-.-fa' ' i i ' - : j . - r jL - ' In -T-J - ' J-Jr-j-jaa-ja,.- . . . . . -1-;' ? - -i )A , - - -' - . ,r u- ..." -. . 1 jjplina Wtchpn. Wood.o St'atevjlle, is city. ( - - 1 7 r Pmm thejoflHsMrejlc fi. t " - ' -.1 M v .' ' r ii a Rosed Cloth- ilf11 P . . ;!., , Jf, P. .WM much needed, Item From. Faitfc. i . --. . Correspondence of jie Watchman. ' ? -' - .The Baptist Sunday;jchool of Salis bury had their pic oic in the beaylifuj ground at Faith academy, yednesday Tie' had a fiof rain, Sunday which. ,t dol Air. - ijiras buried y sessiou eisterday of Kni at V irbts of UitQU, J,.,,,,fimr from t"TlP oa-ssed through H5!!, there Tuesjiay nigH Mubbiusand wifj t?V lie T eaehers Assembly at .. I.. Pnurch Mr Cnurch street sj i ' ..ill mAVA 111 7 J. D. A. Flsbef hitiJed"a Baif hU celebrated millstones last Saturday 4 The Eichniond & DanVille Railroad Conipany are havint; some vorkdone Inn 1 h ivr-iuit A hlt. onrl hnuinesa ia Irnlr- loofesville 7 ' ..-vWM . necaj i , . ... . it. a ue cii ut vuariuiie w gtitiug sums fine curbing from thec;raDite belf. J. T. Wyatt has a four foot mill stone at the Rowan couhty . Fair grounds that be proposes to sell and devote ope W. half of the proceeds to the Vance, mon about I ument. This mill stone got the di o it in I ploma. VV. W. Ritchie has moved back from of tbe l A'ry, Where he had been employ- are at- rt3iou , - 7 tUf ,.iri n. ed aa foreman of the quary there. .f 1'aWaU Va """V1" .:. - 1. -J Ol": " J. i U'n h; lilna lUth 'UJ. c iw' to-,v t6'a tiauQter oi.j 1 jirb Cfl - . I X I geottnaicuuu.j. , . nanmnff Zepayrs. j rtv rlabn have corresponieace wau nmaa fAr i lit-; iiLsv v i i v ; . aimers J and given the f irti fwhtPtted p"low sjason. uryba ball .team returned tchpVl ie PUUuaj v""'fc ""s A3 . - . OB lies. .out. of a series o Tt'?ho)-s are not diAjourag? Sunday scnooi oi tuc -..i.hnrf.11 iic niced at 4 three! Blackberrv pies are among ihe delicasis of the season, - Oar farmers were wise and made hay last week while the sun shone. Miss Minnie Goodniau, of Cleve land, is visiting at Manning. Matrimonial business is away down below par now. No weddings have occurred in tins neignoornooa in i-ankliu niitny, years, it is not because the it was .turns don t -.wis IT to marry, but, the casion, for all whd attend- purcbashlg price is loo high for the 'res by av, barring the weathe Vjadaboveull to the childrfcn, (4ls are out for ihe . mar ri wto-veuiug June uui at tlie nisi n -3!1wLowry. Tii event is 'W to Villi much hiterest boys. Salem s Sunday -school averages uu about 80 scholars. at :oO ministerial call has been exten- byterian ded Mr. Border by the Manning aiid Miss Uliarye. We bone it will be accent- I . o .1 ' - look ed ed. ii fcaus- Wheat has been riar vested ana a Mciai drc-l'e of which taey are great portion ot it housed. The most .-jminent meuibcr ; .. ibr which" 2& of it did not uiatm-e, but dried up. Not more than a third of a crop is Oats is - 1 rt rf an iiixri.t.!irht.inn r , - ... ;,.. i."t"irrf!ilo short, most of it froze out dur- sorrow, ' insr the extreme cold weather. Corn fchairmanl of this Wnm-:nVnts. but blooms are not ex - - rr n i - - -r- - ' A . . .a I x;-'- ii I briet.M riU'a aca11 lor Pe GQr peeled before the 4th of July. htJyecdmuiatce ot tms juuieuu ui-t are glad glad to see the improved appearance of the VVatchman and hope it will continue to oe origni ana newsy. r UO. Manning, N. C, June 18th 'Ol. idtoinect at the Mt. Verr.bh hotel, iftiscitfyouTuesilay June poth to ectatime arid plaee for holding the Jiial convention MarvSkeen. of liandolph county. -. El Dorado Items. J;-"mirrieil at Kestlers boarding correspondence ot Watcliman on Monday evening by Key.. Dr. We had a good snower oi rain i4m. tr .i.,.iih. The cviuolb drovei The wheat crop win average ou oais iroflga country to this-place audqv Corn and cotton remarkabl a run sinaii. -I r . 