' ii ta-'--naaMalS . i I ll - Z1 - - s .. . 'i J" vJ aag.u hw the r?j t t . r , ,cuIation of : ny "; I ll:I:JnfK'rtf - My;! - - JL O Hsheil in the city J)adgiil!v the r? ! I Ilrl'()LTUTII SKHIKS 'FT :M ' : - , .M , f .ti ' " :s I- : TIIURSliAT. APi n, 29 18M. what is - - - ,j " -' ' n Vria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription for Infants ' nd CliiWren 11 contains iii;; v4 uuv .mv thcr -Xarcotic substance. It is a lwrmless ubstttate for Paregoric, Drops, Soothinff Sjrups, and Castor OIL - wtr Its cuaranteo U Jtuirty. year use by r Millions ofotneXriis the hlen Panacea. Castona. CMtoHa U cJl Uptd tochiklrca that Castria. known t- m'. it i:j So. Oxford St., SrooUyB, 2i. Y. -Thereof Outia' "o unlrenyil ad m.-nt. b ' til kuo -vn tfeat it bccw work .urogation t Vendors it. lw are the wS.-tfLaik.wUp keep Ca.tom CjJliu Hultxv, D. DM ' York City. -.'ti-- ' .- Cwtorik cares Colic, Ceostipatlan, s Sour Stoxniurh, Diarrh'a,,Eneattianl irtn XTnrauL Krea'sIeeT. ud iromotM & Sratcoairosram for tlio Week - opr taa WiisoiBilL .. , .LilrmiilTHE DEBATE ;'E5D7 TlkQ(Mt;Mi mt Jtmpetaaee Wow la, Taea 'V1U Um fimml Aetl Be Take?-- .' ' CoasreeipBal j Matter fee -a :.Crrea Week. , . THE WEEK IN THE SOUIH Orand Jury WmmxflTox, Anrll J3. Today ush ers in the fourth week of the debate in th aenate on the; j pendinf? tariff and with it comes amiera of uncertain ty that iacausinir thaaepatora in charge of the measure mock -uneasinesa. -Al-thoniFh. the i present' amicable arree- H Tnent under Which the jill ia being con- Declares, Wjoiteoap- pera 2&uraerers: ' .; OFFICIALS SHIELDING ..ASSASS1SS. - - " . , . " 'i ' t i --..- A MUeUelppl WKlteap MakeaJCodf eeeloaw pjioephate Discovered la Teiaaee tracedrta Alabaama Other Soathera Bappealnss.. Athexs. April 21. The grand jury-bf Vgletnorpe county iouuu ww un w rrfurder airainst Mortrun Goldinjr. . Shnvr and Irwin Salmonrrominent white planters, who were arrested and raUiiud on a commitment trial for whitecappfnjr two months . ago, when an old negro, Wesley Joneawas beaten NO. 12 TheteOer, Aa 11 ttk t - : , y Tha ' eomlnr j Intern atianel tm-nn. toent of wroof men will probably be held at V - Louis, Mo. n J ., "WXrtm mrl rxn fit. lmtul m1 ln4a 'pendent republican mayor, by a pin- rainy or IZ4 rotes. i i ' I '' Edward MorreH, who assietedi Chris ' Erans to escape, was at xVrenso, CaL, sentenced to life imprisonment. j The boycott of. the Miners' union, 1 anl Ifnlfrhfca at Ijitmrnn tlutnuiniknitt i Lpt peadwoo S. p., is declared off. I k,- The will of Dr. C. L. Ford, professor ' -of anatomy in the .-unlTersity of Micht- Kn, iearea wu,wu vq ine general library and S100.000 to charitable ob- Henry S. Carter, mpresentatiTes of Jaffa mriA PUlriu lln w.V... this city,- dropped, dead of heart disease at tne ttaroeu bouse, Cincinnati, cnio. a wv uvuuau nvaivu iu iu aes uc t Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. at- . av m ; asv. Ai3SQlairECtf I : I I to'death. .The negro had induced some cartridge factory at Uelfort, France, hich theniisbemgcon. toeatn. ine negro naa inuncea some r- V"- 1" "f" ieneral Lbate' from t farm . hand.tauit workWhUhr iCfs nJe Sr I'saenraged the White planters There .yS&l BUSINESS FIRM AiiUolbMbY. 'l - Z m . - - a I vmmvuw j w ejLfvvtas Wilis, oi j is muco sympai-uj wr w r'u?"" - seeded for to burg. : i tram, and pro-' Vritlout iuJwHou medication. Tor sererm! year I hare reconssneadei your 'CartorU,' and shall always cootinua tc dofo as it Las iawiabrjr prodPed benefida result." 125th Street and ?th At, I'ew.York City sidered ' in oclock nntil i i (HO WilB U19 illKWU i i " - Texas, tomorrow, the democrats know Ugrletnorpe counijana ii a jury At the pwm .prtog meeting Wed- . i ni ansi ' n. Vi- - .frtnnil to trv the whitecanoera f nula tv iVutmimUr rxia, T fit : , I- . - . ! ,1, , A. M 1 A r-i - 1 I A 1 tnim, that, time, and thkt, although lon the the case will be transferred to Clarke foiinulna the1 rtill will be ud for . connty. consideration by paragraphs, the field L It is said that Governor Nortben has ' : i. .... ! 1 1 a. a.: t A..4 of aebate will be brqadened and tne op- empioyea aeieeuycs w wrrev oufc caK of whitecappmg, as me outrages are Thjs CiaTAca Ookpaxt, 77 Mctuu.t tfraaar, Kaw xoax Cm. . - . - j , - x ' t.