I- t 4r , S x i ' s J fc'Cavalina Watcliinan rTp.Vn is at Cynuelly V i Xaeatenstcia-Goodman. Ciirlotti Observer. " .' . ' . f 1-1 ".v in the ciiv- fjnrcs'P .V: . of States rrtle, is pending r e v - ( i Mr M.Llch ton stein returned yca- i .1 . f At' . - t tUTje. Ml -luni-.ty luurHiug on me vesMDUie Iroiil :cv crk. where he had been to atr ten J the marriage of his brother 5Irt Isadore Liechtenstein, which was .. A.mtii i ii i m i iikiii in,t m run mi . i w f'VMiuii ir n t : o'clock. a urine vvuh miss Florence J farn a train laul Friday, ti y Lss;&oodinah, of Brooklyn. The cere I The Kuislon Free j Press states that the potato crop in '-that section is an STATE NEI7S- Federal court is in session at Char lotto this s-eek. 1 V ' - ' ' Net, xa the name oa new post-oDce in Iredell county with J. JJ. Barnard post-master. , ? v, w John pill, was killed at f Addie, on the MarDhv, branch! whi'cltryin to 5 r-t it IC of .iljry,;p Visit , .r,Av has b.-fn .appoint. I' F ' - ,- T r Tf irts.-'J mi l Tho I I. si in fo r r-'- , .-u fah patty was it m ot me f3 . ir..;,,,f tnony took place iu Victoria Kali Lexington avenue, a Jewjii-h rabbi oCi ci:it"ug. The bride "was; haad3omely . . 1 ; ' 1 . t 1J! . ' Ycrivjt;, ' tniarrayeu,- uer weuuing gown oeing of ncli white ivory sulc. Tlie hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and the nuptial cene was iu every re!iect'a beautiful one. y -L The groom is ane-of the well known hiiiiief S men of Salisbury. The bride is a Southern woman, Mississippi be ing ber native State. Sbe has a nice estate, and is also . personally attrac tive. Mr. and Sirs Lichtenstein re- Baptist yi JI'1 1 . .. iftefved a costlv arrafv oT nrsAifts. An ; ; -. .. f!,jt' :l!iSurv """i y - i ---- Vy . .. -a ;v f.r Aievni, and mof.hat rity today.. W'A .x ,1'(.,l-.nil call yesterday -J --' 1 r tl.A fJuiidsboro K.jtAfl i " 1f - . of-t!ie. best, papers in 33 el egaut reception followed the cere mony. The day following tboy took a Fali River steamer for a trip to entire failure and the outlook gloomy for the truck farmers. ; , A special from Greensboro to the Charh)tt Observer states that E. N. Spencer, of that place bad $230 stolen from him by a mail named Uolden, who was sleepiug in he same house as Spencer. ' . . .- jf jg o Davidson county magistrates elected J. W. Lee, 3. V. Fiterald ud C- A Davis as a Board of Cohnty Commis sioners and P. L. Le(kakl Siipt. Pub lie Instruction; - '3 fi : The public school committeemen are required by law to take. the ecbool cen sus during (hismonthl andi report to the ! the board of education on the jfirst Mon- iSofUieid Society of the; wit I trive a lawn party Mrs; J. lUtiaakiil Nort hern shores. They will -he absent a month, and will then return to.Salis- ury, where their home will be. V fie jirii. It. .J'- ftT.T Wm !.!i'lf . "tO iv"at fcYrM. C, A.,:halt . n ..ti.i,,a,:, and jl tH' a v -vy ui.u;re3uMitum. ,i-'V;.,.rtnon Saturtlai u.ights 0 iii.-.u of tlie 4 lill d:;i- ! Wes- P. ' i',-. '..f .-l'l Up .ntoasi r' V ' ? !i . . 'ft,,-; W.'eiuNon. m l :l i titer of Riiiil'l-'i -r-oT t!ve Tifvcs a ad i, died indexing- Jno.'ratn i4fiv;liJ- ;eH pf-acticalty: u ti;;! viin- t ie snow;! m me i.i;. - . - i r!' '": ir,1. -!-.-: atid.crol'warfi almost faei.s oi' iru-tiogs PontTpcted iu tPWli.v'tvr.r.riT -!ui ixli by K '. Bia.