1,1 -s jot tied wucu enquiry irom go'H miuc fminrt nartv is shipping ore from the Tebe Sanders miue to have it tested, a sale White s expected, To the Democrats of thfi Eighth Jvl cliisLl District. " , f The tiraeiaj approaching whgn you wiJl assemble! to nbriiin ate a candi date for Judge, j Tb Judicial oice, Uks the .Presidency I of the United States, id ijeithejr to - he bought, nor declined, and the njan Iwho would' Ue the arts of a demagtigae to ob tain Ipherebjf provf3 Ms unfitness for its dutiesJ j But as I have heti the office for five years, and as it i:is'jeen circu lated througbfTthe jjistrfct that I would decline a renoniwation with iheiew of running forja high po litical office to be filled b'J the Legis lature, you have the' right to know, and it is my djujy toteli jrou whether or not this, is true. I accepted the office five years ago after much hesitalioj) and many mis givings, knowing that byf its accept ance I would saciifice fa practice large and reasonably lucrative. I 1io we ver accented. WithVwhat abil ity and learning I i a vei discharged its duties, you are thie judges. This far I will indulge in "the foolishness of boasting." J will assert that I have always piehhthe judicial scales with absolute ? impartiality, yielding neither to fear nor affection No man can say that while sitting to judge, hiin after the law, I have mitten him contrary to the law, or that I have used my high power to brow-beat him or wQundlbis feelings I have striven rather to be just than o - appear learned, fto be merciful rather than famous.? And I say to you frankly since Jthe matter has arisen directly uponithe above report, that if you approve my?? conduct, I would be proud of airenomiuation. But I recognize the fact that in this country : no tn;ia ha any claims T j " i'ii 1. 1 upon an omce. lt belongs to tne people. And the ntaa who accepts an office must school himself to the sentiments of Job j as he expressed them towards the (jriver- of all gifts, and be able to say. I'Thefpeople gave, and the people have taken away; blessed be the namej of the people I would never hold the office one hour, without the $elie that., I was Weekly Weather Crop Fxdietin. v The reports of the correspondents of the Weather Crop Bulletin, issued by t lie North Carolina State Weath er Service, for the weeJc ending Mon day.' June JSth, J894, iudi'cate that the weather has been so tne v hat more favorably than ! the previoas week. The temperature has been above normal, with one or two cool days after the thunder-storm of 13th and 17th. The rain-fail was great est in Eastern District, but insuffi cient nearly "everywhere. There were several very hazyjlays. "Cotton lsgrowing better. Ihe yield of wheat it generally reported small. Western Distsicx. The weath er during the past week ha been quite warm, and would have bee u very ravoraoie ror growing crops out for the prevailing dryness. Al though light showers fell' at many places on the 13th, 17th and 38th (drought still prevails oyer a larger part or the district. Lorn and cot ton are well cultivated, and the warmer weather has started cotton to grow Wheat harvest has not commenced in some of the nioun tain counties; in others it is about oyer and threshing has comrusnced. Rains reported: Salisbury, 0.25 inch; Lynn, 0. 81, O ik Forest, 0.23; Murphv, 0.37, Concord; 1.18; Char lotte, 0.18 Davidsou, 0.57. Auiong thosje whom vre have seen r - 9 spoken of as probable candidates for poucitpr is the name of our DODularl Call for Meeting of Democratic Ex- enUyeCoianittee Eighth Judi cial District. young townsman and lawverilr. I The Democratic executive pnmmlllea Lee Wright, who together with L. ! of- eighth judicial district will meet while they claimed it was not mj wet they wanXed the k xhrt too maiiy of their peopt jS.tteiriutcution8. l-'Sinitid. June 1 4th at t , . 3uj".uear Chiua Grove,' by I Rev. Wf v.si)all, Mr.