li;it?d)ublcthe cir iCulntion of awy L . wroldy, j 11 h i lie-Ik I in tl.t tity.. - Lbt&ii lick 1 I subscribe Now '1 f I SALISBURY. N C, THURSDAY HAY ,10. 1894. VOL. II U It I II SE iiiiis. ; w - i y a i w . :. j- aj i - m ' -mm-- mm w m . . .mm- b sr ,i i ar v m m m mm aw '--:'.. . m mm- mm mw .mm mm mm t f i m a sr a s mr -m a. mm a a a m a. . a m a f v. -saavs?- aa mm mm m a a a a a - bbbk w i m m m m . w m m u Mm. a m t- t, v a-si ! 1 . u n 1 ; ; , -s . 1 i U.K.. : ' " 1 a if 1 '1 - - i - 1 . 1 - : r : ! f , . t : - i v 1 -s - - -i NO. 14 ' S - a. r 1 ? it - I n r.,T...,ir,f r,:, ,,,n ;t ' 1 Cotria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription for Infants AnCLCliiidren. It contains ncltner Opium, Blorphine nor other Korcotic substance. It Is a lurmless. suostituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil,' jt is Pleasant. It guarantee is thirty1years use by 'Millions of Blothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea V i. -. Utbc Iotlicrs Friend. Castoria. lewcujKMfci superior to an pnencriptioa 2L A. A Benin, ja. v.. 1 A Sjo. OxTunl St. I Brooklyn X. T. ta nu rit w well kntwTi that it tfe;xn wk of auiK-rc n get in t: cmlurso it. Tvm an ttio tote:iii-rtit f.'-rU'Jps wh lo not kotp Cactoria 'w. York City. Tbk CcrrAca JOHNSON'S 1 MAGNETIC OSL! f ' fntornil aod Externa!. CTO joilumatisii. neural ; l.jk, Liune Puck, Sprains, Uruisef KrliiiL. Islifl-Jiilliti C0iI0ftlMJ ii.CHAU,S toistniHiy. -. Cliolera Mor f 'liv&;iaaiiOACIili as If tymogiA 1 I10B3E BHAND, EfTfWy .prepared foi Stxk.-Inl;o StrentrUi. the njortPowerJul aiirl tVnetiatinKl.inloifntXor Mar; : ur '. rxjjJfDi-. uurgit w ' JOHNSON'S ORIEMTAL SOAP. r iladlcatatd aul Toliut. Tk Oret Skin Cura nc:V Faeo Caavtifiar. Ladia wul find It e coos'; H fjolicat nd hlghty perfumed Xoilet Soap or lb mark. lt:s ..bso!utey puo- Hakes th ainaoft aad !vety im roKfcnros the lort com elaxioni 1 a lu-tury for thoBathfrr Infnnts. j It aU.y itchlntr, clfnte tho turnip an! promotes - tncf trowtS of kur. Price 25c For sale by ibwiN cuTnRiix, SDDDEN DEATH! e Community Shocked. tt eveufnir. justi after" tea, while 'Mr. f Thoraiio jiariiuau, a pcotuiueut and lug hi- ; tilM:cUed citiusn, appareutly id the-bebt of ! iical Ui and npiriU, w;u reading a newpair, kh hliaec kuddenlj ftti) lu tUe flour ; lie : juc1 oue ttaqd over hik heart, gasped, and : ' tank back in Uia vliai. svidenily uncon auuiUs, I'tu! lamiJy were trkken with con-aWru-ttioo, aud immediately summoned a ; puyMciau. Rut it Wait too jate. The o.ld fnUeuiii) was dead. Z'hvsicians gave heart j iliMaae the caue.'' Zro"i; lleruld. jkverj day the papers contain statements jiiiiiUr to the above, luvea youth is no de- ; fMe against heart disease, and the awful : rpiJit -ith which it is claiming victims : tortus iion all a conviction of its prevalence. . , Header . if you have a- symptom of this .; rf('diiieae do not hesitate a moment in ' tending to it. Delav is al wave dangerous, : .n in heart disease too often fatal. Some tvinptotns of heart disease are shortness of ,aatU, - fluttering; -or pal pitation, pain 'or i teulrnes.t in Irft iiide. shoulder, or arm, ir- ; rclr pal,' smotheriftg, weak or kungry ' rl. faintrng f eUa, dov, etc. rif Ravon. York. Pa., xvrltpn: "I mifTerod rn hoirt lWe 22 ynw. Frequently my; - hrt wmiW Win inj'vnp itito mv mouih.and my : niiVHi mM'le tne r.ry inplani-holy. PhyMcistis ; va m n ntiif. I hecm? no much wor tht ; wunnt xfM-rft to Itvef but w induced a ' M riort v w nr. Mile'iNew Heart Cure. Tin ' -vA 'ly H?i r-tlv rllevfi1. and t the en V ii Ax I Mi Ilk a king. My gratitude is too : At .: ftrwwinn."' i I J-.h RopVwU. Hnlontiwn, Pa., airpd 1 - rm. mri " Fwfonr ve"i pvou to beirbi- i fllth n0 Mil New Hean r:re I w$ jm -c d with baart In a very severe form. ,IU1 UVen all f--llKl (Hr". bnt with no benefit " I ued Dr. Miles' remedy, one bottle of which ; ; n.l n " ; J;l ethsrd. Kih Point. la .rnskM the UU j -lowia? statement: "il wm a'wfeck fr-ra hert e diH and Momach trouble when 1 hrfnn ndnir i: t" U Nr Heart rr and Nerve and Liver vffl.. A 11 Mult of tUlr iik I m well." Vt. Vila' New ITart Cure U aold br al dVns f ap'wltira giftr-antee, r ent bv th Dr.; ' MedtcatfVt.; Klkhsrt. lud . on receipt of Pri. tl per bottle.' bottles for$.s, express pre M, It ii potrftivelv frre fmm all opiates or .-."fcirernna dmr. Dr. Mile' NVrra and L'ver - rtiu. r. vnt per trvT. fire K.Te. Vailed ; anywhere. Frea book at druax-iata. or by mail. or ale lv all Druggists. rMi...M..,........ .....,... rout of eiuployment. or in a position Hat you do not s -; ) : like? ; Possibly the solic- iting of Life Insurance is 11 ypur special forte. Many I I people nave, after trial, : j , Sbeen f! surprised at their: Ur I fitness for it To all such sit has proved a most con-s i- genial and "profitable occu-1 " : patibni Thci Management s " -ofthe j r ' z Life I : m the Department of the i Carolinas, desires to add s i to, its force, some geuts s i of character and ability, s ; Write for I information. : W. J. Roidcley, Manage Reck HilL c: r ji.. ........ ' .me 4 "Wok Equitable ft. 1 m 1 1 u. l.l 'it - i - ' " " ' I , Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Consfpation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, KIJIj Worm, circs kIccj, td .romotea dl " gestion. ; . -Wltltout injurioua medication. : "For aevoral ..--year I har reoommesMio your Castoria, ani shall always contlaua t io so as it lias invariably produced beneflcia results." - , EDwri F. PAancc, 31. 125th Street and TO -Lv3M Knr York City --I " : Comxt, 77 Mcuoat Bntaar, Krr York Crt TOW mb btST ARB IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE. . ; There are singio retail rhc stores in our large cities whk b.LH):; 2,000 nairj of hnc u duy, making a net proiit if $25J,O00 a year. Vo Belt low, . bnt we B?fl a frrcat many jsiir., the; clear profit on oar fculira', miM'' and children.' slioca U nt kut ten cents : pnir, nnd on otir rncnx and boy li 1 j C4nt a, uiir. We fhM ctalliiih .hoe lorn In each of the fifty i:iret cit'est-f the I S.,jtd if thy sell ou'y &'0 pair of shoes a day the woiild earn $ i2", '( n year. We hould bo siUii t pay a yearly dividend if 9 i.C-l a h:i r.-, o r o vit .' per t-rnt. a year on thtf inv. ftmci.t. - Wc !! thtr etock'nt 10 a share. The jrtce iniiNt Inex il.ibly I c much mora than tlftaiskare. Ko nn;k l:ascvcr been sold at IcM tauiithi.1 Jprice, which ii V. pnr value. t- ck lion-asseM&ble. liicorpratcil. t'aiiittl S!,0o,oie. We havd over 1,000 etockhotdcr.,n:id t'lc iitunicr i incrcatAnjfdaiiy. Soiaccf llie princijial stock holders a?c: h". S. Wli:ng. K.Y.: I. J. l'ot!r. E-ut ; S. A.41-.l. JCUirmg"; .!. U. t'si'- !w tliitajt..! W. U. K.raiiauih, Uittlc ick. Ark.; I. II. l.iili. C'hi-i'u; J. K. Tumt. Philaa E. Iiardm-j, J. V-t K. J. l'syiir, Jtattle Crk, Wic. 5 1( r. Hullrtt. Aira.V. X. Y. Write forla proapectus coutuit:iti the names of our stockhoftieris eta., i r rul nu orttrr fur tk, ftteltitintf riinbirr" vhrrk, rnh of taonri fTtlfr. Order ukentfor one or mom shares. ' 1'rice, $10 a ah are. i' DEXTER SHOE CO.. 1 ' II Httfetl DKITER IR0K CO., I oc'p. Capital, 1 1,090,000. 1IKST SI .SO SUOE IN TI1K WOULD. '''A dollar taeed is a dollar earned.' This "Ladles' Solid French llonsola Kid But- toQrlkHtt dehyered free anywhere tn the U.., on receipt or uaah. Money Order, ustal iSote Tor flK). every way the boots nit retail stores for Wo ru-ka this boot therefore wo auitr Xbofii, itfle and trmr. any one is not satisfied Cfiiina the money r-cna -t her pai r, OtK-ra or Common Sense, fldths V, 1. E, Sc KF, rici 1 to 8" aiid but .sis: S-nd yovrh-; Vt tCltl Fit Ul1. Cai. DexierShde toSSJmyge eeetal terni to ittnif. Oare&ta, aad Trada-Marks obtained, and all Pat ' ent business conducted for Moocratc Fees. ' .OuaOrrtec isOpposiTC ,0.8. PATtwrorrtcc y ana we can seenra patent in leas time ibau those remote from Washington. . Send model, drawing of photo., with desert p- , tion. We advise, if patent Mo or not. free of charge. Oar fee sot due till patent is sc-enred. A Pamphict. " How to Obtain Patanta," with names of actual client la your. State, county of town, aeat free.. Address, f C.A.SEUOW&CO. Off. Patent Orricc. Wash.muton. D. C 60LDEN CAPSULES' aTaf?attrtlway Iteliablet better than 'iaasy or Pennyroyal Pills and all similar medicines. UnaxocUud for Irregular) ties, fcc, Buocessfully used in thousands of cmks. Jm sure remedy, guaranteed, never falls. Price ft A BBequalledaafeguara. ZA.K.ESII BfiAiii 11 -8-SO fliaTKOfc Ath. VII ICO f O, tu. mmmS '-T-".4p- ia, Sbtct the Hfs that is fighting against Cooaump twn. ' J i Only aot pronrptly. Pat it off, and writhing- can sare you. But, if tak en in umo. Dr. Plerce'i 9's Golden Medical Diacovarr will car. tainlycuro. ' It must be done through the blood and the " Diacovery " is tho most potent blood cleanser, strength-restorer, and flesh-builder that's known to medical science. The scrof 11 ulous affection of tho lungs that's called Consumption, and Try