i i I u i" . " 1 1: J .. THE n AjglJgA WATCHMAN, rUBLREP EVERYTHURSDAY. fpS5xiT6o fekyear'. O. E.COW.-.Oyt MaBager. . THURSDAY JUKE, 21 IS94. j Oar Campaign Offer. order that no one shall have any excuse for ieingitfiout his county mper during the coming campaign ,we will send the Watchman to any addres? for 25 cents from now until .'Dec. 1st Think of it only 25 cents for 5 months. It shall be the policy of the Watchman to give the news in' preference to airiug its own SnWribe now. The cash IJV"w - must accompany each order. All old subscribers will have to pay up back dues before getting advantage of thi3 offer; ; : If you get the Watchman for sev .eraf weeks at a time, iithout having subscribed for it it minis that it- is sent simply as a sample copy and you are not ex pected to pay for it: We bcleive id advertising jind' pro .pose to send out, each veek, in Xlowan county, from 300 to 1000 copies as sanipre copies and - if you like the paper will beglad for you to call and subscribe. - . The Truth. , We call attention of our readers to . the communication of 'Truth' in this issue, concerning the Judgeship in; this district. The writer is a man of discrimination and judgement and the opraion "he expresses of the tit Bess of Judge Arm field .for the Judicial ermine is the opinion of the whole state wherever - he has been. We .believe" that- Abe people of Rowan county will vote to retain Judgfl Armfield in the high office he so accpetably fills. The Democratic plirty has need . for all its strength in this campaing and Judge Arm fields name on the ticket would be worth many vojusbe isuniversally popular. ' The Cliurlotte Observer asks whether, "Democracy is going to stand its ground this year or surren der agavn."! The question is timely and well put, and the reference beings" us back to two years ago when it . was the prevailing opinion that n certain class should receive thenora nations "iu order to leaathe party to ! victory," The State Convention was Called and on that ticket was lioni- iuated wlmt some7 people calPtt "flirt" also a brainy young man whov had Mood for principle above all elseyin the past. Before -that convention this gentleman made a speech whit the wisir he;ylssaid would defeat t individual if not the party, what was the result? This gentleman run ahead of t he ticket. The Watchman isone that belieyes this to be a free country and falls out with noouebeW cause he does not agree wULhjs, but .. i ... noes not wiieve in concessions in favor of any partjr or individual. We hafe principles Ui at are, accord ing to ouivlamented hero, immortal. Then, if so why not yote according ly and it or men who represent these principles froa choice and not -for office. Let the cuuipaigu be. fought ou Democratic principles ai.d if the old ship sin ks "let er go gallager." 4 Mr. Walter Abirphy, of this city, wilH)6r a candidate for State Senator from this Senatorial district which is composed of Rowan, Davidson and Forsyth. Rowan has not had a man in the Senate for some time butr has been giving Way to her sister coun ties, but thinks that it should be con ceded tjiat she is entitled to a man this year and in Mr, Marphy the district could find ho better material for a Senator. Mr. Murphy is ' a jo ing man with the ability and en ergy to make a vigorous campaign Mr. W. D, Rush, a prominent lawyer of Asheboro is among the as pirauts forHhe Solicitorship of this district, Mr. Rush is "a lawyer of ability "and perfectly capable to fill he position. - , The papers in Charlotte, with lio more circulatmn than those of Salis bury, get from fifty to one huudred dollars foran inch or Inch and a half space advertising r.6om one year, and nearly everybody in . business there advertises. In Salisbury those who dp advertise pay less than one fourth its valuSaiid grumble at that. W liile they starye the printers here they starve- themselves and destroy the businejs of the town. Truth. Raleigh papers state 1 bat there is much destitution among the poor of that 'eity, and that epsure Wing taken to relieve their suffererings. 