U alrbaan 8 lias 'fo',v t culation - of anv other weekly, pub lishecl in the city. 9 Aflprtis ts )UtiV -i-ii:! i ' UUVI UU IN XI bib. I; f t. 5J HOUKTH SERIES. .. THUKSDAY AIM IC, 19 180 1. -4 . : r- - K I :i;t ! s , m . i . ! . . i i a ! .. -i ... i ."".'-. a -.,,..!. s- . . .. s i v - i - jm i i. s i ' i m. mmam w aiemaan. . i ; I ' ; i-. i : ; : ; m- - H : : I. A. jl t-S rs5r! It- r is Dr. Samuel Pitcher , and Cliildren xonficrubstance. " ' for rare-eric, Props, Soolhlnff Syrups, and Castor Oil. 1 It Veaaaat'- It guarantee is thirty years use by f MiMbnUf Slothcrs. Cartorials the lldrens Panacea tli Mother's Friend. ' "CArlnria isso w? 11 luUptl to children that H. A. Aamn. IL D., to Oxford Ft ; Brooklyn, Ji. Y. ' f frjiT -ri rln t- rnrse i - J 1 inline c rra. b.. j Cres 31kt-im, I. D-, 1 New York Qtj. JOHNSOM'S MAGNETIC OIU rnsUnt Killer f faSa. Internal and External. Uik, Da;., fiFiraias Brnii-, -4HJi '4 - iK. .i.4,tx.:iT. i Cholera M . 5 I t' '1 'V 1-. . - r -X'Tnutviiij prpw'. ( r . . . i '. ' "i'fe, wf' ?f OtllTAi SOAP, i'fi i -.pi v FD Win' GUinSI'il - SODDEN DEATH! Tha Commuoity Shocked. j Lart. pvtiin just! after a, while Mr. koci Harxmuii, (romiueutjand' tughly- t4 ctt-wnT" apparently iU; I he- be.st i;i A.'l '-frVtMWli. J r!s, ,u .ti reaUiug neaai"-; nudtiviily let! tlie flour; l.c l!;nd -over his heart gasped, and in ftisi citiiir t 'nlhly u."'n li utility were stricKen with ttm iiriiiunJiaiely umir.outda I'.Ci -i .l t.-x l;ijf- Tile t. i .-.ita'!.- i(t;jwi?j4"';are heart .!-.- -:)it..'W iiatfo vnJk lUroULy ' in-., i . ';crsx- jt)nta(u stateaienta: :.lr tJ it-' -! Jve J-en vonth is no de-i lit.nl iliseaxe, ftd the awiwl ; 'jnptiiitT witn wnicii it i ctaifuiog viciims ' .fcfownjHin aJl a emit i-tion pf it preTalent-e. j Xetderif yon hire a VynVptom of tit is iimi 4ti(K do not -hesitate a moment in f .".wJ-ia.-fis-,'t (Lis- (... f'.cif Crtta.1. Pn ' "mtnin ..: ;.v irt ! ; 'arf .shortnexK of- j i"t!B. n uttering, or pai;jta!ion, pain i : ;-twpifs hTtafi ide thon!')fr. or arm, ir f WsUJir m.thering, weak or uvmgr? tainting shells, drojmr,. etc. HwrlM Rvn York. Pa , wrltipn: "1 mifferrd N Tt 2 yosrr ! Sfreqn"''? T,'V Wrl wnnW ra to pimp hit" mvfnioiuh.iind my f a4t'Vmi m'jc me vttt m'lin-hWt. PhimioiH'iK,. nri'waiwlf. I K.ie no niuoh wnrw thit -lirwni irvi1 to Uro.'bnt w Indnrcd m wwt to mc Or. .Mile' New Heurt Cure. Thr ";-n4. 4t I rpt'e'it1v reiierI.an1 it the enfl r" 1 felt UV. a klo. My gratitude is to Wiv fxnrfwrinn. ' ! " 'J. RwelV. tTntont-Mmf Pa.. ajt 2 " n mt! For -fourfvem n'rtniw to Iwein- 4'"tV liwnfi tlr Vil.' Kai lTMI-t rsM I .-.. j with h5rt fti'ww in a venr 4rere form. UBfl Vn ll o-H.l,curM. bnf with no benefit 3, IU H nl ir. Miles' remedy, one bottle of which P . ?v ivttmM.. HisrH point. lag. mnV the f 1- nji;-n.en,ptrt . 1. 1 wi a wreck fv.m heirt It avW ar,4 t)Mn,rh trrtuhle wen I h -gun uin !.. "'l'Kew Heftcnre rt'1 Kene end Liver pij". Aa TnU .f their r a'm wvll." rV. WileV New Heart Cure Is'tM hr al drnc 'C? n fw'tire """1. riwit htr the Dr. wie Medical. Co.. Ktkhart UA oi roint nf '. 91 Mf tvVttl a' T hnllW fnr . nr... m. It la tMwitiTT fw from all opiate or JJTtnne- drnr.' T)r. MjTeir M' rxe nd LTr "" rs rem per t?t. f.Te hr4. ft no. Vailed Free book at drufpata, or by mail. I For Sale by all Drjuggits. """iiiaMtMMMaiiai,,,,,,,,,, m :out of emptoyment, or in : i : a ppsitlou that you do not : :!e? Possibly the softc- iUing of Life Insurance is yoiir special forte. Many : : People have, after trial,! sheen surprised at their: S.fituess for it. To all such V: has proved a most con-: " genial and profitable occu ; -patioiL The Management : : of the - I s : li Equitable Life j the pepartmlnt of the E , jCarolmas, desirps to add: to us force, some agents : i : or character and ability. -Wte for information. i J. Roddey, Msnaser, I v Rock iII, S. C. "IIIIIIIIIIIUI,!,,,,,,,!,. ) .auataC f j Arc ! ' prescription for Infants jt contains neither Olum, Morphine nor W Is a Iwrniless substitute Castoria. Cutorla cure Colic, Canstipatioa, S.iiJ Stomac, ULarrhua, Eruc Jfction, Kills Worias, rf tal promoU dl TTiUtout injurious meLcaXka. "Tor 3?v-l j-wt 1 h reconuaeBdec your ' Castoria,' unJ shall tUwtys contiau U C) no a it lu iuTariabl produced bonefici resiiite."