form of Scrofula and bkwd-tints, all yield to it For WeeJr Angs, Pitting of Blood,. Bronchitif, Asth- Ba. and all aavera. UnTBrlnr Mmn-ka If mm lanequaled remedy. It s tho only one that's guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, m every case, you hay your money back. Cnnphii2 eje, et any prico, be realty You pay onlyfor value reQeiVed. Something elm, that pays the dealer bet , ter. may be offered as 'iust as aoorL. Pm. r L At is, for (tiuv, bat jfi can e, for yon, mm a.,.,, j. ?:-rV or 1 i 9?r'v.V'9Cif::1 sola in RESvra cnneWes ic SKua wo win 1 X o. i mfv-irm. To LAD gS THE WEEK IN CONGRESS r Democrats Assume tne Aggressive In tao Pending Tariff Matter. HOAR GPEXS UP THE WEEK'S DEBATE. Appropriation. BUM Coattaoo to Kaa-af ikm AttMtloo of tfco Honao Karal, J Krtealtorml ud Iadlaa Bills j ' la SUHt for tko Woek. AnTxnTo?f. Mar 7.Immediatelv alter tle roatine morning business to dajr, prpbably as early as 11:30 o'clock, the seniito wiir ro into executive ses aiba todlcus the Chinese treaty. The fihancecommittee will meet Tuesday' moirnin and after giving formal con sideration to the tariff amendment,' vrill Teort them back layorably. ' The oarse of debate after Tuesday is somewhat problematical Tuesday idr. 11 Ojjir, of Massachusetts, will speak oh the ending tariff bill, and it is not unlikely that Mr. Aldriah will address th senate on the revenue features of the measure. Last week the" clans 3 fixing the date when the bill shall take eifisct vas passed over, and when Sat urday came the discussion was os tensibly over the second senate com mittee amendment found in lines A and ? of th opening paragraph, which adds td the house provision that there shall be collected on all articles imported from fdreign countries the words, "Or withdrawn from consumption," the rates of duty, etc . Much of the debate of the week fol- lowingthe introduction of the amend ments Will be of an impromptu charac tet concerning the changes made, and it will loubtless be the policy of the mlnoriy to draw out their opponents by! caustic questions and then embroil them; ir colloquies as to why and bow the numerous amendments came to be made.' f Mr. Harris, if the remarks he has dropped are correctly interpreted, w ill insist upon longer sessions, and if this course is pursued, republicans will. meeA it with such means as happen to come to hand. They will debater the bills at present until 5 o'clock! but after that hour will protest aguinst the further discussion of the measure for the day. It is not among the impossible conditions, that if Mr, Harris becomes persistent in his desire for an immediate prolongation of de bate, a mild system of filibustering may beaaauguratedby the minority. The 1; week vvllt, no doubt, force to the front I the line of policy to be pursued by both aiiies, for the democrats, confident of their ability now to.ultimately pass the bill, wll assume the aggressive from this time on. 1 Appropriation bills will continue to enga e the attention of the house until i the calendar has been cleared of moas : ures of that character. Thera are the ! naval, agricultural and Indian bills in sight for this week, and the legis- lative, and judicial and general den i ciency yet in store with the committ e ; on appropriations to be reported. The first of the two last named bills will be ' placed on the calendar possibly the first of next week, but the denciency bill is not expected before the end of the mouth.: ' . ' j TARIFF'S FINAL DRAFT. To Coib promise Bill Jost Completed hy Senator alouea. Vest and Gonaan. i hi,. Washisotos, May 7. Whether the democrats hare really . come together and. agTeed to stand by the reconstruc- is doubted in some well-in formed qdarters. It has been no light task that Messrs. Jones, Vest and Uor? man haye undertaken. All day Satur day they bent their energies to the work 6 preparing the final draft of the compromise bill, assisted by treas ury experts, and Sunday brought for them no day of rest. The revision committee met at 10 o'clock at the cap itol with an industrious contingent in the annex, and it was only well on to wards evening that - a conclusion was said to have been reached, and the re vised draft of the concession amend ments as ready to be sent to the printing office. With this print of the proposed amendments all concessions 'end, and the committee is prepared to stand Of fall by the bill thus amended, j According to common report, these changes are very numerous, and in some