7 7asHingtj .letter. j -correspondence ot WtlUBaD. r-.;.-- Yesterday George Ranson and Arthur Barnev,!thc;first mentioned being .clerk of the Commerce dom mitte the second taessenger, testifi ed on oath before the senate Investi gating Committed that they had gneculated in sugar u small amounts lint it was without the know- ledge of Seuator Hansoni. Moreover they stated jthafc they bad donej all they coold to kee him in ignorance of it, because they 1c new he would disapprove of it! ; Oeorge Ransooi is a youug nian.abouf twenty-five and I have alwayl found ! him to be un usually cautiou'4 fcnd j discreet, j Ar- Uhnr is abont fifty years old. Everjr body here bf apecnlative turn who has the money: speculates in s tocks, jost as they do' in North Carolina : and every where ejlse. Senator Ran- i somhas not owned one cents worttfof stocks since he hk been in'the Sen- i ate He could hftte heen a jnulti millionare if hie had used the inter ior information ljjs position as Chair man of the;R. RLpd Commerce tom mittee.gave hirai'As it is his maine source of revenue 13 his North Car olina farm because he is eternal ly giving office seekers, add dead beats) money. I ve seen turn give a worthless tar heel 20, to go home on and whpn I remarkea tnai he was encouraging laziness, his son told me it was a Common thing. SenatorjJHrjvimade a short but strong ana pointed speech in the senate yesterdayin favor of the in. come tax. lie tnakes a very digni fied Senator and n as impressed every one here yeryf favorably. The de bate in the Senate has been very ex citing since Thursday when Ilill jiade his forclb) speech against the income tax. f ijhe "Post" of this morning says: 'The debate also gave an opportunity for the debut of the tif'w sena'toirs. Mr. Patton of Michigan an lrt J arvis oi North Carolina.! i Alj.fpatton wlio is acom- nsirativelvi vouhir man oniet address l : 5?. . read a speech wiich touched general ly upon jthtf anff question. He made no I a.tLnipt to display any graces of oratory or rhetoric, but was listened toivith close attention by the Seftatorffeon the Republican side as beproeded with his logical and forceful fenarks. Senator Jar yis on thejotliehand being a typi cal Siuth(trner,with command of all the arts wjth fvich the orator of that-sectiia di so generally and thoroughly ecupped made quite a triumphant debit. "Ta'l, of fine pre sence and with a resonant voice and splendid delivery, he soon earn pel led the attention !6f the entire Senate, and his remrkf were frequently ap. plauded by till uditors in ithegal leiies. Mr. Pulton opposed the in come tax, whij(Mr'Jarvis favored it. The NorkfrCarolinian whose wjtty injikali of bis een sense of Wraor; called a laugh by saying at thvery begfning of his slddrees mat wuiic poets ana painors had ung since fhefiavsof Horace that II, it was sweet todie for one's country, no one had: it said that it was X sweet to be taki'd for one's country. Then laying ajwn the principal that money had to be obtained , somehow for the sippor of ' the government, he twitted MrSlirman with saving that it ought tb be Raised, from sugar the Isey Eiigland Senators with wanting to put the burden on man if ufactured goods aud the Senators from ew Ydfic with selecting ciol- lar$ and Cuffsbat the poor people wear, popnef the sentences which elicited the greatest applause from the galleries Were: 'Iu iniposiifg the burdens of taxa tion, the heay lest portions should be put upon tholl best able to bear them and thej lightest oil those least able to bear them.. If the demticratic party has no higher mission than to bow at the, footstool and Worship at the shrine pf the accumulated wealth of the country, the soner it dies, the