-Joseph M. ilionbarger jsi-MisaMagsjie Ellen All of Ro-an Died near Wood I oaf, this county, on Sunday, Ir. J. F. Gi l lean! and was iairkd at Unity church Monday. Jlr- iilieaa was a" young man of excellent iiraeter and the comjnu'uity .sustains I deep loss in hi death. " -, HfWjb. Dickson and j lliss Jcs- Co-Cliainbers, two of Mo 33tprotaineut and deservedly itfjdung -people were married in the Fnsbytemn church at that 1 place on Tutsday evening. The Watchman fledges the receipt of an iuvita- liajto be present 'at the - happy event. HyCc. Wright, of Winiton, is in it.l.i: man- (jfihe AHievil.le ex6ursi(n, was in TO tins woi uing looking westof his excursion. If ttpectsa large crowd amofrg whom .ri oe the best people f Charlotte. C. K. Barker represents, bal isbury WgeofK.of i'.at the meetlnc of the ganton's popu- Chiidreus day at Macedonia the 17th, much time is being spent getting the children trained, and. getting some good thiugs for the inuer man, as veg etables ara scarce, and the dogs have killed many good muttons. Vidi. after the e says he J Lodge at Winston thi to 1895. pVinstoq, Cent raj for one fpmetliiug has been said about who I'M the olilt-st subscriber I any paper Mbe Stafc The Watchmar! comes to tie frotit with -Mr. Chas: troltshouser. Rockwell, who has taken fleWatch N coutiimously lor 48 yefirs. He aiira ihjs morn'mii and paid W-'. H. Wakefield, of .91 i . ' ' be ID ,:ilihni v of iUa Sfel on. Fmlav, July silTi Practice limited to Kye, J2ar' T uu x uroai. w-opalchurcli will give ja fawn par jS DiSht at Mrs. J. A Blac i mer's. :l5;ieNeyi who has ust crad- fnm ilia i t .i o.-X- -.t.;.i 1.' -j 't'. fiucu niaBus iavei pmy, is at home visiting! bis fath- Mt. W. (K MeXeely. lie wilfre- 'f IB a ffW (lavs tn Aiinotlnlic on1 'ijP.'?ycai cruise, whifeh is the 'Ig touch to his education, and 2j!r of -him if he enters tie Jiaval , i Eimiss hns Ilia . cljnw nrln. rated with old (relics of 0ti "Nicies is k piece of "UI IhA ;,fl!:. - week. T """ ui vreu. Vi CU "95l.ich was giveij him by Sea l,a,,tt wllich of cpurse he LU'f''-V-"I,ella3-,1ii"-ar,i- ,Uae au interestius his- 11,1 p &fsiU9R as traveangjsalesman i-raoond -Vtt. has ac and will and il.k... T..t.. wiesi-. room Ui3 Aeek with Mt. Gilead Locals. Porrespondence of Watchman. llev. G. O. Wilhoit filled bis regular annointment here on Sunday. His LI ' - sermon was good, and very interestiu to the children. Rev; A. K. Pool i3 filling the place o Rev. K. A. McLeod, who left us the first of the month. Rev. Mr. Belts preached in the Meth odist church here last week. - He Was on his way home aud was accompanied by three of his daughters. This community is now being bless ed with good rains. Messrs. 'IV C Leak, J, W. B. Cole Johu Everette, aid Geo. S. Steele, pass ed" through town last week on bicycles on their way to the Narrows. ,. Prof. R. H. Skeen returned from At lanta last week accompanied by Miss Hattie Skeen who has been in Atlanta attending an art and music school. Rev. A: K. Pool is at present board ing at Mr-T S, Williams, Miltpu Lisk and Starling Moore have contracted to dig post holes from Mt Gilead 6a Norwood for the telegraph line. So Mt. Gilead will be connected with the outside world by the wires if we can't get a tail roadt J. A, Lisk has bought lumber to re build his furniture shop and will soon be at worktagain Aj, B. Ingram has just completed a house at the Wood place. Miss Minnie Withal in company with her father, of Ansonville, came over last Suuday and took part in the child rent's day exercises. J. Mt. Gilead, June 19. '94. C. Caldwell, of. Statesriile, W.j G. Means of Concord, and E. E. Kaber of Doyidson, make four candidates in the field. " Detectives in .Washington have just discovered a deep plot lo blow up the capital by a gang of anarchists headed by a half breed iudian by the name ofl Wouere Saxou. The plans were all being systematically laidmeetings be ing beld every night and the com bust ii ble material had been obtained,- and al most everything in readiness when one who had the confidence of the gang or a "peep hole" into the meetings gave them away to the detectives who made a raid and spoiled the whole game. 