'i. J I' I 1 L-rAT. 1 1 "I? H-TR.T-TT SRRTES. . ! i 1 S B " SALiISBUKY. W . U. TMUxCoJJA I JUE 7 lo94i, l - X VT- 1 ' C'X- :' :::p i.:.r - F I Jashinriovftttfr. ' I fecting the mail facilities of the conn-1 General News. H 1 ' '; - V - l i i T -, .. - 4 . 11 :.'.ib..i.:il?.I.L-.. ! i. A . -f a 4a1a I i. . ... . i i " I HlThMt fit oil T -..r. T) T . w it - I -- ' ' - V - Castpria Is Dr, Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. , Its sruaranteo is. thirty years use by Millions of others. Castor la is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. I -'.--4 Castoria. fatorU,is80 well adapted to children that I recommend iit as uperl to an j prescription jaown to me." H. A. AacHsa, U. D., HI So. Oxford St Brookljn, N. Y. "Theuaoof 'Castoria' la so uniTeraal aad ) a menu bo well known that it mUma a work ut nipeivrogatiun to endorse It. Fsw are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. ; ; , . '. ,- Carlos JIamtth, D. D., is i :l New York City. Castoria. Caatorl cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Kruction, KfflWorma, clrea sleep, aad nromotea tU goatton. Without injurious medication. " Tor sereral yean I have recommeadec your Castoria,' and shall always continue U do so as It has inrariabry produced beneflcia results." - - Edwin F. Pab: iL h., 126U Street and 7th Av ., New York Qty Tme CaxTAtnt Ooxpajtt, 77 Xckbat tirkaar, Kxw Yobx Crrr 1 . ! - - " Correauondent bf the W wichman. WashilKtfjft IX C.j Jnne 4, 1894. v The positive' and emphatic denij'l of ScpaffsJ ffoorfiees. Jones. Yesi, Harns and icPher8on, Democratn tnemlWJ of ftjhe Senate finance com mittee, of each ami all of the sensa tional stories jwhich have been print ed cdncefaingjhe sugar trast and its alleged iliflnee in the making of the stfear 'scoeduli of the tariff hill, has ti iL? 1.. iL convinceq au air-minucu pcwic mat the alleged stlgar trnst scandal had no firmer foundation ; than the idle gossip of irresponsible persons, based entirely upon' conjecture; 'lind there is little" room for doubt that the in- vestigaing cdmmittee,will so report i at the J close lrfthe taking of testi mony, and that the report will be sighed by every member of the com mittee.: Present indications are that the Scotch verdict, "not proven," will be rendered ou the charge that certain Senators speculated in sugar stock while S the" character of the sugar scheduled of the tariff bill was in doubts on account of the difficulty of obtaining convincing evidence on that subject, f It is generally regret ted, outside of? the Senate, that the committee should have raised the old question of the right of the Sen ate to compel newspaper men to give the source of-information re ceived by them, in connection with this investigation. No good can come out of it; and, as Senator Hill aptly said, much harm may. The last concerted effort of the Re publican Senators against the tariff bill is now being made against the sugar schedule; This is not because they are so much opposed to the sugar schedule as a matter of fact a number of them are knowc to favor it but f because they believe that if they cat put sugar on the free list enough Democrats will refuse to vote fb? the entire bill to enable them to defeat ; it J f But the scheme will not work. It I is now as , certain as anything not; jyet done can be that democrats enqugn to make a major ity can riot be drawn into this trap, although the are a number of Dem ocratic Senators who would like to see sugar on the free list. As soon as the sugar schedule is adopted it is believed! that the Republicans will agree to set a day to vote upoq the bill, as they admit that if they can not beat . the i sugar schedule they cannot beat the bill. i r-' The southern Democrats in the 1 1 r A- , - - , '. : ' . - ' ' 1 ' t i ' ' ' i' .. ;1 - - . s 1 SEP POST It shall be our effort to give the read ers of this paper the weeks news in , condensed and in readable form. house ate making a determine fight to secure the j repeal of the tax on State bank notes. The debate had been going on all last week and will probably continue for a week or ten days longer, the unacted upon ap propriation bills having been tempo rarily laid aside. . The result is in doubt, depending, many believe, on the attendance when the vote is taken. It the attendance