better, InsteKd off pis bill sounding the deathknell Jbilieve. that it is th first step on,vvard to a higher vpros. peri ty ana a.ntore glorious career for the democratic party. Aud if it will only have'the courage'lo move forward on the lines that have beeni selected, I blllive that instead of our Itepblican friends in 1qS7 seeing a ivepublicauj Resident inauguratfedJ tne standard pf Democracy will be advanced still pigher. and our ban ner wijl floutjover the Senate, the House of Representatives i and the White! Hoise3 -Senator Harris is leading Ihe Dem pcrats in thisi; tariff fight with all his skill art d tsplendid parliamentary ability; I a great dea adhingly Ntold him I felt of sympathy with him, with such u fiht.oa hand ! and the thermometer over AK m ne siiiine. r . - ."" af 1 1.'" He improves under the strain and his son tells ifie nothingagrees with him. better lliau the excitement of a con test such j3 tliis. He is seveuty-five years old.but has the vim and vigor of as trong man of j;wenty-fire, -. The session of the Senate came to an end yesterday at 7:15 without any material progress having been made in tjbe consideration of the income tax feature of the tariff bill, a condi tion of affairs which led Mr. Harriss to give notice that be should not consent to an adjourment to-day al though the situation can ! be "Simpli fied by the adoption of all thecora- mittee amendments m abulk. J bis howerert would require unanimous consent. Mr Hill was on tne skirmish line all day assailing with persjstenceand alertness the pojd - tion of Republicans, Democrats ana Populists who favored the'bill. He gave so plain ajUindicatioii of the determined cbaracter of his opposi tion last evening that it hardly seems likely that he wilK allow any points to be gained by the managers of the bill to-day unless he - finds himself in a hopeless situation. As far as preventing al adjournaut goes. Mr, Harriss himself tonight in a like pre- dicament. - ! . The public buildings coramitte- authorized a favorable Report on Representative Branch's j Elizabeth City public building bill for 175,000, The advisory committee only recom mended $50,000 but Representative Gray who is member induced the full committee to repart for 'the full amount of the bill. - ! Representative Bower has been hard at work this week for several of his constituents. Among other things accomplised he has given a big mail contractor here to under- stand that be cannot delay coming to time with the money due those who have small star routes" in his district not even if-he-has to turn collector himself. The controversy over the remains of Senator Vance is so deplorable that 1 prefer to have nothing to say about it. Mr. Charles Vance states as his ultimatum that his! mother is to rest beside, the body of trious husband. her illus- Senator Jams' Plan. Following is Senator Jarvis' letter in fultx to Hon. F. M.J Simmons' chairmanof the Demotralic State Executive Committee : i Dear Sir: I see from the news papers that the Skate Executive Com mittee of the Democratic party js called to meet in Raleigh on the lth instant to put necessarymachinery ii motion for tbemeeting of the State Convejatioii "and for the trans action such other business as may properly come before it." As a member of the Democratic party and a candidate for its honors beg to submit some suggestions! for the consideration of the Commit tee. It will be conceded, I suppose, that there is much discontent and dissat isfaction among the great body of the people of North Carolina, aud that the Democratic voters share largely in this dissatisfaction. If this be true then it is of the first im portance that our methods of the party management should be such that the voters whose-votes we must have if we succeed should have the fullest opportunity to express their will as to policy and candidates. Among other important positions to be