'Whither are we drifting." at the Mt. Vernon Hotel in Salisbury, on Tuesday, June 26, 1894, at 12 mM lor the purpose of calling the judicial nominating convention,, and for the transaction of other necessary business. uy authority of the committee. Theo. F. Kluttz. becretary pro tem. Democratic papers in the district will please copy. - Pulling The Wool Capt. J. C. McCanless, entertained a uumber of his friends at Dunns Moun tain on Tuesday. The menu was all that could be desired. The Why and Wherefore There i3 nothing marvelous in tfc fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla should i.ut7ov many UlitfUSeS, tV Qeil J'OU reiuemuer inai a majority of the nnples, boils and other humors orders "flesh is held to" are dn i of the blood are liable to break out impure or poisonous condition of the in the warm weather. Prevent it by taking Hood s Sarsaparilla. ! the choice of the people of this dis- ahd of the whole State. tnct, and of the whole btate. I heartily wish that rihifxies may be held in every township, that the peo pie may express thejr ill upon t he nomination of the I Judges. And if the will of the people fhall be ex pressed agaihsC me,' I shall take con solation in the boasjt of fthe spartan that my country hth worthier sous than J. Having said this mnch I leave the matter in your that it is your first duty to louk to the public interest;? Very Respect fnlly Yours, The Bride to-be Backed Out. Beneja, Kocklngaan county, Letter, J5tb, to Salisbury Herald. We had quite a sensational inei dent here yesterday in the matrimo nial line. The circumstances in the case are about as follows: About six or seven years ago -Miss Laura Van Hor-k, of this place, aud Mr. Pearce, of Jamestown, South Dakota, got up correspondence through a matri nonial paper. They haye kept up he correspondence ever since, which ipened into love. He paid her a vis t about a year ago. The wedding was to have come off-yesterday.'; The prospective groom put iu his appear a nee Monday and made a'l the ar rangements with his intended bride They were to marry yesterday at 9 o'clock and leave on the north bound train at 10:40 for their Northern home. The would-be groom went to Eleidsville Wednesday and procured a license and at the appointed hour yesterday he put in his appearance with the Rey. Mr. Ware, of Reid ville, to perform the ceremony. Miss Van Hook had her trunks packed and was dressed and ready for the ceremony to be performed, but when the tune came she backed out re fused to marry him. He tried to persuade her, but it was all in vain tor she still refused. At 10:40 the would-be groom took the north bound train fxr his- home in South Dakota, a sadder but wiser man. mil on Monday where, Governor j aus, as well as for low condition of Tillman and Senator R.it W panri;. ttlestem or That Tired ieeling - y vwuui dates for a seat in the United States Statesville, N. C, 11. F. Abmfield. (uue8th, ,(Ji How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re wiu'd for any case of Catarrh that can uot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CUKNEV & Co., Toledo, O. We thetindersigned, have known F. J. Cheuey for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firmi West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Walding, Kin nan & Mar vin, WholesaleDruggists, Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous, surfaces of the system. Price, 75c:- per bottle- Sold by all Pruggists. : Testimonials free. A Valuable Chest Tacoma Wush.I have used Sim mons Liver Regulator aiid can con scientiously jsay it ts the king of al liver medicines. : 1 Jcofhsider it i medicine chest in ifeelf. Geo. W Jackson. Your drussits wjll sell in powder or liquid. The "powder to be taken dry or uiude into a tea. stats bibyfs.' D. A. Patterson, of Maxton, sends the first cottou bloom df the season to the Wilmington; Star. An Elkin correspondent of the Char lotte Observer states 'tbt a lady car ried a daily mail freni Laurel 'Brauc to Sparta, a distance of $0 miles, on a mule. J. P. Alderman, assistant operator in the depot at Tatuuu S. Q,, was brutally murdered Sunday night and the depot robbed. The body was!