exceeds 280 the probabilities are that repeal will be defeated, as the largest claim made by the friends of repeal is 140 votes. But inasmuch as those who favor thWrepejal of the tax are more interested in securing it than those who oppose i are in preventing it, the chances at? in favor of the re pealers mustering their full strength on the floor of the house when the time comes to vote and winning, i: they car get the 140 votes claimed Some very interesting and instruc tive speeches have been made by Democrats both for and against re peal. Tjhe Republicans have not up to this time taken a conspicuous part in the debate, although, they are soliqly opposed to repeal. Rep resentative Bick, of Georgia, made a strong aud bold speech in favor o repeal, in, which he took the ground that the' general government had no right under the constitution to im pose such a tax, and stated his be liet that the United States Supreme court had flo more right to bind the action of the; house than the house had to bind the Supreme court. ' is r 1 1; ' The investigation of the alleged armor plate - frauds by the House committee on ftaval Affairs has so far brought Out nothing startling The committee; will visit Homestead I a - i , s to see it anvthin e more than was found bat Ibyl Secretary Herbert's naval experts' can be learned. fecting the mail facilities of the conn try. and that the expense of a tele graph system would be out of all proportion to the benefit that would be derived therefrom by the people. President Cleveland and Secre taries Gresham,1 Carlisle, Smith and Morton attended the Memorial Day exercises at Arlington l as guests of the Grand Army of the Republic. Keaater Patrick Walsh f Gearaia aathe Tarifl. . ; j '- 'The course of the Senators on the other side in debating every item of this bill deceives nobody. Their pur pose is plain, and cannot be veiled behind protestations of sympathy for the various interests affected by the ntntndments which have been debated. With few exceptions these interests have been trifling compared with the tremendous interests affect- ed by the de!ay in the passing of the bill, and the people everywhere who are clamoring for the settlement of his question in order that -the busi ness of the country may proceed, know full well v that the Republican party is to blame for the delay in its enactment. The object of the Re publicans is known of all men. "The Republican Senators know that the passage of the Wilson bill will inaugurate an era of prosperity and growth in this country and a revival of business throughout the and that will be disastrousto Re publican hopes. To escape this they wish to postpone the passage of the bill until after the approaching elec tions, or until a date so close to that time as to make it impossible for the improved conditions to be felt before the elections. "The people are not theorizing. They arc hungry in the midst of plenty; they are unemployed in the home of progress and development. They are the victims of a condition which is the natural result of a policy that the Republican party is responsible for, and the reform of which they are now opposing by artifice and every method of . delay known to the parliamentary tactic- lan. aj the theory tnat snutting out competition from other countries will protect our home marketfor our home people, theMcKinley tariff has excluded millions of dollars' worth of, goods, for -rwhich our own pro ducts would have been exported in payment; and just in proportion as others have been crowded out our own goods have been shut in, and we find millions of bushels of wheat being fed to hogs, which, under a freer tariff, would have found a V profitable market abroad." WiSfi?8 of Salisbury will find the Advertising cohims of 01 thfcT r.r .",vfAJiet' meauim.,ry wmcn t.o reach the p l P 'attractive style. The DeoDle rates are reasonable and Advertisements set Gen ral News. Whistling in the streets of Berlin is an offense punishable by a fine.