filled by the results of the Novem ber election are those of two United States Senators. The importance of choosing two Democrats to these po sitions can tot be over estimated. The loss of them may change the whole political complexion of the Senate and open the way to the ruinous fi nancial aud tariff policies of the Re publican party. This question can not be kept out oft the approaching campaign eveu if the caudidates for the Senate and 5 the party managers should be united in their efforts to do so. The people will and, in my opinion, ought to have something to say about it. If this be true then it isthe part of wisdom to go direct jtd the. people with! tbis question and let tletn settle i .. A . b this end L suggest tnat when your Committee meets that nnwirlo iVio marliinarv . tnr LhOlding a primary election in such man ne that the Demrmtif. vote may determine for themselves who shall be the Democratic candidates for the tlnited States Senate. This flection cau be held at the time the Democrats meet in their township or precmct riieetings toelect delegates to the Cotlntv Conventions in Jtilv or at such .other times as your Com mittee may selectxThe returns can le made to the Stateilommittee and the result declared. I merely suggest this time and method, -j Another which gives the Democratic voteT ample opportunity to express their preferences will be entirely satisfac tory with me.- If the Committee sunn cajf lb uti autuvi iiijf , crii with t he request -of -the candidates, to take this itction, then I beg io sug gest that the Committee prepare a plan for such election and submit it to the - SLat Convention when it meets. " ; - f . . . I am aware of the fact that there has been- a suggestion that such a course as I propose will tend to dis organize the party, I do "nrt take any stock in that objection.! do not believe there is anything in it. It does not seem to me that a party can. bedkofganized by lettingi the votetthemselves say: who sh.ill be the candidates of the party. ; On the con trarv. 1 believe that such a course on onr parti will tend to unite the party and restore confidence on the part of the people in . our methods iuid our efforts to ascertain and exe cute their will. There is a feeling among the people (in which feeling I must, confess I syrapatbiz;) that the election of Uuited States Sena-; tors is too far removed from them. I wouU be glad to see our State Con vention insert in its platform a pro vision directing our Senators and Representatives to support au-nmend-nient to the Constitution of, the United States providing for the elec tion of the Senators by a dfreci vote of the people. I believe that such a provision in our platform, coupled with the primary electiou, showing our sincerity in the matter, will give us as a party great strength before the people, and enable us to present a. united, aggressive front to the enemy. , ' I For iiu self I wish to be on record as jn favot of taking.the sense of the Democratic voters to who shall lie thF caudidates of the party for the United States Senate. It the parly managers agree with mer-as' I hope they will, there can-be no difficulty in providing the machinery for this purposed That is an easy matter. Tliis office, as well as all others, be longs to the people. We therefore cannot make a mistake in requesting the Democratic voters to assemble at their respective voting pb'ces and name the candidates of . their party for this us well as other offices. It will be my pleasure to stbide and sup port the will of the voters thusKib tained, no matter whether f chosen or not, and no matter from what sec tion the cbs?n candidates may be selected; and I take it all other can 'didates are ready to do the same. Very truly yours. (Signed) Thos. J Jaryis. The Carolina SenatorsMp. AtlantatJournal. The press, North, South, East and West, is expressing its disgust at the manner