cases almost the entire schedule b&s beeh reconstructed. Especially is tliis said to be true of chemical sched ule and iron schedule. ' j j Walter Stanton and his colleagues from New York, who have been i ere for the' toast week in behalf of the man ufacturers of woolen goods was in a comfortable frame of mind last even ing, anx from this fact more than any thing else grows, the belief that the Woolen'; schedule had been amended o suit these gentlemen. JlaWjWool, will, of course, remain on the f reeflist. A leading member of the committee, when asked if there was iny possibility of raw wool being I witcherl from, the free list, replied With characteristic candor: "ISot a bit of it; w have been held up right and left, but wool still remains free. Were We to sacrifice that, pray tell me what would be left of our platform?' Lfrhe I extremely suggestive secrecy wbich has accompanied all the impor tant ebanaea made by the Senate com fnittce! on the tariff bill is still kept up. ' Outside of three or four senators en gaged iy formulating the amendments, It is doubtful ii any. one will know what they are until they are reported - 'id the Wnate. ' It is probable that these amendments fWill be made public soon. If so thev will I m renorted to the aana.ta bv Mr bones, of Ark., and referred to the fii- Linca committee. ' ' i ' I ! I If Another Ueorgla Daily. Athes. Ga.. May 7. 4The report that Athens frill have an afternoon daily in the cof rse of the next few i confirmed today, and arrangements are mtready 'beinf proscnt4 lor its pubB , Wtioo, if: - - ' .' ; . .. GtilftipQ Crj forPitchert JDastoriai NEWS IN THE SOUTH The Georgia Editors Meet in Con vention at Atlanta. FLORIDA fiAM OFFICERS' TROUBLE. Casoof Jade Tall r Oooa Oror South Caro 11 aa Kdltora Fcbt a Iial Vrhlta cap Ex tenaeat In Alabama. Kali way Surgeons Met. ' Atlanta, Ua., May 7.-Tbe mem bers of the Georgia. Press associa tion, met in room 104,' imbali. at 10 o'ciock this rnorning,5 ! Resident H.. H. Cabaniss, of the AtlaataourhalT in the chair. - Many of the editors ar rived, yesterday and last night, and the session is well attended. At 4:)0 o'clock this afternoon, the editors, and wives ol quite a number, left for a two weeks excursion to the City , of Mexico. The itinerary will be as -follows: Atlanta to Montgomery, via the Atlanta and West Point; thence , to Jvew Orleans over the Louisville and Nashville, thence through the sugar planting dis trict over the Texas Pacific to Long view, Texas; thence over the Interna tional and Great Northern to San, An- vonio, ana on vo lareao; tnence over Captain Raoul"- road, the Mexican Na tional, to the1 Citv of Mexico. : It is expected that the party will ar rive in the City of Mexico early Satur day morning, and after three or four days' stay, will return very nearly over ue same route. The directors of the Piedmont Expo sition company have commissioned the Georgia editors to invite Presiaent Diaz and his cabinet to visit the Cotton States and International Exposition next year. They have letters of intro duction from the secretary of state and from other distinguished people of this country to many prominent people of Mexico. . Officers of a Florida Bank fa Trouble. Jackson villa;, Fla., May 5. The United States grand jury has returned several indictments against Nat Poyntz and Ollie T.' Ioyntz, president and cashier, respectively, of the suspended r irst A ational bank of Orlando, Fla., for embezzlement and making false re turns as to the bank's condition. Direc tors Parramore, O'Neal and Lee, of the oanK, nave aiso wen incuetea lor sign ing a false statement of the condition of the bank's affairs. The cases are set for trial May 21sL Ollie Poyntz is in a sanitarium at Cincinnati and Judge Swayne has requested the United States district conrt at Cincinnati to appoint a commission of experts to ex amine into his mental condition and report as to whether or not he will be able to appear at Jacksonville on the 21st of May. Judge Talley's Trial tJo-s Over. Montgomery, Ala., May 5. In the impeachment proceedings before the supreme court against J. II. Tally ninth judicial circuit, the court handed down its decision overruling all the de murrers except the second, which set forth that the bill was defective in the matter that the bill did not conclude with the allegation that the offense al leged to have been committed, wa against the peace and dignity of fht Btate. Leave was asked to amend complaint to conform with the