- - T ' Ebwis F. r.r-; ;r, M. I25U Street nd Vtu - Naw York Oty THE BEST ARB IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. There ere !al-rrtal "c etc: - o-. elUee which ecTi i.OOfi jmsrc " I fiiootc ti.-.y, ri a net prolil cf S . r" ' a J'st- .VJ";;-;;: sii- but wi Krll a r?cat msriy'p.-.ir.i, tiie "i ;" ! ' our latlien', misses and childrr:i (': .; r ten cent a j -iir, and on o:;r mcui' tau toj 15 c.Hntg a p.iir. We rmtl otai'i!5 ho t: each of t!:o lifty larsot cii'-of l'oi S , thT eil on'y o)0 pair of r:, z ; r:w earn '", -.ki year. V.'o fhoy la L; a 'i ) yearly divilc:d i".-"a ei r -;. . : a year on lh" i:tvi f, '. t. t'.t a hare. Tha jai p-'it lnoiinb:y ! c t:n.f than t'Oaphar-f.- h..'-v.-r,l :i Iom ih o this jrrirr, v. i-i ifr ji-.r uiv.-. .We have ovfrlXCj 'rikLfl!.;-r5. i"v i U IncreaMng diiiy. Liii ( f j -. -. k hoiUeri arc: T. '. ai',r. .. , I .' r--..-. N. . rvH. Jr.. fli.r .!. ;S. v. !.. '. I: : Kr -aurh. l.:;ti- !!'-U. Ar -.; !. : ir Uirsr Turi'T. rh:la.: i-. iri.-.-f. N. 'v.: .'. J" .; - Crffk. Mich.tr. .f . Irui:.-tt-. A'-V. 11-3 if : :iV 3!i;!'.iK t'.i.r .'t: otir ntcckhoioern, e;c-, t i t)rd;-ia t..kn icr on or. turs- Kharc. flO a ihr'. DEXTER SHOE CQ.S 144, Id 5. in rrrral jSk., i:OcTy, a Ann. Pf3TS3 RITOF CO., Tiic'n. CfcTU6l,5i,ifC.O03. ' urt tst.nc siini-: in xhk .voiiiJ. "A i'.l'nr yrnri is t dollar turned." 1,h!s!.Hi!r,o!i rveneh Hnn?o:.iiidT?ot toi itoot ir ..nwh'-re io ti li.S..oa or .!-, .1 Xcti for r' V;---- in!.; vrv a rocu . . B fr,t 4..: ,1 ui ;!! retail 'j 50.- Vv'.-. th boot 'r'i-r, '4 P.-'Y S4? ti:s .' V-'.' a I-1 i if .v.v o.e is- vi f- l s, SKI ci3 ZSi, Osveats, ana TSiks-ari:s oiHainoti, ami all Ptt-' ent budints for Mooe-sarti F i r s Ou Orncs 'a 0r03irj U. S. Patent Office and we cau ser ar- pat Mi t iu tos tiuw iUa tU'we remote frara A'ashincton.- Send nwKle!. dra.vhij; or pwnto., with rierlji tioa. We ladvie, if 'pR-.r-i italic or not. froa of Charge. f3T fc-.j tui ue tl:l rteut in en red.' A PawihiLET, "llow to Ol.sair. PntcmV with nsnes of actual clients ia your SUu-, cevu:ty or town, scat -free. Addree, C.A.SbW&GO. Or. Patikt Orricc. Wash mcton. D. C ''60LDEK CAPSULES' gaaSa Safe aud Always (Reliable ; better tbaa Tansy or Pennyroyal Fills nod all similar medicines. Unexcelled for Irrigulat u!,tc Huoceesfuily used ia tbousandsof cases, isf ?urc remedy, saaranteed, oerer fails. Price fl. A CiqualledsifecoarU. LAKESIH 8PEC1F1 v Market &U. Ciacao, 111. SareJ tba life that is fighting against Consuxap tion. Only act prooiptiy. n Put it off, and nothing can save " - you. But, if tak en in time. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cer tainly cure. It must bo dono through the' blood and the " Diacovery " is the most potent blood cleanser, strength-restorer, ana flesh-builder that's kaown to medical science. The scrof ulous affection of the longs that's called Consumption, and every form of Scrofula and bloodlnts, all yield to it - For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchi til. Asth ma, and all severe, lingering coughs. It's aa unetrualed remedy. Itvs the only one that's yuarantted. If it doesnl benefit or cure, ia every case, you hare your money back. Canuytidng else, at any price, be reaDy Yea pay only for value received. Something else, that pays the dealer bet. . ter. may be offered as u just as rood. Per hajps airier lb, but it cant be, tor yosw :'. J" . f' - ' " I U Urn m s& iaXS $Js 1 .flEVVEEKIMTHESOUTH The Quick' Result of Painting the Town Bed. ! FAHILI: BUEDSRED BT THE TE5A5T. Monroe, Lai'Aprfl li Saturday af ternoon Ilenry O ailed ffe nd J. 0. Joha wd, both of whom liTein Union parish, ctme to Moorpe . on business. After crltiner thrvinirti with i it thev drank Uf M,tA n.tnH)u.wn Ted, TUsited Ruby Beir. fired their pis- ! tola at the furniture and moved out. Policeman ; Haypii i and Uigger saw Gullede and Johnson on the street and started towards them. . Ciullede drew hia- pistol and when-ordered to put it up fired at Haynie, f Seventeen ' shots were fired and when the smoke cleared away, it was fonnd ; that both Polce maa Hajnie and Gulledje were killed. Johnson is in jaiL . " ToM-fae4 ott the Koad. Ashvii.lk, K. C, April 1. - C. M. Wood fin, who I ires at lioilstou. Hender son county, bad an encounter with highwaymen about 8 o'clock yesterday as he was on bis way home from Ashe rille. Ir. Woodfln was alone, and when on Hominy hill not far from the old power