ii. -. ' : i " . . - 1 .'. : , it ' I :!;. .-- i :. . 'ij ;i 1 Lee's L.at Seresaie. In your issue of Tuesday, is an ar ticle purporting to give a desciiption oftbe serenade given to Gen. Lee by the band of the Fourth North Caro- . . i :!, Kofti-c Una Regiment, online uigm. ;the troops stacked arras, and ktt Appomattox for their homes, and having beetr "an eye witness" 1 would like to have the privilege of making some amendents to said ar ticle, as well as correcting some of its statements. The serenade took place about 9 o'clock p. m. We were accompanied by a number of the officers of the -'brigade (Cox's) and an arriving at Gen. Lee's tent wt played two pieces . one of which was !When the Svval- - . rt f T r ttIA low Homew'-iru riy. to the door of his tent, and after in quirriiv to whom he was indebted for the music-, tlsankt-d the band and the officers lor the compliment. Hethetj said in substance; In the providence of (tod -e have leen obliged to fur- render to overwhelming numbers. It r...s t-,.ti hnvp ht'en is noi vi'ui kiuii -brought to this for you hrrve done yur duty nobly and I don't think it has been inj' fault; but there is an "overruling Providence that guides and controls us, and we must sub mit. I might have massed our troops find broken through the enemy's lines, but it would have been ji use less sacrifice of life, andaftcr con sultation with my generals we have chosen this as the only proper cours lei t us. And now I have only one re quest to make go home and make as good citizens as you have made --sold u r; this-is all I -.ask of you." While he stke te r were Mi;, uning ov n iit cheeks, and everv pt roti present was deeply touched by his emotion. The officers and men then hook hands with him before he re tired within his tent, and then it was that he said, ''God bless you, my bbys, God bless you."- I I have thought that this episode ' was worthy of being preserved, and behrving you win tninK so i cim n ' with the hope that you will give it a place in your paper. E. Ii- Neave, Lender Fourth N. C. Band. Charlotte Observer. - Stale News Walter J3usbcc, of Raleigh, com mittee-suicide last week. Geo. Yanderbilt employs 400 men in his" forest at Biltroore and pays them $20,000 per month. Stanley News says a hail in that part of the country last week, was very destructive. - Judge. Walter Clarke is spoken of as successor to X)v. Crowell president of Trinity College. The Augusta Chronicle praises Senator Jar vis' speech before the immigration congress to the highest Gen. Wm. P. Roberts, of Gates, gets an appointment as consul to Victoria, British Columbia. Salary and feesF $4,000. The liquor dealers held their annual meeting last Wednesday, June 5th, at Wilmington. A large attendance was on hand. Wilmington Messenger says: The shipment of Irish potatoes from along the line of theWilmington and Weldon railroad is beginning to be very heavy. John Bear k's grand father was once Sheriff of Mecklenburg county and sued Daniel Boon on account for gunpowder,J Senator E. C. Walthall has written a letter to the democrats of Miss. argnjg them to support the Cleve land administration. The Western Sentinal says: Judge Whrtaker, the philosopher and humorist who adorns the bench, has been marked for slanderous attacks which found their way into the Un ion Republican. People don't be lieve what was said against him. Solicitor Parker, pf Alamance county, j-ecently address an indig nant crowd of citizens and saved the lynching of a negro who had out raged a woman. The brilliant and versatile writer,, liohn R. Morris, has written an arti cle on JI on. Thomas Mason as an orator, which is a valuable piece of literature. , The Elkin Times says A. Chatham has a cow with a four days record as follows: first, 7 gallons, 1 quart; second. 