-k uu'lay liiuid .and iaviica for .Borne Jluii lay morn-ii:g;. As a rc- b?aH!'ijicSi.ii:mere. was Isix teen ";.wit'.to tin l'iv-.:y(c!iaii cUurpii, iijevend to the oi hv'r denonatiouk PK.'W. t'iiriitiau, a fyrme cjHzen 'fifliitjr.nuffy' count v , but who has ;n Miuudiii-' some turn; lti JNew - . -1 i - - Item From Faith. Core3)ondence of tlie Watchman. The Board of directors' of Faith academy appointed a committee Sat urday to procure the desks and all fitrnitureiiecesary to carry on the acadamie school, and " to have the building painted and otherwise inv provod. JJey. Mr. J. Mr LyerPy, the principal is' having good success- in making urraugenients for his com- luir scuuoi. . I'he -granite business isloo!ing np. and ju-opt-cis is fair for a graet de;.l of work to come in on the granite t-e't this summer. -Tlie contractors ill large cities are .beginning to find out that the fiuest, best and cheap est granite is to 1- found near Sal isbury. The Il.mihlevquiirries will start up in a few days'. From this quarry the granite jtf'as obtained for the riesbyterian church ot Salisbury that was recently rebuilt.- Tlie di v weather T.ias compelled Mr. J. W. Friclwfo dig a well to gnt water to run his mill and other ma ciiinery. I" l " it ' ' . rrom rne inquiries coming in a ! )ou t oar, academic school it, seems that it yi11 be JVgreat sucf:Ps, it will open tilt; fiVscf Monday iu July. j Faitii, FailhN. C, 12; li 1894. r I - 1 IP.. 1 'lied, .Wc.s in Salisbury iat wcck Jottiei"-''! j' lieWa tchjaa n tfe4- to'hiwi Preset Arizona.' ' ; 'Dr.Joirti i'. h vvi.i, of-Charloti.e,cnm- tjLlncy'ulo'i last vcek. 1: is mint 1 ken Pv'ot'l-ed for severJR years M. one iiias practicuiti medi- :cti llv.A cj ii.ty. y - i A'-thc iineriiag of the school ipommit Titat Friday held in thotniayoiv Jb'Prof. H J. )viu-mjn wa4T'unuiti- pL!jjeltet$fd supVHn'teudeiitl-andE. Mq, M;,es, Bessie Neel, lhy HJy.of WiMstou, ffomaijihU liutlfdgc oraie trawfunl,' and Cuppie- Moose ' . i :,. T - ' ' - - ' h 3t;o; Kuihh, of V" iiiston jla rri ved Mtm tav and lt ft that night foi- r.i4ore awo4iiaiiied by hiifather- w, JIr.A. lI. llclick, whb goes to pWiSurjiU-ui operation perfofiued on 3a'3,";,n.ipng tlie war.MrHplick vAfi, iathfe,ht(l. the ball rejinainhig resrifre that tiiue - and of late ha.- . Wy.'.hi.tal, the ball; iibeariufi wiion th.j brain t'o satdi art ext-Pht bisniiuil Lad become affc-dteil: Dr. B. (oancil. : the family pysiciain Sjjai.ie.i h,'ink -. ' .- ; :'s ; uuies - -exeiteipent in siabtioudax niuUt over! the re- ffttyit iiajiisrs-iul been issued hars a,-, Johnson with eihbezz'e- aw.W-aihy. It. is stated that 'asoM fes awiiV in- Lyiit4lbJurg.,Va4 -uc.ninu, ami that siuctS rfcturn- Mt. Gileact Locals. crrospor.dere of Watelimari. h'ev. J. 1'. Thompson filled his np uiirment htre bunduy and he ; JS. W. Burt & Co-, quaf e you prices oi goods that you need daily. The W. L. Douglass Shoe Co., of Brockton, Mass., want an agent for this section. J. L Bridges, manager, will run an excursion' from Charlot;e to Asheville, via Salisbury, on June 28th. Head the advertisement. The Why and Wherefore. ' There is nothing marvelous in the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla should cure so many dfseases. When you remember that a majority of the dis orders "flesh is held to" are due to impure or poisonous condition Of the blood, aftd that Hood's Sarsaparilla is an effective-an radical blood jmririer, the whole thing is expiarued. Besides its blood purifying qualities, Hood's Sarsaparilla. also contains the best known vegetable stomach tonics, diureties, kidney remedie? and liver invigorants and is thus an excellent specific for all disorders of these or gans, as well as for low condition of the system or That Tired Feeling. :1 Summer Homes Guide Book. -The Passenger Department of