-v '. i.v- -. - . portnnity for the eonaamption of time in i T ko imnnaclhtl. WU1 oe euuiwycu. i a v ity of foreseeing just where the discus sion will . lead, that is causing thef man agers of th Tbiill touch worry.- ' v Tlie' attitude of tbe I republicans dur intr the nast week. has not been en- becoming of such frequent occurrence. jUMOrl'S MAGNETIC OILI Instant Killer ol Pain., v Internal andEJrtrrial. I GIlJimelk,8proIn,lJrttief. AwnvvstnutnntiT. Cholera Mor- ibus Croup.Uiptherla, Sore Throat, k,ir? KADACJ! E. as 11 bymaeic VSfrmZVLm. ...i.lW nronared for , HiiOBSC BHANU, stk. iouo Strength, ' Powerful and PewstrHtingl-luimentfor Man JOHNSON'S ORIEMTAL SOAP. f lfeatW ud Toilet. The Greet Skin Cureand rZ-aTutifler. Ladles wUl ind it eTaost Krh'rpVrTum.d.Vlct Soap -T-Toft ud velvet end restore the lost oorn-Sfi!ol"""-nry for the Bath for Infanta. Tatol 'itchin,cleaii theecalp nn l promote tntbof hSr. trice 25c FofBaleby HF RFST ASS i TMF SIFfST INVESTMENT JDWIU f CUTHRELL, . S.vLigia-KY. N C, I I I W I II ' as. Ja. Ji JUL av "v, . . TmnrtMi OfBclale Shielding Aeaaaetna. Nashville. Tenn.. April 20. Allen Gun and Myro Gibson were brought here vesterdav from Tullahoma and auk t v . i u icftfta av courasrinir, for it has made conspicuoua i are accused of killing LaFayette Dlek .i,- f,.ot. thkt the minority considers son in Tullahoma last October. Dick any means justifiable to prevent final action on the tariff measure. Mr., Quay started in with a speech that was made up largelyijoi census ' statistics devoted. to the iron and allied industries : of his That Itrltish atHmar Tvn1iait Bremen, put into Deal Wednealay . uujp eioweu uermau abowaw&ys. diet voted Wednesday t accept the civ 1 I it: . a m . t roarnase uiu witnont iunner ; discus sion. Ktr riiarlaa 'Rnafioll anraav of Great-Britain, haa accepted the po sition of ord justice of appeal in the place of LoiM Bowen, who died on April 9. The oDinion is ceneral that the hill eon was the nhrht watchman of a lum- w reaamit tne Jesu ts into uermany. -. - ..... .1 wnicn deism ind Kcniuir.r"nctaav. ber yard and was- assassinated and w5n . 'xJk i,- h. LnnA tV , robbed. I ! ti it iv. j- Four men charged with the crime w K. -u. . . . m a I wrAU4 mm e wm maww si. V .Sf.AWA ruian canffni v n.rTH.iii l wn in i - SUDDEN DEATH!: The Community Shocked. I jr enin' ist -after tea. while Mr. .' TLmuum llririian. a. Dromiueut Jind hieiily- jtwjkcied Jttiieii'eiipufently itl .the .Uet U -Ltalth and ttgthto was reading a newsKicr, lite Wt.1 Bdtldeiily fell Kt the flour; i.e jJicwl one kand over his heart, gasped, and Hitk back ia his phair, vtdt.-nilj uncwii; . KkitiC Ir'tie 'family were stricken with con -tkmuiou, and imniediaU-ly uuaiuioticd a ivician. J5ut ii was tx late. The o.ld ; r-aiira.in was dead, I'livsu ians gave heart ?4ueie as the causej' Uolbrwk Herald. I fatty day the papers contain statements ti a'ikr to the above. Even v out It is no ue- Jt turn against heart disease, and the awful S nVidilv with which it is claiming vu tims f. turct upon all a conviction qi iu prevalence. ; Kader if you have a symptom of-this .'irA ient do not hesitate a moment in -jKtaeiUajf'td. it.. Delay is always dangerous, iwl ia heart disease too often fatal. Some .' ' nwitons of heart dUeaae are shortnens of : Wnth; flutterine,w palpitation, pain or kwWnes ia left mde. shoulder, or arm, ir "ijrf.iiliif uW, smotheringJweak or hungry " i fainting si ellsdrofwiv, etc Inwrlw Rftven. York, Pa.;rit: "1 suffered batrt rdisease 2J year Freqiieutly my "tetrt would em tojtnip Into my mouth, and my r w4lloii fn1e me vry :mlanehVy. Phylclans ' bH relief. I tiecame my much worse that, f &tpt- to live, htit ws (induced an a I ert to ue Dt. Miles' New Keert Cure, The M f frit erestly relievl. and at the enft y tn lnri felt HVe a kltnt. My f rtitude Is too Iff xptvioii j i i-h IbK-kwell. Hnlontown. Pa., aM 2 i 'r-nt;. ff,r fonr venn( previous to boirin . t?rrtie tt. of rr Mllea New Heart Cure t wns , P""! with heart dree in a yerv evere form. "Itsn " n-en purws, bnt with ho hensfit w I.ne4 Dr. Miles' remedy, one bottle of which iJ H IWthTd. nisrh Point. Ia..m.Ve the fol-j'ms-iiteraent : " I- wa a Wfectt fr -m heirt , '""md 'tomirh trouble when I heii n uing 4J Xew HeartCureand Nerve and Liver II I" Mnll nrOiutr nan T arn trnll '1 dr ;of r' It is nosltirVW free frAmxill nttintea or 5"" dnte. lr. Mi'enNVrre and I.'ver rm. ts r.nf. hire. 1 0". Mailed n-rwliepe. Free book at druggist, or by mail. , ; : For Sale bv al l)i tiggisls. There are single retail' shoe sto?