7 gallons, 3 quarts; third, 8 -;.! o. squill lour. 8 gallons, one half quart. At Asbeville the body' of Seu;i1i Vnnri woe ri.i ..... t I.. . . ,uo niiiuiiu Jlllii 4 It', :: parrof ground purchased by Mrs. Vance to the highest point in River side cemetery where the monument it to be erected. Jhc Hon. Hoke Smith deliver n a fine oration at the closing exercises at Xhapel Hill. June 6th, to an amli enceof more than 3,000. He was heartily cheeid throughout the speech. The records made by North Caro lina boys in the institutions of the North within the past year have been highly, honorable to them and have reflected the utmost credit upon the State. CharlotteObserver. The Charlotte Observer says: The deserved tribute paid by . the WlJ ii- , - r i , .nnn ta.llr BJt it IB VIIT HH I ' mineton Messenger, ti the brilliancy of John R. Morris is ;strikingly true and leaves nothing to be added. It is surely high praise to say that Mr. Morris is "pnf most remarkable man," but who. that knows the man, and the men of Ithc State, can undertake to gainsay it? None. - -. " Ml f . Gorman' HiU ! and j Brice are ad vance agents to the Republican party. , THE EIPERIMEKT SIAtlOS AtRalifirk.,K0 Pwaents Born Mattftrf or inzereBi. CrimMt C1ot hmXumbip PlMt-A Fru4 1 xpo4. MAT 25, .1894. Th Kxprlmrnt Station BoUctlat. Th tandlnirl offer Is made to send the bulletins of the Statiou to all in the State who really desire to receive tnem. Thousands of farmer have already takn advantag of tKis offer. Unless you really want to be benefited by thorn, please do -not apply for them.. If you desire to read them, write on pos tal card to Dr.! H. B. J?attle, Director, Kalttiffh, N. Ci , Hsp Crimson Clver tor.Huj or Med. !-4- T Crimson eloret (irifolium lacarnatum) is known under a ''variety of common names AnnttaE German, Scarlet, and Italian. This Clover is easily grown, and should eoine into quite general use. It is an annual and consequently must be re-seeded for each crop, which makes it important ; to frrow seed at home. Seed may be scfwn from July to October, but the land should always b well prepared for it, or. if not, it should be well shaded, as Under a growth of cow-pea vine&i or in a corn or cotton crop, where this seedshouM be sown when the crop is lkid by. Urown in this way it may be of great service in enriching and i holding the land from washing. Its growth is made in the cool, wet part of the year, and it is ready to be made into-nay at a season when planters are waiting for cotton to regetate for first working. This is often a dry time, and the hay ean be quickly and easily cured. It may often be best to sow this clover with oats, rye. or barley, and I cut all for hay in April or May. - l , , . This clover will thrive on land in moderate condition, but. like some oth er forage plants; will pay best where given a rich soil. The composition of erimson clover hay shows it to be a highly nutritious food. It is so rich that for any Suse it 'may well bet fed with some such fodder as straw, mead- ?w hay, or eottou seed hulls. When fed or produotion of milk, the addition of oorn, or corn and oats, will tend to add to the rood Qualities f the product The seed distributed in 1693 ly the. 2f . C Experiment Station is part of a erop of 2,687 pounds from 1 3-8 acres, which is at the rate of 1,956 pounds of seed in haft per acre. We have made some tests en (this, which if true for the whole lot of seed, would yield at the rate of 73T.95 pounds, or 12 5- bushels uer acre of clean seed. This seed usually sells at retail for ten cents er pound, and dealers are now payine 5.50 per bushel for it,r The long, well filled heads : warrant this a good cash crop where a good stand can be secured on land in fair- condition. It can be o-rnwn in orchards for the imDrovement of the soil, as n Delaware, where it has come to be a standard crop, ine one drawbaok 1b that a"' spe'oial machine must be use4 to clean the seed. A clover teed i huller' is expensive, but could clean the seed of a whole town shin, and perhaps a' whole county by moving around as ii usual with thresh ing macaines. : There are several adrantaares in jrrow in r annual clover Suffleient to induce its Qulfivation from : purchased seed; but if. instead f buying seed, it can be grown at a prant an4 add one more tq to the eash crops, how much better to take such steps as will insure its gene ral planting1. H " In maturing a crop of seed care should be exercised to pull out weeds and foreign plants and f o keep the seed clean. the cfover get ripe, but not so as to shell put too freely biore cut ting, and handle as little as possible. Pitch up intd cocks from the ' swath and draw in from j the cocks in tight wagons. If tough, the cocks may be turned over from the bottom a half hour before drawing to shelter. House on a tghi floor ana thresh out at the first opportunity after the straw has dried out ehouirh to thresh well. F. E. $mtry, Agriculturist; N, C. Experiment Crimson Clorr Seed Distributed In 180S. The Experiment station having on hand last year (in 189S) Crimson clover Ueed whipn had teen. grown on the press ef the state to - distribute to ap plicants who would pay transportation charges and who would make careful trial of same, I enough seed to plant 1-3 acre, lneve, were 1588 persons who ap plied for the seed, far mere than the station could supply, unfortunately, Indeed a quantity of seed had to be purchased to Send as many as was sup plied. The first 426 names received were sent thej seed. 