tb( Richmond & Danville -Railroad ha; issued, a Summer Homes Guide Book, giving complete list of more than COO hotels, boarding houses and re sorts ou and t ear its line in Virginia the Carol jm8, Georgia and Alabama with location, terms, etc. This work is beantifnlly illustrated and from ittl complete list of reports, tourists and and pieasure-setkers can st-lect' a ?ummer home at aiiy rate ihey rriayS desire. y Summer excusion tickets are now on sale at redueed rates. CooieS of ' bummer Homes" can be hiid by ap-' plying totlienearestKichmond U D,:nville Railroad Ticket Agent, or io W. A.Turkenerrr Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. who PtaTjds charged with killing hil ife at tilot Moun tain, is writing a liistory of his !ife in Dujison jail which he proposes' to issue in pamphlet form. SueKffn- sions should be suppressed By LiTJK lauve enactmeDt. -iherdo rrftgood hi d a power of evil Winston Re iinbhean. y i Boach certainlv expects to be con- Ticfed or htKwould not care to print a true history of his'life. Strong suspicion rested on this man at the peath of his first wife, many believed that he murdered her. In many ether respects he is a bad man, and his book should find no demand for tilling Tlie Wool -r' rol na. ho married flrheoI, j,,' CharWte, Whom he ypX lo this, place' and Iks since "afts-His wile, yx money .ed was that of Mr. Edwin Sha- who hid given him charge -ol . , . .V -r"'leny aim set; inm.up 'mesaaiKl it will 'inu.nnt almm h-Mr. fhavcraud th ux-l tvn.npn ,HJ.fKvuiprtthy of the community -J'iu 'turves uone pi-etched a guad praeticie sermond to iu attentive audieace. We are having dry - hot weather and ire think this is ono of tbo timc that nearly all in the" coniinnnity -votdd be glad to f-.ee a good season, i '0n last Saturday MrJ. A. Lik va; burning shaviugs and (rash near lis turn iture shop and white he was gone, to dinner bis shop caught on fire and as every rbody whs at dinner she fire got a start before it was dis- oveml that it was impossible to save anything and Mr. J. C. RopVrs house was burned, ami by hard and faithful work of 40 or 50 men with buckets and several of the ladi-s Haywood Bros, saved thier In-us- vtnd. the Leseter stcre from the tames., the L t-siter store .hou-t !--annt in two or three ( lft-ivnt day in July. I J fl. There are gome people who believe the resignation (?) of Presiden t Crowel! of Trinity College is the very best thing that could have happened for the college.- Yadkin-Valleyews. A fatal mistake .was made by George and Olarence-Dudle, in AVake couuty last week. While- plowing they plow ed up something resampling angebco, tte roots cf which they had been in the habit of chewing, . ad they chewed a lot of this loot, resulting in the death of both. . . ' i j 1 i - The thirteenth annual convention of the North Carolina Hi ate Sunday school association will be held in Dur ham , August 21, 22 awl 23, next. Bish op.V. W. Duncan, of thI.IChurch, South, will deliver J thb opening ad dress. ; f A special to the Post from Winston, savs: Governor Tillmanl Of South Car olina, was interviewed hero this eve .ning on his return frim JNe York. He said that dispensariesrahd high license will be the issue iu he j fallcampaigu in South Carolina. fThetqireslion will be settled by Dtjmocjattd iprnaries in August. "I will n;l be i candidate for Governor, but will be in the -race for Senator Butler'ss seat"! said the Governor, "and I expect to -W in." Durham Sun: Dr, lV. V. .aley who has been been pastorl of then Christaiu Church in SuiTolk, Va,; fr several years, has beeu elected President ol Elon College, Dr. Long jiaviiig resign ed some months ago.