-v cities which sell 2,000 pair of ahct..-. a aet profit of $250,000 a year. X, - b i r but we ffrtl a frestmaiy pairs, te ' "our ladiea. miaacs' and children ' r ten cvnU a pair, and o our nv::-- -15 cdU a paltS We ha!l est.nl . each of the fifty lartreetrcit ci "i i .- . thy soil only "Mt mira of !io r.i i, earn $i2j, -u a year. Ve j-hruf-l ! I yearly drrldewl of $5.C- a ! -. c r . aycaronthcisivtatmoit; X'n ashare The pricp-tniirt i:. than $10 a shari'.' No leas thanrthia pricer-V. hl.!i :.i ron-ansessablt lncor;r;i: " .' We have over 1,000 s'.oc!.' ': 1 Increasing daily. 8on?it holder arc : T. S. V.'a!:.p?. :'' K.A. Itrci. Jr-.Ch1V.50; J. 1. v.- -Kflu2li. Uttle Uotk. An-J. - ' Turner. Phila.! D. Harthns, I. : Orrk. Mich, j T. T. Uullrttc, A ' . "rite for a proapectue concur .s -our atockholdrra, etc., r rv" n$tvi9 cnmhiir'l rhrrt.en f!i' Order taken for one or more shanr. a nhare. ...... DEXTER 8H0E CO., u!l! DKITF.R RD0B CO., Ine'p. rspital, BEST St.50 SHOE IN THE VOill' ''A dollar gated it a dollar earned " ThlalAdlee'SolId French Docoi Ttnt ton JSoet delivered free anywln-re in the t . s , -. mm l3-2lA cuff F&giA and if t aSVL iiTZ"! . receiptor Cash. Mo. or IWal Notu J; Equal every wv soldi in f '' r-. ' s 1 oere'iv.-, -"' - I - - - n - r.0.a...........Mi..,il..i..ik...H.. Are You Caveats, aad Trade-Mark obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moocratc frts. Ou Ornet ia Oeeosirs OS. Favenv orrtea and wa ran ncvura intent In lea tUM tnan Ua remote from Wanhini and we can secure iatent in 1ea time than emote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrfp- L IUVUCIJ UI4V1IUE IUIVIVU " --r- lion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of charge. Our fee not due "till patent is seeorea. A PMi.cr. "How to Obtain PetenU," with name of artaal client ia your State, county or town, scat free. Address, , o.A.sraovv&co. Owp. pavcmt orncc wasm motom. d. C. of employnient, or in : ; a-positiou that you do not : Jie? Possibly the solic-s Siting of Life Insurance is : 5'our special forte. Many s : people have, after trial,: : teen surprised at theirs : fitness for it fTo all such tt has proved a most con-5 : crenial and profitable occu- 5 pation. the Management : taoiis MRS,YI01ASTAO 'GOLDEN CAPSULE' state, and when Saturday night came, Mr. Quay iiad not) finished telling the senate how. unjust Sthe .pending bill wouiJ beioj the industries of Pennsyl vania, nor.hid heceased to quote from is formiabbV inl apparently inex hatstablc supply of ! figures. " At the same time' Mr. Quay was very r-o u.nodatlug atid gracefully yielded to any senator who wanted to make a j ech, and he eyens went so far as to permit1 ayione to insert in the body of his speech aueh re marks' aa the inter-rupting- 'member saw fit to make. Meanwhile; Mr. Quy yielded to Mr. Dolph,! and that senator sUrted in with a speech which, i ita incomplete shape, it woold fill ;i many columns of t ; recorJut nevertheless it is said to be only just beguU- The week will op;n with a speech by WaJvh burn, who. after a brief discus si.i qrthe tariff in general, will devote j:mlf Jo a "consideration of the recip r il r . 'Jitons of this country growing o-.-.iof the McKihley act, and the evil cif.eots'fh;ih he thinks will follow the a i)Ddottme;nt of that policy. M r. Washburn is a business man, and has mde this matter a study, and his speech is lopke l upon as a very impor tant contribution to the tarin ntera ' ture of the day. Ht- Wasburn's pre pared remarks are aaid to be of exceed ing length, aiid will occupy all of to day, tie will be followed Tuesday by Palmer, and later the alternoon Mr! Mills,! who will present the .l.rwrntie" aide df the case, and in closing the gcnieral debate and reply to aome of the statementa that have been made by republicans during the past three vf eeks. j Another assignment of the admmistrktiona Hawaiian policy will be1 heard on Wednesday when Mr. Higgini, of Delaware, takea the floor. The fact