house of the West Ash evil le and Snlphur Springs railroad, two negroes sprang1 into the road, grasped the bridles of the team and ran the wag-on over a bank. Mr. Woodfin jumped out as the wagon went over and the negroes ran up to him, one on either side, one carrying a club and the other a revolver. : The pistol ras shoved in Mr. Wood fin's face and: he was commanded to throw up his hands and give up his money. He did thip, as he was mi-N armed, and the ' jnegro who carried the club rifled i his pockets, taking his purse an I all the cash he had. some $8 , or 310. The highwaymen then allowed him to jro and started away in the di t rection of Asheville. - -. ! . .,.,. - i . I leort-U Dacton UeeU ' An.aKTA,'prll 16. The event of the j week will be? (he regular annual con I vention of the Georgia Medical associa j tion. ."' " Theconvention will open April 18th s and will be in progress three days, i The association is one of the oldest i medical organizations of the south, ! having been organized in 1849. In its . I ranks are about 385 members, who are for the most part the leading physicians of the state. . . ' From every quarter of the state the association draws its members,' from , every town and city and many of the J remoter rvgions of the state. ; home of the ' greatest physicians ol ' t'.ie country will be in Atlanta from all p trts of the . republic to attend the j meeting of the Georgia doctors. Among J them will be Drf SamnelK. Millikin, of ' New York, who; wXll read a paper be fore the convention. While in the. city he will te the guest of Mr. Thomas K, R. Cobb., Dr. W. H. Elliott, of Sa vannah, is president. Murdered by tha Tenant, iGATXK8vriAE, Tel,, April 14. News comesto this city that a man named Cruz, a tenant, had killed Thomas Mur rell and wife near Calisburg, in this county, yeslerdfy. j Murrell had gone to his barn about satirise to feed the stock and was way laid by Cruz and shot down with a 45 calibfe Wiricbester. A cry from Mur rell attracted Mrs. Murreli's attention, when she beheld her husband lying on te ground and Cruz with the weapon still in his : )iand. She started to the scene, and upon reaching her husband Cruz fired on her, the bullet striking her on the neck, killing her instantly. The murderer then robbed Murrell of his pocketbOok, containing about S75, saddled Murreli's horse and left, going in the direction of Red River. A posse has g-one in iearch of the murderer. i The Khot ProTed Fatal to the Bara-'ar. I MoxTOOMSBT,' April IS. A special from McGhee's Switch, this county, says that last night Mr. S, J Pettua heard an unusual' noise in his kitchen and went out with his gun to investi gate. He saw a dark form rapi ly run ning across his iback yard, and taking aim at the fleeiaff form fired. ; Supposing that he had done sufficient to give the intruder a fair warninsr. he went to bed again. In the morning early he saw a f rowd of negroes in his pasture and wept over to investigate. He found -them ' standing around the dead bodyiof Jim Felder, a negro gen erally known aa "Old Gentleman." Mr. Pettus then told the negroes how . Jim came "i to his death, and why ha shot him.v This appeared to satisfy them. ad the body waa taken up and prepared for buriaL Bam Jones VfUl atart the Crosad. FBAHKrOBT, J Kjr., April 16. The threatened crusade against sin in this city seems about to materialize. The war will be under the management of the law and order club, aided by many of the church people and other moral elements. The plan is to start the movement; off;" with a big revival, which Is to be . conducted by Rev. Sam Jones or some ! other stoted revivalist. .Colonel Bennett If. Young, who was here last week, assured some of the leaders In: the : movement that Evan gelist Moody, who is coming to Louis ville, can be secured in case Rev. Jones Is not to be had, and it looks as if the movement were already on a basis firm enough to assure some sort of ont rrowth. The matter was discussed freely in church circles yesterday. . ;j "j 1 J' 1 Ursvot'sM order Avenged. i MosTGOiiEBT, Ala, April 1J. In the city couri yesterday morning, after the jnry hadi ben oat 15 minutes, it brought in a verdict of guilty against Joe, Alex and Wilson Wood ley and Jack GabrieL four negroes charged with the murder of Ed IL Grant, about one month ago. ?rUUasn Bawl, fo