-; , 1 . ' p The executive committee of the State' Farmers' Alliance Jdeided that the annua! meeting of vhe Alliance be held at Greensboro bfg'iyning tho second Tuesday iu-Atignst. i It is ttie third time the annual iC-fcioii has call ed there. I ; J. M. Whitlow, a -sawyer's at Kest ler's mill, two miles sjiouth!, of States- years. Iicxirigton, Ky., June 13. The sensation in priitical circles here to- Josenh Overcash a citizen at ITari&u-aay 's iDe published statement that post ollice, died last week, agedx80JC'n,Jnt' aS" Duke, of Louisville, ..dii-,n- . r -j j oi i.ur un in ci ii ai: in7. iu i mm biothei-iii-law and chief of staff of General John Mrgan, the famous Confederate raider, has assured Maj or Henry Clay McDowell that he will stump the Ashlang district for him fgainst Co'onel Breckinridge, if tlie latter is renominated. Mijor McDowell resided at Ashland, Hen ry Clay's estate, his wife being a grand-daughter of Mr. Clay, and he has practically consented to be the Republican candidate, if Breckin ridge is .re-nominated. General Duke a stalwart Democrat. Weekly Weather Crop ?ul!etin. The reports of theeorrespondenls of the Weather Crop Bulletin, issued by the North Carohna State Weath er Service, f r the wvefc ending Mon day, June ll:h, lSOt, .how but slight improvement in crops. "The fiiist ainl labt days of the utek were warm and favorable, but following the rain of the Oih occurred one very cool d ty. The weather is now very dry and rain is much needed. The conditions were wrvgo.d for farm vvoru k and h'iv stiii. rl'h( next week fe-lkely to b-o v;-y warm, with showers dhring the Lt'ter art. V est E TT ii i r r. Tiie chief comrlanit in this itivi r.Qi a the con tinued dry weather, which is causing d iiivage to alt crops. A fight rain occurred on the GJi, with a "little hail, and w,!S foi lowed by colder weather, but the last thre days at the week ha ye been vsry warm. Harvesting is going on. A large number of correspondents say that wheat docs nut stem io ripen, but is simply dying in the tiilds. Corn is looking tolerably weii, but neither corn nor cotton is growing much. Fa i tnrs are done i ranp!aul ing -to- O.iCCO, Wlllcii IS l)i lug wotKecl out. Clover hay is being cut. Kens re ported: St artowii, (.4o iicii; Char- iotte,tt.20; Concord, O.50; Salisbury, (Uy; Mock v ill", O.oo; 31t. Pieasatif, 0.40 Murphy. 0.11; O ,k Fo-esr, 0.50. Nothing but lir.-t cla-s work turned out from the Watchman Job Odice. Give us a trial onkr. The stat-nseiit- . has cotained -currency that tb'.c-en Victoria believes herself to be a descendant of D.ivid, kirrg of Israel. The theory is that the eldest daughter of Zc-dekih tl jd ville, attempted 4ojmniJ(wer the saw UQ Ireland with Jeremiah, when the latter was an old m -n, and afterward married Heremon, kitig of Ulster. A while it was in motiob. He fell and both legs caught in the Saw terribly lacerating the flesh iuid bonfs, so that it was necessary to take ifl"he left leg at the kut?e ioiut and the? right three; inches above tho. ankle. It was thought the patient, would die, but be has rallied and is expected to live. Vice President Stevensonlend Gen. J. B. Gordon will attend" fhe 4th ol Juiv celebration at the Guilford Bat- tic Ground. - Jj Mr- Ephraira Greene, pf No. 10 r AGrand Feature Of Uood's Sarspparriila i3 that while it purifies the blood and sends it coursing through the veins full of richness and health, it also imparts new life and vigor to every function of the body. Hence the expression so often heard: ' Hood's Sars.ipr illa made a new person of me," It overcomes that-tired feeling so com mon now. And Taking the Scalp!