-carried abou 100-yards in the woods and was very much disfigured.' The Greensboro! Rersbrd says that Judge Schenck saw Vice Presideu Stevenson and benator Gordon in Washington Thursday apd secured th promise of each to attend the Guilford Battle Ground celebration ou the 4th of July, j Davidson townsh butler and Tillman. The first meeting of the campaign n South Carolina was held at Rock blood, and that Hood's Sarsaoarilla is an effective an radical blood purifier. iuc wuoie ining is explained. uesiaes its blood purifying qualities, Hood's Sarsaparilla, also coutains the lest known vegeUble stomach tonics, diureties, kidney remedies and liver invigorants and is thus an excellent specific for all disorders these or- Senate, appeared on the stump to- 52f"L gether. Four candidates for Govern- VALUABLE CHURCH ents for re-election. FOR SALE ! PROPERTY- TM. e i i ..n i ,j i - j n i uc irauie rna ei, on corner oi v-nest- crtnade speeches and Congressman Lut and Main streets, and lot owm Strait appeared before his constitu- Keet,wh'c belongs to the M.E. Church, ooutn and which can be converted into a. comfortable dwelling or store-house, is for sale cheap, tor further descrip tion, &c, apply or write to the pastor in charge. ItEV. S. D. Stamey, A, A. Haetman, J. L. Odell, M. M. Waed. June, 19 '91. Salisbury, N- C. AndTmingthe Scalp! 300 pairs Oxford ties iu tan and tiaek at 50e pr.ir. 2000 yard best indigo prints' at 5c. aid. 200 yards 20c Silkoline iu 10 to 20 ' yard remnants at 2 )c. a yard, 50 bolts silk ribbon number 7 ut Oi. a a yard. ' ' 250 yd's Calcutta cloth worth 12 at 8 W Tard. dOOMens' Suspenders at 10c. each. oOO Boys Susr-uders at Dir. each. Best six cord spool cotton, two spools for 5c. 5 cases Woman's Calf Buttou Shoes. tf 75c. a pair. Big lot of White Goods at lessthan original cost. These are only a few of . the we are offering this week. Very Truly, 33. 33TTZVT eft O. 'trustees. bur gains rtmann THE Pays Mrs. H..A. Judd, who has bean visi ting in Eugland, was here Tuesday on her way to New Londou. Orange Page, the murder, who is under sentence to be hanged in July and who escaped frdin jail .at Raleigh May 16th, has been recaptured. Trashy Medicines, Many such flood the market. Bo- tauic Blood Balm is a conscientiously compounded medicine,- the result of forty years practice by au eminent physician. It is the best blood purifier ever offered to the public, and is guar anteed to cure if given a fair trial. Try- it for all skin and blood diseases, in cluding catarrh rheumatism in its worst form. One bottle of it contains more curative and building-up virtue than a dozen of any of other kind. Try ''Old Reliable." See advertisement elsewhere. To the Public For information : All prescriptions written by any physrciaii with any druggist's name does not menu for you to go there and get your medicine. You are at liberty to go and get your medicine as cheap as you can. J. II. Lxmss. Nothing but first class work turned out from the Watchman Job Office. Give us a trial order. The Old Friend And tho best friend, that never fails you, is Simmons Liver Regu lator, (the Red Z) that's wh'at you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should liot Le persuaded that anything else will do. It is the King of Liver Medi ; is better than pills, and t i-k es ,1 1 i e pi a ce of Quinine and Jalomel. It act3 directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and -;vo3 new life to tho vvliolo svs m. I'll is is the medicine you v'ant. Sold by all DrugLtipts in Liquid, or in fowder to be taken dry or made-into a tea. iJ-EVEHY PACKACE-SJ cla !. Z Slismp In r-il on w tapper. t .. -7ti,,v r.. in,i!,Wti.ia.. V.. 16 Boilsat Once Hood's jSarsaparilla Purifies trio Blood and Restores Health P again comes to .The Asheville Citizen says: "It is learned from the cemetery authorities that the remains of Senator Vance's first wife have never been removed to Riverside from the Presbyterian cemer the front with a straiige feak of nature. A hen belonging t Mr. E. E. Cor nelius hatched a brood of chickens re cently and iu the fljck' was one, that had three weH developed bills. The chicken has since ded.