ruling of the court, which was granted. The defense. thereupon, entered a plea of not guiltv and the court fixed the second day of July as the time for hearing the case, issue now being joined. South Carolina Editors Fight a Do-". Gbeexvood, S. C, -May 5. Editors P. E. ltowell and W. W. Thompson, of the local newspapers, had a difficulty in ine street late yesieraay afternoon in which Thompson shot Howell in the left arm. The ball was not located un til last night, in the left side. It has not been removed yet. The doctors think the wound is an ugly one, and may give trouble. Mrs. Iiowe II. unfor tunately, was passing and witnessed, the affair. She, weeping, clung to her husband until friend: took her away, when the wounded man was cared for by Drs. Maxwell and Neel. Two Mines Resume Operations. St. Louis, Mo., May 7. Heavy con sumers of conl in this city, who had feared serious results from a prospect ive famine in that much needed article are considerably relieved by a telegram received by Assistant General Man ager Simpson, of the Consolidated Coal company, stating that both mines No. o and No. "J in Taunton, 111., were in full operation again, and that the coal strike in that section of Illinois is draw ing to a close. Starvation In Texas. San Axtoxio, Tex., May 7. Another appeal for assistance was received here today from the suffering people of Za pata county. The appeal stated that the starving people have- become so desparate that a band of twenty of them made a raid upon a general. 6tre the other day for food suppUsfjfhe raid was stopped by their temporary nauu ucm du;jiiv tv. 7, k: ... ,u.i Whltecap KxcltemaotM Alabama. BiRMixGiLAM, May 5, Since the lynching of three negroes at Tuscum- bia some davs ago it has developed that thi.r is a wimlarlv organized band of whitecaps iu LNoV,th Alabama. A i sylvania, had his leg amputated Wed morning or two since the citizens of j uesday to avoid blood poisoning in that town were again excited by a lib- J r!ueed by infected hinph. erai aispiay oi posters aiatiu inut there were thirteen more to be dealt i with in the same way. Honoring- Minister Terrell. Austin, Tex., May 5. The reception tendered Unit d States Minister to Turkey, A. W. Terrell, at the capitol last nisrht. was a brilliant affair. Gov- ernor Hog made a few happy remarks (-"Association of Wholesale Lumber deal which were responded to by Mr. Ter- ; erS) now n session at Buffalo, N. Y. 1 rell in his usual eloquent style. Nearly all the prominent politicians and bus- ncss men in the town w- re present. Railway Sarj(eons to Meet lu Texas. Galveston, May 5. The National Association of Railway Surgeons will meet here May 6th. Dr. Dinnen, the secretary, thinks there will be a large ; attendance at the convention. A spe cial train will arrive Monday from Cin cinnati with a number of surgeons, accompanied by their wives and fam ilies. CMldrcn Cry for Pitcher's Castoria NEWS STATED BfilEFLY. hi h Atchison, KaaL; has: thirty smallpox cases. - ; l -.- . . The postoffice at MeshoDoen. Pa, waa looted of $400 Thursday., t The Midland congress lof the Salva tion army is in session fat St. Ti. Mo. c i -. -fi ' The employes on the Ahdalusian rail ways, Spain, are on striate and traffic is suspended. I . j i" ' Vancouver Japanese L decided last night to discourage emigration of their countrymen. h: ': I . Griffith, thei globe I trotter, haa reached Winnepeg, Man. . a day ahead of his schedule. ; t ' -"' Postmaster Charles! Nleble. of Sol- aitrs tirove, WisJ, has ben arrested fcr robbing the maiU. . T e arrual Vlite ch4 t umey was won y harles C. Bona til, of Chicago, -a, from . t.. Koss. i ' : The' British iark Drumeltan, from Shanghai April 11 for Tacoma, ran ashore at Nakashima. Sir John Thompson denies that h has said Canada will remove the duty on coal if the United States doa The Ayh De ta Phi aodety of Yale, hasbr.ught a site for a club house on liillhouse avenue, New Haven, Conn. The Canadian government will not make a display at the Antwerp exposi tion, owing to the charges for space. Herman Stockell, of Cuba City. Wis., was Wednesday held for grand jury for forging notes amounting to 17,000. Mr. Theodore Runyon, United States ambassador to Germany, arrived in Rome Thursday on his way to Naples. Eire at the arsenal at Mourillon, France, Thursday night; destroyed the great saw mills,' causing a loss of $l,2.0. At Chester Park, England, Thursday, the Chester cup was won by Qussitum, Dare Devil second and Spindle Leg