Ded. - 8a.YAir ah, Ga.. April 16. William Rawls, Who waa shot Isist week by Samuel t)avia died in a hospital bast night. The shooting was the result of a trouble between the man on account f Daria wife. ' ' , I y 'S . ' i V ' yU - ' 'I- 1 : SENATOR VANCE DEAD North Carolina's Junior Senator Paefaea Peacefully Away. I ESTISC DI THE SIDE OF LOVED OXES 10 p.in.Mondy In State ! Bal-lsh latarmrnt In th Family Plo4 t AsbavLU WcdaMdaj. WAsmsoTox, April 15. Senator Zeb- ulon B. Vance, of Xorth Carolina, died at bis residence in this city last night at' 10:30 o'clock of apoplexy. The sen ator had been in feeble health for a number of months,, but since his recent trip to Florida had been In apparently good health. The Funeral. W.vsiirxoTox, April 16. With the ex ception of the naming of the congres sional ccmrn'ittee to accompany "the body of the late Senator Vance to its last resting place, the arrangements for the funeral have beea made. Tho body of Mr. ancc will be taken from the residence to the capitol at 2 o'clock today, and will lie in state in the ma r- ble room. At 4 o'clock brief hervices will ba conducted in the chamber of the senate by Rev. Mote 1). Hoe, of Richmond, assisted by Rev. A. W. Pit zer, both of the Presbyterin c'aurch. After the services, the rCi dns will be taken to the station of the Rich mond and Danville road, where they will remain until 10:43, under a guard composed of North Carolinians em ployed in the various departments. At the time indicated, a special car, at tached to the southern express will leave the cityThe funeral party will reach Raleigh tomorrow at 10:2Q a. m., and the body will lie in state at the capitol building until 4 o'clock, p. m., when tho train will be taken for Asheville, 1 which will be reached at 6 o'clock nejxt morning. The body will be interred at 110 o'clock in a lot selected by the lute senator on the south side of the moun tain overlooking the city. The con gressional party will return Thursday morning. y '' Sketch of Ilia Life. Zebulon B. Vance, of Charlotte, was born in llnncombe county, North Caro lina. May 13, 1640; was educated at Washington college. Tennessee, and at the I'niveTMty of North Carolina; t tudied law. was admitted to the bar in January, i&2, and was elected county attorney for Unneombe county tho same y ar; was a member of the state house of commons in INr was arepre sentat ve from North Carolina in the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth congresses; entered the Confederate' army as cap tain in May, IS01, and was made colo nel in August, 18(54; was elected gover nor of North Carolina in August, lBtfcJ, and re-electt'd in August, 18til: was elected to the United States senate in November, 187(, but was refused ad mission, and resignt-d in January, 1871; was the democratic nom:nee for the United States f-enate in 1872, but was defeated by a combination of bolting democrats and republicans; was elect ed governor of North Carolina for the third time in 18": was elected to the United States senate a a democrat in place of A- 8. Merrimon. democrat; took his seat March 18, 1879; and was re elected in 1884 and 8'.0. His.term expires March 3, 1897. THE VER DICT FOR MISS POLL A R D Hreeklnridire and Ills Attorneys Make Ap plication for New Trial. Washinotox April lb.--Early this" morning the counsel for Colonel Breck inridge were making necessary ar rangements in filing application for a new trial, and the probabilities are that thai sensation of the past six weeks will hold the boards again, and in the near future at that. There is naturally a' difference of opinion as to the verdict granting Miss Pollard damage in the amount of 815,000, but in the hotel lob bies and on the streets can be heard many expressions of approval. As to the prophecies regarding: the finding of the jury, "I told you so' is a popular expression. With the exception of the sad demise of senator Vance, of North Carolina, the matter was the absorbing topic in legislative circles yesterday, iind while his colleagues in the house are reticent in expressing au opinion, it is no open secret that the defendant in this case has lost his magnetism among his associates, many of whom were cumbered among his strongest friends. The manner In which the jury ar rived at the amount of damages pro- Sosed was unique, to say the least, ne