in which the so-called joint debates between Senator' Butler and Governor Tillman are conducted. The Journal was one of the first papers in the country to comment on the low tone and the utter unprofit ableness of these discussions. They will not help the Democracy of South Carolina and cannot possibly do any body any good. Surely no yote has been made or changed by this mud slingiiig match. The New York Evening Post ha this caustic but deserved editoral al lusion to the matter. ''Senator Butler, of South Carolina having entered into competition with Governor Tillman for the populist vote, is now under the necessity; of using very bad language on the stum p. Very likely Tillman is deserving ol the choice collection of epithets ap plied to him by Butler,- but the us of such epithets will ncjt bring But ler any votes from the Tillman crowd. ''Braggart, bullv audtcdward" are among the terms used by Butler ti define Tilluian. Time was when n man could be a candidate for ofh'c in South-Carolina aud receive sucli decorations from an adversary with- rout fighting. Tillman retorts bv calling the opposing candidate 'Cox ev Butler,' and Butler does net ob ject to that phrase, but seems to h rather oroud ot U. it is all ver queer, and we wonder if this can b the South Carolina of Hayes am CalhounK of Rhett and the ildei Butler. Apparently not as little a the Massachusetts Lxlge can le tha' of Webster, or the Pennsylvania o: Thaddeus Stevens can be that o' Matt Quay. . The decadence of th senate is one of the most mournfu signs of the times. It is really in material for any public purpos whether Butler or Tillman j-epresenb South Carolina in that body now For special purposes Butler may- b preferable, but siuce both are likeh to vote the same way,- it h desirabl that the vote3 should be given by th. ayowed populist rather thaihe shart one. n TLe Post'rt reference to the deca debce of the IJuited States senate i only toOvell justified by the fact I Not iu the civilized world has ther been such aiaUiugflff iu any repre- sentatve body in? the last fifteen, years, as there has been in the Uui ted States senate. Pigmies now rat tle about in many -seats which, but recently, giants filled, and there is a varied array of cranksjnthat high est council of theation. ' - : " , m - Took Off His Shoes in tho Senate. Wafa&Jngtoa Dispatch. Senator Cull, ofjFloridarJias brok en the record for f pe-and-easy man ners jn the J United States ,Senate chamber. Sinqe the Beanfbofc weather began, SeialprSfs Narule, have been more- devoted ; to. comfort than stjie in' theM personal appear- ance, and short coats, no vests, neg ligee shirts, and seaside fashions gen erally have been tlie proper thing iu both houses of Cougress. This morn ing, however Senator Call surprised even Senator Georgby removing his shoes and placing his extensive feet on the top of his yosewood dw?k be neath the very nose of the Populist Senator, Mr. Kyle of Dakota, who was in the niidSt of a long speech, picturing to his brother Senators the delights of an income tix. After the Derformanceof the Florida states- man" had entertained the Senators and the galleries fori several minutes a page carried a message to him and he" took his feet down from thedeskand put on his shoes, f -It is not known wh;it admonition was whispered in Mr. Call's ear, but perhaps Vice President Stevenson r drew his attention to the unwritten law against sockless statesmen in the Senate; just as Speaker Reedr4trthe Fifty fir?.t Congre?s,jersTladed Uncle Joe Walker to,pfrtfon his coat, ivhich he had-Teinoved while making a speecli on finance. Food for Thought. The Washington Post contains two thoughtful arlieles, one ou the avarice that kills, in which that pa pr points out that British capital ists have overreached themselves iu degrading silver. On this the Post remarks: "Indications multipljifhe effect that the