third. Joseph Lawton, the Springfield (111.) manager of the New York Installment company, is missing, with accounts short, Floyd F. Peresett, on trial at Rome, N. Y., for manslaughter, was Friday adjudged guilty of assault in the second degree. The thirty-eighth annual convention of Ileptasophs, or the Order of Seven Wise Men, began In Baltimore, Md., Tuesday. The Ontaria( supreme court is consid ering the constitutional case referred to it to decide the right of prohibition in the provinces. ; The estate of the late IToadley It. Ives, president of the New Haven (Cdun.) Horse Railway worth nearly $800,000. company, is Nearly five hundred ingrain weavers of the Lowell (Mass.) Carpet company struck Friday for longer hours and a 10 per cent, advance. Proceedings to oust the Illinois Cen tral. from land illegally occupied on the lake front of Chicago, I1L, are to be in sti'nted at once. Eight miles of coal land near Ash land, Pa., owned by the Locust Moun tain Coal and Iron company, has been sold to L. A. Riley Jfc'Co. Governor Flower has appointed Chat field Leonard, of Cooperstown, surro gate of Otsego county, vice Hon. Al bert C. Tennant, resigned. The Cologne Gazette says the Em peror of Germany may not be present at the marriage of the Czare witch to Princess alice of Hesse. Princess Clementine, yountrest daugh ter of King Leopold, is ill with a serious bronchial affection. She is in her twenty -second year. The case of the liability of the yacht Conqueror to import duties goes over to the next term of the United States court, beginning May 14. Dr. Ahlwardt. the German Jew-baiting deputy, has been condemned to three mouths imprisonment for slan dering government officials. A fireman was killed andy &I0.UO0 damage itonen a freight collision in the yards of the St Louis, Keokuk and ' Northwestern at St. Ivouis. Mo. The British bark Ruth Palmer, from Belfast April 7 for Miramichi, was sunk at sea by collision with an iceberg. Her crew have arrived at St. Pierre. Miss Millie Ilylton, of the Gaiety theater. London, who has made a hit as Don Juan, was married Wednesday to Mr. Ii. C. Sim, well kuown in London society. The United States court of appeals' has confirmed the decision of an in ferior court protecting the Edison lamp patent from infringement by Mr. Goebel. ' The New York and Boston stockhold ers of the Grand Avenue Street rail way will try t break up the big street railway consolidation Uw-al in Kansas City, Mo. I Treasurer County, of the Massachu setts Irish National Federation, sent a ...... r- r a I a a. check lor(ow v nr. I. a. r.miae. I r . "J "7 M7-J ' , ar,lttl"" J 1 i ur. ingersoii miDMevi, pruieaavr . i hacterioiogv in the University of Penn- , The Boston Live Stock Line, the Pa cific Transportation company, the Mil waukee Manufacturing company and Miilers company Friday voted at Port land, Me., to pass dividends. E. M. Price, of New York, has been chosen second vice president at the second annual meeting of the National The jury in the case of Laurence Spil ler, a negro, charged with assault upon and the murder of Ixttie Rowe, at Stanton. Va.. found him guilty of mur der in the first degree. He waa sen' tenced to bang J uoe bth. T -e Uritish steamer Nessmore. from Boston. April loth, is at London with the crew of the German steamer Cle -patra. from Bremen, March 21t, fo New York, which was on fire am. abandoned on April iiid.; qjajdren Cry I fcr Weber's Castoria Highest of all in . Leavening Power. AESOlifffEl: F3JRE I L i j EFFORTS Or HIS LIFE. CotoMet nreeklarldee'a Seeoadl Soeeeli la jXeataekjr'a Fauioaa amiralga. Pabis, KT-j May 7. The town is fill ing with people, and indications! now point to asbig ovation to Colonel Hreck inridge this afternoon as was accorded him tit the opening of his campaign at Lexington Saturday. Not all of those present are avowed supporters of the colonel, and his opponents express no uneasiness at the demonstration, nut- ting it that he has marshaled his strength in the district at the opening of the fight Breckinridge is making the fight of his life; his speeches are written with a dramatic eloquence that excells his already enviable record as a public, speaker, and his delivery is studied, appealing in the very climaxes to the sympathy of his hearers, and winning esteem for his masterly use of rhetorical eng lish. ; The ladies are but in force, as they were in Lexington, and the minis ters of the town are using the colonel's denunciation of ministerial religion Saturday bitterly against him. Voters are divided, and it is possible that trohble of a serious nature will take place before the campaign goes much further ahead. Those lively joint debates that many people have been looking forward to, will, ! in all probability, nevci take places Colonel Breckinridge declines to meet Mr. Owens and Mr. Owens is believed to be equally adverse to meet ing Colonel Breckinridge. In fact, the hatred of the men for each other is known to be as bitter ns death. They haven't exchanged even the niout ordi nary civilities for several year.