that on Wednesday, the tariff bill will be up for discussion by para graphs will not interfere with Mr. Hig 3gms speech, j jj, ' . i : iThe Weeh la the nouse. I Appropriation bills will be the gen eral order of business in the house this week, j i When! the house adjourned on Saturday,' there 1 were two of these measures yet unfinished on the calen- , dar. having been partly considered for I several ;days-th4 postoffice bill and the diplomatic ami consular bilL While no arrangement jnas yet been made, for bringing in a rule to close debate ' upon either of the pending measures, Speaker Crisp, chairman of the commit tee on rules,' says it will be resorted to if It shall be discovered that in tne utAW th committee, debate is ! being unduly protracted. Next on the calendar after the two bUla named,- are the military, river -and harbor, and naval appropriation bills, in the order named. It U th expectation that at leastione of these, together with' the dibloinatic and consular and postoffice r ... . . A3 i Is,' will na receiver uaaj. vuuuc- the men, JimKell and Harry Gibson, at the examination yesterday confessed that they stood watch while Gun and Holt committed the double crime, in citement rani very high in Tullahoma and there were threats of lynching. At the same time it was apprehended that the mountaineers, friends of the murderers, might attempt their rescue. For this reason they were brought to Nashville. Bell has been carried to Mnrfreesboro and Harry Gibson to Manchester. Mr. by AWh tecap Confesirs. Purvis. Miss.. April 21. One of the narties brought back from Texas last week by Sheriff Magee, charged with whitecanmng in this county, has made a confession implicating, among others. Arthur Ball, son of a prominent Meth oriist nreacher of Columbia, Miss., in the killing of a negro named Jim Pit man. who was murdered at his home near Columbia, sometime during last year, - Ball .was arrested here yeater- dav bv Deputy Sheriff McLleilano. Mall cave him the dodge and made ennd his escape, and is now at large. All the parties implicated will be ar rested if possible. l'hophal Find In Ten in save. ChattXnoooa. April 20. A tremend ous phosphate deposit has been discov ered in Bradley county, Tenn., about twenty miles above Chattanooga. The yein so far as known is sixteen feet wide and about nine miles long, the depth not having been ascertained. The owners of the property have known of this deposit ever since the war, but until a week ago, never knew what the strange substance was. They have re peatedly tried to burn it .for coal. There is considerable excitement over the discovery. The Coram la 4lonrra Promptly Aeqwltted. Sax Antonio, Tex., April to. -Peter Jonasi, Sr., Joe Dwjfjr, William Boener and Frank Umcheid, county commis sioners, have entered suit in the dis trict court for $50,000 damages each against Henry Pauly and others. These anita orew out of indictments of the four commissioners on the charge of misappropriating public funds in con nection with the construction of the new countv courthouse. The plaintiff s tried on the indictments and promptly acquitted. We James Lambeth Murdered? Ritssellvillk. Ky., April 2a The news has jut reached this city of the 1U0.OO0 franet in the Marseille munici pal lottery. The sum will be triven to charities. J Rev. Morris Addison, rector of the P.nlunnil alinrri. VitchKnrcr fsuc " f""'f - , r , has taken a six mouths lease of Heath j tern Liodge, tiurapsteau, England, in ; which Mr. Gladstone lived in 1S2. A ctAMmainn wtnA Vtinl-l-rif n a maA ' Julius Thiede was arrested ioj JSboene- j berg, a suburb of llr.ln, Weduesda;, believed to. be the murderer of the young Sister of Mercy found dead near tne U rune warn colony. Friday, Aprtl SO h. The Wisconsin republican state con vention is set for July X5th at Mil waukee. Solma-alaliln Pnrtimniith ' hi arrived '- r ' at Fortress Monroe, Va., twenty days iruui Pk Auuauas, -VnrVm- of York. Pn. threaten trouble if colored men are employed n building the street railway. The Dal ton gang, who released five convicts at Newkirk, Q. T., Mondny night, shot Kd intermuth near I'oca, I Proteetlee a atstisthUnc Bloek te the Cob. siiri I l Fro-perity f All t'odi, -rt. Protection never hai many legata stand upon