--Landmark, Statesville Landu: ark ; Messrs, Skin ner and Kitchin nade speeches in Statesville last Frk ay. ; The meeting was a diaappciutraeni-an agreeble one to the Demoetrats. It was well ad) lised and froinf the Jtalki oTTLe Pop ulists it was generally supposed that au immense crowd 'woud be present. But the crowd &idn t pan out. Tr ue, the court house: was full,' but they were not all Populists. Both "the old par lies" were well represented. Democrats went out of curiosity and Republicans went to enjoy: the drubbing they antici pated for the Democrats, The quickest; way cial grave is to let u It wiRdig itself then, you'll simply tery, aud the statement that the Sena-j- sink out of sight of iyery .body butcred tor's remains were removed ; frtim the ; itors and a few old side of his first wife's grave is iucor rcct." .: V fossils who love the dead smell of the past. Jed Scar- boro- to dig your fin an. i op ,advertisiug. Mr. F. IF. StoweU WUniot, 8. Dak. EXCURSION TO ASHEVILLE Grandest" Excusion of the Season Will be Run from Charlotte to Asheville, JUNE 28TH, 1594. VIA- SALISBURY SCHEDULE. m. The Farmers Mutual Fira Insurancs Association for Howan County, met in convention at the Court House on the 2nd inst., and effected a per manent organization, electing the following known men as officers for the ensueing year : Phillip Sowers, t'rest.; W.T.Gheen, J. H. L. Rice, H. G. Lippard, J. T. Carson, Jesse W.Miller, Geo. A. Hall, W. L. Harris, J. F. Carrigan, W. C. Kluttz, W. A. Campbell, J. C. Sow ers, S. A. Earnheart, Directors. This is a co-operative plan of In surance for the protection of farm or any detached property against de struction by fire, wind aud lightning. It gives each member a policy con tract chartered by the Legislature of North Carolina, and good for a pe riod ot thirty years for 0 cts. on each one hundred dollars of property insured, and is subject to no addi tional cost except to meet the actual losses of this County Association by prorata assessment. The statistics show that the average- expense is about $1.50 on the one thousand pet annum. For further information address. W. 0. G0REE, Local Agent. Salisbury, Ni C Or J. S. C. Carpenter, Gen1. Ag't. Charlotte, N. C. EXPRESS o SEND FOR OUR SPRING PRICE List and Circular and vou will find it to your advantage to havo yovr soileu clonics uyed or cleaned by us. All work .guar anteed or no charge. COLUMBIA STEAM OIE WORKS 173 Main St., Columbia, S. C. J. K. RAM WAY, Agent. SALISBURY, N. C. HAVING RECENTLY MOVED MY 'STOCK Of GOODS TO THE CORNER; Formerly Occupied BY LE DBUN'S IS1 ruK EITHER BEX. This nraeCy beicf inctil direcliy to th teat of those diso&set oftheGenito-Uriaary Or gans, requires no chP?9 of diet or nauseous, mercurial cr pdtsonoaa mad kinaato L tuea ictcnull. Wbej) vised AS A PREVENTIVE by either sex it i imp!s-ibletooontraet any Tcncrral diaeate; t-ut ut tte case of those alreauyUfOTtnTj.T Airucrio with Gcnorrhsa and Olefit, w gi)gru- Lv. Newells 8.15 a. Ilarrlsburg 8.25 " Concord, 8.40 " Glass, 9 00 " China Grove, .ir " Summer, 9.23 " Satlsbury, 9.30 - $2.75 2-T5 8.50 2,W 8.50 2.50 2.25 jjfH tt 5l t a care. Price by mail, posiaja V!, "m M fil per box, ot tt owe. f . Edwin Cuthrell, Salisbury. a? ; I am better prepared to sell you Gro ceries cheaper than ever. I receive new goods daily and buy all kinds of country produce; also acnt for the -celebrated galvauizcd Uickk-band hook; will not rust from sweat or exposure to weather. SPECIAL 1 have 210 pairs of shoes and some ladies dress goods on hand and will sell at and below cost. Also all persons indented to me by account, note or mortgage for last year will call and settle and save cost. Yours respectfully, JTJLIARNHAEDT. . . - myV" " Leave Asheville, on return, 6 p. m. June 29th, reaeUlug Charlotte at U Qtelock. Bf-lteincinbtr, this ia the cheapest Ex cursion that has ever been run 37.0 miles round trip for $2.75. You will have a por tiou of Thursday evening and that night, and till day rriuay in the city to view the scene ry. UfJJTbis train will not stop after leaving Salisbury, going ovr the V . i. C. Railroad, a distance of 141 miles, making fast time, and goiiig through the great Swanaunoah Tunnel of one mile, and going around the Blue Top Mountain three tunes to get on top. I have secured the services of two of best Musicans in the city to furnish music Kiddle and Banjo. Parents, if you cannot go sond your son or daughter in my care. Best ordfr will be en forced. For furthej information apply to J.L. Bridges, Manager, Charlotte, . 