'To others full tx planation wait given as well as at what J Mt , . poiuis me seea couia oe procured, re plies regarding ! the test are now, oom- inr in and tend to show that wide spread information has been giren in reirard to - this : mpst: valuable forage erop, and much interest has been crea ted m its cultivation. i: Experiences With Crimson Clover. Just now the f Experiment 8tatipn is receiving a lot of varied but interesting information ih relation to growing this piant irom tne larmers to whom seed was distributed last year. Brief direc tions for every step in growth of the crop were sent with the seed and the ua I iur this, inf,rraation contai ciiic iaquir:it vtirions.-: es wmcn nelfriu btu.n' the fi.cwt of preparation of sol) in different sections ojt tne states . - f That the crbp has been found all the station claimed for it so far by some farmers is shown in the following re port from Vahce ebnntv: "Grown on stiff ared land inrery good ewnaiiion. nroKeij witn two horse plow and harrowed with Uayle harrow. Harrowed the seed in with same im plement October 4th or 5th, '93. The amount oi ? seed f used was 3 pounds ticoaeu, auq ii,. was jput on 1-3 of an acre. tilzer was used excepts aressing of tobacco .stems after the clover came; up. The clover started well, and continued 5 to prow off well until injured? bv the f M arch fr If has not beeni ittmmA isnt nnm v.; I think it a splendid feed and will sow several acres . this fall if I can sret the seed. Think j it Would be better i wwyui August or September. I send uertwiut a- ispeoinien which X think ii about an averajre stalk as it is very un iform and very thiok. ? The specimen was 2ft inches long; the head 3 Inches. 1-3 of the piece; or 1-9 acre like it should produce sesd enough or 5 or 10 acres, or enough if clea to jiing 11. F E. Emery, AgrliulturUt if. C. Eperlaent Station.' AsHhtrrmi UpoMdr TkUtlmt it Ua seed fraud. The Station last month reported the seriouj adultsratAn of bran with, cockle, cheat and other weed seed. and the inevitable result Of feeding the bran, by which a clean field would rapidly, become seeded with, thesj obnoxious weeds, wherever the manure was put on the land. A correspondent from Bobeson coun ty sends a sesd package Whiek reads as follows: - , un eiiBieii Recommends hj V- S. Agricultural De- rirtment as the best oabbase for the Southern tates. Grown and wSrnotedby the Junalusks Seed Co., Junalusks, N. C. Price, ten cents - Ouri correspondent writes. "Some time in the easly part of this soring, an unknown man passed through this psrl ef the state selling garden seed, and sold quantities of them throughout the county, but they have proven to be spurious and of no value to those who purchased them. Inclosed you will find one of the papers, also one ox me i plants, can you reu us wnat ii isv j Thinking or believing that it was all right none of us asked the man his name, and have no redress. ine - . A " 11 11 plant sent ny mm was apparently ui European wild cabbage used often to adulterate cabbage seed. A communi cation was at once sent to a reputable seed house in western North Carolina, and a reply was promptly reoeived say- injr, "We nope you can neip us run tne rascals down. We have heard nothing from them this season, but last year wo hod many complaints from the eas tern part of the State, and a friend sent us a seed bag. it was printed caooage Seed, grown by the Reems Creek Seed Garden Co.. Wis investigated the mat ter and found the parties had lived pear AsheviJJe N, C, but eould not get their names to publish them. We think the Junaluska "oncern the same parties that swindled the people last year." The rascals are smart , because they do not give their names, and the post offices Junaluska, N. C., and Reem's Creek, N. C. are purely fictitious, fox there are not now, and never have been post offices by those names. The penitentiary is the best place foi them. All persons are warned not tc buy from such parties, and in fact let travelling seedsmen alone for there ars enough reliable well established deal ers in the business who cannot afford to misrepresent knowingly anything they sell. They count their reputation of far more value. H. B. Battle, Direc tor N. C Experiment Station. Advanced Monthly Summary of-Bfetoere-logical Reports for North Carolina, April. 