of the jurors was for allowing the plaintiff the full amount asked for, another the nominal sum of 1 cent. Others ranging from 810.000 to $40,000. The amount as rendered $15,000, was the result of adding the entire amounts and dividing by twelve. Congressman Wilson at Aust'n. Sax Antoxio, Tex., April 1C Con gressman W. L. Wilson left here, yes terday for Austin to spend two days, at the request of Governor Hogg, lie will then return to San Antonio, and after spending a day or two at the ranch of ex-Congressman Ben Cable will leave for Washington. He con tinues to improve in health, and states that he will spend a part of each win ter here. His son, William H. Wilson, will locate here, permanently In the practice of law. Miners Going lV-ck to Work. , Scottdai.k, Pa., April 1G. The miners of the north end of the coke re- -. m.itnir at Bradford. Mc- K tun -"c) r-i anA Mmmt Pleasant vesterdav vaui? t- - ft-nrton and ndonted resolutions iu favor of remaining at work. Judi White to Marry. WAsm.NGTox, April 16. Members of the Supreme Court Bencbare authority for the anouncement that the marriage i- of Associate Justice White and Mrs. Linden Kent will soon take place. Tha Alabama Mining Trouble. BreMisGHAM, April 16. There ia a possibility of considerable trouble in this district with striking rniners today An o .wreak is prolsble. i ' Children Cry for Pitched CastorV NtWS STATED BRIEFLY. News of tn Week Cual-aud m4 . . Para(fiavbtl. !; ; Thar Uay, Apil IStn. Millions of chinch bugs have appeared in l'etts county, Missouri. Three well known counterfeiters have leen arrested at Milwaukee. Four prisoners escaped from the jail at Ruff alo, N. Y., but two were shortly recaptured. It is now reported that Anarchist Most will remove the Freiheit to New Haven, Conn- instead of to Williams burg. Rev. Dr. II. M. Wharton. !of the Rrantley l!aptit church of Lalt more, has declined the i call to the Church of the Epiphany, of New York. j Sixty Indian families near Peru,Ind., the remnant of the Miami tribe, have united in a suit against the government foi$91,0(0 annuities due them, f Dr. Norment, of Darlington, S. C , father of one of the youri- men killed by Governor Tillman's spies, has issued a card thanking persons who Lave ex pressed their sympathy. Citizens of Hot Springs, Ark.,i are op- posed to ( onsrressnian C. is. Dree kin. ridge's bill to transfer the springs to me neirs oi iwa Juan r UUoL The carnival "La Fiesto de Los An geles" has opened at Los Angeles, Cal. Ringer Herrmann," of Salem, Ore., was renominated for congress by the republicans of the First districts An attempt was made at nuron, O., to wreck the Atlantic express on the Lake Shore road. The British barken tine Cape City has been wrecked in the NoHh China sea, and half her crew, including- the cap tain, drowned. i A train on the Lake Erie and West ern was derailed near Gyner City, Ind. killing a brakeinan and fatally injur ing two passengers, i" J. W. Wood, ex-treasurer of Calhoun county, Mich., and grand receiver of the"A. O. U. W., is, missing;, with alleged shortage of $5,0U0. Mr. CliarkSs'E. Kilmer, of Troy, N. Y.. corporation tax clerk in the state comp troller's office, has resigned at the rt quest of Comptroller Roberts. The war department has ordered that a troop of cavalry be kept in the Chey enne and Arapahoe country to prevent further Indian troubles. .The report that the Lund and River Improvement comp-iny, of West Supe rior, Wis., would go into a receivership is pronounced unfounded. Three raenx were injured by an ex plosion in the padding room of the Eddystone Print works, at Chester, Pa., and "00 in adjoining buildings had a narrow escape. x Two firemen were blown forty feet without serious injury by the explosion of the central boiler of a nest at a col liery near Forty Fort, Pa. The tugboat J. B. King entangled in the cable 'of the New pTork and New Jersey Telephone company, wFiich runs from Eliza bethport to Warmly Point. N. J., has been detached. Satt rdiy, Apr J 14th, I The pool room 8 are to be closed in Montreal, Quebec and other Canadian cities. Sioux City, Iowa, women will con duct a social purity crusade to elate the city's dens. The firm of David Wierner A. Sons, merchants, of Vienna, have failed. Liabilities $i,500,00u. The funeral of ex-Senator Cottre'.l took place at