L)ndnj.CHplTalists who cou trol the nym?y markets of the world iiavi0ferreached themselves iji de- tgrading silver for the purpose of en hancing the value of their gold prop erty. The consummation they had in. view has not materialized. In steady of collecting what was due them in. .a highly appreciated coin, they now discover that,so far as con cerns a larglv class of debtors such as those of India, South and Central America aud Mexico, they have simply destroyed the capacity to pay at all by impairing tiie value of the only medium through which those countries can achieve solvency." Concord Tiuio.: We commend the aciion ol Jude Armheld aud Mr. L. C Caldwell of placing their announcc ineut cards iu the papers throughout die district. Heretofore, it has seldom eeu the case I hat other but county officers 'favored the newspapers viti their announcements. The newspapers luring a campaign are always called ou to do'au immense amount of work for which ihey receive no pay, and they should receive all the legitimate compensation to which they are en titled. Let the other caudidates iu the district follow the example set by Judjre Aviniield and Mr. Caldwell. Col. John C. Tipton, of Shelby, has been authorized by the Department of Agriculture to come to "Mecklenburg and make a thorough inspection of the county's public roads, aud her system of road building, and then make two reports of the same one of the Depart ment and the other to be read before the National Joad Congress, which meets at Asbury Park. N. J., on July 5 aud 6. Charlotte News. A Wire Conclusion. West Corinth, '-Maine. I doctored for yeare for biliousness but iiotliinr ever helped in e like Simmons Liver Regulator, I shall take nothhig else hereafter, X. E. Oakman. Your .Jrusist sells it in powder or liquid. The powder to be taken dry ma'de into .i tea. Salisbury Markets. :o: - Corrected weekly by D. R. Jclian, & Son's. 3ulk meat, sidea. iieeswax . .-.". . . . Jutter 8 to 10 20 . 15 to 20 . 10 to 25 Go . -; 10 . 10tol2i 1.75 to 200 65 90 45 . 4to5 . 65 to 75 . 60 to 70 'Mckens Jorn . 3ggs.... unnl .'Monr, North Carolina leal......... eias )ats fallow alt ; isbPotatoea J L. SPENCER, B ATTORXBV AT LAW, tBOY, .. v"1tT C- . f ffers h j profesfcionalsf n?lcesetlie people )1 Mont somers ana adjoin: eg counUes. D I. R0BT. I. BAMS AY (Surgeoii Dentist,) Salisbury C. g-Office hours 9 a. ra. to 5 p. m. J A man by the nanle of , Wilkinson was killed bylightmng on .luurs day of lastweek at Maiden; a small townon the narrow gunge railroad between Newton and Lincoluton. ; j ' ' How's This!" - ; -, We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that au uot be cured by Halt's Catarrh Cure, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. . We the uudersigued, have-known . Cheney for the last 13 years viitt be lieve him perfectly : honorable in , all business transactions and financially able to carry out a4iy obUgalious made by their firm. ' ' ' " ;r West & Truaxi' Wholesale - JDrussists Toledo, O.WalUiiig, Kinuan & Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. HallVCatarrh Cure- is taken luter nallvactin' directly upon the hlood bad mucous surfaces of t he- system. Pilce, 75c. per bottle bold ;oy an Druihrists.: Testimonials free. Jules Carnat, president of the' Re public of Fhuice yas assassinated at Loiiis, i on-Siay nigtib Presi dent; Carnot was bji bis way to a theatre in a carriage 'when an Ital ion rushgP to tfce tJtrri'ige leaped in timiC&d bip to delh. M uch excitement naturalv, prevailed' but tho officers protected the Jfssassin from bodily injury. arqains -GO TO- Carolina Racket. The Wo arc strictlV in it. and if you doiit -believe it come tot our store and see. How can we sell goods so clieap:is)ftei asked. It is answered hi very few words; we simply buy and sell for cash, whiclrmeanjj goods cheaper thnour 'time! coninetitorsdlire to offer them. Isstwns oc, Calico 4c, Chtilr 1 for 25c. First class goods, no shoddy stuff. Shoes, Hatsj, Pants, Dress Goods, China Ware, Tin Ware, etc., at pri ces that will astonish yon. Call and get genuine bargains. REIT) & HARRY. I Subscribe to Only 81.00 a y-,ir. the Watch mass' Cotton See For B IT IS THE CHEAPEST AXI) BESTFEED KNOWN FOB CATTEE: ! nffM c;,l ATnol ;G n liicrliiv ivlnVli liotf'irro ftwvlin vnlnA nnl if wilt ..