1894. The North Carolina State Weathei Service issues the following advaneed summary of the weather for April, 1894, as compared with the correspond' ing month of previous years: Tempkraturk. The mean tempera ture for the month was 52.3 degrees, which is 0.4 degrees below the normal. The highest monthly mean was 61.6 at Southern Pines; lowest monthly mean, 45.5 at Blowing Rock. The highest temperature was 89 on the 28th, at Washington; lowest, 22 pa the 7th, at Bakersville. The warmest April dur ing the past twenty-one years occurred in 1888, mean 60,8; the coldest was in 1881, mean 53.9. Prbcipitatioji. Average for - the month, 1.75 inches, which is 8.09 inches below the normal. The greatest amount was 8.18 at Bryaon City; least amount 0.65 at Sloan. The wettest April occurred in 1874, average 7.96 inches; the driest,' in 1888; average 1.74 inches. Wijtj)., Prevailing direction south' west, which is the normal direction fot April,' Average velooity, 9.8 miles per hour. Highest velocity, 46 miles per hour from southeast, on 10th, at Kitty Hawk. Miscellaneous. Thunderstorms oc curred at various places on the 1st, 4th, 10th, 17th, 18th. 19th. 20th, 21st, 23rd, 26th, 27th, 'J8th,2uth. M :ht hail pq 19th, 20th. 23rd, Frosts occurred on 2nd 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th 16th. " The month was unususlly dry Distribution of Soy (Soja) Beans. The N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station at Raleigh, geslripg to expend the cultivation of Soy Beans has proi posed to distribute a quantity of seed to careful planters desiring to test their merits. The only condition is that each applicant send 10 eents in postage stamps to pay cost of trans portation by mail. Enough seed will be ssnt tq each applicant tq plant 1-1Q acre. The first 400' applications 1 will be filled in the ordsr received. The Station regards this as a very valuable forage plant It is of upright growth 2 to s feet hicrh and is a leeu mine capable of adding nitrogen from the air to the soil in which it grows. It is planted in hills or drills 2 1-2 to 1-2 feet apart according to richness ef sqil, and 15 to 34 inches apart in the row. It ean be planted any time from Maroh to July, either alone or in the corn row between the corn, and 2 to 4 beans are usually planted in each hilL Soil suit able to it and the general preparation is the same as for corn. When planted for corn both crops can be ensilaged totrether, and the corn ensilaae will be much improved by the combination, or the plants when planted alone can be cut for forage before they get too woody. The seed are found in small pods and can be saved by cutting the Whole plant when leaves and pods have turned a golden hue. They can easily be beaten out when dry. If cut- tine is delayed beyond this time the pods will .open and some will be lost on uu ground. wui not pay to pics the beans. It is also a good table bean, but requires a long time to cook. The beans parched similar to coffee, has been used as an acceptable substitute. for it, and at far less cost. It has not the exact aro a of coffee, but is re commended as a che.ip substitute probably just as good and in some ca ses better than the low grades of coffee after being adulterated with peas or beans with a value less than the sov bean. The Station urges a careful trial oi this crop, Directions for Cooking- Soy Beans or Pea. The following directions have been tried by Dr. J. H. Mills, of the Baptist Orphans re at I hotnasville, N. C, and reopnju:-4M tu bv him: soan me pea untu me sum ceme off, taen stir the peas until the sktns rise to the surface and skim them off. Boll the peas with bacon until soft. Add pepper and butter to suit- and se rve hot- If the pens are green, the