-. "The Iowa Populist have nominat ed Gen. James B. Weaver for ' Con gress in the seventh district. Senator Garman is said to be a very .sick man. Overwork is the cause of his illness. Queen Victoria celebrated her 75th birth day last Thursday. She has been on the British throne 57 years. Gov. Robert E. Pattison, of: Penn sylvania, has been nominated for President by some local conventions in the above State. The needle was unknown ins jt pre- Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov!tkeport nsv no, i -I- AVery Meaa Trick. The Wilkesboro Chronicle tells of a sharp tick a citizen of Wilkes played on his neighbors some days ago. He WaS dlVpirlV n vcrU and iti. i. . r . -j-a m I co o nuvu senv lorm nnu xxu, lourangan went to his work on the morning in ... w. a.. f- question found the welL had caved uuucm lurui. anne rtoievn nrst ;s ti u. . t- i , . , , - i . "' uuuS ujj ms nai ana coat broueht them to England i fromf-.j i. . . " x "u uear uy. jrretry soon a Pans. I 1 Jt A. . uiiguuui sicppcu uy xo see now nc The Pollard-Breckenridge"' case was getting along and findiae the comes to an end because Col. Breck- well caved in and the hat aud coat enridge failed to carry, up his appeal hanging by, naturally concluded his in the time alio wed ,by the law. friend was at the bottom of the well Chas. H. J. Taylor, colored, has He gave the alarm and everybody in been confirmed by the Senate to be the neighborhood came in and went recorder of 'deeds in the District of to work to get the man's body out coiumoia. vnen the dirt had all been taken A lawyer and a newspaper rfian out, the cheeky well-digger crawled fought a duel with swords in Boston out from his place of concealment recently. The lawyer come out and coolly thanked them. The man worsted with some ugly but not that can play the game of the above serious wounds. The editor escaped is a success. with a few marks. a r j a: . l r .i BU1U luuuuauiuu ua uccu jouuu Coleridge's Visions. lut u. xjaonas Uolendee once read rn hi frWirf erection ot another light house. An Cottle the oubiisher. frnm rh 1 North Carolina In the War. Hon. Walter Clark, Associate oi the Supreme Court of North Caro State Treasurer Tate, Hon. John C. Scarborough. Superintendent of Education, and several other gentle men of prominence from the Old North State, are at the Metropoli tan, en route to the battlefield of Antietam. .They are a delegation anoointcd bv Gov. Carr. to locate a ' the positions of the North Carolina regiments that took part in that anguinary conflict, and will leave this morning for the scene of the bat tle. In speaking of the battle, Judge Clark, who is chairman of the dele gation, said: "The battle of Antietam or Sharps- burg, as the Southern people call it, was one of the bloodiest of the entire war. It was fought on September 17, 1862, the day after the capture of Harper's Ferry by the Confededer ates. Engaged in it were thirty-two regiments of North Carolina soldiers, and about one-half of them were kill ed or wounded. Two of our gallant generals, Anderson and Branch, the latter the father of Congressman Branch, lost their lives in that en counter. According to the official records there were about 90,000 Federal troops and ;30,000 Confed erntes, Gen. McClellan commanding the Northern and Gen. Lee the Southern armies. The fight took place on Wednesday, and Thursday nieht Gen. Lee moved his troops across the Potomac. Friday the Federals rrossed the river at Shep- ardstown and attacked with vigor, rbut were repulsed with heavy loss "North AJarohna's devotion to tnc South rrn cause can not well be over stated She furnished more than one-fourth of all the men in Gen. r amrr 1. L t I appropriation oi ouy,uvv nas oeen etbook a Hst of lg different works made for that purpose. ! . ' not one of wh- h h. r wrnfn ,IMU.u8Wu.4 w ava manv Years he meditated a cost l.ouu.uou to disttoy the, con- DOem on the nt 1(.rsaUm hv tagious disease of plemo pneumonia Titus, . and among other projected from the cattle of this country. works were t nn rrn Loxey s cavaicaae oi war. steeas Laws a -Historv of German Hee nas got oacK to Massiinon; wmcn LettreSjn a "Book of Morals," in an wouiu seem xo inaicate mai swer to Godwin, an "Essav on th cruei war is nearly over. Writtintrs of Tohnsnn ntid (lihh Tw 10 iliA Cattni'Asi Tnsnn 0 ' it ia aaiu iuoi ourtiui jcvivia a Poetical oantomimp and n "UnH luaMugmaujr ,ncuUSlntuc F'M of COmedv." "I should not think of and displaying the great quantity ot devoting less than 20 years to an brains he pOSSeSeS. eoic DOem." he writes "ten vears to Gov. McKinley has had to order collect m v material sand warm mv AUnnl.ni.