-. OWENS AT FRANKFORT. The Opposing Candidate Quietly ffcpe;k:n;7 to a Large Cn It iM-iicy. ; FRAXKr .Ttr Ky. May 7. -V.'hile the friends and admirer of Col. W, ('. l Breckinridge are according to their candidate for congressional honors iu the 7th. an ovation at Paris tod-tv.. Frankfort is also crowded with peop. and Mr. Owens will speak this after noon to a quiet, orderly but large and firm delegation of the district vote rib and enthusiasm f.r hlrn is intense, though tellingly conservative. In conversation with a reporter, he says his forces ara growing daily and the managers of his campaign make no secret of the fact that his election is assured. Mr. Owens deals gently with the public character of his opponent, but spares no words in denouncing l is private character as recently exposed. WASHINGTON'S SOCIAL SVSM. Events For the Week In Society Circles itt the Nt.ouai Capital. Washi.notox, yay . Society will at i lact hare a chance to meet Mine. Pute- I notre. wife of the French ambassador, j Her cards arc out for a tea next Thur- i day at her parents" suburban home, Clifton, Georgetown Heights wheie j bride and groom have spent t!eif j honeymoon. The spacious mansion is j already well known to' the friend of Mr. and Mrs. Elver&on, who associate it with many happy occasions of their hospitality. , .social life at present is on wheels. There is no better time than now tu see and admire th-i very best the capi tal affords in the way of horseflesh am smart eqiipages. The suburban drives were never more attractive than they are just now. With the accession of Mrs. Grant. Mrs. Grant Sartoris and Mrs. Gooigo W. Chiids, the already long list of widows of men of wealth a-id .promi nence in this city receives three notable additions. Mrs, Grant is coining on to help her daughter decide whether they want a big house or a nioderrte sized one, or whether t ley will buy or rent Mrs. Chiids will shortly commence the erec tion of her home on K street, but can hardly expect to get in it inside of a year.) Mrs. Stanley Matthews, the widow of Justice' Matthews, has leuscd a fine residence on I street, but will not go to housekeeping until her return next autumn. Mrs. Hearst, who is probably the wealthiest of all. Is spending the spring in her New Hampshire avenue man sion, and will stay here until after the meeting of the Mount Vernon; associa tion, of which she is the California vice regent. There are no more luxurious homes than Calumet place, where Mrs. Logan resides, and Mrs. Phil Sheridan's resi dence on IChode Island avenue, 'lhe latter, bv the way, us youthful as sl.o looks herself, will soon introduce her daughter to society. Mrs. Maine iinds her old fondness for Washington such that she could hardly spend a winter elsewhere, and Mine, liouaparte re mains in her K street mansion, de voting her life tJ her cU.Uren and works of piety. !ioro "j iunp 4t;s SjKi;ourvq bus tfcq VUojstO JOJ pops i rtTTi) sva oqs uoc. Latest U. S, Gov't Report 1 CRIMES OF PROTECTION. UcKlnleylim the Corse of lloaeat Aator- "-- -''-- lnao.Lab4ir.r- . s, . There Is a repetition of history lu tho ' story of riot and bloodshed that comes from tho coke regions of Pennsylvania. Its proportions are lesls formidable than tb"se of the uprising at Homestead, In the Hocking Valley and ih the coaLre gions of Tennessee; but itsprin-js from the same causes and is illustrative of tile same evils. It is not a mera coin cidence that all these deplorable affairs occur in sections of the country whore the privileges of protection aro grcatr est and the support of MeKinlcyisin is strongest They are amongitho legiti mate fruits of that nefarious sysU'm; inseparable from its active existence. Where it professes to operate for the good of the -'poor workingmau" and ia maintained especially for thd ameliora tion of his condition, is where he suf fers most from grinding poverty and all the train of evils that troop in