preliininar soaking may be omitted. This makes a most palatable dish., well Uked by the wtuuno. Paris, June, 6. At a meeting of the Suez Canal Company yesterday Charles de Leftseps was elected a director, despite strong opposition. The proposal to pension the 13 De iesseps children with Sl.UUU an nually, and Mme, de Lesseps with the same amount, was approved. ' Rev. Williams, of May ; Perry viTle, Ky., has preached the Gospel for six ty years and has, it is said, never ac cepted a dollar for his service. Tillman Ta Teetotalers. Gov. B. R. Tillman, of South Caro- Una, champion of the , dispensat v the South Carolina plan. .This as plan of selling liquor, add res.se j the j sertion wa hissed, and cries of "No, Inter-National Temperance Congress ; never!" Wtrc he.trd on ail sides, in Prohibition Park, Stateni Island, i Y u believe infighting the' ose, I lastniht. His subject was, f'The believe in ,fiebting the abuse' he State Agency, Plan of South Caro lina." When he arose the 2,00p per sons present gave him an; ovation. After a Vords of preliminaryrhe said, ' x' ! j . "I have noticed that you! have a great deal to say about back-bones and sand. Some people are jkind enough to say I have a back-bone. I am not specially conscious of the fact, but I will prove to you that I have one. I believe you are all ! pro- ' hibitionists. Noy, I am igbing to controvert and antagonize fyour theories.; That, I think, you will ac knowledge takes a great deHl of back-bone. j : j ' ' "I have looked anions you for ! long-haired men and 'short-haired women cranks, but I have not found any I believe I am the only man in the audience who ps actively engaged in politics. You see, I ami a candi date fn United States Senator,! and let me tell you right here I am going to win. "If I hadn't seen the word terhper- ance in your invitation I don't think I would have come. Let me tell you a little story. Once there were I two knights who saw a shield. Onej said it was gold, the other silver. They fought, and the fight ended in death. Now both were right, for one side was gold and the other silver, j "That is just our position, jfwe can't agree on prohibition we can we can agree on temperance. l said was in active politics. 1 don't' nc- knowledge tiat I am a politician. 1 despise the. name. Let meintrrduce myself. I have had more free advertis ing in the newspapers than mosilmen living.,, For it I did not pay a nickel. 1 believe in, speakiue earnestly! and fearlessly. T was a farmer, and -went from the plough handles to public life. "Now let me tell you, you can't prohibit the sale of liquor. Prohibi tion has never worked and never will. Here the speaker stopped, felt in all his pockets and exclaimed. "Say, by the way, I have left my bottle over in the hotel." Somebody handed it to him from the platform and he smiled when he held it in the air. "Here I have a bottle of old Pal metto Bourbon whiskey, ; three X, honest if any whiskey is honest j and with the State commissioner's! seal upon it." J He then went oh and explained the South Carolina system. "You consider this liquor a curse," he said. "So do I. I am a practical Prohibitionist. I don't think I have drunk over four gallons of whiskey in my life." 1 This assertion was greeted by a storm of "Oh, my's!" from the wo men in the audience. He declared high license was bad because it made men autocratic, while low license made men "get full of mean whiskey and do mean things." He gave the figures which showed the decrease in the number of police arrests during the working of the new system. He was frequently in terrupted by Prohibitionists, who, becoming excited, challenged him to debate. They were howled down by the rest of the audience. ' He declared that one great y disad vantage they worked under was that juris and courts were indifferent to the enforcement of thciaws. But I am powerless," he said. "If I could do so, I would give them a more bitter dose of prohibition than has ever been seen." HeXsaid the State system was growing in.favor and was more po pular 1 han ever before. This in de spite of the Suprem Court declaring the act unconstitutional. Toward the end f his speech Gov. A Bright Lad, Ten yean of age, tut who declines to give Us name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to vat "When I was one year