiuhi.-.."j Every Dose Effective -V J FoMrMt-Kl-.t.n.. i:it,r.or"yii:. A-l f'- LVto (';;. Vi!.--1" or CouMrr. ' " 1 &-:' ! :i!lC .fVP. Of.-!.. ;!. CO!.VlU- - - J 1 A . ,. ,-n . ..... !"- J Hepaer Law'. 1. SuV -ribeis v. i o dir md ive x I'ressiot'ce to il eeoiiirarv i ie consid ered .is wishii g to C'Uitiuue tiicir sub e'ld.ioii.x ' - . 2 II the sHbscrib rs order the dis caiu inriai:ae adhaur j eriodiinils, the pu'.lisher in ; y cutunie t(:ud them Uf.til all arrearages" p;ahl. ; '. j 3 . If Mibscnbrs iitglct. or, r-fu 5 to take their pet ii.alurals from the of fice tai which liiey are alirect;al, they iiie raponsde until they hayHxsetlh d their bill and ordeaed thenF dichin- in-( i 4. If the subscribers mova to adhefs pl.u-es wilhinit infoiming thai-publish . ai'.d pat er- are sent Io lhe former ii citii, I hey are held ra-sponsi- e 5 The tabu t-s have ilea ili-Fthat re fuing to take per:odic.ils from the of i ice -r rniriMii'g ji ial leaving -them u noa' led for, n? 'Pi nna lutc-'e evidence t iniellt' ll.illd. r, I: su. s rib rs pay in : ('v.iuce they m.- i-.ouuii ti ' ai' notice Io publishers ,1 u of I heir i hey do i;at .1-1. ?o eo&u ue lakng m; oilier wife t .e pwblisliei" ! nut u I !- ' t" Si-lld it t:,-. .,',- stt ("I- -r " di' . poll i i unt il an jixpre.-j mdjee w il h m nieiit ail ai r.- r..r s".)t io ne tuonsii- r. We of the ted as having had one, ami ne asKS ine eympaiiiy auai ueip "'.f fvv-,,-?l ., - of those who are able "to bestow charity tlie! pr4ectipu anddirect ion which he bj -" Wholesale Drug-is upon Ids uufortuukie family. -; caw g40,,fi' frorti,oi.tbern whitexuien roed4No.,,,, Kianan & M-r- -1 "- f.iV liA 'ia biitrecentlv otit of slaverv and ..- vii. ..!... .u. li.-.o.-r.i,. Tuu do.'l). School EDtcita.inment Commmiicated, J .,. ..y -T- . - j 1 Vi, Il inur.i-iii '"r.o ' ' V. L .w.i- f;.f-re:iehed fullv til man s PS- U..ll' (!:tt:irrh Cure 1 t ik-ll llltelUallV lll'l HUBv'I.W, J . ll.lll V .. . . - ' J - , .. . I . i i i ....... ii... ll... .1 tate. We aw all gelting along very acting ttireciiy upon a..e l2i-urKtuiikn(i'i lUKif.'Jp"-. -. ' i One in i- .( H t'e ' m-rs h w!t tn nil ll 0 tXi.fii.H) r- tii,B:n-tti:.'i:rv.,ir,tf,n' . !ttnrbori. r !i--r... i ?;. rwr ... Ijiire - he i yh , I d Cau :w m- l-S : J e. t of on f-r, no r-i r n . ," " ' Karrisain U Co Clem 10, Co!u..itu 0. I 'i ' - he i i-li VI S i nevrro'.tof J atiin -. Wxrr v i-avv.e.KaiTU rhepeople of Chestnut!! ill and ye- n ltf here together, thank vou, niuca..s s irfaces ot tne ssh m. litvlen oved a rare treat last Fridav 5 " mi . h . f .. . 1 . 75c. iier. i.uK ri dd by ail Urugg s.s q-iar.ries icinity "enjoyed a rare treat last Fridav L'inrr 1...1 1 T . . . 1.. J.1... .i.. ........ i .i...... '., If yieiltv Of Work thW flinxr. winter !ind have recently filled sj? feral large orders from -abroad. As. the more fiivorable Season advances .they-. anticipate de I mands for alt the work they can do in filling increasing orders. ; ;SalUbury'si correpondent of the Charlotte Observer sAys, "a gtannch re- - publican here, speaking of the fusion f .the Republicans and PopuHsts, iDinks they will fuse in some parts af me &tate and nor ti i :.. excebt whett tlie caoipaign orator comes eveniug in the entertainment given at eirFtjf " - 10 . . ll' FT r -i. I I . 