Merchantville, N. .1., yes terday afternoon. Two sons of William A. Wallace, of Passaic, N. J., died of scarlet fever, and a third is expected to follow. Victor Polonski. of Irvington, N. J.. had both legs broken in the collision of his carriage with a Newark trolley. A military investigation of the action of General Plume may take the p' ace of the New Jersey legislative inquiry. The farmers of England, France, Germany, Austria ana Poland are greaily worried by dry weather for five weeks. Sophomore Taylor, of chlorine fame, was cropped for poor scholarship, it is announced, and will not be reinstated at Cornell. The anti-trust distillery to be bui't at Terre Haute. Ind., by George I Woolsey, has been incorporated with a capital stock of 500,(Hx;. j Jolins-Hopkins University: has se cured a larg portion of ithe exhibit of the Charities and Corrections bureau oi the World's Columbian exposition. George A. Brackett, a prominent business man of Minneapolis, Minn., hat exposed the blackmailing scheme of a woman named Christina Miller, who is said to have extorted S3,u;;0 from Henry G. Sidle, president of the First National bank- The Vatican hea sent form; I notice to the archbishops of Lolbgna, Milan and l e rara, Mgr. Scgna, the assessor of the Congregation of the Holy O.lice, and Rev. Mr. Steinhuber, the famous Bavarian Jesuit, that at the next con sistorv they will be made cardinals. One Spanish and one French prelate will also be created cardinals. Monday, April 16th. John U. 1'arrell was accidentally killed at Albany, N. Y., while playing ball. Edward Boone has confessed to the robbery of the South Bend, Ind., post olliee. Boston may adopt the system of ex amining immigrants in vogue in New York. It is believed that the: thieves, who cracked the postoflice at Irvington, NJ J., came from New York. j Queen Victoria will grant the title of Honorable for life to ex-speakers of Canadian legislatures and assemblies. Henry U. Johnson, of Kiehmond.Ind.. has been nominated for congress by the republicans of the sixth district. hmiiaiitv have been made anint Siirvpirin teii'len t Hitcheook of " i , . . the Kansas State Reform School. . , - vreuci ui tj. v. . - r-- apairof altar swor Is to L. S. Grant post, G. A. R..of New Providence. N.J. - ..i c K.H limiih n:is nrewnmi W. J. Snpple. the old Jnltor at the Utica (N. Y.) city hall, has iuvoked the courts to keephis successor from taking possession. Tbe Easte n Avenue Congregational church, of Spriupfield. Ms.. has culled as its pastor Rev. Thomas G. Shear man. Jr. of Brooklyn.; X Y. Mise Ella! l epwortk Dixoa, tb daughter of Hepv. .rth Plyon. who is irakin" a name for himself lu tlie liter ary w-xU of Ijuod. is also an author. fhildrv Cry for Fitcher's Ctcila. Highest of ill in Leavening Power LX ABsSOlHTEUk PURE BENJAMIN'S RIDE. Into the west rolo Bo:g vmla n, . T On bU Iron stceU so f ir, ' lie rode all day anl be rode all nlsht Tw see what tnigbt Le there. Into the west rode Benjamin H., And he irlmiacd fcls words with care, ' . For tiie speeches he spake aod the talks b talked Said nothing of (retting there. . 4,. ) Into the west rode Derdamln IL, And prandpa'R hat went, too. Dot ho kept It hid in a dark valise, Kutlrcly out of view. Into the west rode Benjamin H., And Ma McRlnley sighed; For he had some doubt ot what might be The result of such a ride. Into the west rode Benjamin IL, And Mr. T. B. Beed Scratched his dome of thought reflectively And gave the matter heed. Into the west rode Benjamin FL, Some pointers for to get; ' He rode all day and he rode all nlht, Ana he aasn t "got, there" yet ' y N. Y. Sua, PROTECTION ; A FAILURE. Tba McKlnley Theory Based Upon a Dla mater Producing Hyatea . It is interesting to note that while the United States is engaged hf the attempt to shake off the incubus of the McKinley law;"' all Europe is in "an economic ferment," as some writer has phrased it It is well known that all theprincipal nations of the continent have high protective tariffs. According to the doctrines which have dominated our legislation ince 1801 they ought all to be happy. On the contrary, they are all un happy. France is giving another turn to the screw, showing that the tariff of 1891 has not brought about thebless ings expected Quite the reverse. The chamber of commerce at Marseilles de clares that since its adoption there