old, my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said tnat I, too, would soon die. and all our neighbors thought that even U I did not die, I would never be able to walk, because I was so weak and puny. A gathering formed and broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and H gathered and threw out pieces of bone. If 1 hurt myself so as to break the skin, it was sure to become a running sore. I bad to take lots of medicine, bus nothing has done me so much good as AVer's Saraapa riUa. It has made me well and stroDg' T. D. kL, Norcatur, Kans. AYER'S SarcapaHIla Prepared by Dr. . C. Ajer ft Co, Low A Uui Cures ottxeid, will cure yoa Tillman declared the Prohibitionists would sotnVday be willing to accept cried. "Don't set your faces like flint be cause you cannot get all the way, when you can get half way." he said in conclusion, "who, are willing to accept our plan to hold up their right hands." 7 ? y-y" Up went several hundred hands, a majority of those present. A call for a contrary, vote met with favor from but few persons. Dawe's Billet Praaf Arsaar. On Sunday, May 37, "The Record published an interesting article con cerning the bullet-proof cuirass in vented bv Tailor Dowe, of Mann heim. Here, now, are some further facts about the wonderful invention: The first experiments with the cuirass took place on April 8, in the Winter Garden at Berlin, in presence of Couut Schuvaloff, many high officers of the German army and navy and diplomatic representatives of the great European Powers. The first experiments were made by firing at a cuirass placed on the body of a horse, which remained calmly eat ing as before, not noticing the con cussion at all. Then infantry soldi ers fired at the cuirass with tRe re gular army model rifle 88 (scharfe Patrone), the cuirass being placed on a plaster of parisbnst. In neath er case did the balls pass through the armor, but they were found af terward in the material, altered in. shape as if cut by a thousand knives. At me conclusion toe armor upon a.. I . nis own person and stood the ordeal of being fired at only a few yards distance. He assured the spectators that he only felt the slightest con cussion. I he material from which the armor is made is as yet a secret. It is very stiff, however, and cannot be made into uniforms.-Philadelphia Record. A nugget of solid copper weighing 400 pounds has been found in the bed of Rainy River, thirty miles south of Shabovean. Mich., with ou tcroppings of rich copper near by. The Indians always said there was copper there. A special to the Washington Post from Montgomery, Ala., says: The Democratic State executive commit tee met here June 7th, and arranged a programme lor the camoaicn. Culberson, of Texas, O'Ferall, of Tennessee, and all the Alabama rep resentatives in Washington will stump the State for Gen. Oates. William W. Cornell died in Pough keepsie the other day and his heirs supposed him to be poor man but upon opening an old trunk found a million dollars in money and valua ble securities. JUDGE WALTER CLARK M m USES AND ENDORSES THE TRAOI TAHK. "Cures when all else falls. " North Carolina Snareane Court. . t- f.r CLARK, Asbocutk Justice. tULKlOH, N. C, Jan. 26. ISM. 7 ' -a vp found the Electro poise yery raluable fpe.. ! . iur ol'lldren. I got oneUst Mar.an I atuue i , - jr.! three times Its qoet aUreildy Vn doctors' and . . lore bills. From my experience with it, and ob ,.t ti. I can srifely recommend it. Tours truly, Waltu Class. ' vvy vvvVVinnncvinnnnnnnr Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and! Hori zontal of every Variety and Capacity! - 8, pa o 3 k '.T&V'-.131 m mm 1- A S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WOBS. ' i ... ...ai ihp cfme bank tax was defeated by ' be venty mag jority. -' :';' " , ."' r V '..ti' - A young physician of Kensington, Kan., named Green Graves, says fcc will either have to changed his name of go into aome' other, business. If Chicago means to outstrip New York inlhe matter of population it will have to interest its women n therace7 Patriotic New York wo men are now presenting their bus- bands with quadruplets. Kansas City Journal 1 V ; Western Sentinal says: It is cur rent gossip that Senator Ransom voted to confirm - f Cleveland's "darkey" for Register of Deeds, and that Jarvis voted against confirma tion. The Richmood Dispatch inti