0 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Admlnlstratoi upon the estate of Euphroezen E. Front is, deseased all Eersoiw Having claims against her estate are reby notilled to present them fo me for pay ment on or before the 17th day of May 1895 or this notice will be plead tn bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to said estof are request ed to make prompt settlement. '1 Ms May ii.tu 1). W Lowrauee, Adm'r Lee S, Overman, Att'y. I Dissolution Notice! The firm of Webb Nicholson & Rabc Is this day dissolved by mutnal consent. The bust nesslu the future will be conducted by C. B Webb & T. J. l.Mbe, who are to pay all debts dure by the firm name or wcdd & itarp. wuo are to pay all notes accounts fete, due the firm is to be paid to them, This Miy 21 194. C. 14. Webb. W, L. M.'holson, T.J. liabe, IS THE BCST. N0 6QUEAKIN& " C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masi. " About four years ago my wife waji troubled with salt rheum. Although we tried nearly eYerjrthlng it got worse instead of tetter and spread over both of her hands s that she could hardly use them. Finally sho commenced to use Hood's Sarsaparilla and when sne had taken two bottles her hauds were entirely healed and she has not since been troubled. In December, 1892, my neck was covered with boils of a : Scrofulous Nature. There were sixteen of them at once and as soon as they healed others would break out. My neck anally became covered with ridges and HoodVGures sears. I then commenced taking Hood's. Sarsa parilla, and after taking four bottles the boils had all healed and the scars have diMppeared. I recommended Hood's Sarsaparilla to all su fering from auy disorder of the blood." F. W, Stowei,!,, Wihnot, South Dakota. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly aa4 ,ny other mate. Take no substitute, .If yooc aficIe&Uj, OQ tho liver aud Itowels. S5& t dealer canaot supply you, wc can. Soul py A: W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE ?5. CORDOVA1N, FREWCH&ENAMELLEO CALF. 4&3? FLNECALf &I01XA1S1 vT.xP PC LICE, 3 Soles. 2.L7 BoYsScaoutSHCES. LADIES' SEND FOR CATALOGUE W !- DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MA53. You can save money by purchacisa Vr . JU Oouglaa fehoCB, Because, we are the largest manufacturers oi rlvri-ticfrf thvi n the world, and ruarastee the value by stamping the came and price ca the. bottom, which protects you agaiast high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work ia style, easy fittin? and Hnnir finalities. WC nive Utm sold every. where at lower prices for the value given than 10 W IS THE Wrights Furniture Store To get Furniture for the multitude. Nothing like it ever before seen in Salis bury. Bed Room and Parlor Suits as pretty and as cheap as was ever offer ed on any market in the State. You only have to see our line of Ta bles, Dining and Parlor Chairs, Rockers &c, to be pleased. We also handle Baby Carriages, Musical Instrumei.ts and in fact anything that you want in this line and at prices that defy competition. No room is complete without nice Pictures. We have got them. Also the handsomest line of Frames and Moulding that can be found in the State. Ms This departmeni is complete. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Slippers, etc., Hearse's furnished for city or country. Embalming ra Specialty. . See me before buying. s f 11 t . ! 5

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