- 300 p:tirs Oiford ties hi tan and black at 50c pair. 20(H) yards best indigo prints at 5c. . vard. 200 yards 20c Silkoline iu 10 to 20 yard remnants at 2 )c. a1 yard. 50 bolts tilk ribbon number 7 at 5e. a a yard. ' ; ' 250 vds Calcutta cloth worth 12J at Skyard. - i 500 Mens' Suspenders at 10c. eaoh. Hood s Pills are purely vegetable, 500 Uy enders $t 5a each. C ill i 1 i-ii . - : perfectly harmless, always reliable and beneficial. ' ti ki S-' 0.-3 An T" in a in ViU B I lv! iu ber.t- friend, that 11 eve? fsil - yon, is jamoiio Liver Regu i:.itor, (tho Red Z; tlial's what vuu lio.tr ni the mention of this r.nd e:;co;i vj elK sponhl not be r-eicuaded 1 1 Will c.o. t:o King of Liver Modi-. 1 1 t 1) t! Quir.:.e -1.. 1 . , ' ! i- ill TT X ' V r-n t! in A 'e.ii:? -.-!! ur-'y. ts i'i to Lo t;iken The Famsrs Mutual Tire Insnrancs , Association for Ecwan County, met iu convention at the Court. House on the 2nd int., and effected a per manent organization, electing the following known men as olficers for the ensueing year : Phillip So wers, t' rest . ; V .T.Gheen, J, 11. L. Bice, U. G. Lippard, J. T. Cardan, Jesse W. Miller, Geo. A. Hall, V: L, Harris, J. V. Camgan, V. C. Kluttz, W. A. Cam poet I, J. C. Sow ers, S. A. Earn heart, Diactors. Tiiisis a co-operatire ph.n of In surance for the protection of farm or any detached property against de struction by fire, wind and lightning. It gives each member a policy con tract chartered by the Legislature of North Carolina, and good for a pe riod of thirty years for cO cts. on each one hundred dollars of property insured, and is subject to no addi tional cost except to meet the actual ; losses of this County Association by prorata assessment. ihe statistics sdiow that "the average expense i about $1.50 on the one thousand pei annum-r- For further information address. W. 0. GO REE, Local Agent. Salisbury, N. C. Or J, S.C. Carpenter. Gen 'I. Ag t. Charlotte, N. C. VITAL TO HAH800D."' Be.-st six cord spuol cotton, two spools for oc. 5 caes Womtm's Calf 'Button Si:oes at 75e. a pair. Big lot of White Goods at les- than original cost. These are only a few of the we are offering this week. Very Truly, 23. TJV. 33TTXTT d) CO. bargains ft in THIS ays 1 XPRESS. SEND FUJI OUR SPRING PRICE List and Circular and you will; find it to your advantage to have, dved or vovr Foiled ehdhes anteed or no eliarge cleaned lv us. Ail work guar- PACi: U:! itti; lit 11 .1 c;-:t v raprwr. Ex. E. C. VEST'S NEUVE AND BKALS" TREAT- 'I yT. a "TfC'Sf for llyfcieiih. DizzinebS. Fits. ?u- r.a irir., HceOacae, Js'crvous prostrttloa caused b. a- ihol cr ti-.bncco. Vnkcfuiness. Mental DeDrssifi:. SotoniuK f i-rain, caiisin iceftnity, misery, decay doatb, PrfTiiatur Old Age, Barrenness, Loss -. fowi'r in eiuier fcx, mipoieucy, ijtut'Jiiuu'j uuu Feiuaio Weaknesses, Invaluntary Losses, Sperraa torriiraa cauod by over-erurtion of braiu, Sel r.buse, ovfer-Iudutpecco. A month's treatment, f 1, ? for f5, by mail. V ita tac oraor irr b Doxe, wit: qt.aater of a century ago, as the stoi y"f""p Yf !TfR SI (I'M TO PJITJiF, Pitr ,,M n -lomvn,.,., filor -UAUUil -lUil IU illjlilj I lULUJ I cure? Kic'i HeaUaoho, liiUoaness, Liver Ccn2ilaiut places and Mr. John McAuleyV j vbile hauling wheat one day recently . i l 1.1 i? i ... i r ; . J -latruirobiiy indiHed "it atul ot ; but as tlie coarse oi' .''Vcn-uunootbMilsaiodi: . ,laM obfce- iiljr, , hey