The United States has been the only highly protected country that has enjoyed a reasonable measure of prosperity . for any considerable "length -of tiene. . Selk.pxosp3fUy-as ws 'hava had has been due to the, fact that we have free trade from ocean to ocean and from gulf to lakes. No where else on the globe is such freedom of ex change between so many progressive producers' with such opportunities to production. , In Europe., protectin's record is' bad. The most highly protected countries, like Italy; Russia, Germany and France are clearly behind England and Hol land, where trade is most nearly free. Australia was making good progress until its different colonies began to adopt protective tariffs about ten years ago. The disease spread rapidly -and soon all of the colonies were laid up with it! In 1893 a panic occurred, from which Australia has not yet recovered and from which it is not likely to re cover until its colonies again, open trade with each other and with the rest of the world. In 1891 one of the Australian colo nies New Zealand concluded to ex periment in another direction. It cut off most of its tariff duties and i egan to tax large land holders. A gradu ated tax was laid on the owners of land worth $25,000 or more The larger the holdings the larger the tax Twenty per cent extra was assessed on ail lands in the hands of absentees. Improvements to the extant of $15,000 were exempted from taxation. - John D. Connolly, Our consul at Auckland, has just made a report on Land and Taxation in New Zealand." Advance sheets of his report, published by the state department oa March 15, are most interesting reading to all who are anxious to improve the conditions of mankind. Mr. Connolly begins by saying that "in the matter of taxition New Zealand excels as c jtnpared with the other Australian colon' o. an 1 per haps with many older countries' In stead of the country b inr ruin -d financialJv.ns most of, the moneyed men I. T.. Thursday. The will of the late Douglass Robin- eon, the Aew . 1 or it orotcer, provea ai Little Falls, bequeaths an estate of $250,000 to the family. A V n i-i n rr wai rvpcriin in the nrobate court at Westervelt, K. I., Thursday to determine tne sanity oi Amos iross, oi Jamestown, now confined in the Butler hospital. Kntard .y. April Slat. The Vermont Republican! state con vention will be held in Montpelier June 20th. Arc Safe and Always U.ll.kUihiMiirthiiii Tavnsvifla- PennTTOVal PUIS and all similar medicines. Unexcelled for Irregolarl ties,&o 6occefdUT u-edln Uionaandeof eaaea. Ia ecre remedy, guaranteed, never raHa- 2J!V- " BMQteaaafeeiiardl UkKESlDIS SPECIF1 ) .8i-sa Market St, Chleajf , 1U. H - Equ litable Life ! fin the Department of the I p m.: - . it: . - wiuunas, desires to aaa : to its force, some agents s of character and-ability, Write for j information. : Manager, - Drv-lr Hill V f "sssssss ssssssssssssssssssa- .( Kill ation by the end of the weeau iTQ MEET IN ATLANTA. S i ' Scrted the life that." is fighting against Conaum p- uon. Only aet promptly. - ut it orr, ana -" nothing can save TjZ-S you- f But, if tak- i en ux . uiue, vr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cer tainly cure. - i . ..' A It must be done through the blood and the "Discovery" Is the most potent Mood cleanser, strength-restorer, and flesh-builder that's known to medical science. ' The scrof ulous affection of the lungs that's called Consumption, and -every form of Scrofula and blood-tsints, all yield to it For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asth ma, and all severe, lingering coughs, it's an unequaled remedy. It a the only ens that's puaranfeed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, ia every case, you have your mosey back. . Can anything else, at any price, be really as cheap! . Ton pay only for value received. Something else, that cays the dealer bet ter, may be offered as just aa good. Per bups it is, for hint, but is uaa't La, for yoik Boathem Feager AxnU Will Ceaveae Il : ., Aaalsi oa May 1st, CnTTAX0OOAjjTenn,Apxn 20. The meeting, of. the Southern Passenger Agents' association, which has been in session for two days at Lookout moun Vtt nntanrnad to meet in Atlanta. Mayjlst, The matter of stop-over priv ilecrea on cummer