- i J. . I J uut niC atatc noops iu SUPH' mind with universal science." Five armed body of miners who were on were to be spent in its composition At Halt's near Afacon Georgia, tastes and inclinations were un nappenea a wreck on the division ol doubtedly catholic, but persistent the Central Railroad. Number of effort in any one direction was ill people injured about forty only a suited to the genius of Coleridge, lew tataiiy injured. and he was content with his books At Stickle Hallow mines Union- and his opium and consequent glori town Pa., a bloody fight occured ous dreaming. Chambers' Journal between an armed body of miners and seventy-five armed deputies Five a Deficit of $78,000,000 for the Year. miners were killed end others Washington, Mav 31. The official wounded and three deputies were Treasury statement to be issued wounded. June 1st will show that the expendi rharv T TVnew is n declared tures of the government for the candidate for President of the United eleven months of the current fasca States. He is a rich railroad Repub- year have exceeded the receipts by lican $72,000,000, the aggregate stand- ThePonnlists of the Eighteenth inS in und figures: receipts, $268 0 I sr snt. 04n rrr - Cerbett nd Jcksa. New York, May 31. The interna tional heavy weight championship oatue Detween "Jim" Corbett and Peter Jackson will positively not take - place in, England. Corbett , states that he has declined the" Na tional Sporting Club's offer of a $15,000 purse and will only consent Ovtight the colored champion in a cablegram to-day to George Welty, the theatrical manaeer. from J , ,M V s bett himself. In the cablegram Cor bett also stated that he had decided to accept the $35,000 purse offered by the Jacksonville Athletic Club, of Jacksonville, Fla., and authorized Mr. Welty to sign articles of agreed ment. The California n a fight Jackson for the purse and $10, 000, the battle to take olace. in rw tober or November. Ccrbett says he will not return to America until uly or August and will require at ' laast three months in which to train for the contest. Corbett savs that the battle must he foo4it nri. Marquis of Queensbury rules, the gloves to be the smallest allowed by tne club; the other details to be left to the club. Ohio district have nominated Jacob S. Coxey, the Commonweal leader, for Congress. This is Gov. McKin ley 's old district. A Democratic club in Springfield, O., has passed a resolution to turn Senator Hill's picture to the wall. 4, And the probabilities many will be turned t o wall. 000. These figures indicate a total deficit for the twelve months of the : fiscal year of about $78,000,000. The rail roads have gone into a rate cutting fight to the finishes. A few roads had reduced their rates secretely and .when found out it mOre I l,t,4- n in-il fi rrVi - ro- duction of freight and passenger A Wyoming woman aids the cause rates. of woman suffrage by producing statistics showing that in her State, where it prevails, the marriag and the birth rates have increased, crime has diminished, and drunkenness has been minimized. Clause Sptckels is going to Europe, and says that he has retired from active life and is not interested in sugar. The Wolrld observes that he has certainly raised enough cane to make his old age comfortable. John L. Sullivan and Paddy Ryan boxed three very short rounds at the latter's benefit in Boston on Mondav nicht. There were about Has a Right to Reduce Wages-A Strike lull Li . Cincinnati, May 31. Judge Taft todav decided that the receivers of the Queen & Crescent (Cincinnati Southern) had the right to reduce the scale of wages or lessen the num ber of hours, thereby accomplishing the same. result. Immediately after the decision was rendered orders were issued by the labor organiza tions involved, ordering secret meet ings for to night, It is generally be lieved in labor circles here at mid night that a strike will result, as the stated (Vom the stage that he would reduction ,s w8trtK per give 25 per cent. 01 the receipts to About Yonr Boys. f Treat your boys as though they were of some importance if yoa would have them manly jand self reliant. Be careful of the little courtesies. You cannot expect your boys to be respectful, thoughtful and kind un less you first set them the example. If you would