cont. udt;d l( iat that they Svent to c itiuht n ther )of, and o ne of the indies drew and. carried water like heroes, Mr. M. S. Martin and F Mr;- Auley got burned a little on the hand in the fire. Mr. F. . Mc A u ley U. thrashing wheat at his mill for his customers his week; The' wheat crop is very short i a t his community. We think Mr. J. A. Lisk will re build shortly and thuse that are du him should make an tftort to pav him at Once as he will be most coni pelled to have it tolivejon vvhile build ng, and we should remember that it cost. something to build and everv holy that is owing him will do bun a great favor to call and settle up at once, r.nd don't put this matter of! for a moreconvmi ut season. air. M. B. Lassiter of Maxton was in town last week. Miss Monte Christian hasjit re turned tiom (jieensboro Female College. - li. Y. Chr'stian, Eq., has just hilided home from the machine shops in Uurisiotir Ohio where lie has been for some time, he is looking well and we presume his. busiues and climate suits him. U'y !.! 4-netly marrieit, cousc- - -i-a is-ihr,. v --iii'sr a Iwmif,',! J.,,. tit- ,-4 U aul M Joiee flowery it wbuy.be a gooitday to -.ltt:l to Otn- .5...' l ; . n. anil , i,: i . k ' . .: i . . -. kf Uut meet with j the op ;, SoUle 'mial papers and were ! "H ,"'e'1 and thP lhere C 'ere P-'de one according to oIViliiamautf-iary tieo r. ,hnsoud Henry Eames -v- u ineudly scuffle near ' t-'.fV Stllmi.t. m i'!r.,n : ,v,v, iiuu ;cii in u 2 1 met f f'jtrf -y cijivi ten iu u 1 lutn'ergea iu the that it and he s? biullv scal4a.i Ve-toeaxe his IHy tth is.: "yliome on" Ritnwl,,. i. i 'i' at uot dangerously T. F. Young has moved his stock of general merchandise fi-oui the corner store of Main and Ennis street to the room formerly occupied by T. B. Wyatt. The room vacated by Mr. Young will by fitted up lor the drug business and; occupied by Mr. Jas. 11. Plummer, who is now with Theo. P. Kluttz & Co, Cards were received, here yesterday announcing the jnari ige inAViirton on Wednesday June 20tl?Tof .Mr. V. C. Wright, a member of the popular shoe hrm of Whitlock & Wright, of this tci ty, to Miss Ada Brant ly, daughter of Mrs. Capfc. W. D. Thorpburg. The Watchman extends congratulations in advanc3 of the happy event and hopes that their lives may be as pleasant and profitable as ever bics&ed two hearts made twain.) ; . Capt. D. jf. Bennett, of Norwood, was in-the city. Tuesday. suffered a serious accident;. J His mules took fright, ran away and hrew Mr, Green from the wagon. Ills arm was broken and his head was b;dly bruis er!. He is so badly injured bat Tear of a fatal, end is entertaiued' Concord Stadard. I. I f Frank D. Hackett, a ypnsc lawyer and insurance sigent, pf tatesville, made au assignment foiff Monday. Laaonuies fro.ooo, in projerrea claims. The Watchman sympathizes with Mr. Hackett and hopes tukejnay be able to pay up in full. j . j !? The Sentinel says ihai District Al- torneyGlenu and Mr. John , Frazicr scrapped on the streets f Winston Monday, but were! sopatfed befoie either sustained any ;dainae A special to the Cliarlotfe Observer from Lexington says that ex-sheriO ', v It Jjoltiu died at ins Home in fiiomasviiie Sunday from the eftects of i stroke of paralysis. The State executive cdfrimittee of the Populist party; callsl township primaries to-meet June 80tf and coun ty conventions July 4th tofelect dele- gateslc the State, eoegreiisional and judicial conventions.; . s . L I' ll you want tirst Cjlass Job work at prices that defy coiiipetitjou try tho Watchman Office. told the