tourists tickets was , deferred until fjthe next meeting. It I was decided to place summer tourist tickets on J sale for ine various resorts as last year. Tickets to resorts on the coast will; be placed on sale May 15th as usual, but tickets for mountain and interior resorts will not be on sale until June 1st, ij IMMdRATON TO GEDRQIA. Governor nNerthea Confers Vflth Bepre Ir , nttlve Rail rend aten. f. ATtASTA. April 2L A conference was held yesterday between Governor Northern and! representatives of the leaking !rsuhroads f the state for the discussion of plans to encourage immi gration to Georgia. The roads take kindly to the idea. Another meeting will be Held inJune. finding of the body of James Lambeth, who mvsteriously disappeared niteen rtnvs ac-o. floating in Mud river three mtiAi from this citv. It is not known vet whether he suicided or was mur- aiord.' His horse was found hitched in the woods near where the body was fvmnd two days after his disappear ance. He was a farmer and lived at Costelow, this county. A Tragedy ha Alabama. Newtox, April iJ. A report haa just reached Tiere that S. S. Kirkland. a well-to-do white farmer living near Midland City, had killed Dennis Kirk land. The latter had been told to do some work, but refused. A difficulty d Dennis attacked S. S. Kirkland with a knife, inflicting two or three serious wounds, when he was fatally shot. One hundred acres of fine timber have been destroyed by a forest tire near Hartford. Conn. Strieker, formerly of the Washing tons, has joined the l'rovidencu, it. 1., baseball team. An observatory will be built at Flag- Ariz., by Percy Lowell, of Boston, to watch the opposition to Mars. The amokincr car of the Baltimore and Ohio east bound limited, was ripped open in an acc dent at uamicr, u., Thursday afternoon. The Vancouver board of trade passed a resolution requesting the govern ment to return the duty on shingles un til the Wilson bill goes into operation. The south and west grain and trade congress passed resolutions at Wichita, Kan., reciting the! necesbity of closer commercial union between the two sec tions. ' Mrs. Angelina Burnham. of Provi dence, R, I., has, for the fourth time, been awarded a verdict for S'.MOOO dam n.rK airainst the Consolidated road, for Lthe death of her husband, an engineer. Secretary Morton has 'learned that a I there sai ! it would Im?. its ere- lit is bet ter to-dav on the London money mar ket than is lhat of any other colony of ' Australasia." Lnrga hoi lings of lan I j are diminishins? an I opportunities to emolovment arj tlirown open to the people. Thouwn Is are 11 cklng there from protection-ridden Australia. In short. New Zealand is prosperous, and prosperous at a time when not only her nearest neirhbors aro in a most wretched condition, but when all of the civilized w rld is in the dumps. There are no effects without causes. It will ptv our citizens to stu ly the causes of New Zealaud s unusual pros brndetreet' Review mt the FtnenHml mmm, : indnatrlnl SU aliaa. , New Yokk April 21, Bradstreets says: With the exception ..of the prow pect for a' still further extension of strikes and "'other labor disturbances. ioio -plainly retarding t :infimoneehae thantrpsted itseii. - V - - ? So. far as learned, the e are about twenty-three additional strikes, in volv'.ng 21,01)0 people. This brings the total number' of those now oa strike or idle because ' of strikes up to 60.0C0. The week also furnishes eleven shut downs of important industrial estab lishments, more than off-set by the re sumption of thirtywo others, which furnishes employment to 5.0OU opera tives, although seven important estab lishments announce reduction of wagts. Among southern cit.ea, no change with hi the week is reported from Charles ton, Nashville, Atlanta, Birmingham ; and Little Rock, at all of which point ' generally business ia quiet. Mobile " claims that trade is fair in most lines; Memphis specifying groceries and plan tation applies and Chattanooga gross ries. At Savannah, naval stores are firmer, and Thursday recorded the largest days sales of .turpentine ever reported. Jacksonville reports a heavy strawberry crop, and prospects for a good summer trade in that state. There is an improved demand for groce ries and produce