1 ! .. . .J . I C m l-t, 1.1.. -.t- man nr.. the close oi iur. n. i. uoniiier; auu larounu; auw ana nuc iv men up, 1. . .1 i TL. unlarfninmiini i '4 f ' l . iU..i- .,.1- n.Pfn.. ...... sisiei aK BtuvAi. . ne ciiiciiiiiuiciikHn(i jortuiiai consisted of dialogues, recitatiJiis, etc., vr d.piy. bv the pupils, w filch were all rendered f j j .r 'Jv 111 anieasilig enayruiiiiuig maimer iu a i H.i vnil t- nm lnnnAW tn targe audience. -y he scholars all ac- . I ,U ,""J "Vr; " ,7 " " ; . -J , m in's fatici JTSted themselves crtditablv, but we . ffrrf tl4 'c " n'Tbe - I'""- ijmiicu , .1 blaoal-nuiilier. Aver sbarsaDarilla is the , can only mention a tewr icvr inetacK 01 . r j. v - . , . , laureate on 75c. aver, boi I K ft dd by Utugg s.s Testimonial free. V Tennyson oa Spring. We have the wcityf A.tivd Tenny son font th at 11 tlie Jirmg tiie young ill's fancies ligbHriurn to tl.oo-n is :si aiiular Hi t the g eal ciiiiitleJ to m.'iituni the lac that it is1 in the Sjiriiig t a conside i. 1 r ... ...I, i I'mi'i.v 111 Ij ulK V. OH of Anrxn .e Kee.:n! ; : ne 2 nl. dnlau.l h tracts hem- Ilu- nan. as l-.-ed ny M il li.ssi.eraod wite. J . to David U Wo. ui -i. -nuaa oi lhe minor Im irs iof W ll ..gley dec .1, j dated l.thdiayofd .ne U-M a.'.l aloly reg- - . 1 : t u . . 1 -1 . 1 4 iii 1 i'- j k i IK-ed i for sai.l 'ouat.V n .v' r - ;WS, to whieh-rtirnrd refereime W hcrci' . given fur m ire 11 description. .rre to Stien at 12 o-! char's. ;M. Wj A. rlMM NS, Coium:sst per. Kebrmirv lrtti. KSn-f'-. All per.-on haavia-g ' aims a aint Th.nnas , dc e:aa-.:. :-re 1k i . iiolilital 10 a xii'.ldL lie same to me on oi before I lie 'JG ii d.ay of Jauuaiy lSV.-o. AH persons indebta-al to said iluvaMi. ra(i is!ed lo li.ake j-i-ineot.iic pa- - - ... 1 1 , -t mcnt. Tins Jan '.'oin ii A. l'Ai!NllAl:i)r, Adin'r. of i hos. iviinhai dl. Theo. F. Klu 1 z, Aa'y. i'lie last laws me iuch tiiat. iievvspap'-r publishers i-.iii rrest any one for fraud who tak.'s a p.ier . mid iefi'jM'. 10 ! iv lor it. Uu . at: this law the 'man who allows- h's' tiWi ipt 1011 to run aioim tor some iiiie 111 paki and then orders the, post ma-lfr tjo mark it "m fuseo' and have a po.iMj; card vent iioli!yii.-,'th' puli.jMnr, I..;, Inmself i,;bi' l : 1 re-t aijid tine tl c anie as for l'ua:, etc. l or Hood's Sar-aparilla is always within ..lie h rii.i-ou lm:-(!.-eil is trui ; it alv. n .s pj,- v.U to thes. i r tnnion eB of 1. .ink 11 peoj.b- le. i.;.-e. is-is iruc; tnd n is aiwaVs mi.i) suUia.r.t'iii d by er dor Yemenis whijh in ll.e Ii uncial wclld w.,u d xari-pud wiiiioiu a ' iiiounru.l'al hesitation - - I space. "The dialogue, "Peteand the ' '' " lua 1 ni,rA l that it is1 in the sprang t..,.it a consiae - Iranian," was adminildy presented, V?""!, ,lt ihf standard and, as j r r,CH tlII he acting of Master; Henley, as Ch S tl taking S .rsapari la. ',0 abl, "Pef' liein,, esnpriallv ood. Aliss att he.UteagO Volld 8 Ijair. nothiuff but. lhe dilh uiiyaif Minnie Huffinsui recited very bautiful- I f r9U desire a luxurious growth o! god rhyme io ly and feelingly, "The Dying Sailor," jiealthy hir of a natural color, nature's deterred him. and. Mr. Mack Ooburn brougivt down trqvu(iig ornament of bot h sexes, use old-time domes iK u.. u:.. . -,1.. 