mates that quite clearly. X.J Wilmington Star says: I here is no excuse for an mdustrous man re maining single in the town of Colura bus, Wis., when a wife may be secur ed for three cords of wood. That's not the first time that wood was used in making matches. Secretary Lamont is hunting summer home in the Catskills for his family. The Secretary of War ex pects to spend most of the summer in Washington, and the family wish to be -within a few hours journey off the capital. ,T President Harrison while in Chi cago had his beard trimmed almjost to a point, after the fashion observed by the late James G. Blaine. The change in Mr. Harrison's ; appear ance has attracted the attention of his friends. George "Amelia, dear, do you be lieve that loveis Wind? Amelia- MYes George, darling,' and I don't see any u se of the lamp burning. Harvard Lampoon. Every Man A Capitalist You can become a capitalist at once by laying by 9, small part of your yearly income and invest ing it in a Tontine policy of her Equitable Life For $20 you can instantly se cure a capital of $1,000 (or for $ aoo a capital of 10,000), tnus acquiring an estate which you may leave to your heirs, or re tain as a fund for your pwn support in old age, if your life be prolonged. Such a step will prompt you to save, will strengthen your credit, will Increase your coa fidence. will preserve you from care and will give you lasting satisfaction. The Plan is Simple. The Security Absolute. It is the perfect development of the life policy, To-day is the right time to get facts and figures. Address W. J. RODDEY. Manager, For the Carolina. ROCK HILL, S C. Investigation Invited.. BOOK FREE. Electrolihration Co 94S FOURTH AVCNUC, iim NEW VOK. Regular Horisanteliston. The most simple, durable and ef fective Pump in the market, for Mines Cuarries, Refineries, Breweries, Fac tories, Artesian Wells, Fire Duty and General Manufacturing purposes. BSend for Catalogue. Foot of East 23d Street New York . Mn Rn ClevelandTrr iii(nt Vm. ..I . 8teter, rtl T graduating class at tuT re the ment exercises at OsshrZ pnt exerc tyj -VI lav Misst'lt.v.j T. u,,,8 fi. uHrr, thv princiUHl r .u. s L-C. are old friends wjuuux XU8TEB. RwkT---n Lr Knoxville " Morrlstown Paint Rock Hot Springs Asheville Bound Knob Marlon Morganton Hickory Newton StatesvUle 11 OA "our. 1 IS iSioJi 11 1A"' Ar Salisbury . i- " Danville Richmond ''Win Lv Greensboro t Ar Durham 1 A jv- Raleigh Goldsporo Lv Danville Ar Lynchbunr " Washington 7 13 a n, 8 23 10 36m 123PB Baltimore Philadephia New York u WEST BOUND. No. ii. Lv New York "Philadelphia " Baltimore 92DpB t Washington Lynchbure 1 A In ' Ar Danville Lv Richmond Danville Ar Greensboro Lv Goldsboro 41 Raleigh " Durham Ar Greensboro Lv Greensboro " Salisbury " StatesvUle Newton " Hickory " Morganton " Marion " Round Knob Ar Asheyille " Hot Springs " Paint Rock - Morrlstown M Knoxville 8 40tt 6 Wtt . 644in; 8 43 1 ft 10 13 1 B n06tt 1216 pm 12 56pB lp 246pB 'logpa 3 36pB SSOpa 6 30 p s 7 43 pr MURPHY BRANCH. Lv Asheville Ar Waynesville ' Bryson City " Andrews " Tomotla " Murphy 9MtH 12G31B 4l2pa 3 03pn No. II. Lv Murphy Ar Tomotla " Andrews M ! Bryson City " WaynesvilIe Asheville : 5 30ta 5 45 a a 635an lOUim; 1241pm 2 2pm CHARLOTTE, STATESlhLE A TAT. LORbVILLU. No., 12 natty Except Sunday. y.u. 4 00p m 4 58pm 5 23 p m 5 54pm 7 07pm 7 32pm 8 4T p m Lv Charlotte Ur liiOia Ar Hunters v il fe Lv 10 11 1 m " Davidson 9 4Sam " Mooresville " 1 9 22 in ' Statesville i " 8 13 an Lv StatesvUle J Ar r 8 00a Ar TaylorsTilll Lv 6 30m SLEEPING CAR SERVICE., NOS. 11 and 12 Pnllman Uwiwn hotvMA Richmond and Greensbord and trains ff and 38 Pullman S1wn between ew xwil, sdu uoi opnnes being baodlMOQ Mos. 11 and 12 on R. & n : ana w. a.u between Asli Divisions. Piillman Siflftrwr!i villa Clncinnatti via Knoiiii. Trains Koa. I3i and 14 Solid traimt tween Asheville and Columbia, comiectinji at Columhia with S. C. R. R. for Ch cito ton and F. C. & P. Ry for SavuaalrrJack. ' sonville and all Florida poiis. W.A.TURK, I Gen. PassjAgt. 4 Washingtob, 0, C. S. H. HARUWICK, .- Asst. Qoa, Pass. Agt - Atlanta, Gi W. H. GREEN, Gen. Man. t - Washington, D.C. V. E. MCBEE f GenooSupt, SOL HAAS, l.tunbia, S. C. I Traffic Man Western North Carolina KASTBOUND. T -4? - J . NmT;." 1 ! - san.r it r-ZLj1" n-- -

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