at New Orleana, as well as for rice. Pleasant weather haa stimulated jobbing in all lines at Gal veston as at all Texas points, and at Augusta. Georgia, business is said to be good. " Dan's Hopefal Review. New York. April 21. R. G. Dun it Co.'s weekly review of trad says: Extensive storms checked improve ment in business only for a short time, and the numerous strikes have not yet arrested it. Distribution- of products , to consumers seems larger, for more . people are earning and therefore more are able to buy. Bat it la less clear that the increase of! the working con t lanes or that orders for products will further expand. The improvement thus far realized is based on actual in ' crease in orders -for consumption, but part of this was to , cover belated de ma mis for the spring, season. THE FAIREST. Dn- H r.lnrnm More .Inst Than 'p-riae ll 1-et Valur l'y the Tax. About the only p int on which the dele?ati n of merehants who waited upon Senator IT ill sucteded in drawing from him a definite state ment was in recrard to ad valorem duties, lie nsKf'nteli.o all they said in favor of specific as compared with ad valorem duties, and added that in his opinion "a I valorem duties have been run into the ground." Senator Brice has expressed the same view, and it is understood that a strong effort will be made in the senate to effect a general substitution of specific for ad valorem duties. If it is done it will ba by a combi nation of republican senators with a small minority of democrats. Ami its effect will be to still further McKinley ize the Wilso.i b.ll. .With the free list almost abolished art I specific instead of ad valorem duties in the textile and . i.T-'in.r Knhiilnlps the onlv im- UIAU U 1 ' '"O ! C 1 lies 1CBI m-vi uuv a . . , . j-,- foot to establish an I portant difference between the Mckln Ko Ad Joatment Yet. Birmingham. Ala., April 20, The coal miners employed by the Tennes see Coal, Iron and Railroad company t Via Slosa Iron and Steel company, who struck Saturday last on account of a reduction in price, are siui on. i Kooms to be no prospect ox an early adjustment of the differences. I ; Texna' Wind Storm. t i nD l Anril 20. A terrific wind storm yesterday completely de molished the Methodist ehuroh, one of the finest church edifices in south Texas. Numbers of buildings were blown down, and unroofed, and trees and shrubbery of all kinds uprooted. JllaaUalppt Cyelonee Com Of tea. Yazoo Citt, April 2L-A cyclone passed over a portion of this county yesterday morning. On Eurolla plan tation the gin house was "own down and many head of stock killed- Other damage was done to farm buildings and Aimnder Parish and wife A CBIUV -P. - -H were t-auiy ib:uic morement is on "Arbor c"ay" in France. The move ment has been undertaken under the auspices of- the Agricultural Society of the Maritime Alps, an imitation of the American Arbor Day association. Monaay. April a 3d. Dartmouth freshmen defeated the sophomores at the annual cane rush Saturday night. a j.a..v.mnt of Iwentv men of the Roval engineers at Halifax. N. S., have been ordered to British Columbia. vein for was struck on Wolf creek, near Dubois, Col., running twenty ounce of told to the ton. Thoustnds of dollais worth of prop erty were destroyed by a thunderstorm in the Cumberland Valley. Pa., Satur day night. TVnrVinirmen of Rome yesterday re solved to observe May dav by a grand parade, etc It is believed the police, authorities will prohibit it It is stated that the Prince' of Wales has been made an honorary member of St. John's Llge Free Masons, of the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Before the Pastime athletic club at Memphis, Saturday night, Dsnny Neednam knocked out Wj,n the second round of a finish fight. Pur.