have been a constant reduction of commer cial operations, a lack of new enter prises, a suppression of many that pre viously existed, that no new factories are building, that these burned down are not replaced, that the nurabcrof idle ships grows larger every day; in si ort, that there has beeu a change for the worse i:i foreign cemmerec, attended by axslmilar condition in rgriculture and 'internal commerce. The remedy now proposed is a still higher tariff, another turn of the screw, an expe dient cvr.iirlT io ujravato tl.c evils nowprv;ii'r.7. In Italy there is vhars. Uprisings have occurred to rcittv the outrageous taxes o:i th necessaries of life, and thcs have to be put down by military force. At the same time thorei is a de ficiency ia the revenue, and while it is proposed to reduce expenditures the proposed economies are admitted to be insullicient to avoid a deficit. New taxes are proposed, to be levied upon a people already exhausted bjr excessive taxation. Fifteen years ago Germany entered upon the enterprise of making tbe peo ple happy by protective taxes. This was largvly in the interest of agricul ture, which demanded to be shielded from tbe c-urse of cheap food. Tbe sys tem ran its u:ual course. It did not answer expectations, and its advocates said it was not hih enough. So in 185 rates were put up again. Two years later it was thought necessary to make a farther increase. These constantly augmenting im posts on the necessaries of life have caused great distress among tho poor of German. But what cCect have they had upon agriculture? For answer let us turn to the recent speech of Dr. Miquel, in the.reicjhstag. lie has been counted on in some rjuurters as an op cipponenl of the treaty with Russia, as he is known to bo iu sympathy with the agrarians. He said that the main talf of the Prussian jrovcrnnient for the next f.-w year , u.ttst b- to devise effectual assistance for agriculture. In spite of this he favored the treaty. "In any caw," he adtled. "the treaty can not render the eon Jili.m of husbandry any worse than it is." Such is the efxec:t of fifteen years of high protection upon German agricul ture. Even in the opinion of its warm est friends its condition cannot be nny worse. This is but a repetition of the experience of the United States. We have had a continued demand for high er rates, and they have been advanced from time to time. The McKinley bill went to the extreme of high protection, and what is to-day the condition of our industries? According to the state ments of the parties interested they were never worse. They are waiting for the repeal of the McKinley act that they may have a chance to revive. It is alleged, of course, that business depression U due to the prospective re duction of the duties. To what then is it due in Italy, where there Li a prospect of an increase? To what is it due in France, where an increase has fust been made? i There Ls no fear of tar ill reform in France, tut there is a paralysis of industry and trade. To what shall we attribute the t'.ej)re-sio:i in Germany, where agriculture, its chief beneficiary, is admitted to be in so desperate a condition that no com mercial treaty can make it worse? The limit has been reached in putting up duties, both in Germany and the United Stales, but the expected blessings have refused to materialize. There is a tU-cp philosophy underly ing this economTc ferment" that pre vails in all protective countries. Tho theory of creating prosperity by high taxes is breaking down. Protection has been tried and found wanting. Louss illc Courier-Journal - CVJdren Cry for Pitcher's Castona 711 w Latest U. S. Gov't Report A SOUTHERN BEAUTY. Bflae alary fUrlta. of lialtlnror, . Le Taylor la Eugllsii tj I-. Baltimore. April 9. Miss Mary Stir ling, second claujrhter of Commanded and Mrs. Yate-s Stirling, of this city, Was married yesterday at 15:30 to J. Iee Taylor, of New York. The Wedding took place at Brown MemoriallPresoy terian church, Kev. Dr. Maltbie D. Babcock ofiiciating. The bride is a true southern beauty,-slightly above medium height, with a supcrrb figure and a profusion of prolden hair. She ' entered the church leaning on the arm of her father, attended by her elder sister, Miss Helen Stirlintry as maid of . honor, and Miss Hardy, of Richmond, as bridesmaid. The ushers precedintr