ita wake. McKinlcyism has been the curse of honest American labor. Duty has bee a exacted upon every imported arti cle entering into; our manufactured products except the most important one oi labor. That lias passed our ports freri; It has come in eargoes at the expenso and solicitation pf protect ed American capital. The lowest and cheapest order of pauper European labor has been imported to operate our mines and do the rougher work of our furnaces, coke overs und other 'infant" industries. Wiihout sympathy for our institutions, ignorant, brntal and con tent with far lets than will meet the requirements of .a self-respecting workr man in cur own country, these free Im portations have worked for far less than a good man should receive and the protected barons well afford to pay. Cheap labor and swollen profits taken the consumers .under the special privileges of protection, stinivr latcd prediction beyond the demands of a restricted marl:t,t, concentrated icore labor at the centers oi prr-duct'.oaj than ct-uld be umii.tuiEcd in employ U;cnt, vhe iuev. table msult v ppcurit.;; ia enforced idleness of 'ra my and lessthr.t ' n living scale of wages for the rest. ThK has been the history of the gre'av , fctrikos in this ccosntry end, v. ill ountin uc to be until our tanlT ux& aro madu . lor the eutire nation anil not for the favored few, whose enormous wealth thrives upon the legislation which It is enabled to secure. , kjtriUes were comparaMvely unknown before tlie high protc.ctivo system vas put into effect by the ri-pullican party. I'p to that time the wealth of the peo i was more equitaly cistributed, in--. tlividual elfort was not crushed out by the ruthless power of eombiiiation,antr the man who was willing to work waa us:-u red of the comforts which u coun try like this should afford to all its citizens. The deplo'rabfe cUanpe has 1 ccn wrought by misguided tariff legis- . l.itioa, and the hat pier conditions thus raeriiiced will ba restored Ly wiping out the liws rcspjr.i,ible for ilcKinley Lui. Detroit Free Press. AGAINST CUSINESS. Republican Ualaxlnii..Utratlonr KeeoUlaag Cp.jn the l)mocrcy. Tlic country is now reaping the logn lr.l efTects" of the recent republican victories. Thcso 'victories are accepted r.s tho consequences of hard times and tho delay in repealing the McKinlejr bilL-; As tho republicans wish to win more victories they are resolved to per- -petuate the hard 1 times and continue tho delay as far as they can. This I bimply thj operation of the law of sup-j ply and demand. J When Senator Harris proposed to ex-j tond the daily sessions of the senato lr order to afford facilities for discussion,; he was interrupted by an objection" from one of the Pennsylvania senators) . before he had time to formulate hist proposition. Mir. Frye stated he wasj in favor of postponing the tariff bUll till next December, as he believed thatl it would do more harm than the war' did Mr. Quay said he would not work, extra hours in order to pass a bill thafc would be the ruin of Pennsylvania. Dotli these senators must be credited' with too much "ability to permit thorn to believe the extreme things thry said about the bill. But tho whole tendency of their remarks was to disclose an in clination to obstruct the passage of the bill, and to keep the business clement in suspense. They are satisfied that ' buainwss depression will heip their party. The menace to the country from this conspiracy arises from the fact that , there are democrats in it JSone of thesj democrats are probably wdling to allow the McKiuley bill to remain in force. It does not seem to have oc curred to these senators that a new revcuue bill is absolutely ! necessary, evca from the standpoint of protection, to which they seem tn have become converts. The McKinley biU'is not yielding sufficient revenue,- There is deficit in the treasury which musT continue to grow iirgex so long as .th business depreasijOB-continn?s. The rv- . pubiicanstraa contemplaito tins deficit lit!i!quanimity, since tbeiriopponents, having a numcricid majority in both houses, are responsible for iegislation. But the democrats caunot ;permit. tho present situation to continue without confessing their in? bility to enact the necessary legislatkm to carry on th government. The democrats who aid and abet the republican in this con spiracy of obstruction can never in the , future enjoy the respect of the massra of tbeir p-irty.LprJsrille-Cottriur journal, L , - - -- -' 1 'A Y t t t