-e $1,000 a side. ; Lieutenant Manney. on i trW murder in killing Captain ."oj; Chicairo. has been acquitted on the ground of elf defense. Both were of ficers of the regular army. A petition has been presented to Mr. AsqnVth. English Home j lecre j the discharge from pHson o f Mrs. Msy brick. and affidavits that Mr, May birck was a c.nrirraed opium eater avrvd ad dicted to the use of arsenic would be wool and lev law and the Wilson bill hat the latter carries free cheaper woolens. Specific duties are a protectionist de vice. Behind them are hidden the worst outrages of the McKinley law. Rates that the mostau lacious advocate of prohibitive taxation would harlly dare propose in ad valorem terms are levied upon consumers under the guise of specific duties, or duties partly specific and partly ad valorem. Specific d ties are nearly always a cover ir abuses of the taxing power that woold not be tolerated if plainly discloae L The theory of advalorera duties ia that value is the best measure of abili ty to pay taxes. It is absurd as well as unjust to tax a yard of silk costing 53 cents precisely the same amount as a yard of silk costing i On the low grade goods the specific duty is prohib itive; on the hign graae it .u.K". cant It discriminates in favor of the rich and against the p or. But the conclusive objection to spe- eific duties is that tney aeprive m consumers of all the benefits of cheap ened production. With the march of invention ana linproreureuw stant tendencv of manufacture is to produce goods at smaller cost unu-r ad valorem taxation the consumer reaps the advantage oi tins, oecause cost means lower rates of duty. :Under specific duties this advantage is lanre.j lost because no decre ase in cost or value affect the duty levied- N. Y. World. f Mpnv Peron ate brosen 4owa from overwork or bouselioid cajcs. Browirn Iron Bitters Kebuiids th. iTf-n. aid digestion, remove fesr X bu MJc--i-M malaria- Get enume. CSHdrcn CrTPs CastorJa Chadren Cry ?cr H.iciier's Castor MURDEROUS WHITECAPS. Farmer ATorley Assaaslnatrrf While la III KUM at Work. ' Ati.axta, April 81. Henry Worley, Murray county farmer, was shot dead in his field yesterday by whltecap. Worley was ploughing at the time." No out ! saw hia assassins, but there is no doubt that they were members of the Murray county whitecap gang. Worley was formerly a member of t'.ie band, most of whose leading mem bers are moonshiners. They suspected him of treachery, and last week took him out at night an I strung him up One of the gang slipped back, gave him a knife, and 7 Worley cut himself -down. He was iirod on as he ran away. It was thought that he had left th country. But he did not leave, and. declared that he was coming to Atlanta to give Gov ernor Northen the names of 100 mem b rs of the gang. Before Worley could rrv out nis. vnreat, ire ww muiusiru. There are TOO member in this leagtie, divided into clans and ub claus. Their principle objeet is to protect their illicit atilK whicls alMund in the mountains. Several whipping outrages have been reported recently. Six deputy marshals left, her laat ni-ht to arrest and bring back tb- riTigieaders cf the gang. The bant will certainly be broken up. PRZSBYTERIAN CO-OPERATION. - Tie Preebytery of North Alabama Adepts tn BMolatioa. BiBMiKOHAM, April 20. The presby tery of north Alabama, in session her. adoDted the following resolution, the. being only one dissenting vote: lh p.'csbytery of north Alabama, re joic ing in the increasing spirit of Christian union, and believing it timely to fur ther the drawing together oi the vari ous Presbyterian churches. hrshy overtures the general aembly to ftp-' point a committee oh PresUyteriaa unity to confer with any similar com mitteo appointed by the Presby terian church of the United State of America, or by any Presbyterian body, with s view to organic union or closer co-ot- eratlon. if the way be ciar. said com mittee to report to the next goert assembly. - GALLO'.VAY FCn GOVERNOR. Drtr-n Dfrnm-rtti. ia JTooventlass, Eadre ihe A4mlnlatrntlsi f Cleveland. ATor.iA. Ore., April 20.Th siemo cratic ttate convention met her jea terday. The fight was over the hair manship, the silver and anti-silver fae tions being the contending partiea. Before a vote was taken, however. tw or three candUliates withdrew, leaving the field clear for Wathrloni. a Um silver man. The platform, as finally adopted, endorse the administration, of President-Cleveland, fsvora an in- -..- .ni.ru f.ir liimetallam vltb ouf specifying free coinage, and up holds the course of Prtf - gress : s to tariff reform. Judge , G. Galloway, president of the atate board of agriculture, was oouinute4 for governor. Children Cr tor Pitcher's; i I. r f ' s f ! r 'A f" It : S ! A ii . t : ".