queen that she was a decen datit of King David, only to be in formed that she and tlie prince coi -sort had discovered that interestin i i i rct many years oerore. as a con-j sequence of this discovery it is given oat that the queen is arxious to male i trip to Palestine, in order to look upon the land over which her ances tors ruled. Ibis may be true, but there is no reason apparent why the queen might not long ago have vis ited the holy land if so disposed. E. E. Raper, of Lexington, will be a candidate for solicitor in this district subject to the action of the Democratic convention. - The Lenoir Topic says thai tlie Republicans will probably nominat-.; Mr. K. Spencer Blackburn, of Ash" county, to oppose Hon. W. II. Bower. ic.-s v2& Si-'5!viep:r--(Sfi-: 3our St-omscti, fJyspepsia and Constipation. eUAliAiiTiJS issued ouly Dy Edwin Cuthrell Salisbury,. X. C. Will be Run from j Cbarlotte to AshsYille. S 71 tbP Carrie Orsne King Many candidatesm;iy pring up over t he district foe the jupgesiiip oj tliis district, but the peopfe of the district are pretty apt to keep Judg. 11. F. Aruifi 1 1 in that place. The State has no abler jurist of sounder, purer nian. J I Trashy ISediciiies, Many such flood the mfirketBo tanicilood Babu is a con-fcieotiousiy compounded medicine, th result oi forty years praclieel bvyah etniuent physician. It is the tawft blod purifier ever offered to thepuidie, iiiu is guar anteed to cure if giv(n a fa-trial. Trv it for all skin and bipod diseases, iii eluding eatrtrrh ileimat3ism iur its worst fornf. One bojtle of ft contains mnrp purHlivfl ami hoii'iliix.tn -;. t,... . . , - - - . ......... n 1 1 , II I W AVTED: .To rwit. small cottage, . thaiii dozen of anvl of . olher kind 4 or 5 rooms, in good oejghboihojd. j Try "Otd lteliable."-ptb adi ertiseaieut a'i'ij an n awuuiiiu uutt;c4 - Save the Children By Purifying Their Blood Hood's SarsacaritlafVIakes Pure - Blood, CureSScrofula, Etc. "My experience with IIckhVs Sarsaparilla has been very efXtaA-e. My little girl, five yars old, had foroSiR years a bad skin disease. Her arms ancHimbs would break out in n mass of sores, .riiscfcarstn? yellow matter. Sire would serijKli tlie eruptions as though it gave relief, Rad tear open the sores. Two Bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla caused the erupttons to heal and nd the scabs pcalod o2, after which the skjn became soft sad smooth. As a family medicine JUNE 28TH, 1S34. VIA- SALISBURY- j SCHKDULK. ' Ants FOR r.ITM?.B WX. Th'i ren1 J-'Sji- bicg i'.iKl dir-ctiy to tho ot S3 It r-J tho d4.ss of theOerito-Vrinary Or .m -j;; r.-m, r ;i:rrti no chr,e of 5ist c Mj AS A PREVENTIVE r--'. -5 !iv r:trr nr. it iini is..i'j1c to contract K Edwin Cuthrell, Silisbury. COLUMBIA STEAM H WORKS 173 Maix St., Columuia, S. C. J. E. K.tiTlKAY, Agent. SALISL5UKY, N. C. HAVING RECENTLY : MOVED m mi STOCK 0 iOUS TO THK COKNEIt-.. Formerly Occupied BY - j. b. sheet; I am better prepared to sell yon Gro ceries cheaper than ever. I receive new oods daily and buy all kinds of country oroduce; also aeiit for the celebrated galvanized hackk-band hook; wi-il r.ot iust lroia se;c or exposure to weather. SPECIAL I have 200 pairs of siioes and some ladies dress jioods on band uid will sell at and below cost. Also ill pei sons indented to n;e by .account, iote or jnoriuae for last year will call and settle and f-ave cost Yours respectfully, JULIUS EARNHAUDT. Lv. Xfweus luivrisonrs Coat.ord, (iiass, Ci.!ii.i 'irove, su.iiiiier, S lisUury, s.15 a. in. 8.5 " " S.id " " 9 0- " " 5 iy " " 9.25 " ' Louvo Ashevl'.ip, on tot urn, fi p. m. June 29tli, r-ioiiuiir Churlotie at l o c.ock. , MSlUeineinber, tins is the cheapest hx C'.i; sio'i Ol:ll ii;t t.