( frtnnrl ninvo pprtnoillifill to USO thail U 1 1 ' 01 tliC VS' It MM t 1 All. KJ yJ M KS V. t I. A VI AAA. - f rious grain feeds. " COTTONSEED HLLS take the place of hayjor nnv kind of long or rough feed, and has been proven by analyst flin m-nr-tifnl tosts tit' tbnns.nids of food l'S. to be VfUltli as pi w-iiitw1 rf nAnniU no om' rf as the cost of HULLS is less waste, it is far more economical to us than an.v ( : now be equalled when costs and, benefits are consider d. AVrite for prices and other information desired. ! j Correspondence solicited by- 1 ! Jortn uaonna uoxion uu uoihf 'P T n .WIS Al.nnm'ir Th Watchman EST80LICITS YOUR PATRONAGE. NOTHING CLASS WORK TURNED OUT FROM THIS OFFICER SON ABLE. pvt: SIS a jr.Bjj3 Salisbury i iarMs Hcrlis, i WEBB f EJIBE, Proprielor)- Dealers irr Monuments, Head-Stones and every thine; 1,1 iri;i aifd f line, aud.Ut the Very lowest prices eonsistanj witiiJ.?st 1 Le 'bovif v manship. Be sure to give usi a call, or writ lor piif K where. Large variety, on "hand toJ&elect frouir Sitip '. I jv -Fisher Street, next to'Stand Pipe. 1 " ' ! -M., ; Vrlw, C- iLJ T ! . - at Chester Thurscbay with uL h f...., ...... ,HC uiierenca po,- hotiwJ When Tillman; at Lnncaer, Frid ! ileirounclBaUer as blk-gul latter was as quiet as a Iambi It ' pqw as if it were to be a cahir. nothing! done. j-Charlotte server 1 : ' ? hitman Hair lii ,newei las restoret ray hair to e 'oriirtnal color ais t ,nrdtfiit..;i i. . . 1 a inujNxeu to Hack GoTPrilflt Tillman or if the latter resehfP(j J': insult knock lri,n into mi4?jJ- W ttiqrcrowd.i Not ,(v LrT - I -11 :iu tho.usauds ofjcass. It wijl 44 1 d P fiOOBE More . ..:.ij--TgboT i.'To-ai niTCHELL'S !. it : -EYE-SALVE A lAi4aIn SafA and Efiertiva c Wc SORE.WEAKand INFUMEQ EYBJ t Kestaring tlie Sight of tne , ' S (Jures Tear Drops, Oranulation.Srrftl ' Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Kje la.v&l I l. AJSD PRODUCING QUICK fcELlEF P if. j AND PERMANENT CISR U-tfl ' Alan. CMnifkllv pfitntrlnn. m 1' ! ottier maladies, stirti as l'lfcr. v.! H ores. Tumors, Salt Khenni, B-IT i Files, or wherever Inflammai ton Mtstl ! MITCllELLT SALVE may p ta h 1 aaviuatage. t . - ' . f ? v SOLD BY KLL DRUGGISTS AT 33 CENTS, i ! VITEL ItO MANHOOD.! DB. E. C, WESTS KEEVE AX D- t'BAIN TE'KiT. ' MEKX, a spftciSc fcr Hysteria, Iiizzjafs; Ra, St. ' ralgia, Ueadac&e, , Nwrvunn Pro$tt4.i-i ccw4'lr 'JeolirfortobcooiWnk?a,ne-'', M!it ; IV. rfi-i " SofteaiEU of Brniu, cnusir.i; iu--arui ,-u.ifery 4tn ' death. Premature Old Ago. Bi.nv 1 ! Power in either pcx, Jmpnttncy, i.i'.-n?hQ:'aaEliui gemots wonenesses, uiTonsary Spwas.' torrhtea caused by'.over-cxorti.tauif brain, 4u. ' aTjurifl, over-Induceuco. A niiitU's tn-atuipm,L 6 far by mail. rtVith-each orUor .rG Ix.xc, tia -, !( will send writt tfur.i-auteeto ri"lm l if ctitna-u ' Goarantte! issue J by neent. WF.llS IJXKB Pff.la cure Sicfc Heala.e, l;iiiou-c.-, J.hcrCoajplaist lour Stomach, DVtpcia ami Cinj!.iniUOU. " 3UAASTES( issued ouly by j . y Edwiu Cuthri?H Sulishunj, X, oj v RAI1R0AQ, FARM, jGABOEN, i JlenistgiiriaPrjf'-ariil m IHOCSASDS OF 3ULES IX l .L'. CHALWff FKtE. Fiiaarf f aid. 5 THE MULUNlfiSVEH FENCER i U4, IIS, 113 aad 120 2(. KaAotEt,, CkiIlfc " i" A X D SH EE P. -1 1. I; ; - o niifpntrntcd feed. 0110 prAlwlof tbilll tbrfe'HI noilllds of 00111 IllH - J - - v r 1 1 m f.lil'fl Ofi-fll S 111 !!(.'!) l'll U?4 tlian-hav, and can bt- fe! in M V f .VllXTTEh d Ml . and IbM i Worn JOBiOFFICE : 1 I -i.i -1! i;; X . ' i - 'X .. . ' " V". '. J -