have your boy make you his confidant, take an active in terest in all thaitiie does, don't, be too critical, and ask for his views and opinions at all times. Don't keep your boys in ignorance of the things they should know. It is not the wholesome truth, but the unwholesome way in which it is ac quired that ruins ; many a young man. Don't act as though your boy amounted to nothing, uor be con tinually making comparisous be- tween him and some neighbor's .son to his disadvantage; nothing will dishearten him quicker. Don't think that anything is good , enough for the boys, and -that they don't care for nice things; halve their rooms fixed up nicely as possible; let them understand that they are to be kept in order, and the results will justify your pains. Furnish your' boy with good wholesome reading matter. Have him read to and with - you. Discuss with him what you read, and draw out his opinions and thoughts on the subject. Help him to think ear ly for himself. Make,home a pleasant place; see to it that the boys don't have to go somewhere else to secure proper free dom and companionship. Take time to make them feel com- ; fortable and contented, and they will not want to spend their even ings away from home. Pick your son's associates. See to it that he has no friends you know nothing about. Take an in t erst in all his troubles and pleasures, and have him to feel perfectly free to in vite his friends to the house. Take a little pains to make him and his friends comfortable and iappy. He will not be slow to appreciate it. Evangelist. ronf Tf the strike noes occur it Will embrance every branch in the operat ing department. Postmaster General Bissell doesn't i Lee's army of Northern Virginia, endorse the idea of the government running the (elegraph lines, of the country in connection with the Post Office department, andhe has writ ten a letter td Chairman Wise, of the House. Commerw tommittee, giving his. re4n8ie thinks the Post Office department has all that it can do justice to in! extending and per- and at least one-third of the total losses sustained by that army fell upon North Carolina troops, which is, I think, the best tribute , to the fighting qualities of the 'Tarheel' soldiers. I think it, a conservative estimate to say that 120,000 North Carolinians went to the front, a the sufferers by the late fire in that city. Pnehlo Col.. Governor Waite. in an 0AA nasserl Congressman TheElkin Times says Tuesday Bland, whom he claims sold out sil- morning, May 22nd, inst., a battle ver in 1868, with Voorbees and Car- occurred between some moonshiners lielo in their surrender to the foes of silver. He advocated coining Mexi can dollars, to be used as legal ten der in Cplorado. Sundav School Teacher "Have you made anyone happy this week?" and constables at Pilot Mountain. Twenty-two shots were fired from both sides and one male killed and a woman and man were captured four other men escaped. The commencement exercises at greater number than was furnished j she had the sweetest, prettiest by any other seceding btate. I ever saw." Nooa xsews. Washington Post, May 30. Little Girl "Yes'm. Mrs. Highupp Greensboro r emaie t owege win iuuic has a baby, and it's a awful squally, off June 6th and 7th. Bishop ilar- J ' .1 1 .1.. n 1 " t ! redfaced little brat; but w'en I met grove preaencs tne odudldu,Mic I Mrs. Highupp yesterday I told her sermon; Bishop Fitzgerald delivers hahv the Alumna; address and Senator Jarvis the literary address. A laiiy. A writer in the New York Press undertakes to- answer the question, "What is a lady?" This is the re sult: "A lady is a woman who is honor-' able, truthful and refined; who re gards the comfort of others first; who never forgets how important are little courtesies to the happiness of life; who is loyal to friends and betrays not a trust; who scorns to think a mean word or perform a mean act; who. reverences age, pro tects weakness and maintains her own womanly self respect. IF YOU WANT TO REACH THE PEOPLE OF KOWAN COUNTY PLACE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IN THE WATCHMAN, j ""1 ' , '-1 y-. 1H! 1 t ' 1 if ' t i t ''!'! "'. : it -6 I 5 ; I ! m ! ' lit i t - t 1 ..' i.. 3 si 1 1 If! I 1 I. ii 1 !H 1 J 1 1 r I t 1 iiS Si " y ::-V::-- y y X.

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