1 r t 1 1 m ir... 1 11. c- n n i .iu .ii.....inla.i i ior thai I'avaiu .iae reuieaa Celtiiiii it is the tic reiue .i-s are 8 in others thevwill nnh" - - - - v m - h - w m w mm I , ll'ferinathjt a fnaoo 14 i iitmidiid !n I .w. I C I UU3C UI UI9 UilllirtlU UeillCI I Ul (til U 1; . I ft'l'L.IIIIK flll'IIIMII 1 1 !&l F 1 LH 1 ill I T Ul.iVOi uv- 1; l-haces where it will W of advaintage to 'Fareweli liro. VVatkins." Master Mel- werr ? I bhao.1 purifier, Hods bir.aip.mi-:. ,heg.'o. p.,aiid wliere nait to--fioht it vin G ant delivered 'Monkey and Man," J-HVlj '" - ! which has attamed the greateptipa. cut on thi' old i;.i" r i " j in a very creditable manner, as did also !ElniCi.threlI, Druggist will tell tarity a;l over the country asjhe tavot- Mdumfb P u,' K- m t Mi Lottie Gallituore, "Curfew." yo tliat Johnson's Maguetic Oil at- Ue Spring Medicine, infinities tie :jr s-nui ttepubhean tell ns wheIier Tlle Safisbury String Band 'furmshed ways fgives satisfaction and is the blnod-and gives nerveuieut.d, . bud.h . - not fusion is intended in Ho.van? lhe wusiti f or the occasion, which was ch&iptUL ! .md digestive .strength. I i :-: ; ! - . - 1 V I1 i , ' -; V i. WlM.. . ' ,-' v i; ", . - v i, ; - , "Ij ! J ; j "1 ' :' ; h- yy -. v .- 1 - - . . . . - ';",'.: X""-:'- J-'::" '"i': ' "-. Ii !!- v' . r-: ': '.-: : f :. 'Being thavliar-wssfc :fUe direct re-iU of being the l,t, WlKKrt S-eeda are Known ana gr..'i. o. eery Stt'to la tbe Isouth; na-ktio-srlcdged to be O tha-ct lor- garden, -i.- m or Held. Scud for V I,-. c.i i;....i. It uni.a. Tiic.ift C ilOU', . ll jt. r.-.Vreuoo bt'.lc ei UiO icrli-t valac, c'.i'- rS I ull iifw.i::-.:io' Jx.-tii l. rtiKj ti-.:c.C-r 0 U-.d:i",t,cUcr vhi. n... 1 -a. -tk-r- o;l g i v -niiil fo -re for l-l a.- tbo fall li- r-.-tiors for & 15 ii X 5J.-i 11 SC! 1 . ' .... ! .-.-raj.!, plan-v.uii.1 .:t !' lui,, for 2r- c - - -iiy ira3, Cior-r. tr o-.U-tr Fi-l s'- 5.arnijcd. Kend yW or.lor, nr.-s-t. if your merchant dx O , tiwt iiaiitUC Vxa'3 Skt-da. ; . - - . - r If- VI r. fTl i;5t73 b.JtVi-cecsrren, hicn.Ticr.o, u. ; . r. i sy Ll This qullTiioii i- ofu-o besart and nearly as a-fleit unauswi-ra-al. . Ii is rot alwa-yrf reitninb. real, aJJ it shou'.d iHvthMt the f erii n. "r aiid iniiabi'i y ic. futi t tajfaMind i i lie pin s eial 4-i a.riili u a I the penoam ; taiT l. a la d. Vvlmtis I lie u e i.l tryiaiR 1 "niii ua. uaz- " nnin v. U.S.- Mverlias gone hiik on I. in? If a now: is tortnied.wiiJi i-lifUUiat ism, "bow eai. be-lae expected ta alfable ami apreaab:? tj a Confirmed dyspeptic la- expa ttaat to in cheerful and tiw uys rjjialy tell i faaimy siory? lhe oniy way. lcaiaoe tllt. l ;ie-'ly is to ct al tia eau-e. ) vi'fij. inei.nia'ini impure J!ood and licr u0iiHy!e l ta rsi-.r-a l; '1l. ; tnt-i0 niiv is it a a rlleciiye, a pcaic":! r- m em, and a pr-ventivt cf dcn.-V-j; ia i els. . I j l i I" t -

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