-t'i iit-tu run ri' iiuu-? round triii lor $-'.75. You will have : por tion of TiiUi'-'litv uveniapj and thut n'nrht. and all d.iy i-'ii'lav iu the city to view the scene- rv. 8:-r.Urri's train will not stop after leaving o i- . ... V (' "..i a liirt.o.u-e of 1 A i luiles, makmp ti-t ton ;uid I'-iin" throuirh the rreiit hwananno:oi Tnunel of one mrte, and going aroiiml thi Dine Top Mountain three t'imes to get or. tDa. I have secureu the services of two oT tre.t Mu-kans in the city to furuUh muie Piddle-and Haejo. Parents, if you cannot go sand your?onor tlautrhter in inv care, liest order will be en forced. For furthej information apply to J.L. Bridges, Manager, Charlotte, . 0. AD&limSTRATGB'S NOTICE. Uavms qu iiitled as Admlnlstr tioi unoa-'the est''.tt-of Kuphroi 2en E. Front H, dese.1 a!: iijrstiiaiii cuUiai atr-ui si h-r .ii.ue aie U r by uotili to prt-t.t-T:t them totdf ior p:t.v taeni on or b.-for-!iie iTtii d.iy of' i ay 15 o this notice w ill bep-tead In bar their recovt-ry. AU perfaoas indebted to sUi-estate aio rt-.:tu si td to make pi-cin.u set t Uieut . 'i hlMy i . . '94. l: 'W I.ov.raj.ce, A dm r Lee s. Overman, Airy. involution police! The Orfn of Wr-bb Nicholson. & Itabe la tins day tH'ssolved lv Bititual eonscu". The bu.-d-e-f siu tbe future will i e concuoied by c. 11. yVt bb & T. J. iii.be, v. h are to pay all de : i dure bv the firm m ire of Webb & Kabe. who ire to pav all notes accounts etc, um the firm is to be puld to them. This May 2i 194. C. B. Webb, w.ll Nit-holson, T. J.Kubc, .T5 - 2.T5 2.50 MlliillUI LigMenstem HAVE OPENED A BIG STOCK OF MENS' YOUTHS' BOYS, MID CIIILDREIiS CLOTWNGJTC. we b!!eTe food's S.irsRpari'Ja lias no eqnal and I reconyneod It.'' TV. L KWG, Bluff Data, lex- Hood's Pills are Uie best family cathartic, geuUa and effective. Try a box. 23 cents. - Siftl S 3 SHOE NO I"JtZ A K?S. ; $5. CORDOVAN, FKFNCK& EMAiMELLED CALF. 4-.f-5.? F!HEGALF&Kh.NGASSl l EXTXA FINE. - f 2.J. BoYSSCH50LSHQ3. LADIES it . t: 1 r BROCKTON, 4AS3. : Yoa caa save money by purcbaslae VV. I ,... .a B-r. fUp largest raanefacrarera ci advertised shoes ia the -world, and guarantee Come and sec what we can do for you. 72000 "YAUIIS Dress Gingham, 10 Cent Quality, 'all at 5c. per yard. o: '' 25 oo v, nigs Stand.-'.rd tSb-le Ginghams, at 5c. per yard. i :o;-r- j lOOO YARDS 12? Cent Quality of Outing at 7c. X f extra beiivv fine blenched Slieet- I inu-s in the ffl'.uw it. v. l-.Itlits: 5-4. 6.-4, 8-4, y-i, H-4, ut very low rig- i ires , THHEE THOUSAND YARDS 'Fai.ev Uil t aik.., litd, lue ami (Jreen (irounds, warth 8lCls., at .r cts. jer yard. Fast Color New Challies at 4c. yard. White Goods at less than cost of manufacture. Gome and give us a 1o6j. LiTTijiAii & Llviiiiiiikiiii. S&lisburv- MarblWo WEBB f KPE Proprietors.' Dealer, in SXo,mmnK IW3t.r. n.l w - the value by Etaapiatterasie .P"-;- l?;Z7oter Outgoes ! .nan.liin. Be ...ve to g-fVe tis a eaual custom" wort in s'-yle. Via L5f ? ..,1, ,. F.-.ir- var--ty oil h ' P i where at lower prices for lue pven taaa ' j- Street, next to biaUtl I ipC. any other make. Take no subsutute. I- voux J dealer ynnot supply you, we caa. Sc-laby i x 1 .. t and at the verv lof prices coianl u,' call, or w l is1- i"j i' ' 1 to r-elct troui. ; liefnre buvin e! l1 ti r t ! i --. 4 it xl 1 f I 1 i f -? -'4; ? -A ! a 4. r ? ; fi T il i 1 . i 1 j " -i 1 1 .1 . i. r) .1

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