the party were Messrs. Harry and Yates Pennington, ' cousins of the bride; James It. '1 ay lor, cousins of the groom: Morton J. Henry, of Philadelphia; Rowan Baldwin and David Witherspoon, of New York. The weddin r was after the English style, the groom and his be6t man. J. Cliateo Spencer, of New York, his cousin, re ceiving the bride at the ehance?. The bride wore an elaborate costume of ivory whit.? satin, en train, trim tied with deep point law. Her ornami'it were diamonds, and surmounting forehead was a magnificent diauud crescent, the gift of the groom. DISPENSARY IN COURT. All South Carolina Interested la the f.xir-i Session. Columbia, April 9. The action of Judge Mclver in calling .an extra ses sion of the supreme court has leen die cussed with much freedom today. au4 it is now positively stated tbt i me-.ns immediate action in regard tot'ie pend ing dispensary cas.'s. The em t meets tomorrow (Tuesday) and will rema :i in session several days. The rumor has been that the decision is .in the hands of Associate Justice Pope and has leeu for some time. The assembling of the court may cause him to file it at onee. otherwise it would be possible or the other two justices whi!eMtting in In. organized capacity of the court to piiss iiiordercouipolling it. It is also pe- fcibl that the three jnstices. ma.iaajvutv. ity of thera. can reach no decision titu'. that they will ask for further argu ment on the point innolved. PLOTS OF THE DISCONSOLATE. :. Into Clow I'p the I'uOIIt Itnlldlng at l.ier. It 1-iuia. Lieok, Belgiutn, Aprl '.. The pfic-- fr some time past have b 'en investiga ting tin anurc hist jjlot. uhich was Said to include au attempt to explode dyn amite bombs in several of the publio ' built lings of the city. Th ti nl- of thr investigation w.ss th. t h be ra -aware of the identity u iiie otu.ii and sh:idowed their meve.-neuts. News j reached police hea Iqmirters 'from one : oithe detectives tletaiie l upon the case, which led to a hasty search of the Kin kenpix railroatl station, with . the re sult that two arge Ixunbs. supposed to be loaded with hiirh explosives, were . fousid in different parts of the build in r. Attached to the bombs were fusel ready to be lighted. TO THE NORTH CAPE. Empcrlor William M 111 Voyag for 8ereral l-aya In Kriy May. Bkri.i.v, April 9. Emperor Williai has telegraphetl to Kiel that the iin- , perial yacht Hoheiisollorn must l-e ready with sun t'de for a lonjr yoyatrt . He intends to maku a trip to ihi N'orth Capo earl-in May. At court the r -port is that the emperor found Abba' in little to his liking. lie is said to have chafed nnder t' discomforts caused by the' fickle tli mate aod to be eager for another ti in in which he may tret the usual benelija of a vacation. His receptions in Venice has been enthusiastic enough, how ever, to restore his p-ood humor, for the cordiality of the Italian people has been quite leyond all expectation. ATLANTA'S FEMININE BURGLARS More of Them Captured an.l the Entire Or ganization I taft 1 a tL Atlaxta. (ia., April fl. More of the gang of female burglars were run in today and it now developes that an or- -ganized band had been playing-the city for several weeks whites and blacks, both being implicated. A vast quan tity of stolen goods have been recov ered, and many articles found that hav from time to time been reported , at police headquarters as mysteriously disappearing. Confessions have bon wrought fr m the Tha p and Fortner women which will lead to important disclosures j-et. This clever, work ei the officers is considered one of the most important haul made in a uusa ber of dava, !"-.. Some of our republican contem poraries ore reviewing the first year of President Cleveland's administration, and they rl ie from the ; task weeping for their unfortunate country. 3e achievement clone- of Mr. CrevelancTa: first year of oGce justifies the people'! faith in him and entitles him to the pratitudo cf his country. Hissoun4 statesmanship and inilexible resolu tion foreeel the repeal of the ralnoua act Juat Lore John Sherman's name anl Benjamin Harrison's signature. N. Y. 'l imes. - The rfTort-s of the republicans U put the aelrr inistration in a hole con tinue to dtpoe.it their author in aa awkward cavity. Boston Herald. 'I t I i I: -r. r

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